Cr. CULL'S facilitates rf Ait7 ana 1 In nti nunun reirclates the Bowels. At ill AD I dill III alldrnrlsts. Price 23 cU. III B Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, pient Con Hoarseness, Asthma, Croup.Inci-surrrption, COUGH and relieves Consump- Mf D 1 1 Q tive Persons. 2o cents. O K 1 1 U fl Aiiivf LANQE'S CU3EB CIGARETTES for Ca $MUKt. tznh. PricaiOCts, At alt drugglsit, s a """"Ml VOICE Jr5''- j f . '.ll. ...rni, gj 1 wr''1 : Wa at work on a l-rm for V JjJSO a month: 1 now hare an Ettriirr , K. t tor E. C.Allen & C'o'n album anil f ubii- . J? ( i I keaiiooa and often make KtiO a iav. ' Josh. T. James., Editor & Prop'r. t . , Wilmington. N.- C. TUESDAY, FEB. 18. 18S0. Entered at the Postofflco at Wilmington, N.C., as second-class matter. (8ift-nl f W W. II. b.irBloN. William Kil;i. ilfirrist.tujr. rrntcs: "I liave nerf-r known anything: to fell li!w your aii.uiii. Veterilnr J tv.k orrif i-s cntiIt to par me (.v -r'J.';." V. .1. F.l nire. :injrr. Me.. writ; "I take an onl-r tor vc.ur Kti:nt almost even- ,t;e ItKif. Ir profit Uoiti n ninurlint $26 Others nei'oinp rjuiif at well , X iwe h.ive i.ot rci 8 to cive ex - mmtTneU froifl th.-ir. letter. I'.verjr on who takei hold of tliii frand business m, praml profit. Shall we start YOU inthis business, reader? Writ to ns an J learn all about it for .rrmnrlf. We ra starting liisny j we will It art you if you don t delay until another get ahead f jroa in your pnrt t the counti v. If you take bold you will be ableto pick i;p jrolil fat. OjflCoiid On aecoontof a forced manufacturer's snle 1 3.r,0(l ten dollar Photograph Alltiltn are to l-e sold rotf.e people for 9 90 ear h.- Bound in Koysl C'rin).-n Silk Velvrt Plush. CbarroinglY decorated inidos. Hands mest H'.l.iim'lnlfce world. Largest Hize. .Crentest tarfrainf ever known. Ajrents wanted. Liberal term. Uig money JV.r a jfnt Any our can become a successful a rent. Sells itself ou sight little or uo Talking; necessary. Wherever shown, every one wants to pur chase. Agents take thousands of orders w iih rapidity never - before known. Great profits await every worker. Agents are making fortune. Ladiesmake as much as men. You. reader, can do as well as any one. B Full information and terms free, to t hose who writ for aame, with particulars and terms for our Family Bibles, Hocks and I'criodicals. After you know all, should yea conclude to fro no fuitber. why no harm is done. C . .... Address . V. ALLEN A. CO., Alui sTA, JJAI5. Mysterious , i its action, Quit k in al'foniinj: ic lie i", immediate in its lonoi;-i:; results, i n ex celled as :i liiood purifier. Mar velous as an a: terative in it. stimulant cf.'Wt on a torpjl ii f A sovereign rnr for DYSPEPS Iinli-tioii, Op press ion an JWcUt? van to tappet it.' ftU f lleathu 1m- an vanish a - it h 1 m m PIP w s. r a r The Senate of the United States was in a generous mood on Friday, and it passed without protest a bill allowing President Harrison's old law. firm $2,500 for services to the Government. It was a claim, says the New York Star, that may have been morally just, but. it could not h.ive been legally enforced, and an Auditing Committee had decided that i's fate would have to be set tled by the ''generosity" of Con gress. If it had been the claim of a private person, it would probably have been promptly throttled; but as it alTected the President's pocket book, it went through with a rush. It made a very nice valentine for the President, and it in greatly to the crvtlit of men like Senators Far well and -('tilloin, who have been hostile to him. that they did not stum-rle it, as they might. Perhaps they think that it will make Gen eral Harrison more complaisant in accepting their recommendations for office. But if valentines are t be the order of the day in the White House, it. was very discourteous to pass over the othr members of the household ami the entire President ial family. First and foremost among the peo ple who ought to have had valen tines is Prince Russell. He deserves one not only because of his position as heir-apparent, but also for his recent good behavior. He has not tried to steal a State nor has he sold his name to a newspaper for several months. In fact, he seems to hare taken a head-long plunge into the obscurity which he adorns. It was a shame that the Senate did not give so good a boy a vjtlenttne. Electric Bitters. Supreme and Superior CourU of Horth, Carolina low. This remedy is becoming go well, -known and eo popular as to need no r special mention A1 who have used ' - K.lpr.trie' Bitter sini? thft cams snntrnf! 2SAMK.' praise, "a purer medicine does not ex- GeoJ H. Brown, ist and it is ra a ran teed to do all that Fred. Phillips, isclaimed. Electric Bitters will care H. G. Connor, all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, , -Spier Whitaker, wili remove Pimples, Boils, Salt ! John A. Gilmer, Rheutu and otter affections caused by ' E. T. Bo'ykin, impure blood. Will drive . Malaria . James C. McRae,, from the system and prevent as well as ! W.J.Moutgomery, 8 cure all Malarial fevers. For qn re of ; Jesse F. Graves, 9 Headache, Constipation and Indices-! Jdhn'G. Byniim,"" 10 lion try Electric Bitters. Entire sati3-! Win. M Shipp, H faction guaranteed, ier money refund-jj. H. Merrimon, 12 cd. rnce 50 ceots ana i oo per bot-. tie at Robert R. Bellamy's wholesale ana retail arug store. JUDGES. DISTRICT. RKSIDEXCK. Beaufort. Edgecombe. Wilson. . Wake. Guilford. Sampson. C umberland. Cabarrus. Surry. name. Mecklenburg Buncombe. SOLICITORS. DISTRICT. RESIDKNCK. FEBKUAItY FUN. John W. Blount, jG. H. White, (col), i 1J. woniiiugiou, F. L. Osborne, J. M. Moody, kinu: a few lo -Pimples asn: Iloils tliapic.u speeaiiy wnen tnisimneuv is t.iKi.-n. i lit re ir no luoro effectual relict !r the ia;iea a;: ' loathing of food duo to JXTOirEIIAM'K than thii artirle. Put upiu I ;ir:;e 7cvaK 1I ties. fa o packages iii i owni u fojiu se-si by mail to any address on ro-oipt :f 10 e m: iostaaips. There-jrularliqunl lonn :ont i i sent bv mail. MKXlfAN MKIUCIN!' t'f. .400 North :M St.. Phila.lrlpliia. T i. BIRD MANNA! . The jjreat sccretof thecanary l.irtl liree' r. oftheJIaitz Miv.taiiiS in (Jciiuanv. llirr. Mauna w il Irrstou 1 lie sonof e;it- hinJs. v. ii prevent inr-jr aiiiiiejits a nJ U"s;: Um ih t Rood tonuilinn. u trivt n r. i tiisru?-- tbescJscn o!.hctlMi. I taili is, it will in i:m.i cases carry t l-f 1 1 1 1 ;e lnii-ni.di t!'Jo'.:.;h Jin: critical peii' M wj;!:. i t !--f.f.ifi!:-.-. ."cnt tiai I on retvli.t ol l-"t-. i-i siain-,.. Illlil Ot)T) CO.,'4X. -:: 1 sr. rhilaiii-Iphia, Pa tease uiem ion this paner. ept9 ta nat TIME TABLE NO. 3 Palmetto ftniiroad Co. It is impossible, says the Boston Iost, to read Mr. Carlisle's clear and honest statement of the attitude of the Democratic minoritv in the v House without realizing the fact that Speaker Reed, while scoring' a victory for unrestrained partisan ship, has made a lamentable failure as a statesman. Mr. Carlisle, speak ing for his associates, represents the conservative force in our govern ment, holding to the safe methods prescribed by that interpretation of the Constitution of the UnitedStates which has been accepted without dispute for a century, and whoso ef fect has been to preserve the rights of all concerned in free legislation. His protest is against the denial of rights so long held to be sacred un der the Constitution, and of methods of legislation which experience has shown to be necessary for the pro tection of the public interests. "We are not contending," he says, "for the right of the minority to govern, as the supporters of the Speaker have endeavored to make the coun try believe. On the contrary, we Trains will run as follows, dally except sun- "JK lutJ lumuruy day. 1 to eject members from their seats or I t a, -W-V r C- O I rh r 9 mm 4- V a rt . 4. mf No 1 Passenger and Freight. wjiainBiui guvermucui ui Leave flamiet, N. c 8.M a. m the people. Under the Constitution ii n a si a majority of the members of the House constitute a quorum to do business, and we are simply insist ing that less than a majority shall not do business. We are contending The North Carolina Presbyterian tnat the majority shaii take the re- I . i i. i , i r!uuMmiiiy wnicn properiy ueiongs to them, and shall come to the House of Representatives and vote, if they desire to control its proceed-ings.'' No one, Mr. Carlisle says, eanfore- "Well Mrs. McGinty, an' phat did j T. M. Argo, the ould man be afther givin' yez for 1 1. R. Stravhorn, Christmis?" "Luk at that black i ().H. Alle'n, eye an' don't be askin' me question!" i Frank McNeill, Life. ! B. F. Long, His Only Failing-Miss Charity- ; Thos. Settle, V H. Boer. use of alcohol stimulants?" Recip ient of alms "No, indade, mum, not he; his only failin' -is drinkin'." Lawrence American. The kind and correct thing to say to the comer home is: "I hope you feel rested from your vacation." No body says "rested by your vacation" except those who haven't had .any. Boston Commonwealth. Mother was victorious. Jimmy Brown "Has your ma been whip pin' you, Billy?" Billy "I don't care to answer. It's sufficient for you to know that she got the upper hand of me." Lawrence American. Needed coaching- Young farmer (anoloeeticallv) "I know I'm a per fect bear in mviuanners.Miss Edna." Seet sixteen (hesitatingly) "No vou're not:- vou vou have never hugged me yet!" Budget. English as She is Spoke. Miss La RIode (looking into Farmer Fleece's garden)-ir" ou asked me to stop some dav and see vour fine lettuce heads. Are these thev?" Farmer Fleece "Them's uiu." Harper's Bazar. Woman (to f ramp) Want some thing to eat, eh? Well, here's some cold hash. Tramn-But I haven't got any tiling to eat it with. Woman Just'keep on a little further and you will find a fork m the roau. Burlington Free Press. Mr. W. "The idea of a man com to the theatre in such an intoxi cated condition. I'll have the usher remove him." Mrs. W. "Let him alone, John; I think he is very con siderate. 'He got. all he wanted be fore he came in and will not belike ly to annoy people by going out between the acts." Life. 1 Perqnimans. 2 Halifax. 3 Martin. 4 Wake. 5 Durham. 6 Duplin. 7 Richmond. 8 Iredell. 9 Rockingham. 10 Caldwell. 11 Mecklenburg 12 Buncombe. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. The Standard. "I regard Hood's Sarsaparilla a3 having passed above the grade of what are commonly called patent or proprietary medicines," said a well known physician recently. "It is fully entitled to be considered a stan dard medicine, and has won this po sition by its undoubted merit and by the many remarkable cures itjhas effected. For an alterative and tonic it has never been equalled." A BARGAIN AT OUR ELL'S STABLES IN SECOND-HAND AN AND AFTER FRIDAY, DEC. t6, 1S87 Arrive at Cheraw. S. C. 9.30 A. M Going North. , No. 3 Passenger and Freight: Leav Cheraw, s. C .23 P. M. Arrive at Hamlet. N. C 5.35 P. M. dec IS tf WM.MONCDRE, Supt. IS A RELIGIOUS FAMILY MWPAPEB, PUBLISHED WEEKLY, and devoted to the intellectual, moral and spiritual interests or tne people. it. numbers amonz its correspondento manr ee the evils that may result from of the very best writers of the southern Pres- tne establishment of a v?teiv wbiVh b3tertan church. It is thoroughly orthodox 11 , sl",-,,,-""en a s stem w men on questions of doctrine, but n-ee and out- assumes to abolish these safeguards, spoken In Its views on air open questions. It , , . allows and Invites free discussion within the tn n this lie onl echoes the wnrn- bounds of courtesy. inrrs of Mr Blninp TiTr CiTfmA Mr In popularity the PRKsr.YTKRMK is con- " Ktantly advancing, it J Hawley, and, in fact, every public man who has spoken from know ledge and experience of the subject. and presents in its columns matter to interest To attempt " the overthrow of the practice and the principles which have such support, as Mr. Reed has attempted for partisan ends, is a short sighted policy, a political mistake, whose failure can be mask ed by no momentary success of party schemes. Tho Paper for the People, and instruct all ages, classes aiut conditions of t he people Price per annum. $2 C: of for one year to any new subscriber. $2 i.v . . Address JOIlNMeLAURIN. Editor and Proprietor, Wilmington. N. c Harness, Saddles, - Bridles,- &c. SeMad-Hand Drajs, Carts and Buggies leb 12 tf FOR SALE CHEAP. OF THE Hon. Jenerson Davis. ODSiow-March3i, nov.s. BY JlR.JEFFEKtOIi DAVIS. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring-Judge Whitaker. Fall Judge Connor. Beaufort Feb. 17, May 20, Nov. 24. - Currituck March 3, Sept. 1. Camden March 10, Sept. 8. Pasquotank March 17, Sept. . Perquimans Mach 24. Sept.. 22. Chowan March 31, Sept. 29. Gates April 7, Oct. 0. Hertford April 17, Oct. 13. Washington April 21, Oct. 20. Tyrrell April 28, Oct. 27. Dare May 5, Nov. 3. Hyde May 12, Nov. 10. Pamlico May 19, Nov. 17. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring -Judge Womack. Fall Judge Whitaker. Halifax-tMarch 3,May 12, Nov. 10. Northampton t Jan. 20, March 31, April 1, Sept. 20. Bertie Feb. 3, April 28, Oct. 27. Craven tFeb. 10, May 26, Nov. 24. Warren March 17, Sept. 15. Edgecombe April 14, Oct. 13. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Boykm. Fall Judre Womack. Pitt Jam 6. March 17, tJune 9, Sept. 15. Franklin Jap. 20, April J4,Nov.l0. Wilson JFeb. 3, June 2, Oct. 27. Vance Feb. 17, May 19, Oct, 13. Martin March 3. Sept. 1, JDec. 1. Greene March 31, Sept. 29. Nash April 28, Nov. 17. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Sxring Judge MacRae. Fall Judge Boykin. Wake J an. G, tFeb. 24, March 24, tApril 21, July 9, tAug. 27, Sept. 22, tOct. 20. Wayne Jan. 20. March 10, April 14, Sept, 8, Oct. 13. Harnett Feb. 3, Aug. 4, Nov. 24. Johnston Feb. 10, Aug. 11, Nov. 10. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Armfield. Fall Judge MacRae. Durham- Jan. 13, March 24, June 2, Oct. 13. Granville Jan. 27, April 21, July 21, Nov. 24. Chatham Feb. 12, May 5, Sept. 29. Guilford Feb. 17, Mav 26, Aug. 15, Dec. 8. Alamance March 3, May 19, Oct. 27. Orange March 17, Aug. 4, Nov. 3, Caswell April 14, Aug. 14.Nov.10, Person April 14, Aug. 19. Nov. 17, SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Graves. Fall Judge Armfield. Pender March 10, Sept. 8. New Hanover t Jan. 20, tApril 13, tSept. 22, - Lenoir Feb. 3, Aus 10, Nov. 10. Duplin Feb. 10, Aug. '4, Nov. 24. Sampson tFeb. 24, April 28, Oct 6, Dec. 8. Carteret March 7, Oct. 20. Jones March 24. Oct. 27. n UE SOLD fcUBSCMPTION ONLY. IHEST SSEft to J.fanry Visior. V.Vi!;rw- r.r j. of ?.rr!.v-ry pri Yji! -:lv icstonM ly t!.o t :i n i t irii y Jv rr.j-ly.'XItc Vs ?sa Santa, from Sjaiii. Sjvic li TrfchH'S !.-v r fail. K ur ii;.-! ry.-1. .l tcMiiuitu'al?. u .'. K-r nianfhtiiiVj a.iiu vuvattAKP'i'i5orin-:t:c-oM trMi VJ Park ll.ce. VviiirIi. r2 OYSTER ROASTS I AM BETTER PREPARED than ever to accommodate my sfcgyl: i friends with OYSTERS this season. I will keep none but the Best on hand always I MY RTLK GROVE ROASTS a specialty. Every Ithln? overhauled and improve J. Oysters ready at short notice and expert shuctierj to open them. 1 Special rates to parties. Give me a call and t ; will do my best to please you. ! Respect fully, ) . W. II. STOKLEY. 1 octstf WrUjhtsviiie Positive remedy for thosederant?e-' 'mrrTri -n a nfvn is PRINTED wiTn ,nent irregularities, and weaknes5 I THIS PAPER lUSSSSS. common to xvomankind. the Fairmount PrlnUnar Ink Works, . J . ! T. K. WRIGHT & CO , t scth street and Pennsylvania avenue. r janlltf "Oh! where shall rest be found"? Hie worn-out mother sighs; Stockings to mend, and trjousers darn, Dishes to wash, and butter to churn, While my back feels to break, and head and heart burn, And life is a constant friction. The summer came and went, The matron no longer sighs; Elastic her step, and rounded her cheek, Work seems but play, life is now sweet, And the change was made 'in one short week, By Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion. 1 Iowa's corn crop is '336.000.000 Philadelphia, Pa bushels, worth $75,000,000. The prospectus and complete outfit for can vassing1 will be ready "Immediate ly. agents Wishing desirable terri tory on this srreat work will please address, as soon as possible, the publishers, BELFORD COMPANY, IS-22 East ISth Street. NEW YORK. febTtf The Acme MANUFACTURING CO. MANUFACTURERS OP Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting. -o- WILMINGTON, N.C IJ1HE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS the ACME u4 OEM. is now established, and tho results of t&xee years' use in the nand of the best farmers of this and other States will attest their vaios as a high, grade manure The MATTING, maoe rrom the leaves of our native plno, is conceded to be equal to any wool carpet for comfort and durability and tne demand tor It is dally Increasing: It has .vir-i tnps TWlf. IrmlTirl ixx inr nfher farirt ! The FIBRE or WOOL Is extensively used for tnaholsterinjr purposes, and as a rilling for Waitresses is almost equal to hair, being Ii sin elastic aad proof against insects. certificates rrom reliable parties using ocr goods can to seen aSojir office, or will be mail ed upon Ucatioo. lanitt SEVENTH . JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Bynum. Fall Judge Graves. Columbus Jan. 13, March 31, July Anson Man. 6, tApril 28, Sept. 1, tNov. 24. ' Cumberland Jan. 20, tMay 5, July 21. riov. iu. Robeson Jan. 17, May 19fSept.29. Richmond Feb. 10, June 2, Sept. 15, Dec. 1. Bladen March 17, Oct. 30. Brunswick April 7, Sept. 8. Moore March 3, Aug. 11, Oct. 27. EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shipp. Fall Judge Bynum. Cabarrus J an. 27, April 28. Iredell Feb. 3, Mav 29, Aug. 4, Nov. 3. Rowan Feb. 17, May 5, Aug. 19, Nov. 17. Davidson March 3,Sept. l,tDec.l. Rand ol oh March 17. Sent. 15. Montgomery March 31, Sept. 29. Stanly April 7, Oct. 13. ' NINTn JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring J udge Merrimon. Fall Judge Shipp. Rockingham Jan. 20, July 21, Nov. 3. Forsyth Feb. 3, May 19,' Oct. 20. Yaukin Feb. 17, Sept. 22. Wilkes March 3, Sept. 8. Alleghany March 17, Sept. 1. 7)avie March 31, Oct. C. i-tokes April 14, Aug. 4, Nov. 10. Snrry April 21, Aug. 19, Nov. 17. TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Brown. x Fall Judge Merrimon. Henderson Feb. 10, July 13. Burke March 3, Ang. 4. Caldwell March 17, Sept. 1. AsheMarch 24, May 26,. Aug. 18. Watauga April 7, Aug. 25. Mitchell April 14, Sept; 8. K r Yancey April 28. Sept. 22. V McDowell May 12, Oct. 6. ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Phillips. - f Fall Judge Brown. Catawba Jan 13. July 13. Alexander Jan. 27, July 28. Union Feb. 10, tFeb. 17, Sept 1 VwkMenburgtPeb 24, Aug. 25. Gaston March 17 Oct. 6. Lincoln-March 31, Sept. 29. Cleveland April 7, Aug. 4,Oct. 20. Rutherford April 21, Oct. 27. Polk May 5, Nov. 10. . TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Connor. - . p Fall Judge Phillips. Madison Feb? 24,July 28 tNpV.17. Buncombe tM arch . 10, t Aug. . 11. tDec. 1. - - Transylvania March 31, Sept. 1. Hay wood April 7, Sept. 8. " Jackson April 22, Sept. 22.: : Macon May 5, Sept. 29. , . Clav May 12, Oct. 8. ,-t Cherokee May 19, Oct. 13. -.t Graham June 2, Oct. 27. - : s Swain June 9th,Nov. 3. v For criminal cases. , , ; For civil cases alone. " m X For civil cases alone except-jail cases. . - CRIMINAL CIRCUIT COURTS- NEW nANOVER'COUNTY". -Ol i ver P. M eares, Wilmington', Judge. Benj. R. Moore, Wilmington, Solici: . . HAEPTR'S Ba21 ta. 1 Givlm? the latest W JLfaa f , fashion-plates. Sir?0 i h taents.are ln(UDersa.aUera-, -dress-maker aTd ""t,:. expense la spSJSrft weekly iues IveryuuS l ' of interest tswoShic: pectlvely.fnrrdsh aru :cr . . and- rTSrtiJ.-.-rtei novf F. V, -INS0;, .4 v w Attn L r.ior:: i. nj- tor. . e -' 5 Court begins Jan G. March 17, May 19, July 13, Sept. 15, ;.Nov. -17. f MECKLENBURG CqUTt - Oliver F. M eares. Jutige. r.' II.' :k'S(bj jostap Free to an. vutl T" States. Canada. r vTy t . Geo. E. Wilson, Charlotte, Solicitor. -fVh'hv; ZT?-r-"' Court begins' Feb, 10, Aprih 14 m&SSS Aug. 11, Oct. 6, Dec. 1. -: 7 !.- J my . BUNCOMBE COUNTY Chas. A. Moore. Asheyi K D. (barter. Asheville. Solicitor. Con rt begins Jan.' 27, Apri I 28, July 21. Oct. 7. Supfeme Court uiee by manpoB in February. Examinatio eperi8o,;praviaed the frelrtViK ' one dollar ner voiiimp t2S2& 1 nations on Fn receipt of ti toeach. T P dov 20 dav and Saturday before. t'irsr, -'.KeraitxanQes should be niaae tf k District. Feb. 3; Second District; l1 T?K 10- Third District. tFeb. 17: ,uJ2IZ??JWmtK . . . r-; x t: 1 jvv h.,v "!ir" us l50itrt 1 msTiMCT. jrnm iks-j Auma Zil t trier, March 3; Sixth District; March 10; Seventh District, March 17; Eighth District, March 24; Ninth District. March 31; Tenth District, April 7; Twelfth District, April 14; Eleventh District, April 21. Last Mondav in September. Ex aminations Friday and Saturday be fore. First District, Sept. 29; Sec ond District, Oct, 6; Third .District, Oct. 13: Fourth District. Oct. 20th; Fifth District, Oct. 27; Sixth Dis-j trict. No 10: Eighth District, Nov. 24; Tenth .District uec. 1; rvveittn uistricr, uec. o; Eleventh District, Dec. 15; - pa.i& ci&jwx oii3ti ADVERTISER CanJeanLtaaWa'cit istrict, Oct. 27; Sixth Dis- TTZ is -v. SSeventh District, Nov. Ol ftllS? ,-W0B0 jl L J ' h District, Nov. 17; Ninth -VTrvr v'.- , "by aidi;..: Svr York & Wllinini- Nrv pekper Advertising ' v puQ9i,ijew York. FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts At 3 o'clock, P. M. - i ;j BENEFACTOR Saturaar. Feb. 1 gulf stream ...Saturday, Feb. 8 k B..N k t Au i u k Saturday. Feb. 15 GULF STREAM I ....... Saturday . Feb. 22 FROM WILMINGTON - "7 buy ttxemt Direction ft . for 1 5 Cirrus; i-o Thim eend f ?r Prnctlcnl POLL-",1 4 beaa . Tlnr$ j plans for poultry booses: infannatim about Incabatora, Ind n here t l ' Eggm from best stock at tl.. per Nittinff.' Sent for 15 tei::. Li GULF STREAM... BENEFACTOR.... GULF STREAM... BENEFACTOR.... Friday, Jan, 31 Friday, Feb. 7 . ... . .Friday; Feb. 14 Friday, Fen. 21, tar- Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina. -For Freight or Passage apply to , H G. smallbones. Superintendent, Wilmington, h , C innu. c-. js.uj2.1t, -iTajnc manager. New York. wm. p. clyde & co., Genl Agents, ' . Jan 27 5 Bowling Green. New York. NEW YOC2CI - !S Treat I birds, f I and .! rmtinn. BeaAtuoT cel.1' Treatmont and breediot of for Dleaanrs and prcK i- and their cura How tot- If Mn'Aviarv ' AO about Pi J. &a kinds Dims, care, rte. 15 Cents, TooTUie BooUi. ASSOCIATED fAHt'.Z". ZX2&OV.V Uffbta Street, FW!id.-:t OBSERVER Harper Hogt- A new. Shakespeare the ShsiT-n EnwiN A. Abbkt will be presenttdjs i pkb's Maoxzinb for 1P90, witn cr- made special arrangements wit4f. JJA.UDET, tne ists, ior tne ESTABLISHED IN ;8t V The Oldest and Best Familv NewsDaner. KffiSTJJvK , . . - Tr j tnecs of -the- Famous Tartsf. t Six Regular Editors: Special Cd I will be translated by Rkkbt Jm- . tt si - I t.ratArl rv Hni nfi MYRIICB. Stories, Reviews, Condensed News in&ffiSS 11 Departments for Farmers, Mer elettelii, entiUed'Jv-- chants, Bankers, Professional Men eoPieX "l1!; .momm Students, Boys and Girls., "f? cTSST ' This year the OBSERVER will nub . Doems - and timely articles, tie ish more than . - . ...... - will maintain its well-known su-- . .. FIFTY PRIZE STORIES, and the ablest and most popular HARPERS 'PERIODIC' writers win contribute -to its .Uolt PAy-l"'' ,:v umns. Poets and prose writers, ari- f :J" thors, editors, men of scieand harper 8 MAGAZINE... women of genius will fill the rU IIABPER'S WEEELY-. umns ef the Observer, and it 'wilj nARPER'SBAZAR.". ........ SrcSSS? ?earneXCel,ed InovTEoH i-nce, .uu ar year. . ; , rostao Frt to alt mtxarvxr Clergymen, f 2.00 a year. Ssates, Canada or Jlezico r;: ; fns. nrA irarrarlne Great Inducements for 1889 lSSSSSSSSSi When no time is spea-rtae nfHri n with the Number curren L The NEW YORK ORSPPVrp nrii I tftnt. nf nrir. . - . . . -- ar a.uh .A nil LJ fl - . n. m Bcnoer, ior urii noLLAlt. - ? : - , I three years bact. in neaitiuL" . Any suDscriber sending his own Subscript Kattb3r malr, post-paid, sVi Uon for a year in advanra ana t!? I ppt vnirrmr.N Moth cases for teyhQQJiz. a copy of the -lren h&pBr-by .mail popaid. . . X t 1 iwiJieoi Jerry AtCAuiey.r I .-"luex a We Will Send .thft DRSEiu-Pn ri,l I Annlvtll mainder of this 3Tv?flJr flTTrt tf .Tannarv 1 toon I fTiOrtlRltTft J i .terixnainvwhla name and toL, 8vo. Cloth, f i oa bers we wiu also give either tie voiumeof Jrenau3Luters"or "The Xlfe of JerrF&c- Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal ter Large commissions, sample c - free. ' ' to HaipersMaga sal and .Classlflel 1 3J from Juneliw, to , Cloth, $4 00. Diamond . Vera t-' FOB DXSFfiPSta- Jffcw.cjrork Obserrr, NEW YORK ' 3. W.ATKINSON. - resident. W. P.TOOMER, . f Cashier. WibmngtoD '.Savings. & Trust Co. I AQ PRINCESS KT WTTAtTicnTnxr' -m . r.L?iAl0n.?y ca saUsfactory security! .sulci csi, un iiervKrira - T Pmnnworort A For sale ty ' VaiaUg4a condiaon. wet