's&-v- . cna Three r - a s 010111 le'P ewir and Prop. rj.OO- itnC tr carrtrs, free LwU.t.r. at tne above jk""ZZ -PO aux and 1 er1'1' .,rr reguiarij. Irc taeir paper re 1 j-- j ' '4 H i r OA B.J ii. Ml: VOL. XIV. W ILMING-TON, iN. C FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1890. NO 112. ff win wiMiLitflrMfin ccn: (rom our rnenas oa any and aUdtJcta cooerai tnteresc. Bat , " . V , : . " Ttfe name of tn writer most airaja clsnea to tne Editor. r V , ; , ; ' commomcationa mast ee wrttun d" . , on side of tHe paper. , . . m ' - PersofiiiJUes mast e avoided. And tt ts jxci.nr aad pirUculirij stood ttiat the Riuor aoea notjanrars endOTa tae views of corresponiests anleaa to In the editorial columns. - . 1XD TO NKW ADTMTI3MRNTS 4 j Ukorick Dres Goods. .. V ''' ' jwcxisBROTHaE3-Soda Water C W Yates Croquet Setts, etc KiKKUAV & Co Auction Sale annual MrrriKG-Wll. Gas Dglit Co - . Gio B FRgycH g bbxa-Boots and Shoes :The thermometer indicated 82 de ih our office fvt 3p. io. to-day, hicfi is six deirTees above Summer heat. re- v2J . . sost elegant form rrrV,0NUTRT0U8JU.0E FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, I ,. with tuc Rh APnhad and skipjack are I oo Ktflni? erreedilT at" the Sound to day, and the fishermen are jubilant Gi ve your girl a box of Warren's delightful Sugar PI"" tf The Board of --Examiner of the Medical Society of North Carolina, wiH meet in Oxford on Saturday, May 24tli, at 0 o'clock a. m. Don't forget to attend the con cert at Luther Memorial Building tonight. There will be delightful music, and the price of admission is within the reach of all. Our cousins up North are com plaining of the prospect of an ice famine there this Summer - Poor Mnw:vte mtv 'einL-If they are in a great pinch we could send them a ThiLtlirnChrcU. V OJ lie uu.lv. - '- . liiPiii-. - Rev. Prof. C. L. T. Fisher M1 inany locality in t fnr the Lutherans in Luther , where there is no Associ Memorial Building next Sunday morning and night. Both services will be in English. 1 Entertain- NEW AOVKltl'lSKRlBNTO. Forecast. For Not th Carolina, fair, except liffht rain in west portion, stationary temperature, followed Saturday by colder weather. For Wilmington nd vicinity, fair weather. the Pitrjct ViorA there u no ASSOCiauuiiwiKc. ntninfstpr or any cunsunu rVn; fnterest of the Apsocia- at hPflrT. Will UC tyiiBlue'-" nnnv,iA rlf legate bv sending his nameto Dr. J. W. McNeil U afore- are especially mvuea. ayc b fr.rwn'rd for slorious results, not only for our bwn.town, but forjthe whole District, and all may rest as sured that a-hearty welcome to Fay eiir.VrT VuLinr -meeting to- getheU be for the mutual help ?j-i.ual!5nrt nf Arprv one-' who at- aim uicMi.h ---- . . tends the Uonvenuon, auu ;u?v EIII SIM Cast Their Shadows Uelbfe. WE AliE EXPKCTINO c 1 1 A i-mun to uc ?fl to tie human oi Uii DDer nose, u .iv n w. picis;, , , V,lliW ,Arli Heanse the system wneu " -y Rakes of the latest and most im matutinal cocktails and other medi- cleanse we n -.gQe, and $1.0d proved ,nake9 are sold by.the.N. Ja- cinal purposes, and it ; would b 3 the Jntuingd Lki ii.iw - t rpnuine article manufactured right bottles dv an iea , - nit n - - - i - -- - : A Pleasing Sense rt i,ni ml strencrth renewed and - - i lio ncp I , , -i. iii loci us in n.ii tnimrs of ase and comion . uoiy ppir- ' 1 :r . ;.7r wnrk , rr remain - . . . fi ours in the bonus oi cnnsuiui ic- lOWShip, DIRKCTORS. A Large Trade Keep healthy. C- f,iraiine an agrees- GScdve laxative to pemia- r.tiy ( tion, . r inactive WCUR. Habitual Consti- drv and you Umbrellas, rubber coats, &c, at I. Shrier's, S. B. corner Front and Princess streets. Rl keep liere in Wilmington. An Old Timer. About daylight yesterday morn To All Christians. rv Mm rah was destroyed by fire Mtmner Schedule. in 1883 Since that time we have Next Sunday trill be the last day built , VXIntohwe which roana xnp now worsiup, vu T -'k-iIt sl this, season on - -.--- - ....i""-"' " os ata for oar lot anu.6omiuwv.-.: t i n old iournal, sueh as usen oy tickets can be procureu iur 'unrU- rhavinsr completed tne one " ' , . 'j I . r rkavt. miina v": V' v V:l. ,rv hflVA KDeni Uicsr on a tionofthe JtlfclWl" known to lienii"""- J;ti the tort exce - This has been an awful disastrous duw &fc corner of fae 50 centgj alld on the sum of J2,G00, day;tor;theflsl..-lW Xket and Water streets: The first ano,after Thursday next there will Ueowe JO the exact number caugnr, ; Lntrv in the book was dated "Oct. befour trains, each way over iub . 1. nl mnrni: are TlOL U.11 111 VCl. I - . i..t,l...f Unci. - . s nk..tinn mpn ui-iwii-ui - Itiaf 183G in a-Temariiauiy ntnn um' j road, as louowo. uenam mis" --r , . k - - . . l..t. ' fnfhrtnant states f -Ui the cit v at 7 a. m., 0.30 a, Interested in the needs of this work. This Is indeed beautnui wetv.. ness . u. m. . -; " nri r. 15 n. m.. arriving e owe ifiAKj. , ... . efnnds WttllOUi; a roof and therefore much exposed. iVQTn Christian men have become and are willing to g.ve us-f 500, pro- THIS SEASON, L AND JUST NOW WE AWK OPENING The Largest and Most Complete Lino before shown in the 'cur. i mrvCTCM Ftl-LUIUtiami I HTHanu.?-"-'- NATUKAU" . onri nil are veryoneisubiuBw .Vhted wun u- irntJl9 -S.wr l unBACTUREDOKLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. r , AH FRANCISCO. CAL For sale oy ROHEKT E. BBLLAftlY. ' WHOLESALE DKUGGIST, i - - amtivi rr a ru sat initio tiiv ' i , rr r seemed to have oe- rn voa n. m; and P-1"-. u" 1 "J T X " :r0nfT this indebted 1, k. nrtft4, ,1 streets nreseow u. uimi"' uiuk -' . i ' irt-iniviaeu. wc uiu , 7, uiuksv uvw.. And OUT Birreia l"c - -l . , , f ll?rccot Unrrl 11. ..Vo nf 7 40 a. m.. 1U.1U 1 v ? .:u: nifl .lift I ue f.u - ness. INOW, wuu is Vt-b - - - - nune that comes uidfr the head ,f: T.II1H AUUIi iww " I " .:.. ... , . . 1 .nmii -wf 1 1 ,-1 tha firm of Del im Will" iUTIU iiiurii. Ll.r v..w ei,:l tree dressed in their rich fo- & Co., though the names were not ontwv .. . , rrci. distinct enougn ipr mm w t' a. m., 3.10 p. iu. and 6.55 p. m. j i. iu. i - 1 111 ' "'h . " On Leaves the Hammock .a, . . , r - V-thjg montU liage of sreen. 77 Act for 'Our- Old Chief. ". 7o iT-kcn ttri. Shift new snQ impruYW H' - t ; This tive ?n the matter. r is now ready and f orsale atour Shirt Caffeine Seidlitz. The Third Conan-esionnl District. Mr. .Thomas J. Armstrong, Chair' f to- 100 Market St., IT,an of the Democratic executive E' : t . Committee of the Third Congres. j v With "Regal" Paint on jour hous and t4Plasticonon your wans, ill -be beautiful ann j fn.nil v baoDV. Sold by tho2T, Jacobi hot Co- factory agents. " t t,msno. th next Democratic Con- New buildings are in process of gressional Convention, ami ior u.e art of the r,.onnefioiTof such other business jereeuoumurj : r; , TT1A bpfore the ifv which is testimony mat, as may pruFii; , I CUlUni'fc,s 10.15 n. in.. 5.1U p. ' iii l irthl a persons Wlttl ooxes arriving in the city at 8.40 m., JoV eontributions at the following 10.50 a. m., 5.50 p. m. and - places: Fifth and on. anu arrive -v anauaiupuc.., v- - 1, ry, Fourtn ana VVV "Fifth 1 nirii ii. mi . j 1 Li u w White Goods :! ah trAins will leave Front Street Station except No, .. CAN BE . unv Princess Street ouinuu ,,7 r!rns. Fifth and Marnei, , e ionaiDistricthas issued a can ior a - Nq 0? j 'church, -Seventh am J-J Qn ! meeting of that committee, to be at 7 a.- 'J PplnceM street cnrcli. Seventh and Ann, : Seyeni I JJ 01U1U UU yuui 11,1 ntMnf,nolia. Duplin county, on wmo.. - - f ,ind chestnut, , Seventii ami our r;. . nf de - Station only ai .w i. , - - n Cros and at Sixtli treei 11-.. vnrn incr 11 11 1 110 1 v 1 ' v . r . t 1 1 win 1 ' nL itnri iwiiiloi r ir tin nnd olace of leaving the eiiy u, Ny most earue.j - r I we II AVE L 1 rariniiiiiii; 1 1- i. . ,. im 11 1 r i- i.ruiii. i-i ziAirvriM i iii iiuu in oviuv.. cj - I le KnOWIl us mf j-t aim w.v, FT , I Our Counters. OS(l HKEN KNOWN AS Til E tinnrnnali r.nmatuhprft in the ' ! ...enrrriVT'n.IKK Of Wfift'"."" 18 HIUUCY BUiuu.. . . -. 70K iu :r-;rticme . deoressioni-- . ;-.:..,i.iAiB,rtnt M. Two ,ood work horses and a fine 'wnWuiiart ha koUI at auction . tt v Frnt sl . w umiL". n 1 1 0n , to morrow iu DBIAN & YOLLEES, kS jO, im.. - - t auctioneer. , ; Grove was "Beautiful Venie." Tinder the auspices of J. Kirkham the Wil mington Library Association, there will be a series oi iony-iw craphic views of the Italian The Fire T.aat Night. - a KA.,t R oelock last night fire was house at UlSCOVereu in . i vnrd of J. A. tne coi uiiv " wwv j Wnter street, between Princess and Chestnut. The alarm was immediately turned in from box 24. and the ure ueiuinut - WUOLKSAI.K DKAtUKS IN rovisious, Groceries Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, -and- ; OMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cor. Front anl Dock St., c Lakes Loon on hand, working with a will, wsui r.h ,. ...ffft.f0 M, a flames' were a a McGirtvill be the "ii Venice at the- Opera House 10- and oy ur . wi i. -.7 I" j. DUl-UUiiuov. " m rl T.:fh. We refer to uev. wr. x. . ard, Messrs. .1. v.. .oiC. , t v Mitchell, Rev. Dr. Small, and J. B. Sampson, Esq. . ' - . a pfl(ltnr. In behalf of the Central Baptist Church, corner of Seventh and Red Cross streets, Wilmington, IS. O. NEW APVEKT18EMENT8. Horses at A net ion. White 1 " , . Tt is not Known v 1 1 nvnini noil 1 n th 1 p" 1 r.uiiii v - !M,t Rach view win uc bw. . Xvlvan i,nnil on the marine railway this t re-coppered, where necessary, repainted and fitted with anew smokestack, . prepara.urjr being put . on f the regular Carolina Beach. W. II. stereop 1 . ! - - . .11 t 511 hA used. It Will ue . . . nml vervinstruc- steamer or tive exhibition of some noted places in Continental u.u, and will be wen wormy u Fi"r, there T how the names ongi" i..,vin no fire on the premises O -MOTIROW. SATURDAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK, in a brief lecture by Capt. Bixby, and one or tne ue - & fc is8upposea to linn 1 '"e . r have caught from a spans irum . a flat lying at tne wnwi. a AirnCJ, the The engine nouse uuy . . Ii " i.,,i nnnsumed. out SUlUies- nciv tht nr n,,r salesrooms. 27 Market Street, we will sell two good work Horses and one fine Milch cow. -tjm kirkiiam & CO., apl 25 It A. G. McGlrt, Auctioneer. Annual Meeting WILMINGTON, N. JW 13 tf that! by our people. . u-f T.riftr saVS TneOOU" V Rich- wmlBefniint infantry Fe.tWal. the statement - ,..1 . . . -. .t!..i th ; Jt n, n Af Wilmington;- has tne cuu- eforthconiins v " jDraryASSOeiailOnKeauiIlsnuoiii ; ! r the stained, glass windows Wihnillgton Light infantry ijou,- niRST FLliOU.MASOSH lU ILDlKG, Y?.h OI I UC r l la a mistake Methodist Church,Sonth, .ses to be one of the grandest affairs e Messrs. Fore& Foster, fthekind eVer gotten up in tins iairtu stmt, open uu i p. m. ewj. r " . f have the contract, .f Tne iadieg wno navp imi day. ncflcllpnt. I mnerent periodicals Gf Wilmington, nave City, xne iau 1 matter have tori. only .ooiK?r household per qwl . .. jyCOU1pieted.. ed themselves in the matter na Tear. Everybody united to exsmlne. ted 1 tf I whicn IS nearly 1 e" k . in onmMt and art The Committee of Invitations of workin& witU a will to make the the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce -val a complete ee'? tneweij, thanks for Ie' wi1 to solicit donations jinainuuav.j - . flnnAi nave . " . A ,ia thft an invitation to attenu iu. to be used in helping vu , - r a r aci I v;i 1 n.iivt - - 11 L lie: - - OPERA HOUSE. An Illustrated Stercoptlcon Lecture on "TOUR OF VENICE. hordes and mules in the latter were -vp the Wilmington gas ligui tu- ved with the exception of one Ueld at the companrs office, on mule, which was burnea xxi property destroyed was the engine, and a lot of shingles which were either consumed or so badly burned .n,v them valueless. Mr. Springer's loss is about f i,- is fully covered 6y insnrance by a policy of $1,600 in the London & Lancashire Assurance Co , repres ented by Messrs. Hodges Taylor, a i nn in the Niagara Fire In surance Co., represented by Mr. M. Ttriiiwi Thft wnan. wmuii Tuesday, April 29th, at 11 o;clock a. m, RICHARD J. JONES, apl35 2t fri mon Secretary and Treasurer. Warm Weather OF WILMINGTON, and w intend to keep up our reputation. You can M supplied at "our store wltliout looting further. i taw Give mo a cali , J.J.HEDRICK, lOl MARKET STBISBT. - ap!35 tt ' t Notice to Contractors. OFFICEOF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, ' F0K TUX C0OTT OF NEW IUsOTEX, ;- Wilmixgton', N. c , April ir,th, isnn. . . nwivn'FOtt SODA I omiM iininiral. Insane -oepanmeov u .baled proposals will b;m&"2 r: Insane "Department WATER. apl 25 tf We keep the best in tow,n. MUNDSBROTUF.R?. 101 N. Front street, S. Friday. April 25tli. Aautts, a cents: children. 25 cents; Gallery, Cwwa. seats at Yate3'. Begins at P. -M. apintf banauant of that to iVp held at VfLllvii ia v " . . i,r,Prth House, itaieigu. the on x rivr,Ti T.. tore. is thP nrnnenv ui w davs call Ann in the Connecticut " . I II1KI1I EU IUI . rtfrrnnirntion. ' UrnanCPA Vo. ,v" - I . III the that viev nhseriotlons t--. fto.. renresented' by Clli1! vl rreiu9",lMVV . . 1 . -r x - - LTTay.thehinst. reing. Capt. Kenan imith & Boatwright. and is TAKE A SPIN AX THE TI UNPIKE THESE FINE AF nins tor dolnz eo. Locks the Wind when :oi.ia f3itenincs. wnicu fjU luoiuu - to M V " I - T 11 and use has appointed the following mem a d t about the , amounf 1 ' o AVloek this morning .n ,,-T(1Inr1 1-i infPS. I wr L -11 1 New Push and run . . of the company acoromiwe $50, nd wnen ?Vr; Liorations and has orderea ,u.t. At abo&t3 o'oiock .-a tencwL we can furnish you with the closedi Saves labor ana cosi. tnai were wu K.taninTrs. wiiiu . - - - , ii n a nr,K . - . . arm m mill iiic ting in o'clock 1 . . , 'and the - : rTr.with these hinges, uar- p.ar- -- : . . , de Dft. aMlfc out from the wegot cood horses. llKht.eomtortat)ie n"4' " . gamine next Monaay r - . vmUu aiarui-or tlirnwl ont n $r.50. WHAT IT WILL. BUY AT lOSNOBlHFKOJiTST. poor Houae, ior vue vuw . uu oru rerVe the nSnt to re ject any or ai . . CnaifiBin l """""ard of commlSHloneri. aPll51'nTglS3g5 28 30niay2 Spring Lliilmeiv, AT TUB iw M it will Day you . i,0n- vimnr.. .. arrni Drtv-i " . , ' - - no. 't coraung w - v. ,r n,i ose same. 0r charges are moderate and we try ar-l to pica- our customers. ; R. C ORRELL, ; l.iver' and Sale Stables, -Pl t tr i or. Third and Princess St. FOR SALE! Mattresses of Alt Kind ALSO SOM ET11ISG EXTRA NICE IN BESIDES V v .) Down Pillows, BolstersV &o; tin it ofioe. w.ai.our.ir.KJC, Serceants 55mith box. The firemen turned oot A'plIr 0f I'P--"- coraw..0 . White and rrind the flames were soon lsa common cL BaL or ConS., -tT farm- .and Privates Borden, uhhed. eo any gMJ'k, with heel. season .io - -"- to-to- t7 Parsley; Price andTurney. Fatkttkviixk, xi. - " trffi tt co win W. wt wefc) than can oe inwio one uj fettling. Carolina. almost .any oiner." . the ear, and then find qui CKre.. . , -i t f Koranic iiv iisinir v iuuu - i :,4:an Acaruift.tion herein haiiasv yic. r- -john W. Weeks, . uecaiur. wiU n0m its sessions m ,r.ooh nnn .innf ia, ivi- . . - . Ladies' Eniporiuiii.: A wndid Display of the Newet Des! of rarisian stjlea In FINE MILL1NEUY. ,,i,r Cannelila arrived by usin in ballast yesterday rom -. Weeks, Decatur, Oa., in' vU. I.;andls consigned to John jt .months ago I had a V ;c Rnn.& Co. A vessel Jf- mv ear and in a few daysit Christian Brethren: nec nnil annual District Young Men s Geo. R. French & Sons 108 North Front Street. (opposite The Ortoa iirt" Croquet Setts and Hammocks. V THE ELEGANT STOCK OF Flower I UNHTRFARSED. -A LARGE LINE . FAWCY COODC, Martin TO THE PUBLIC 1 Great Reduction in Prices. , . Sbiving 10 Centr, ' : Hair Cutting 20 Cent, Shampoo 20Cenl. You can have cents worth of wort Hone to 30 cents tjy calling at : , C. II. WAKDV, I South Trent St., WlUnicston, N. C. - (ieonre ilin-under the Dag oi oiaiMnrv at all C . .A.V.A.ITC1 Tift I 1 OS I HL1U t,UM M " " . . . rare sight in the water. oi the use of B. B. B, and tne ruu- . f-i r nw.CarnicMa gan ino uw v '--nspd and I a -i in i iih -4 a vO A I 9 A 0 1 7 W m lki . - ill 110 llf III IU i Uarris?, Son & JO. pain in my ear ami .u f-&w tw - - Thargday ofIloiianu discpargea ;:;;rfti, t be- Ai"f VTviek at your tv five or imnroveii rtf ana in oruer i r .- c. n ,cf ia - -m-.. x. Bpecuianw- "w ..- j-. , d to tno propricii- one nnnureu ucic?i Wilmtiiartnn ttYimrS tX l iuoi vu. m in 1 ,011 1 nc' r.IilUUnuut w - , 1 xu.t mnn o nrOVlSlOn DC I ii uitn -J I JL11V- - CHINA SILKS, wltn - lovely LACB, CAIUi " St. haul's Evangelical Church is being uanusou w coed during the aosence tor, filer. P. V. his left the city to mswiu Marks as pastor oi me V JJiwratt. near Salisbury, and o at tend the 87th Coi" C." SySod. whosePresidentbei Is. - .i rftl ' . .i..i tiTnp.fiXS. INDIA and r vi mocks tLOO to tZ.w, cumivti I consisimj OI w.u.. w 1X30. Base Ball Bxts. fternoon a w o ciuck, . ..ned new Uae ot th0e popular 12 moi. hanosoxn- PflKhlonaUe fanh SSdS f.io"- ntv Dve or !Sl.t vates book LotsE-B ' nnnureu uciwwp, - r IVilmmortnn MlViniTS liuo w m m l.nflinv lilllllUi lUUli associa- W. P.TOOMER, , Ca&hier. Synod That tired i;.c." i ent cooaare .cu,. -rites: I "'""V'UIV-nf. aeh vnrn eczema, x uu . -M ol aeiegaies L"iW1. .irM , without success ior - attena xo ur. . -rL mittee, P- princess st.. utouto- -W II- uavis, o a.w, "iniaii ic "i . , - --.... : i iuq Lend Money am writes: "i PWly; Plater than May 24th. ; w m ilS&a pgj from blood poisouuj "AmuTir;2, VTbadlres. iU attdnval-f the diflerent trains auu - w ill escort tne uejf;ii" rnrm vthcre assignment wade to the honied of 115 Market Btroet. 'apl 2 lta r . r " : . . Members of the Reception vwu- te Trusts of all Unas T.:iL..'i.t.. and TBlEorlllK Dehcions Soda Water as iinu RlHSSSSthers magniQceut new jncasatx IS FIUNTED WIT 1 1 to our will Ie THIS PAPBElKSASSJWi'S 1 KJh Wiret an! Vc wWjft ' x Diamond' Vera Cura roil uysii3isi a. . : f..biuc DR. V. a MILLER, Mia-.

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