THIS FAFK ' rusAi: koticx. r We win to etaa to recflTO comnialc&ti trom out men as on any ana an ntjects -neral interest, but . .' The name or the writer must arrays t T ' : nishea to me Editor. A commanicarions mast be wrltUn on v " one sioo or tne paper. -:-Personaiinea ran be avotJM. ' And It is especially an4 $lrcalany taflJ stood that tne Editor does not'always endors the views ot correspondents anless so " in the editorial colamns. .' ' -.1'.' published every eTcnUtf, excepts By josiLT. JAMES, Editor and Prop. suuscrjrnoNS. postagb paid: ore year, .oa Six months $2.0 Three " one month, 3S cents. "; TPf,IlbcdcUVCrC1 l)3rcarrlers-frcc of charge, m any part of the city.- at the above rite'.orl.mntsperweeir. . ; vermin rates low and liberal. Mr- Kutriber will p"a report any and t!l failures to receive their per rtgalariy.; XKTV A 13 V ' ItT I S F'M ENTS r D 3 il H i vol: xiv. WILMINGTON, N. C. MONDAY, MARCH 24,1890. NO 85. Y A0 h, Vnrt aw as4 J SUM- IP prtsentj iv. the aiost elegant form THE LAXATIVE aho NUTRITIOUS JUICE OFT1IE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Coirj'ined with the medicinal virtues of plant.-? known to be most beneficial to the human . system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS. LIVER AND BOWELS. It s the r..fl.t excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY Whta cue is Bilious or Constipated so that PURE ELOOD, REFRESHING 8LEEP, HEALTH and 8TRENCTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK Y3UFJ DRUOQIST FOR MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. HAN FRANCISCO. CAL. VKMtvillf. Kt. NEW YORK. N. Y For sale toy ltOlfGItT IS BELLAMY. WHOLESALE DKUGGIST, j m m h ly Wilmington, N. C. We Have SPLENDID RUBBER DRESSING COMB foric.nrs. BLUE LILIES, a now Perfume very tiut. MINOS ttROTITEKS, 101 N. Front street. ADRIAN & VOLLERS, WHOI.r.SAI.F. DF.AIKKS IN- Provisions, Groceries, Liquors. Tobacco, Cigars, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cor. Front ami Iork Sl WILMINGTON, N. U anr.if Removed. T n.VE REMOVED MY BOARDING HOUSE I'w-i. -"-'' oiitvt iv .u. corner 'mnirr J i.i.-, nt-.i; i nave ampie srooaio accommodate a few more nonrdprs t , !lY,1flnd Dke,' ,uin'slietl. The Tablo HSuMwifb,he u""sr t,ie market affords. "JinKooiiWri to boarders. ' team.- M,S-ALI-ADKINS, L IJ w Proprietor. Caffeine Seidlitz. FbmSf,1' HELIEF OF NERVOUS hSJX braiQ 'atiguc, depression r oh ltc an(1 otnfr excesses, heart Ik1' debilttv.- etc. one craln of tST R ! an' rins aurinsr cfrcr lN ir. n,JMf NtTT, Apothecary. r.-nt st., wnmtcRton. N. C. mch 19 p SALOON, lrner o North Water a&a Mulberry Btroeu, r l icWl a. h. :dif Until p. o. 5alBrdiv. i'.P. HKOVNE, A-ent, --J WILMINGTON, C. STILL AT WORK f M X0W WELI- Tit SPARED TO REPAIR 9 .1 f c-. and where it la possible make as new. work done promptly Mesiovr. Can and see me and iret es- J. TJ. FAP.RAR, L. ror. Front and. Orange streets, p stni agent here tor tho New iiome Jwt. y peaks and"oiyor sale,' pn Say aad Igll. 1 Influenza lias gont to Syria and is snid tt be leaking Syrias inroads i there. I 'The-only space on the London omnibus when an advertisement loe not go is underneath." TJien surely it can't be on it if it is under it. A man atSnisim, Cal.. has made a clock that will run 40 days without winding the second time. Probably the minute time or the hour time U wound occasionally. . Avery large letter was recently mailed in Australia. It weighed 238 ounces and the value of the stamps on it amounted to . - - a m - Mr. William Endicotr. of Boston, who has just entered his !)2d year, is the sole Hurvivor of the seventh gen eration of John Eudicott's descen dants. -The first cash John 1). Rockefeller ever Ibid vas a tpiarter, which he is said to have earned working for a farmer to get money to go to the cir cus. He is a rocky feller to-day. An Indian squaw picked up 0 worth of gold nuggets in the Frank lin county lulls in Maine, and sold it in Portland, and now the woods thereabouts, are full of squawters looking for gold. A. raid is being made upon Liver pool clubs that rtfe reported to be centres of betting. Eleven hundred and eighty-four summonses are be ing issued against the directors and frequenters of 25 clubs. It is said, that" "Germany is the only civilized country in the world where murderers are still beheaded with an axe or - sword". Is France not a civilized country? or is the guillotine not an axe? s - For nearly a month this winter the Union Pacific Railroad expend ed $5,000 per day for shoveling snow. But it was the wrong time of the year to shovel snow. They should have waited until the Summer. 2s'ew York State has become so alive to the necessity of preserving her game that, the Representatives in the Legislature have introduced as many as twenty nine bills .to that end. Not quite one bill for every bird. . . - A hhas been passed by the Ohio Legislature authorizing township triisteeTto deduct .$3 from the road tax of any property owner who erects on his own land and supplies pro'perly a public, watering trough. The following curious advertise ment appeared not long ago in a newspaper iu Paris; ''A lady, hav ing a pet dog whose hair is of a rich mahogany color, desires to engage a footman with whiskers to match." To match the hair, the dog or the lady? The development of the beet su- ini' fnilnctrv Vine titflda wolldprflll strides-in France. There is a good field in America. Plenty of beats here--dead beats whose sole aim in life seems to be to ride free on the railroads and beat newspaper men out of their just earnings. Many surgical instrument makers are out of employment, as business is quite dull with their tradeat pres ent' Probably trade is dull because the instruments are new and don't wear out fast enough. It's bad. though, when a man's nose is brought to the grindstone instead of his tools. Corporal Tanner is said to be mak ing an abundance of money in Wash ington. He. employs a force of 12 clerks and his practice is worth at least 410.000a vear. Now let him show his practical patriotism and donate a big slice of this to the t poor and needy-soldiers he used to prate so muohabout. The Petersburg bide Appeal?: Senator ' Hawley's speech on the Blair bill contains a declaration of admission. He declares that the Republican partyj is distinctly a States' right party j he admits that promUeg made In party platforms are noticing more than 'a polite recognition'- of what the people de mand. The declaration is starthng: the admission refreshing. v ' 1 i ... , - 'it If your-beist gir! s cold, if your tailor is persistent, -it your English collai is too stiff,' if yonr friends prte false, don't you care, to long as vou can cure your cold with Dr. Bull's Congh Syrup. , A yoniipj man of twenty yeaVs of j ngu was arrested in Ala, a few days.! afro on the charge of bifjaiuy, . he ', having been married four times in I as many months, i a verv intelligent It wouldn't take committee to de- ! cide as to the insanity of that young ; man. I ! Coal has been discovered in the ; mountains up Deep Creek, Mont., j and the work will be vigorously j pushed as soon as thn weather set I ties: that is. as soon as the coal wea- j ther has gone. V ''Boston :50 acres capitalists have bought t i i i ; i. I 1H liLIlU in Lexington county. S. C. Large pottery works for making white table wear will be erected there." It is presumed that the same kind of wear will answer for colored tables as well as white tables. Hood s Sarsapariila has the largest sale of any medicine before the pub lic. Any honest druggist will con firm this statement. LOCAL NEWS. Index to New advertisements; Ckoxly & Moitiys Notice Sacked Conceiit At First Baptist Church The Seacoast train yesterday af ternoon was made up of four coaches, all full. Boys ! we can sell you a Bracket Saw, with frame, for 10 cents. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Two young friends Imnted on (jreenville Sound a few davs aero r and brought Jiome "il robins and a rabbit. When readykto build, paint or re pair you will find ir to your advan tage to buy your material of the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. f AS the W. & W. R. It. Co.-will re their own quire the warehouse for use it will not be rented on Wed nesdav, as has been advertised. '"It pleases me so 1 shall use no other," is what the farmer said when asked about the Boy Clipper Plow, sold by theN. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Br. steamship Tronto, Sullivan, cleared tonlay for Liverpool with 7,2.V bales cotton, valued at $33S,3S0, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt Sj Son. A change of schedule went into effect yesterday on the Carolina Central R. R. The night train now leaves here at CAH p. m. and arrives at 8 a. m.- It is said that all of the dogs be longing to the pack of fox hounds. G in number, are sick at a farm near the city and it is said that they all have the grip. Ask for ' Our Old Chief." This new and improved Wamsutta Shirt is now ready and for sale at our Shirt Factory only, at 7"c. 122 Market St.. J. Elsbach, prop. t We hone there will be a large at tendance to-night at the stereopti con trip up the Rhine. It promises to be the most delightful of the series vet given here. Capt. R. M. Mclntire has returned from one of his frequent visits to the "Northern Markets and this time lie laid in a superb stock of Spring ami Summer goods. It was cool enough for fires and overcoats yesterday and this morn ing but not cold enough to injure vegetation. Warmer weather is promised for to-morrow. Paint your Buggy for 7" cents, ' brts.'' with Detroit carg. Paint, a varnish and paint combined. Guar anteed to give satisfaction. Sold by the X. Jacobi Hdw Co. t Ger. barque ' cleared to day fcr Liverpool with 1.401 barrels rosin and 4K) casks spir its, valued at $10,40-". shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing A: Co. Alderman Oscar Pearsall, who hts recently returned Floriita, is greatly improved and is nearly his old self again. He was on the street this morning and as greeted by laany, who were glad to see ht re; tnl to health; uThe sweetest thing that ever grew baside a human doo.rV vra lit tie May, until she took, to having headaches for a' time she -lost- her beauty, but one bright day her papa bo-.sght a bottle ofalvation OiI,and Io! she is as weet and pretty as ever. (Only 2 cents a bottle.) r Commendable. All claims not consistent with the. high character of Syrup of Firs are! I purposely avoided by the California Fig Syrup Company. It acts gently on the kidnevs, liver and bowels f cleansing the sj-stem effectually, but ' it is not a cure-all and makes no pretensions that every bottle will not substantiate. A llamUoinc Picture. Messrs. Xortbrop, Hodges & Tay lor, insurance agents, have present- ied ns with a 'photo-engraving of j Confederate commanders, published by the Tmvellers Insurance Coi'n- i pitny. There are in the group Presi dent Davis, and eight of his generals, ! Lee, Jackson. Lornrstreet. A. P. Hill. Jeb Stuart, Jo?. E.'Johnston, Hood Tand lieauregard. It is a handsome, spirited picture and is well worthy of being framed and preserved. Katie Putnam. The box "sheet for Katie Putnam j at the Opera House on' Wednesday will be open to morrow at Mr. lates and those who want the best seats should be on hand early. Miss Put nam has always. been a great favor ite here. It has been years, however, since she last favored us with a visit In the meantime she has passed j much time in Europe and it is said that she has improved wonderfully, even on her own former exqusite presentments. She is hacked up by a line troupe and there is no doubt of the character of the entertain ment. She delighted the Charles tonians on Friday and Saturday night and the press of that city speak in exceedingly high terms of her performance there. She will be greeted by a crowded house here. Tlie Sacreil Concert. There is no doubt of the fact that there will bo a very large attendance at the sacred concert to be given in tlu- First Baptist Church to-morrow night, on which occasion the new organ will be formally inaugurated.. We publish herewith the programme which has been adopted for the oc casion: y Mendelssohn March from Mid summer Night's Dream, Miss Cannie Chasten. Abbot Hear our 1' raver, Messrs. J. I). Smith. G. P. Welsh and John Grant. Meyerbeer My Soul Doth Live in Thee, quartette: Miss Annie StoK ter. soprano: Mrs. F. A. Mr. S. H. Burtt. tenor: Holden, base. A. Guilmant March Mr. E. P. Boat wright. Geibel Inspirer and Prayer, Messrs. G. P. Brooke French. Rodnev Calvary, Mrs. Muse, alto; Mr. H. K. Religieuse, Hearer of Welsh and A. D. Jen- kins. Havens Shine Softly, male. quar tette: Messrs. J. D. Smith, Brooke French, G. P. Welsh and H. K. Hol den. Lloyd--ChristRisen, Miss Minnie Scwartz: cornet obiigato, Mr. James E. Wilson: flute obiigato, Mr.. W. A. Martin. lours (a) 'andante: Kozeluck (b) pastorale; Dr. Jouyhurst (c) March of King David's army II , G, Gil more, Blnmenthal The Message. Mrs. A. I. Jenkins. , Mozart Gloria from Twelfth Mass,chorus: sopranos Miss Minnie. Scwartz. Mrs, M. F. Manning, Miss Annie Stolter; contraltos Miss Liz zie Waddell, Miss Belle Wood, Mrs. F. A. Muse; tenors Messrs. Biooke French, J. I). Smith, S. H. Burtt; bases Messrs. G. P. Welsh. John Grant. H. K. Holden: accompanist Mi-s Cannie Chasten. Th lclkacy of Wumai. "Like the lily once mistress of the field, woman btten hangs her head and perishes, trin-t ing to innocence and love to protect." Her eye may grow dim. her cheeks paIe"befor"e her lips will reveal the secret of her suffering. Appreciating this element in woman's nature, Dr. R. V. Pierce has prepared u rmed called "Fa vorttt i rescript ion," adapted espec ially forthe diseases and weakness es peculiar to women, and placed the same on sale'bv druggists. Ask for the '-Favorite, description," and vou can cure votirself without pub licity, ami without being subject to the Axaiuination of surgecni. Full direciipns wnn eacn uottie. it is. the only $Mrantfcil cure. , See guar nntee oj very bottle-w fappe j. - Pehcions Sola Water a drawn from Munds Brothers' magnificeut nevr soda fotmtain at a temperature of S4V Purest Fruit Syrup, Milk Shakes and Natural UineralJVater. Forecasts For Xoith Carolina, fair to-day and rain on Tuesday and warmer. ; F ', w For Wihuinfrton and vicinity, fair eather. I.itllo Lord l'auntleroy (Suit) Can be Seen at I. Stirier'f. Shrier. who is always i 1 ahead in i s ; ifltroihipim niv nr-tltij will nll this week the Lord Fauntleroy ami ' Alfonso King of Spain) suit. Also : a full line of children's Kilt Suits at , the lowest price for -cash only. . 1. j Shrier, corner Front and Princess ! srreets. V tf City Court. - The following cases were disposed of by the Mayor to-day: Charles ( 'onor, disorderly conduct. j judgment suspended on payment of j ots. ! John Merrick, disordeily conduct, ! judgment suspended on payment of costs. I Martha Sanders, disorderly con- i ! duct. 20 or o! days. An Irresistible Appeal. A touching appeal comes from Fredericksburg, Ya.v It is in the shape of a letter from a ladv in that j city to a lady friend here and the (appeal is to North Carolinians-and j for marble stones to mark the last resting place of the North Carolina soldiers who are interred in the cemetery at that place. There 240 of these. The remains were gathered with loving care from the bloody battlefields of the Wilderness and when', interred each mound was marked with a headboard of wood. This was done through the loving kindness and tender regard of the women of Fredericksburg. Those wooden headboards are now decay ing and stones are needed to mark the graves. Of all of the Southern States Georgia alone has responded and she sent the stones to mark the resting place -of her heroic dead. North Carolina was . appealed' to through letters written to Oovernoi l'owle, but no satisfactory response was received. The matter will be taken in hand here and it is hoped that a part, at least, of the stones, or their value, will becontributedjin Wilmington. We feel sure that the response here will be a noble and a liberal one. Kind Wordi of Cheer. When a proprietor knows he has a grand and good remedy for the many ills that flesh and blood are heir to. it pleases him exceedingly to receive such evidences of apprecia -tion as follows: W. F. Miles. Milesville, N. C, writes: "I have used BotamcBlood Balm and find it to be all that it is recommended to be." I). C. Blanton, Thomasville. Ga.. writes: 'I have used Botanic Blood Balm in my family as a tonic and blood purifier with highest satisfac tory results." F. O. Hoffman, editor Times, Rocky Mount, Va., writes: "I am pleased to say that Botanic Blood Balm is the best appetizer and tonic for del icate people i ever saw. It acted like a charm in mv case." F. II. Hickey, 120-S Main street, Lynchburg. Va., writes; l,l was broke out all over with sores, and my hair was falling out? Afterusing a few bottle of Botanic Blood Balm my hair iu it -'falling out and all the sores got well." Julia E. Johnson, Stafford's P. O., S. ( writes: "1 had suffered 13 years with eczema and was at times confined to my bed. The itching iwas terrible. My son-in-law got me one-half dozen "bottles of Botanic Blood Balm, which entirely cured me. find I ask you t publish this for the benefit of others suffering in like manlier."' August A. Klages. Mp St. Charles street, Baltimore, Md., wri ""es: "From my youth I suffered from a poison ous taint in my blood. 'My face and body was continually affected with eruptions and sores, t am liow 42 years of age and had been treated both in Germany i ml America, but no remedy overcame the trouble un til I used Botanic Blood Balm. I have u?ed about twenty bottls."and now my skin is clear, smooth and healthy, ami I consider tl.e jwjison permanently driven fytmi my blood. I indorse it the best bhod r-.u- ed v. "" " K KW ADVEICTI8E31KNTS. . Notice. js THE WILMINGTON A W-KI.l& lf. R. will require the Waixhos for their own us. t litre 'win be no tenting b Auctloa m 2th last. ' cnoXLV MOKKIS. OtclKl U Aw tic neers. Wilmington Savings & Trust Co. J. W. ATKINSON. W. v iTefiirteiili. -;' r.TOOMEK. 1 HQ I'KJNC CSS ST.. WILMINGTON, N. G, IvO LcnU Money ca satisfactory seenrtty, Fay interest on Dcposus. . i. empotrrmj to exsi:u:c Trusts ct il I3a-t3. rj U NCW ADVKtmsKMENTH. SACRED CONCERT AT TlIE-1 First Baptist Church, Tuesday Evening,- Jfarch 2.3(1, oN THE OCCASION OF THE INAUGU- ,.? If AT ION OF THE NEW OliGAN.; : ' The i st amateur talent lnthetty iliipar. t lelpacp. lotli lcstruruentally and vocally. Four or the best pjofessionai Organist s in the city wui give an exhibition ot their rtlU. . An enjoyablfwenruy Is projulscd to alL : Tickets on sale at the Hook flR ores. . ' -inch ?J ::t Lost, -v.;. JglwVCK ." WJ IITE AND TAN OOLOI1ED S"ET tek qu'.r rat. AusTors to name of i:ob. ? Any information leading to hl re t overy win ie liborally rewarded at Express Office. mch 21 St OPERTrrlOUSE. A ILLI SrillIUi SIESEDPIICftS MKU -'x- ' ' .''-. "UP THE HlilNE." . For tlu- bcneilt of the Library Association," Monday, 24th March. Admission r(i cent?, children 2' cents. rGal lory 1") cents, seats at Yates", cointnencc at. V s.15 p. in. inch 20 4t CALL AND EXAMINR OUK FINELY SELECTED STOCK OF f" Pianos and Orgiins, WHICH WE OFFER AT VEKV LOW riUCES, ( ASII OH INSTALMENTS. Over two huudre! famllies-nrWilmlnston can testify as to the merits of our Instru ments. " ' ' ; " We have the .latest designs in ieautlful v woods, from the magnificent SOn3 WER PIANO TO THE LOWKlt GHADES. we liavc from Wilcox x While and Mason Ilnmlln in ffreat variety. 15. VanLABtr, fob 2i t f ooa 407 J ted Crass street. FOR EASTER. THE Wont ftt OIF DRESS GOODS Ever Exhibited In this City! THE LADIES AKK KF.SPECTTCLLY INVITED TO An Exnuiination of Our Stock. IT COVEUH ALL THE Novelties in' V LiCU 17 tt II It II

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