ill M Regulate The Bowels. CostiTeness derangca tbe whole ays tm andtefftdiseafes, such a Sick Headache. Dyipepsia, Fevers, Kidney Diseases, BiliOTU Colic, Malaria, etc. Tatt'a Pills produce realar Iiablt of ttody and Rood digestion, without which no one cn enjoy good health. Sold Everywhere. POMONA HILL NURSERIES POMONA. N. C., Two and a Half Mlle3'est of Greensboro. N. C rjihe main line of the R. D. it. K. passes through the grounds and within luo rect or the offlce. Salem trains rnaiestops rejfuiar twice dally each way. Those interested in Fruit and Fruit Growing arc cordially invited to inspect this, the Largest Nursery in the State, and one of the largest la the fcoutn. Stock eonslsts of Apples, Peach, Pear, Cherry, Plum, Japanese Persimmons, Apri cots, nectarines, MuiDernes, quince. ra- &c All the new and rare varieties as well as the old ones, which my new catalogue for 1HSH trill show. Give your orders to my authorized agent or order direct from the Nursery. Correspondence solicited. Destrtptlve Cata logue free to applicants. Address J, TAN LINDLEY, POMONA, Guilford Co., N. C tar" Reliable salesman wanted in every County. A good paying commission will be glYf9. H mm Mysterious ; action. tl''.n t atforilin:: i- f, iimii'iii.i i u l'ne: etl ii .1 l!i):. j)uril!'!. velouti ;is .ill .li terativ in it. stimulnnt vf'.n4 on a ton -id livoi A sovereign ":r for DYSPtPSip Indigestion. Oj' pression an want o f a i pe t i t o Headache. an' K f v o li s v s : vanii-'h as it' h Tnc aftr ta king a few Jo Pimples aiul P.oils ii-api?" peedily when this rnmedy is taken. Tiu-io..-io more effectual relief l r the i.;v.ica ;.m I loathing of food due to INT HM PUR AN E than this article. Putupinl.ne73eii; bt ties. Bample packages iii vowpni form sent bymailtoany address on receipt of 10 ccii -in stamps. The reinrfnrl inuid lorn canmif -e rent by mail. MEXICAN MEDICINE CC. 400 North 3d St.. Philadelphia, Pa. BIRD MANNA! 7 The great secret of the canary bird breeder of the llartz Mountains in liennaii v. P.i!.? Manna wil 1 restore the song of :jro bivd.s wili prevent their ailmeuts and res'iore th.-i:i to good condition. If given to a bird during the Reason of shedding feathers, it will in most caes carry the little nuuieian tlironh this crit teal period without loss of :-ong. Sent b ailon receipt of In et. in stamps. PIKf) ')OD CO., 400 N. :5rd St. i'hiladtlplii.i, Pa. lease mention this pat er. ept 9 th fiat TIME TABLE NO. II Palmetto Railroad Co. o N AND AFTER F1UDAY, DEC. t6, 1887 Trains will run as follows, dally except Sun day. GOING SOUTH. No 1 Passenger and Freight. Leave namiet, N. c... s 20 A. M - Arrive at cheraw, s. c 9.30 A. m going NORTH. T . A Tia a -mno nH TMnlrrVvt. Lear Cheraw, S. C 4.25 P. M. ArrlTO at llamlet, N. C 5.35 P. M. dec 18 tf WM. MONCUItE. Supt. The North Carolina Presbyterian IS A Religious Family Paper, PUBLISHED WEEKLY, - and devoted to the intellectual, moral and Bpl ritual Interests of the people. It numbers anion? Its correspondents many of the very best writers of the southern Pres byterian Church. It Is thoroughly orthodox on questions ot doctrine, but tree and out spoken in Its views on all open questions. It allows and invites free discussion within the bounds ot courtesy. . In popularity the Presbyterian Is con stantly advancing. It Is The Paper for the Peopl and presents In Its columns matter to interest and Instruct aU ages, classes and conditions of the people. Price per annunt, $2 r: or for one year to any new subscriber. F2 15. Address JOHN MCLAU KIN. Editor and rroprletor, Wilmington. N. c ) mimmi mi . Man.'v V1ror, W-:ik:ii-?-i rrl.t--."f ! t-.i;-' .SMitlr rt-ttorvd l-f ho ' n tL ::it i? . ;iii-!y,'.rh.e Yc a S atrt :tvui op r"n. V ;::ic h ncv -r fail. ::'..: r .T.-.l. -j l-nl d tosimionfals. C-4-nt tr;M-!. Kvitv nau bis!:lJ ud it. VON (1KAKP 'I HOC11F.C (U, tOParkPUr, ew i K. - rrgl AGENTS WANTED! TO CANVASS FOR The DirfKius fif a i'ipliiait in Totke? f By Hon. Samuel S. C'Sunset'O tx, late V. S. Minister to Turkey. A magnificent volume of over G00" pages, beautifully and profusely Illustrated. KX. COX'S LXTKST AND BIST KFFORT. . FACTS AND FCX. BISTORT' AND HCHCK. The work sparkles with the brightest wit. It contains numerous amusing stories, but It also gives a clear, concise, and interesting ac count of the Ottoman Empire, from Its toun datloo to the present day. This book will have a large sale, and live agents should secure territory at once. Only thoroughly reliable agents, who will work their territory "for all it Is worth " are wanted. Experienced agents preferred, but others who will promise earnest work will be accepted. For particulars address, - SSS&rfat Ior 0rUl I Uentlon this paper. Figs, KaspDernes, uooseoerries, vurrauus, riv Plant, English Walnut, Pecans. Chestnut. Strawbcnfes. Roses. Evergreens, shade Trees, 'r. Josh. T. Jamks, Editor & Prop Wilmington. N. C. FRIDAY, JUNE 13. 18S0. Entered at tbe Postofflce at Wilmington, N.C., It is ed at the nension office." . tavs the wasninff-ion corresponueni 5f "the New York Iferald, "that the deficiency in the amount of funds in the hands of the different pension agents, which has resulted in the l.v Hia ntrpnf. nt. Tn - pensioners will be compelled to wait until .Tulv 1 for the navment of their pensions has been caosed by the unusually large number of allow., nnrpv nmlo l-tli npnmon office un- j , uer tiie present vuiuiiiiBirim.ii, im particularly since Cien. Raum's term began. The great amount of allow ances has been largely in original ease. There have been issued al- readv seven tiiousand more re original dnrine- thp cluring tne (leiisiuns than were issued last iitcal year, itnd the offlce has yet a inontlTs work before the end of the present li.-cal venr." - i A Cedar Rapids, Iowa, miner ' on Tuesday published interviews with one hundred Republicans of that city, business men arid laborers, winch show that a large majority of them are opposed to the attempt be ing made by the fiamers of the Mc Kinly bill to increase the duties on the necessaries of life. A very few favor the bill as it stands, and quite a number enter strong protests against it. The majority are in fa vor of free raw materials and sugar with Suueh lower duty on wool. Many believe that the tariff should be only high enough to provide the necessary revenue for the mainten ance of the Government, and that this tariff should be levied on the luxuries of life. A hardware man declares that the proposed increased duties on materials in thatline, such bs tin-plates, are ''useless." Men employed in other lines of trade are equally severe in their- criticism of this bill. The gist of the one hun dred interviews is that the bill is not the tariff reform measure the Repub lican party promised to enact, but is a JUlinS nnd iniquitous one, ana dissatisfaction with it and the men who are pushing it through Con gress is the result. A Washington dispatch to the Baltimore Sun says: "Secretary Windom has already received one thousand applications for the nine places on the board of general ap praisers of customs. The Republi can candidates are in the majority. Among, them are several ex-Congressmen and a score of department officials ready and anxious to serve their country for the comfortable salary of $7,000 a year. Of course there is a plentiful supply of In diana apxlicants. Mr. McKinley has an Ohio man on hand and "Boss" Quay wants a place for a striker. Solicitor of the Treasury Hepburn will have Senator Allison's support. Assistant Secretary Ticbenor is the only department official whose se lection, as stated in yesterday's dis patches, is generally conceded. In the event of his appointment Mr. Tichenor will most likely be presi dent of the board. His health is not very good, and a place on the board will be more concrenial to him than his present desk-work, which is wearing him out. Many names are mentioned in connection with the four places to be filled by Demo crats. The President and Secretary Windom have not yet considered any applications. The late Repre sentatiVe Randall, who was deeply interested in the customs bill and the work which-would result therefrom, wrote a letter j.hoit!y before his death expressing his preference for Isaac II. Maynard, of Now York, and Richard R. McMahou, of West Vir ginia. Mr. Maynard was assistant secretary, and Mr. McMahou depu ty second comptroller, during the late Administration. Judge. May- uartl is not a candidate, and Mr. Million, it is allecred. has no desir to re-enter the serviee - j What It Costa Mu?t be carefully considered by the K reut, luajoniy or people, in buving eveu neces-jdties of life. Hood's Sar- saparilla commends itself with spec- mi torce to i lie preat middle classes. because it combines positive econo my wun preat iiiedicinal power. It is the only medicine of which can truly be said "100 Doses One Dollar." and a bottle taken according todi rections will average to hist a mouth. 4lts hotter than- beiruri the deacon, when the minister interrupt ed him with t4S-h-h." But the dea con wouldn t be bluffed. "It's hot ter than yesterday' he said. Tt WorktLikea Charm.n Union's Magnetic Liniment is a safe ami speedy cure for Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, (lout. Headache, Sprains, Bruises, Swellings, Diph theria, Inflammation of the Kidneys and all painful affections. For sale by Munds Brothers. A dispatch to the JNew.Tork .W from SL Ixais, under date of June 4, says: "Mr. Shepard Knapp, a- 1 Democrat and Federal office holder, resigned his position in the f money order department ht the postoffiee to da v because a negro received a J position in the division from the Re- publican postmaster, J. B. Howell. Mr. Knapp is a sou of Col. George rn.,Ari.. mnnii.tAi rviirtiiiJ, iiiw. j Republican, and was a very efficient officer. When the negro, who had ! passed the civil service examination. j entered the office, Mr. Knapp said ' nothinsr. but wrote out his resigna- ith the statement that lie would never work or associate with a negro. pu the p M. Shrout, Pastor United n .n -m ni.. i t.' ureiiireii juuii;u,iJiuciuuuuu,Atiu., says: i ieei it my iiuiy iu ieu wum . wonders Dr. Kind's New Discovery has done for me. My lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioners j thought I could live only a fewi T a. t 1'- 1 - . Ill weeKS. l tooK live uoities oi if v. Kins New Discovery and am sound a,ul wel, ga26 lbs. in weight.' ; Arthur ljOVC MnnagerLove'sPan- 11V p0iks Combination, writes: 'Af- ter a tlrorough trial and convincing ! evidence, I am confident Dr. King's i New Discovery for Consumption, i beats 'em all, imd cures when every- iiiiug eitse inns. iue icaicsn ness I can do by many thousand friends is to urge them to try it." Free trial bottles at It. R. Bellamy's Drug Store. Regular sizes 50e. and $1.00, wholesale and retail. Wilmington District Third Quarterly Meeting. Bladen Street, June 29. (irace Church, July 5 and G. . Sampson Circuit, Hall's, July 5 and 6. Kenansville Circuit, Richland?, Julv 12 and 13. Magnolia Circuit, at Magnolia, Dist. Conf., July 19 and 20. Bladen Circuit, Soules' Chapel, July 26 and 27. Fifth Street. August 2 and 3. Carver's Creek Circuit, Shiloh, Aug. 5 and 6. Cokesbur Circuit, McNatt's, Aug. U and 10. Clinton Cixcuit, Goshen, Aug. 16 and 17. Elizabeth Circuit, Pender, Aug. 23 and 21. Waccamaw, Aug. 28 and 29. Whiteville Circuit, Cerro Gordo, Aug. 30 and 31. Bruuswick Mission, Cedar Bay, Sept. 6 and 7. Brunswick Circuit, Bethel, Sept. 12 and 13. F. D. Swindell, P. E. 'lemon elixir A Pleasant Lemon Drink. For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous, headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness, take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above named diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys or bowels. ' Prepared only by Dr. II. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. 50c cts. andfl.OO per bottle, at druggists. - A Prominent Minister Writes. Aftej ten years of great suffering from indigestion with great nervous irostration, biliousness, disordered vidneys and constipation, I have seen cured by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir and am now a well man. Rrcv. C. C. Davis, Elder M. E. Church South, No. 28 Tat nail St., Atlanta, Ga. OSLO3 Many peculiar , points make Hood's Sar- saparilla superior to all other mediciaes. Feculiar in combination, proportion, and preparation of ingredients, Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses the full curative value of the best known' reme&lesrfSr the vegetable king-'. aom . Peculiar in its C strength and economy-Hood's Sar saparilla isQythe only medi cine ofVl, fwhich can truly be sald;'VJ 0 " One Hundred Doses Of)tojjr 0 Dollar." Medicines in fXJ larger and smaller bottles iAv require larger doses, and do not produce as good results as Hood's. Peculiar In its medicinal merits. Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hith erto unknown, and has won for itself the title1 or "Tho greatest blood Mc-fpurifier ever disco vcrcd." PecuHarin its "good name teme,"-there Is now of Hood's Sarsaparilla more sold In Lowell, where it is made, than of all other blood purifiers. feculiar in its phenome- nal record of sales abroad no other preparation has attained such popu larity in so short a- time, and retained its popularity and confidence among all classes of people so steadfastly. Do not be induced to buy other preparations, our do sure to get the Peculiar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla Soldbyandnicglita. l;ixfori. Fera4anly fcy a I. HOOD A COApotiMcariea,LoweU, w,-t 6 IOO Doses One Dollar Janso;iyr dfcw nrm mon wed sat Wamington Savings & Trust Co. J.W.ATKINSON. W: P. TOOMER, , . Cashier. President. 1 08 FfCpS ST., WILMINGTON, N. CL avj Lends lloner ca satif sLptnrr ,?Z Paya Interest ca IepcsltsL is empowered tn execute Trusts cf all cais. och wtf IPecyl S f sr'- 0Ko,", JUDGES. ; DISTRICT. RESIDENCE. XAMk. fio jr Brown: 1 Beanfort. Fred. Phillip? H. G.. Connor, i 3 3 5 6 Edgecombe. Wilson. t Wake. v Guilford. Sampson. C umnerland, Cabarrus. Surry. ?PiiVISf R T Bovkin. James C. McRae, W..T. Moutsromerv. 8 . -----p Graves 9 n G ; Bynum, 10 Wm M Sbipp, II J. H: Merriraon, 12 Mecklenburg Buncombe. SOLICITORS. name. district, residence. ; John W. Blount, 1 Perquimans. Halifax. Martin. Wake. Durham. Duplin. Richmond. Iredell. Rockingham Caldwell. jG. l'1 3 ! T AT A rrn 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t R. Strayhorn, ! fe,,,, ,i. raim wi,nciu, , i i.' I ,oiit Thos. Settle, W. H. Boer,. F. L. Osborne, 11 Mec klenburg j M. Moody, 12 : ' 12 Buncombe. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. FIRST JUDICIAL- DISTRICT. Spring Judge Whitaker. Fall Judge Connor. Beaufort tFeb: 17, May 26, Nov. 24. Currituck March 3, Sept. 1. Camden March 10, Sept. 8. Pasquotank March 17, Sept. 15. Perquimans March 24. Sept. 22. Chowan March 31, Sept. 29. Gates April 7, Oct. 6. Hertford-April 17, Oct. 13. Washington April 21, Oct. 20. Tyrrell April 28, Oct. 27. Dare May 5, Nov. 3. Hyde May 12, Nov. 10. x Pamlico May. 19, Nov. 17. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. ' Spring Judge Womack. Fall Judge Whitaker. Halifax tMarch 3, May 12, Nov. 10. Northampton JJan. 20, March 31, April 1, Sept. 20. Bertie Feb. 3, April 28, Oct. 27. Craven-tFeb. 10, May 26, Nov. 24. " Warren March 17, Sept. 15. Edgecombe April 14, Oct. 13. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Boykm. Fall Judge Womack. Pitt Jan. C, March 17, June 9, Sept.. 15. Franklin Jan. 20, April 14,Nov,10. Wilson t Feb. S, June 2, Oct, 27. Vance Feb. 17, May 19, Oct. 13. Martin March 3, Sept, 1, JDec. 1. Greene March 31, Sept. 29. Nash April 28, Nov. 17. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge MacRae. Fall Judge Boykin. Wake Jan. G, tFeb. 24, March 24, tApril 21, Julv9, tAug. 27, Sept. 22, tOct. 20. Wayne Jan. 20, March 10, April 14, Sept. 8, Oct. 13. Harnett Feb. 3, Aug. 4, Nov.. 24. Job nston Feb. 10, Aug. II, Nov, 10. , FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Armfield. Fall Judge MacRae. Durham- Jan. 13, March 24, June 2, Oct, 13. Granville Jan. 27, April 21, July 21, Nov. 24. Chatham Feb. 12, May 5,Sept.29. Guilford Feb. 17, Mav 26, Aug. 15, Dec. 8. I Alamance March 3, May 19, Oct. 27. Orange March 17, Aug. 4, Nov. 3 Caswell April 14, Aug. 14, Nov.10. Person April 14, Aug. 19, Nov. 17. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. ' Spring Judge Graves. Fall Judge Armfield. Pender March 10, Sept. 8. . New Hanover f Jan. 20, tApril 13, tSept. 22. Lenoir Feb. 3, Aug. 10, Nov. 10. Duplin Feb. 10, Aug. 4, Nov. 24. Sampson tFeb. 24, April 28, Oct. 6, Dec. 8. Carteret March 7, Oct. 20. Jones March 24, Oct. 27. Onslow--March 31, Nov. 3. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Sp ring Judge Bynum. Fall Judge Graves. Columbus Jan. 13, March 31, July 28. Anson Man. 6, tApril 28. Sent. 1. tNov. 24. Cumberland Jan. 20, tMay S.July 21. Nov. 10. Robeson Jan. 17,May 19,Sept.29 Richmond Feb. 10, June 2, Sept 15 Dec. 1. Bladen March 17, Oct. 30. Brunswick April 7, Sept. 8. loore March 3, Aug. 11, Oct. 27 EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shipp.- Fall Judge Bynum. Cabarrus --t Jan. 27. April 28. . Iredell Feb. 3, Mav 29, Aug. 4, Nov. 3. Rowan Feb. 17, May 5, Aug. 19, Nov. 17. Davidson March 3,Sept. l,Dec.l. Randolph March 17, Sept. 15. Montgomery March 31, Sept. 29. Stanly April 7, Oct. 13. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Merrimon. . Fall Judge Shipp. Rockingham Jan. 20, July 21, Nov. 3. . Forsyth Feb. 3, May 19, Oct. 20. 1 an kin Feb. 17, Sept. 22. Wilkes March 3, Sept. 8. Alleghany March 17, Sept. 1. Tavie March 31, Oct. 6. KtoKes April 14, Aug. 4, Nov. 10. Surry April 21, Aug. 19, Nov. 17. TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Brown. . i?ali Judge Merrimon. Henderson Feb. 10, July 13. Burke March 3, Aug. 4. Caldwell March 17, Sept. 1. Ashe MArch 24,:May 26, Aug'18. Wataugar April.7, Aug. 25. Mitchell April 14, Sept 8.- " Yancey April 28. Sept. ,22. McDowell May 12, Oct. 6. KLETKNTII JUDICIAL DISTRICT Spring- Judge Phillips: ' . . T adge Brown. Catawba Jan 13. July 13. Alexander Jan. 27, July 23 Union Feb. 10, fFeb. 17, Sep!.? 15, TSept. VZ. 'Vv---- ; Mecklenburg- - tFeb. 24, Aug.25. Qaston March 17, Oct. 6. Lincoln March 31, Sept. 20. Cleveland April 7, Aug. 4, Oct. 20. . Rutherford April 21, Oct. 27. Polk May 5, Nov.10. ; t TWKLPTHJOT)ICIAIi DISTRICT. Spring J ndge Connor. , t Fall Jadge Phillips. Madison Feb. 24, July 28, t Nov. 17. Buncombe tMarch 10, ; fAng, 11. tDec. 1. Transylvania March 31, Sept. 1. Haywood April 7. Sept. 8. Jackson April 22, Sept: 22. . Macon Mav 5, Sept. 29. Clay May i2, Oct 8. . . . ;. ; . , . Cherokee May 19, Oct. 13. : Graham June 2f Oct. 27. : , . S vain June 9th, Nov. 3. ; For criminal cases. t , t For civil cases alone. . X For civil case alone except jail cases. " - , , . CRIMINAL CIRCUIT COURTS; , ? NEW HANOVER COUNTY. OliverP. Meares, Wilmington, Judge. Benj. R. Moore, Wilmington, Solicit tor. ' . . - Court begins Jan 6. March 17, May 19, July 13, Sept. 15, Nov. 17. MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Oliver P. Meares, Judge. - - ?r i Geo. E. Wilson, Charlotte, Solicitor. Court begins Feb. 10,-" April 14, Aug. 11, Oct. 0, Dec. 1. BUNCOMBE COUNTY. . Chas. A. Moore, Asheville,' Judge. E. D. Carter, Asheville, Solicitor.:-; Court begins Jan. 27, April 28, July 21, Oct, 27. ' . - - : ' SupremeCourt uifeets first Mondav in February. Examinations on Fri day and Saturday before. ' First District. Feb. -3; Second District, Feb. 10; Third District, Feb. 17; Fourth District, Feb. 24; Fifth Dis trict, March 3; Sixth District, March 10; Seventh District, March 17; Eighth District, March 24; Ninth District, March 81; Tenth District, April 7; Twelfth District, April 14; Eleventh District, April 21, - '. r Last Monday in September. Ex aminations Fridav and Saturday be fore. First District, Sept. 29; Sec ond District, Oct, C; Third District, Oct. 13; Fourth District, Oct, 20th; Fifth District, Oct. 27; Sixth Dis trict, Nov. 3; Seventh District, Nov. 10; Eighth District, Nov. 17; Ninth District, Nov. 24; Tenth Dec. 1; Twelfth District, Eleventh District, Dec. 15. The . AMERICAN . MAGAZINE. Beautifully Illustrate. 23 tls. $3 a Tfsr. ITS SCOPE. THE AMERICAN MA - ZINE glve3 preference to national topics an scenes, and its literature and art are of th highest standard. Famous American writer i fill its pages with a wide variety of interest ! ing sketches of travel and adventure, serial and snort stories, descriptive accounts of bur loremosi prooiems or tne period, ana.m snort. : iuis Magazine is Distinctively Representative of American Thought and Progress. It Is acknowledged by the press and public to De rne most popular ana enTertainiDg' tne nign-eiass moniQiies. , - v; 1 . . TiriTir.itii nt A Specimen Number, -with A1U p Or til II t illustrated Premium List, and Special Inducements In Cash or Valuable Premiums to club Kaisers, will be sent on re ceipt or 15c., if this paper is mentioned. Responsible and energetic persons want ed to solicit subscriptions. Write at once tor exclusive territory. Address, TIIE AMERICAN MAGAZINE CO., " feb 749 Broadway. Kew vm 1890. Harper's Tounff PeoDle.f AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. The Eleventn Volume of Uabfer's Tounq Pkople, which "begins with the Number for November 5. 1889. presents an attractlra pro gramme. It will offer to its readers at least tour serials of the usual length, and others in two or three parts, namely. "The Red Mus tang," by William o. 8toddabi; pmi and 3 Tom tne uaoy," rjy l.ucy ljllik; ."nonce my." by John Russell Cobtmx: and.-aioth- er's way," by Juargakxt k. baxostkb; two two series of Fairy Talcs, will attract theLU tenuon of lovers of the wonder-world, name - Iy. the quaint tales told by Howaxd pfu.and iy, the quaint tales told by uowaxd Pru,and so admirably Illustrated by Wm, and another series in a different vela toy Fhak m. Bick. nell. There will be short stories by W. D. UOWELLS, THOMAS JNELSON 1'AGS, MAKT'K. WILK1KS. NOBA PEBBT, HAKKLET PRKSCCTT Spoffokd, David Kkb, Hezxkiah Bcttzk wobth. sofhib swett. rlchabd malcolm Johnston, eta A SUbSenpUOn tO UABrXB'S YOCNO PEOFLE secures a Juvenile library, there is useful knowledge, also plenty or amusement. Boston Aaverttaer. Terin9 Postage Prepaid, $2 pryear. Vol. Jl begins November 5, 1889. .. . Specimen Cow tent on receipt of stamp. - , ; single Number. Fire cents each. Remittances should be made by Post-Odce I oney uroer or urarx. to avoia cnanoe of loss. newspapers are not to copy this advertisement vninout live, express oracr of uarper s Brothers Address HARPER BBOTirils; noao- NewYoi- I. Your orders promptly filled" 7 ' ; We strive to please ourcustomers. Proofs submitted when desired, ' Largest Stock of Paper to select from. Satisfaction guaranteed. t JACKSON & BELL, Leading Printers and Elcders. iu; jjjigntn uisincr, wov. ii; liniui . ' District, Nov. 24; Tenth District, a&VertlSlllff IU AmeriClll Dec. 1; Twelfth . District; Dec. ., 8; . - ; WAAUfl,u Ff Harper's Baznr ILLUSTRATEa timni? the latest uifoM l0 ll and rrVf 1- ments are IndlJi uirao-iuaiu:r ana the nroffsci ,M "i ' expense la spared to SSfSPnii tlreneWot the hSSSi J2 : mater andlheX n Vvt suurv Tories, parlor du ... : says satisfy all taaesSi i?f ? lt mom as a hud of Vir . ttV?1 N weekly issues lrnhiS if?n or interest ta wnfnTi ScImm ,v's ; THOSXS MtT.T.ra U'nn7 1;"r 3 spectively furnh TSiS1" Vill Dausrhter at Itoe SP'Pni and "The Woman V .kJ, Meals HARPER'S PERIODICA PER YKAR: UARPER8 BAZAR HARPER'S MAGAZINE...., X HARPER'S WEEKLY 1 1 tiAttrjiK'O XOUNG PEOPLR State. Canada. vi!T7?(5,T State, Cartada, or Mexico. mjQt Volumes of tho Bazar w first Number for Januaryor SrhS11 notlmel3menuoned7Mii!ar- i expense (provided the freiAt (ffSvy ClOth-CaeV taTgitr TOliSe11 binding, wm be senrby Sjn 'vS11 receipt of $100 each. P-fi:a,ca liemlttanees should be made br -j wsvawrs are tux to ivm 1 hi.m a. novgti --. w viUfcK ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost .of any propos.'d line of rapers Dy addressing Geo.; P. Rowell & Co., New paper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., New York. Send lOcta for lOO-page PamchMt i?r etA-ftr-lKHi t;.t vj:h-' I.-Xv lvei.t.'ra.loincilUL"MwrilKdk isS'-A.'h I' rlcet they Kra forth, ti4wlimu mini; FvmlaluB Gf2a of aU Tbea tund Xoe rractieaJ POCL- S tifnl eclored p!atc t cr(praTtBC 3- J ( HiAmit ncuvt fh TifMlK OF CAGE RllllM. 12M lflM. 150 1!1 l tntliaiiA. IieaatifnT CoIf'" I Treatment ana udtbeir euro. How t Iwili i N t'd kinda birds., ytr. gc. lff J 5 Cents. Ta9 Tu s lws. 40 1 237 Socth mhtM Ht rt-et fb!ljJMt.l..tirt TUB - j I New Yort Weekly HeralJ " -ATONE DOLLAR PER EAB I IS TIIE BKST AND CHEAPEST PAHIt ; PAPER IN THE UNITED STATK5. i ktMiK f 4u a AQnn?crib9 1UW J HID Ullio I tw, im it will erea e'f l JSnSttEZfiX lull cStentS and P I Jf!I Ke V&P I "T 1 1 snnscrlbers. Ke , J. 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