SPECIAL NOTICE ! COMMEKClAL NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET. June Hi. 230 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 35 cents bid. No sales reported. ROSIN Firm at f 1.07$ for etrain ed and 1.12 for good strained. TAR Finn at $1.35. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.25 for hard, $2.35 for yellow dip and $2.70 for vircrin. COTTON Firm at 11 J cents for middling; low piddling1, 11; good middlincr. llf. i RECEIPTS-Cotton, :spiritMl: rosin, 1,273; tar, 22: crude, 18. I MAKINE NEWS. Absolutely Pure.. This powaer never vanes, a marvel of pur ity, strength and wholesomeness. More econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold nvcompetltlon with the multitude or low t est, short weight alum or phosphate po wders .o Id only in tans. KO YAL 15 A K.1 NG 1 O V D IZ I CO. ,100 Wall St., N. Y. cct2Gdwly tcnnn 4thtx:i r.r.tpw Daily Review. MONDAY, JUNE Ifi. 1890. STATE NEWS. Greensboro I'alrrot: The railroad authorities handled over l,20Q fir-t class passengers here yesterday. Concord Xlandard: Messrs. G. T. ARRIVED. Steamship Fanita, Pennington, New York, 1 G Smailbone?. Steamer Cape. Fear. Tomlinson, Favetteville, T D Love. CLEARED. Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinson, Fayetteville, T. D. Love. WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND JUNE 13,1890. Cotton ashore, 453; afloat,' 000, total, 453. Spirit ashore, 2,240; afloat, 1,941 ; total, 4,181. Rosin ashore 13,098; afloat, 7,449; total, 20,547. Tarashore, 7,800; afloat, 281; total 8,01. Crude ash ore. 123: n float, i00;total RECEIPTS, WKKK KNIUNG JUNK 13, '90. Cotton, 25; spirits, 1,054; rosin, 7, 0Sl;tar, 290; crude, 014. -AT- and Jno. W. Pronst, went out to Huf-! kxpoiits. weekended .tune 13, 1890. falo creek to fish. In one hour and twenty minutes they caught ISO; the entire number however, would fill a vessel a little larger than a gallon pot. Stanford JCxpress : Pi 1 in 01 W i c k r, of Liberty, tried to commit suicide last week by fracturing the skull witha hoe. He is io a serious ron- dition. The corn and cotton crops of this section never looked so well in the memory of farmers, but the heavy rains have rather checked their hearty and vigorous growth. Charlotte Chronicle: Jimmie Cook, the boy preacher of Georgia, is in Charlotte, and will preach in the city to morrow. He is 14 years of age, weighs 05 pounds and is 4 feet high. He said to a Chronicle report er yesterday that he had been preaching two years. He had preach ed inAtlanta .and Augusta. and eann here from Gainesville, Ga. Concord Mmuianl: J he marriage at St. "Mary's jestorday is much talked of. and its romantic - aspects appear to touch tho sensibilities of the ladies particularly.' Miss San ders had nursed Mr. ltembcrt during a critical sickness. In return for the kindness he bore all the charges of her education and made her his wife. It is a real love story all the way through. ..Newton JCnter)ri'sc: This has been a great week for making clover hay. Hundreds of tons have been stored away in this county. It is as fine as was ever made in the county. This will also be a good year for gather ing clover. We estimated the wheat crop last week at three fourths of a full crop. ! Hut we have been informed by several farmers that this is too high. Some put it at a half, some a third and some Jas low as a tourth. Charlotte Chronicle: Deputy Sheriff Andrews, on Saturday, arrested at Shelby Decatur Gregg, who was convicted last October of slander. Gregg appealed to the Supreme Court which affirmed the decision of the Superior Court. Then he left the State, going to Arkansas. He returned about a month ago. His family are all sick in bed except one boy. His sentence . was eighteen months on the streets, at which he will be put on Monday. Lincolnton Courier: Mr. W. L. Lackey is the champion marksman in North Brook tdwnship if not in the county. In the period of six weeks, we are reliably informed, he killed 3G crows and 5 hawks -not counting a number of young ones, and two sheep-killing" dogs. Lincolnton is one of the finest loca tions for a city in the State. It is surrounded with the best mineral waters and has the best health re cord that can be shown by any town. It is surrounded with an abundance of the best iron ores in the South, and the time is coming when no earthly power will check the multi plicity of its industries and its won derful prosperity. THE MAIL SCHEDULE. rhe malls close aud arrive at the dry Pos fT.ce as foUows: OUTGOING .MAILS DAILY. CLOSE. IK AVE. Wll.and Wash.G.Ml-a Dis. Cotton tar, 47 Tar, 3. domestic. 379; spirits, 02; 5; rosin, 153. FOREIGN. crude, 484; Not at All Necessary po CARRY YOUR PROVISIONS OK LUNCH to Carolina Reach as there is a First-Class Family Grocery there, supplied with everything: the- market affords and sold at city prices. All K nds of Canned Goods FOR LUNCH AND PIC NIC PARTIES audeven-thlnsrel.se that goes to make up a fine lunch. Full supply of ICE always on hand. The' residents of CAROLINA BEACH will flnt it to their Interest to deal 'with me as I win keep on hand everything In the Grocery and Housekeeping line. HANS A. KULIE, jeTtf PROPRIETOR. Geo. K, French & Sons. 50c Opera Slippers, former price 15c 75c opera slippers, former prlceBLOO. $1.00 opera Slippr, former pice$L25. $1 25 Opera Sllppei s, former price$L50. ' Oxford Ties, Pat. Tlp,75c " Oxford Ties, Pat. Tip, f 1.00. Oxford Ties, Pat. Tip, f L25. Oxford Ties, Pat, Tip, $L50. Tan Colored Oxfords f 1.00. Tan Colored Oxfords fL25. All the above styles In Misses andChll dren's sizes at comparatively low prices. Large stoce Of LAWN TENNIS SLIPPERS GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS, 108 North Front Street. (Opposite The Orton ) my 24 tf pi h aad lliglil, MY SALOON, Corner of North Wateraud UK PRIVATE STOCK 1S75 RYE IS UN- doubt edly the best WHISKEY sold in tne South to-day. Below you will find a few out of O' many letters -which we receive and notice well what they contain: Brown & Brown, druggists, of Winston, say: 'The Private Stock, T6, gives entire satis faction to our customers, and we think it i3 a fine medicinal Whiskey." Mulberry If Open from 1 o'clock 11:45 p a. in. Moidav Until in. ciu . p. nun 10 tf Saturday. WILMINGTON, N. C. Fishermen's- Supplies, Builders' Hardware, PAINTS AND SASH H. Rose, also of Winston, writes us as fol lows: "The 'Private Stock' Whiskey I bought through yoar Mr. Simon has proved a success and will keep it hereatter as my leading brand. r j. A. Burns & Co.. of Fayetteville, have this to say: "I have used your new brand of 'Private stock. 1876 Rye Whiskey and will say that I am well pleased with It and that it a all you recommend it to be. My customers this brand to all others." Bninhild,Simon & Co., ami Stools. C&SlBSt ucrft of all lands. Complete Darnts. Catalogue free. Address Also Wall and Prescrint? 3 Scribner's Magazine Fop 18UO. Ill N. Front ir., Cigars and Tobaccos. Dealers m Liquors, my 30 tf Wilmic gton Seacoast ft. R SCTlE The publishers of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE aln to make it the most popular and enter prising of periodicals, while at all times- pre serving its high Uterary character. 25,000 new readers have toeen drawn to it during the past six months by the increased excellence of Its contents (notably the Railway articles), and it closes Its second year with a new impetus and an assured success. The illustrations will show some new effects, and nothing to make SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE attractive and in teresting wiu be neglected. THE RAILWAY ARTICLES will be contin ued by several very striking papers; one espe cially interesting by Ex-Postmaster General prefer l Thomas L. James on The Railway PostarSer. vice." tuuszraiea. MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S seria novel "The Master of Ballantrae." will run through the greater part or the year. Begun in Xbceinber. A CORRESPONDENCE and COlltfCllon O manuscript memoirs relating to J. P. Millet and a famous group of modern French Painters will furnish the substance of several articles. Illustrated. ' ' -w The brief end papers written last year by Robert Louis Stevenson, will be replaced by equally interesting contributions by differ, t famous authors. Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldrich will write the first of them for the January number. Many valuable LITERARY ARTICLES will appear; a paper on Walter Scott's Method of Work, Illustrated from original MSS, Kinas. complete 0&rl!t 7 4 lllti OBSERVER The Oldest and Best , ' " Family Newtm TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE 1st, 18S0. o VI J.. 3D O iai) :. A. M. A. M. S.l.'i A. M. tU'M A. M. S.4 . A. M. t .i A. M. t.:it A. M. 9.4." A. !. lJO P. M. -LX P. M. M. 4.11) P. M. . m. ;.::- i !. p. v. - u r. m. "t . a i M .nit. i i nLaniWasU.(;r) Wrlghtsvllle sout nport WlL and Ruth .... Clinton and ooUL($ih Wll. and .lack. (: Wil. and Ruth WlL and Jack. cr.... WlL and Wash, (li U.i r. . 1,-, l M. Brunswick run) a. m rape Fear River mall im I". i. MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Onslow A. M. INCOMING MAILS DAII.V. ARRIVE Charlotte and Maxton... WlL and Jack Clinton and Goldsboro.. WlL and Ruth WrtghtsvlUe..... southport WlL and Wash. 23 ..... . WiL and Wash. (27) WlL and Jack. (U) MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. Brunswick.........; 5.tx TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. rape Fear River t.ix a. m TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. )muw T.00 T.M. GEO. 2. FRENCH. P.M. Jly 22ni. lfc SB 3 o o "A O 2 WALKrR'S STKICTLY 1CHE WIlliE LEIU . i made by the old Dutch process the best Lead on the market. They no" being in -omblna-tlon can make special price on same. COOKING STOVES.'' 3 oq CC T3 P I P. a J ; I p l x.- ::5f?'' p j'S ; : ; p cc " j" : j I " j7 ill ! III lis Mi w -5 h4 SLx Regular Eflitr,. " - A hi. . , lotne Condi n original Aiss.. a seconat ; prosft Shelf of Old Books." by Mrs. J ames T Fields '"HFH euit org. mn r 1 .ttrrN a nnn. on1ol ..noil. ifnl,l WnftlUn . "I PCIAIIfl. . . 'Uustrated Articles on ARTSUBJECTSwlllbeafeature Papers are arranged to appear by clarence Cook, E. fl. Blashfield, Austin" Dooson and many oth ers. Illustrated. ' FISHING ARTICLE" describing sport In the best Ashing grounds will appear. Salmon Winninish. Bass and Tarpon are the subjects now arranged. The authors are well known sportsmen. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES Of tmif hlno- irjon ail manner of sublects Stories, Reviews 1 Mt nn irk j. ' ehanta, BankerV plarmf E Girls FIFTY PRIZE and tho nhioc , writers wnSSn!?? uiims, Poets and proJe thors, editors. t wta. women of - cenlnc " xV; ha nmns ef theCTOBSKKVFR m give fifty-two unexceUed ft t3 the coming year U &Vk Price, $3.00 a year Clergymen, 12.00 a year e weu known breat ,Dducements for18S3 Among the most interesting in the list off 3. Any subscrihpr feenii.A... ?J. yr in advan0 Illustrated, t interestln scientific papers for the year will be a remark S3 o 53 4 w 0 Administrator's Notice. milE UNDERSIGNED HAVING QUALIFIED 1 a3 Administrator of the estate of F.'J. Lord, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present them to me on or before May 1st, 189L or this notice will be pleaded In bar of the payment thereof. P. A. LORD, m I oaw w thur Administrator. Largest assortment In the State to select from; sold at factory prices. Oil Stoves of All Sizes. In them you will And comfort and economy, Ptimps&tp-Ladders. We ask for jour patronage and shall ever endeavor to deserve the same. Respectfully, N. Jacobi Hardware Co., apl 22 tf 12 SO. FKONT ST. THE STATE CHRONICLE, Successor to the Farmer and Mechanic ann the Chronicle.) Under New Management. NEWSY, BRIGHT AND CLEAN. UP WITH THE TIMES. THE HEWLETT HOUSE. -:Or - jyjY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC GEN- erally are respectfully notified that I have made extensive additions to ray premises sat Switchback Station, Wrlghtsvllle Beach, and am now prepared to acecomraodate them with the best of everything. Fresh Fish., Soft Crabs, Deviled Crabs, c, ready on the arrival of every train. separate and distinct Bar in the rear and from the dinning room, my 29 tf JAS A. HEWLETT. 1890. Harper's Young PeoDle. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. :.u v. m. AT P. O. ... :." a. m. ... S.40A. M. ...11.50 A. M. ....liii P. M. ... 6.00 P. M. ... 4.40 P. M ... CIO P. M. ...moo P. M. ...11.55 P. M. The Eleven tn Volume of Hakfkr's yockq Pkople. which begins with the Number for November 5. 19. presents an attractlva pro gramme. Ir will offer to its readers at least tour serfals of the usual length, and others in two or three parts, namely.; "The Red Mus tang." by Wiu.iam o. Stoddakd; "PhU and the itaby," by I.rcv c. Liixie; "Prince Tom my." by jobs Russell Corvkix; and "Moth ers Way." by Margaret E. Sanstkr; two sluut serial.4 by Hjalmar Hjorth Boteskx. Two series of Fairy Talcs will attract the at tention of lovers or the wonder-world, name ly, the quaint tales told bv Howard Pvut.and So admlrablv illustrated by him, and aether series in a different vela by Frank M. Bice neli. There will be short stories by W. It. HOWKLIi, IHOMW NKLSOK PaQR, MART b WII.KIK ORA 1 jERRV, IlARRIKT PRKSOCTT SroFi-ORD, David Ker, Hezkkiah BrrrEiu WORTn. SOrHIK SWETT, RICUARD MaLCOL JonNs!TON, etc. rjliE "STATE CHRONICLE' WILL BE whit its name Implies a State Paper. It, is not the Raleigh "Chronicle." and will not be local or sectional. It will' aim to keep up with the news from Murphy to Manteo, or, as the politicians put it, from Cherokee to Cur rituck. It will be the'organ of no man, no ring, no section, no party. It will be Democratic in politics, but will not hesitate to criticise Democratic measures and Democratic officer?. Fare 25 cents for round trip on Saturdays. J. R. NOLAN, jeStr Gen'l Manager. CLYDE'S ffc&msMf) Co biography, description, etc., will appeaa, but 1. The NEW Youkommmm,. not of the conventional commonplace sort. 1 oDe year to any ciermaii m 1 1 'mm mrt.'m-ww 1 Mr mm m uiji mm 11 ir i "vi j ikv - ' uui. nil. UVULAR "VI oer sendfn..- drtlf Vv Prof .Tnil n T mwhrirto 11 1 inn I Der Wl fh m . u.uci It Dnw Cr,t,.7 the most recent develODmcnts and uses of I us Letters nr t, f.. "WOf Uwhm PHOTOGRAPHY. Illustrated. ... - 3. We will send the oRqpbv&Jttuto A class Of articles which has proved of spe- malnder of this year m ; r f0' U -li. cial interest will be continued by a group of to any hew subsartoerwriw; 1. lm. papers upon ELECTRICITY" lnlts most recent address and S3.00 in adranS name a3 applications, by eminent authorities: a re- bers we will also pivpSt, Josuiscn moft'ohlii nuns. rl TOrlfD IjfTHJTWl (in AtW 4Tl"rntl a T H---A. . Uier tEH Tnlnt.. (nlorocrtr.nonAre .- - v. I AlllPV Uf U Of Jrrr M. unique illustrations. A special OFFER to cover last year numbers, which Include all the Railway Arti cles as follows: A year's subscription (1889) and the num bers for 1888 UJXl A year's subscription (1889) and the num bers for 1888, bound in cloth...... 6.00 S3 a year ; 25 cents a number. Charles Scribner's Sons. 743-745 Br way, N.Y. The National Life Agents wanted Now York Observer, ' :NEW YORK, 890. . Harp?r's JJIagazine. ILLUSTRATED -AND- A new Shafcespeare-tbe hatpiDf.",. TERMS OF One Year Six Months Shree Months SUBSCRIPTION: ....... $200 100 50 TFor a sample copy address THE STATE CHRONICLE, Raleigh, n. C. 3To 3E 3F IE3 OF THE Hon. Jeiferson Davis. BY MR8.JEFPKK0OS UAVI8. TO BE SOLD BY SDBSCRIPTIoY OSLV. The prospectus and complete outntjfor can vassing will be ready immediately. AGENTS WISniNQ DESIRABLE TERRI TORY on this great work wiu please address, aa soon as possible, the publishers. BELF0RD COMPANY, 18-22 East 18th Street febTtf NEW YORK. Lime. Lime. P. M. Table Board. PW GENTLEMEN CAN BEIACCOMliO tuted wlthTTatlsiroard ca arrU ration at J . k CrantX - XI N. THIRD ST A subscription to Harper's Vorxo People secures a Juvenile library, ihere is useful knowledge, also plenty or amusement, nomcm Adrrtisrr. Terms- Postag-e Trepaid, $2 pryear. Vol. TI betftis Xoreinber 5, 1889. en on receipt of nxhccnt &ve;iinen Copy Single Number, Five Cents each. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order! or Draft, to aTold chance of loss. Xsirspnpers are not to copy this adreniaemera tzithout tte express order of Harper Brothers Address HARPER BE OTHERS, cot SO SnrYcr . LLMH in exchange for LIMB LIME r i LIME " LIMB ' V LIME FltENCH ept PROVISIONS, GROCERIES. DRY GOODS HARDWARE LUMBER. CASE. BU08., Rocky Point FROM PIER 20, EAST RIVER NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts At 3 o'clock, P. M. BENEFACTOR .Saturday, June 7 FANITA Wednesday, June 11 YEMASSE K aturday, June 14 BENEFACTOR Wednesday, June 18 FROM WILMINGTON BENEFACTOR. Tuesday, June 3 FANITA... Friday, June 6 BENEFACTOR , Friday, June 13 FANITA Tuesday, June 17 Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro' Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N . C. rujiu. e. jiUiSR, xrainc Aianager. New York WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Genl Agents. my 30 tf 5 Bowling Green. New York Library Association Reading Room piRST FLOOR, MASONIC BUILDING, 423fc Market street. Open till 10 p. m. every week day. Electric lights. 130 different periodicals for I3fl0. Only $1.00 per household per quarter year. Everybody invited to examine, feb 1 tf WE HAVE JUST OZFLGknxrS AND PIANOS, in the latest designs and fancy woods, which we offer at lowest prices, INSTALMENTS or CASH. The public is cordially invited to ex amine our large and superior stock of Instru ments. E VanLAEK, 407 Ked OrossKireet. apl 14 tf cod - PKK'S Maoazivr fr ii '.Sr i Andrew Lang. HahfkhS. vTaSfl Maturity Association SSSSEi tures of the Famous Tartartn." Thetis? crated by Ros3 and M yrbach. , . w.D. nowELts win contribute a nmm i?3r ?arts' and Lawapio Ukibi m eletteintwo parts, entitled "Voiiffia m OF WASHINGTON. D. C. Has Paid to Mem bers Over - -$600,000 'SSFW ucio uvoi vnuuwjyww poems, and timely articles, tli Uimhu Accrued Liabili ties- - ----- None. -HAUPEKS' PERIODICAL PER YEAR HORATIO BROWNING, Preaiaent. RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE AS SORTMENT OF SAMUEL NOKMENT Treasurer, GF.ORGK D. HOtllDGE, secretary. Manager an Actuary, GEO. J. EASTEP.DAT, Ass't Secretary. Life Insurance at Absolute Cost, A Guaranteed Policy. An Incontestlble Policy. Maturity Value in Cash at Fixed Age' Annual cost Absolutely Limited. only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Years: P. 3. RIDDELLK, M. D.V Medical Director W H. GIBSON, Special Agent. Home Office, central National Bank Building Washington, D. C. . JOHN HAAR, Js.,Local Agent, oct 26 . Wilmington cTf. c THE ACME MANUFACTURING'OO. MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Mattings HARPER S MAGAZINE I....J HARPER'S WEEKLY ; (I HARPER'S BAZAR. . l HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE ..il Postage Free to all ttihxribert in 0 W Ssates, Canada, or Mexico. The volumes of the Magazine begin ti2 -Numbers for June and December vlrnr? When no time is Bpeclfled, subscrrjeca -oegln with the Number current al use celpt of order. ... . Bound volumes or Harpers three years back, in neat ciotn ttomitg, r by mall, post-paid, on receipt 01 per volume, cloth cases for wmi, w a-, eachby mall post paid. inaex vo iiarper BMas Analytical and Classine inclusive, from June, vol., 8vo. Cloth, $4 00. fnr VfllnsalS 1890. Harper's Weekly ILLUSTRATED. America. The fairness of menta on current DolltlCS Lis menupn current po Zm r i ersfind the variety and exceUea rurV nonrnfR. which Include en a" ., stories by the best Mdm&MfoK fit it for the perusal of pwgj range of tastes and V. n?-1 supplements are of reiaarw rereat, and vaiue. iw y-rz,;, bring the highest order of. artc teaTupon the illustratloa o V TAKE A SPIN qn;tue terncons. Diamond Vera Cara For sale;by feb 14 tt DR. r.C. MILLER. Ccr. Fourth ari un -13. TURNPIKE THESE FINE AF- no can lurmsn vftji with h means for doing to. We've got good HORSES, Ught, comfortable VEHICLES and, when desired, careful Driv ers. Our charges are moderate and we try hard to please our custorers. R. C OJIRELL, Uvery and Sale Stables, .Cor. Third and;PrtacessjBt. apl a tf , T.K. WRIGHT CO 2Cth street and rennsylTa-ia afeue. Wilmington, - - N.; C. ptothoelton Jurrm. will appear In the W mil il k h.ki 'I'a'i'ii im iiviiiii wiraw y i fv a w - - - - - ' w w A A- Ua. A A JuAAXVO the acme and GEM, is now established, and the results of three years' use in the nands of the best farmers of this and other state win attest their value as a high grade manure xne jiAriiwu, maae irom the leaves of our native pine, is conceded to beemuu tn n wool caroet for comfort and anmaitt an demand for it is dally increasing. It has vir tues not fo-jnd in any other fabrirv , , The fibre or wool is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a filling for Mattresses 13 almost equal to hair, beimr Gent elastic and proof against insects. certificates from reliable parties using our goods can be seen at our office, or wiu be mail- eu upuu uu2U.too. . , . . tan 4 tf ! ' STILL AT WOBK. JT AM NOW WELL PREPARED TO REPAIR all Mnds of Furniture, SewlnMachines, Fan cy Articles, 4c, and where Jt Is possible make them as good as new. Work done promptly and prices low. Call and see me and get es timates and prices. - " . - - J. BvFARRAR, -4 S. W. cor. Front and Orange streets. - Iami; still "ajent tcre for tfca New Home sewing Machine; one cf tte test lizcLlzes on tne market. KeetScs anrofl fcr HARPER'S PERIODIC PER YKAJti am , "" HARPER'S MAGAZINE HARPER'S BAZAR - HARPER'S YOUAU r--"- m I3KUmFretoanjef iXaies, Canada, orMezko, . -p-1 """ ' w The Volumes of the 5JjJft first Nnmbcr for January ctJZTA 2 no time la mentioned fair is- j with the Number current a10 order. - tr. jJOUnd volumes ".TiratiZZZi-l three years back, u iffflfff ffg' sent oy man, ivr, ,7 rrrti of expense fproded itoj g1,; m ff. , ceed oneuouar Cloth cases wr crkr VLpT,'j win t sent br Bw,"r wint of f 1 00 each. . . w ro eipt of $1 00 eacn. m rw; Remittances should te ea tf; Money Order or Drww '' a sZLnovertare not tofiLrtgr AUUVU " ' nov) Fnr SolO'