J UJlLl!, LI L UUUIULU fit? QUYYCIbi Costfveness dcrang-e the whole T tem and besets diseases, sncli as Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Kidney Diseases, Bilious coiic, Malaria, etc Tntt's Pills prodnco regular bablt of body and good digestion, without bltb.nooue can eulor rood hith. Sold EvcrywHey POMONA HILL NUKSERtES; POMONA, n. a, Two and a Half Miles West ot Greensboro. N. C o main line of the K. D. K. R. passes through the grounds i nd within 100 feet of the office. Salem trains mairestops rejrular twice dally each way. Those interested m Fruit and Fruit Growing arc cordialiy invited to inspect this, the Largest Nursery In the State, and one of, the largest In tne south. . Stock consists ot Apples, Peach, rear, Cherry. Plum. Japanese Persimmons, Apri cots, nectarines, AiuiDernes. quince, urapra, . Figs, Rasp berries. Gooseberries, Currants, lie Strawberries, liosea. Evergreens, shade Ties, Ac, All the new and rare varieties as well as the old ones; which my new Catalogue for 1888 win show, i . - - i-r . Give your orders to my authorized acnt or order direct from the Nursery. Correspondence solicited. DeotrlpUve Cata logue free to applicants, s J; TAN LINDLEY, " 4 . POMONA, Guilford Ca, N. C tr Reliable Salesman wanted in every . County. A ffood paying commission will be M VStC! io'.iS purilu-r. 31. 1 1 veli:s u a: al terathe in it. 5.tinii'.lAi:t efr; Jr V v,- Asoveroitnii-nr Indigestion op pression sn.1 wnntnf a ij; t i t e i Ileadurlse an ; " 111 B M lloil.s tli-npiK-Pi speedUy when this rrmedy j- taken. Ttiti r 1 no more effectual relief l-r the ;h;kc;i v.r.tl loathing of food due to INTKMI'EHAX -: than this article. Put upinlni:e 7"fit b t ties. 8amploparkase3in-l'owDi;n form si-nt by mail to any address on receipt v.t 10 c -itr in stamps. The reirn-Jnrl innl lorn . atsi'.of !? Pent by mail. MEXICAN iUEDIClXl- Co. 41MI ISOltU ?St.. i'hllatlPlplli;!. 1'a. . BIRD MAMA! Tho great secret of the canary bird lreel-rr ofthollartz Mountain? in (irriuaitv. W-.vi 'Manna will restore the lone of c-ajre birds. il! prevent their aihntnts and lesioro tbvm to good condition. Ii civiu lo :x bird durin" tho season ol?heddii;irlf aiht rsi. it willin most ca.ses carry ll;e I ittie iinj- kn tluouh 1 1 i 5 Critical pcri'tl vi:iir.t t-.i snn;,'. Nrnt !v naiion receipt, of l. i-. in stnnuts. 1JIII1J OOD CO., 4WX:::n! .'-r. lIiilatlcljlii 1, Pa. lease mention this paper. ! pt 9 th sat TIME TABLE NO. 3 Palmetto Railroad Co. QN AND AFTER FRIDAY, , DEC. t6, 1S37 Trains will run as follows, dally except Sun day. GOING SOUTH. No 1 Passenger and Freight. Leave Hamlet, N. c 8.20 A. M Arrive at Cheraw, s. c .... 9.30 a. m Going North. No. S Passenger and Freight: Lear Cheraw, S. C 4.25 P. M. Arrive at Hamlet, N. C &; P. OdOlStf WM.MONCURE. SupL The North Carolina Presbyterian is A Religious Family Paper, PUBLISHED WEEKLY, and doroted to the intellectual, moral and spiritual interests of t he people. it numbers among its correspondents many "of the very best writers of the southern Pres byterian Church. It is thoroughly orthodox on questions of doctrlpe, Uut Tree and out spoken In Its views on all open Questions. It allows and Invites free discussion within the bounds of courtesy. In popularity the Presbyterian is con stantly advancing-. lc is The Paper for the People, and presents In Its columns matter to interest and Instruct all ages, classes and conditions ot the people. Price per annum, f2 or for one year to any new EUDScnoer. rJ l . Address JOHN McLAUIJIN. Editor and Proprietor, Wilmington. N. C Of is'. INTER TO ?f uniy Vljror, TTe;:.- crT.rcf M. mory t "j:tA'uy rwtorovl by tic ;. ,.f m t .::n.:y :.-v wwiy. -m lie a b n uin lro-.M S;..;;n. puc MllU VOX CJRAF.P 'i ltOCUF.liC , r.. MiPaik 1'Uvo. rvewio.u. rrei AGENTS WANTED TO CANVASS FOR The PiTcrsioas of a Pip!mit ia Tcrko. By Hon. Samuel S. ("Sunset Cox, late V. s. - Minister to Turkey. A magnificent volume of over G00 pages, a, a vl fc-a i j auu iv4ua.ij itiuoviiuivi XX. COX'S LATEST AND BEST EFFORT. FACTS AND FCX. DISTORT AND HUMOR. The work sparkles with the brightest wit. It contains numerous amusing stories, but it also gives a clear, concise, and Interesting ac count of the ottoman Empire, from Us foun dation to the present day. This boot will have a large sale, and live agents Should secure territory at oact. Only thoroughly reliable agents, who. will work their territory "for all it Is worth " are wanted. Experienced agents preferred; but others who will promise earnest work will be accepted. For particulars address, - . - W. Sw 11ERBEKT. Klnston. N. C. General Agent for North Carolina Ilentlcn tl3 paper. Jan J mm Josh. T. James, Editor s .; Prop'r. - .. Wilmington. N. C. TZT . THURSDAY. JUNE 10. Entered at the Postpfflce at WllmHijfton.y.r,. as second-class matter. . -rrrT r . Th" A Mm Mr .Tfinvj,nl as -ddea i iita-i-n in - o' th .-n- I uta i n n -o j n . n h i- nrd finds timt the Southnm States havti 'made a larger decrease ! of thir bonded debts than that of all the other States of the Union . predated. Their decrease has amounted o $28,022,964, while that of all other States is $26,436,920. 'For a section," says the Journal, "so recently devastated by war, left utterly penniless except in the pos session of its real estate, with its la bor demoralized and its industries all prostrated, this is a splendid showing." It is, indeed, and the North as well asJtheSoath will heart ly rejoice in it. The Washington corresyondent of the Philadelphia limes says: "Mr. Blount, of Georgia, the successor of Randall on the committee oh rulef will not vote for subsidies, and so it is a tie in committee. It is said that the Speaker was holding up the ap pointment of the additional Demo cratic member on that committee to the vacancy caused by Mr. Carlisle's resignation, with the hope of find ing some reputable Democrat who would also vote to take up the sub sidy bill. But it is hardly necessary to say that, it would be hard to tind a Democratic who would go on the rules committee to carry out such a programme " The New York World says: "Sev eral well known sporting men, who were led by what they thought to be first class tips, feel sore over re cent investments in Richmond Ter miual. "I bought at 7of about ten days ago," said one, "and I am now about $1,100 out and see nothing but more margins ahead "of me. The stock is now 22, and has not gone up more than an eighth since I bought, John C. Calhoun, who was suppo3 ed to be right in with the In man crowd threw a block of stock on the market, some say as much as 30,000 shares, and prices broken awtiy at once. I wouldn't mind it if I were just now the possessor of a margin of a trood manv other lots of stock that I bought into on "sure tips, and would be very, very triad to crawl from under at almost anv terms."' The Washington correspondent of the New York Sun savs: "The Ohio ballot-box forgery scandal has taken a new and somewhat sensational 4 turn. Notwithstanding the datuag frig character ot the evidence against Ex-Governor Foraker, in whose in terest the forgery was evidently committed, it has been the prevail ing opinion up to this time among those conversant with the situation that the report of the House com mittee would contain a liberal amount of witewash, aud that Fora ker would practicallv get off scot free. Suoh, however, is not to be the case. He is to be -pilloried by Republicans, and his political rivals, headed bv Gen. Grosvenor, who hates Foraker intensely, will hold the butter cup to his lips and make him drain it to the dregs. Foraker's foolhardiness in crowding himself forward as chairman of the coming State Convention has, in the opiuion of 'those gentlemen, rerfdered heroic treatment imperative.'' ... Moltke's successor, Waldersee, is iiiukiijga military inspection of the various means by which Ger man army might, in the event of war, be most rapidly brought to the French frontier, and is able to con gratulate his countrymen that there are now seven double-track rail roads, leading from East to West di rectly toward France, as against only three that existed in 1870. The last one, just opened, was nota com mercial necessity so much as a strat egic road, intended to obviate the necessity of crossing Swiss territory In getting into France. In fact, much of the burden of German tax ation is represented by railways constructed and opened for military . 4.1 A. ru mer man commercial purposes. The Emperor and his prime minister have both had accidents with their horses during the past week, eaeh ruuning serious risk of his life. The rapidity with which the Emperor re covered from his accident is excel lent evidence of the good health he eojoys, in spite of his having but one arm to speak of. -- The Beat UesalL! Every ingredient employed in pro ducing Hood's Sarsaparilla is strict ly pure, and is the best of its kind it is iossibIe to buy. AH the roots and herbs are carefully selected, person ally examiued, and only the best re tained. So that .from the time of purchase until Hood's Sarsaparilla is prepared, everything is -carefully watched with" a v.ew to nttaininr (the best result. Why don't you try it. Tbe'PUlplt aud tlie 8taC0. - Rev.F.M. Shrouf, Pastor tUnited 1 Brethren Cburch.BlueMound,Kan., says: ! VI feel el it mydaty to teliwhat j . King'sTNew;; Disco very wonders Dr. has done for me. " My lungs were badly! diseased, and my parishioners thought I could Jive nlya few Z.iZ n,i , r.a p. - - i. - Ci t and well, gaining 2G lbs. in weight." Arthur L-.ve, Manager Love's Fun- " Fo Joinbinatioii, writw: "Af- ter ft thorough, trial and convin0ipff evidence, I am confident DrVKfnr's N-w Discovery for Consumption,., b-ats fern all. nntTcures when every - - a.r.l,uunf' ac ' V '.ri.L-.r tn i ik: i na (rranTocr if inn. friends is to urge them 'to try ir."f T 1 A WW I I'Mfl fill IIV - IllUll V L11UUMLL111 Free trial bottles at R. R. Bellamy's Drug store. Regular sizes SOc and l ft) wholesale and retail. J ; i ' .-J '. Wilmington District -j- Tlnrd Quarterly ji ! Meeting. - Bladen Street, June 29. Grace Church, July 5 and 6. Sampson Circuit, jiajrs, July and 6. Kenansville Circuit, Richland?, ! Julv 12 and 13 Magnolia Circuit,! at Magnolia, Dist. Conf.. July 19 and 20. Bladen Circuit,' Sonles' Chapel, July 26 and 27. I Fifth' Street. August 2 and 3. Carver's Creek Circuit, Shiloh, ! Aug. 5;and C. Cokesbury Gircmt, 9 and 10. ! McNatfs, Aug. Clinton Circuit, Goshen, Aug. 16 and 17j I ! Elizabeth Circuit, Pender, Aug. 23 and 24J Wacciunaw, Aug. 2 8 and 29. Whiteville Circuit Cerro Gordo, Aug. 30 and 31. riruuswick Mission, Cedar B.ay, Sept. (l and 7. Bruhswick Circuit Bethel, Sept. 12 and 13. F. D. Swindell, P. E. LEMON ELIXIR A Pleasant Lemon Drink. For tiiliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. I For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir, j For sleeplessness and nervousness, take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For. fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemonj Elixir. Dr. Mozlev's Lemon Elixir will not fail yoiiiin any of the above named diseased, all of which arise from a torpid jor diseased liver, stomach, kidneys or bowels. Prepared only by Dr. II. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. 50c cts. and $1.00 per bottle, at druggists. A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion with; great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kidnoytjj and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mqzley's Lemon Elixir and am now a Vell man. j I Rkv. C. (1 Davis, Elder M. E. Church South, No. 28 Tat nail St., Atlanta, Ga. "It Works Like a Cliarm." RulonPa Magnetic Liniment is a safe audi speedy cure i for Rheuma- wDuiviiruaiKi4, uuui, ucttuaciie, oprams,! j oruises, oweuiiis, jipu- tneria, nnammaiion oi tne jvianeys nd nil Tit.f.ilflffpptir.na Fnr nlA by Munds Brothers. Manv necnliar toinL; make Hood's Sar- saparilla superior to all other medicines. Peculiar in combination, proport and preparation of ingredients, Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses the full curative value of tho best known remedies the vegetable king dom. Fecuuar in its strength and economy Hood's Sax - saparilla the only medi. cine ofy ; which can truly oe saidJf C " One Hundred Doses One Jr SS Dollar." Medicines in ger and smaller bottles require larger doses, and do not produce as good results as Hood's. Peculiar in its medicinal merits. uooa's harsaparllla accomplishes cures hith. erto unknown, and has won for itself tne title of " The greatest blood purlner ever discoveredV Peculiar in Its "good name uvuk, mere is now .more oi uooa's Sarsaparilla S S sold in Lowell, where ' V;. ItVit is made. than of z S other blood purifiers. TfO Peculiar in Its phenome- A X nnl record of sales Las VTr Qtt,!nr-. larity in so short a time, iiuu leuuutu its popuiariry j - ,. 1 confidence among all classes Do not be Induced to buy other preparations, j but be sure to get the Peculiar Iediclne, Hood's Sarsaparilla &fldlyndmiU. 1; aixfor. PreparedoulT "J ow vw Apouiecarles, Ixwell, Slasa. IOO Doses One Dollar JanJKElxr dJtw nrm mon wed sat TAKE A SPIW QNrrnE TURNPIKE THESE FINE AF terncons. We can furnish you with the means for doing: eo. We've got good HORSES, light, comfortable VEHICLES and, when desired, careful Driv- - - . , ers. Our charges are moderate and we try hard to please our customers. . R- C.ORRELL, Livery and Sale Stables, apttf Cor. Third andyrlncess Su. Wilmington Savings & Trust 0a i J. W. ATKINSPN. W. P.TOOilER, ' 3 Cashier.' - President. 1 OS PRINCESS ST WILMINGTON, N tL Pays Interest cn Dc-ryiti la rrrr'nrV ? except 3 Tr::-j cf t:i kii3. - ccib a Pecy ion, -forS of is cur J lar r il find of 1 Supreme and Snpetlor CoatU of. Kelt " . rolhia-isoa ; 1 y JtJDGES. t ' - VAMR. DISTRICT. RESIDKNCK. an If. Brown .V 1. 25 3- 4 5 6 i Beaofort. , Edgecombe Wilson. Wake. Guilford. Sampson. pre(i. Phillips, jj Cowiqt, ? VJLC1 m."-' JO"u rt U,"1UC1 T. Boykin. jHmp8 C. Mcltae, J uiuherland. W.J.Montjromery, 8 jes Graves, 9 john OBynum; 10 vm.-M. Shipp, 11 J. H. Merrimon, 12 Cabarrus. Sorry. ; - Mecklenburg Buncombe. ! SUIjIUITUKS, . . i ' ' NAME. district, residence. John W. Blount, 1 Perquimans. G. H. White, (col), 2 m Worth imrton. 3 Halifax. Martin. tT TVf A r., 4 Wake. 5 Durham. - 6" Duplin. 7 Richmond. 8 Iredell. 9 Rockingham. 10 Caldwell. 1 1 Mec klenburg 12 Buncombe. J. R. StrayllOrn, - O. II. Allen, (Frank McNeill, IB. F. Long, 5 ; Thos. settle, W. H. Bo ver, F. L. Osborue, J. M. Mood', TIM OP HOLDING COU11T. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Whitaker. . Fall Judge Connor. Beaufort JFeb. 17, May 20, Nov. 24. . - . Currituck March 3, Sept. 1. Camden March 10, Sept. 8. Pasquotank March 17, Sept. 15. Perquimans March 24, Sept. 22. Chowan March 31, Sept. 29. , Gates April Oct. 0. . Hertford-April 17, Oct. 13. Washington April 21, Oct. 20. Tyrrell April 28, Oct. 27. Dare May 5, Nov. 3. Hvde May 12, Nov. 10. Pamlico May 19, Nov. 17. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Womack. Fall Judge Whitaker. Halifax tMarch 3, May 12, Nov.lQL . Northampton JJan. 20, March 31, April 1, Sept. 20. Bertie Feb. 3, April 28, Oct. 27. Craven tFeb. 10, Mav 26, Nov. 24. Warren March 17, Sept. 15. Edgecombe ?April 14. Oct. 13 THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. "Spring Judge Boykin. Fall Judge Womaek. Pitt Jan. 6, March 17, tjune 9, Sept. 15 Franklin Jan. 20, April 14,Nov.lO. Wilson J Feb. 3, June 2, Oct. 27. Vance Feb. 17, May 10, Oct. 13. Marfin March 3, Sept. 1, JDec. 1. Greene March 31, Sept. 29. Nash April 28, Now 17. FOURTH. JUDICIAL DISTRICT Soring Judge MacRae. Fall Judge Boykin. Wake J an. 6, tFeb. 24, March 24, f April 21, MulyO, tAug. 27Sept. 22, tOct. 20. Wayne Jan. 20, March 10, April 14, Sept. 8, Oct. 13. Harnatt T?oK 3 Alio- A. Wrtr OA Johnston Feb. 10, Aug. ii,Nov.iojBeaatifoIlT ll!asini(l. 25 (ts. $3 i Year. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Armfield. T?oll TiirliTA Hfnr.T?oA r. i t uurnam-jan. x, marcn i, june 2, Oct, 13. Lt ran Vllie J an. MY, Apri I ai, J Uly 7.. -w . .. - v . i, ,uv.. , Irv 94- i oiiatiiaiu reu. x, may o,oepi,.2'. vjuinoru r eo. n. ju!iv3o,au id, Dp ft ' Alamance juarcn.rf, jyiay iy, uct. A -BJr- - -v . ay. nrnnoMornl! 17 Am A TVv i lUllV. 14 WAX I J X,.V-i A. fr V. i-k a tiral I A tta 1 1 I An r-m A mT "1 fi " a 1 -r, 4 ' . 171 r Person April 14, Aug. 19, Nov. 17. qtyttt ttttitt t niCTDT SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Graves j?au juuge Armneia. Pender March 10, Sept. 8. New Hanover t Jan. 20. tAnril 13. TSept. 22. . . -7 , x 7 Lenoir Feb. 3, Auc. 10, Nov. 10. Duplin Feb. 10, Aug. 4, Nov. 24. Sampson tFeb. 24, April 28, Oct. r'Uee - Jt' V"re"" 'A1' Onslow-March 31. Nov. 3. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Bynum. l all Judcre Graves. Columbus Jan. 13. March 31. Julv Anson-Jan. 0, tApril 28, Sept.l. TiNov. 24. rJumliAflnnrl .Tan Mnu r .TW 21 IVnv lO ituucsuu-jini. -.I, ixia-y j.,oc-jui- I my," oy john jtussxix vobtkli ana Moth Richmond Feb. 10, June 2, Sept er's Way,1 by Maeoaekt K SAKasTrar two 15 Dpc 1 . Bladen-March 17, Oct. 30. . Brunswickr-April 7. Sept. 8, iuoure iu arc ii o. anz. il. kjct. a, .2 ' kiuhth judicial district. sP"nS Judge Shipp. Fall Judtre Rvniitn. t.iii ni. o -r rv . . i itiau. mi. 11 1111 !3, I'a nrYn T I o -i q7 AtnilOO -'. -" . 0 v .17 Veb. 17. Mav 5. An?. 10. Davidson-March 3,Sept. l,tDec.l. Randolph March 17. Sept. 15. Montgomery March 31, Sept. 29. Stanly Aprir7, Oct. 13. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Merrimon. Fall Judere Shinn. nocivjngiiain Jan. "iu. w- i i -r . r July 21 Nov. 3. Forsyth Feb. 3, May 19, Oct. 20. xaaKin t-eo. 17, oejir. 22. Wilkes March 3, Sept. 8. 1 Alleghanv March 17, Sept. 1. T)avie March 31, Oct. 6. Stokes April 14, Au. 4, Nov. 10. S-irry April 21, Ausr. 19, Nov. 17. TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Brown. 1 r Fall Jude Merrimon. Henderson Feb.IO, JuJ13. f Burke March 3, Aug. 4. Caldwell March 17, Sept. 1. : Ashe March 24,tMay 26, Aug'18. Watauga-rApril 7, Am?. 25. f Mitchell April 14, Sept. 8. Yancey--April 28. Sept 22. -McDowell May 12, Oct. 6. v 1 KLBVEXTn JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Phillips. -v ,i! ' v " ' " x ail Quge Brown, Catawba Jan 13. July 13, Alexander Jen. 7, July Z . UnionFeb; 10, tFeb. 17tV.Sepl. 15, tSept.22.: !A Vov .Mecklenburg--fFeb. 24, Aug. '23. Gaston March 17, Oct.. 6. Xincoln March 31, Sept 23. 4 t- Cleveland April 7 Aug! 4, Oct. 20. Rutherford April 21, Oct. 27. Polk May 5, Nov. 10. v ? t:- TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. - Spring J udge Connor. t Fall Judge Phillips. U Madison Feb. 24,Jnly 28, tNov.17. Buncombe tMarch 10, f Aug. 11. tDea l. : t.--: v V:- :--'K Transylvania March 31, Sept; 1. Haywood April 7 8ept. 8. " Jackson xpri I 22, Sept. 22. Macon May 5; Sept. 20v ; " Clay-May 12, Oct. 8. Cherokee May 19. Oct. 13. .- Graham June 2, Oct. 27. -Strain June 9th, Nov. 3. . t For criminal cases. . , -t For civil cases alone. . X For civil case )alone- except jail cases. CRIMINAL CIRCUIT COURTS. NEW HANOVKR COUNTY. OH ver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judge. Benj. R. Moore, Wilmington, Solici tor. I i . Court begins! Jan 6. March 17,May 19, July 13, Sept. 15-JN6vrl7. MECKLENBURG COUNTY Oliver P. Meares, Judge. - i Geo. E. Wilson, Charlotte, Solicitor. Court begins Feb. 10, April 14, Aug. 11, -Oct; 6,Dec. 1." BUNCOMBE COUNTY. T Chas. A. Moore, Asheville, Judge. E. D. Carter; Asheville, Solicitor. Court begins - Jan. 27. April 28, July 21, Oct. 27. - ! ' " f : t;;:' : r-i,, , : Supreme Court iiite-tshrst wondav in February. Examinations on Fri- day and Saturday before. -.First District. Feb. 1 3; Second . -District, AifjhuS Feb. 10; Thirds District, vFeter Fourth District, Feb. 24: Fifth D is trict, March 3; Sixth District, March 10; Seventh District, March" 17; Eighth District, March -24f Ninth District, March 31; Tenth District, April 7; T'welftK District, April 14; Eleventh District, Apr IL 21. Last Monday in September. Ex aminations Friday and Saturday be- ond District, Oct. C; Third District, Oct. 13; Fourth District. Oct. 20th; Fifth District, Oct. 27; Sixth Dis- trict, Nov. 3; Seventh District, Nov. 10; Eighth District, Nov. 17; Ninth District, Nov. 24; Tenth District, Dec. 1; Twelfth District, Dec. 8; Eleventh District,' Dec. 15. , ; The ' AMERICAN ITS SCOPK.-THE AMERICAN MA I ZINE elves preference to national tonics scenes, and Its literature and art are of highest standard. Famous American writer I 11 1 A 1 A-1- t i f Pp i1" J11 ?l wcia;uc:3 ui uiiTrnuwTKiTcniiuic. Dciiaj I and snort stories, descriptive accounts of our foremost pro oiems 01 tnepenoa, and,in short. jnagauBiar-'n i Distinctively Representative of II X UVUKUb O.UU X lUUlCOOl i It is acJaxowledered by the Dress and public to loeine most popular ana entertaining; or the 1 nigU-CiaSS mOnilUlt TiiiTiAi-tti n UA Specimen Number, with ImpOrliHU rmustrated Premium Ust. &na vecini inducements in cash or Valuable Premiums to Club Raisers trill be r&nt cm ia- ccipt ot 15c., if this paper is mentioned. Responsible and energetic persons want- I ed to solicit subscriptions. Write at once for 1 exclusive teiriwry. . Address, T IK AUKH ( THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE CO..' feb 749 Broadway ew vrlr 1890;. Harper's Young Pobnle. AN ILLUSTRATED WEUKL'X. The Eleventh Volume of Haspx Torxa 1-ituri.K, wmcu uegms yriia ine umDer xor November 5, 1889. presents an attract! va pro gramme, it will offer to its readers at least tour senais or tne usual leneth. and o I two or three parts, namely. Tbe R iiang,"oy willum u. stoosaks; i'lunuia snort senais by ujalmab hjoeth Botksis. tVnSo'of iotV ,hT eqnalnt toldH rrrr . r rf v "tti iii a uiuereub vein FBM JH. BICX- i neix. There wiu De snort stones byw. D 1I0WELIS, TH0XA3 KELSON PACK, MAST WTTrrx Nnti Ptinr liiHmi PvwvhmI ISpoffokd. Davto Km Hmnm 111?. I WORTH. nOTRTI nwrff. KTmiBn- UllAnTU 1 . ' -.- . -- , 1 Johnston, eic a subscription to HAJtm's Yomo Pzorxs Tavert: wucuun Atvlwi dm alnn vtlAa a Terms Postage Prepaid, 2 pryear. Vol. XI begins November 5, 1883. J stamp! receipt oj noo-ocru isingie Number, fit cents each. Remittances should be made br Post-Oir r Money Order or Draft, to avoid cftancg of loss. jt-uxspavcr am tux, io copy mis aarmwrr.erU wiUtcntt ttue express order of Harper Erothers Address HARPER BROTHERS. ' novao . ew yoi- Printing, RStog id J!J.! Your orders promptly filled. ; We strive to please our customers Proofs submitted when desired. . Xargest Stock of Paper to select from. : .'" - ; Satisfaction guaranteed. ' - JACHE027 DELI, - Lcr.-Iin-rrlr.t-ri cr 1 rir.de r. 1 UISCELLANEOT 1890. Harper's Bazar. v ILLUSTRATED. ' the Fashions, Its nSi n42- fashion-plates, and wSSSjt K-f ments are indlsrxxaafKeei dress-maker and thV ilke to t expense la spared in making ?I m;; e tracurenessof the hi?Ml short stones, parlor pSj .TT- lx?Jt aays satisfy ai tastes, iSMrS! mouj as a budget of wit 2s 'uiric1' women. nBrv.- iuf ; Lthorne Miixer, cSnS". 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