-I I?LKAS8 KO'flCS. ';"'. We wm tm ctotl to rpcrlTa coamummi from oar mcnn on any &nJ Ml cntjixts -tynmi interest, bat I ' Tne name of tne writer must Ahr&js too nlsHfM to me ejus? , . ' . . . - Communications must W written on one size of tne paper. Personalities must pe avoljjcxl. Ana tt ts especially n1 pjutlctilarir rmdc stood tint tne Editor dons not always endors the views of correspondents anlos3 so tn the editorial columns. NEW ADVERT ISEMENT8. rrd tnn JOSH. T. JAM9. Witxvr and Prop. ; IlBSCBirTl053. POSTAGE PAID: oa six monUis SiOa Three rp 1 JC it ill; r te deUTerea by earners, free nrt of the city, at the above LorlOCftP"" 't.w vrtil please report any and cutecriwrs p regularly. VOL XIV. WILMINGTON, N, C WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1890. NO 75. Da TPb "niTf "rir "rr K M W JLlbJL V 1 x V A Presents tl-c aiost elegant form THE LAXATIVC and NUTRITIOUS JUICE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be nnst beneficial to the human , system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma r.entiy cure Habitual Consti pation; and the many ills de- pcudius on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS. LIVER AND BOWELS. It is the mou excellent remedy known to CtfMSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one ii Eilious or Constipated SO THAT PURE ELOOD, RKFRESHIHQ 8LEEP, HEALTH and OTRENQTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Ever' one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOB MANUFACTURED OKLV BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAX FRANCISCO, CAL, VHiimilt. Kt. NW YORK. It. Y For sale toy r , KOtSEItT B BELLAMY, i wnOLFALE DRUGGIST, mch 36 ly diw Wilmington. N. C 10 DAYS FROM NOW I WILL OPEN MY SPRING STOCK -OF- DRY GOODS. i IS THE MRANTINE I WILL CLOSE OUT THE REMAINING PART OP WINTER DRESS GOODS Regardless of Cost. WE MUST HAVE ROOM, some few lines of these can be used for - TO!' CAS (JET (in EAT BARGAINS IN - S! -FOR THE NEXT DAYS TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR. I NEW STOCK, XVtIc, will 8urnass Anyihin lor Va"ioty ana Beauty l:-fer ""ought to tht:al&rkt. ur ba-Vfr now in the Northern markets. ifor his return, far you can count on lira. . Respectfully, J J. HEDEICK. Wanted. 4 0 ,lLLDLK HQUSK SERVANTS. ALSO cnctcrs ana Blacksmiths. . Aprajto v. V;: O.W. PRICE; Jil,' sk'hC 7 1 V WE OD There are 3,793 KiiscopnlCburc)ics in (he United States. Out of that number 2.R74 have adopteil the free ', pew system. . ; , ,- . ' . ; : rnt. H t .ii.. r. --x..-.tw lorK urrtamers Association has collected $8,000 to- the late S. S. Cox. rtirna I 'AAA 1 ' wci -,vw oiuiv ciiiv ijamtuuun ( luakgrs are on a strike in yew York. J They demand 10 hours for a day's; work, instead of 14. i The steady growth of business in Annlston, Ala., is shown by the re cent establish went of twvnew banks with a capital of $100,000 each. , Minister Lincoln lias suffered a se vere loss in the death of his only son. With the lad's death the male line of the Lincoln family is threatened with extinction. Congressman Springer, of Illinois, is wiry of frame, and has a pointed gray beard and a stentorian voice. He is 51 yeaj-s old. He is seldom with out a red rose in his button hole. William T. Stead, the far famed English editor, is short as to his , 1. ,. ' unri iib iu maimer, ne is miuicuuv religious. He has interviewed every celebrity in Europe. - Gladstone has published 290 books and pamphlets. This does not in clude his magazine articles or any of his speeches. He has all his life been assimilating knowledge and giving out ideas. The Democrats of Richmond, Va., will nominate municipal candidates by a primary election on the 3rd of April. SeveraT of the Democratic clubs have already petitioned the Executive Committee to have the election conducted under the Aus tralian ballot system. At a late meeting of the Royal Botanic Society an interesting s weet scented fern from the society's gar den was exhibited. The perfume closely resembles hat of fresh hay. and, like it, is retained after the frond is dry, and. lasts for many months, if not years, imparting its fragrance to anything in contact with it. The Democrats have invaded Maine, the home of Secretary Blaine and Speaker Reed, and the distin guishedand soon to be extinguish edgentleman was not on hand to count in those not present and not voting, which was a sad oversight on his part. , In Biddeford, on Mon day, theDeniocrats elected the May or and the Aldermen from every ward. ' ' - The battle of flowers, a sort of car nival celebration, took place at Nice just before Lent began. The occu pants of more than two hundred carriages pelted each other and the bystanders with flowers. Minnie Hank, the prima donna, had 2,000 bouquets in and upon her carriage, and Colonel North, the "Nitrate King, " was also conspicuotis in. the parade. The fastest time on record, for the world, for a long distance, was made on the Pennsylvania R. R., between New York and Washington, on Mon day last. The occasion was an en tertainment to be given in the latter city for the benefit of the Actors' Fund, by the Madison Square Com pany. The Object was to play in Washington City in the afternoon and at New York at the ususU hour at night, and it was accomplished. The distance between the two cities Is 227 miles and this was accomplish ed in 4 hours and 1? minutes coming South and 4 hours and IS minutes on the return. It was a special train consisting of three cars and a bag gage car and it was pulled by the higgest engine on the road. There were SO people on board. Flagmen were stationed within sight of each other all along the 227 miles of road, so that the engineer had a signal al ways in view. The average running time was 54 miles per hour for the 434 miles covered and at, times the speed of the tram reached 70 miles an hour. The receipts of the bene fit amounted to $2,143.50. These facts are gathered from, a very in teres ting report In the New Tork Star ' . v;-. - . It seems to as that there are less persons aQleted with rheumatism, since our druggists sell Salvation Oil. Trice twenty fire cents n battle. INDEX TO NBW ADYRTT3KMKrr3 W M CrMvriNo Mattresses Timotht Doslax Attention, llltjernlans Mr. Junius Davis, of this citv, U in attend,nff the Supreme Court. Good beef cattle are wanted very f i , uiucn iu mis niarKet. ihey are scarce and high. Boys ! we can sell you a Bracket Saw, with frame, for 10 cents. If. Jacobi Hdw. Co. We regret to learn that tliere is no improvement perceptible to day in Mr. R. B. Wood's condition. We have seen, as yet, but two copies of the Raleigh State Chronicle. What is the matter, Bro. Daniels? The peach crop hereabouts is said to be safe, thus far, and strawberries are not hurt so much as was thought at first. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses cur ative powers exclusively its own, and which make it "peculiar to it self." Be sure to get Hood's. When readyto build, paint or re pair you will find it to vour advan- tage to buy your material of the JJ , . TJ , Jacobi Hd Co. Mr. J. . Brown, of Chadbourn. was in -the city yesterday. Mr. Brown has just recovered from a se vere attack of typhoid fever. "It pleases me so I shall use no other," is what the farmersaid when asked about the Boy Clipper Plow, j sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Swed. barque Robert, Saderberg, cleared to-day for Cardiff with 2,700 barrels rosin, valued at $4,005, ship ped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing &Co. Never a balmier Spring morning broke over Wilmington than w&s that of to-day, but it clouded up during the forenoon, with an out look for rain. "Our Old Chief1 islthe name of our new .and improved White Wamsutta Shirt. Wait for it; will have it ready in a few days. Wilmington Shirt Fac tory, 122 Market St. t A meeting of the N. C. Board of Pharmacy will be held in Raleigh on. Tuesday, March 18tlj, for the ex amination of applicants for license to practise pharmacy. Paint your Buggy for 75 cents, "fi bits," with Detroit carg. Paint, a varnish and paint combined. Guar anteed to give satisfaction. Sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t For the benefit of several enquir ing friends we will state that Easter Sunday falls this year on the first Sunday in April, the 6th of the month. Next Sunday will be Mid Lent Sunday. The Signal Service wires are down somewhere between this city and Southport. A party is now out to locate and repair the break and ev erything is expected to be all right again by ta-night. Found ! (Not my lost copy of "Little Lord Fauntleroy,") but "that health is promoted as well as cowfort insured by the use of a good mattress. I renovate old Mattresses (moss, cot ton, hair and other) and make them as good as new, and also manufac ture new Mattresses to order, cheap for cash. W. M. CUMMING, 17 Prin cess street. tf Evancrelical Alliance. ' The regular monthly , meeting of the Evangelical Alliance; was held last night at Grace M. E. Church. Services were conducted bv Rev. P H Hoge, D. D., in the absence of Rev. J. W. Primrose, who was pre vented by sickness from attending. The subject, "How to Study the Scriptures," was discussed by . Rev. Mr. Swindell, Rev. Mr. Miller and others. There was a full attendance and much interest was taken in the proceedings by all present- To Start Up To-Morrow. The Industrial Manufacturing Co. will commence operations tomor row at their works in the Southern part of the city, formerly known as theClarendonlron Works, and which was purchased by them. The mo tive power has been np for some time and the working mathinery-is now in. As we have stated, they will start up to morrow and tarn ont then the first of their manufac ture, but they will not get fnlly un der way till Monday next. , Forecasts. For North Carolina, light local : i : . , , I ram mm warmer weatner; coiuer on Thursday. - Commendable. All claims not consistent with the high character, of Syrup of Figs are purposely avoided by the California Fig Syrup Company. It acts-gently on. the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the system effectually, but it is not a cure-all and makes no pretensions that every bottle will not substantiate. Little Lord Fauntleroy (Suit) Can be Seen "atTrShrier,s. -I. Shrier, who is always ahead in introducing new novelties, wjlt sell this week the Lord Fauntleroy and Alfonso (King of Spain) suit. Also a full line of children's Kilt Suits at the lowest price for cash onlv. I. Shrier, corner Front - and Princess streets. . - .tf Southport to the Front. A cornet band has been organized at Southport, with eleven pieces. They will go at once into practice and expect to turn out some good music next Summer. They will meet next Tuesday night toadopt a name and to lect a leader. Prof; Sim Schloss. of this city, will be the in- structor. L.oU of FUn In It. . . A ,;coon club" is to be organized in this city very shortly. It will start with seven members perhaps with "more. The fun in hunting coons consists in wading through miles of woods and swamps at night, some times sinking in the mire up to the seat of your breeches, getting your hat carried away by the briers and not getting any coons after all. It is popularly supposed that an all night's experience of this kind is peculiarly stimulating and freshens a young man up wonderfully for his next day's duties,' but this may be a mistake. St. Patrick' Day. Mr. Timothy Donlan, Chief Mar shal, for -tfie parade on next Mon day of the Hibernian Benevolent Society, has issued a programme of the observances on that day, which is the 24th anniversary of the organ ization of the Society. The members will assemble at 0 o'clock and at 10.10 the procession will be formed, and march to St. Thomas' Church where an address. will be delivered by the lit.' Rev. Leo Haid, Bisliop of the diocese., jrAH are ( invited to at tend the services at tlie church. The Reunion Ball will take place on Easter Monday Inight. In the Interest of Seamen. The Rev. W. C. Stitt, D. D., Cor responding Secretary of the Ameri can Seamen's Friend Society of New York, will deliver an address in the First Presbyterian Church, corner Third and Orange streets, to-morrow (Thursday) evening.at 8 o'clock, in the interest of seamen. r ' All persons'who feel any interest in tKe moral and religions progress of this useful class of citizens are earnestly and cordially invited to be present. This information is "furnished us by Mr. George R French, Secretary pfs the jSeauien's Friend Society of the Port of "Wilmington. Peterson's Magazine. Peterson for April offers special at tractions for ladies. The colored fashion plate and other engravings show thf newest and most effective spring styles. Mrs. Lucy H. Hoop er's Paris letter gives full informa tion in regard to the .-latest; French fashions. By the aid-of ""Peter son"' any lady can prepare her own and her children's wardrobes at far less expense, than by any other means. The' other departments of the magazine are at their very best. The steel engravingof Queen Louise, of Prussia, and her sons, is not only a beautiful picture, but especially valuable for giving the portrait, of the late Emperor William when lad of ten. "The Story of Dagmst is one of the best novelets we have met this year.- It is no wonder that "Peterson' preserves itspopularitjv Its fiction, historical sketches, fash ions, luusic and household sugges tions exactlvs meet home neWls. Terms $2 a year. Address Peterson Magaiine, 30 Chestnut St., Phila delphia. ' f BefresJilnje and inTifforatine Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Uunds Brothers' magnificeut new sodafonntain at a temperature of 34. Purest Fruit Sjron, Milk Shakes and Natural Ilinerat.Yater.4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. KID GLOVES! With Hook or Buttons the very best makes. . Embracing all of the leading and best Colors and Shades. MATTINGS, RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, POLESr W. -JRL'TJ"? SrTLTJHL"IESf3- A Yew left, 2x3, 3x3, 3x34, 3x4 yards. NAPIER MATTING A good thing for little money:. R. (UJ. RflclWTIRE. State Convention. The com ing State Convention of the Y. M. C- A. at Goldsboro, begin ning to-morrow, promises to be the largest and most profitable gathering of the kind ever held in North Caro lina. It has back of it what no other convention has ever had a full year's work with a State Secretrry. a year of organized District work, and more financial support than ever before. At the last Convention the State was divided into five districts, with Charlotte, Winston. Durham, Golds boro and Wilmington as the centres, respectively. Committees were ap pointed in each district to have charge of the work in it. Each dis trict has, during the year, held a Convention, and in several of the districts much more has been done by inter-visitation of the active workers, to spread the interest in the work. The State Secretary, Mr. Coulter, has visited a large part of the towns in the State with the spe cial purpose of awakening new in terest in the Convention, and secur ing the attendance of- large delega tions. Flcked Ui at Sea A dispatch from Signal Service Observer Demain, at Southport. re ceived at the Signal Office here at 8 o'clock last night, says: "A pilot just in front outside reports that this afternoon the revenue cutter Colfax picked up about twelve miles at sea the Italian barquetine Antonio, load ed with sulphur and bound to Wil mington. Her foremast and main ami mizzen-topmasts had been car ried-away. She is otherwise in good condition, and her cargo is safe. She is now off the bar. The cutter is with her, and the tug Jones has just gone out.' Mr. Demain telegraphs to-day the following additional news: "Particulars concerning the barque entine were sent in at 10 o'clock last night by the officers of the cutter Colfax. The revenue cutter has just arrived at the bar with the dismast ed Italian barquentine Antonio in tow. The cutter fell in with her about twelve miles off shore. It ap pears that she left Sicato, Sicily, with a cargo of brimstone for Wil mington on December 23rd. On Jan uary 29th, in lat. 243, 31' north, and longitude 53, 50' west, during a fu rious northwest gale, with a high and dangerous sea. she was taken back and lost her foremast, with all attached, together with the main topmasts. At the same time she was boarded by a heavy sea and one of her crew, Dominieo Spagna, was swept overboard and lost. She was furnished with provisions and water on March 4th by the British steamer Miranda, from New York for Ja maica, and this supply had about given out when the Colfax took her in tow.' "How shall I sleepf asks a cor respondent. "Try to stay awake to catch some train, or if you have a bad cold take a dose of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Opera House. ji ILLUSTRATED STEREUPTICON LEC- ture on the SIGHTS of LONDON, for the benefit of the UDrary Aoclatlon, Monday. Kth of March. Admission 50 cents. Chi Wren z cents. Gal lery 15 cents, s-eats at Yates, commence at S.isp.m. : mcn.jotf Now is the.Time ! Jj ICHT .NOW, AND COIt5-CV BED BUG muicepUc Is the thing that 1U 60 the none quickly, quietly and pleasantly, ask jour dmsntsi for it: ?X a bottle. c V , JAJtia D. NTJTT, ' " Sole Macufacturw and Proprietor. C) 2. Front he.. Cuy. ns' h ; tf Attention, Hibernians! fJMIE MEMBERS OP TUB HIBERNIAN I1E- nevolent society are ordered to assemble at their Hall on Monday, March 17th, at o'clock a. m.. wiih white gloves and the new badges, to celebrate their ?th anniversary, the natal day of Saint Patrick, the patron saint of ire land, a day the annual return of which, how ever they may otherwise differ, IS hailed with Joy by all true 'rlsrunen and their descen dants. .. ' The procession will bo formed In front of the Hall promptly at 10. 10 o'clock and march to saint Thomas' Church. The Rlgrht Reverend Leo HaKi, of St. Mary's college, Gaston coun ty, and Bishop of North Carolina, has kindly consented to visit Wilmington and honor us by delivering' an address during divine ser vice. - - A cordial invitation to attend Is extended to our Mends, and ushers will be present to scat ait wuo may ravor us by their presence. me urand Reunion nan win take pi Easter Monday night, full notice of which wUl be given hereafter. TIMOTHY nONLAX " mch 12 pt 12 U 15 Marshal. First Cargo New Crop Cuba Masses NOW LANDING RX SCU1L REVOLUTION," 275 Hogsheads. quality lirst-class. Prices low. ana m d ' mt . - vi'orin ql worin. mch 11 it nnnn nn nnnnr U 1 1 17 PltlNCESS 8T1CEET. MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Mattresses OF ALL KINDS AND SIZES. ALSO Springs, Cushions, Pillows. Renovating Done to Order Quickly and Nicely. mch 11 tf We Have A SPLENDID RUBBER DRESSING COMB for 23 cents, veryflne. mch 6 tf BLUE LILIES, a new rerfumo MUNI BROTHERS, ! 101 N. Front street. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR FINELY SELECTED KTOCK Oft Pianos and Organs, WHICH WE OFFER AT VERY LOW PRICES, CASH OR INSTA LM EXT Over two hundred families in Wilmington can testify a? to the merits of our Inntru ments. We have the latest design in tjeautiful woods, from the magnificent SOTJrJER PIANO TO THE LOWER l.'KADES. .', y 0:ELG-A3Nr;3 we hare from Wilcox White and Mason Hamlin in great variety, E Van LA Kir. f-b 24 tf eod w. Red Cro&s ist reet. John Werner." rjlflEJJE IjTbIT ONE, AXD HE HOLDS for;h at No. 2ti Market mnvt. a good tsoare for 10 cents, a thaaipoo for 3fi u?nts. or a Hair Cut for 20 CifitH." Four of Ut Vst Car bers tn tie mate. Clean towel, taarp ranr ar.d prompt at tsidanc?. JOHN WERNEir. . w . - The German iitrixr. ftbWtf raiarkct stmt. 1 fi 11 ii

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