TEL I MISCELLANEOUS. Humphreys YETERB&Y SPECIFICS " - Hcrses, Cattle, Sheep, Ic Hcjs, n- . nook on TrMtuett of Animals 300 rSJdC'Sirt tel Free. - rvvrra. Conization. InOimmatloB, V i inal Meiili MIU Ferer. ,. k -trttin. Imeneiis, nhcninatlsm. lr -Pi-temper, ISaal Dicliare. , t.'ii' JiloMor 4Jrbs, Worai. V':- f olic c ttripe, Bellyache. wiarrlaae, Ilemorrhaeea. ' V, " i HnarT and liiduey Diseases. V ; -'liawi of Dlce.tion. Vi race, ith Specifics. MsmxaL " " "iV h " ftl Oii and Mediator. tT.OO S.'?i an qSintity cn Receipt ol Price. t";4'evs' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St., K. Y. HOMEOPATHIC f f& 2 nrnirin it. Si NPMJiriii r;n. fin 5tfeZy aMW ; nJhilifvrVifai Weakness. . t otT.-Gxx or otncr causa rial and Jarco vial lewder. lor fa i. y. AGENTS WANTED SK? TrS- . .'ivt .mlck sales, sample free. A rare ' ; ' Wi'iv." (.eo. A.Scott, 842 Ii-wsr, N. Y. DEAFi uco a urin KOttrt enarit i i,'. INVISIKLK Til ml A ril ituiftic. Whlimen beard. Com fLfT-her .11 lr-llf. tall. Mdhj W. BI3COS CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH :?SIMVRnYAl PILLS. ; ti-.S Cross Diamond llrana. r. " J1" J', '- - i: w ) ct!t reliable pill for tale. Pafe J -..-.a :Sric:,4o red ciih!c bexf, MaJa4 1- . t 'ribB. Tskeaevlnrr. .s-na. ,t -i particular ti KHIef fof HAIi? BALSAIV! "i5i .Lt.f .r.s .-in.1 hcr:nt'tt the hair. r-J Hai.-t it! Y-ufhfjl Csbr. '. , 5v, anil f-t Mytlni-.H-. ' f a . ; ;.Vw w.nii"toVn It is a perfect .i-li fiotiies yT winter line. Sam- mail for 50c, also so feet line by mall $1.25 prepaid. For circuiars,price plLM Lf-Hlc 1. It llOldS )i iifitUt'si iiinl 11 n .,r faiTlrs without pin-. lotht-s do nor n,i ,-in. riTiuunsr. tentis aa --"' are ri,i r:t. I'M. dress the Plnless 17 Hermon St., Worcester, M AUI: WITH 1UHLING WAT12K. ;k.ti:fil- COMFORTING. o O O O A MA UK WITH BOILING MILK. How Lost! How Rogalnod, r " THE:mNCEi OF it LIFE funufTMvrrir J THE SCIENCE OF LIFE A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise on the Errors of Youth,Premature Decline, Nervous anarnyBicai Debility, Imparities or tne iJiooa. PP1PP tf ialtinjr from Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Excesaes or ortaiation. Enervating and unfitting the victim 'cr Work, Rupiness, the Married or Social Relation. Avoid unskillful pretender. Possess this creat It contains 300 pages, royal 8ro. Beaotiful .nd:ng. t mboesed, full pit. Price only $10 by u postpaid, concealed in plain wrapper. .JZhis rative Prospectus Free, if you apply nova. The :t:m wished author, Wm. It. Parker, M. T)., re 'ived ths (JOLl) AMUKU"EIiLED DIED A L raw th National Itledical Association lor l'.,lIK KAY on NERVOUS and H W.l. DKBIMTY.Dr.Parkerandacorps Assistant I'hysicians may be consulted, confi f :'? iy. ly mall or in person, at the office of HL PEABOUY 3IEDICAL INSTITUTE, o. 4 Hultiurh N(., lloston, ."Huh., to whom atl r .rs fur booki or letter ftr ad ke Bhould be for r,i i OHLV rt-rrlZ ?nerl NERVOUS DEBHIT1 UURE e" cf Body and Mind: Effcc lhLI . l.lilNDM K1S m FIRTH of BO CHICHtSTEft'9 rNftlieu PENNYROYAL PILLS r-WTW 5,C?S DIAMOND BRAND. pic .aa xiwxyt reliabl. Ldiea, wftin iot mmmton rmd, la PrJ. aaetallie boiea, waled iU Mo , ribbon. TakMthcrw AUplUa' ia povotM bo, pink nppm. ara Vi" foT rrUclaFa, tasUaeoiala ae4 -K lf far Lad lea," im Utttr, by retara Mall. .Vsom Pnrr. I kkkffW l-ba l Ca Maahaa fta, nOa Fa. it. A. AiSKSTaS WASTED! TO CANVASS FOR hi' l'iur.-ions of a lipl rait ia Me? 15 " vi. s mniel S. o'Sunsef) Cor, late V. S. Minister to Turkey. ' A -ianiftocat volume of over OOO pases, au inuiy and profusely illustratec. VK v.'x-s lai kst and best itfort. KACTi AND rtX. BISTORV AND Bt'MOK. ! ' work sparkles with the hrlghtcst wit. 'ains numerous amusing storlt, but It r:ts a clear, concise, ana Interesting ac Y' ;Jt ui the ottoman Empire, from its foun 4t I' u i o the present day. i r-i book win have a large sale, and live J' r.ts should secure territory at once. U-('rTJnorou5alJrrellw aeents, who will ; ork t heir tenitory 'for all ft is worth," are -.oen who will promise earnest wort will be d-.Cf-ptC'l. i or particulars address, W. UKUBEKT, Klnston, N. C. nrl Agent lor North Carolina. Mention this paper, Jia 3 tt lilli Nje's Iove Poem. There is nothing: that soothes and lalls to rest the weary reader at the end oi a Ions: letter, filled chiefly withstatistics, like a sweet line poem that one can readily under standa love poem and so I give one here that I found in an album an albnininoiiH poem, as it' were which I wrote many years ago, and found yesterday on the centre-table where I used to "spark' but where now, alas! he is another's. O my darling, O my darlinpr, AVilt you ever think of iup?. For my darling, for iuy darling, I wilt ofttimes think of thee. And my darlinp. oh my darling. When I ofttimes think of thee It will be indeed a pleasure. If you erstwhile think of me. us my darling, oh inv darling. fcShonld you erstwhile thin" of me. "Whilst my darling, oh my darling, 1 shall ofttimes think of thee, We will think about each other: Till the bright eternity. It is fun to write a poejn While I pause to think of thee, For I know you'll not forget me While you pause to think of me. Thus adowrf life's sunburnt pathway Loiter I to think of thee. For I hope and trust that also You may sometimes -think of me. It is not so very wearing On the thinker, I can see, Just to think of you. my darling, As you doubtless think of me. So. my darling, as I stated, If your thoughts are true to me, I will do some heavy thinking, Oh my darling, just for tnee: And we'll think about each other Till the bright eternity. Bill Nve. Is Consumption incurable? Read the following: Mr. C. II. Mor ris, New.ark, Ark., says: "Was down with A bees s of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incura ble Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consump tion, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made.' Jesse Middleware Decatur. Ohio, says; "Had it not been for Dr. King s New Discovery lor Consumption I would have died or Lung Troubles Was given up by the doctors. Ara now in the best of health Try it. Sample bottles free at Robert R. Bellamy's wholesale aud retail dru? store Have Yon a Courl ? Attend to it in time do not neg lect it for it may become serious and end in Consumption. Young's Cough Balsam will cure all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. For sale by Munds Brothers. Knowledge vs. Observation. Smith uThat was a very inter esting lecture of yours on the Cata combs. Did. you write it. while you were in Rome or after you returned home?". Spouter ''Oh, no, I wrote it be fore I went. Wanted to get it off my mind, you know, so that when I got abroad I'd have nothing to do but enjoy myself." Boston Transcript. What She Wanted. "Now, conductor," said an old lady who got on ihe cars at Chica go," "I place my safety in your hands." . ' ' 'All right, madam; i guess we can take good care of you." "And if there is an accident, and th6 cars ore thrown down a steep embankment, you'll be sure to wake me up, won't you?" Rochester Budget. ; Consumption Surely Cared. To tiik Editor Please inform your readers that I, have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will-send me their ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl sr.. New York. Time Worlds Wonders. Husband (married three months) "Good-by, darling. Do you wish, anything from down town' Any gloves, feathers, flowers .?" Wife "Nothing, dearest." Same Husband (one vear later) "What's that you want?' . Same Wife-'Ten cents' worth of hairpins, please." x Same Husband "Great heavens! It seems to me vou are always want ing something. You must think I m made of moneysEpoch. 4 - i . Kitchen Diplomacy. - -Lady of the;House--"Rosa. who is that dragoon you. had . here in the kitchen yesterday!" Strvant : Maid "All ! That was my sw'eetheart; but I shan't have anything more to do with him be cause he is always making remarks about everybody. Only yesterday he said: Rosa. your mistress is the handsomest lady I ever saw. What business has he to talk about vou in that fashion?" Lady "Still, beseems tobea very decent sort of a man and I don't see why you should jilt him.1 . - It's Walt. ' , She was a young woman of an in quiring tum'of mind on -her way home from cpllege, and during a de lay at a station she walked up and down the platform calculating the probabilities, "I wonder," said she to her papa, "what is the weight of this train? "Reallv, my dear. I couldn't say, but -" "I know what it is," interrupted an impatient drummer, "it's alout four hours and a half." Then the girl went in and sat down to think awhile. Washington Critic. a bargain i ; ' -at- ;; OIUtELL'S STABLES IX SECOND-HAND Harness, Saddles, liridles. &c. emd-M I) m, faris and fawn FOR SALE CHEAP, feb 12 tf - POMONA HILL NURSERIES POMONA, N. C. Two and a Half MllesWest of Greensboro. N. C niie mala line of the K. D. R. K. passes through the grounds and within 100 feet of the office, Salem trains mat estops regular twice dally each way. Those Interested in Fruit and Fruit Growing are cordially invited to inspect this, the Largest Nursery In the State, and one of the largest in the South. Stock consists. of Apples, Peach, Pear, Cherry, Plum, Japanese Persimmons, Apri cots, Nectarines, Mulberries, .Quince, Grapes, Figs, K asp berries. Gooseberries, Currants, Pie Plant. English Walnut, Pecans, Chestnut, Straw le rries, Koses, Evergreens, Shade Trees, &c Ail the new and rare varieties as well as the old ones, which my new Catalogue for 18SS will show. Give your orders to my authorized agent or order direct from the Nursery. Correspondence solicited. Destrlptive Cata logue free to applicants. Address J. VAN LINDLEY, POMONA, Guilford Co., N. C tw Reliable Salesman wanted in every County. A good paying commission will be glvp. 99 ; The Acme MANUFACTURING 00. MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting. -o- WILMINGTON, N.C rpHE REPUTATION OFOUK FERTILIZERS the ACME and GEM, Is now established, and the results of three years' use In the hands of the best farmers of this and other States will attest their value as a high grade manure The MATTING, maao from the leaves of our native pine, Is conceded to be Tqual to any wool carpet for comfort and durability and the demand for It is dally increasing. It has vir tues not found In any other fabric The FIBRE or WOOL is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a tilling for Mattresses 13 almost equal to hair, being light elastic and proof against Insects. ceruncates from reliable parties using our good3 can bo seen at our office, or will be mail, ed upon llcation. lan 4 tf TT IT 'l!U a ""EP " " JL J& .ft a OF THE- Hon. Jefferson Davis. 15 V- MJtS. I KFFfCK ON I)AV18. 0 1SE SOLD r,l liIiSCHIFTlON 'OM The prospectus and complete outfit for can vassing will be ready immediatelj-. AGENTS WISHING DESIRABLE TERRI TORY on this great work will please address, as soon as posslfile, the publishers. BELF0RD COMPANY, 18-22 East 18th Street NEW YORK. iebTtf 1890. Harper's Young PeoDle. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. About the easiest way to raisethe wind is simply to catch a draft Baltimore 'American. The Eleventh Volume of Harpkk's Yorxa Pkoi'LE. which begins with the Number for November 5, isso. presents an attractlva pro gramme. It will offer to its readers at least four serials of the usual length, and others In two or three parts, namely. "The Red Mus tang,' by William O. Stoddard; "Phil and the liaby," by Lccv c. Lillie; "Prince Tom my," by johx Russell Cokyellj and "Moth er's Way," by Margaret E. Sangstbr; two short serials by IUalmar Hjorth Boyesex. Two series of Fairy Tales will attract the at tention of lovers of the wonder-world, name ly, the quaint tales told by Howabd PYLE.and so admirably illustrated by him, and another series in a different vein by Frank M. Bictc xell. There will be short stories by V. D. Howells, Thomas Nelson Page, Mart E. WiLKUis Nora Perry, Harriet Pbescott SroFFORD, David Ker. Hezekiah Bctter- WORTH, SOPHIE SWETT, RICHARD MALCOLM Johxstox, etc A subscription to Harper's Yorxa People secures a juvenile library, mere is useiui Knowledge, also plenty of amusement. Boston AdrerHstr. WHOLESALE PRICES. The following quotauona represent whole sale prices generally. In making up small or ders higher prices have to be charged. ; BAGGING . .Gunny 7 8 Standard....... 8 ( 8X BACON North Carolina. . Hams.. n s 12" Shoulders V S 8 Sides, v ' 8 10 WESTERN SMOKED Hams, V ft. I2tf H Sides, y ft , s O 10 Shoulders, ft.. ....... ... 8 DRY SALTED Sides, v ft.......... 5 a 6 Shoulders, ft 6 x BARRELS Spirits Turpentine. Second Hand, each....;.... 1 40 1 30 New, New York, each..-:.. New, City, each......; .... BEESWAX, V ft........ BRICKS, Wilrnlngton, M... Northern. .. ................ BUTTER, 9 ft -1j65 1 70 20 22 . 8 . 0 00 310 00 00 14 00 North Carolina 3 25 Northern.... .: 25 30 CANDLES, V ft Sperm 7... ......... is 3 25 Adamantine...... 10 3 J2$ CHEESE,' ft Northern Factory........ .. 10. Dairy, Cream..:: 13 14 State 9 Q 11 COFFEE, ft Java 27 30 Laguyra..... 23 3 25 Rio... 20 & 22 CORN MEAL, bush, in sacks. 00 52 Virginia Meal..... 00 63 COTTON TIES, bundle. . .... 1 85 1 30 DOMESTICS Sheeung, 4-4 yard. 6 6 U, Yarns, Jbunch...;.. ...... 00 80 EGGS, y doz.... io FISH 48 & 00 (4 53 00 C4 50 48 53 51 00 t 50 !" & 1 CO 2 :j 3' 3 5 05 1 10 85 " 0 75 & 00 2 3 Gli 7 8 10 25 0 00 00 20 00 00 16 00 25 28 28 26 & 00 16 22 26 80 30 15 18 35 40 2 50 Terms Postage Tfepaid, $2 pryear. Vol. XI begins Sotnnbcr 5, 1S9. Sl?tmn Crpv sent on receipt Qf ttromt sUimjx. . Single Number, Flvo Cents eacli. Remit tances should bet made Toy Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss etrspaprrs are not (p eop this aiXverfisemmt fcuhotu tie erirtYss order of Harper & Brot hers Address 11ARPER BE OTHERS. no 23 JJew Yo?' J. W. ATKINSON. President. W. P.TOOMER. Cashier. Wilmington Savings & Trust Co., t Afi PRINCESS ST.. WILMINGTON. N. C.. IvO Lends Money cn satisfactory seenrity. Pays Interest en Deposits. Is empowered to execute Trusta of aU kinds. inch T3 tf Table Board. FEW GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOMMO diied wlth!Tatle';Boart on application at Each 27 U 221 & THIRD ST , 4 Mackerel, No. l, bbl......W 00 (g30 50 Mackerel, No. l, y half bbL 12 50 15 00 Mackerel, No. 2, "tf bbl. .... .15 00 20 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... 4 75 i G 00 Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl 7 80 10 00 Mullets, 18 bbl..... C 00 7 00 N. C. Roe nernng, y keg... 00 6 00 Dry Cod, ip'Tb.: .. 5 10 FLOUR, y bbl Western, low grade ....... 50 & 4 00 Extra 4 00 6 00 " Family.. .. 4 50 6 00 City Mills Super... 4 00 a 4 10 Family.... .... 4 50 5 00 GLUE, V ft 8 Q 10 GRAIN, -$ bushel. Corn, fm stoj-e, bags, white Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. Corn, cargo, in bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store Oats, f ixm store oats, Rust Froof . .......... Cow Peas.... HIDES, V ft Green Dry ..." HAY, V 100 fts -N Eastern i Western North River HOOP IRON, y ft...". LARD, ft Northern North Carolina, LIME, y barrel......... ....... l LUMBER, City Sawed, ?Mft. Ship Stuff, resawed........l8 Rough Edge Plank. 15 West India cargl3, accord- ' - ing to quality.... .....13.00 ,18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 "22 00 Scantling and Board, com'n.14 00 15 00 MOLASSES, y gallon New Crop, in hhds 4i " In bbls .... Porto Rico, in hhd3. ' " " in bbls Sugar House, in hhds In bbls Syrup, In bbls.: NAILS, y Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. 2 OILS. gallon. Kerosene ; Lard. - Linseed Rosin Tar. Deck and Spar.. POULTRY Chickens, live rown.. . . . " Spring... Turkeys PEANUTS, V bushel, 22 ft. 1 POTATOES, y bushel- Sweet Irish, . v Mi 3 PORK, barrel City Mess.. 12 Prime f5 Rumrj,. RICE Caiollna, ft Rough. bush, (Upland)... " " - (Lowland) RAGS, V ft Country. City ROPE, V ft.. .... ... SALT. V sack. Alum Liverpool. 1 Lisbon American ' SOAP, V ft Northern SUGAR, P ft Standard grain... Standard A... V. .. ...... .. White Ex c.. Extra c. Golden. r. C Yellow...... .... .... SHINGLES, 7 in. VM.. . 5 Common........ 2 Cypress Saps.... 4 Cypress Hearts .0 STAVES, v 31 W. O. Barrel.. 8 R. O. Hogshead 0 TALLOW, y ft. TIMBER, v M feet Shipping.. J 2 Fine Mill...... 11 Mill Prime........ ... ...... 7 , Mill Fair. 5 Common Mill. s Inferior to Ordinary.... .. 2 WHISKEY, y gal Northern... 2 North Carolina..... 1 WOOL, v t Washed......... Unwashed..... .- Burry ........... 9 (A 14 16 3 1 45 90 1 00 15 16 OU 20 00 & 22 25 30 10 3 20 75 (4 1 00 00 (4 1 25 75 25 3 75 00 318 00 00 316 00 OU 315 00 4 3 5 60 3 80 80 3 1 00 00 3 1 13 V UX& 22?,' 70 3 75" 10 3 1 50 00 3 00 00 3 70 43 6 3 0 3 5V3 5 3 00 3 TOO, 00 3250 50 3 5 00 00 3 T 50- 00 314 00 00 310 00 4 3 5 00 314 00 23 33 00 50 3 8 50 00 3 0 00 00 3 0 00 50 3 4 00 00 3 5 00 50 3 3 00 23" 3 1 M 5 5 25 IS 18' Hardware, TISWAHK 1 COT t "V. ANi CKOCKCUV. . E. M'HINGEi: CO., Importers aca Jobber? IXAIIiKOAJL-. t c Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington VA Weldon R; R. AND liKANClIi:H . MISCELLANEOUS. Atlantic Coast Line. Wilniinon, 1 Columbia tr kv - & Atignsta 11 It. Co. COX D By SKD SCIi ED V L E. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Jan. 13. lft e'S IP. M. II 16 A. M Arrive Rocky Mountt 12 19 Leave Weldon. Arrive Tarboro. . Leave Tarbbio...... Arri-e Wilson....... Ia. m. 12 47 . L;"5-.l c n , c . P. M. 12o0 146 -4'- 1. M. o 4 . !A. M. 6 00 710 P. M. M45 A. M.J 1020 P. M.! 217 7 00 Leave Wilson I ..... . Arrive Selma ...1 Arrive Fayettevtlle.. Leave Goldsboro.... Leave Warsaw.. Leave Magnolia Arrive Wilmington.. A. M. 129 2 21 234 356 t2GO.. 3 40 ,8W 43 310 1 7 10 4 10 ! 4 21 S 8 40 5 50 1155 8 35 9 31 9 '31 1120 TRAINS GOING NORTH. V! . Sfci ao! o"5 6"3 dS dta S a ( Q A. M. A. M. aTM. P. M. Leave Wilmington.. 1120 12 01 9 00 4 00 - P. M. Leave Magnolia..... 12 & 1 17 1042 536 Leave Warsaw.. ... 1055 5 53 Arrive Goldsboro. . . 1 37 2 18 11 45 6 53 Leave Fayettevme.. .....j...... t840 Arrive Selma.... 11 go ...... Aril vc Wilson ...... 1210 ... 1 , . . . - . - P. M. Leave Wilson 220 2 59 12 37 7 47 A r. Rocky Mount... 2 50 . 110 818 . 1 " Arrive Tarboro 3 45 3 45 . ... A. M. Leave Tarboro 10 20 1020 . . P. M. Arrive Weldon 3 57 4 30 2 45 9 30 Train cn Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax 2:30 p. in., arrives Scotland Neck at 3:45 p. m., Rlverton 6:10 p. m. Re turning leaves Riverton 7:20 a. m., Scotland Neck at 10:20 a. m., dally except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albermarle & Raleigh R. it. dally except Sunday, 4.00P. M., Sunday 3.00 1. MM arrive WilUamston, N. c, a30 P. M., 4.20 P. M.. lMymouth 6.00 V. M., 5.40 P. M. Returning leaves Plymouth, mouth. N. C., dally except Sunday, u.00 A. M., Sunday 8.30 A. M., Wllllaraston 7.25 A. M., 9.50 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, 9.50 A. M 1130 A.M. Ixain on Midland N. c. Branch leaves (iold3 boro, N. C, dally except Sunday, 6.00 A. M arrive Smlthflekl, N.C, 7.:)A. M. Returning leaves ' smithneld, N c, 8.00 A. M., arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 9.30 A. M. Train on Nashville liranih leaves Rocky Mount for Nashville, 3.00 P. M.. arrives at Nashville a40 P. M., Sniing Hope 4.15 P. M. Returning leaves spring Hope 10.00 A. M.. Nashville 10.35 A. M., arrive RocKy Mount 11.15 A,M., dally except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, dally, except Sunday, at 6.00 P. M. and 11 10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 AM. and 3.10 P. M., connecting at War saw with NOS. 41 40, 23 and 78. southbound Train on Wilson & Fayettevllle Branch Is No. 51. 'North'hniiTui is xn ri i)aifv except Sunday. Train NO. 27 South WJII stn nnlrat. WHonn Goldsboro and Magnolia. 'irain jno. 78 makes close connection at wel don for all points North dally. All rail via muuuiuiia, una aaiiy, except sunoay, via Bay Line. Trains make rinse n.nnnpftinn fnr nil nninta North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palarn Slppn- ers attached. Florida Special vestibule Train No. 501 leaves Weldon Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridflvs Q-Rdn m rrf;1n VVJImtnfrtnn ! a. m. Tuesdays. Thursdays and saturdajs leaves Wilmington 1:00 a. m., arriving Weldon 5:33 a.m. - JOnN F. DIVINE, Gen! Supt. J. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transpoitution. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Carolina Central Kailroad Company, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. Sept. .22,1889. NO. 41. dally ex. Sunday. Leave Wilmington J 2 20 pm Leave Hamlet 1 6 45 pm Leave Wadesboro.i 7 39 pm Arrive Charlotte..! 9 35 pm Leave cnanotte. . . Leave Lincolnton. Leave Shelby ArriveRutherfdtn No. 5L daily ex. Sunday. 7 10 pm 2 00 am 3 25 am 6 45 am No 5. dally ex. Sunday. .- pm 7 32 pm 8 2pm 9 45 pm EASTBOUND TRAINS Sept. 22, 1889. 1 No. 38. i No. 54. clally ex. dally ex Sunday. Leave RutherTdt'n Leave Shelby.. -. Leave Lincolnton . Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte... ( 5 15 am Leave Wadesboro.i 7 (Warn Leave Hamlet. . .-. . 8 30 am; Arrive Wllmlngcnjls 30 pm Sunday No. 6. dally ex Sunday ) 8 45 am , 1) Warn !lltam l2 20pm h 2:) nm. 11 38 pm 1 4- am 8 10 am' Trains No. 41 and 33 make close connection between Charlotte and points North via Ral eigh. - - Trains No. 51 and 54 make close connection at Hamlet, to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between wiimlmrton and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh, 1. w. wii5A.T. fcuperinteiiucnT, -F. W. CLARK, Genl Passenger Agent. 3 Catch On! "Your orders for Print ing, Killing and Binding, will be executed as ex peditioiisly, delivered a promptly, -and guaran teed to be as itisilie torv as- any first-class establishment. A e have"" none but reliable work men, and our material anl.pressw are all first class. 'Largest stock of paper-to select from. JACKSOX A BKLU Leadinx rrlntm ana rinUn .1 ll II ft ,1. J -r CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Jan. 13, ISJ 0 JNO. S3. No. g- " -'-"- - ' I r. iu ...i 1 Leave Wilmington Leave Marioa.. Aiine rwrence. 7.psa 15. l.V 53l A.M. 1 10 'M Na 50 A. M Leave Florence... ....t 3 20 Arrive Sumter........! 45 P. M. 10 1C 12 4l A M ; 1 20s 7 27 A. il. Leave Sumter........ 1 Arrive Columbia... INO. 52. "uA. M. 4 351 tl0 33 i 15 11 55 M. NO. M A. M. t9 10 10 23 No. 52 runs through from Charleston Central IL R. Leaving Lanes 9:15 A. M., Manning fcM A. Train on c. D. R. R. connects at Florenc With No. 53. T1L1NS GOING KORTH. Leave Columbia. ... . . Arrive Sumter........ Leave Samter.. ..... Arrive Florence Leave Florence Leave Marlon.. .... Arrive Wilmington.. No. 61. No. 69. P. M. 10 a . 11 68 -v ' r 1158 tS7 . 1 15 7 50 A. M. P. M. NO, 78 NO. 6 A. M, A. M. - 4 a 7 50 5 22 8 26 8 35 11 10 I A. M. A. M. I Na S3, r. m. 5 20 6 32 Na p. 8 11 P. 14. M. 1 1 55 45 M. Dally. tDally except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S, c, via Central IL IL. arriving Manning T:04 P. M Lanes 7:43 P. M., Charleston 9-.30 P. M. No. 59 connects at Florence with c. and D. train from Cheraw and Wadcsboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at WH mington with W. & W. JL- 1L tor all point a North 1 - - k . . . Trai n on Florence R. R . leave Pee Dee dally except Sunday 4:40 P. M., arrive Rowland 7:00 p. m. Returning leave Rowland 6:30 a. m.. ar. live Pee Dee 8.50a. ni. Train on Manchester & AugustaR. R. leaver . Sumter dally, except Sunday, 10:50 A. M..arrl vo Richardson 12:01 1 M. Returning leave Rich ardson 12:J5IP. M.. arrive sumter 1.30 P.M. Florida Special Vestibule Train No. 50! leaves Wilmington 2:10 a. ra., Tuesday s,Thur. days and Saturdays, arriving Asyicy Junction 9:u a. m. Monday 3, Wednesday and Fridays. Florida Special Vest ibule train No. 500 leaves Charles ton. Northbound, 5:44 p. in., arrives at Wil mington 12:50 Midnight.' -.' . JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent, J. R. KENLY, Ass t Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agen nov 18 v. Atlantic Ooast Line. North-Eastern R. R. of S. C Bra I CONDENSED, SCHEDULE. . TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated May 12, '89. I. Leave Florence...... " Klncstree Arrive' Lanes.... Leave Arrive Charleston... . Na 27. NO. 23. No. A.JlI. A. M. j " 1 35 9 30 2 21 10 55 2 50 n a P.W. ,2 50 H 20 7 5 5 00 1 30 V A. M. P. M. P. M. Train No. C3 takes No. 53 South of Ines. Train On C. A U. IL. It. COnnwtR nf Vlnrr r.on with No. 23 Tra$L - - : TR.A3K,! GOING NORTH. Leave Charleston.... Arrive Lanes Leave Lanes......... - 44 Kingstree Arrive Charleston..., No. 78. (No. 14. A. M. 12 25 2 45 2 50? a ioi 4 20 A. M. NO. 52. P. M. A. M. 4 30 7 6 2H 9 . 0 28! 4j 7 65 P. M. A. M. Daily, t Dally except Sunday. Train No. 14 conned s at Florence with train on c. & D. r. il for Cheraw, s. c, and Wadea- boro, N.C. No- 63 runs through to Columbia via Central It. R. of s. c. Nos. 78 and 14 run solid to WltoingtOD. C, making close connection with W. R. for ail points north. JNO. F. DIVINE, , General superintendent. J. R. KENEY, Asst Genl Manager. T. M. EMERSON. Gen l Passenger Agent, my 11 .. THE STATE CHRONICLE, .. . . "V " successor to the Farmer and Mechanic an the chronicle.) Under New Management. newsy, muGHT and;clean. UP WITH THE TIMES. . 1 . - JMIK "STATE CHRONICLE' WILL what its name Implies a Stat Paper. It : not the Raleigh ,Chroiilcl.' ana will not be local or sectional, ir wm aim to keep un with the news from Murphy to Mantco, or. tut the politicians put It, from Cherofcre to Cur rituck. ' It will be the organ of no man. no ring, no sect iod, no party. n win be iK-mocrauo in politics, but will not hesitate to critlcls iemocratlc measures and Ixraocrauc omcen. TERMS OF SUHSCRIPTION: ' One Year...............:..; ........ ......f2 00 Six Mont lis... r. ............ 1 fi Shree Months. u TFor a sampl copy address - TH E STATE CH KONICLE. lUldgh. N.C. Send in Your Work. 1AM STILL AT THESAM E OLDSTAN" D.OX swrnd street, and am ready 10 repair alt kinds of Fomitare and Domestic 'Art !('!. 1 win da Wf. work well and my charges an? al ways rrioricrate. Jnsfaaion guarantrcii m evfcry intance. - v J. B. FAR RAIL. Second.streef, be Market and inmm bOV I9tf ' - .- Drugs and Cliemicale, 'OI LET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICIXK snoulder Braces.JTnissc, eta, etc ' Also rrescrJptlQns mietf day or nl-ht tt F. C. MILLER , . . T " Drug Mere. , - Ccrxcr Foixth and Nun fct5 ten pill: 7: J ri fi ri

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