I JAMES, Editor and Prop. months fifA Three .iwp-J t-y tamers, free r rr cf tto nry. at tue alve uin.inaMwraL Ll33 p.-aw Vport any and potiia the ;r.cst elegant form r.DFCALlFORNfA, rained with the medicinal beneficial to the human La, forming au agreeable i .o;,-a lovntive to perma-v -atlv aire Habitual Consti Joa, and the many .ills de Lding on a weak or inactive L,;inTi of the Lui JI3SEJS, LiVER SHD BOWELS. 5a the n:ct excellent remedy known to MUSE THE SrSTEff EFFECTUALLY Vlto one is Bilious or coaaupaieu SO THAT WBECLOOD, BEFRECHIMQ SLEEP, . HEALTH and CTRSMCTH MTURAULY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR CWUGQIST FOP BtRUP OP PJOS MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. WWif. Kt. HE IV YORK. N. Y For sale toy KOKKUT II UELL.A31Y. WHOLESALE DKUGGIST, mrU2C Wilmington, N. C. ADMAN & TOLLERS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Provisions, Groceries, Liquors. Tobacco, Cigars, AND I'OUMISSIOX MERCHANTS, CorFrout anil Dork Sts., WILMINGTON, N. C. jioiatt Caffeine Seidlitz. IVOII THE SPEEDY RELIEF OP NERVOUS tl Headache anrt hr.iin flowing alcoholic ana other excesses, heart wno,IS (k'blll3r, etc. One grain of nwpowdere in water and drink during efTer- lv r ,UMKS I- Nl7TT' Apothecary. . t . Wiimir gton, N. c. inch 19 Croquet Sells and Hammocks. JJAMHOCKs l.(m to CROQUET $1.C0 jfcA Base Ball bus, Belts, etc A JMijtfot uiose popular 13 in03 , handsome jwmj, m cloth aoj gilt, only 25 centa each sosuniarj authors in setts, very cheap. . YATES' BOOK HOUSE. HiiiiR nn$ Dutter. J('srn rii'uLiNA and s. c. hams. " ' FKESU MOUNTAIN BUTTER.- foods are all right. ULL& PBABf.AU.,; cjliir 1 1 and 13 So. Water Street Can Save Money -KY-C'AU.lXt; ()- F.SWANN, Agent wposue Front trjet Market.) AXD GET BIS PRICES ON fAMlLY SROriERIES tfps noin5 but THE BEST, and w 111 aetata any part of the city free of 4 le Llm a n-w m BUlHTrK 0F A DECREE OP THE SU Court Tea r 2few Uan0T?r County. April m tell 'or cash, at the Court , T 26111 Liy of Mar. 1S90. claim' Chnc. 0tlt2? n ctlon' bts dee and C . htrron" and by him assigned to iw1" fi'-eu of uslnniML ritte, concernlns the claims wlU t tte sale. fcrni0t GEORGE TtOtJNTREE, J Receiver, w Hardware, t AND CROCKERY. HV. E. SPRIKQE2 & 11 , . Turccll Euliainr; r VOL XIV. PattPs last American tour made her richer by f ljS0,00O. - - -9 . ' Last month over five aod n half million people crossed the Brooklyn Iiridsre. - .' - . A Philadelphia father recently paid f 3,500 for a doll's honse for his little girl. The spread of ; the English lan Sua; is Indicated by the fact that it was used in the framing of a re cent treaty "between Russia and China, y-ryh '"';.m:" The popylar fad in Washington nowadays is the study of the lan guage and literature of Spain, which was given a great impetus by the sessions of the Pan American Con gress. : ' . . A Russian ukase lias just been is sued permitting the-employment of women on railroads. On the Trans Caspian line-there are female station masters, traffic umsters, signal wo men, and point women. '' -; - - King Herbert is a prudent mon arch, and does well to be in the present state of the kingdom's fi nances. Last year the civil list for the royal household . was 15,350,000 francs, anffthe King spent 14,349,999 francs, leaving a mere pittance to his credit for the ensuing year. There was a meeting of ex-Union soldiers at Palestine, ill., on Monday night and a protest was wired Pres ident Harrison against the use of Confederate flags at Richmond to the exclusion of the Federal flag. Unfortunately for some people there was no thunder in the "thing at all foT the two flags .have floated side by side and been entwined to gether, inthe decorations at Rich mond, for more than a week past. - 'Refreshing and invigorating Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Munds Brothers' magnifieeut new soda fountain at a temperature of 343. Purest Fruit Syrup,Mi!k Shakes and Natural Mineral, Water. IOCLAJLi 3STEWS. INOSX TO NZW ADVERTISEMENTS W W Harries Notice Fheed & Co Furniture C W Yatks Croquet Setts, etc Jas A Hewlett The newlett House Freight Notice On and after June 1st Warren's Ice Cream Parlor open till 10 p. m. tf Fine ripe strawberries were sell ing this morning at 5 cents a quart. Capt. V. V. Rich ardson, of Colum bus county, was in the city to day. Spring chickensractually not much bigger than a. baby's fish, sold here at 12 cents each to day. Green corn the sugar sweet vari ety, was in market this morning and offered at 20 cents a dozen. . -' z c MAr-O. Rlcaud, who has been absent for some time on a trip to Europe, has returned to the city. A large colored excursion party is expected here next Thursday, from Fayetteville, via the W. & W. R. R. Rubber Hose, Lawn Mowers and Rakes of 'the latest and most im proved makes are sold by the N. Ja cobi Hdw. Co. ' , t WANTKD!50 good and experi enced hands, to work on shirts. Ap ply at the Wilmington Shirt Fact-ry, 122 Market street, Keep dry and you will keep healthy. Umbrellas, rubber coats. &c, at' I. Slider's, S. B. corner Front and Princess streets. ' . ' It is announced that Bishop Wat son will visit Christ Church,' New bern, on Sunday next and adminis ter the rite of confirmation. Mr. Wade H; Harrissr who arrived here "yesterday morning for the pur pose of getting a little fresh salt air, left on the return to Charlotte this afternoon. On and after the Urst of June the freight offices of the W. & W. R. R , the W. C. & A. R. R., the a F. & Y. V. R. R. and the C. C. R. R-, will close for the reception of freight at 4:30 p. m. Dr. W. W. Harris?, Chairman of the Board of Magistrates, gives notice in this issue that there will be a meeting, ofjhe Justices, in con junction with the Board of County Commissioners, at the Court House, on-Uonday next, for the purpose ;of levying taies for the year 1SC0. WILMINGTON, N, C , Wanted. A good appetite. You can have it easy enough by taking J Hood's Sarsaparilla. It tones the digestion and cures sick headache. Farmers, we can supply you with Peanut Sweeps and Diggers, Scraper and Coulter Points. Seven different size wings aud two size points for the "Boy Clipper," the most im proved plow on the market. X Ja cob iHHw. Co., factory agents. To morrow being Decoration Diiy, the Postoflice will be closed from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. The carriers will make two deliveries and two collec tions, 0 a. ill and 10 a. m No other deliveries or collections, by carriers, will be, made during the day. We have it now. A Pump tliat is always primed, never requiring a tub of water to start it. It is the bright invention of a North Caro lina genius and is pronounced by all to be the best pump on the market. See it and you will have no other. N; Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Forecasts. For North Carolina, fair and warmer to day and on Friday, cy clonic disturbance this a. m. in the East Gulf. Local forecasts, from 8 a., m. to-day, for Wilmington and vicinity, fair weather. Tourists,' Whether on pleasure bent or busi ness, should take on-every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, pre venting fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50c and $1.00 bottles by all leading drug gists. . . Vets for Richmond. In all, 23 left in the party which "sailed from thi3 port" for Rich -mond on the 12:01 train last night. There were 13 ex-Confederates in the list and the others were young men who would have worn the grey if they had been here in time to don it. The vets wore white badges of white satin, with crossed battle flags and the wordn "New Hanover Coun ty Veterans Association." They ar rived in Richmond at 7 o'clock this morning and will leave there to night on the return. Democratic Primaries. The Democratic voters of Newr Hanover county are hereby request ed to assemble at the places herein after named, on Wednesday, J tine ,4th, 1890, to select delegates to a County Convention to be held on Saturday, June 7th, 1890, at 12 o'clock m.. in the Court House in Wilmington. N. C, and choose mem bers of the Executive Committee to serve for the next ensuing two years: - The voters of First Ward will as semble at Brooklyn Hall at 8 o'clock The voters of Second Ward at County Court Room, at 8 o'clock P The voters of Third Ward at City Hall (up stairs) at 8, o'clock p. m. Tho cntprH nf Fourth Ward at Citv Court Room, at 8 o'clock p. m. l iie voters oi r.m- t vi w hum Ward Bucket Company's Hall, at 8 o'clock p. m. The voters of Cape Fear township, at M. G. Chadwick's store, at 12 o'clock m. The voters of Harnett township, at Macomber's. old store, at 12 o'vlock m. The voters of Mason boro town ship,at School House, at 12 o'clock m. The voters of Federal Point-township, at Biddle's store, at 12 o'clock tu. Bv order or Executive Committee, J. I). Bellamy, Jr., Ch'm. Scribuer's tor June. The June issue of Scribncr" Maa zinc, now at hand, is replete with gool things. A hardsomely execut ed sketch of Mr. Stanley, from a photograph, forms the frontispiece. "The Emm Passha Relief Expedi tion," which is haudsomely illustrat ed, is a paper of absorbing interest at this time; "The City House" is also accompanied by drawings"The Magic House" is a weird but inter esting sketch; A new serial "Jerry," which is to be continued through the year, opens well; the concluding part of the exceedingy interesting article on "Barbizon and Jean-; Francois Millett" is published in this issue; "In the Valley" draws to a close and will be concluded in July; the third paper on. "The Rights of theitizen," by Seth Low, is to be i TTJllowed by others. "Amateur s Track and Field Athletics!' : will f command itself-to the lover or spor; "Rosamond" is pretty and "The Point of View" embraces four heads of general public interest. THURSDAY, MAY 29, There have been many improve ments this season at Wrightsville Beach and among others we notice that Mr. Jas. Ar Hewlett has added largely to his space. His dining room is now complete, with every facility for the comfort of. guests. It is separate and distinct from the bar, which is in the rear of the other buildings. Meals ready on the arri val of every train. ." . By the Yemasee. Steamship Ycmaasec cleared and sailed to day for New York with.the following list of .passengers: - Mrs. M. J. Corbett, three children and nurse; Mrs. J. J. Deans, P. 11. Mc Alley, E. S. Hall, Mrs. Hart, Miss F. E.Beckenridge, Miss M. .F. Strout, Miss K. LeGrange, Miss K. M. Jacobs, G. S. Bolton, W. S. Clair. Miss Ida A. Clark, Miss O. C. Miller, S. G. Shepard, W. B. Davis, wife and children, .Win. Connell, Thos. Douglass. B. Williams, Rowan Green and Louis Peschel. 'Rates to Charlotte.' Reduced rates are announced by the Seaboard Air Line to Charlotte for the North Carolina Musical Fes tival to be held at that city. The following rates will apply from points named: Henderson, $6.95; Rutherfordton, $3.75; Wadesboro, $2.79; Raleigh, $G.55; Shelby, $2,70; Cheraw, S. Ci, $3.95; Sanford, $5 GO; Weldon, $9.65; Wilmington, $6.85. Rates from other points proportion ately reduced. Tickets to be on sale June 11th to 14th inclusive. Ex treme limit June 16th, 1890. Limit ed to continuous passage in each di rection. The Royal Arcanum. The Grand Council of the Royal Arcanum of North Carolina was or ganized in Raleigh on Tuesday by Supreme Regent Leigh R. Watts, of Virginia. Thirteen councils were represented, and twenty-four Past Regents were present. The following officers were elected and installed for the ensuing term Past Grand Regent Jno. A. Ron- sey, Salisbury. Grand Regent H. B. Adams, Monroe. Grand Vice Regent J. G. Wright, WTilmington. Grand Orator G. W. Blount, Wilson. Grand Secretary W. G. Brinson, Newbern. Grand Treasurer A. M. Powell, Raleigh.- Grand Chaplain H. C. Dockery, Richmond. - Grand Guide N. Jacobi, Wil mington. 1 Grand Warden John R. Erwin, Charlotte. . Grand Sentry A. L. James, Laur ingburg. Trustees John H. Hill, C. W. Lambeth and Thos. W. Branch. Weakness.' How many suffer from weakness! And what a distressful ailment it is. Alwavs praying for strength and yet reeling oneseii growing weaner anu weaVer. There is great virtue in B B B (Botanic Blood Balm) as a strengthening as well as a healing medicine. Try it as a tonic and see how much better you will feel. It will improve both appetite and di gestion. It is an excellent remedy to use while convalescing. It aids a natural and rapid recovery. In cae where an invalid has remained long in bed and bed sores or other ulcers breakout, this remedy will afford quick relief. W. M. Cheshire, Atlanta, Gu., writes: "I had a long spell of typhoid fever, which at last seemed to settle in niv right leg, which swelled up enormously. An ulcer also appeared which discharged a etipful of matter a day. I then gave B B B a trial and it cured me." A Merry Company." The house, as. well as the piece, justified the above name for thp en tertainment at the Opera Hotise last night. The spacious building was filled (almost literally but not quite so) ffom pit to dome." But it was a large house and a'thoroughly de lighted one. The piece, thanks to the care and prepartion which had been -bestowed upon it, was beauti fully presented and the young par ticipants won for themselves the hearty applause df the audience. Prof. Nobles was aided in the train ing of the children and the pre sentation of the piece by Miss Nellie Cook and Mrs. M. L. McLeod and Miss Belle Anderson was the accom plished and efficient pianist. The presentation of the piece, was a happy cise to the school term and teachers and pupils alike may now take a long rest before plunging into their studies caia in the Fall. ' 1890. NO 141. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ESTABLISHED 1ST! JrXTJHDS BROS , - Druggists. WILMINGTON, N. C, DEALERS IX CHEMICALS?. DRUGS, FANCY GOODS, CI GARS AND TOBACCO. 104 N. Front street. ooi N. Fourth St. my 29 1 Freight Wotice, ON AND AFTElt THE 1st OF JUNE, OCR respective depots win close for the recep tion of freight at 4 30 o'clock p. m, W. KCTLANn. TJ103. c. James, Agent " Agent " W. & W. R. K. C. F. &?. V. IL 11. W. C. & A. It. It. - Tnos. I). 31EARE3, Asent C.a?. H. il, my 19 It NOTICE. TO THE MAGISTRATES OF NEW 1IANO VEK COUNTY: f-IIERE WILL BE A 3IEET1NO OF THE Justices of said county at the Court House In Wilmington, on Monday, the 2d day of June, A. D., 1890, at 10 o'clock a. m., In conjunction with the Board of " Commissioners of said county, for the purpose of levying1 tajres Jor the year ISO). Your punctual attendance is requested as business of Importance will come before, t lie meeting. W. W HAKKISS, Chairman, Board of Magistrates, rny 29 thur frl sat THE HEWLETT HOUSE. -:0: M Y FRIENDS AND TOE PUBLIC GEN- erally are respectfully notified th,at I hae made extemslre additions to my premises at Switchback station, Wrightsvillo Beach, and am now prepared to acccommodate them with the best of everything. Fresh Fish, Soft Crabs, Deviled Crabs, &c. ready on the arrlvaKf every train. 'Bar in the rear-and separate awl distinct from the dinning room. my29tf JAS. A. HEWLETT. ISLAND BEACH HOTEL J. A. KROWN, Manager. H AVIKG LEASED THE ABOVE NAMED Hotel, situated at the Hammocks. I am pre pared to cater successfully to the want a of the public. The tables will bo supplied with 1 lie choicest viands ef the seaso n. Many places of great interest in the. vicin ity. Surf Bathing Bath Houses irtstlll water, fine boating facilities, unrivalled Tlshluj, and above all an unexcelled Cuisine: ffottages on the Beach connected with the Hotel. Frof. Millefa celebrated Band vngno-on tor the! Season. J A. imowN, mySHtl ' " ."MANAGER. Report of the Condition O' F THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON, at Wilmington, in the state of North 'Carolina, at. t he close of . business!. May 17, im: RESOURCES: Loans and discounts $"i2(,Ti;i 92 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.. 12.27 W) V. H. Bonds to secure circulat ion 50,)00 00 Stocks.securitiesjudgments, claims, etc 16.730 t6 Due from approved reserve agents.. 20,059 48 Due from other National Banks.. 17,411 40 Due from State Banks and Bankers. 4,877 7 Banking House, Furniture and fix tures 5,203 31 Other real estate and mortgages owned....: 2U2 00 Current expenses and taxes paid 4,08t 98 rreuHurus on U. S. Bonds. 1 .500 J Bills of other Banks U,SOt 00 Fractional paper etirrency, nickel. and cents: 300 54 Specie .. 25,:jl0 flo Legal tender notes. 15,0i0 W Redemption fund with U. s. Tn-an- urer, 5 per cent of circulation . . 2.25t 00 Due from I. S. Treasurer, other than 5 wr cent, redemption fund.... . ?,420 00 Total. r-A02) 3- LIABILITIES: Cii pi tal stock pa id in f2.Ofjo 00 surplus lunrt j w Undivided profits 5,514 22 National Bank notes outstanding. . . HM0 u Di1dends unpaid 2.0! 50 Indi1dual dciwHJts ubject to check 1"2,777 (tl Demand eertlilcates ot tteposlt .m Dik to other National Banks 19,81 Due to Statx? Banks anrt Bankers 141 Oa Notes and bills re-discounted J??fl,0Q4 IrJ Total WS3.V) ."STATU OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) Corxrr of New Haxoveb, si ) I, H. M. BOWDEN. Canhkr of the aboxe named bank, do solemnly 5 ear that theabore statement ! I rue to the best of my knowlefla andbelkL U. M. BOWDEN, Caller. subxTibfd and sw..ni to before iiie.this Stall day of May, m. A. J. HOWELL, Notary faUUc. Correct At tt : i;eo..chadbouiin, ) JAMES SPKUST.N. f Directors. Report of the Condition of the First National Bank Ocean View Dining Booms P, H. SASSIB, Prfprkhr ail lasajer. fjHE BEST EQUIPPED AND 3J03T ENJOY- ablc Resort on Oceaa Vie w Rallrcad, at the Switchback Station. , Nicely furnished for the accommolatloa 9; guests, who will reeelTe the tmt attentlor. FI5H. SOFT SHELL CItAKS, SURIKP, and all the lands requlslt at Seaside Dlnlss Boom. k r NeittuHdiB? south of Grand rartllon. at Struct back fetation. TJ.e patron? of the p-itiicissallcuel. V 1: II. sAiiCR. 1 , iTcrnctcr, PLEASS KOT1CS. - We wi be gl&d to recclvB cocaauiitcati from our menas on an and alisnh Cenrral Interest, out , The name or the vritcr mtut alirAra to ntshcd to the Editor. communication mast do written on . one side of the paper. ,.J , Personalities most be airotiea. 1 An t it is espacuuty am pmicnUrty aaae stood that the Editor does netltrays rndora the news of correspondenta oaleas ao " in the editorial columns.. NEW AUVKRnSKMENTa;- ;r6xLlotin'g;5.' T WILL BS AT THE CITY HALL DURING " a ... . a the month of Jtine to Ust the Taxes for ih at5- - JAMES W. KINO, my s tha sat till Jnte 1st Tax Liner. JJY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE SU J v perlor Court of New n llnnvsr i'nn. i.i. , Term lm I hereby give notice to all persons ! v 't holding claims against W. IIV Styron to- pre-' sent them to the undersignea on or : bcWe July 1st, 1S90, or they will not be permitted to t hare In the distribution of the funds cf said Styron la my hands, on thar h thA will be distributed according to the provisions v. micu ui ajSueni maae by WIT. Styron -wvim aiv.AU&rj'' r my 15 oaw 4w "thur - v Remvr. J ? " Jr'OJt UAKOLINA BEACH ;. AMU Q nTTTJD ATirri . J3. x u uuu i 1 i nn. 1 . THE 8VL VA N G UO VEJ " J EAVES WILMINGTON AT 9:) A. M. AND 2 30 p. m.. and returning leaves the Beach at 13 SO and o p. in. passport will leave for southport at a. m.; leave Southportat 3 p. m. . Every day in-the week except Sunday. season reduced rate Tickets for sale at the office or on board. Fare Saturday 25 cents for the round trip. J- W. HARPEli, my 10 tf Manager. 3 need & Co.9 gUCCESSORS TO KNOX VILLR FURNI ture Co., KQuiheast corner Market and .second streets. Large stock, artistic designs, lowest priccr.. Ever j body invited to call nnd Jnapect fitock. nac my ntf ..... - AT Geo. 11. French & Sous. r.0c opera slipper, former price 75T opera siipperH, former prlcrt tl.0. $.u Opera Slipp-rti, foriner price f !.?. tl.2"i Opt ra Mlpper, former 1'ilee i..vi. oxford Tie, Par, Tlp,TV. oxford Tien, Pat. 'Up, f l.im. tixfonl Ties, Pat. Tip, tl.rv oford Tl s, Pat. Tip, tl.Ht. Tan Colored oxfordi 1 1. Oi'. Tan Cploretl Oxfords 1 1.25. All the above M j les in Misses and chll- riren b sizes at comparatively low price. Large stock of LAWN TENNI9 SLIPPERS. GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS, 1 OS North Front Street. (Opposite The Orton.) . my 21 tf SPECIAL NOTICE ! 'yyE ARE THE SOLE OWN"ER3 OF THE following finest and well known Bra a is of WHISKIES in the market: Southern Star llyet Cubiuet LtyC, , Our Htanclard ICye, HOtiquet Ifyc, State Guard xxx x Cabinet.' There is nothing better cold anywhere, and all first-class barrooms ell all or one ot the t above lirand. - BruiihildjSimon & Co,, 111 N. Front at., Dealers tn Ll iuors, ciirs and Tobaccos. mySTtf Ljsliermeii's Supplies, - - a 'Builders Hardware, - , PAINTS AND SASH. ffALKfR j SRKTIV FUSE JlfflUE HIP, made by the oM Dutch procv, the beat Lead on the market, The7no; bring la combina Hon can meJce special ptloe on suae. COOKING STOVES. Largest assortment In the State to select from; sold at factory prtoei. ' - Oil Stoves of All Sizes. In them you will And comfort and economy. Pump?, Step-Ladders. . Wc as for your paroaage and sUail erct endeavor lo eesrre the same, -RejpectfJilr, v IT, Jacobi Hardware 06., rrir'f ii;o. it.o.nt sr,-

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