It PLSASS NOTICX , -We win be glad to recerre commaalcati from oar;tnenis on any and aUrrtjecta general Interest, ton The name or the writer nrast alirars be nlahed to the Editor. . ? coacunanicattpna mast be written' on one aido or the paper. rersonauuea must bo aTOtded. ' And it u especially ana particularly naoe stood that the Editor doea not always endors the news of correspondent onleaa so In the editorial columns. ice sundaJ excepted, -4 every eve-Rtf. su . jMES. Editor and Prop. "fVi ions. postage PAID:' 1 i mnrrr.j 12.0a Three . .f.L one month, 35 cents. . -.. rv carriers, tree I rr nf tte city, at the above ia any rar 10 cents F' week -ra " , , VOL XIV. 11 please reporx any, . . 1 - grur rpcnlartv". WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, APRIL 1,1890. NO 92. THIS TAVZB. Rmmv II 1 ?.t.e-n 1 : e w-.t elegant form LAXATIVE A-.D NUTRITIOUS JUICE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, . . . i i hrl-aed with the meciicinai -es ot plant.- Kiiuvm w cost beneficial to the human rctMTi. forming an agreeauie E-d effective laxative to perma- -rtly cure iiamiuai cohmi "on and the many ills de- oendinz on a weaK or macuvc condition of the UDIEIS, LIVER AHD BOWELS. t u the cet cjcelleat remedy known to MUSE the system effectually 'Lea cne ii Kilious or Constipated -;0 THAT- uOEELOOD. RsFREaHIwCI 8kIEP HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Erery one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUB D9U00IST FOB MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FRANCISCO, CAL. Vmvitli. Kf. AT IV YORK. N. Y For sale by KUtfEItT R BELLAMY, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, men a ly dw Wilmington, N. C. Caffeine Seidlitz hnKTllE SPEEDY RELIEF OF NERVOUS V laiiche and brain fatleue. depression Silowir alcoholic and other excesses, heart lirn. Bt-rvous debility, etc. one grain of i Jrcbromato of caffeine In each dose. Mix I? powders In water and drink durlnjj effer h3vv. jam es d. NL'TT. Apothecary. r Y Front St., Wllmltston, N. C. mch 19 teif h Secretary and Treasurer ef thj IHnfnulei k WeMon B, B. C. rllEEE AND A 1IALF PEU CENT. 1NTER- onthofrrtmcat-sot indebtedness of the .air.Ktin ;4n.i Wtklon R:llroad compahy pail ar rue omee of ihe Treasurer, at 'miqu, n. (, to all holders of record 1st, lso. Transfer Books will stand closed frcm e to March cist. Inclusive. J AS. F. TOST, Jit., &fy and Treas. v. & W. K. I. Co. OWS I P OWS It was a reporter for the New York Boys ! we can sell you a JJracket a Pieasio? Seme t Forecast... World who was caught in the jury Saw, with frame, for 10 cents. JH. j Of health and strength renewed and 1 For Noith Carolina, fair weather or ease and comfort follows the use ' nu bianonary temnerajure. l or room at the Flack trial. Of course Jacobi Udw. P. tile World, didn't send him there but if he had succeeded in getting Gff with the report the World would have published it, allee samee. Those cotton buiscuits enjoyed much this morning, if;-it r was the first of April. rJ m 1 . T r n 1 x lie jjucuess 01 aianoorou,ii, wno to dav for Liverpool, with 3 "saile.1 alone" for New York, is now.: rels rosin vaIue(i at 1,000 ' iu the big city and was at the Patti by Messrs. Patersou Downii Ger barque Patria, Agrell, cleared 403 bar sliipped ri$z Co. wPrkot I f SrUl f FiS' as Jt acts 1 mony wun nature to . ellectoany cleanse the system when costive or bilious, .tor sale in 50c and $1.00 bottles by all leading druggists. in har- Wilmington and vicinity, from 10 a. iu., cloudy followed this afternoon by fair weather. . nerfonuance a fw nicrhfK sifro. whpn one of the Jenkinses of the press t A lad-v'a bIack cat,e was ohiul on KA-tlinf "UorUnir. nC f if n i Sunday on Third street, between 'U ..x. 1 ir.-ii i arranVrpd on tli tr.n nf I.pp I.p.1 ' i ues,uul n,m uery. Has she been in the habit of arrang ing it anywhere else? It 13 at the City Hall, where it may be recover ed. building, The Smith of Market was sold to Southwest and Front dav at the "Mamma, tester is calling me 1 corner names' ''What names?" She said I rpprs. I was A nerishable tvne of evanesi ei' ' cence." "Well you must excuse her Court House door, to Messrs. S. & B rudeness, for sne has a very bad ; Sofomon, for $10,50u. Mr. S. Van cold to day. I shall cure it to night j Amringe was the auctioneer. ctfrimuiy ut ljiviii; some 01 ur, Bull's Cough Syrup." LOCAL 0NT3B"W"S- IKDKI TO NlW ADVXBTISIMKNTS, Mcnd3 Bkos Pharmacists OrEBA Douse Sights of Paris C W Yaiks Window Shades, etc'8 S 8 co Change of Schedule U R Bellamy King's Royal Germateur Gio R Fke2ch & iSON$ Boots and Shoes Ofera IIocsb Primrose & West's Minstrels - The rainfall here this was just .40 of an inch. morning Many places of business in this city will be closed on Good Friday. s When build, paint or re pair you will find it to your advan tage to buy your material of the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t fis (0 Fit All Lfafc Ths. F Chains. Plow I -MIPS. 7 Pitchfork', spades and Shove's. 'Fishermen's Supplies Hill Twine, Oars, Ifope, etc. fading Material, Paits, Xai!, (;;a Hou-okoepers' Outfits, 1- auee-pans, Fry Pans, etc. helf and Heavy Hardware 'L' ALL kIDS. Ve fx. f-. . .. .. . v...UJ i0 piease you m pncc Jacobi Hardware Co,, fcbiXt THE 13 SO. FKONT ST. ACME MNUFAOTlfRING 00. ASUPACTURERS OF "'lizers, Pine Fibre ant) p'ne Fibre Mattine. ,VllMngton, - 1 N. XV pKtoCTATION OP OUK FE1ITIUZEK5 tsom,l3now established, and " WfiiiHL1 ars use in the aanas of Utr r,,.DI UU? aa other states will To-day having been stock day at the Produce Exchange, the regular meeting of the Board of Managers was postponed until Thursday. "It pleases me so I shall use no other," is what the farmer said when asked about the Boy Clipper Plow, sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t : Ask for "Our Old Chief." This new and improved Wamsutta Shirt is now ready and for sale at our Shirt Factory only,' at 75c. 122 Market St., J. Elsbach, prop. t Paint yoar Buggy for 75 cents, "fi bits," with Detroit carg. Paint, a varnish and paint combined. Guar anteed to give satisfaction. Sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t A lad by the name of Carr, resid ing near the city, was painfully in jured in the arm this morning by the explosion of his grandfather's old gun, with which he was hunting. It is a busy scene now at the works of the Industrial Manufacturing Co. in the lower part of the city. The force is all at work, full time, in turninsr out butter plates, berry baskets, etc. It is economy to buy the best for the least money and acting on this sound axiom Messrs. Geo. R. French &Sons invite everybody to call and inspect tbeir large, beautiful and complete stock of boots qud shoes for ladies, gentlemen and cluldren. See ad. in this issue. Hon. A. M. Waddell will deliver the welcoming address to the excur sionists who are to arrive here on the U. 1 $ 1. V. li. 1. ana tne re 6ponse will be made by Judge Gil uier, of Qreensboro. The banquet will be furnished, by Mr. E. H. Smith, or th,e Orton House, There wjll b,e a meeting of tly Qeneral Committee on Celebration of the C.F. & Y. V. II. R. this (Tues day) evening at 8 o'clock, at the residence of Col. F. W. Kerchner,on South Front street-. A full attend ance is reauested. as business of; much importance is to be considered. 44 Who did vou sav is to be next President?" " "Oh! I don't know and don?t care. I'm not looking for Presidents I'm hunting for a pain remedy." "Ah, you've only 'to ask at the next corner for Salvation Oil, it kills pain every time." Attention is invited to the adver tisement of Dr. King's Royal Germa teur, as it appears in this issue. Rev. Sam Jones endorses it warmly. It was tried by his wife and with the best of results. It is for sale at Mr. R. R. Bellamy's drug store. A Missionary Cox. The ladies of Grace M. E. Church South, of this city, haye determined to furnish complete a room in the Indian Mission School, in Indian Territory, to be called the "Catha rine JG. Kennedy Room". A large box, fdled with towels, blankets and pther articles, has been shipped, while funds will be sent on to pur chase the furniture at a nearer point. n arbor Master's Keport- From the books of Capt. Joseph Price, Harbor Master, we get the following report of arrivals at this port during the month of March: American 7 steamers, 5,391 tons; 14 schooners, 3,071 tons; total 21 ves sels and 9,002 tons. Foreign 1 steamer, 1.385 tons; 5 barques, 2,4S4 tons; 3 brigs, 794 tons; 3 schooners, 379 tons. Total arrivals American and foreign 33 vessels, aggregating 1,101 tons. The Fire This Morning. The alarm of lire this morning, at 4 o'clock, turned in from box 35, was caused by the burning of the roof of a one story frame dwelling on Eighth, between Dock and Orange streets, owned by Mr. J. H. Turner and occupied by Mollie Williams, color ed. The house was partially de stroyed and the furniture almost entirely so. There was no insurance onthe house but the furniture was insured with Messrs. Atkinson & Manning, in the City of London, for 1250. New to Many. The plant known as "the veiled nun," not "the nun's veil," is indi genous to this part of North Caro lina as well as to South America. It grows wild in meadow lands near Wilmington. This is news to many, hut it is" a fact. The "ageratuiu Mexicana," supposed to be native only to Me"xieo, grows spontaneous ly in this State. We have found the blue growing wild on the banks of the Roanoke river and the white grows profusely in various localities around this city. We have gathered great masses of it in an afternoon's rid. Meteorological. Mr. F. P. Chaffee, Signal Service Observer in charge, furnishes the following summary of the weather condition in March, viz: 1 As a city 'of fine architectural monuments and buildings ana or. The mean barometer was 20.12 broad fine avenues and squares as j the highest, .30 .03 on the lfth: the well as of historical associations, i lowest, 29.7G on the 28th. Paris has no equal in the world. The j The mean temperature was 53-; views at the Opera House net Mon- j highest, 77: on the 26th; lowest, Z2 day night should not be missed by j Qa the lGth. The total deficiency in either young people or grown up i temperature during the month was folks, 35:; the total excess in themperature Mr Martin Newman, Chief of the ! nco January 1st last, 530". Fire Department, requests us to! The prevailing direction of the state, in reference to tHe delav in ; wind was southwest, and the total gettins water at the fire bn Sunday, movement 733 miles; the highest morning, that he was notiQed that ; velocity was 3G miles, on the 22d. th water would be shut off but that ! Thc toal rainfall was 1.0-3 inches; Little Lord Fauntleroy (Suit) Can lc Seen at I. Shrier'g. I. Shner, who is always ahead in introducing new novelties, will sell this week the Lord Fauntleroy and Alfonso (King of Spain) suit. Also a full line of children's Kilt Suits at the lowest price for cash only. I. Shrier, corner Front and Princess streets. - tf At Brooklyn Baptist Church. . The meeting at Brooklyn Baptist Church last night was intensely in teresting and much fervor was man ifested. The services were conduct ed by Rev. M. P. Matheney, who is assisting the pastor, Rev. R. E. Peele, in his labors. The church was crowded to its utmost capacity with eainest and attentive listeners and several of those present came for ward at the close of the exercises and desired the xrayers of the con gregation. The meeting to-night will begin promptly at 8 o'clock, and it is desired that all who can will bring their "Gospel Hymns" with them, as that is the bok that will be used during the raee ing. Primrose & W st. The sale of reserved seats to the Primrose & West minstrel show, to take place at the Opera House on Friday night, will be opened at Yiites" book store onThursday morn ing. It is hardly necessary to assure our readers that an unnsually fine entertainment may be expected on this occasion. Wilmington has al ways been partial to minstrel shows and this organization, in all of their visits to our city, have never yet played to a poor house. " We all re member the delightful performance they gave here last Winter and we are sure that we may expect some thing equally good, if not better, on this occasion. Ilefreshlug and invigorating Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Munds Brothers' magnificeut new soda fountain at a temperature of 34. Purest Fruit Syrup,Milk Shakes and Natural Mineral Water. KKW ADVEKTISEAfENT OPERA HOUSls. An Illustrated Stereopticon Lecture on Sights of Paris, MONDAY, APKiL,7tli, 1890. Adults, 50 cents; Children, 25 cents; Gallery, 15 cents. Seats at Yate3'. Begins at 8:20 P. M. apl l tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Copartnership Notice. E HAVE FORMED A COPARTNERSHIP under the firm name or Broun & Cowan, for the transaction of a ' ; , General Insurance .Business,; : and solicit a share of pubflc ratronago. . A. A. BllOWN, J. MCREE COWAN, t. Office cornet chesnut and North Water streets. jt Easter Cards. yyE HAVE A HANDSOME LINE OF ES- ter Cards which we will sell at actual cost. Call In and see for yourselves. MUNDS BROTnEUS, apl 1 tf 104 Front street. OPERA HOUSE. FRIDAY NIGHT. APRIL 4TH PBIftlHOSB & WIOTS GREAT MINSTRELS. PRESENTING THE CRYSTAL SATIN, first part costing nearly $:io,0.TO. See the array of vocalists, dancers and comedians: Geo. W. Primroe. Wrn. II. West, Lew Dockstader, Barney Fagen, Raymond Shaw, Jos. Status, the English Big 4, Barber, the bicyclist, and a host of others. Reserved Feat s on sale ar, dates' Thursday morel ng. apl :;r Wilmington S. V. K. Co. No. 1. Jl meeting of the honorary and re tired active members of the Wil mington S. F. E. Co. No. 1, wisheld last night at "Atlantic'1, hall. On motion, Capt. Jno. Cowan was made chairman, and Mr. W. H. Howell secretary. Tire chairman stated that the ob ject of the meeting was to inake ar rangements for the celebration of the 21st anniversary of the com pany. It was resolved to appoint com mittees to co operate with the com mittee from the active members of the company, as to the charactor of the celebration. Committee to confer, with active members Messrs. Thos. D. Meares, Berry G leaves, Robert M. Houston. Committee on Manner of ClebrA tion and Raising Funds Messrs. John L. Boatwright, H. C. McQueen, T. If. Thompson, O. A. Wiggins, W. N. Jacobs. On motion, the meetingadjourned subject to the. call. of the chairman. It was u large and enthusiastic gathering of the old members of the Company, who are determined that the anniversary shall be cele brated in fitting style. Honest Ioctor. "3 All honest, conscientious physi cians who give B.-B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) a trial, frankly admit its superiority over all other blood medicines. Dr. W. J. Adair, Rockmart, (ia., writes: "1 regard B. B. B. as one of the best blood medicines.' Dr. A. II. Roscoe."ashville,Tenn., "writes: AU reports of B. B. B. are favorable, and it? speedy action is wonderful."' Dr. J. W. Rhodes, Crawfordville, fia., writes: "I confess B. B. B. is the best and quickest medicine for rheumatism I have ever tried.' Dr. S. J. Farmer, Crawfordville, Ga., writes: "I 'cheerfully recom mend B. B. B. as a fine tonic altera tive. Its use cured an excrescence of the nejV after other remedies ef fected no perceptible good." Dr. C H. Montgomery, Jackson ville, Ala., writes: "My mother in sisted on my getting B. B. B. for her rheumatism, as her ase stubbornly resisted the usual remedies. She ex perienced immediate relief and her IT IS ECONOMY! TO BUY TUB BEST FOR THE LEAST MOSEY. CALL AND.BE CONVINCED THAT Geo. It. French & Sons', IO8 Nortli Front Street, IS" THE PLACE. We sell LADIES' FINE DONGOLA B. B. at fl.W, sold elsewhere at ?2.0tt. GENTS' CONGRESS and I'.ALMORAI.S at $l.r,o, worth $2.0o. Upon examination you will find' this differ ence in all the departments. Geo. E,Frencli&Sons, 108 North Front Street. apl 1 tf K?u-ffS!3t4ur wa9 Slven to understand that f"f l?"1" wlderfal " . ' 'ocT d$ ther? ?ould Probably b ongh for n. f Then, as a deficiency of pre- eV. G. W, Earle; pickens, S. d, toritiaffiH25?.t'wa,,15? it tnVnf flw ACK-rAfts ' Cipitation during the month of 2.87 ,i. i V.n.on,ii tT r I k I ri.l T 4 - w 11 . - 1 - W - . . 1 . m ' -m, m riRi ther fabric. 1 , fnr nrA lincnes; tne total aeuciency since WE i :T? ; t , Janaarylst being 7.34 inches. . M!- T&ffito11 taTlnT HcSSra Frost occurred on the 3d, luth anci Jl SririlhTtrfe Selt blSxl pari-,".h; ana ft thunder storm on the -;l5-r: fier ioo aosw one ojlar. l5Qtb, to a man who had suffered for yeaft with a malignant nicer on his leg, that seemed to resist all other treat ment. After using four or five bot tles the nicer began to heal and his leg is now gound and well." Rev.Sam P. Jones WHAT HE SAVS ABOUT DR. KING'S Bill W- arc In receipt of a letter from the uose world-renowned Evanjfellsr. from which we take tho following extract: "I returned from Taylor, Texas, on thc 12th Inst. Ifindrny wife has been taklDg Hoyal uermateur two weeks to the grkat itbcilu isa of her rnvetcAL ststem. she Is now al most free from the distressing headachefwlth which she has been a martyr for twenty years. Surely it lias done wonders for her : I wisn EvEBi roos scrrrr.isa wiry, kad access to THAT MEDICINE." j It 13 an infallible cure for rheumattsia neu ralgia, paraljsl3. Insomnia, dyiepsia, lndl gesuon, dehillty. palpitation. liver, bladder ana aney irouoies. emus and ferer, catarrh, all blood and skin diseases, female troubi3. etc. f or sale by i. Hi apl 1 Kit K. It. HELLAaY, TTiolesale and RetaiL Administrator's Notice. HAVING QUALIFIED AS ADMIXISTRA toron theestau of Benjamin Ashe, de ccal, all persons Indebted to the said estate of the said deceased are hereby notified to make Immediate payment and settlement as longer indulgence cadnot be given, and all per sons having claims ajralnsi the said estate wiu present them forTjayment within time Firescrlbed by law or this notice will be plead n bar of their recovery. This, the j ith day of March, A. U. ISSa ADAM BEOW.V, inch 11 oawsw tees Administrator. TrTTR PA PPP 13 PRINTED WITH xiUO X xLX XiXb Ink lnanaiactwed by the Falnnount iTtntiD ink works. T. K. WEIflUT 4: CO , SXh street &l leTua5yiT.nia aretttie. For Sale, QHEAP FOK CASH, A FINE FARM ON Myrtle Grove Sound, comprising M acres. 25 underctutlvatlon, with an orchard. Also a nne Oyster Garden. Apply at THIS OFFICE,'. Or at corner of Fourth and Dam streetsT mch 31 lw ,: . Window Shades aud Wall Paper. J EW STOCK JUST RECEIVED. A BEAU tlfui line of Wall Taper, new and artistic de signs. Call and make your selection. C. W. YATES, . Wholesale and Retail mch 31 tf Book and Taper House. Auction House, w. j KimaiAM& co.t 7 Market Street. REGULAR SALES DAY TUESDAY AT 10 o'clock. Auction every nleht. Wo have large consignments of all kinds of goods. Wo gnment men 31 tf are agents for the new No. Improred Wheel er wnson sewing .Machine, solicited. RIOTIOE. WO l LD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY MY friends and the public generally that on Mon day, March 31, lsoo, I will opon'a First:('lass Family Grocery Store At No. :t South Water St., where I will keep nothing but the best goods. Also a tine supply of LIQUORS, WINES, cigars, &c. Rest aurant and Sleeping Rooma upstairs.-' TnoMAS GORE. inch 28 lw Now YorU & Wf lminUm Steamship Co. FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER NEW YOR& Ivocatcd between Chambers and Roosevelt 8tS At 3 o'clock, P. M. GULF STREAM.... FANITA BENEFACTOR Saturday, April r ...Wednesday, April s Saturday, April 13 FROM WILMINGTON BENEFACTOR.. FANITA GULF STREAM 3 ....Thursday, April Saturday, Apm s Friday, April II ty Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and south Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to 11 G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, wilmlngtott, IN; C TUEO. F. EGER, Traffic Manager. New Your; WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Genl Agents, apl 1 tf 5 Bowling Green. New York. John Werner. rjlUEKE IS BUT ONE, AND" HE nOLDS forth at No. 2y Market ntreet. A gool tfhUTC for 10 cents, a Shampoo for 2 cents, or a Hair cut for a) cents. Four of the bst Barbers' In the State. Clean . towels, feharp razors and prompt attendance. 4CUN WERNER, The (ierman Barber, febiotf . zt Market street. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR FINELY .SELECTED STOCK OF Pianos and Organs, Wmcn WE OFFER AT VElfY LOW PRICES, CASH OR INSTALMENT. Over two hundred families in Wilmington can testify a to the merit it of our Instru ments. We have the latctt design. In bcaatlfci woods, from the magiilflocnt SOaiPJER PIANO TO THE LOWER GRADES. we have from Wilcox & White and Mason Hamlin In great variety. C. Van L A Eli, ' feb i tf eod 07 Red Cro&s filreef. Hardwares rjINWARE CS7 J t AND CROCKERYi W. E. SriUGER & COm, laportcT5 aa4 Jobbers; "

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