,,r-T T XEOUS. .?!( I- HUMPHREYS' l1 u.oYCPFC mcs tti""-'.: P03LTCT. . . . e f all' r . ijf.ii.?iT.at 00 I 'jmIP''s' ;-'f.z.rl o 1 rice. 00 00 . ; . . . , -nr . - i v'rhf.i'ii.'i; Vits! W'eafcnes .MflL'tii fc f.!......r:: op r.ther can. "' p--.-i;1- ' '.','. r . -.; powder, for 5 4m- - ... a ; .4 s-tn .-otnt causes. t'.aivi on recsptoi ta ffs tf .. v. -rs heard. Com txa2:1 ':.-.i.'r..K.Hrrx DETECTIVES A Gootl Oat look for Hudson Hirer Fruit. Tho outlook for a largo yield of high and Iqw vine fruits in the Hudson river valley, tetwero Baxrytbwn and Corn wall, is promising'. Trnit'men who are tying and'pruning vines that unless a wet season i3 experienced in June, the strawberry crop will be beyond the aver- age harvests in. past seasons. The Ant werp raspberry canes are healthy and give evidence of an abundant crop The peach crop lias been more or less injured. There are many orchards in southern Ulster that will not yield more than a bushel of fully matured fruit. Other orchards in Marlborough, Clintondale, Highland and New Paltz will yield 23 per cent, of a full crop. ifauy of the trees are now in blossom, which confirms the statement of pains taking horticulturists, made early in March, that the Hudson river peach crop will not be a complete failure this season unless unlooked for atmospheric changes are experienced. It is yet too early to predict the- opt put of grapes,. Fruit growers arScakinglevcry precaution de- J manded for the proper care of tho vines, and the disease which proved o disas trous to the crop last eeason is believed to have been cured by the application of remedies especially prepared for the vine. It remains to be seen if the prediction! of practical men, made concerning the effect of a wet summer on the vines, will be verified. Kingston Freeman. , il J-:i-J VUUt i .e. C'li l-V jrf.tR-s ENGLISH : ; ifirft'JV'AL PHLS, ; . .. . i::oiitl Jirand ,'. f -:!". J ftfeeoil i-' - ';;!! ! r Vuc lia . ....) l ial.i -ImT.-. as-I 4. ..'octi'cr. Snd le. . r 1 Ilillc-r fop . ; , ujhW. A-i-iJ 1'crtn - .. i - - 1 ' 1 ' i. -. u r- 3 . .-I t'-a : , ... .-. i.uir !? V uil.t'-i (Vfr. . ' - ; ' i :.u.fe .f'. ,-.tv'.-: f j v ' - . '( : ; s g P 23 c An Active Centenarian. Uncle Billy Madden, as he is familiarly known, recently celebrated his 110th birthday. The early years of his life were spent in North Carolina, where he became a famous hunter and fisherman, and it was on one of these fishing and hunting expeditions that he came to this state over sixty years ago. For many years he rail flatboats down the Tennes see river, but this business becoming un profitable he bought a mountaif arm, where he has lived ever since, his sons doing most of the work. The old man is still active, but does not often leave his own premises, al though .he has been known to walk sev eral miles in a day during the past two or three years. He has. been married four times, and survives all of his wives. He has had twenty-two children, but five of whom are dead. His grandchildren are very numerous, but they have scat tered all over the country, and it is im possible, therefore, to give the exact number of his descendants. Kingston (Tenn.) Letter. UiSiLS' IMPROVED S y Ira Sm E 1 a ! 4 -.-.-' AT ? "TITNV and WIIOLKSOMIi Ai ' c. :5mfc'.t or Oi-Of or for it. C E. Hinzs, PHILADELPHIA. d; anos-Organs. l-i:cproT-im.M1fi,i of fastening strlacs hla-'H- irivt-nt a i us, is one of the most ''-.rir.t lu.pr,, 0;,,r ma,e making -".-'run.. i.t r, ri. hlv liiuslcai in toue, Ofdifjl ! . j ,-. , to get out or tunc. ! '.i ?L" v.i-.iii iiariiiin Organs anrt -;v.-;i. i.i-su i!i 1 K it wbichjsthp chief ' ,', Vf," u,v iiiu.-l.iil ;a.i ruiaent, quality '.',,,T,:,,r'-'i- !h,''-'"Tii Import am-, are nu hMii, ,n,llK Au inxjrument with y iN.ii s , k ..(. kI. illustrated ..... ., ,4 : infnjaia-e-t this sea- MASON &' HAMLIN: Or n and Imi,o Co , r LIFE m mT I - - 4l r M k. 1 ir,t:r,: OF LIFE x L-.AVf VT , ' Vcl:sr Medical Treatise ' Kscr1!; ,y 1,1 :'!ir";rs ox the biooj. . tJ ti" e Mrr:w Social KoLition. ' . 1 C v! (!- :- los.cs3 thL threat i Jr:,r iM a rrS' :f rpiy PVl The ' I1 ";! i 'l V.!l.U rrkor. M.Y., re : i7pHl.?-!i v rtal --lioa for ty : :a" ranT l consuhctl. coisii- kVViM!L.. vr- ;'tr icr lid e should a.1 I 15 wiak rSIi c-iiVi "'- r-t f ycifvil rrrorn. trlr Y.-f f14. lot manliood. ctc I will H-er.-.tT"? tr'i- tild contiinlcg full F- sii t;..r. r:e lure- F R EE cf chrs. A as i ork : Bhould I read by every rW v trrcc8 ad dtbiUuted. Addresa, C iOffLUt, Motxlu Conn. John WernerT" I -SiiE 1 i t-" A New Veliicle for Streets. A new system of transportation has lately come into vogue in Chicago. The vehicles" are called carettes. The carette is a kind of combination stage and street railway car. Each vehicle will seat twenty persons. The seats and backs are upholstered and con tain springs. The vehicles are specially constructed for ease and comfort, and rest upon patented springs of novel de sign. A single pw step to the platform in the rear gives easy ingress' and egress. There is said to be an absolute freedom from jolfing in motion. Fast time is predicted, as, although the motor is only horse power, there are no blockades such as obstruct street cars. As no tracks are necessary, these car ettes will probably soon be running on the most exclusively residence streets and boulevards. They are painted white, with gold decorations. New York Jour nal. ' A Monument o Tapers. At the tenth census there was obtained by Special Agent North a very unique collection of over 11,000 newspapers and periodicals published in the United States during the census year, which collection was arranged, bound and de posited for preservation at the congres sional library. In view of the great his torical value of such a collection, Super intendent Porter has decided to form a ! collection of all the newspapers, maga- 1 zincs and peruviicAl puDncanons or every character and description printed in the United States during the present census year, to serve as a permanent memorial of the development of this , important branch of American enterprise. This collection Avill be made in duplicate, one set for preservation at the library of congress and the other for deposit in the National museum. Washington Post. Satisfied with the' Investment. An unfortunate young man of the name of Robert Heard, "living at Totness, be came enamored of a comely maiden who did not reciprocate his affection. Last week Robert met the cruel maiden, and in a moment of uncontrollable rapture put his arms about her and ravished a kiss. The fair but obdurate one lodged a formal complaint against Robert, and the young man. was apprehended and tried" for his misdemeanor. The magis trate, after hearing the pros and cons, sentenced Robert to, fix weeks at hard labor. As Robert walked off to prison he remarked proudly: "Well, the kiss was worth itr Eugene Field's Letter. A Catch of 31 Trout in a Day. A-W. Ceoke, of Cayuga, N. Y., and R. B. Downs, of Rochester, fished in tho Little Kettle creek, in the southern part of this county, one day last week. They caught 319 trout, and were obliged to leave the" brook on . account of a fire in the woods that endangered their safety. The fish filled two fifteen pound creels and all the pockets of the two anglers' fishing coats. The biggest trout was a 'foot long, and the most of them were of fair size, but a good many of them mbcht better have been leftln the brook. r. New York Sun. fe f-jein?"0' DCs Barbers la WVltow ana l' liU The German Barber, -? iiariict street. A large sewer in Portland, Ore., bo coming choked, workmen dug it open, and to their groat surprise found the roots cf a shad treo had forced ft pass ago through ' tho walls and formed a BQd.mass for fiity feet? Tho top of tho sewer ii ten feet below tho surface. Sire Enov-U. They driv a kerridge to the door, An' out of it a lady got. All dreaded in Hkg an' furbelows. An--walked right up toHrharl sot; Se7 she: 4 I come from Obed.owii, I in h nut in' for a Cap'n lirowru" I looked, an' when lier face I see, Thinks I, No, inarm, you kain't fool me; I knowed them eyes wuz Ellen's. -. ' . My darter, married twenty years, A n' prone to live in Idyho: i Shed rrowed an' changed, but then, law iue; Queer ef a mother wouldn't know. Her hair was tetchetl a bit with gray An mebby she wa'n't quite so gav: A little stouter in her size, lit, as I looked ip them blue eves I knowed them eyes wuz Ellen's. An' so I riz right up at once An grabbed her close and belt her tight. . An" she sed, 'Marl' an I cried, Nell:' An then we hugged with all our might. For time might ketch me on some things, Ooii.sidrn all the ehunge it brings, Hut when I looked, I knowed her, shore. I seen my baby's eyes once more; I knowed them eyes wuz Ellen's. Earnest McGaffey. - - A Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Ghest, ssch as Consump tion, Inflammation of Lungs, Bron chitis, Asthma, Wooping Cough, Croup, ete., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to . taste, perfectly gafe and can always be depended upon. Trial bottle free at Robert R. Balla-I my's wholesale and retail drug store. wine, gin, liquor." MAYMOONSHINE. ' "A demagogue," said a small boy who builded better than he knew, is a vessel mat holds whiskey or any other Youth's Companion. A popular clergyman in Philadel phia delivered a lecture on "Fools." The ticket to it read: "Lecture on Fools admit one." There "Was a very large attendance. "I have always been a staunch protectionist," remarked Young fit li er, "but since the baby has been fretful at nights I do wish McKinley would remove the tacks from car pets." Lafayette (playing billiards with George Washington) You play ze fine game of beelliards, George! Washington Yes; but I don't begin to play as well as I did five or six years ago! Brooklyn -'Illustrated Monthly. The average American citizen would turn his back on the great est man this world ever produced to look at a pretty eighteen -year-old girl with a new spring suit on and n dimple in her chin. Somer ville Journal. - - - - - - Ativii-eto Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving flie cniltLfrom pain, and the little cher ub awaken as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is tne best known reme dy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or otlKr causes. Twenty five cents a bottle. julv C deod&wlv "It Works "Like a Charm." Rulon's Magnetic Liniment is a safe and speedy cure for Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Gout, Headache, Sprains, Bruises, Swellings, Diph theria, Inflammation of the Kidneys and all painful affections. For sale by Munds Brothers. Fishermen's Supplies, - Builders' Hardware, PAINTS AND SASH. WALK KR'S STRICTLY. FUSE MI1K LED, made by the old Dutca process, the best Lead ou the market. Tbey not bejng ia combina tion oau make special price on same. COOKING STOVES. Largest assortment in the State to select from; sold at factory prices. ' - Oil Stoves of All Sizes. In them you will And comfort and economy. Puinpp, Step-Ladders. We ask for jour patronage and shall ever endeavor to Cesrrve the same, llespect fully, N. Jacobi Hardware Co., apl 22 tf 12 SO- FRONT ST. Wilmington Savings & Trust Co. J.W.ATKINSON. President. W. P. TOOTHER, Cashier. 1 HQ PRINCESS ST., WILMINGTON, N. a, lvO Lends Money cn satisfactory security. Pay Interest on Deposits. Is empowered to execute Trusts of all Kinds. mch S t For Sale. 1 000 LBS OLD- TITX MCTAL, CLEAN nj. m good conation. Win be aott cneap, AIT1 ftt this omcs i mm . i . ,1 i i j f . a , a , . Tbe joUopiig craoUUoma represent wiiol sale prices generauy.- In mating up small or! ders nlgner prices nave to be cnarcttl ISA I MWADS, Ac BAOOINQ Gunny. Stjuidanl .' BACON North Carolina. Hams.... 7 8 ' M 8 9 8X 12 . 10 0 1 5 40 00 65 SO 8 00 0 00 IS 25 18 10 4 1 9 1 e i 310 00 en oo 70 Shoulders n.t. . . Sides, v WESTERN SMOKED Hams, y ft.; isd 14 Sides, V U 8 10 Shoulders, 7x 8 DRY SALTED Sides, v . 5 6 Shoulders, v& & sx BARREJjs-Spirlts Turpentine. second Hand, each 1 40 1 SO New, New Yorkeaca.i New, city, each BEKSWAX, V lb. , BRICKS, Wilmington, V M Northern....;..........., BUTTER, y ft North Carolina... ... Northern CANDLES, v lb Sperm Adamantine ..... .. . . CHEESE, y B Northern Factory Dairy, Cream State eoFFEE, . Java 27 O Laguyra...:. v - 23 Rio .:. 20- e CORN MKAL,? bush, lnsacfa. 00 Virginia Meal... oo COTTON TIES, V bundle 1 25 & DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4; y yard 6 S Yarns, v bunch...... 00 EGGS, doz 10 & fish Mackerel, No. 1, y bbi X) 00 30 60 Mackerel, No. l, r hair bbL 12 56 15 00 Mackerel, Na 2, V bbl .15 00 fi20 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... 4 75 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3; V bbl. . .... 7 80 010 Od Mullets. bbl.. Z.. 6 00 7 00 N. C. Roe nemng. v keg... 00 6 00 Dry Cod, V lb 5- 10 FLOUR, V bbl Western, ; low grade... 50 13 & 9 & Z5 80 .25 , 10 14 11 JO 25 23 65 1 30 0 4 00 00 & 6 00 S0' 6 00 4 10 O 5 00 & 10 00 8 48 00 52 00 33 00 05 3 " Extra 4 " Family . 4 City Mills Super. 4 Family 4 GLUE, v n GRAIN, busheL Corn, fm store, bags, white Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. Corn, cargo, in bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store Oats, from store Oats, Rust Proof Cow Peas HIDES, & lb Green Dry DAY, 100 lbs Eastern Western North River... HOOP IRON, a. LARD, lb. Northern '. 61 7 North Carolina 8 10 LIME, v barrel......... l 25 a o oo LU MBER, City Sawed, y M ft. . Ship Stuff, resawed ...18 oo Rough Edge Plank '. . .15 00 West India Cargles, accord ing to quality. .. . 13 00 Drosaed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 scantling and Board, com'n. 14 00 molasses, y gallon New Crop I n hhds. 44 In bbls 28 Porto Rico, in hhds 28 05 85 5 2 50 48 53 51 50 PO 3 5 10 90 00 3 2Q 00 W 00 l 00 (22 Ul (St 15 ( II " in bbls 2G Sugar House, In hhds (to 44 44 in bbls. 16 Syrup, In bbls . . 22 NAILS, V Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. OILS, y gallon. Kerosene Lard Linseed , Rosin Tar... Deck and Spar POULTRY Chickens, live rown. 44 spring... Turkeys PEANUTS, V bushel, 22 lb. 1 POTATOES, V bushel Sweet. 65 Irish, V bbl 3 25 PORK, V barrel City Mess...... 12 00 Prime.. 15 00 2 40 9 16 90 15 00 00 25 10 75 00 o ft ft ft ft ft a ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 3 28 :) 30 28 15 18 35 50 14 45 00 16 20 23 30 20 00 25 75 75 ftl8 00 ftl6 00 Rump.. - 00 ft 1500 - RICE Caiollna, V 4 ft 5 Rough. y bushr (Upland)... 60 ft 80 44 44 (Lowland). 80 ft 1 00 RAGS, V ft Country 00 ft 1 city...... 1ft x ROPE, V lb 14Xft 22 SALT, v sack. Alum.. 70 ft 75 Liverpool 1 10 ft 1 50 Lisbon.. 00 ft oo American.. 00 ft 70 soa P, ? lb Northern 4 X ft 5 sugar, P lb Standard grain.. 6,ft 6 standardA... 6 ft 6.f White Ex C 0 ft 6.' Extra C, Golden... 5ft hX C Yellow..; aft 5V SHINGLES, 7 in. VM.. . ...... 5 00 ft 7 00 Common 2 00 ft 2 SO Cypress Saps 4 60 ft 5 00 cypress Hearts.... -. : 0 00 ft 7 50 STAVES, 9 M W. o. Barrel.. 8 00 ftl4 00 IL o. Hogshead 0 oo ft 10 00 TALLOW, V lb 4ft 5 TIMBER, V M feet-Shipping.. S 00 ftH 00 FjneMHl Jl 25 ftl3 00 Mill Prime .7 50 ft 8 50 Mill Fair. 500 ftOOO Common Mill , 5 00 ft 0 00 Inferior to Ordinary . .. 5 60 ft 4 00 WHISKEY, V gal Northern... 2 00 ft 5 0C .Sorth Carolina..... I 50 ft 3 00 WOOL, 7$ R Washed. .. 23 ft 25 Unwashed 16 ft 18 Burry...,. . if ft 18 OYSTER ROASTS 9 AM BETTER PREPARED than ever to accommodate my friends with OTSTEXS this season, I will keep none but lb Brst oa band always M Y KTLK ubovs roasts a spectsity. Krery LhlBgr overhauled ad lmpxorea. Oysters ready as shmtnoctce and expert shorten to open them. - 4 -:' - special rates to parties. Cite me a call and will Co my best to please jctx. . . V. IT. ETOHLEY, Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington dtWetdonR. R. AND BCANCHE8 MISCELLANEOUS. Carolina Central Railroafl Company. r CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Datkd May il, 1P0. d3 dj c'a ss. a '- V. 31. pTmTI a7T Leave We ldon..t... 12 ;w 5 4i 6(0 Arrive Rocky Mount, 146 7 10 . P. M.j" I Arrive Tarboro 2o(i ! ; A. M. ! Leave Tarboro 10 20 ! . . P. M.i Arrive Wilson 2 2. j 7 00 7 43 Leave Wilson . 77" 12 20 ! . Arrive Selma 3 40 i Arrive Fayette ville 6 00!.....; Leave Goldsboro 3 15 ; 7 40 j 8 35 Leave Warsaw 4 4 10 1 ' n M Leave Magnolia.. 4 24 i s 40 w 49 Arrive Wilmington 5 50 I i I 1 i 2 TRAINS GOING NORTH. H Zi i- ' ej ."3 . '"O i era o5 o -. i , A. M.'A. M. P. M. Leave Wilmington . . 12 01 y uo 4 W Leave Magnolia..: 121 10 34 5 3; Leave Warsaw lo 4s 5 53 Arrive Goldsboro j 2 23 1145 6 Si Leave Fayetteville ' t8 40 Arrive Selma n ) l. M. Arrive Wilson 1210 Leave Wilson 3 03 12 37, 7 47 Ar. Rocky Mount 1 10 j 8 18 Arrive Tarboro 2 30 A. M. Leave Tarboro. 10 io f P. M Arrive Weldon 4 30 2 45 9 30 "Dally except bunaay. Train on Scotland Neck iiiancli Road leaves Weldon 3:15 p. m., Halifax 3:37 p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.25 p. m.. Green ville 6.00 p. m. Returalnsr leaves Greenville 7:20 a. m. Arrivlncr Halifax at 10:10 a. m.. Weldon 10-10 a. m., daily except Sunday. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Local Freight leave3 Weldon 10:30 a. m., Halifax 1110 a. m.. Scotland Neck 2:00 p. m. Arriving Greenville 5:10 p. m. Keturninj?, leave Green ville Tuesday, Tnursday and .Saturday 9::t0 a. m., Scotland Neck 1:00 p. ni.-, Halifax 3:35 p. m. Arriving Weldon 4:iK) p. ra. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albermarle 3c Raleigh R. it. dally except Sunday, 4.05 P. M., Sunday ;.(KU'. AI., arrive VVilllamston, N. 6.:i0 p. m., 4 Mt p. m., Plymouth T.ri 1. M., 5 20 P. M. Ifeturnlug loaves Plymouth, mouth. N. t'., dally except Sunday, 0.00 A. M., Sunday 9 mi A. Ai.. Wllllamston ".10 a. M., 9.58 A. M. Arrive Taiitoro, N. ('., t.:u A. M., 11.20 A.M. Train on Alldland N. V. Branch loaves Golds boro, N. C, dally except Sunday, k(H) A. Al arrive iimlthrtcld, N. C, 7.30 A. AI. .Returning leaves Smlthneld, N C, 8.00 A. AI., arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 9.30 A. M. Train on Nashville Branh leaves Ro:ky Mount, at 3.00 P. M.. arrives at Nash MUeat 3.40 P. M., Spring lloie 4.15 1. M. Returning leaves Spring Hope 10.00 A. M.. Nashville lass A. M., arrive Rocky Mount 11.15 A, Ai., daily except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, dally, except Sunday, at .oo P. M. and 11 10 A.M. Returning1 leaves Clinton at 8.20A. M. and 3.10 P. M., connecting at War saw with N03. 41 40, 23 and 78. Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayetteville Branch Is No. 51. Northbound 15 No. 51 . Maily -except Sunday. rrain no. 27 sout h vmu stop only at iir.on, Goldaboro and -Magnolia. Train No. 7s makes clone connec tion at Wel don for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and dally, except. Sunday, via Bay Line. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and liavo Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE. Gen'l Supt, J. R. KENLY, Sup't, Transportation. . T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington, Coinm bi? & Augusta B. R. C CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TKAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated A prli;20, 1890. Leave Wilmington.. Leave Marlon. ....... Arrive Florence Leave Florence... Arrive Sumter Leave Sumter Arrive Columbia. NO. 23. NO. 27. NO. 15. P. M, P. M. A. M. 6 15 10 10 I J 3. 12 441 10 20 1 30 NO. 50 NO. f 8 A. M. I A. M. A. M. 3 20; t g 25 1 4 3) ........ 9 35 ! NO. 52. I A. M. 4 35 t 10 3J B 15 155 No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Central R. it. Leaving Lanes 9-15 A. M., Manning 9:56 A. M. Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 5L Leave Columbia. Arrive Sumter... Leave Sumter.. . Arrive Florence . Leave Florence Leave Marlon.. Arrive Wilmington... 1 Na 5a.;No. P. M. 10 35 11 58 j 11 5 1 1. No. 7S J A- M.J 4 3i . 5 22 . 8 35 . ml .fT CHANG E OF SCHEDULE, WESTBOUND TRAINS. M arch 23. mtV i No. 41. .'dally ex. jbunaay. N0.5L dally ex. bunaay Ho L m dally ex. (Sunday. Leave riJmingtont 3 00 rm Leave Hamlet ', r an t.m Leave Wadesboro.i s 5 pmi 3 39 am -nir oanw ie..:iu iv pmi Leave Charlotte. ..I Leave Uncolaton. 1 o a-o Shalhr ArrtveRutherTdrt! i 45rml M um I 1 7 10 em 1 --. " i; 8 96 pm 9 45 pm E.STBOUND T1U1NS March 23, im. I No. 38. 1 No, 54. nally ex. .dally ex ,Sunday. Leave Hutherfdt'n Leave Shelby Leave Lincolnton. Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Cuarlotte... 5 on am ijeave vv aaetoro. 6 fa am ieave tiamiet. j g its ami Arrive Miimingm.'iz 15 pm Sunday No. s. fdally ex Sunday 8 am 13 ( - am 11 (o am lis 20 rm 8 ftf pmi u :tpm - 1 Warn - 8 CO ami " Trains No. 41 and 33 make clone connection between charlotte and points North via Ral- eiKh. , ? . Trains No. 51 and 54 make close connection at Hamlet, to and from Raleigh.' Through Sleeping cars between Wilmington and charlotte and Charlotte and Raleiglu T. w. WHISNANT, superintendent. F. w. CLARK, Gen'l Passenger Agent, inch 24 Atlantic Coast Line. North-Eastern R. R. of S. L CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING; SOUTH. , ., . - - ... i - 11 1 1 1 - Dated May 12, 89. No. 27. No. 23. No! - A- M- A. M. " Leave Florence i 35 9 30 . 44 Klngstree 2 29 10 55 Arrive Lanes 2 to 11 20 P.'M. Leave Lanes 2 50 11 20 r L- " Arrive Charleston.... 500 1 30 A. M. P. M. 1 M. Train No. ftl takes No. Train on v. & I). H. it. with No. 2:1 Train. 53 South Of Lhoo. connect. at Klon nco TRAINS GOING NnltTII. Leave Charleston... Arrive Lnne's U-avo Lanes , Klngstrpe Arrive Charleston.. I No. 7;l No. H.l A. Al. P. AlT 12 25 '4.30 2 4.i i; 2S 2 5o i 2:: 3 10 1; 4f, 4 7 55 I A. Al. p. AJ. NO. A. XI. 9 A. M. Dally, t Dally except Sunday. Train No. it connects at Florence with iralr. on c. & 1. it. R. ror Cheraw, s. v., and Wmlea uoro, N. C. No. 52 runs through tocolumMa via Cent ruf R. R. of S. c. Nos. 78 and U run solid to Wilmington, ' ('., making dose connection with w. x. it. Tor all joints noith. .INO. P. DIVINK, , . General siiperliitf talent. .!. it. KENEV, Acrt Gen'l Manager. 'J'. ai. k.m Il'um in, ;f n 1 I'.ifi.'.f n'-r Areui. my II " - . WANTED. .GKNTSGF F.ITIIKlt SF-XTIIROUGHGt' lhe United States to handle our celebrated corn and Bunion Cure. n application af fords almost instant relief, and every box is accompanied by .if 5 guarantee, which amount we will forfeit In every Instance where our remedy falls to perfect a permanent cure. Sample box, 25c; six boxes, $1. We will pay good agents 3 per day to Introduco our good. into their section: no postals. For tenna and particulars address the manufacturers. II. SHltOUER &CO.. 1C4 and 106 Ncrth Ada street, feb 14 lw daw Chicago, 1IL' FOf? 1890. oa-i' I;r s mibs-sh i :0: -Maoazixk when yon upon your reading matter for '! ho subscription rate is low P. M. j 6 ;r, i 7 W, M. 5 20 i NO. 1. 8 8 11 14. . Tt- 45 By Hon. samiK-1 s. ("Sunvef; ccv, late V. X Minister to Turkey. Daily. t Daily except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston. S, C. a Central IL R.. arriving Manmng TKX P.M.. Lanes 7:42 P. M., Charleston 930 1. M. Na 59 connects at Florence with c. and D. train from cheraw and Wades bora. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wll mlngton with W. & W. R. It. for ail point a North Train on Florence IL R. leave Pec Dee daily except Sunday 4:40 P. M., arrive Rowland 1'j p. m. Returning leave Rowland 6:30 a. m ar rive Pee Dee 8L50 v m. ' Train on Manchester Augusta IL R. leave ! Sumter dally, except Sunday, lftj A. M-.arri ve Rmuni 111 P. J. lurning leave Bimmi ; u coutAins numerota saamlog MorWu. JOHN F. DIVINK, General Supertntendeit. J. R. KENLY. Asst fienl Manager T. M. KMKRSON, General Passenger Agen nor is are deciding next season. The standard of the Magazine is high, Us spirit progressive. The illustration are interesting and of the There is not space here to give even a sum mary of t he features to appear this year, but among other things there will to a new de partment and additional pages, and groans of iMu&trated articles will be devoted to the fol lowing subjects. African Lxploratinn and Travel Life on a Modern War Ship (3 artlclta). Homes in city, suburb, and country Providing Ilomea through Building Astocia Hons, The citizen's Rights, Electricity in the Household.' - -Ericsson, the Inventor, by his Authorize Blograph?r. Huntlog, Il umoroiw A n 1st , American and Forelf o There VMM be 3 f erlals. . . ljotjert Louis Nevecson wm contribute Eayh RUbK ct. and there will be a great ta rlety this year, will i treated by wrlteri mot competent to speak with authority and with interest. Readers who are interested are urged to hend for a prospectus. , ti Cents " 1 Si-nltr, 1.00 k fnriulkt Charles Scribner's Sons,, 74JJ liroadway.CN. X t AGENTS WANTED TO CANVASS FOR lie I'lTfrmis f a lmi is fsrlei. Table Board. FEW flCiTUEIEX CAN US ACCOililt) Citcavltiirr'itlr!COArd on nrrllfailcn tf CCantl SCI ii. Till KD.tT A magnlucent volume of over ti pages, beauufuliy and profuijely lilustrateo. . COX'S LATENT AXO ttT SfFOEt. rCT8 1XD FtTJ. HISTOSY AVD BCMOX. Tlie work sparkles with the brf?htec wit. uut lr 1 also gives a clear, concise, and Interesting ac count or the Ottoman Empire, from Its foun dation to lhe j reent day. 1 Lis book w til hate n larsr sale, and live agents ahoaU secure territory at once. only tbofortrblr reliable agents, who will, work their territory lor all it u worth " ro wanted. Expnenced agents preferred, but - Vmm-mm Wm MV AM yiVllil tt ( JU VS h V fji im fi i I MET mt rrf 41 For part ictirs afiJrro, V.r, S. IlKItEHiiT. KUiiK,?.. N. P. fifwralAychi irNcrthi -rMin? 3'T.!!C3t:i3r;;.ffT.- . j-u jt