THIS tapsb every trenin. ted' 3T.j.ME-S.or ana Prop. PTK. . ; mx montba c-oa Three tiftL one montn. 35 cents.. inw.dirfJ dt carriers, free r P,rt of i w nr. at the above V0f,'.:ioan.ilibcraL will please report any and rUU paper regular nVKKTlBEMgra i' .m the most elezantform ( LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOUS JUICE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA. Combined -with the medicinal vJtnes of plants known to be cost beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable aid effective laxative to perma--ently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many His de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the 1I0HEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. t U the cost e jcellent remedy known to CLMSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY Ml Lea one is Bilious or Constipated , SO THAT P HEALTH and STRENGTH HATU RALLY FOLLOW. Ever- one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK TJUH UHUUUI9I run MANUFACTU R CO ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. J SAN FRANWWU. VU , tMiXVlllt. Kt. HEW YORK. N. Y For sale by ROiSEItT K. XIBLLAfllY,- WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, Bict 26 ly dtw Wilmington, N. C. Mow Shades and Wall Paper. JjEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED. A BEATJ- ufal line of Wall Paper, new and artistic sms. Call and make your selection. C. W. YATES, . Wholesale and Betall men 31 tf . Book and Paper House. hMl Jones WHAT HE SAVS ABOUT DR. KING'S M Imiw ! wuSSnSSg rrom wn,ca we ?a she ha??J1,stresslng headacheswlth s;y u his SnJS -a mart"r tor twenty years. ,tt rw JLVronaera tor ten 1 waa n iioicixf - " WIFB HAD accxs? to w parSS?1; cure for rncumatlam, neii r0". debiuft ?nu' rj"repsia.,lndl. aneytm.,T;.Ja,(l,,atlon. llTtr. Madder f. anf!n diseases, female troubles; K BELLAMY, Wholesale and RetalL H 1 Mt Caffeine Seidlitz F 1if.TDE SPEEDY IfPf Trn" rk vrnrnna JfpoSr fnlaffelne ln eacn dose. Mix 39 . Front 'srM umP".SCtt ApoLnwary. TJOW READY ! I AV NUU "PEN WITH A FrLL AND Complete stock of Family groceries, E"nEu retail or WHOLESALE. -"it1TV' lUrC cn an4 'or .fliIWlyE?' "QUWW. CIOAHS.TO- . TnotiAo Gone. u So. 3 soTjtn Xvater fitreet. . i " ' "' 1 - - - 1 - - - ij m m. . " " - - - , --'"-- "'"".'"- Me Daily Review. .-. , - V - ' " VOL. XIV. - i 1KDKX TO 5KW ADTKRTISKMENT8, C W Yaies Window Sbades, etc J A FrBiNGM Engine and Boiler for sale OrERA norsK Tour Tlirough Switzerland For other local see fourth page. Boys I we can sell you a .Bracket Saw, with frame, for 10 oents. J?. JacoM Hdw. Pc . Mr. Bruce Williams, of Burgaw, vas in the city yesterday on pro fessional business. Hon. Daniel L. Jlussell went down on the Passport this morning to at tend Brunswick Court. A great many ladies took advan tage of the fine weather to do some Spring shoppiug to-day. This has been a genuine Spring day with plenty of sunshine and the wind from the Southwest. Onslow Superior Count, Judge Graves presiding, was in session last week. It adjourned on Friday. Col. W. L. Saunders, Secretary of State, is in th city and at the Orton Bouse and will remain here forsome days. When build, paint or re pair you will find it to your advan tage to buy your material of the J?. Jacobi Hdir. Co. t The water in the Cape Fear is very low and is getting still lower every day. There was3 feet on the shoals at Fayette vi lie yesterday. "It pleases me so I shall use no other," is what the farmersaid when asked about the Boy Clipper Plow, sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t The lire this morning was out in the woods " but very near the city limits, hence the alarm which called out the firemen so unnecessarily. The word "Easter" occurs once in the New Testament (King James' version) in Acts 12:4. In the latere vised version the word "Passover" is used. Ask for "Our Old Chief." This new and improved Wamsutta Shirt isnow ready and for sale at our Shirt Factory only, at 75c. 122 Market St., J. El8bach, prop. t Paint your Buggy for 75 cents, "0 bits," with Detroit carg. Paint, a varnish and paint combined. Guar anteed to give satisfaction. Sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Mr Edwin W, Kerr, of Clinton, arrived in the city yesterday and went down to-day to Southport to attend Brunswick county Superior Court, now in session there. The market is absolutely bare of North Carolina beef. Why don't our country friends send in their cattle and- get the benefit of the good prices it is quoted at now? Mr. D. Stoue Cowan, Jr., of this city, but recently witlrthe Seaboard Air Line, has secured a position with the National Mexican ft. R., with headquarters in the City of Mexico. A Baltimore Confectioner says: I've had rheumatism in my arm for six months, and Salvation Oil made an entire cure pf it, after using less than one bottle. William Schkll has, Jr,, 444 Pennsylvania Ave., Baltimore, Md. ' It is acknowledged by every one that I. Shrier, corner Front and Prin cess streets, does the largest clothing business In Wilmington, and every one that buys there saves at least from 15 to 25 per cent on the dollar, t The stereopticon entertainment at the Opera. House last night was one of the very best of the series, and so all voted it. The next will be on Wednesday night, the 15th, j when "A Tour Through Switzer-j land" will be presented. The Hibernian Benevolent Society ; will gire an excursion to Carolina Beach on or about the first of May, for the benefit of the Widow's and Orphan's Fund of the Society. It is expected that this will be the first excursion of the season. Mr. P. C. Prindle, U. S. N.. who has had the management of the works of the Carolina Oil and Creo sote Work) in this city for some time past, has been ordered by the department to report for duty at the Portsmouth; N. IT., Navy Yard. Mr. Prindle has made many wann friends here who will greatly regret his re. moral. WILMINGTON, N. C A Plealnj? Sense Of health and strength renewed and of ease and comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in har inony with nature to effectually j cleanse the system when costive or !bilious For sale in !50c and fl00 bottles by all leading druggists. Audit and Finance. The Board of Audit and Finance met yesterday in regular session. One hundred and sixty-four cou- j pons, amounting to $3,161. which had been redeemed and cancelled, J were burned in the presence nf the Board. Bills were audited and approved as follows: Current expenses, $7, 411.09; coupons, 3,101; refunded taxes $5.90. The Board adjourned to meet Fri day, April 11th, at 3 o'clock p,.m. The Band Concert. Great preparations are being made for the concert which is to be given at the Opera House by the Germania Cornet Band, on the 23d inst. An elaborate programme is being pre pared. Prof. William Ortmann, the young and distinguished violinist of Charleston, who is a hephew. by the way, to Mr. F. W. Ortmann, of this city, has consented to take part in the entertainment, and Prof. R. J. Herndon, the well-known and accomplished instructor, will also assist in the presentation. It prom ises to be an unusually notable event in musical events. Confederate Veterans Association. The Confederate Veterans' Asso ciation of New Hanover county met it the Court House last night and elected officers for the ensuing year, as follows: CommanderCo. John D. Taylor. 1st Vice Commander Moj. T. D. Love. 2d Vice Commander Col. Win. L. DeRosset. Secretary Win. Blanks. Treasurer C. H. King. Executive Committee J. H. Cur- rie, Geo. W. Huggins, P. Heinsber- ger, Col. E. D. Hall. The Hibernian Sociable. It was unanimously voted by those who were present last night at the Sociable given by the Hibernian Benevolent Society that it was the most pleasant of any given by the Society for years past and that is saying a great deal for it, for these sociables have become a marked feature in the enjoyments of the Eastertide. There was a large at tendance last night and the dancing was kept up until the morning hours. The only break was the an nouncement of supper, at 12 o'clock. The management are to be congrat ulated on the marked success which has attended their efforts. Island Beach Hotel. Mr. J. A. Brown, of Chadbourn, has leased the Island Beach Hotel, with the privileges at the Ham mocks, for the ensuing year, and will open there on the first of May. The house will be overhauled and renovated throughout and, Mr. Brownjwill have competent and well trained assistance in its manage ment. As proprietor last year of the Brown House on Wrightsville Beach Mr. Brown made an excellent reputation on which to open a much larger and more commodious house like the hotel. He will keep a good house and all may rest assured of that fact, The I.aiue Walk. Pitiful indeed is the condition of those who are confined totheir beds or chairs unable to walk. Howgrate f nl all such must feel when they re cover from their helplessness. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) has made more than one lame person happy, Mrs. Emma Griffiths, Unitia.Tenn., writes: My little boy had scrofula so bad his knees were drawn up and his knees stiff, and he could not walk. He derived no benefit from medicines until I tried B. B. B, Af ter using it a short time only, hie can walk and has no pain. I shall con tinue its use." Mirtle M. Tanner,. Boon ville, Ind., writes: "I had blood poison from birth. Knots on my limbs were as large as hen's eggs. Doctors said I would be a cripple, but B. B. B. has cured me sound and well. I shall ever praise the day the men who in vented Blood Balm were born." Refrfeshins: an4 inTifforatinr Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Munds Brothers' magnificent new soda, fountain at a temperature of 24 V Purest Fruit Syrop.Uilk Shakes and Ii at oral mneralJWater. TUESDAY, APRIL 8, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ulattings. flattings. Window Shades and Poles. A large variety just received, and now on sale. ; MATTINGS as low as 5.00 per Roll. Plain or Brass Mounted POLES at 25 cents. LACE CURTAINS. We can please you in these. DRAPERY GOODS in variety. ABOUT DRESS GOODS. Everybody in the city knows just how it is, and who has the NICE THINGS. R. M. RfflclNT'lRE. Produce Exchange. The annual meeting of the mem bers of the Produce Exchange was held to-day. The meeting was call ed to order by the President, Mr. D. L. Gore. The reports of the Secretary and Treasurer and the President were read and ordered on file. A resolution of thanks to the Pres ident for the zealous and efficient manner in Which he has filled the position during the past year was adopted and ordered spread on the minutes. An election of officers for the en suing year resulted as -follows: President D. L. Gore. Vice President Win. Calder. Board of Managers T. D. Love, M. J. Corbett, Owen Fennell, S. P. McNair, W. H. Sprunt. Inspectors of Elections M. S. Willard, T. F. Bagley, D. M. Wil liams. President Gore, in his report, makes an exhaustive resume of the condition and operation of the Ex change. He regrets to state that affairs are not in as good ft condi tion, financially, as when he took charge. There are two causes for this, discontinuing the market re ports early last season and the brok erage office conducted here by Dor- an, Wright & Co., who gave out re ports free. This caused the loss of some members. The fact tiat the brokerage firm i not in business here now and the reception of the Chicago reports accounts for the regaining of some of the ground lost Recently the reports Jiave again stopped but Mr. Gore hopes they will soon be resumed. The Postal Telegraph Co. now furnishes the telegraphic reports and a better ser vice is hoped for. The Postal Com pany, he thinks, should be patron- m 11. , 1 a 1 izea, ior tne reason mac mere 15 some home money in it; that com petition is the life of trade and that it is surely to our interest to have two telegraphic companies compete for the business here. The Postal Company, he adds, have been prompt in service, have done their j$ork well and merit success, Mr. Gore (J wells at some length on the finances of the Exchange. The operating expenses are about $3,000 a year. He regrets that the con stitution limits the assessments at $30 per year. When a deficit'occurs as it frequently does, some of the more liberal members make it up while the advantages of the repoits are equal to all. The gratifying statement is made that there is never a law suit within the Exchange. The Arbitration Committee never fails to settle adis- pute. There is even but little ne cessity for arbitration as it is seldom that a case is laid before the com mittee, Mr. Gore pays an eloquent and feeling tribute to the worth of the late Col. I.. C. Jones, Superinten dent of the C. C. R. R., saying that 'he was one of the most courteous, charitable and honorable crentlemen of our city." The receipts of spirits turpentine last year were 4,098 casks in excess of the year previous, an estimated gain of $81,900. In rosin the excess of receipts this year has been 5,7gf, barrels, and in this article prices have averaged 25 per cent, higher. There has been a falling joff in cot ton of .IM&ft bales but the decrease in reoeipis lias , been rather appar ent than real. The bales this season are on. an average 37 Its heavier than those of last season and tbe prie-e-jhas averaged one cent higher; NO 97. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. hence the .market value of the crop is really more than that of last'yearl In the concluding portions of his address Mr. Gore alludes to the ad vance of real estate here, putting it at 33i per cent, in the past three years and refers to the, opening of the C. F. & Y. V. R. R. and the Onslow R I?, nnd the stimnlatinc t influence they are sure to impart to all departments of business, to our various seaside resorts and to the approaching Celebration of the'open ing of the C. F. & Y. V. R. R. ' Dyspepsia's victims are numbered by thousands. So are those who have been restored to health by Hood's Sarsaparilla. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . OPERA HOUSE". An Illustrated Stereopticon Lecture on Tour Through Switzerland, Wednesday, April KUli. . Adults, 50 cents; Children, 25 cents; Gallery, 15 cents. Seats at Yate3'. Begins at 8:30 r. .M. apl 8 tf J. A. SPRINGER HAS FOJi SALE ONE 20-Iforse Power Engine and Itoiler '(TALBOTT'S MAKE,) Almost new and in first-class ordor. Also a lot of BELTING, PULLEYS, snAFTINO.&c Any ono wanting ilils machinery can buy very low. J. A. 8PKINGEK. apl 8 tf Wanled-A Clerk. YOUNG MAN WHO DESIRES TO LEA HN he nrug Business can nnd employment with MUNDS BUOTHEKS, 104 N. Front street. apl 7 tf NOTICE. rjnnEFIKM OF TfJRRENTINE, VOLLERS &, Co. having expired by its limitation on the 6tli inst, the undersigned offers his services to the friends and customers of the late firm, as he Intends carrying on the business under his own name and will be thankful for their patronage In the future as was so liberally given mm ana mem in tne past. Office and Warehouse on South side Prin cess street, one dcor North of Water street, wimuugTon, r. v. apl 1 3t JOHN R. TURRENTINE. OPEJRA HOUSE. ' CLASSICAL CONCERT. Tuesday Evening, April Sib, 1890. . . - .--- . Box Sheet now open at Yates" Book Sior. Reserved seats without extra charge. Admission .V) ceni s. Children 2- cents, apl 5 ")t Administrator's Notice. TTAVIXG Ol'ALIFHSD AS ADMINISTRA- ri tor on the estate of Benjamin Ashe, de ceased, all persons indebted to the said estate of the said deceased are hereby notified to make Immediate pa vment and settlement as longer indulgence cadnot be given, and all per sons navmg claims against me saia estate wltl present them for payment within time freseribed by law or this notice will be plead n bar of their recovery. This, the 1 1th day of MarCB. A. U. ADAM BROWN. mcblloawiiw tues AdwlnistraKir. ADRIAN & VOLLERS, WHOLKSALE DKAL.RIt IH Provisions, .'Groceries, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, AND EMISSION MERCHANTS, Cor. Front' &ndIoclIl., ' WIIIfGTONi W C 1890. ulatfrngs. NOTICS. We wui te gUd to receive ccantslcail from our mends on nj iaa illr-ipri general Interest, bm k . Tne name or the. writer most .arrays to , nishea to the Editor. " -Communications mast t written on ono side of tne paper. Personalities mast bo aToldod, ;.. y Ana it to especially ana pamcnUrij Bade . stood that the Emtor does not iaiwajsencsn ?l the views ot oorresposdenta onlcsa n :v 1s to the editorial columns. : K''" new ADVEirrisEiiieyTb v artet Street OFFERS THIS WEEK SOME ' - Extraordinary Bargains.1 -"-.i ; Our sp&ce will not aiiew us to enujateraio ill r V - ". luciu. uui sum? mai we snau in- . ' troduce are bound to taVntbt ' Black Silk Lace Flounringat , " 08 ctP, former price 81 JB1.35, former price $1.81 $1 7, former price 9-.r(). -.-, Black Lace Wet ! At $l.r0, $1.75 ami $2.00 Guaranteed All Pure Slllf .' . 1 t i ,.j i - V' i WE WILL ALSO OFFER PCSITlVlLTini FINEST AND MOST ELEtMNT STOCK "OP Dress Patterns and. Rbbeo :- KVJTR BROUGHT TO THIS C.ITY. - ' (The ladles are authority for tlila assert ion These patterns range In ptlce fsom I5.U) o l.oo. White Goods ! HEDRICK has always born fin. 'ait for WHITE GOODS. Our ttock is now compute, comprising all ike Novelties of the season. " TlUs stock cannot be surpassed for variety and cheapness. - - INDIA LINECIS From r cents to 50 cents. -PLAID LAWNS cent, positively worth , 16 ;i cents. Colored DIMITIE, In Piques and Stripes, t,. , 15 cents. T his cannot be duplicated and arc the cheap4 e,st goods of the season; well worth 22X oentJJ Challies, From 7 cents to 60 cents. The line .at 7 cent are said to be the cheapest goods of the kind that have ever been shown ln this city. SATINES t ,;, At 12'i cents. Only about twenty-hve ityles ' of these. All styllsk Patterns, and cannif U lwught elsewhere for 15 cents. Embroideries. There Is no use mentioning prices; suflic it to say that it Is the largest line erer shown Ja fie city, and they have to be; seen to be ap- P related. . We have a very small JUore, but we try to h-lp all on t-h rnjil of RiilriAmr. ml fnanfhe amount of business we do it heems that Our -efforts are being appreciated, and on that ac- count we cannot neglect the gentlemen. And right here let us say that we have now a,, laivr and more complete stosk of , 1 SUITINGS - than we hav. hhown to the public before. We are selling the jattero very rapidly, and ol necessity our stock win soon be tiro ten. aU ' of those desiring a nice SPRING tLIT siioald give us a trial before purchasing and 'thereby save at len 25 per cent. Neglige Shirts Hit ; From 5o cents t f .. TJie Iarget assort- meat in Wilmington. I'aa suit ih- neon fas Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Glovf, Collar aod Calif,. and to make a long matter snort. everrtCW that can be found In a Fim Class Furnishing' Stere, and can be bought of 25 per cent, cheap er than elsewhere. W e are prepared to do the bulk of this bust ee?s In Wilmington, and Are determined to do it If nk-e goois and low price- estu swcompu&b tt. - Jfespectfollr, J.J.HBDRICE lOl CIABKET DTDEGr. arUtf