Li - - n r i 1 - !.,: rs' ?muons : used for many 5-1? frt.W"llce &Srr single Spe- fpt7f2l tfrrm Vthtnrof Infants. ..J Iks is j0"0 is IffftSI "lrcWt! fo&P':; ITOnta" Periods .-j ; f !irf4fd fii Periods DrH'f'.f .nl kol.l. mailed free, rfgftff ,annf' Fulton St. N Y. jjggn?IOSv nPTECtlVES urn w iwt wn-l-rr imtraetio? ,f...' -trj. Prttolrifr a If" , . v.'M:-pers heard. Cora fii8 '-..ri.--. -ni.it7y.Hi! ox &iS?V$r '' '.v.tilicS the hair KV Si--- l."i-Y .::if Coler,- 5 a a & 25t Lfi HIKCa IMl'KUVtu IrOOT BEER! 1 Vr .TvjrtcatTaAinma cascade r! xo,t AF?n"7ma and WHOU3SOMII Ik-item ani S?a--'-g- your Drug?! or Grocer for it. C. E. HIRES. . PHILADELPHIA. ay TO WiAI BuS-ritj frcn top effects of youthful errors, e&rly dy.iri3Uiiswelno lost manhood, etc.. I will Trticnlar Ux howo cure. F R EE of charge. A ipiwulid medical work ; should be read by every jua to it cervoM and debilitated. Adaress, froU F. C. FOWLER, Jloodus, Conn. I I U K3I k.1 IMCTjyC For L03T or tAILTUS IffAEHOO RrVwllilb General and NERVOUS LEBILIT; f!TT"R wiaknes of Body and Mind: Effeo y W XV J of Errors or Excesses in Old or Youn tjfe4, M atSHtlitll full? Kelnr.l. How to MJanr at tk4k, IHHM)i'HMII(l,t.S i ViHlSot UOU uMliti UltSK TKK41MK.T-i:ftMai In s ) Mimj fr ) Siiur TrrrllbHr., ci t .rt-clcn ( ,iaatrl iiout., and f.rc roitlJ cfio'fiieaa mi I WIS ttgaS2 3S OF THE- Hon, Jefferson Davis. BY- 1K. JEFFERSON OAVIS. H SOLD BV SUBSCHIPTWN OSLY. T! PPvtus and complete outntlfor can T1SQ2 will bo ready immedlaU'ly. AOEXTS WlSUlNii DES1KAULB THUKI- on this great work will please address, Wi M Poslf )le. t he pubUshera. - BELFORD COMPANY, ! 1ith stt N KW i'OUK. . tf THE LEADING Daily Paper -F SC'I TH CA1H..L1NA Ii- is: lis I lousier. Price S1Q Per Annum, "'KDTO ANY ATU1RKSS. InSCST CHASTE AND rt'KEST SUNDAY ls s,"f n cauohsa is Sunday News. Gtth" ,,: SIa copy. Sets-mailed EUY OXE'3 PAPEH. - i?S ASD i:OUllIEtl, . W Per year, six months, 50 eutsie ; As. Xerr Pari. Strludle. Once more the t elephone trick has been tried with remarkable success this time -on the highly respectable restaurateur who had obtained notoriety or perhaps renown of recent months by catering for the distinguished -prisoners'" who have been temporarily incarceratetl in the gloomy Conciergerie. Lately the caterer gapplied with 'food the Marquis de Mores, who was arrested in connection with the May day demonstrations, and it was in the name of this very nobleman, who is now out on bail, that thj new telephone trick was perpetrated. The restaurateur, or one of his fuwsitants, was called. to the telephone and directed to prepare a co pious repast for the Marquis de Mores and four other gentlemen who were to accompany him. This order was appar ently all right, a the Marquis had dined the day before at the restaurant after he had left the office of the Juge d'lnstruc tion, at whose disposal he holds himself while, out on bail. Shortly after the receipt of the order the telephone bell rang again, and the restaurateur was told that a box of spe cial Ilayanas would be sent to him for the marquis, and would' he be good enough to pay the messenger for the cigars. The reply was "Yes," where upon the messenger soon appeared, car rying the box of cigars all right as to its' exterior, and received "fifty francs for the same. In the meantime the dinners .were prepared and the shades of even ing were falling very fast indeed, but neither the Marquis de Mores nor any of his friends showed their faces. Ghastly suspicions then floated through the mind of the restaurateur, and a verdant pallor suffused his countenance when he discov ered the extent to which he had been 'sold" by some keen witted Knight of Industry. The brown box, confidently supposed to contain a consignment of choice Havanas, was the sepulchre of a small sized brick, which was carefully enveloped in the remnants of a lady's nocturnal gown.-Cor. London Tele graph. , The Emperor as a Sentinel.' ' Wliat vdY the German emperor do next?" is the general cry. ' He has done so many startling things already, and takes such an evident delight in making men's tongues wag, that nobody would be much surprised if he were to propose a congress for ir iversal disarmament. Men have already become convinced that he is sincerely religious, and that-he ha3 no ambition for bloodshed. A little time ago, wishing to realize the sensations of a soldier on guard, he put himself on duty for twenty-four hours in an extemporized guard room in his own garden at Pots dam, and stood sentry for four spells of two hours each during that time. He wore the uniform of a private soldier, carried a rifle and ate of the sol dier's ordinary. But, unlike Peter the Great, who did these things often enough in real earnest mixing with the soldiers and lying down beside them tVilliam II took his little diversion all alone. No officer came to relieve him, and, in fact, only one or two persons of his entourage were aware of what he was doing until he had done it. When the whole thing was over he was asked how he hnd en joyed standing sentry at night, and he answered: 'I was thinking all the time how many millions of poor wretches have gone through the drudgery of mili tary life while loathing it, and have got killed in wara for the causes of which they did not care a button' Cor. Glas gow Herald. Floffged In Spite of Larr. Great excitement ha3 been caused in so called Liberal circles by a very severe flogging which was administered to one of the students arrested during the late university disturbances. When ques tioned concerning his participation in the meetings and protests, he gave un satisfactory replies, was threatened in consequence with drastic measures, and, threats proving una vailing, he was soundly flogged. His appeals to the law absolutely forbidding this species of pun ishment in Russia were derided. The next day he managed to send informa tion of what had happened to the mar shal of nobility of his district, then in St. Petersburg. This personage reported the matter directly to the emperor, and I am informed that his majesty has dis missed all the officials legally responsi ble for the. flogging, not excepting M. Verkhoffsky, one of Gen, Gresser s staff. Tfer. Londpn Telegraph. A Catcher Killed by Ball. Bou Myers, colored, catcher of the Southern Star Baseball club, which went down to. Montgomery on a picnic of the Eureka Aid and Social clnb, was struck during the game by a passed ball and instantly killed. The ball was hot from the picther's hands and struck Myers on the neck and broke it. Every thing was done to bring the dead man to life until it was found that his neck was broken.' - He wore no , mask and was standing close to the striker ready to take the ball off the bat when lie was hit. The accident broke up the picnic and the club dispersed in confusion. Myers body was brought to the city on the first train, and taken to the office of Coroner tixon, but an in- quest was not deemed necessary. Sa vannah (Ga.) News. f It Dldnt Cure. A California ranchman was disturb by the coughing of his cook. He ordered the cook to cease. The cook wanted to but couldn't. The ranchman finally arose and seized the man and held his head in a barred of water to drown the cough. In so doing he drowned the man and has gone to prison for twenty years. De troit Free Press. ! Poor Ceniu Han. "Pray what is your age?" said ye census man sage, And ye. damsel spoke never a word. "Are you foolish, insane,deaf, hump back or iamef 1 And she smiled at a thought so absurd. tkI)o you powder or paintf and her Miiile it gre faint. 'Do you snore, Miss, and have vou cold feet?" Ye damsel yet she spoke not, voa bet, Hut ye man he lay dead iii ye street. Washington Critic. t'Jtipepny. This is what you ought to have, in fact, you must have it, to fully en joy life. Thousands are searching for it daily, and luourniug because they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent an nually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be had by aH. We Guar antee that Electric Bitters, if used according to directions ami the use persisted in, will bring you Good Di gestion and oust the demon Dyspep sia and install instead Eupepsy. We recommend Klectrie Bitters for Dys pepsia and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys.. Sold at 50c, and $1 per bottle at Robt. It. Bella my's wholesale and retaildrug store. JUN'EiJOKKS. xne inventor or a process for refining . . sugar by electricity ai an expense pi forty cents a ton haa appeared, $h 13, 000.000 for it mtttU It U eaid that theTocess is fo ce tested in England, The trouble in having your latch string always hanging out is that the wrong people get hold of it. At chison Globe. Irish Doctor Begorra, I've knock ed the fever out of him. That is one good thing! Wife of Patient Oh, doctor, do you think there is any hope? Doctor Small chance of that, inarm, but you'll have the sat isfaction of knowing that he died cured. Pick-Me -Up. Doctor You must take a teaspoon ful of this medicine three timesa day regularly, taking a dose before each meal, until you feel better. Jour nalist But, my dear doctor, I can't possibly follow your directions. 'Why not?" "Because I don't get but one meal every two days." Siftings. "Well, Mrs. Brow, how does your daughter get along on the piano?" 'Law sakes, Mrs. Jones. You know I ain't no musician myself; but did hear her teacher say only yesterday "Emma, my child, you're quite ten bars ahead,' so she must be niakin' some progress, musn't she?" Judge. "Want, to build a $5,000 house," said the architect; "certainly sir. James, hand me down thut book of $5,000 plans." "You mistake me;' interrupted the visitor; "I said I had just $5,000 to spend on a house." "All, yes," said the architect." I see. James, baud me down the book of $3,500 houses." Puck. Young Man Well have you de cided yet to take my poem on "Cheese?" Editor I am very sorry to inform you that your poem has disappeared. "Don't you know what has become of it?" "Yes; I left it in my pigeon hole last night, and this morning I found that the office rats had smelled it out and eaten it." Rochester Post- Express. - - - Consumption Surely Cured. To thk Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its "timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I. shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send me their ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st.. New York. It is not so great a wonder, come to think, that so many people are illiterate. Everybody was born that way. Siftings. --. Advice to Mother. M RS. WlNSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP should always be used whenchildren 'ire cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle shlTerer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is verv pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays All pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is trie best known reme Jy for diarrhroa, whether arising from teething or othr causes. Twenty live cents a bottle. julv ( deod&wlv -mm . Have You a Cough ? Attend to it in time do not neg lect it for it may become seriousand end in Consumption. Young's Cough Bulsaju will cure all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. For sale by Munds Brothers. THE STATE CHRONICLE, Successor to the Farmer and Mechanic ann the Chronicle.) Under New Management NEWSY, BRIGHT AND CLEAN. UP WITH THE TIMES. rpIIE "STATE CflKONlCLE' WILL BE what Its name implies a State Paper. It ls not the Raleigh "Chronicle," and will not be local or sectlonaL It will aim to keep up with the news from Murphy to Manteo, or, as the politicians put It, from Cherokee to Cur rituck. , It will be tbeorjjan of no man. no ring', no section, no party. It will be Democratic in politics, but will not hesitate to criticise Democratic measures and Democratic officer?. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: one Year.. 12 00 six Months 100 sbree Months 50 TFor a sample copy address TDK faTATE CHRONICLE, Raleigh, ii. C For Sale. 1 000 ICS OLD-TirEMCTAkcu:A"s t! U used condUloa. 71U t sold cheap, - Array &t TSISOFFICS WHOLESALE PRICES. The following quotations represent whole sale prices gentnaj.' la .maxliMr upjanall or- BAOcmro . Gunny Standard BACON North Carolina, Hams.. ... Shoulders y . Sides, y Tb , WESTERN SMOKED nams,?n.... Sides, 9ft 1 Shoulders, yib DR Y SALTED Sides, ? . Shoulders, v& BAKKEI.S Spirits Turpentine Second nand,each New, New Y'ork, each New," city, each BEESWAX, V&). . V - - 8 8X 11 12 8 O 8 8 0 10 8 10 5 0 6 6 6)4 . 1 40 6 1 50 . 0 OP 1 75 . 1 65 & 1 70 an (A BRICKS, Wilmington, M.... 8 00 lo 00 Northern. BUTTER, ft- . North tarollna... . Northern CANDLES, lb- " Sperm. , Adamantine... CIIEESE, "9 to; Northern Factory. Dairy Cream. State....!..... SOFFEE, V & Java Laguyra RIO 0 00 U 00 .... 15 25 25 30 18 & 10 Q 8X3 9 3 25 M8 HI if 27 3 JO 23 25 20 3 22 CORN MEAL, bush, in sacks. 003 62X Virginia Meal. 00 3 65 COTTON TIES, ? bundle 1 25 3 1 30 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, Vyard 6 3 6J! Yarns, bunch 00 3 80 EGGS, Vdoz.... 10 3 FISH Mackerel, No. l, bbi woo 30 50 Mackerel, No. l, half bbL 13 50 315 00 Mackerel, No. 2, "9 bbl. 15 OF 320 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... 4 75 3 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl 7 80 310 00 Mullets, tf bbl.... 6 00 3 7 00 N. C. Roe Herring, tf keg... 00 3 6 00 Dry Cod, tf lt 53 10 FLOUR, tf bbl Western, low grade. . 44 Ixtri. Family.. ou 3 4S 52 (3! Ii Ou & 51 00 (31 50 95 3 1 (0 23 a ;5 3 r, 1 05 3 1 10 B0 7 10 . 1 25 3 0 00 63 8 3 .. 50 3 4 00 4 00 3 6 00 ...... . 4 50 3 6 00 City Mills Super ... 4 00 3 4 10 " Family!.... ..... 4 .3 500 GLUE, tf ft 8 10 GRAIN, tf bU9Uel. Corn, fm store, bags, white 48 3 Corn, cargo, In bulk, white, com, cargo, In bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store oats,. from store. oats, liust Proof Cow Teas HIDES, tf lb Green.. Dry... HAY, tf 100 lt,s- Eastern Western 85 .3 North River. ... 75 3 00 HOOP IRON, tf lb 2J3 LARD, tf B Northern..... , North Carolina LIME, tf barrel.... , DUMBER, City Sawed, tf M ft. Ship stun, resawed ..18 00 320 00 Rough Edge Plank 15 00 Oltf 00 West India Cargles, accord ing to quality 13 00 318 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 22 00 Scantling and Board, com'n. 14 00 315 00 MOLASSES, tf gallon- New Crop, in hhds. 41 " In bbls Porto Rico, In hhds. . " in bbls 26 3 Sugar House, In hhds 00 3 " " la. bbls....... 16 3 Syrup, in bbls. 22 3 NAILS, tf Keg, cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 . 3 2 50 OILS, tf gallon. Kerosene 9 3 14 Lard. . 16 3 1 45 Linseed..... 90 3 1 00 Rosin. , 15 3 Tar.... 00 3 Deck and Spar. 00 3 POULTRY Chickens, live rown....... 25 3 . Spring.. 10 3 Turkeys............ PEANUTS, tf bushel, 22 16.. potatoes, tf bushel Sweet 65 3 75 Irish, tf bbl... ...3 25 3 3 75 PORK, tf barrel City Mess 12 00 318 00 Prime 15 00 316 00 Rump.. .. 00 315 00 RICE Carolina, tf rt 43 5x Rough, tf bush, (Upland).. 60 3 80 " (Lowland). 80 3 1 00 RAGS, tf lb Country 00 3 1 IClty .. 1 3 rope, tf n i3 SALT, tf sack. Alum 70 3 25 3 28 3 28 3 26 30 30 28 15 IS 35 18 20 22 30 20 75 3 1 00 1 00 3 1 25 22' 75 Liverpool 1 10 3 1 50 Lisbon.... -. 00 3 00 American 00 3 70 SOAP, tf n Northern 43 5 SUGAR, r fb standard grain.. 63 6 'standard A 6 3 6.V .White Ex C. 0 3 6 '. Extra c. Golden 53 6tf C Yeuow 53 55 SHINGLES, 7 in. tf M 5 00 3 7 00 Common 2 00 3 2 50 Cypress Saps... 4 50 3 5 00 Cypress Hearts 000 3750 STAVES, tf M W. O. Barrel.. 8 CO 314 00 R.O. Hogshead 0 00 310 00 TALLOW, tftt 43 5 TIMBER, tf M feet Shipping. . 2 00 314 00 Fine Mill Jl 25 313 00 Mill Prime 7 50 3 8 50 Mill Fair 5 00 3 0 00 Common Mill 5 00 3 0 00 Inferior to Ordinary... 2 50 3 4 00 WHISKEY, tf gal Northern... 2 00 3 5 0C riorth Carolina... ....1 50 3300 WOOL, tf it-washed 23 3 25 Unwashed 16 3 18 Burry 16 3 18 OYSTER ROASTS AM BETTER PREPARED I than ever to accommodate my friends with OYSTERS this season. I will keep none but the Best oa !und always MYRTLE grove ROASTS a specialty. Every thing overhauled and improves. Oysters ready at short notice 404 expert shockers to open them. Special rates to partita. Girt me a call and will do my best to please you. Respectful.. tT H. 8TOXLET, octptf WrtzntSTUte UAILUUADs, JCc Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington &We!donR. R. AND IIUANCIIKS ' 1 CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated June 15. I?f0. d 6 "5 ec P. M. P. M. A. M. Leave Weldon 12 30 5 4J 00 Arrive Rocky Mount. 1 46 7 10 - - j Arrive Tarboro 3 CO ...... A. M. j Leave Tarboro 10 20 ' j . Arrive Wilson 2 20 7 00 7 i-i Leave Wilson t2. Arrive Selma 1 3 40 ' Arrive FayeUeville uwj Leave Goldsboro 3 15 ; 7 10 J : Leave Warsaw 4 in I m in Leave Magnolia 4 24 r s 40 0 4. Arrive Wilmington 1 5 50 j t r5 1 1 J3 TRAINS GOING NORTH. i" rf oo-A o j pes 6 5, OXfl X- .? J " A. M. A. M. P. M. Leave Wilmington 12 01 yoo 4 00 Leave Magnolia 121 10 34 5 ik Leave Warsaw i 10 48 5 53 Arrive Goldsboro j 2 23 1 11 45 6 53 Leave Fayettevule. . : j t8 40 ...... Arrive Selma 11)I Arrive Wilson 1210' Leave Wilson 3 03 12 37 7 47 Ar. Rocky Mount 1 10 818 Arrive Tarboro 2 00 A. M. Leave Tarboro 10 0 P. M. Arrive Weldon 4 30 2 45 9 30 MISCELLANEOUS. Carolina Central Railroad Company. . IF CHANG E OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS March 23, lG. No. 41. id ally ex. unaay. NO. 61. dally ex. Sunday. Leave WUmicgtonj 3 00pm Leave Hamlet . 1 7 30 pm Leave adesboro. S t5 ran Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte... Leave Linnitjon. Leave SLelby J Ar rl v e Hu the rr dtn 1 10 t pm No L 1 -f dMlyex uuday 6 Vptn 2" 00 am 3 am 7 13 so , . ; . - ft 55 pm H 7 ra pm zspm 9 45 pm EASTBOUND TR.UNS i ! NO. 88. 4 No. 54. March 23, 1:0. IdaUy ex. dally ex jdaily. ex '.Sunday, sundsj Dally except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 3:15 p. m., Halifax 3:37 p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.25 p. in., Green vine 6.00 p. m. Returning leaves Greenville 7:20 a. m. Arriving Halltax at 1(:10 a. m., Weldon 10:30 a. m.. dally except Sund iy. On Mondajr. Wednesday and Frldav. Local Freight leavf.i Weldon 10-.:io a. in.. Halifax 11:30 a. ni.. Scotland Neck n:i p. in. Ai living Greenville 5:10 p. in. Returning, leae Green ville Tuesday, Tnursday and .satunlav -.:M a. in., Scutland Neck l:(n' p. in.. Halifax 3::!5 p. rn. AiTilntr weldon 4;(0 p. ni. Train leaes Tarlmro, N. ('., via AlWrmaMe A Raleigh R. 1!. daily except Sunday, .!.(: P. M., sundav 3.00 P. M., arrive Willlainston. N.v, 6.(1 P. M., 4.2 1. -M., Plymouth P. M., r :i 1'. M. lieturitlng leaves Plymouth, mouth. N. daily- except. Sunday, f..(n) A. M., Sunday 9.ui A. M., Wllliamsron 7.10 A. M., 9.58 A. M. Arrive Tarboro,' N. ('., Otkl A. M., ll.?0 A. M. Train on Midland N. ('. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, daily except Sunday, turn A. M., arrive SinlthQeld, N. (., 7-3iA. M. Returning leaves Sinit afield, N C, 8.U) A. M., arrive Goldsboro, N. C, .:J0 A. M. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 3.0t) P. M.. arrives at Nash ville at 3.40 P. M., Spring Hope 4.15 P. M. Returning leaves spring Hope 10.00 A. M.. Nashville 10.35 A. M., arrive Rocky Mount 11.15 A.M., dally except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, dally,, except Sunday, at coo P. At. and 11 10 A. At. Returning leaves Clinton ut 8.20 A.M. and 3.1U P. Al., connecting at War saw with Nos. 4 1 40, 23 and 7K. Southbound Train on Wilson & FavettcviUe Branch is No. 51. Northbound ls No. .9j. 'Dally except Sunday. Train No. 27 south wlll'stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.' Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North dally. Ail rail via Richmond, and dally, except Sunday, via Bay Line. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Supt. J. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington, CplumkJf: & Augusta K. 11. Co. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. f Dated Apri rau.iwd. No. 23. No. 27.1 NO. L5. Leave Wilmington. Leave Marion. Arrive Florence Leave Florence. Arrive Sumter. . Leave Sumter Arrive Columbia. p. M. r 9 r; 10 201 NO. 50 A. M. 3 20 4 35 4 35 6 15 P. M. " 10 10 12 40 1 20' A. M. NO. 52. A. M. 1 10 33 11 55! A. M. No A. t S 9 . 88 M. 25 35 No. 52 run3 through from Charleston via Central It, lc Leaving Lanes 9-15 A. L. Manning 9:56 A.M. Train on C. I. It. It. connects at Fion a? with NO. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. NO. 51. NO. 59. Leave Columbia Arrive Sumter.. Lea re Sumter.. Arrive Florence Leave Florence Leave Marlon. Arrive Wilmington... No. P. M. 10 35 11 58 P. M. ! 11 5Si t 6 37 A. M. 1 15 NO. 78 A. M, 1 4 35! M. 5 20 k ;j2 7 50' 5 22 . 8 3S. No. n. P. A. 8.1 8 55 11 45 DaHy. t Dally except Sunday. No. S3 runs through to Charleston. S, C. a Central it. IL, arriving Manning 71 P. M Lanes 7:42 P. M., Charleston 9-JO P. M. No. 59 connects at Florence with C. and D. train from Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W. & W. It. lc tor &a point a North Train on Florence R. R. leave Pee Dee daily except Sunday 4:40 P. M., arrive Rowland 7.-10 p. m. Returning leave Rowland 630 a. m.. ar rive Pee Dee &50 . m. Train on Manchester & Augusta K. R. leaves Sumter dally, except Sunday. 10-J0 A. M..arrt e Rlmlnl 121 P. M. Returning leave Klmlnt 12:15 P. M., arrive Sumter 1-30 P.M. JOHN P. DIVINE, General Supertnfceisdr-i t. i. R. KENLY. Asst Genl Manager. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger A cet. nom Table Board. A KW OENTLMN CAJI P.1CACCOMMO dAxed wit h'Tablej Eoxr j on appuration at cicanu 2?4..Tt.uKir Leave Rut herf dtn ! Leave shelbv 1 Leave Lincoln! on. Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte... Ieavc Wades boro. liCave Hamler Arrive Wllmlngtn.!l2 15 pm 5 ooam 6 52 am 8 (i" am No. Sunday 1 8 45 am 10 es am 1 1 w aui 110 rm 8 fo pm 11 24pm 1 30 ami 8 Warns Traliis No. 41 and 38 make close connection between charlotte and points North via Jtal eigh. Trains No. 51 and 54 make close connection at Hamlet, to and from I"ale!gu. Through isieeping Cars between Wilmington and charlotte and charlotte and Raleigh. T. w. wiusNANT, Superintendent F. w. CLARK, Gen'l Passenger Agent. inch 21 - Atlantic Coast Line. North-Eastern R. R.ofSl U ,ii a: ai COND ENS ED SCH EDULe! ' TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated .May 12, '89. Leave Florence..:. " Kingstree... Arrive Lane3 , Leave Laces ... Arrive-Chariest on.. NO. r. NO. 23. NO. v A. M. A. M. "- : : 1 35 9 30 2 29 .10 65 2 50 11 2U T.'M. 2 no -11 20 7 0. 5 00 j : f A. M. P. M. P. At. Train No. ci takes No. 5.1 South of I-nnes. t Train one. & l). R. R. connect s at Floretu wini jno. Train. ISO TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 14. U'ave Charleston.., Arrive Lanes Ieavo Lanes........ Klngstni.... Arrive ?harlcston... No. 7K A. M. 12 2.; 2 45 2 50 3 10 4 20 A. Al. No. Ii P. At. I A. Al, M 30 I! 2: 9 US: 1; 4i; r - 1 , P. At. I A. 11, Daily, t Dally except Sunday. Train No. 14 connects at Florence with trail, on c. & D. R. R. for Cheraw, S. c and Waden boro, N. c. No. 52 runs through to Columbia via crtitr 11 R. R. Of S. C. - " rl li Nos. 7S and 14 run solid to Wllmlnjrlon..' c., riiaklng close connect Ion with W. .v w. R. ror nit points north. .1NO. R DIVJNIC.; General Siipcrjiifciuteut. .!. R. liKNMV, -As.vt Gen I A1anflrr. . T. At. Ji.M ERson, G'en 1 papWTij? r Agri.t.' .my 11 ."-'" v' WANTED. GEJiTS OF EITHER SEX TUUOVUUOV the United states to handle our celebrated Corn and Bunion cure. Its application af fords almost instant relief, and every box is accompanied by a f5 guarantee, which amount we wilt forfeit in every instance where our remedy falls to perrect a permanent cure. Sample box, 25c; six boxes, $1. Wc will pay good agents $3 per day to Introduce our good' into tlieir section; no postals. For terms and particulars address the manufacturers, ' II. SHRODER &CU.. 1C4 and 106 North Ada Street, fob H lw dAw Chicago, IU. FOR 1890., :r. . '.'".- oa-ilir 6ZAidSi&j MkiKzist wtvu'jo' are deciding lrpon your reading matter for next reason. 'ine subscription rat is low f 3.00 a year. The standard of the Magazine is high. Its spirit progressive. The illustrations are intcreatlnjr and Of tte best. There Is not space here to give even a sum mary of the features to appear this year, but among other things there will be a new de partment and additional pages, and gronpsof illustrated articles win tie devoted to the fol lowing 8ubject. ...... African Exploration and Travel, Life on a M odern War Mdp a article). "vu-cn cuuuio, ana country Providing HoniC3 through Building As tlons. Tbc Citizen's Rlghtft. Electricity lu the Household. ;' " Ericsson, the .Inventor, by hU Authcrtz: Blograph?r. HuntlDg, . '. Hiunorous Artl'st?, Atderiah and Foreign 3g A8WClA T here s til be n -crtal. Robert Louts Stevenion will cont io. Each kubieci. and there will a imr rtcty t year, will la treated by writers coinjM.teot to speak with authority and with luten.-it. Headers uhn n m inrmcf,, arc urged to N-nd for a prospectus. 1 CfDls a Xombfn $1.00 for Fear Xutki. Charles Scribner's Sons, 74:11 llroadway,BN. Yt Jan 6 tf Lirne. Lime. LIME in exchange for PROVISION! LIME groceries; LIME r DRYGOODtJ LIME " HAItDWARK. LIMB " " LUMBER. LI '! " CAUIn FKKNCll iilCOS., krt . Kocky I'oifit Diamond Vera Cura vou nvsii:isiA.? Forfcalf-jbj ftbUtf JiP. k'.C. MILt.Ftt, Cor. S ourth ar. 1 Nan t