..AMES. Itor and Prop. PTIO POSTAL pah: ontns fiift Three one month. 35 cent JmtAeUvered 7 carriers, free .Tan of tie city, at the above wee U10:o-n.Ural. - V. receive tbflr paper . (KlAit- - . , po v v. -TV- 1 r-r ni . .. i s r ft A J we from PIXiSS KOTICS. will be lad to rcceire corf.rf.sr.ir.u bar men as oo any na matatjects The gencrii Interest, bat name of the writer ranst arrays to VOIv XIV. W ILM1NGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1890. NO 122. Dished to tne Editor. Com man to aUoc s .man be written cm one stae-ot toe-paper. ' , " ' Personautles masc be arotla ' And it is esptaiiy aai particularly zslZz stood tbat the Conor does noOlways eniers . tne views of correspondents anlees i ui the editorial culumfiS. In the past eighteen years tramps The statistics of divorce gathered i Some few magnolias are already. ImvP ebst Franklin county. Pa., Inst year in Massachusetts by the, in bloom.. ; imr vw . ibor poimuissionera show that the J I .-.. VW. - . - ( NEW AUVBlM lSEaiKNTS. j NEW All VEUTI8Efil2JIT3. p-untiiMheaiost elegant form. ,Wrr-R,T,0U3JU'0E FiGS OF CALIFORNIA. - rob:nC(l with the medicinal C 2 r plants known to be Sal to the human Sm, forming an fgjf elective laxative to perma 2?Sre Habitual Consti S&. and the many aUs "pending on a weak or inactive rendition of the urn inn DfYtlfCI Q I;Ontlb,uvtn miu duhlw that the; mh Khll tnrnnikp is alive with trreat maioritv of the divorces were ! ,.i,?,.io r Keo f?n nftpmoons. The Canadian Labor Unions have oDtained bv wive ! , . I recommended the Government to ei- J j The wafer in the rivers and creeks j tahlish a scheme of compulsory in- The mouth of May promises to be : continues very low, niiich to the de- mi ranee for the working classes", 'epoch-making in labor circles. In- light of the fishermen. dications, the world over, point to a f Sir Arthur Sullivan, the compos- concerted movement on the part of er, is hard at work npon the score of labor to secure better pay andshort- u grand opera, which is to be pro- er hours. duced in London next November. Hon. Wharton J. Green .will de liver the annual address at the clos ing exercises of the Hand Military i Academy at Fremont, on June 4th. The new rifle with which the Ger-; Tll Uomnnrnia fiPPtn to have can- Field Marshal Halstead, in talking j ,nan army is now being armed is the ture(1 aj of tie municipal elections about his removal from Cincinnati j tj,irti which has been adopted by; . thi s stat held iast Monday. The to Brooklyn, fails to inform the pub- tiie gages at Berlin since the summer lie as to the bearing the ballot box Qf 137 am eaca change has involv forgery had on the change. That Lj an expenditure of 110,000,000 forgery undoubtedly killed Foraker marks. and crippled Halstead. ' Not less than fifteen parishes, or one-fourth of the State of Louis- Indiana now has a State organi zation of the Farmers' Alliance, which, after absorbing various 1111- iana, is affected by the present j nor agricultural societies, will have flood, and the damage is almost in- j aDout one hundred thousand mem calculable. In 1882 it is estimated . bers They have seen the time that the loss was $15,000,000. It will 1 AVi,en the party ticket was swallow- nrohjihlv exceed half that amount 1 wiinlf without reference to th "thing is getting somewhat monoto nous. 11 ..-,iiVnrtwn trt Itbtheconexcenemrcj, CLmE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY VLea ens bliilious or Constipated SO THAT NATURALLY FOLLOW. Ear- one is using it and all are delighted with it. MANUFACTURED OKtY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. HlMrAir.ll. A'flV YORK. N. Y For sal by KOISCKT It. WKIiliAHlY. WIIOLKSAl.K 1UU CHJTST, men ly di w Wilmington. N. O. CaMne Seidlitz. this year. mental or 1 noral standing of the "There are sixteen colored jockeys in this country', muses the New VriVk- Ttiflfr.rtde.nt. out loud, "who receive from $2,500 to $8,000 a year. : Tnereisnot a colored minister in the country, bishops or pastors, who receive as much as the least expert of these jockeys." Marshal MacMahon is in favor of retaining the red trousers or tne French soldiers. He says that the fuss made about them is altogether too great, because future fighting .ff nf rnrr mticp. and red is a lit 1 4 . j v -1- color which is lost sight of at a com- paratively short distance. The change of the great dry goods house'of H. B. Claflin & Co., of New York, into a stock company is an in- riORTHESi'EKDYnELlEF OF NERVOUS teresting:development of the ten.- i5uooi?cando of the times. The Urn. nas aJ!" SSmS been highly prosperous and is sa.d tae powders in water and drlnt durtng ener- Q iiave done a business of o,0UU, wwnw. JAMFp.NUTT, Apothecary, j . ,,.fQrc in th Zii N. Fruflt St , WlimiLgtOu, W. mcu iw mw yfitr, uuu uin jcm..-. - realize tneir candidates. But now they proposo "to vote for Katie and the baby.1' . - - tu uv AVilti.'im Barnes, who x 11 v " - ' preached the funeral sermon of Dan iel Webster, died in Jacksonville, III., on Friday last. He was a Pres byterian divine. Mr. Barnes was born in Ohio in 1810, and was a Har vnni o-rfKlnate in the same class that e- I numb ed-among its members Char lies Sumner and Edward Everett. He waspastorof a church in Boston when Webster died. Thf steamer Sylvan Grove made her first trip of the season to Caro lina Beach to-day. She carried down a nice crowd, notwithstanding the cool weather. The steamer Passport was with drawn from the line to-day to be overhauled and repainted and- gen erally overhauled. She will go on ! the wavs next week. The old Sam Peter Gau;ie house, on Second street, near Ann, which was partially destroyed by fire a few weejs ago, has been pulled down and a handsome new frame dwelling is being erected there. ROBERT PORT BRANCH DEPOT, ?rii.izi:i3Nrca?oir, isr.G. WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY OCR WORTHY CUSTOM EltS AND PATltOXS, CITY AND COUNTRY. WITH TICK BEST- : Soda . WaterSate'apari AM) ALL KINDS or - . These Goods will be manufactured by Experts in the trade. keep constantly on hand We also net, Gnli?ie?, LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NKW ADVERTISRMKNTS C W Yates Croquet yotts, etc Ceo U French X hoxs Boots ana Shoes -- - - For other .local see fourth page. Warren's Ice Cream Parlor till 10 p. m. open tf ADRIAN & TOLLERS, WIIOLKSAl.K DKALERS IN .... Provisions, Q rocer ics, Liquors. Tobacco, Cigars, ASD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cor. Front ami Dock St., WILMINGTON, N. C. Jm in firm were willins to prospective profits, and the stock Company is the result. 9. Administrator's Notice HAVING QUALIFIED AS ADMINtSTKA torof the estate of Kotcrt Ii. Wood. I hereby notlly all persons havlntr claims aalDst me said decedent to present the same tomeonorbeioretneodday of April, A. D. All persona lndcoted to said decedent will make payment to me. Dated lht$, at April, 10, TIIOS. F. WOOD, pI3oaw6v thur Administrator. The Republican Anti-Prohibitionists, or Resubmissionists, of Kansas are making overtures to the Demo crats'for a united Sttfte tieket this fall, the former to uame the candi date for Governor. In Nebraska a division threatens the Republican narty over the railroad and anti Fx-Senator Van UIUUVVIJ " Wvck' heading a bolt which is ex nAAf.i frt ii-w the Farmers" Al- liance and Democrats in its train. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. yt' CAN SAVE $10 PER VEAK CY 'II A V laj your work- done at C. II. WARD'S, the practical Barber. No. 8 South Front street. 8haviog IO Uentp, Hair CiutiDg iG Cents, Shampoo -O Cents. Polite Barbers and v 01 k guaranteed; C. II. WAUD, South Front St., Wlimlnfflon'K. C. - Quite a number of the elm trees which Mayor Fowler had set out on Fifth street have died, but others are alive and thriving vigorously. There are tworows. In the space of attention one block we noticed a day or two ago where five in one row were alive and only one in the opposite row had not succumbed to the ine vttanie. Vienna And EXPORT BEER of Unsurpassed Quality. WE HAVE THIS DAY, MAY VTH, RKMOVKir TO OUR v team Bottling Establishment Corner Eighth and Brunswick Streets. Our Delivery Wagons will call twice a day on our . Through the kindness of Messrs. Adrian '& Vol lei New S customers in the citv. Through the kindness or Messrs. aunau x v oners,' any urut-rn ini at their place ot business win oe torwarueu 10 us pruuiiniy. All orders from city or country custoiuers will receive our, personal. ; HespecfTulIy, i ' :; HOliERT rORTNER BREWING CO. Per Tele phone ail 00. E. KUH BLANK, Agent. . . 11 IV .1 fit The Delaware. The steamship ndawate, com- Excursion. A Puce !aWcriAntt;t has durins the last year been making a series of ob nervations with the object of ascer taining the number of calorics which the sun puts our disposal. The result of these experiments is that G3 per cent, of the solar heat is ab sorbed by the atmosphere, and only S6i per cent, reaches the soil. This fnrure rises inUctouer to 41 perct-ui., and sinks to 28 per cent, in January I M and February. These results go to seriously shake the belief m the in dustrial utilization of the heat of the snn in our climes. . " - The high winds of the past day or two have had a depressing effect on the fish market. Tree trunks in front of the City Hall and the Opera House have been treated to a liberal dose of white wash. Rubber Hose, Lawn Mowers and -1 j. Rakes of the latest ana most im proved makes are sold by the N. Ja cobi Hdw. Co. Keep dry and you will keep healthy. Umbrellas, rubber coats, &c, at I. Shrier's, S. E. corner Front and Princess streets We are sorry to learn that Mr. John Mcllae, who has been quite sick for some time past with the typhoid feveiv is reported as not so well to day. This manded by that old and popular of ficer, Capt. Chichester, came in the river tins morning and steamed up to her wharf, where she now lies, discharging cargo. She will leave here on Friday on her return to New York She is a large, hand boat, with fine accommoda tions and will probably have a good passenger list when she leaves here. District Court. In this court to-day the following throp & Co., rich and KntitltMl to the Rest. All lmct 1-111 aiiuifemiucu iw jfpIIK LADIES' AID SOCIKTV OF. FIFTH tliflir infnfv will buv. so everv fam- II 1 111 '. ki .if street M. K. Chfirch will give an KxcurMon ily should have, at once, a bottle r . . i.n.f f,.,;ur rAiiiMrlv Svi-nn of Thursday. May 8th. to Carolina ncacu; on. Figs, to cleanso the system when costive ,or bilious. For sale in 0c and $1.00 bottles by all leadingdrug gits. . . . "Stories 4f the State." Mr. EdwardA. Oldham, a native and for many years a resident of this citv, has been, engaged by I). Lo- wide awake publishers of'Boston, to write the 'History of North Carolina'' for its spriPK of "Stories of the States.' Two years Charles Dudley Warner requested Mr. Oldham to write a biography of William Gilmore Simms, of South Carolina. His other engagements prevented his accep tance. ' steamer Sylvan Grove, boat leaving -at l.fliV licfresiinients at city prices. my 7 It $2 OO v i liit iiv v a pa 1 it or ovit LADIES' D0NG0LAB.B. NOTICE. J AM STILL ON FRONT STREET, IN ront of the tl stock of Market. I have a 'complete Act for "Our Old Chief." new and improved Wamsutta Shirt is now ready and for sale at our Shirt Factory only, at 75c. 123 Market St., J. Elsbacii, prop. Don't forget the excursion of the Ladies' Aid Society of Fifth Street E. Church to Carolina Beach to 11 laavi morrow, x ue oftu 0 " w lier wharf here at 9.S0 a. m. the The wind erot First-Class Family Groceries, ; f?"a s11 heaper than any Retail House In j pec ted The nionev spent for fetes, car riage hire, printing, and "indemni ties" at the Hotel de Ville in Paris is said ta'be just five times that or the days of the Empire. The number of sinecures has been nearly treoieu 10 Ond plaoes for friends of the higher officers. The last ball of the Hotel de Ville was to have cost 140,000 francs, and the. expenditures really being 10t"h. thig jay bein 19,000 francs less, the surplus v inconvejent. divided up among the employees. I An investigation may soon be ex around to Northwest last night and blankets were again comfortable this mora it veered during the forenoon to the Southwest but the atmosphere did not get much warmer. At a meeting of the Ladies' Me morial Association, held yesterday afternoon, it was decided to hold the Memorial services on Wednes- 1 J dav next, instead 01 aaturuaj, in many ways cases were disposed of : U. S. vs. N. A. Mclntire, charged with sending obscene letters through the mail. Defendant found not guilty and discharged. U. S. vs. Neill Bass, charged with selling liquor without" a license. Guilty and sentenced to 30 days im prisonment in Robeson county jail. U. S. vs. Joseph King, charged with having in his possession an un licensed still. Guilty, but judgment not yet pronounced. Col. Hall is Very Sick. Wa rotrrpf. to learn that Col. E. D. lall Chief of Police, is very sick at theaddress be delivered in the Opera ' viJnfhiseifv. Southeast House instead of at the Cemetery. UN IrrlU LHvv 1 - . t corner of Orange and Second streets. There is every d.lTerence ,n tne He has been sick for some time past worm uetween neanug m u.y "i but would not give up andlhas been air, as wen as speawuig -u confined for only a few days past, hearing aim f It was reported on the street this is a terriDie ie,x 01 u. jmj.cu morning that he was dying but this the audience as we 11 as -of - lung. was erroneous. But he is very sick 01 tne speawer, n ii and his friends and family are great-Us aeuveiea in ui . u.. ly distressed as to his condition. He Maj. oteuman uu K - u, c ' . , . ..lj. I , nronarnfmu -if ln address. -WHtCIl MAKES- s oft ervicable ec Our Smooth p tylish nrinir U olid hoes. lock, Ajt' $2,00, Mr ;ruv1 ArA nttrnra frph find m your uoois witnln to minutes ciea. Mi i The Criminal Court for New Han iover county, which convenes Mon- iani irit will bold a term , J T w in me city, oire me a caH. ery and can j , Congressman Bunn's constituents ' of one week only. All persons drawn .ulSJ?rrii0ip 1 n In the Raleiirh district "(or some ...,. smimi0ned as jurors are requir- nt thAtu want a few plain answers to i)e present on Monday, xne tty3lj DiV H. F. SWANN, Ajrt. to a few plain questions. These ques ;10th Croquet Setts and Hammocks.. It ions Are four in number and are as To tlie Latlies. We would earnestly suggest to the Ladies' Memorial" Association, a change in the observances of Me morial Day that we think would be a irreat improvement. It is that CD IO8 North Front Street. (Opposite The Orton.) my 7 tf ' established - - - 18I4 Ideal Quinino A ND 'SULWIUK OAr. TUERE'18 XO V sklu dLsease tUls soat) will not benefit. For sale by . MUKDS UKOTUKR5J. 101 N. Front street, rayatf flOlN. Fourth fjt. Notice. m I will. Rl? AT (,'AUOLINA IS EACH A for a rew weeics tnrjldlo? eerat new cot- tastes. I take tnis rneinoi oi nuuijiu friends aiid those wantin? carponter woric itcacn. the life rtone. that all orders left at ii. K. swan . I south Front st reet, or wrnt to Carolina I win jjet. my 1 5t j;est of ntcrenre jflven. Itespect funy. VUAN'S 8WANX. 1 i follows Are you in favor of the bill intra liluRAfl lv Sonator Vance in the Lin H AXiMocKSfi.mto tisn. cnoou&T $1X0 AnitP known as the n5a Bii nMMu etc. A44'Sub.TreasuryBilK" tor the relief afwUne of those noDciarts inoi. handsome- of the agriculturists. Also 8tanlard authors In setts, veiy cheao. " u tf YATES' BOOK I10USF. Farmers, we can supply you with PeanutWepsand Diggers, Scraper ami Coulter Points. Seven different size wings and two size points for the "Boy Clipper," the most iru. a- proved plow on the market. N. Ja- T was. unconscious all of last night. Wiie preparuuuu .... o .iv. v,; nftmnon there was which is to be a sketch of a 3 n,u .n,min. and career of that gallant Wilmin HOiuiJrucnwu n w;ii;f,. MwllfiP nnrl . tOUIUIJ, VJICll. If a.av, uo You Know How it Feel? everybody will want to hear it, and Rheumatism, Every one has heard ...r it tno: at their ease. the word "How s your Mouierr i, fri.;.ori 4Oh she's well except ner rneuma- wncre uiey cau enju .1. Usui. How carelessly ine husw not y)e uone at ttaKtiare anu 11 is &me that not one-fourth of t. , 1. TJ-BVt. . .T II. , III . f 111. . . m. . . u J . w ble, the swelling and the excruciat mv. - ing pain of ankre, knee, elbow and morial seryice are ever able Ito hear shoulder, just as if each point was a the speaker. bundle of irritated nerves, each one T. tllino. cou(i be easilv arrang thBiOTlf,l"ra ed and th plenty or.ti,.,e jn nigbt longing ior uayiigi i,. m. U w,Cii . iriit'riv CTnintir tCillll Iflll too severely to sleep, applying Hnbe delivered at the Opera House im- nALKlft5 MlIvILl tlU llllllfi cLLr ment every half hoar to teinporan- e(1ate1y pr:0r to the formation of no comfort. What is it-that causes much nearer, in consequence, to tlie rheumatism Ah, there are a mousr cooier pnrt of the day. The prayer and causes. What is it thav cures - -hnnl.iln emild be reser .-ed Fishermen's Supplies, Builders' Hardware, PAINTS AND SASH. made by the oM Dutch procfcr. be on the mtrket. They not belnsr ta combina tion can mfiJje special prlrt? on name. Flower Pots -7 Market ST. 1. FIFTEEN THOUSAND PLOW-i oiti y w er 1 ta, all sizes. Lars variety oSf11? Giants and Tube Kose Bulbs. The wnese S ater Uj can be sen growins at W. J. KTKKIIAM & CO . Auctioneers, api j it - 27 Market St. Cvnnl YtantrfnrrRVsteni? Are yon in ravor 01 a rouivau 'always primeti, never t.y - 5 commisston ror' tne regmauun i freights anil tariffs on the railroads U iWli" v . It is the i I irn fllPrO 1H t. li. Itor cne cereiuoiiira in t,uw' nt lfti or p.ure. It is calleu B., or Botanic Blood Balm. It has cured more caos of rheumatistu than anv other known remedy. Try it. Do hot suffer longer. . J. H. Lning, Dawson, Ga., write: "I suffered with rheumatism "my shoulders and general debility. Fire bottles Ii B, 15. improved mjr health ami the rheumatism left me. J. IV Day., Atlanta. Ga . test PmU trt-itoa. 1 rnniiler, that 1. a .... t - . . . m x X a. I- If rni) oi water .u pioi..i ......, - . r bright invention of a orUV!, rheamatifin and sciatica." ' 44 Why doesn't he take Hood's Sarj nTrt' f the freneral inquiry of ruuui iiiM - - m off" iv uiiu Una genius and is pronounce! by all to he the best pump on tne mamci. -Se U and yon win nave no T ate enclosure and the musical pro- irraraiue iniht bt" 'divided, part b. ing "rendered at the Opera House and part at the i em-tTy . We commeud tlies? suggestions to the ladies ure, as we are, that they will meet with the approval of many. - - - l-J L V ' " . J . u mi ii -in y ' - - Kefreshlns ami invicorating Delicious Soila Water as drawn from Munds Brother magniCceut new Jacob F. Spencier, ewjuan, ta., EOta fountain at a temperature oi writes: -B.. B. B. entirely care, me n g Fruit Syrnp, Milk Shakes of rheumatism m-my fchouUlerr. I Y..t ,r:. " i w4r ned six bottle?7 1 nwi "'" COOKING STOVES. Largest a&sonij.ent in tUe wat- -to wlct from; sold at rartory pnee Oil Stoves of AH Sizes. In Ihsm you will find comfort and rronomr;' Pamp?, Step- Ladtlcrv W as for joar paironae and Kjiall cvfr endcaror to deserte tbe wmr. - liespect fully, - V , . K. Jacobi Hardware Co., i so.rnosr sr. flpl st tf

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