. PIXISK SOT1CX- We win fee sua to recctre communsc&t'oaj from our friends oa nj a&A all iut)ectJ d general interest, tat L-l.' . PAID: THe name or tne writer ranst alwart M for- '"V.oNS.r01"" I! - rjsed to tne Rlitor. . Commanlcauoas mast w written on oalx oae suae or tne paper. x on. v" . . . Tire TUllY IfiYTEW. ' Personalities must be arollsdL Anl tt ts dpaur aal pxrUcaUrU under stood taat tht Editor does noCalwajs endortt the Ylews of correspondeata onlees so stated in the editorial columns. NEW A O V BUT I S EM ENTS .! WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1890. NO 154. VOL. XIJ. & ; .i IT! Prof: t form NUTRITIOUS JUICE -Lined win ftfdf.CAUFOBN lie lncuiuiurt Va .fimt known iu ..J.Alll Ml LLltw AAV" t DtliClK- - MMa forming XiOO-AJL. HEWS. IKDKX TO JlKW ADTXKT18lfr!rre ??fEEO Co Furniture W Yates Great Book sale 51 vsvs Broth ebs To Physicians E v Makxi so Hotel at Wrl.htsvllle -: : .. --,m Warren's Ice Cream Parlor open till 10 n. in:-.- tr c - - The indications are that Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr., will be greeted bv a rousing house to night. Daniel Shaw, Esq., of Pender county, was in the city to day. He is in quite feeble health, we regret to Fonouti. For North Carolina, fair except showers on the coast and slightly wanner. Local forecast?, from 8 a. in. to-day, for ''Wilmington vicinity, fair weather. Toari&Cs, Electric Wires. Don't fool with the electric light wires, for if yoado yon will be liable to iret ho badlv hurt that no earthly i " - and power can save you from tne-uew- enrv linnik of the undertaker. If a piece of the wire should get detaeh fd At one end from the main wiie n lyd lay of fee LOOK OUT FOlI- say. . . at the Whether on pleasure bent or busi- ana hang down within your reach, J XlGU.llCti011S 111 PriC6S iaKe on every trip aou t toucu u, On account of the lecture a vou value your ;n nn spn ! ness. snouia Rubber Hose, Lawn Mowers and wcffll. f nuan tn- hottle of Syrup of Fig?, as it acts iife. for the moment you do there is Rakes of the latest and most im proved makes are sold by the N. Ja-. cobi Hdw. Co. t Wa"NTKD ! 50 good and experi enced hands, to work on shirts. Ap ply at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, 122 Market street. t nignt. il pfTpctuallv on nirtuif stnblished to the ground . J tl JJ V lJB-vmm Vmj r i mm V w w " t - ! a iirinovalii'Pr and lowels. pre- I fhrAiiMi von. which in nine cases , mi, niu.ix,' u ivm. Wanted. A srool appetite. lou; . . , ji.: ...;n rH f.ifnllv in vmi. caii have it easy enough by taking j venting levers, iieauucuu "' Ul ... ....... . rf - Hood's SarsapLiUa It tones-the ' forms of sickness. For sale in 50c Avoid such things as you wcld gun digestion and cures sick headache, j and $1.00 bottles by all leadinglrug- powder with a fire blazmg near it. an agreeable JSctive hxative to perma- & cure naumiui j rr.inv ills de- V--n aliU J . L-.w on a wcuk nftion ot tne DIETS. LIVER ABO BOWELS. ....wtostcicellett remedy kuown to , . THAT uaiaOOD, BIFRECHIMO SLEEP. uoith ana o NATURALLY FOLLOW. ;Wfjeisusmgitandqlare htedwith it. C11KJ01ST FOP BAMJFACTUHEOONUYBY UIFORNIAFIG SYRUP CO. SfV ftiAHMCO. OA'.. K01IEKT R UKljLiAnl a . WHOLESALK DKL'GOIST.' s; Wilmington, N. C'. I tollUS SVOLLEUS, WHOlKS.tl.r: PI'ALEltS IN 'joYisions, Groceries, Iipr Tobacco, Cigars, -AND- DIMISSION MERCHANTS, Cor 'Front uI Dotk St., WILMINGTON, N. U. JKtf Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr., arrived h ere at 11.20 this forenoon and is the Keen' drv and you will keep guest of Mr. Airreci Aiuennau, uu - ... mi;.1 .1 healthy. Umbrellas, rubber coats, Mulberry street, between linni uu &c. at-1. Shrier's, S. E. corner Front Fourth. and Princess streets. a. t..iWq a M R. Zion Church, (j... -. . . colored, commenced a camp meet- atmosphere and ihismorriing it was hng at Piney Point, on the Cape very pleasant until the sun began Fear river, to-day, and tne steamer Passport has been engageii to cou vev visitors thereto. gists. Music Festival. Th Charlotte papers are crowded Grand Chapter. At. th annual election of officers with music festival items audthepeo- of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch pie of thatcity are all talking music. Moc,.c riti rps on at Asheville. wen, lec ineui eujuj to ride high in the heavens I am. Manufacturer's Agent for R irtiPd and all kinds of Wire, Coin- - bination Wire and Iron Fences. Or rW Kolieited. .lames I. Metts. t connected Th i considerable sickness in the city but nearly all the cases are slight and yield readily to treatment. In fact there is but little need of a Lutheran Church pnvsicmu u.uu0vw. .... v..-, to Carolina the treatment at Home nejng ampiy sufficient. An umbrella and a fan have been almost a necessity for those who were obliged to be on the streets this afternoon, and those articles were effective in warding off and mitigating the heat only in a very The Sunday School with St. Paul's went on an excursion Beach to day. It was a large party and the SyVcan Grove was crowded. Nearly all the business houses on Front and Market streets were clos ed at one o'clock this afternoon to give employees a half-holiday, and those thoroughfares presented a rather deserted.'appearaee in consequence. themselves to their heart's content ! We will have one down here next year, and we won't have it in the latter end of the week neither. Seriously, we ought to do something in that line, and not be behind our sister cities of less our population. We have skilled and scientific instrumental ists, eood vocal soloists and conj without much difficulty or great preparation organize an effective Three excursion parties will arrive chorus, the whole forming the ma- ! the following wasthe result: G. H. P., ! R. F. Bricks. Of Wilson: D. G. H. P., H. C. Fagg, of Asheville; G. H. K., D. P. Mast, of Winston; G. S., A. J. Howell, of Wilmington; G. T., Wil liam Simpson, of Raleigh; G. S., D. W. Bain, of Raleigh; G. C, George than H. Bell, of Asheville; G. C. of H.;,E P. Powers, of Fayetteville. OF KVFRY CLASS OF- , DRY GOODS ! WE SHALL OFFEK ALL KINDS Or . WHITE GOODS -ANw . EMBROIDERIES At i Matliw f 20 Pr CmU Ttls department of our stock is very com-, plete, and possibly the handsomest ever offer ed la Wilmington. Our heavy sales or :..' ; j Kxcurions. BLACK GOODS here next week via the C. F. & Y. X- R, R. as follows: Monday the 16th inst., an excursion from Winston, arriving here about 4 o'clock jn the evening. The next will be on Thurs day, the 19th inst., when an excur- terial for an excellent and effective rendition of a programme ot the vorr l"Pr. 11111 c; io. bv the most emi-. nent composers that would reflect credit upon the city as well as those ontrncMl in the work. Such -a festi- limited degree. Where is there an eligible site for the tabernacle to be erected for the Rev. Sam Jones' meetings? It ought .Fanners, we can supply you with nn.innrlt.pr Points. - Seven different . to be as- central y located as possi size wings and two size points for the "Boy Clipper,'.' the most proved plow on the market. N. cobi Hdw. Co., factory agents. lni-Ja-t A letter from Mrs. widow of the late Rev. Carlstrom, Charles E. ble and should be large enougn ior a building with a seating capacity of at least 5,000 persons. See advertisement in this isue of the Atlantic View House at Wrights 'wiiio r!nrt Mnnnini? keens a first- V 1 I IV t t ' class house, is ion given by the First Presbyterian Val would bring crowds of people to the city and could be made a pecu niary as well as a musical success. Church of Fayetteville, will arrive here about 10.20 a. m. The third will be onlSaturday, the 21st inst., which will be from Mt. Airy. tills season Jusililes us in offerinjf the re mainder ot the stock', which Is large, .at a irreat sacrince. .. Kasllsh sattcens at lie and 12e, Solid Black. c-nulae rrnch sjitteena at 'Jfl cent?.. tndsorae Cotton ChalHes at r and cents. Fancy and stylish Robes in spring Colors at, cost and less than cost. - ' chantliy Lace nrapenw at very,ipw pnt-ra Female Weakness Powltlvel.v Cured. Ti Tin.- IniTOU: fnnii vour readers that I an excellent enter- Carlstrom, states that she expects to tainer Iimi wui do all in his power arrive in this city some time in July to accommodate his guests and to next. She also announces that she mae their visit agreeable and pleas- is in receipt of the money some ant $210-ent to her from Wilmington. The indications last were Great Book Sale night I . . . 1 fn lmr o 111 Some of the colored women who tnaut wounioe infest the "Hollow," from the effects so it was for awhile this Jorenooo hAnzinA i?ot on the but this atternoon ('.nnmnrrV' lost, niffht and were inuiiiuhv c ar rested bv the policed That locality eter in our uLui.tuiA umiArHriiCA at . - . oc :r ne-fi tn be. but utaeamot price of $i.w per volume, " "a " . ,. a comclote t: rtollvered one. two or four I tknra ia vof mrtm fnr improvement. r"- wvut'U. aw ii aim: i if u k.u uij tullr satisfied that this set Is all we ren- uLwriineriaenrst volume at the nomi- The Svlian urove was ugmu pn-ot sixty cents. The order must be nco. p w yatks crowded witti passengers i ins I - .Uhtii wifli tllfl aiIa . a. m noon, wno went " - Ulll-e 10 TaX-Jf aVerS. ' nn,n 'Bind to attend it kept growin hotter until at 3 p. m. the thermom office indicated SO de grees, which was the highest pitch reached yesterday. Prof. J. G. Miller, conductor of -i-it n.t,Aofra jt ..thfl Hammocks, and L i 1 c UIVUCOUIM Good Sanitation. The health officers are ' busy look-;n,.artUi-tho 5flnitn.rv condition of l J (11 UV. V " " " ml the city, and through their active fTtrtions the streets and alleys, as 11 Ua. vanla n.nd Out- 1 Vnn fa pocripp.t f 1 1 11 V. Dll. J. B.'MAR- v, v.on thnrniwlilv I r.Hisi. 183. Genesee St., Utica, l.T I II I I III I USS 1IELC UOVU v " " C5 I cleaned and put in good order. De caying vegetable or animal matter is not allowed to remain any wnere within the citv limits, thus making - - t have a positive remedy lor rue tnou oonfi .irwl n ills which arise from rlprjinirpd female organs. I shall le triad to send two bottles ot my rem- edy frkk to any lady if they will nd P. O. address. tlCUU J 1'" ' " - " c N EW A I V BKT1 SEMHNT8. To Pliysicians ! ! ! an important step towards prevent- vrrE have in siock io-lai uxn. ing disease irom gaining Aroinauc here. Fxtract Ercot. Wyeth's coBQpound buipuur lOilTFront street. C01 N. Fourth St. 3el3tf i Plain, HUM and Fii(iird Fish Kel Uirw r the newest styles, and very best quality imported. Every piece warrantcpure Silk. THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK OK Gents' Furnishing Goods IN THE CITV. The residue or our cloths awd Casstnieres for uents an Koya will be closbd at prices re. gfardiess or cost. Suits made to order for ientlemen la th best style, by llrst-class Tailors, at a saving ofl.ito 20 per rent, on regular prices. Kit. guaranteed. . . ' Cash buyers and prompt pa jinsr rtrttomera are invited to taKe alvanta of he pplentild offer. Respectfully. Germania Cornet wiubk at Tn r i!tv ii i it oxr nv. thpir concert to night, and also to KSvf witness the performance of Prof. G. Mijtu lists for all real and pe'rsonal H4 Walters, with his life raft in the 1Lh P001" Wilmington Township. , . . l for cstinst from a. m. to 1 v. m. and surf at the Beach. KiVLloP.in. JAS. O.BURR, Sneed & Co.. jCSS0Rs TO KNOXVILLE. FURNI Pft, southeast corner Market and Second p larpstocK, artistic designs, lowest f nrbody invited to caU and lnsp ect jx . nac my ii We have it now. Ai'ump tuai is always primed, never requiring ,a tub of water to start it. . It is the bright invention of a North Caro- Messrs. J. G. Miller, Jr., r. w. fil ler, (sons of Prof. Miller) and G. W. Frey, all members of the band, gave us the pleasure of a friendly visit early this afternoon. They are gen tlemen as well as musicians, and we trust they will call again whenever thev come to the city. John Werner. P15 IS BIT ONE, AN!) HE HOLDS riott?.arwt;Jrert A rood shave itrs?,!,u?Pw "l"r rents, or a Hair " 4te. i-r our ot lhe best Barbers in Kir- n t0u'l3. sharp razors and .ICUN WEKNEK, y Tiie4;erroan llarber. Fh Carolina beaoh AND SOUTHPORT. TB SYLVAN GltOVB . - '"J.HKdUA.t fl.'W ffMt "'turiiins leaves the Beach at Occasionally we hear of visitors to Oakdale Cemetery, who forget that the lots are private property and Una genius and is pronounced by all that they have no right, legally or to be the best pump on the market, morally, to gather the flowers or fiooiumivnn will have no other, molest the shrubbery that may be xr Tnnnh! fio. t trrowimr thereon. There are but fpw who are so torgetiui, out inejr - - xr .,r tioo in t r?A oriH of his! vaminrUrl of the fact if ociiuiur i uuvc i art; ijuitij i .- - capital, able and common-sense superintendent Donlan happens to speeches on the silver bill now peua- gee theni . . -T CI CJ . . . lilt 1 1 fill' t. I " injrm ine u, o, ul"c- "w . noi for wiiiuioKtou. oms receipts at this port ear enJing June 1st, 1890, 6.40, aud were collected at an expense of $11,525.52. The Notice the slight change in the postoniCe receipts for the same tune schedule of the Wilmington and were 5,33G.28, yielding a net reve Weldon Railroad, which will go into nue of 48 per cent. It was upon this effect on Sunday, the 15th inst. The snowiDg that a favorable report has been made to the House on Repre sentative Rowland's bill to increase the appropriation for the public . The Exolua. There was a large exodus of our i i 1 a. citizens from the streets ana not brick walls of the city to Carolina Beach and the Hammocks this af tarn rrn n.Tl d trains and steamers AMriri A bath in the sun wijuiim,iuu.u , and the breezes from old ocean . , i ,i will re-invigorate tne crowu uu they will return better prepared to perform the labors ot to morrow, which is generally the busiest ua of the week,and one in which clerks, salesmen and other employees ot oar K.motr.Acu iirtiiri worK more uuuib uuointaii w - than those engaged in any pursuits. Almost everybody can iinv off once in Qf wcr men and printers on t wnshtsviiie. the daily pre'ss, but they, espe- U0Agn jj Tfg DAT, WEEK ' OS MOXTB. cially tlfe latter, have got io suck io the case week in and week out unless they can get a ''sub." Just Arrived i NICE LOT OF THAT FRESH UP-COUN- II ALL & PEAKS ALL'S, je 0 tr 11 and 13 so. Water Street. SUMMER RESORT! "ATLANTIC VIEW," WRIGHTSVILLE, N. C, TS NOW OPEN UNDER SAME MANAGE- J: J. HEDRICE 1 0 1 M AKfeET STKEET. je2 tt Not at All Necessary , 'O CARRY YOUR PROVISIONS OR LUNCH to Carolina Heath as there Is a - First-Class Family Grocery therc,8uppUed with everything the marfcet affords and sold at cily prices to'jiSKiffSESS All Kinds of Canned Goods and a few steps from tne Lepoi n i" ,woc?r To11 rri'id fmm WllEQlnCtOn. awhile,, ex- ik the conductor of the train to stp you Send for circulars. ED. WILSON MANNING, Proprietor. Je 13 lw steak often, but when he cloes ne hi- . WHV8 liaS bOUltMiiiui, oijc...- . . i.f ;f I ior I ue and his language is so - is never iuisiiuuimwu. Wh at an influence for good or evil North Carolina Hams. t.ii itroner or improp er uVe 'of money. It seems to be the . fine, bright lot, all sound, RE tirst essential of modern life Sadl A . volce vnlP mr. indeed is the 101 oi ul woman without money anu wiiuuuv i jll3t rC0civcd per steamer. IRISH lOTA mm i- m-t 1 . V-rintr. II V 111 J1SPH Ul ISIUJV- I . irieuws. . i wm. mitatoes. ness is the ueed or uouey leiiiuw , ntn I n ii?s vino aftOArt mfTit -l A ;n off rmlv the time oi CIIUUO win uuvvv w.j departure and arrival of trains at rrw. w.,f it i rll for our read- X til UWl W, J v. . ers to make a note of the fact. c;t.o.i v ind vet even the with all their money fall mto a state of poor health and die, whereas if their money was ngniiy exirci ut-u new fresh CAKES ana and the proper remetliesappueu me. micht regain health and strength. v a murk Atlanta.faa.. says: I spent four hundred and eighty dol lars in gold to cure me of terrible blood poison that affected my limbs and nose and body, with running .iWt- One month's treatment ot B B B healed tne n leers, restored my CRACKERS. AH kind's oi t ainnj aou r uu I Groceries. li. Ii. 8WANN, Agent. je 4 U DW opp. Front street Martet. ISLAND BEACH HOTEL J. A. BROWN, Manager. building here, $350,000. fixing the limit to! appetite, strengthened my kidneys i and added 21 pounds to my wSht-. H AVISO LEASED THE ABOVE NAMED The m os tonkin? A Dark Cloud. t wild and tnreaieniug itro ami MrriAfrea hav6 been in kl52la!. southportat demand this afternoon ami t e ttiiiiweVfceTsnndaT 1 turnpike has been auve Pfaig1 the J cles conveying people to the Sound. T!lTlMar .r.i. w i f f i n. JfkVlv drive. IlUt II lias Off" a tia ,aui:rru in ch nei hiriP'htlV anuCr noTnltHl t:nllr- ... ri-rr..i; a fact which Northwest last evening. It was " i """V IV with the ltniMr L . i - . I . . t I and ms : " . - t. D.l ... a tFlnl I TintL fpTTrTrr-- . ..v.. r w donbt nol hfts been duly neeueu genuine uiue uiacn. .u p K u oianic 100x1 - V "wtllinfrt celebrated Band engage jt hULnKWTrfPTTJnncjr k. ho have raT- with ereat rapuury, over?prrau.uft ; ever ioanauiupuiivwC inet-eason. ajux HUUOJJit V" " . 7 LL. i...in nal! of O. H. Rudolph, Taiiaaega, x elled on that thorougniare. me enr.u i.t writes: "I had blood disease ior six FOR LUNCH AND PIC NIC PARTIES and every thin;el3C that goes to make up a fine lunch. . Full supply of ICE always oa hand.1 The residents of CAROLINA BEACH Will And it to their interest to deal with tne aa I will keep on hand everything: in the Grocery and Housekeeping line. HANS A. KCJUE, jeTtf PROPRIETOR. Seasonable F AT Geo. R. French & Sons. 50c op?ra Slippers, fonder price Va. 75c opera biipper. former prilL0i. fLOU Opera Slipper, former pneciiui. fl.!T Opera Uppers former price I W.IA. oxford Tle, Pat. Tip.T-'ie, Oxford Tle. fat. Tip, I U. oxford Ties. Pat. Tip, ILT. oxford Tien, pat. Tip, tl.W. Tan Coloml Oxford fUJf. . Tan Colored oxfords $L25. All the above ftilH In JIUvS andlChll- dren a Rizcs at comparatlTely low prtoe. Larje stoci of LAWN TENNIS SLIPPER. refuse to try the remedy, seeming to "2 wU1 suppUe-l with the choicest II K. h K tN Utt. QL OUNOf I r.- rx r.n Unra lOPil tO DO) 51 I .nrta f thl MiHL . I iireici -.-' . - . i nuv" . . , t - cloud we have seen in many ans, or vialt distent springs In vain MWIW tfm WuSr. ft dav iratheretl in the North and hopes oi recovery.; i ne Kreuw " u. facliru uswag, ana " " . i hnvovar vpr sni 108 North front Street... (Oppojlte The Orion.) mj2i U 31' I aw rc- oa a. biv. .- iunj nouned that 1 iiaie tions to lay premises at Wrlshtsvlllo Beach, and i. .,i:A.rrr Dnnrr.fllrilMf IlliTII i . - i cinnkp. iiiiiiLniiiiL. . tr,. , i , . i i i vear?. 'ds and tde public GEN- - Mr. W. tiarfiss na u- , cales-and heavy rains. It was ac-1 ho -u x director in the lIe2hanies, com an immense pal! of O. I roars' hut nothimr benefited roe, al- It was ac i ai..i t A tvn linndred and fifty uuu -" j - i LilUUu a & a w j i loied by very little thonder joUar, for tnttaeiit .At W i eu w -1 J. A. my 2 tl imowN. MANAGER. a i wr- - mg : .i -a a z a. - mat, irn,nA Accriatinn.toniiine vacauiv i i t AiitiH K u ana iouuu iv r- -.. 11(11 1 H arr . KiTilw m w n trm a ar w- n v mm mm m a mm K lieu v a m-" .Mtlm . . ' . - . . . . I U.UKA lltuiuiufc, - 1 . l,i nnfiar i,iiituujc -.ct bv the resifrnauou' oil .. r , , rt iif :cfp "iw .v... them uttawm-w , w j " I tne winu. oniy auiuuiucu j fiiri Preston Camming, and at a h wWle the rainfall wasi u-w.c .MHTiwtic i ..laotino rf the directors I . tlit . : subsequent meeting of the directors - for a short, time. Bat the XSiatiftn MB a ofeverjtldnr. 4,SCrt Cribs Deviled Crate Eus.v 'uirrerr train. !w - rear and tpnirt a hi -t . wT-V 4 ly.niu. 1 -------- r-.Z-Uoeroom. I .,r. Tncriirr W. H. Cnm Execotor's Notice. HAVING QUALIFIED AS EXE4TUTOU on the estate of Amanda Hagrjett. de- aed alt oersons uwseDtea to ue saia uMr otte ddeceaaed are hereby notified to TAKE A SPin . ar m.c l-a t . O ON7TUE TLUM'lMi iii-SK terneons. we can lumina jon means for dolnsr to. . Wee jot good HORSES, light. comfonaLU? VEHICLES and, when desired, careful DrlT- era. ourcnargr w wj . , .. flio tnllnnrin?omcers wt-i- . , AnnM v nnil ooKeu SO' . . .i - .td.. I 1U e.-1"' ; . f nenbit wuui-ur - . MumlS urotuera " pre as iouows: ifu 'Lthrateninff that it mane ueiir -odafoantam at a tempcraiurc i atnrcf . . . r 11 - u mabA- I - . I . . 1 f M 1. I' I j..r..i. I . , t . : D.fll.wioit i. allien, ocvic- . r t...ii.n i:-a1 in Miicn n Tn-rt. Krn t Mvrir.iiiJS.ou-.-3 i aiih. i- i a kd x i tfiuvw. r . . . t w . i p i ano nnvi rH iiicm v j..-a - j i . I - , 1 innal 1ator anu iiaiuf uiuii I ionsr liHiaisenoe cannot be gt v en. and ail Pf r hxZ to pu-a.se our customers, drawn from n bavin? clalias against the Mid ,r'p ... ' , ! shelter before gettiosr wet. present them for payment wunin unw scribed by law or this notice :u oc v tfcttr recovery, tcls, tdc u u.ij Oil L'aviu vii-i-'W;? piu XL C. URKUX, LlTery and Sale EfaWen, Ccr. TUrJ aa.lj'rtacesa ftat JAa. a, Di ett. . 1 minfr: Attorney Y. B. UcKoy.