Absolutely Pure. This powoer never vanes, a marvel of pa ity .strength and wholesomeness. Mo re econ omical man the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in competition with the multitude o f low test, short weight alum or phosphate pow ders. ncnay in cant. KUYAL liAKLNU I'OW VEH . l. .106 wail St., N. Y. cc 128 d&wly tcnrm iUitxl 3rdpw " TJa Daily Beviow. SATURDAY, FEB. 15. i8C0. STAT NliWh Rockingham Ji,tl.et: Mr. .)aiuts A. Wright lias invents! a levif which automatically exhibits n eartl bearing: file naiie of the stnl i"ii as a train approaches a station on the railroad. The machine is placed in the forward end of the car and does not stutter, talk back nor slam the door. Mr. Wright has got a good thing and lias applied for a patent. Fayetteville Observer: The Meth odists all over North Carolina will learn with many regrets that the Rev. Dr. Hobbitt is lying critically ill at the residence of Rev. Mr. Rvrd in this city, and that little hope is entertained for his permanent re covery. He came hither about three weeks ago, and was seized almost immediately with a hard chill, from the effects of which he has never re covered, ami la grippe is supposed to have followed. His restoration is not impossible, but hardly prob able. Greensboro Workman: If Post master General Wauaiuaker would listen awhile to the well authenti cated complaints against some of his route tigents who do not know the capital of the State of North Carolina when they get to it, but carrv the mail past, anil then have to send it back next day, he would be qualified to hearothercouiplaints that come thick and heavy from other places of less importance. We suggest to him that he postpone the medal business just long enough to inquire into the mail service in North Carolina. Charlotte Chruuh-fc: The MecW lenburg Times, the official Alliance organ, published in Charlotte, and edited Ixy Joronic Dowd. ton of ex Congressman Dowd. is out this week in a double leaded column editorial in favor of Capt. Sid B. Alexander for Congress, proposing him as a representative of the farmers. The citizens committee on the Luth eran Female Seminary held a meet ing yesterday aud derided to make a filial effort to raise the amount re quisite to secure the institution. The amount necessary is $1",000. and the committee have asked ten days' ex tension. Charlotte has raised to date &12,U of which amount .",,ouo has been contributed by the Luth erans, if $13,000 is not raised, Char lotte will nol secure the Seminary. Haleiifli Xeiva atifl Observer: A large oil painting 4j Capt. Hughes was hung in the Tttate Library on yesterday. Capt. 'Hughes was Ad jutant General of Pettigrew's Hri gade, and fell at Gettysburg, mor tally wounded, while leading the brigade in the third day's engage ment. His wound was serious. Jie ing carried to Martinsburg, Va., he lingered in great pain until death came to his relief on the 15th of July, 1863. Xo braver man drew his sword in defence of the Southern cause thau Capt. Hughes, and in his death North Carolina lost out' of her best and much-loved sons. Par ties who arrived here yesterday gave reports of a serious affair which occurred at Greensboro the niglit before. It seems that a crowd o? young fellows who were occupy ing a room at the McAdoo House "were indulging in a drinking carou sal, &c, . and became very boister ousv Some time during the night Mr; Will Humphrey, the clerk, went up for the purpose of interfering. Hot words ensued and some of the crowd attacked Mr. Humphrey and used him so roughlv that he was soon overpowered. The crowd then left the hotel, but soon returned with reinforcements, the party this time, numbering about ten or twelve. The door had been locked to keep them out, but they succeeded in gaining an entrance. They attack ! two netrro norters ami beat, tbetti - - - i i lint ti severe! v. One of tbem. it is ! feared, will suffer serious results from his injuries. In the midst of the din, which took place in the ofllce of the hotel, Mr. McAdoo hjv peared on the scene and advanced upon theenemy with a stick. Chairs were flourisheJ aroulnl and sticks were -used freely. Several of the number attacked Mr. McAdoo and almost rent his clothing from him. Chandeliers were smashed and fur niture was demolished generally. It is stated that Mr. McAdoo has the names oi an me parties ami win have them prosecuted. Diamond Vera Cura FOR DYSPEPSIA. For sale by DR. F. C. MILLER, Cor. Fourth and Nun Sts. feb 14 tf Table Board. FEW GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOMMO cUted wlth:Tttl Board on application at mC&ntX 224 N. THIRD ST tJacislcn's Arnica-salTO The Besr Salve in the world for Cats, Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever SordsVTetier, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, anil all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. Ifcfsguar aoteed to give; perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per. box. For sale by Robert... B.. Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggist. LEMON EUIIR Its "Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stom ach, Tlowels, Kidneys and Blood. Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir is a fileasant lemon drink that positive y cures all Biliousness, Constipa tion, Indigestion, all Sick and er vous Headaches, Kidney Disease, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Fevers, Chills, Palpitation of Heart, and all other diseases caused by disordered liver, stomach and kidneys, the first great cause of all fatal diseases.50 cts. and $1 per bottle. Sold by druggists. Prepared only by H. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. LEMON HOT DROPS For coughs and colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat and Bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and Laryngetis take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and Catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For Hemorrhage and all throat and lunsr diseases, take Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable prepara tion. 2o cents, at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. - - Church Services To-Morrow. St. Andrew's Tresbyterlan Chucb, cor. Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. John w Primrose. Pastor. Sunday services at 11 a. rn. and JM p. m sabbatn School at fl:00 p. m. Prayer Metlnr and Lecture Wednesday at s p. in. The public oonlinlly Invited. Seats free. First Presbyterian Church, corner of "Third and oiuue streets, Rev. P. II. Hose Pastor. Services .sunduy at 11 a. m. ana TiJO p. m. Sunday School at :J:fX) o'clock p. m. Prayer meeting- and lecture Thursday night at 8 o'clock, visitors welcome to all services. Front street Chapel of the First Presoyte rlan church. Southwest corner Front and Queen streets. Services Sunday at 11 a in. 7:30 p. in., conducted by Rev. W. McC. Miller. Sunday school at tf:3rt o'clock p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 7:3; o'clock Visi tors welcome. First Baptist C hurch, corner of Market and Filth streets. lie v. T. II. Pritchard. 1). I).. Pastor. Services at. 11 a. m. and 7:30 n. m., Sunday School at ;i:30 o'clock p. m. Prayer and Praise meeting Thursday night a' 8 o'clock. Strangers cordially invited. Brooklyn Baptist Church, services in the new church, -corner Fourth aud Brunswick streets, liev. P. E. Teele. Pastor. .Sunday Services af II a. in. and at7.;X)p. in. Sunday cumii iif.i p.m. inn er ineeunr 1 nuisoay nrjfht at 8:U p. in 1 lie public is cordially in vlted. . tiruce Methodist E. Church, South, comer of Fourth and Mulberry streets, liev. Walters. Creasy. Pastor, services at 11 a. m. and 7:o0 n m., wuducted by the pastor. Sunday School at 3: jo p. in. Prayer Meeting ami Lecture Wednesday at 7:: J p. in. The public are cor dialiy invited. Scats free. st John s church, corner of -Third and lied cro-s st s., (street cars jroing Xorih pass tin loon. licv. J. Carmichaei, n. ij,. Hector, cel fbraiion ccry Sunday Morning at 7.45, except msi Sunday in me moutn, wucn it is at 11 o'clock a. n. Morning Prayer, Litany and Sermon (each Sunday) at 11 o'clock. Evening JTajerand uibic studies at li?) o'clock. All Feasts and Saints' Days observed by celebra tion at 10 a. m. visitors to the city will be shown loagreeabls teats. Till: MAIL St'HEDl'LK. The mails close and arrive at the City Pos oflice as follows: ( ) I T ; O I x ( ; M AILS DAILY. CLOSE. LEAVE. Wil.and Waah.(7S)lst Pis.. 7.00 A. M. 9.00 A. M Wll.and Wash.(7S 2d Dis.. 8.1.", A. M. a. 00 A. M Wrlgbts llle S.4o A. M. O.oO A. M southport a.yo A. M. 9.45 A. M Wil. aud litit h . . . t h'JO V. M. P. M t liuton and (Jold.fspecial) :j.:iO P. M. 4.00 P. M Wil. and Jack. () 5 uil M. H.25 P. M wil. and ituth r. :jo p. M. 7.:;0 P. M Wil. and Jack. C7 i.'50 P..M. 0 10 P. M Wil. and Wash, ili) ll.l P.M. 15U5P. M TFKSDAYS AND FKIUAYS. r.runsulck t;.00 A. M. vak Fear liivcr mail l.io P. M. 2.00 P. M MONDAYS AND Fit I DAY'S., Onslow . 7.00 A. M. . IN CO M i N ( i 31 -M I.S U A I LY. ARRIVE AT P. O. Charlotte and Maxton 7.55 A. M WIL and Jack 8.40 A. M. Clinton and ;oldsboro 11.50 A. M WIL and Kuth 12.5 P. M rights vine e.00 P. M. SOUthport...... 4.40 P. M wil and Wash. 2i).. ...... '.... 6.10 P. M. Wil. and Wash. (27)...... 10(O P. M. 1L and Jack. (H) 11.55 P. M MON DAYS AM D Till KSDA YS. Brunswick 5.00 P.M. TUESDAY'S AND FRIDAYS. cape Fear Klvcr , 7.00 A. M. TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. I Onslow j 7.00 P. M. GEO. Z. FRENCH, P. M. July 22nd. 1889. TENNESSEE COAL! T I ST ARRIVED TWO CAR LOADS, FIFTY tons of this celebrated COAL. Send your or ders this weelc before all Is sold. J. A. SPRINGER. 100 Cords Seasoned Oak Wood, Cut to any desired cut, as ordered. engtli for Stoves, or not J. A. SPRINGER. 100 Ccrfc Black Jack a J' Ask'Wtod, Part ly seasoned, round and split. Prices very low. j. a. M'tUNUEK. BARGAINS ! For the Next Five Days I WILL OFFER SPECIAL BARGAINS IN EVERYTHING IN MY LINE. GOODS MUST BE SOLD. CHAS; P. BROWNF, Afft feb 11 a WILMINGTON, N. C, COMMEItCXAI NETTB. WILMINGTON MARKET. Feb. 15 20 P. M SPlttlT8 TURPENTINE FLria at 41 cent?. ' Sales of receipts at 41 cents. ''--' " ROSIN Firm at $1.10 for strained and $1.15 for good strained, bid. t-C TAR Firm at $1.40. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.20 for hard, $2,20 for yellow dip and vinrin. COTTON Steady at lOg cents for middling. - MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer A P Hart, Robineon, Fayetteville, T D Love. CLEARED. Steamer A P Hurt, Robinson, Fayetteville, T D Love. Steamer Gulf Stream, .Tribou, New York, H. G. Smallbones.. Nor barque Agatha, Rob r,London, Worth & Worth. Ger. britr Diana, Sehroeder, Bris-1 tol, Paterson, Downing & Co. Schr Mary C. Morris, Smith, Char leston, S. C. Geo. Harris?, . Son & Co. : Schr Chas C. Lister, Robinson, Georgetown, S. C, light,. Geo, Har ris;, Son & Son. . " 1 EXPORTS. FOREIGN. London Nor barque' Agatha 3,351 barrels rosin. Bristol Ger brig Diana 700 casks spirits, 1,798, barrels rosin. COASTWISE. New York Steamer Gulf Stream 270 bales cotton, 104,118 feet lum ber, 3,00G crossties, 150,000 shingles, 250 casks spirits, C71 barrels tar, 75 barrels pitch, 50 barrels rosin, 152 barrels rice, 145 bags rice chaff, 198 pKgs nulse. , WF.KKLl" STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND FKB. 14, ISffO. Cotton ashore, 12,503; alloat 103; total 12,C0G. Spirits 1 ashore, 828; afloat, 050'; total, 3,77K; Rosin ashore 19,005: afloat, 14,385; total, 33,450. Tar ji shore, 3. 338; afloaf,4,319; total, Crude ashore, 1,739; afloat, 00 total 1,739. RRCKIPT.v, WKKK ENDING FEB., 14, '90. Cotton, 1.259;spirits. 588; rosin, 8,727: ' tar,2,4UJ:crnde, 183. EXPORTS, WEEK ENDED FEB. 14, 18U0, DOMESTIC. Cotton 830; spirits, 478: rosin, tar 824; crude, 315. . FOREIGN. Uosin,-5.020; tar, 1,500. 22; READERS Of this enterprising aud Interesting Journal, by Caljjng at will discover there a great awakening1 In the way of LOW PRICES for all kinds of Winter Dry Goods ESPECIALLY INTERESTING WILL BE THE PRICES NAMED FOR WINTER DRESS GOODS ! WHICH f ARE MARKED AT FIGURES REGARDLESS OF COST. WE R E SHOWING AN STOCK OF ELEGANT BLACK DRESS GOODS, which are being- rapidly sold at prices 23 per cent, below their value. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Real and Imitation. MARSEILLES QUILTS AND COTTON SHEETINGS. Housekeepers should lake advantage of this opportunity by supplying 'themselves. Also, Table Linens, Towels, tc In our Annex can be found the best stock of Gents' ! Furnishing; Goods in l he city. Also, Cloths aort Cass i mores for Men and Boys. All at reduced prices. These low prices are made to attract cash Trade.. and these we esteem as highly prompt paying monthly customer. Respectfully, Jan 28 if rz Wanted. RELIABLE HOUSE SERVANTS. ALSO Carpenters and Blacksmiths. Apply to G. W.rRfCE,jR.f feb is lm president Emigration Bureau. COOLMORE DAfRY'BllTTER, l - r- r . ' -- ".. cnURXED AND PREPARED FOR .. . " .MARKET BY. J. 0. Powell.Tarboro, N. 0. 'entirely a home industry. THIS IS THE Finest Butter EVER OFFERED TO TI1E WILMING TON public; Perfectly Fresh. Perleclly Pure. Eaual If not superior to the celebrated Pall aderphla Frlnt Butter. .Each pound is printed sep'arately and incased. In Parchment Paper thlsJJlrTTER is prepared front the product of a herd of Alderaey Cows, great care being taken in Its manufacture, and it is claimed to te the finest article ever ofTered for sale In this market. Those desiring an extra fine article would do well to call and purchase. : Jno. L. Boatwriffht. 1X3 and jan21 If 17 Fo. Front 8t. WANTED. A GENTS OF EITHER SEX THROUGHOUT the United States to handle our celebrated Corn and Bunion Cure. Its application af fords almost Instant relief, and every box is accompanied by a fo'guarantee, which amount we will forfeit In every instance where our remedy falls to perfect a permanent cure. Sample box, 23c; six boxes, $L We will pay good agents $3 per day to Introduce our goods into their section: no postal3. For terms and particulars address the manufacturers, II. SURODEK &CO.. 1C4 and 106 North Ada Street, feb 14 lw d&w Chicago, 111. a bargain AT ORKELL'8 STABLES IX SECOND-HAND Harness, Saddles, Bridles, &e. Jecwd-Jfand D m, Carls and Busies FOR SALE CHEAP. feb 12 tf OF TIIE Hoii. Jefferson Davis. BY-. WltS. JKFPElt- ON I WM. 0 M SOLD BV "MBSCfelPTUN- OMY. The prospectus ano? complete outfit for can vasslng will be ready immediately. AGENTS WISHING DESIRABLE TERRI TORY on this great work will please address, i ... t as soon as possible, "the publishers, BELEOBD COMPANY, 18-22 East 18th Street NEW YORK. febTtf 1890. Harper's Weekly, ILLUSTRATED. Dabpws WmtT has a well-established place as the leading Illustrated newspaper In America. The fairness of its editorial com ments on current politics has earned for it the respect and confidence of all impartial read ers, and the variety and excellence of Its lite rary contents, which Include serial and short fortes by the best and most popular writers, fit it for the perusal of people of the widest range of tastes and pursuits. The Wskklt supplements are of remarkable variety, ln terest. and value. No expense is spared to bring the highest order of artistic ability to bear upon the illustration of the changeful phases of home and foreign history. A Mexi can romance, from -the pen of Thomas a Janvier, will appear in the Weekly in 1890. HARPER'S PERIODICAL?, PER YKAR: HARPER'S WEEKLY HARPER'S MAGAZINE. HARPER'S BAZAR HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE .(4 00 .400 . 4 00 . 200 JXtaoeFre to all tutMcrioers tn tne State, Canada, or Mexico. , Untied The Volumes of the Weekly bein with tn. first Number for January of eachySaT Whe? no time Is mentioned, subscrlpuoni will beS2 wuh the Number current at time, of cof ceed one dollar per volume), lor rmtvr Clotn cases for mT tt-jS.?Sl;TS! ! binding, win tesent br m'rS iceiptpxfiooeach. , w" - Remlttaaocs skoaid be made' by post-Offlr euzpc2xr$ art not to cory VUm oivtrarn.t xcWMtAe express ortfiSrfSShS' A S JO A few left, ,2x3f 3x3, 3x3, 3x4 and 3x4,'at lowest prices ever offered. Some of them wrapper stained and very cheap, quality good and to ar rive this week. - Carpetc, Hugo and CcC It is known, but we wish to impress it upon yoar minds. CARPETS and MATTINGS are, selling lower than usaal? sizes and all grades. ; ; .. . , . , IPXlSTlZi AIiL-'WOdlj ROB3S i at $7.50 sold from $10.00 to $12.50; a few good'colors left. These suits are of fine Serge, and no better material to year. ' ; . CHEAP MATTRESSES COTTON TOP STRAW, . COTTON TOP SHUCK,. . . moss, ; WOOL, ; HAIR, : ; v Renovating clone proiViptly. Makwactvrer & SPECIAL NOTICE! W TE AUK THE SOLE OWNERS OF TIIE following nnest and well known Itrands" of WHISKIES In the market: - Southern Star Rye, . .Cabinet Rye, Our Standard Ry Bouquet Rvpf tate Guard x x x x Cabinet. There. Is nothing better sold anywhere, and all first-class barrooms sell all or Qne of the above Brands. Briinhil(l,Simon& Co., 1 111 N. Front St.," Dealers in Liquors, Cigars andlTobaccos. aug 27 tf ; - THE New York Weekly Herald AT ONE rOi,L.Aft PEUY AU IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FAMt 'PAPER IX THE UNITED STATES. Now is the tme to Subscribe jjuring tne year 1890 it will even exceed It self in the variety of Its contents and Its ef- rorts to please Its subscribers. New features will be added to its regular departments. In- All1flm Anf Alnr. ILLUSTRATIONS. Its Well Known crecialtles Arev, Practical Farming and Gardening Frogress m Science Woman's Work, , Stories by the Best Authors, Literature arid Art, ; Choice Flashes of Wit and Humor, Exclusive News for Veterans WOBIATIOX M ALL SUBJECTS: A ress, JAMES GORDON BENNETT, New YOrt nerald. New York city ... Only One Dollar a Tear, Do not fall to Subscribe now Xor the New York Weekly Herald. WVJVU - Victor. Type-Writer. . J. JIcREE .COWAN, GENERAL AGENT FOR NORTn CAROLINA. A perfect Machine, very simple,1 and easy to learn. ' IUICK OIILY 01G.OO." focal Areata waatw la every County. ;a;83w - . r r'z H 11 '..' .. .Li that with as KUGS in all Rknovater or Mattresses. . FOf? 1COO. consider Scribkxr's Mju3a2ink when jou are deddlnff upon, your reading matter for next season. The subscription rate is low 3.00a year. - -t . The standard of the Magazine Is high. Ijs spirtt progrrssiTe. . , . . - " ; The lllustrationa str intprfqttnnf nt hA best, , - There is aot spaco here to give eten a sum mary of the features to appear this year, but among other things there will be a new de partmnt and additional pages, and gronps of illustrated articles will toe devoted to the fol lowlngjBubjects: i t . . " African Exploration and Travel, ' Life on aModarn War eniD fartlcles f uomes tn city. Suburb, and Country. Providing ilomea throusu liulioinsr Associa tions, .- - I 1 a a. A. M I M a. 1 . ' . k i M3.suLncuy m xne Household, - I Ericsson, the Inventor.' by., his Allfhftrl7ir1 Biosrraphsr. v v - . . Hunting-,- , 71 - r o"- - - Humorous Ariists, American and Foreign. There will be 3 serials. - - - lom -Louis Stevenson will contribute in tacliul)!ect' and there will be a great va riety this year, wlU b treated by writers most competent to speaic with authority and with interest. . Readers who are Interested are urged to send for a prospectus.; - ; 25 Cents: a fazhr. for Fcnr hU Charles Scribner Sons, 743 Uroatlxvny' Hiixj jane tf ; : ? : . . For ltJO!. The publishers of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE aln to make it the most popular ana enter, prising of periodicals, whfia at all" times pre- w"""' uccu uruwn 10 ltaunnf tne nnr. slxnionthsby the increased excellence of iS contents (notably the Railway arUcles). and it an assured success; The illustrations will show some new effects, and nothing JZll SSSiJSs magazine attractive and in tere8tlngr will be neglected. . . . THE RAILWAY ARTICLES Will be contin ued by several very stnklnsr narjers on mtS. t?7aa' JFsPtK'r oenerti Thomas L. James on -The KaUway Postal IS. vice," , Illustrated. MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S serla novel "The Master of Ri!nT,tro J?i5L through the greater partctFeycai."".. - ,A correspondence and collection o manuscript memoirs relating to J. Millet and a famous group of modern French PpfnteS wui furnish the Stance of eVcral artfcll? irZ- J-. - 1 --frustrated. ,. ur " tPXL ena Paper written last year bv' equally Interesting contributions by cUffere famous.authors. Sir. Thomas aliiU- i wm write the first of thoato t& jlauiry Many' VaUxttle LlTritArrtf -AWw'fa' t fjSftFS3 ialtcr scott ViLethMor IV orki iUustrated frcrn or Hial i: i r.Kimnli am1 m lrs James T -Fields "uaiiy aoteworthy Articles on Ai2TKnii.iprrra Papers are arranged 16 appear by ci tS cook. e. n. uiasnneitv jT&mZ fyi?n,55 many others. . TUmtfalL , . f?a yJLtsiQ ARTICLEjscrtbln5 sport in the wfJL,shlng, Fun(l3 appearsimon Wiinlsh, lilss and Tarpon are the subS now arranged. -Thn imth'nr F?J$?S ILLU HTltATJ? T a t i h t . . . . y touching ron m?Z' ZAi!Z.J -JX AmonirthA most. irfroti --.. :.v . scientific t , ; " Lrt oi a-uiKj aruuio oy rt r"???. upon cialinresnS dof spe; A class of articles which has papers trpoa electricity in it, ot applications, trr markable paner on rfTifwp tfiV"3'' re lnterestSpap!eS INO. and ctiier numbers whirh .tover I2St year ciestasfoliowsT alltne Hallway Arts." &m?rmirlptIoa 0888) and tne ntjm A year's snWrif bera tnr i o j ? ) ana ico cum uers IOT L5C3. bound In cloth a00' 63 a year; ,23 cents a number. Charles Scribnor'o Gonn, . 743-7J5ilJr Nway,iN.Y. - Limp.."&IL.it;idi- LTME in exchange tzt . PE0VI3j6:;3 n-.fi- - . V 1 . - . . -V. LIME ,: ... f.CTTS t LIME . UME ' - t U1I12 ' OUOCZHIL3. DSY(J00D3: nARDWAHS T Trt t . cajszl-;--"' eept '., Eocky rolnt

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