s. MISCELLANEOUS. mTr1 p H-R-sy ! T2io Daily - H,ovio"C3 Old Year and New ;r. Old-Year niwl'NetrYr.' and Kipk1!- without drugging. u as mw - n a.av & a w . It is nil Gods;ynr: rcicr.". e for rc'Tiplnpr. Wis t fin' for pyowin For rest and iniet s! His time for soaring On wings of the -Spirit:, .1 . errm:- I r-- -Worm I il T. a . AJiWrpn or Adult.... .? I FJikm Colic... . .' f'Al -J - ThA Ir.fWiifo s Atff7 " I J ilfff RilloM fetomarh.......... .ga 3 5 I W! iLCv3d in the Head. .30 Palpitation 1.00 4 l,r. . . HUrsK Kftmad ' &tuftuUi SL N Y. j 1'j returned from a pIundiiiK expedition j and were resting : themselves. The - feme?-fl renthmvy flickering 1 igli UftrU Hie. weird CPrif Thfl nt.n i n rF t h J band vafjtadding?ri?lie shadow, j ffg&SH&V&QriC: yp.fiwali or lennfng against a tree, Jiii Jliandi ;ders idgtarprks have to fcecoarswl". i jesting on his gan. His eyes were I . : c I mil I nil T l em avrvkimn i waaa ' Imre n troiibletl s expression. s5ha-lt-nly lie turnedr and walking to wherehis lientenant lood, Vaid to nun: ocuuiiv, mv dov. tell m a O world above! our worM. Our times, and our plafces. Are but ai child's play f To thy marvellous space, But if, a dear children. Vith hearts full of vearui I 4.1. , i ! ' . -i . . h. "w niiif?pji uii ,i log seirTani torn Tiie following thrillimr tale:; t : : !- jp"t C I F ICS by an old re- rm; rare cf'NTS WANTED p y nnk-fc sale. "tuuM' FENHYROYAL PIUS.- Yrh llrxl Cross Diamond Umnd. UMtt Ut PARKER'b HAIR BALSAfVI "''WGSl'roisiot a luxuriant prowtn. H F'Ne?r Fa U t Hcstor uraj. I Hair t m -Kirr-u v;3,rt- r 5tew JSi"trt.Ta.-. I hair tMi -II l'lllllllt Lnn more clui lies oVn It lf a perfect ' winier line. nra p:c line sent by n 1t frtl .'V nIA flStlrst "(! nn- : 30 ft line - by r iSrS "vimoiit jmali prepaid. LtiShcs io not- ' 'Korclrcular8.prlce Ke to It and can-OTlSkJ list, - terms ad- ffiune fo. 17 Hermon St, .Worcester, LH ' - - -' '' JtApriWlTII IIOILIKO WATEK. - 3 3P GKATKlTLCOMFOKTlJia. 0 O .O Oi'j&Jm: -. f . WADEWITIl HOIL1NG 3III.K. mi WlSNlMnTff low Lost! How Rpgalnod, '(liTrlYTIF--" luiuii 1 1 1 1 wlU L.-a rS il n JEir.irL. THE SCIENCE OF LIFE ISdmUfleiaJ Suadart Popular Medical Treatise a 'ie E.-ror of Youtb,Premature Decline, Nerrctis MamyncaiijeDUity, impantlea or tne iiiocu. 'x WHOLESALE PRICES. kallli:o ai Allan 1 ifi, CxuiatJuljDLi BAGGING Gunnr j uuiaxru im..it BACON Xorth Carolina. "iiaiaa.:..r....J.r.:? 47 :8 We ove anil-forest jiou y r, ArdolJ -tpr - learn i or. zi 'A Tt Then New Year and Ohl car, Their hoping, reeri ting. j . Will all turn to iod yenr, With no time for fretting. " T The First Step. 'VPerhapstyou are" rnn down, can't eat, catif f sieeir, cant t h i n ciin tlo anything lib your sTatisfactioif, a'nTT you wonder ,whftt -ails you. You should heed the warning, vot an taking the first step into Nervous! Prostration. . You need- a Nerve Tonic and in Eieetric Ih'tters you will find the exact remedy lorYe-. storing yDur'Tierypgs system to Jjts nornialleallhyondittoii. Kurtiri ing results follow the use of this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Your appetite returns, good diges tion is restored, and the Liver anil Kidneys resume healthy action. Trv a bottle. Price lamys Store. i . i . i I ? Sides, v 1 ITPTVTV Cllrvtr " . a aav, uc a rv aicavv iv . liiuiii, am- I n liti i c MK of robbers gathered around a eamnj -!wCf J?-' lire in thehvart of the Ifartxlmoun-! ."LSJ.T"",: tains; in Germany; Thev liad just I'SSrJSiS A ucldetrc1ick:was heanl Pi1!,1?- v- - - - r' - - -, -. " i- :'smoii iy i u iutr cucks. ; oiience again fell on the group.- The little oil lamp which had hitherto lighted the scene went" out, j anu all was dark Somebody truek a light, and n the glare it was found that the . .-a 8 8 f 4 8 7X st ranger lutd difiappfared.f; "Huh," muttered the H on. Jim Jenks, as he'pocketed hislshooting- 4ron. ,He saved his skin this ere time y .-, ... , ;.; ..;' Mot tier. f wholesale nt It. 11. Icel and retail Drug v - Have 1'on a CoiiRlt ? Attend .to it in tinier do not neg lect it for it may tfecbme serious and end in Consumption. Young's CoUgh Halsam will cure all Diseases of the Throat and , Lungs. For sale by 01 anus lirothers. A Diatreaainc Situation. vou Nice fellow & BigrSistei-'Dick, ' I Hvish Mr. fnyboy,and would go and get glass of wateni f ' Mr. Nicefellow uYes, liereV a dime for vou' Little BrotJiel-7f lmnklybi 4'lt go 'pretty' boh!' Mainma sa!dvT shouldn't leive the parlor until she came back.-" N.'Y. Weeklv. - .A Gentle Hint. NbwJtaiil the photographer; taking hold of the cloth over his ap paratus, 'are yobquite ready 'Yes, Yepfied the customer. ' "Well, just keep your eyje on that sign," he said, pointing to a legend on the wait which read:- Positively; No Credit," i'an l look ' pleasant. The Ledger.. " Advice to Mns. Winslow s !ooTiriNQ Syrup vhouhl always be u?;ed when children cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at oncejt' produces nat ural, quiet slee4).:byreUev:ng the cnfld from pain.and the .little cher ub awakes as 4 bright as button?' It is H-ery ..pleasant to t'Aate. ' -It soothes theeliild, softens the- gums, allays alt pain, relieves wihd,;regulates the bowels, and is tne best kiiowri reme 4y for diarrhoea, t whether arising from teething or ... other causes Twentyflve centra tottler 1 v; " J july ( deod&wlv , v t V ' t ! "It Works Like a Charm." " R ul bn's M agn e t ie 'Lip i m e ri t i s a safe and -speedy cure for Rheuma tism,' "Neuralgia-,,, Gout, .Headache, Spraina, f Br.ufcei ilwellmgstpu- ineria, innammaiion 01 me rviuneys and all painfulaffections. bySlaridrQtJie gCl v For sale 4J POMONA HILL NURSERIES ' POMONA, N. C, jrwo and a Jl alt JWilesVestot Greensboro. N. c rjplie mala llneot tne it., rD. R.--R. . passes through the 'grounds ' and ( within 100 feet "of the omce. Salem trains maiccstops regrular twice dally eaca way. Those, interested la Fruit and Trult Growing are cordially invited to Inspect this, the Largest Nursery in the State, and one ot the largest in the ' sonth. Stock - consists of Apples, Peach, I'ear, Cherry, Plum, Japanese Persimmons, Aprlr cots, Nectarines, Wulberrtes, Quince, Grapes, rigs, Hasp berries. Gooseberries, Currants, Pie Plant. English. Walnut, Pecans. Chestnut, StrawbeiTies, Koscs, liversreens, Shade Tree?, &c. All the new and rare varieties as well as the old ones, which my new Catalogue for 1883 will show. . Give your orders to my authorized agent or . order direct from thejNursery. correspondence solicited, uesmpuve cata logue free to applicants, f .. Address J. VA3S L1S0LEY, - POMONA, Guilford. Co.,' N. C. - tsr Kellable Salesman wanted in every County. A good raying comi w lesion will le 5 . - J k : y ... --of Tin; - MS i3hiB? from Folly, V'ice, Ignorance, Esceeses or rTTI,UOT1 Enrratin and unfitting the victim 5ct ork, Buiinesa, the Xrarrie4 or Social Relation. I iroid unskillful pretender. Pos69 thl great . It conuini 300 pages, royal Sto. Beautiful Mffing, emboesed, folf gilt. Price only V0 t7 rf' Ptptld, coacealed in plain wrappett J2ns fwrt Promecrns Free, if vou appl nor. The f fcututh! anthrtri Wm. II. Parker, M. re redttia GOLD AMI JEWELLED HIED A L tTT rtf eOicaU Asectiuiia far 'f n2iCALnPKB,L1T VJ)r.Parkcrand acorpa ..V; m1 rhyslciaD4may be consulted,- conn 'niU!?.,luU or ln Peraon, t the office of S ABODV INSTITUTE, r u! ? .Br!1 to whom all wiMtDove. , ...... -yv OR .BJlClf 't ahould he For LOST tr TkTtTtfn TfAWft UUEE faie of Body and Kiad: Effe Youa Hw t Kahirrvai 'A BBlk B t kk.. n ..... " m bbl m at uin aa turn a i av aa aFj a w . . . rr -1 - otvk. ... . CHICHESTER' CNGLlSH are ki . T?!r "EV"o DIAMOND amino. ali irmi4 L jm.W JiZ u "i w2c him, ic with mm. lwirabM.UK nppi. art lifi .pwleatart, tewaMla o4 laHaaUf ran ca, laalNS H, ?VqT AUENTSAyTEDfi TO CANVASS FOR ' nou Samnf "Sunset") cot, late V. 8, Slinlster iq Turkey, f I '. , K1a3ccat volume nt nr YI nn , autUully atd protusrlT musn-alBd. pCQi'4lATANDMrT xrroar. " ; ltf 5!J5lktes VIta ttr trtsntcst rtt. !,.,TS a Clear, pondv n-n.1 fnTProctlrif ttonVf-lat0mn EnaplrP. from Itstoun- jKjfsK,1:111 bave a larg sale, and lire OaiT territory at once. ork rhVttC?ljr reuWe agents, irho -htUI uvea.. Eitonehiv . B.t f-J . . "pteS b0 ProalsQ artxk work iW be v. ts. iiKUBiatr, KiniJoa, n. a yentiVmV&er1 A5nt tor Men h Carolina. xmnon this rajr. ; jan 3 tt MKH; ! EFFElt ON DAVIS 70 i;e soil) uv iiiiscRinioN omv. : .. Ventuied a Snrmise. ; 'Susie," wiid Willie to his sister, 'what are Blackfeet JnlkinsV" 'What a-eYhat?" VBIackfeet Indians." .Vl'doii't know, I'm'- &ure,M said Susie, "what the expression can mean, unless those. wic.ked.. traders' have bfiwsui selling the poor Itidfans some of the hosierv that is warrant ed, not It .Vfade1 --MerehanfTravel- - -r . -. ;. -mm" Ilia StlSpiciOii Jnstifialle. . uJenny,,, said? theyoun; .man, as they met on thecdr'ner. 4itif pos.-i ble vou have been deceiving. me.' TT, Ta -. Tirlr. 'AVhat do yonmeanv" was her an J 1011 J CitCr.S011 UftY-IS. swer. I mean thi? I want to know if nly boss has been calling m you, and you never saying a word to ine about it. ' L'Your suspicions, .sir, are as un founded us thev are unjust' 4iVe.l, if that's the case, I want you to explain something. Yester day your father was in the -store; and after he left the boss said tfirt old Bjinkson Avas. the hardess kicKer ho ever saw." And an expression indicative of a painful memory flit ted over the young-man's face. Terre Haute Express. , - . , . -'.""' Tfce Stranger Simrif. A long silence had -fallen du.-tlmi group around .the Wttlestpye iu the back of - the pkahbnuv-r dry goods store; says the NevA:6rttSun.Eacii of the rough cltiens'iiaitold- his story or relatetI-somexperience which once befel :him, ahi- the sil ence that followed" "aii riic'redible yarn' of Hon. Jim .Tenks-wi intense. The stranger 'from ttifr) Kast. had listened throughout m a listles-, wandering tnahner, and yawned ex ceedingly when the others laughed. The silence thickened with the smoke, and as- they looked at one another , jn the crowing; darkness for encouragement to break it Mr. Mike Swipes, with a slight hem,: said: - V "Wal, no, we've all heJ our saw Let the stranger sav suthm AH eyes turned the s the E a good i ney weren r. particular. Alter a moment's deliberation.du ring which allsmtgly placed theniselvesitf their favorite attitudes, the stranger con sented, and began in a monot onous and sirig song voice as fol io s: .. . ... . . . "One dark, black night a band of robbers gathered around a camp fire in the heart of the ilartz moun tains in Germany., They - had just returned from a pi jndering. expedi tion,xnd were resting themselves. The camp fire threw n flickering light on the weird scene.' The cap taixi of the band was standing in the shadows, leanimr acainst a tree, his hands resting on his gun. His eyes were bent on the ground, and his face bore iv troubledf expression, Suddenly he tarried, and ralking"to where his lieutenant stood, said to hhu:- .;. " ' ' - , "Scuddy, my boy, tell me a-'iliriir ingstoryV , . Scuddy settled himself on a lod seat, And toldtnf pllovf ing.thriir i Df? tale I i vt - 1 1" iU'. i ...,. ?One dark, black night a band 6 shoulders, I .-. . . BARREIjs Spirits Turpentire. Second Hand, eacli., ....... I 40 . New, New York, each..... . 0 00 i New, City, each."....:. f 65 BSIWAX, BvTT. - . - W BRICKS; M'Ciaingto4 V t- P ( i 9 10- ' T ' - 10. 6 -6 I 50 1 r. 1 TO' 10,00i Nortn'Carollna: is' 2S Sperm X i Adamantine CHEESE, V Ib- Notihen factory .... . Dairy, Cmuon . .. State OFFEE, V fc Rio ' CORN MEAt, V bush, in sacks. . Virginia Meal ........v .t COTTON TIES, V bundle. ; .. . . 1 DOMESTICeV fw ?4 T Sheting4't?yardl..nf. " ' Yarns, f bunch...... .... . J , ? j S. J f Macjkerel, No. , Wilmiit&fWe!dpn;R;;R'. ' - ANI BltANtJllES ; : - COXDKXS HD SCH kl U t g. TRANS fciOING SOUTH. Datei Jan. 13. 14 e Leave Weldoa ; . ArJ i 1 1 1 v ,. (A. M Arrive liockyount 1 13 19 . - " . -i . Arrive Ta'rbem Leave-tTarboio,., arrive Us on,-... T i4r P. M.tP. JA. M. i i 1 .M4.lL. A. M.j lOio;,. 10 I. M. 2 IT S)10 9 u ST 30 Si. 20 00. M 25 K 00 l :sv 80 f 'I f lacierel, fa , -f liaf pbL 130. f 1 00 Vactefcl, Xo. Hblf.... .1500 4 004 ' 4 75 Gk 6 (X) v i Mackerel, No. 2, half bbi. Mackerel, No.s, Vbbl......f 7 O.IOOO t M ullets. V bbl . . . 6 00 (k 7 "06 '' N. c. Iiqe Ilernng, keg... oo u 00 , Dry cod, y ft... ;. 5 io FLOUR, V bbl- . Western, lpw gradef .r. 50 ,ii oOj - ; ' KxtraV.V. ;..jr.-:t.i OOG 00' 4 Ull:- t; 00 4 ft '4'10 00 10 50 4S 50. Family - ipity Mtlls-flaper... .... " Family 4 50 3LUE, 13 8 C GRAIN, buoiiel. : -f - :, ! Corn, rm store, bags, white 48 -! Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. 00 (4 Corn, cargoikbagswhljte j&. ri ronif- mif i, froi Oorer jtf M ;f i . uais, irom store. - :,s 5 oats, -Rust rroof. 00 ' CdwPeas ." m l HIDES', n. - ' ' Green. ,.. -j , .Dry...., .. ; di 5 HAY, 100 -Ski Eastern. ..i ...105 ($110 Western v..;... f...-.l.r 85 is fo North Riyer. 77. :." ' 00 HOOP IRON, ifc 2.':. 3 LARD,? ft ' Northern t-j(?- -7 North Carolina,. ....i. l.. . 8 -.( -. 10 LIME, 'barrel...... ....... l :Ij 6 V LiiMliER,"Clt'y saved. Mft.' ship stuff, Tirsav.sh.....iltt u Rough J-.dc Plank .15 k ' -West -India. tiari'-is, lu-cord- ' itaqnalUy,... l:i Mviai3 00 Drcssoi Floor! ncr. scascne4Lls 00 (.r22 00 Srant linj? and lionril, cotii-n.lt 00 MOLASSES, J gallon , New Crop, ln hhds. . . . . . . " ' " in bblf 20 iK) (nl1 in) (15 00 leave WUson. ...,f.....i ts 4) i. .'!...! Arrrre Seuna..i.-i.t.::.V.i o4h......! re-iiii. uo-i.....) ; i W 7 43 Arttye Faetlevllf Leave Cioidsboro.... 1 2 moT ;o i. " a in ? ... 2S4 a., I o.Vi Leave Warsaw. . .4 2 21 Leave Maimolia Arrive WUmingrton 4 21 5 5J I 4... 840 !." R35 J 31 9 31 1120 TRAINS GOINO NORTH, Leave Wi lmington . , Leave Magnolia. . . .". Leave. Varsaw.. Anive Goldsboro.. . teave I'avetteville. Anive Selma. ...... Arrive Wilson... ?.v v 2 i? -r r3 "3 A.'MJA J12I P. M, 12 3S M. 12 01 1 17 A. .M. 9U 137 10 42 10 55 .21jll43 P. M. 4 00 5 ?fi 5 5i orwj Leave Wilson..,.. Ar. Rocky Mount: : .1. i ? 2 SO 2 &o H ,- 59 AriireTarboro. Leave f arbpro. . 1 O J - 1 )020 j.i. 18 40 11 Hi '110 l AT 12 I 10 8 IS 3 4i A.-31. ' 3; 1. .M.j 4q0 ) 215) .9 30 2S 2S ,2J (X) 4 Porto RLoo. in hhds ,. . ."If liii Jbbls. f Sugar House, in hhds. .... - ' Ctfi 111 h"te. Syrup 4ir-lsl NAILS, Keg, CUtliid basin.. 2 40 j 2 - ..... . -i ; 4 '9 i 14 22 (3 01 LS, : y gallon. , Kerosene..... Larcr.r.r::;:?: 30 30 15 K 35 50 at f U'o totvarui the i:abv." uv Ltcr c. liu-ie: mn'Pr n l'm linrl cmn f i-niii t my by Jons RC6.EM, COUVELL; hm.'.. lie. iiieaiieci.iiMjniiice ii tennrf uiriikhv iuhvu: Storv. but tliev nerMsted. Two series of Falrv Tnles will of robbers gathered around a camp . nn . .1: . i I iOTa intercut, cn Dctcais. is mmi", in wcruiany;: xiieyvuaw j us t execute Trusts ct fcUkizij. 'i hc prospectus and complete outfit for can vassing will be ready imniedlatMy. AGENTS WISHING DESIRABLE TERRI TORY on this great work wlil please address, as soon as ixssi!le, the publishers, , BILF0RD 00MPANY, 1S-22 East 18th Street NEW YORK. icb7tf V " .. . 1890. Harper's Young Peoole. AN I LLU3TRATED WEEKLY. .i.''.-. 'X... !;)' r - - "'- The Eleventh .volume, of HaiirKK's Torso People; which begins with the Number ror November 5. 189. presents an attractlva pro gramme, li will offer to its readei-s at least four serials or the usual lengtu. ana otners m two or three parts,, namely! vine Red-Mustang.-' by Wilmaji ,8toiaki: "Phil and rrince iora- and -4Moth- AXG3TEK; tWO UJOr.TU BOYESEX. attract the at tention afloTcrs of the womtcr-wortrtrname ly, the (ilht alf,s told by Uowak PyiE.aniL so aamiraoiv musirarra ry nun. ana .isomer . sefics ln a different vein by Frank M. Bick seix.. There.will lo shore stories by W.-1. howeli-s,- thomas netjsov page, marv e. Wilkiks Nora Pekr, IIarkikt Pkescott SrorroKD, David Ker, IIezekiah PrTTER- W0RT1I. SOPHIE J5WETT, 1.IOIA1U) MALCOLX JonxsTOs, etc A subscription to n.AKPER's Torso' People secures a juvenile library, there ueul knowledge, also plenty or amusement. Itefcit t dVi7j-'. .; . ... . 1 . Ltoscedi.:". , . . . , p Rosin. ...., . . .i.. J'.'.itiihf'tt 15 ; -ldU 1G 1 45 (4 30 20 00 Tar:r.:...T Deck and Spar. . . .". '.x . . 00 & 22 POULTRY ' CMckens, live rown. . 4 Spring Turkeys PEANUTS, bushel, 25 n. POTATOES, V bu3hel ' Sweet.... " Irish,' V bbi... i 3 25 PORK, barrel i Ctty Mess. , 12 00 Prime...... ..15 Do Rtimp......'..."-...'..v.. .no RICE Caiollna, y it...j, ...... .,4 "00 00 25 10 75 too : fi 3 25 1 25 u io v r 1$ 00 -16 00 15 oo : 9 GO 80 80 (4 1 00 00 & - 1,, 1- - 'm 1 10 1 . oo ' 00 "9 5'J 00 . 70 Terms- Postage Prepaid, 3 pryenr: . VoT. JTlbryins Aower 5,J8s9v . - .1 ; i x. $ dX Spe?i'Tum Copy sU on receipt of ttco-e&tf stamp. " : . Single Number, Five Cents each. Remittances should bo made by Post-oraee Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance ot loss. f Xrtcvixtpers are not lo cow this adrrrxijrfi'ifntL cu?toui Um tTjrs order o.l I arpe r Brothers l i Address HARPER BROTHERS. Rough. V bush, (Upland)... " ' . (Lowland) RAG S, V RH-Country aty.t."..:. - ROPEf to .T. Ms-y-4-i SALT, sack. Alum. .....C Liverpool Lisbon. . . . ... . ... -....... -- American . SOAP, v It Northern. .... SUGAR, P I Standard .grain.. standard A... . r..... WTilte Ex c...i,.:;. Extra c. Golden. C YeUow . SHINGLES, 7 lni V w' Common....... Cypress Saps, . Cypres3 Hearts STAVES MW'0, Barrel.. f R. O. Hogshea(i:...r.. ...... TALLOW.a TIMBER, VMIeer fchlpplnffl.lOO U 00 - nneMni....:..v......:...n 25 isoo jmPrtae..,., w.,.-;i((48 50 . Mill Fair. 5 00 0 00 ; Ccramon Mill.. - - 5 00 -0 CO Inferior to Ordinary.. . f 50f 4 00t WliKBY, V SlrKortnern-: i;.t ef f North Carolina 1 50 J of1 WOOL, V l-WAsUttC.I-.t 123 Ad Unwasted , l & ... l"v Bnrry::.:. r.:. ."-" . 1 44 W . , ft 6., " r oo a 7 co 2 oo 3 j: 50 4jW'5 Mi O 00 7 50 8 00 14 00 0 00 10 00 Hardware, - iriMNWARtf J. W. ATKINHOH. . W. Pil0MEl?. , . w iaihk r. rWiliumglca Savings & Trust Go., 1 nQTRINCESS ST.. ATLMINGTON. .C, AVIOiri5iiorcTCnt5atl;ractorr tccuritr. empower"! to 1 a.n a- AN! fTROCKKUr. Xrjife 'eldonv. "Dauy except sunaay. TjTUn -en. Scotland. Neck Branch; Rojid leaves JIaiifar 2J0 p.- in., arrives -.Scotland Neck at 3:45 p. m., TUvtrton iklO p. m.. Re turning leaves' ftrvert on 7:2t a; m.. Soot laud Neefc at 10:20 a. m., daily except sunrtiy. ,. Train ieaves Tarboro, N. t'u via Alboruurle & Raleigh R. jj. dally except Sunday, 4.C0P. M., Sunday 3.u P. M., arrive Wllllamsten, N. ('., (;.r I'. i., 4.2o P. M..- Plymouth s.to P. M., 5to P. M. Ret urniiig, leaves 'Plymouth. mouth. C, dailv exrvpt Sunday. tUKt . M. Sunday Sai A. M., Williamston 7.25 A. M 9.50A. M.-Anie Tiii lx. N. t'., tJM .. M., li:io.. M. , ft . Train on Midland N. C. i:raiu h leaves (iol'is boro,N. c, dally-except, sun.hiv. u.0o A. M.. anive Smithflcid, N. c, 7.30 A. M. Returning leaves Smith lie id, N C., s.oo A.M., arrive UGldsboro, N. o., 9.30 A.-M. . - Triin" on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount vi'or Nashville, 3.00 P..M.. arrives at Nashville 3.40 V. M.. Spring ilope 4.15 P. M. Returning leaves spring Hope"-10.00 A, M.. Nasnvllte 10.35 A. M.,- arrive Rocky Mount 11.15 A ,m . , daUy except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily, except Sunday, at 0.00 P.M. and 11 10A. M. 'Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 A. M. and 3.10 P. M., connecting at War saw with Nos. 41 40, 23 and To. Southbound-Tvain on? Wilson A Faye.teville Branch is N0.51. Northbound is No: .SO. Dally except Sundav. Train No. 27 South wtU slop only at Wilson, GolcLslKtro and Alagnolia. Train No. 7S mai:es c-los connc-llon at v don lor . 'ill. points North daily. --Alt rail Ma Richmond, and daily, except Sunday, via Bay Line. - Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains ran solid between Wilmington and Washington, and nave Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. Flonda Special Vestibule Train No. 501 leaves We Mon Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9:50 p. m., arrlfing Wilmington 2:C0 a. m.4. Tuesdays; Thursdays-and saturdass leaves Wilmington 1:00 a. m., arriving Weldon 5:33 a.m.. . JOnN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Supt. J." R. KENLY; Sup't. Transportation." T. M. EMERSON. Genl Passenger Agent. Carolina Central Railroad -Company, If --ajr Ip-'- - sssa) tm CHANGE OF SCHEDULK WESTBOUND TliAINS. - Sept. 22, 1889. Na 41. daily ex. Sunday. Leave Wilmington! 2 20 pm Leave Hamiet i puj Leave Wadesboro. t 7 39 pm; daily ex'dally ex. Sunday. I Sunday. Arrive Charlotte. Leave Charlotte... Leave tlncolnton. Leave Shelby ArriveRutherTdt-nl 9 :5 pm 7 10 pm 2 on am 3 25 atn 9 45 ami 55 pm r 2 cm 8 2l pm 19 45 pm EASTBOUND T1M1NS r.Sepk22,1889. No. 38. dally ex. Suadny. Leave Rut Lerfdt'n Ixavc Shelby ! Leave. Li ncolnton . i , Arrive charlotte.. -Leave Charlotte... t 5 15 am Leave Wadesboro.! (sam Leave Hamlet..... 8 20 am Arrive Wilmingt'n J2 30 pm No. 54.: No. 6. daily ex (dally ex Sunday j Sunday 45 aia li)05am ' Ul 00 am ' 12 20 pm s Zi pm, t . 11 w pm ' 1 45 am h io am' . . fTralns'o. 41 and 33 make cloe connection beiwcen Charlottc and points North via Ral eigh. . . " ' - - , TndnsNo. 51 and5t make close connection at Hamlet; to andTrom Rakigh. - - Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington nt Charlotte and Charlotte; and Raleigh. ,T. W.'VviilsNAST. upcnnieiwjetT. F. W. CLARK, Uenl Passenger Agent. MISCELLANEOUS. Atlantic Coast Lino. Wilniintorr,; C;nbiDia Augt:std;E. 'JiX'" , ! lit1 CONDENS ED 8CHX;D OLE. TBAJN3 COlNC.!KUT:l. Dated Jan. 13, 18(l'fcfa 25-no.I 27. Leave Wll Leave Marion.. Arrive Leave ilorence, . ii . Arrive Sumter. i ,nf; Leave Sumter........ Arrive Columbia..,. . N 15. mincion.. t. a i,1 t,t C iUlVli'. .... .T rr. n A u. ; . x3 U. . t l i ST 4 35 8 15 A. IL E3. A. M. a 4 m ;ll 5ii 10 1J & . Na 52 runs thrcxtgh from tuarlestca 5 Central R. R. - - Leaving Lanes 9:15 A. M.; Manning p:53 A. Train oaCtD, IL IL connects atfloreac wi th Na 58. TRAINS GOINO NOIOTI ! Na 51. Leave Columbia Arrive suinter,. Leave Sumter. . An1e Florence ..... Leave Florence. Leave -Marios..? ..... Arrive Wilmington... P.' M.J. 10 85 11 5 11 I 1 15 A,3L NO. 78 A.'M, 4 vr 8 35 A.' 31. Na l f 37 P. M. . No. m 7 no , sdi. 11 10. A. M; Na P. M. 6 20 4i P. M. v 8 W . t Mi1 - -IV M; - Daily. 1 Dally except Sunday., .7 i , ... c .No. &l runs through to Charleston. S, CL, via ' , Central ltr R., arriving Manning T.-04 P. L. Lanes 7:42 P. M . . Charleston 9iW 1. 3kl. - -a Na ft) connects at Fiorenco with U. and 1). . ? train trom, cheraw and AVadcsbora , , i Nos. 7S and 14 make close connection' At Wil- mington with W. & W. R. R. for nil points n North. j , -! '-- . Train on Florence R. R. leave Pco Dee rtally except Sunday 4:40 P. 3f., arrive Rowland :4 p. m. Returning leave Rowland 0:30 n. m.: or- -J rncjfe uce tuaia. ra.i . inf ..iiim, l Train on Manchester & Augusta R. R. leavcx Sumter daib. v-vcept Sunday, lOr.vi A. .M.nirh e IMnli onliAn lWtl Ik 11 ! awl n 1th'fA iIa. ivi uuu j ju iui i I - jiuir i IV l ardsgn rj.J.'U. M.airtve snmtecl St) r.ll.v r l' lorida s:mcui a ctstlmile leaves W llmington"2:!0 a. m.,Tut;Mtavs,Tlui s- " days and Saturdays, nnlvlng Aylcj- ann'.tion ;' 0:Ua. in. - - ? j 4i.ry.tji Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. "Florid. Special Vestibule train No. 500 leaves iTmrleq. ton. -Northbound, 5:11 j. m-varriU'S WU-f . irditgron 12:."i MlUnlgiu. V - . ...ji.. - JOHN F.-DIVIN;VV 5 , iencai SapcrlAtt-ndrbt.' " .1. it. KKNLY. Ass t ucnTMnnagcr. r i : t T. M. EMERSON, General JI'asHengcrAceiC-, Atlantic Coast Line. Nortij-Eastern R ffi ofS; C CONDENSED SOU ED OLE TRAINS GOING SOUTlf. Dated May. 12. SO. Leave Florence. . . . . . 44 Kingstree..... Arrive Lam -a.... i Ix?ave Lanes...-. . i Anive Charleston NO. 27. A. Mi 1 35 2 "Ml, 5 00 M. No; No. A. M. I Id fi5j 11 20j 11 20! 1 'M P. M. IV M. P M. Print- Catch On! Your ortlors" for .inx, KuUng and Iiiiiinjr, will le exct.'uted .asn'X-i jxHlitiuusly-doliverVr i ? nxnupily and guaraifc-I ! , teetl tt J m in at ifa tonVria.-i'.' an v. lirst-cia Train No. takes No. 53 south of LanoH. Train on c. p.lL R. connects at Flom,. c with no. 23 Train. - TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Charleston.... Arrive Lanes.... Leave Lanes....;.... 44 Kingstree.... Arrive Charleston.... No. 78. NO. 14. A. M. 12 25 2 4.-. 2 5 3 10 4 20 A. 31 , NO. . 62. r. m 4 3tf 0 2sJ 4 aj. A. M.. P. M. j A. M. ' Dally. t Dally except Sunday. Train No. II connects at Florence with train on C. & l. R. r. for Cheraw, s. C, and "Wadca- bora, N. V. '-J!' No. 53 runs through to Columbia via Central R. R. of S. C. Nos. 78 and 11 run solid to Wilmington. ' c, making close connection with w A W. R. for all points north. .. , . JNO. F. DIVINE, , General SupcrinteDdent .J. R. KENET, AsstJen I Manager. . i T: M. Emerson, Gcn'l Passenger Accat. $ , ' - -i.- - ". y t .- THE STATE CHRONICLE, Successor to the Farmer and .ilofhahlc, aa tt5 chronicle.) Under New Management,1 NEW81 JJKIOHT ANI;CLEAN. ' UP WITH THE TIMES. T HE "STATE CD RON ICLE' WILL i atst aUlislinient.r We Iiavt work. jiiatcnal hftt Pa name impUc-a state ran-r. Tp not tnltal!iKh chronlcl.,ajid will not U . lo-al or secttouaL it .will aim io keep cp ' with t lie news from M turhy to Manteo. or, aa I he poll t Ida us put it. from Cherokee to ita-i trituck. , . m wm ifMu?org4n oi uo, tuau, no ring, no w.d ion. no party, it will be ix mocraitie.in ciiiit, but win ut , iwt itato io crmd1 iHmorrwttc wawetf and lcmo.Tmiic.orrjcrtm...! . v TKJlMS OF PL'BSCJtHTIoy: Obi Year ,.........,. w. vir.ni h i in shn-e M onfti. .. . ... . . .i... ......... &i iTFor a sample c-opy addles ; Tilt sTATJt CHRONICLE." ? Sencf in Your Wort. ASI STILL AT THE SAM B OLD.STAND.O.V Second Mrt-eu'anO aia ready to repair a! klndaof Furoituro and Domestic Article?. I will uo tti- workt wui and uy cJharges are al ways moderate. ai$(zi'tit gisjimtcix ia ei ry iafrfaitce. , ' ' " . J. 15. F.RILR. , ' sccocd'fttrecf, be Market an.1 ith-ts. rLns; 9 T. m " cr? cJaf. Lnrgcst stock ! or $ 'papor to - select fionr, '- f prugu &nil fchcmicalr,-! , f roiLirr articles, patent medicine Ttacn'.dcr Braces, Trasses, etc, etc, ;f ;iso rrc5cr!rUot3 filled lay or ft!ft: at 1 , t ' P. C. MILLER c, . r Drugstore. Corner Touit a