IFWDER For? 1390. :0:- Consider Sck: crra Magazine wnen you upon jour reading matter lor Hie subscription rate is low Absolutely Pure. .This powaer never vanes, a marvel or pur ity, strength and wholesomcness. More econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the m ulutude of low test.short weight alum or phosphate powders So Id only in cans. ROYAL ISA KIMi I'OWDEF C O. ,108 Wall St., N. Y. oct28d&wlrtcnrmthnd 3rdpw Tlio Daily Hoviow. TUESDAY, APRIL 1. 1890. STATE NEWS. Charlotte Kciva: In a window of the Racket store in Charlotte is dis played the door that belonged to the house in which President James K. Polk was born, in Pineville township, 11 miles from Charlotte. Mr. John F. Gallant, a fanner who lives in Steel Creek township, yesterday afternoon lost every house on his farm, save the well house, by fire. Fire broke out in his kitchen late in the afternoon, during the prevalence of the gale, and spread rapidly from onebuiiding to another. Mr. Gallant's residence, kitchen, barn and gin house were otiieklv swept away. Only the well bouse left. Mr. Gallant rescued his stock and one buggy frortt the barn. All that was saved from the residence was one bed and a sewing machine. Winston Daily. Has been heavily laid upon a family, consisting of mother and son, living about two miles north of Winston. Rheuma tism is the disease which has laid one low and seriously, afflicted the other. They live in an old log cabin, with none of the comforts and bare ly the necessities of this life for their surroundings. The son is 23 years of age, about 4 feet high, and will weigh scarcely fifty pounds. For five years he has not stood upon his feet, having been confined to his bed for that length of time. He was at tacked by the rheumatism when only nine years of age, and has been a constant sufferer erer since. Ifis wasted form presents a pitiable spectacle, indeed, the upper and nether limbs being nothing but skin and bones, while the joints are swollen to three times their natural size. The mother has no use of her right arm, one of her feet is swollen to the size of a ham, and she is all doubled up with the same disease.. And there they live, or rather exist how, it is difficult to say. are deciding next season. J 00 a rear. The standard of the Magazine Is high, lis spirit progressive. The Illustrations are interesting and of the Desr. There Is not space here to slve even a sum- kmary of the features to appear this year, but among otnertningsinere win be a new de partment and additional pages, and gronps of illustrated articles win be devoted to the fol lowing subjects. African Exploration and Travel, Life on a Modern War ship (3 articles). Homes in City. Suburb, and country. Prortalng I!ome3 through Building Associa tions, The Citizen's Rights, Electricity In the Household. Erjcsson, the Inventor, by his Authorized Olograph ix. Hunting, Humorous Artists, American and Foreign. There will be 3 serials, itobert Louis Stevenson will contribute in 1830. Each subject, and there will be a great va riety this year, wiir be treated by writers most competent to speak with authority and with interest. Headers who are interested are urged to send for a prospectus. iS Cfns a tab?r, $1.00 for Fear Moill?. COMMERCIAL.' rtCTTS. WILMINGTON MARKET. April 1. 2-JSXf P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Dull at 37$ cents. Sales of 50 casks at 37 cent?. ROSIN Steady at fl.15 for strained and $1.20 for crood strained. TAR Firm at$1.30. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.20 for hard, $2.20 for yellow dip and virgin. COTTON-Qaiet and steady at 10 cents for middling; low middling, lUij; good middling, li. RECEIPTS Cotton, 33: spirits, 76; rosin, 2,297; tar, 34; crude. 90. 1830. Harper's Wei-lily. ILLUSTRATED. r BfAUTXK NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer D Murchison, Robeson. Fayetterille, T D Love. CLEARED. Steamer D Murchison, Robeson, Fayetteville. T D Love. Ger barque Patria, Agrell, Liver pool, Paterson, Downing & Co. EXPORTS. Charles Scribner's Sons, H roadway, N. -Y. 7 4: J Jane tf FOREIGN. Liverpool Ger barque 3,403 bbls rosin. Patria Administrator's Sale. "gY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE Su perior Court of New Hanover County, made in a certain special proceeding there pending between n. A. London, Administrator of sallle ,T. Mcnre, plaintiff, and .Mary F. yulnce and others, defendants, 1 will, on FRIDAY, t he nth day of April, 1S90, at 12 o'clock M., P recced to sel', for CaSh, at the Court House door, in the City of Wilmington, by public auction, one undivided half of that lot of Land in said city, beginning at the intersection of the Southern line of Toomer's Alley with the Eastern line of Front street, running (hence south with Front street 42 feet, thence East wardly 0 feet, thence Northwardly 42 feet to Toomer's Alley, and tlmice West with Toom: er s Alley 50 fret to beginning. II. A. LONDON, Administrator, men 7 bt rach 7 15 2 9 apl 5 10 iSUCtcleiTa vruica Salve The Best Saive in the world for Cats, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Bkin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Forsale by Robert R Bellamy, wholesale and ratoU Orvgpi- LEMON KLIXIK Ita Wontlerfnl Effect on the Liver, Stom acH, Bowels, Kidneys and Blood. Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink that positive ly cures all Biliousness, Constipa "Jtion, Indigestion, al Sick and Ner vous Headaches, Kidney Disease, Dizziness, Loss of appetite. Fevers, Chills, Palpitation of Heart, and all other diseases caused by disordered liver, stomach and kidneys, the first great cause of all fatal diseases.OO cts. and $1 per bottle. Sold by druggists. Prepared only by II. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, Gu. NOTICE. Sale of Valuable Real Estate JY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF TlIESU lrlor court of New Hanover County. I will, at 12 o'clock M., on Saturday, the 5th day of April, A. I). 18W. at public auction sell, for cash, at the Court House Door, In the City ot Wilmington, live (5) lots of Land situate in the City of Wilmington, as follows: First. That mo3t valuable Lot on the West, side of Fourth street, 9i feet south of Bladen street, and fronting 38 feet on Fourth street, and running back i0 feet, to Third street, with a width of 6 feet on Third street. WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND MAR. 21, 180. Cotton ashore, 5,394; afloat, 7,009; total 12,403. Spirits ashore, 2,203; afloat, 310; total, 2.513. Rosin ashore 8,625; afloat, 2,239; total, 10,8G4. Tar ashore, 8,188;afloat, 3,027; total, 11,215. Crude ashore, 1,493; afloat, 400; total, 1,893. RECEIPTS, WKKK ENDING MAR. 21, '90 Cotton, 7C4; spirits, 495; rosin, 5,249; far, 2,558; crude, 315. EXPORTS, WKKK KNDKD MAR. 21,1890. DOMESTIC. Cotton 157; spirits, 464; tar, G1; rosin, 612. FOREIGN. Rosin, 13,959. nAsrxK's Weexlt has a well-established place as the leading Illustrated newspaper in America. The fairness of Its editorial com ments on current politics has earned for it the respect and confidence of all Impartial read ers, and the variety and excellence of its lite rary contents, which include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, At it for the perusal of people of the widest range of tastes and pursuits. The Weekly supplements are of remarkable variety, in terest, and value. No expense Is spared to bring the highest order of artistic ability to bear upon the illustration or the changeful phases of home and foreign history. A Mexi can romance, from the pen of Thomas a Janvier, will appear in the Weekly in 1890, HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Also Wall and rrescrinti n, -Chests. Barber 1. Cei and Stools. CltfSBt Wcrfl of all kinds. Complete CltSts for Banks. Catalogue free. Address ATLANTA SHOW CASE Cfi Afivi?1 . . t r FOR S.tE. Mattresses and Springs, Renovating done to order promptly. w. sr. crjjiariNu. ArrivjngD'Aily $4 00 4 00 FOR EASTER. THE OF LEMON HOT DROPS For coughs and colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat and Bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drop's. For pneumonia and Larynrotis take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and Catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For .Hemorrhage and all threat and lung diseases, take Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable prepara tion. 25 cents, at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, (4a. Second. A Lot on the South side of Castle street, between Eighth and Ninth stree's.82vr feet West from the Southwest intersection of Ninth and Castle streets, fronting 19 feet on Castle street, with a depth of Cfi feet. Third, la Lot on the North side of Queen hi rift, oeiween 'renin ana rtieveotn streets 05 feet East from Tenth street, having a front oi si leet ana a aeptu or gy reer. Fourth. A Lot at the Northeast intersection of Fourteenth and Queen streets, 93 feet on ouriccnw sirecc Dy I'M reet on Queen street. Fifth. The whole of Lot No. l. in Block No, M9, fronting &J0 feet on the south side of Wooster street, C6 feet on the East side of Fourteenth street and 6G feet on the West side or fourteenth street. This, the 15th day of March, 1U PER YEAR: HARPER'S WEEKLY........ f HARPER'S MAGAZINE t . . HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 rootage Free to all subscrtotrs in the United States Canada, or Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscripUons will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of narpers Weekly, for three yars back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not ex ceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per vol Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, wtll be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should be made by Fost-Ofllce Money Order or Draft., to avoid chance of loss A'rwspapers are not to copy this advertisement vxtitoui the express order o Harper & Brothers Address harpkk brothers. nov 30 New York SPECIAL NOTICE!' NEW v- .... , IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. R. M Respectfully, CwuC Scribncr's Magazine W fOllOWi Dg E ARE THE SOLE OWNERS OF THE finest and well known Brands of s WHISKIES In the market: mch 22 2t men A. J. MARSHALL, apl 4 Commissioner. i hi: New York Weekly Herald AT ON & DULLAK PEK Y 15 Alt IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FAMI L PAPER IX THE UNITED STATES. Now s thet me to Subscribe oty Fos THE MAIL SCUKbULK. The malls close aud arrive at the office as follows: , OUTGOING MAILS DAILY. CLOSE. LKAVK. WILand Wash,(T8)lst Dls.. 7.00 a. m. o.oo a. m. WU.and Wash.(T?) 2d Dis.. M. a. M. !u a. m. "Wrightsvllle s.4o a. m. '..: a. m. SOUthPOrt 'AUO A. M. i.4T A. M. W1L and Ruth 1.20 I. M. 2J? P. M. Clinton and Gold.(special) a.;w P. M. t.nu P. M. WiL and Jack. 23) iwau v. M. u.2.- p. m. W1L and Ruth. o0 P. !. Q P. M. WiL and Jack. (27) 9," P. M. .0 if. P. M. ,W1L and Wash, H) ll.l P. M. 12C"P. M. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Brunswick.. COO A. M. cape Fear luver mail 1.10 P. L 2.00 P. M. MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. OnSlOW 7.00 A. M. INCOMING MAILS DAILY. ARRIVE AT P. O. Charlotte and Maxton wiL and Jack.. : Clinton and Goldsboro.. WiL and Ruth WrlghtsTllle outiiro-t .... WiL and Wash. (2;... Wll ami WMh. WIL and Jack, (li) - H-55 P. MONDAYS AND TUURSDAYS. - Brunswick -- 5.00 P.M. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. cape Fear River 7.00 A. M. TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. onsiow - 7.00 r.M. GEO. 3. FRENCH, P. M. During the ear Isjw It will even exceed it bclf in tne variety or Us contents and its ef forts to please Its subscilbers. New features win be added to tts regular departments, in eluding flrst-class ILLUSTRATIONS. Its Well Known specialties Are: Practical Fanning and Gardening, Progress in Science, Woman's Work, Stories by the Best Authors, Lite nit ure and Art, Choice Flashes of Wit and llunior, Ixclusive News for Veterans INFORMATION OX ALL SlTBJKCTS. $ 5 - S.40 A. M. 11-S0 A. M. 12-3 P. M. Ctt) P. M. .. 4.40 P. M. .. fi.10 P. M. ..10 00 1. M. M. ress, JAMES gordon;bennett. New York Herald. . New York City Only One Dollar a Year, Do not fail tojSubscribe now for the New York Weekly Herald, declOtf For Colo. - 1 000 LBS OLD TTP1E MJETAL CLEAX ndln good condition. Will bo.ecld cneani Apply at S3 " TTUS.OFFICS. GOODS Ever Exhibited in this City Southern Star Rye, Cabinet Kve, Our Standard Ry :, , Bouquet Rve State Guard xxxx Cabinet. There is nothing better sold anywhere, and all first-class barrooms sell all or one of the above Brands. Brunhild,Siiaon& Co., Ill N, Front St., Dealers In Liquors, Cigars and Tobaccos. aug 27 tf POMONA HILL NURSERIES POMONA, N. C, Two and a nalf.MllesWest of Greensboro. H. C For 18UO. T I R TJEVJ YORK OBSERVER. IN I I FSTA JiLISllEI) IX 18 Family NewsDapjr, Six Regular Editors; Special f respondents at Home an if , Stories, ReviYwB, -Cnden Jfed Departments for PanSSS- ?' chants, Bankers; ProfeSal & Sfrndentsi-Bovs and Girls. 0 i8DOe0BSK THE LADIES AE KESPECTFULLY INVITED.TO An Exnminatkm of Our Slock. IT COVERS ALL THE Novelties HXEDBICK. mch 17 tf THE STATE" CHRONICLE, successor to tne irarmer ana aiccnanic ann the Chronicle.) Under New Management. NEWSY, BRIGHT AND.CLEAN. UP WITH THE TIMES. 1HE -STATE CHRONICLE" WILL BE what its name Implies a State Paper. It is not the Raleigh "Chronicle," and will not be local or sectlonaL It win aim to keep up with the news from Murphy to Manteo. or. as the politicians put It, from Cherokee to Currituck. It will be the organ of no man, no ring, no section, no party, ic wut oe democratic in G titles, but will not hesitate to criticise mocratlc measures and Democratic officers. TKR11S OF SUBSCBJPTJOJT; , One Year................... ...... ,.;;..,.,t2 CO Six Months i oo Shree Months.. rd TFor a sample copy address liLU Cl A Aii VAlliOrilUIE, i rphe main line of the It. D. K. R. passes through the grounds and within 100 feet of the office. Salem trains makestops regular twice dally each way. Those interested in Fruit and Fruit Growing are cordially invited to inspect this, the Lareest Nursery in the State, and one of the largest in the South. stocic consists ot Appies, reacn, - rear, Cheny, Plum, Japanese Persimmons, Apri cots. Nectarines. Mulberries, Quince, Grapes. Figs, Raspberries, Gooseberries, Currants, Pie Plant. English Walnut, pecans. Chestnut, Strawberries, Roses, Evergreens shade Trees, 4c. All the new and rare varieties as well as the old ones,, which my new catalogue for 1888 will show. Give your orders to my authorized agent or order direct from the Nursery. Correspondence solicited. Destrlptive Cata logue free to applicants. Aaaress J. VAN LINDLEY, POMONA; Guilford CO., N. C E Reliable Salesman wanted in every County. A good paying commission will be lv JQ a bargain AT ORRELL'S STABLES IN SECOND-HAND Harness. Saddles, Undies, &c, faecd-Hand D m, Carls and Bonnes feb 12 tf FOR SALE CHEAP. ADRIAN & TOLLERS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Provisions, Groceries, Liquors. Tobacco, Cigars, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS; . Cor. Front and Dock St., WILMINGTON, N. C Janl3tf Library Association Reading Room piEST FLOOR, MASONIC BUILDING, Market street. Open till 10 p. m. every, week 133 different periodicals 3ld per Quarter tebltf iot lXX). only iloo per household per Quarter year. jtveryDoay inviia to exemic. Diamond Ttfra Cura FOB DYSPEPSIA Forsaloby J32L F. a 1XTZXS3, 1st) H tf . ' Ccr. YqztUx rTan t3. The publishers of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZ1N& aln to make it the most popular auct enter prising of periodicals, while at all t imes pixv servlng its high literary character. 25,000 new readers have been drawn to It during the past six months by the increasea excellence or its contents (notably the Railway articles), and it Closes lis second year wim u new iiujlk-ilu. auu T. . . an assured success. The illustrations will j I hft UlORt Anrl Ro showsome new effects, and nothing to make J " viuccil allU DcSl SCRIBNER'S magazine attracuve aua in teresting will be neglected. the RAILWAY ARTICLES will be contin ued by several very striking papeis; one espe cially interesting by Ex-Postmaster General Thomas L. James on -The Railway Postal Ser vice." iuusttratea. MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S seria novel "The Master of Baiiantrae," win run through the greater part of the year, , Begun in November. A CORRESPONDENCE and collection o manuscript memoirs relating to J. F. Millet and a famous group of modern French Painters win furnish the substance of several articles. The brief end papers written last year by FIFTY PRIZE STOims Kniwrt. rnis Stevenson, win be replaced by I " f equally Interesting contributions by differ 1 1 iajii the ablest and famous authors. Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldrich I Writ-Mvnr vJS5? ?? $Vm will write the first of them for the January! wrilers wi contribute to its col ' number. i umnS. roers and prose writer. n Many valuable UTKMA.?T.A:?J9.5?Y?i I thors,: editors.- men of S", appear; apaper on waiircoLvi flietuoaoii M- - .r, T ,VV""M- Work, Illustrated from original Mis.. a second ' ": r, ua wm nu me col- Shelf of Old Books." by Mrs, James T Fields umns ef the Observer, and it n and many other articles equally noteworthy give fifty-two unexcelled paperg in - . i nm u no'i prrc iihii t . f m tnM th. coiiiiniT Year. AIUUJBBUU AAA ouuMJivip nmwooiconuo i TJy fco7i Dy ciarenco i o. w u year. : uiergvmen. $2.00 a year. Inducements forl889 frtrtTNEW YORK OBSERVER will be lest''' for one year to any clergyman net tow a n& scrlber, for ONE DOLLAR. . 3. Any subscriber sending tls own subset tlon for a year In adranm anit A now enhcr'rl her with can have a cony of the lira seus Letters." or 'The Life of Jerrr aicAnkj.' 3. We will send the orskkvfh tnnht, mainder of this year, and to Janarr 1, m, to any new subscriber sending us his aaiceinj address and $3.00 in advance. To sucfigutecn bers we will also give either the volume oc 'Irenaius Lttters" or "The Life of JcrrjUc. Auley. , , , Agents wanted everywhere. Llbmltcr Lanre commissions, sample c free. Address, New York Observer, - NEW YORK . - . im. . flarper's Magaziiio. IJiLU3TJlATEp A new Shakespeare the Shakespeare cf Tltiwtw a. AnRv-wlll be nresented ill Hi pbr's Mioizrsx for If 90, with ccmmccti tr awdkew Lako. ilARrsR'aMAOinyiauL&o mado special arrangements with Altbosj Dacpkt, the greatest of living rrencli nom lsts. for the exclusive pubUcation. in form,-of a humorous story, to M"1 The colonists of Tarascon: the Last Airrn- turcs of the Famous Tartarin." tuc will be translated by Henrt Jajiw, m lz trated by Ross and Mtkbach. - . W.D. II0WELL8 will contribute a norac ! in three parts, and Lifcadio umv elotte in two parts, entitled "louma," somely illustrated. In illustrated papers, touchliig wfcjeca current interest, and in R3 j&fh poems, and timely articles, the Mis01 will maintain its well-known standard, rHARPFRS1 periodicals; ' per year: . HARPER S MAGAZINE. IIARPER'S WEEKLY... HARPER'S BAZAR. 1 Paters are arransred to appear Cook, E. II. Blashheld, Austin Dobson and many oth ers. illustrated. - ; , FISHING article uescriDing spore in tne best Ashing grounds win appear, saimon Winnlnlsh. Bass and Tarpon' are tha subjects nowaiTanged. The authors are : weu : known sportsmen. Illustrated. -, . IL,LUTKATliJ 01 mem variety. touching upon ail manner of subjects, travel, biography, description, etc., will eppeaa, but not 01 tne conventional commuupiuce borw Illustrated. Amfin? tho most Intercstlnsr in the list of scientific papers for the year will be a remark able article by Prof. JohD Trowbridge, upon the most recent developments and uses of PHOTOGRAPHY. Illustrated. A class or art lcles which has proved f spe, clal interest will be continued by a group of papnrs upon ELECTRICITY In its most recent applications, by eminent authorities: a re markable paper on dej MIHINO, apd ether interesting papers. Unique Illustration. A special offer to cover last year' numbers, which include ail the Railway Arti- ClCS JLS fOllOWS ' A year's subscription (1889) and the num bers for 1S88 .$4.50 A year's siibscilption (1880) and the num bers for 1888, bound in cloth 6.00 S3 a year ; rents a nnpaber. Charles Scribner's SonP, 743-745 Br way. N.Y. Harper's Young Peoole. AN ILI.PSTRATEP WJiELY. The Eleventh Volume of Hahfer's TorNO PKortR, which begins with the Number for November 5, 1889. presents an attractiva pro gramme, xt win oner to its readers at least four serials of the usual length, and others in two or three parts, namely. "The Red Mus tang," by William o. stodpjlBd; "Phil and tne Baoy," oy lcct u. lillie; ''Prince Tom my," by John Russell Coryell; and 'Moth er'sWay," by Margaret E. Sanqster; two short serials by Hjalmab Hjorth Botesek. Two seiies of Fairy Tales will attract the at tention of lovers of the wonder-world, name ly, the quaint tales told by Howard PvLE.and so admirably illustrated by him, and another series in a cunerent vein uy raAxx M.Bicx-i nell. There wlU be short stories by W. D. Uowells. Thomas Nelson Page. Mart E. Wilkins. Nora Perry, Harriet Prescctt spofforp, Da vip Kkr, Uezekiah Bctter- W0RTH, SOPHIE SWETT, RICHARD MALCOLX JOHNSTOV, OtC, A subscription to Harper's Young People secures a luvenue uorary. There is useful 1 knowledge, also plenty of amusement. oseo7i jair lit" r Terms Postage Trepaid, $3 pryear. VoL XI begin November 5, 1889. Sveztmm Copy tent on receipt of ttoo-ecnt turnip. smcrie Number. Fire cents each.' Remittances should be made by Post-Once Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newsvaver are not to cow this advertisement 1 unihout iiit exures orQcr qj uarper lircthers Address UOT 30 IIARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE..... rostageFree (p oll tmcriben to States, Canada, or Mexico. The volumes if tin? Majrazlnc herta Numbers for June and December When no time is specified, scbscTtcs oegin with the Number currem ii L w ceipt of order. - , . norma vointnea or 11 air 1 -f-r'i und volumes of Harpers 1 years back, in neat cioux sent by mall, post-paid, on three years back, in neat 1. post-paw, BB'r: per volume, cloth Cases far duS' Madixi?.Tid'S each by mall post paid. inaex uj xiarpers jua ind Cli Analytical and Inclusive, from June, VOL, BTO, ciotn, f-t w. 18S0 I, tO JBBfi. HARPER BROTHERS, " VewYor John C. Stout, X UILDER AND CONTRACTOR, WILMING- ton, N. C, gives special attention to all kinds of Building and premises first-class work. Es-I TaWe Board. A FEW GENTT.7TJCT CANI3WU-KL3iW Catch on f . : : Your orders for Vn' ing, Kuling and Binding, will be etecnted as ex peditiously, delivered promptly, and gpf1' teed to be as satic torT as any first-cl3 establishment. We have none but reliable ;.irorfr xnen, and - our 'niatem1 f and presses are all firs class. Largest stock P1 paper to select fioni. - ' JACKSON A BSUV rrfai 83-1 r