TLSASS NOTIC - - "ws via to 143 to receiTB cosnucicit cls from oar meada on anr and all s-atjects ot jesml interest, cas :- : T3IS ' san excepted The name ot tha writer mutt always to far-- manca to rna Editor. , ... 11 J commonicaaoas mtut do irrhtf n c,n cr.!j- one aide of the paper. " s t ,n free renonauuea most to avoldM. . at the auore And it is especially u4 pirdcaUrlf tta4r Pin 1 . t i m stood that the Kutor does not Xwxn eticne VOL. XIV. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1890. NO 161. I the views ot oorrespondenta aniess so stated to the el3tortal colomns. ... . V",X J" - r iL v1j1L- v Jl JL - V V. ? . .... , ,. . ... l:t'- LOCAL 3HW"S. 1KDBZ TO NXW ADTZSTLUV KNDi Fneeu Co Furniture -c Yatbs Jreat Boot Sale - -Mrsiw Bbothiks Open to-morrow l xcrsgiox St. Thomas' coDgregatl to t -. fcA... .- . Day's length H.liours and 36 mi tit .. , - :Jr.t f:rr:i rtje OF CALIFORNIA. 1 will. U'- medicinal rl of rlr.a - k:iown to be ci to tho -human r ' frmiM,' at! agreeable Active hxativc to pcrma- Warren's Ice Cfeaui .Parlor open Til 1 10 p. ui. , tf Spring chickens were selling this morning at the enormous price of 70 cents per pair. Rev.' Dr. Pritchard will preacli at the usual hours at the First Baptist .Church to .morrow. n-r Bishop llaid is in the city and will ! l. - cjl rrM ... t morrow at 9.30 a. m. and at 8 p. iu. NKW AtVKltTiSEMENTa.i ; Sunset to morrow afternoon at IU minutes past 7 o'clock. ' be Services in St. John's Church to morrow : Morning prayer at 11 o'clock; Sunday School at 4:13 p. iu. SPECIAL NOTICE ! .iiooniignt excurMons win oe m order the latter part of next week. St. Far Btswc. Lutheran Chiirch. Forecast. Th services at St. Paul's E. L. For North Carolina, fair weather, Church, corner Sixth and Market followed by showers and .lightly streets, Rev. F. W. E. Peschau. pac- warmer. Jxcai torecasi, iruai o tor, to morrow (8unday) will be in m. to-day, for Wilmington and ti German at 11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. in cinity, fair weather. English. All are welcome at the AVilmlnston District Third Quarterly Services. Meeting- : Kin, Ion Street. June 29. Siel o the TemMsee. Grace Church, July 5 and C. Steamship Yeiuassee sailed hence Sampson Circuit, Hall's. July 3 for ework this morning with a and C. , hlu ,,. s t i; ,r Keuansv e Circuit, Richland, full cargo and the following ht of f , rl v passengers: Messrs. Clay ton Giles, Magnolia Circuit, at Magnolia, h we ,hlnK 11 u a R. A. Parsley. R. C. DeRosset and DM. Oonf.. July 1 aud20. Afnllprt Afrs I Uiaaeil vircuic,- ooiurs iiit, iu niwui nimigo, wniw w iu;j auu I t:ii.i, i OUK PHI VAT C STOCK HYE 13 I'X- - douWedlT the host WHISKEY soW- In the f South to-flny. Below jou will flnl a few oat f many letters which we receive anl notice . , well Khat they contain:. ,. Urown A-Drown, tinigists, of Winston, say: The Private stock. Tfi, gives entire satls--' 1 Ijouis flyers: Miss TootueYralrs. Peterson, Mr. Mrs. Livermore, Miss Anna SoehN Struuse to tav. lish. clams, crabs, men, Mrs. Hoge, Miss retersou, de- n weak or inactive anl tl:c: many IflS, LIVER MID BOWELS. &SfW EFFECTUALLY i IH a r - AruRAar follow. j-hted vath it. " S D9UQCIST FOP ANUFCTUREDOKLY BY aibrniafigsyrup CO. Fr.rsicy .OHEKT B BELLAMY. WHOLESALE UKU(ilST, 53 ' Wilmington, N. C. The peculiar enervating effect of summer weather is driven off by Hood's Sarsa pari ll, which 'makes ill . is . m ni i linn . f j. ,w.. v large excursion party came I.mi'ii Mils mnrnltiir f im i i IVft- f)lii.'r aud Wtclirectlytlirough to Wrights etc., are dearer right at the Sound, Mr. Louis Adrian and Mr. J. F. vilte Beach. and 17 F.iiTl.nrli CirMiit. Pender. Aujr There will be a colored excursion Capt. K. M. Mc I tit ire, ot tue pop- auti 21. from this city to the Hammocks and ular dry goods house on North Waccamaw, Aug. 28 and 29. Rubber Hose, Jawn Mpwers and Hakes of tlfe latest and tuost im provHi, uiajces are sold bjrthe N. Ja cobi Hdw. Co. ' t , I lowsiA ,, ... ... , : : ; , Fifth Street. Amrust 2 aud 3. I "The -ITl rate Stock' Vhlsker I boueht Carver's Creek . Circuit, Shiloh, I throtuh joar Mr. stmon has proved a sucrysa wner uwi. -it , and will keep it hereatter as wy leading auj,. nu v. . I Drand. (lokesburv circnir. woau s, u. y and 10. I J. i. Dnrns 4 Co., of FajettcUUe, haT(! tbls Clinton Circuit, Goshen, Aug. 1M to sa: "I have used your new brand or 'PriTato Stork, is7rt. ltye Whiskey and will say that 1 am well pleased with It and that It U all you recommend u. to re. my customers prerer : 23 this brand to all others.' Wantkd ! 50 good and expri eiiced hands," tojwork on shirts. Ap ply at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, 122 Market street. ' t Keep dry and .you will keep healthy.. Umbrellas, rubber coats, &c, at I.Shrier's, S. E. corner Front and Princess streets. t -" - No interments this week in Oak dale; two, both children,' in Belle- vue, and six, four children and two adults, in Pine Forest. - I .... V H large bill for Mt. Airy, considered lfc,naXk . Mission. Cedar Bay, Ocean -View on Monday next, the Seacost Railroad. lv hitu as urobablv the lartrest bill Is Fish are biting well at the HamJ : ever sod in Wilmington Brunswick Circuit, Bethel, Sept. mocks now. We saw yesterday sev- f t . towi, 1 1 was for the new 12 and 13. nil Mm oral long strings of various kinds of llotej at that place aud consisted of hsh caught there during tne alter- furI1jBlli . of every descrip tion. tjon in his line forparlors, chambers tiv lr snv'tliH.t Mrs. Mavo sets hluiinar rooms, otlices ccc. - - out decidedly the be sttable that has ever been offered at the hotel at Carolina Beach and we stand ready to believe it. F. D. Swindell, P. E. The It. It. Investigation. The Legislative Railroad Commit tee adjournedUH Thursday after a three rlftvs' session. They accoui- BiHiiihildjSimon&Co., Ill N. Front St., Dealers tu Liquors, Cigars and Tobaccos. my yo tf t . -1 . Not at All Necessary 1 CAKHY YOL K PROVISIONS OR LUCfl.; A Proof of Merit. When a remedy proves itself a cure for the very worst phases of blood poison, it stands to reason Hint, minor ftVets of bad blood will rapidlv disappear if the remedy is to Carolina Beach as there Is a , useti in time, ixo raueuv . r r m. r--.. world has so good reputation at rirSl-UiaBS rttlNIIV UrOUOry liAino .lron.l as a cure tor all I there, suppiiea wun everyiiuajf me mar.ev The Register of Deeds has issued no marriage licenses this week for white couples and but one for a col ored couple. ' Too hot. . afford3 anl sold at city prices. Sneed & Co., vesoks to knoxville FURNI- tor, Rev. Robert Strange. o.,s.'Htii-tconiT Market and second Prayer and experience meeting of plighed some valuable and useful stages of blood poison as B B B (Bo business and working .nen at 8.15 work an(, it estimated that they tanie B 'ood "alm i i 1. ! .1, 4- of -fVm Haiiman'fi i 1 .nnni n a rn a linn- J ' ' . t i i : o ciwk iv-iii&wi I iiavt? Dvvurci no mutii uo j suffereu vears irom sypmmiui . -TP A ffCnA Tlpfhel. Ladies and seafaring men drpd thousand dollars to the treas- hlnorl noisou" which refused tobeAII KTICIS 0T UannGtl uOpQS are also invited. - , . ury. The Raleigh Chronicle says cyJ i Vaioiless SiseSI liSa I fou luncu and Pic NlC PATtTiKs ! Services at St. Paul's Episcopal that before adjournment they pass- PeUte, I had pains in niy hips and everything else that goes to make up'a Summer commences to-day, acr hnpph Trk mnrr0w at 11 a m. and ed a resolutionto examine xne d us an(1 3oints and my kidneys were dis- fineiunch. nordincto tba nbnnnnrs We have LT ... ness of the W. & W. R. R. on the M eased. My throat was ulcerated ana Full supply of ICE alwajrs on hand-l . . " 8-10 p. iu. avemug scimviu nio mvhrPflst ft nmss of runninesores. been under the Impression that it U0reation" according to the 1st ot uecemoer. xey ' this condition. I commenced, a chap, of Genesis. Sunday School at clecuied to accept Vnc To use of B' B' B' lt l,faJe,d ove.y- r I .n,ln Kit fria TV XT. V K. K. i ;0. TO I J 1 ..- nv...nUfaltr o.lthm TAl'n mere win De services at oi. j ames -1'- norfain nhaneres and ,.,nth Home to-morrow (Sunday) night, at Sprvipps at Brooklyn Baptist Uneaial nriviletres upon condition Root. Ward, Maxey, G a., writes: 8.15 o'clock; conducted by the Rec- - o v,tnr. to L. n t.h Pxemntion ' "7 disease was pronounceu a icr- - I vuuicii lie . xv. -v..v - i i i liat i icjr (jn t' . 4-.r rnrm -if irrrl fjoison. Mv face. morrow at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sun- from taxation which they have al-U d and ghoulders were a mass of 1 -" .1 T . i i A l ,a : I am Manufacturer's Agent for day School at 4.3U p. iu. oetiis ncc ways enjoyed, rne supreme w coi """"f. Al v ti Lur:oM(XK,artst.e designs, lowest Barbed and all kinds of Wire, Com- and all.are coraiauy mviieu io Qf the United States years ago "u' Jf. L.,via prp EteryiKxiy invited to call and inspect bination Wire and Iron Fences. Or- tend either or all of the services. ders solicited nac- my 13 ti 'James I. Metts. t AT- The State Dental Society me To-day is right in the middle of here next Tuesday and in view of the year The days will continue of the fact that there are quite a num an equal length until Thursday uer qf handsom youug men in the next, when they will gradually grow croVt i Ave suggest that a german be shorter. . eiven them at the Island Beach Oiuie uuiicuOM.t7.- hnnos nehed: mv kidney cided that this road had an absolute ral)tred I lost flesh and strength,and 1 exempt ion froia taxation.. The com: 1 life became a burden. All said l est! must, surely die, but nevertheless. lUllltfUVH ID II t I 1 .,r, The residents of CAItOLINA BEACn xrlll find U, to their Interest to deal with mo as I will keep on hand everything In the Grocery and Hou3eteepinsr line. HANS A. KUItE, je 7 tf PROPRIKTOB. - ISLAND BEACH HOTEL J. X. BROWN, Manager. H AYINQ LEASED TIIL A DOVE NAMED nR. French & Sous. r 5wri SUnwrs. fonner nrlec 7.V Mperi suppers, tormer prlccfl.OO. vp-i ?ippen", lonner price fl.s. tivnsitppcrs, rormer prtceffLfja The Grove carried down a large Hotel number to Carolina Beach this fore desired by the Wilmington and Wei Tf : PPtns that the report of the don Railroad be gran M, V "-" - i i ,x fif l-.Qf whilp. the offer Of wuMi i nw .cv.v.,.. parrel to caier aurct'Suuy io me vanuui body) felt that, while tne oner ui pronounced sound and well, the public. j the road was not all they had ex- Hundre(ls cf scars can now bo seen JliMaW nected it was wisest and best to ac- olline. I have now boon well over T ManyplafJeaottnvat intei-est in thn.vlcln--' 1 , ' , , ,1 tn Hh Lpit- twelvemonths." Ity. surf Dathln?,' Uath Hous.-s in RUll water... cept tt, and recommend to tlu tweiw. m Atlanta, Georgia, 4ino boating facilities unrivalled naMni;. and lature that the additional privileges A . 1 . ",S1llinnin ' nnerZoi above all an unexceljed Cuisine. H UJl I iiu ltiu ii wmun-icu nun vww igton and Wei- one le? aml gix on the other, and notei. ted. With the felt greatly prostrated. I believe I Pror.M .iirmcr n e.t.imll v s wallowed a barrel of med- theseaso . i ' . i ji finiMMnrr i orrnu v swiiutnv t'ti noon, xnere nas oeen u t;uuu removal of the W. & W. U. u, suops ugnts oeioi- , itr i vin fTorts to cure the dis- there tcday and surf bathing has from this Clty to Rocky Mount, as above all things to protect tue otait, l&se ' with little hope I finally act- been in its glory, extracted by us yesterday ;.forl Ties, Tat- TIp,T."iC from the they did what seemea io mem eJ ou tlie urent advice oi a ineuu, a mistake. It is w sest things to uo uuuer aim goi .t y"':"''-- I ; i.-I rf ionorl a e.harifre. and mv despon- ii . " -. . i a. AAAAninnnviii I iicii I . d-t . . - . , lied, i TMr R. H. Svkes. son of Mr. T. P. Weldon NfAvs, is all i, . ''-TL-T I cii a Hm inniin- thw N XI. S OD8 umuiinc 15 i mtuiujioii. - ... .lonoo wna snmeWlUll U1SPCI "V:" . V . r... Norfolk to r,,n,n,nendation, which they will "r;J;i7rcr it- until I had taken make to the General Assembly, will a0ut sixfeen bottles, and, all the ( returned to me uiiy m.o -j 1 . - fh condition oil nleprs. rheumatism, anu an ouiei -- 1 - J r U U Wl M !IlirTIIU Vm. " - - lller's eelebratetl Hand engaped for Season. J. A. IJUOWIf, my est I MANAOKH. FOkTc AROLIN A BEAOH AND SOUTHPOET. looking greatly improved. Tourists. "The craps are in the grass". its a Whether on pleasure bent or busi W.t Tie (nnn my 21 tf orth Carolina Hams. E. BakiiiT LOT. ALL SOUND, RE- ruTATOES, lifw B l'. 8W.NX, Agent, IH1SII TOTA- trth CAKES and ' Family and Fancy I to? above Mles la Misses andSChll- HMit ronin irnt irAlv ni l.-w- j hs-vsot lawn tennis slippers 1 result of recent rains and the farm- Yn D rnrMn.. .. .r. ers are busy trying to get them out. n. rnCN ,n (X 0U1NO1 Thev will have no time for "foolish iusvm,. ness" until the Fourth, when tne iruiiiPirrfi. , li,i1aM crops nereaoouis ure ucuckuij ...v j Hon. E. D. Hall, Chief of Police of the city, has returned from his visit to the Western part of the State uy. x.w invoice chip beef , and we are glad to see that this true 4 per steamer. Und noble centleman is almost en tirely restored to-his usual good health. Farmers, we can supply you with Peanut Sweepsand Diggers, Scraper aud Coulter Point. Seven different size wings and two size points for the "Boy Clipper,'1 the most ua Lproved plow on the market. .la cobi Hdw. Co., factory agents. We have it now. A Pump that is alwavs nrimed, never requiring a tub of water to start it. It i.s the bright invention, of a North Caro lina genius and ispronouncei oy an to be the best pump on the market See it niuT you will have no other. N. Jacobt Hdw. Co. ' T There ";wilK bo an excursion .to Carolina Beach on Tuesday next, thomh inst., under the auspices of St. Thomas congregation. Music and choice refreshments will be pro vided. The committee consists. of Messrs. James Madden, Martin O'Brien, James Nolan and Wm. Monroe. . My Just Arrived ! lOToFTUAT FHESU UPCOUX 11 and 1 so. Water Street. tin . T & YOLLEUS, ""USALK. l.KALBKS IN roTl')us, Groceries, crs. Tobacco, Cigars, AND (Mission merchants. tr; 1 rntrn.l Dock Sta.. Vr. . "ILMiv, N. C. Kin g of All. , oe a 7rnrK ex- horrors of blood poison have disap )Ugi. the road and its property. ine ex "ared and at ,as x am sond and in ft amination will be had next, Decern- weU ' in after an experience of twenty years of torture. j-k m-m w l. u a w a w m m r ww KnfHa r.f svriin of- Fhrs, ' as 'it acts ,cf nlpamintlv and effectually on The Cape Fer Acaulemy. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ii.. 1. i5.a. nmi bnwels. ore- cA,T0nth spssion of the Cape , .11 I -i 1 r,.low and! Im V f 1 1 PC I fl Fl vontintr fpvprs. headaches anu oiuer Fear AcadeinV-Ciogeu vwiC.u; bAVMitfivn l. - . I . XJ forms of sickness. For sale in 50c the past week has been spent m ... . '111 jl .1 I a IUa nlnccnc and i.uo uowr a uj 0l 0 v' . . x. rmitn.T npah. on thesteamer syivan uruc, Kvrrvwv in the week exccDt Sunday. The students have snowu mem under tne auspices of St. Thomas; codkt- season reduced rate Tickets lor sale at tho TUE SYLVAN GKOVB jKAVES ?VILMINOTON AT 1kl0 A. M. -AND gar p. m. Iicturnln leaves the Dcach at 12.30 and n p. ra. on Tuesdays and Fridays leave at ojf a. m.. 2:30 p. m. and 5 p. m.The last train leaves the Deach at 9 p. m. on Tues- . .Ttrxj wt I U UU1 rimajn. AN EXCUHSION vil.l. nr. ""v ivi Tho I'ASSPOHTwiu leave tor soumport A . u..,Mhim. tolila,m.,andforCarounajjeacn M5-J0p.m. gists. Grace Church To-Morrow. Grace Methodist E. Churcb,Soutb, Northeast corner of Mulberry and Fourth streets. Rev. Walter S. Creasv.D.D, Pastor. Services to mor row at 11a. m. and 8,15 ! San" Imth School 5 p. ui. AVeekiy prayer meeting aind lecture, Wednesday evening at 8.15 o'clock. Seats free. A cordial invitation is extended to strangers and visitors. Kuiclits of the ltoad. Mr. Alouzo Millis, of Harrison r0i- TViuler count v. came into the citv yesterday afternoon and re norted that he 'was Thursday, the day previous, from this city and when near the G mile post, of $15 in money aud a llask of whiskey. There were four higiiwaymeu i the gang, aud all colored.- This is the second case of the kind which has occurred near here recently aud the marketmeu say that hereafter they will go prepared for the knights of the road. We trust that the scoundrels may be caught. It is a hanging matter. selves remarkably profldent. as Was ucTues, " je 17 ll i Monroe. i cipal.Prof. W. Ca tlett, the follow ing pupils were awarded certificates of distinction in their studies, their names occurring in the order of ex cellence. ?:-.. ri.,..v I.. Latta. I". P. Russell. K. T. Huggins. Second Class -C. U. Schulken, riiisCiitlar. Henry Bear, T. W. n.Hc K-'firee nburir, H. Peschau, cents for the round trip. J. W. JlAKPEJt. '.Manager. Our Drug Store, in i . FUOXT STHEET. WILL BE OPEN all to-morrow, SUNDAY, June S2nL THE HEWLETT HOUSE. M Y FKIENDSAND THE PLUUC GE3 C. K. Bacon, F. Pearsall,G.A.Heide, ryuE atues.kuM UTE1LRY s F. Donlan, John Wessell, O. Din- 0YM.. a.. Wednesday, 25th of Jun - MCNDS BHOTIIEIIS. 1. S. ITescrlptlons carcfulry prepared. Excursion to Carolina Beach. SOCIETY unc. Boats leave foot of Market street at W a. w I John m- 2 P-m- ana 5 p- Ui" Kel lurnlD? lftSt traln erally arc respfcLtully notined that I hay madeextenslre additions to cay premise atf switchback station, Wri?htvliK Beach, and am now prepared to accommodate them " with the be3t of every thlnif. Kreih FUh, !ft. Crabs, Deviled Crabs, c, 5 ready on the arrival of every train. Bar in the rear and separate and dlatlnct f rota the dinning room. ".,., ' mytt jas. a. ucwi.t.1 . gelhoef. W. H. Green, Jr. I rpi.;.,! r" i.i ti Homiet. robbed oul r . Be amy, uaswu iiyc:o, Blomme, K. u. uaimm, l"-? i Louis Hall, E. Wessell, A. Peschau. Grgnd sioonUght concert by ut amatear C. H. Schnlken, F. Pearsair and professional talent of the city. Brass, I -t-veaLEU IN tiKANITE, MAliBLE AND LmwS:dia BRITANICA, tttoV1 orks. we guarantee tSVn. Sk" J3. ttwenm of the wrr,t. "wst edition. Une tf?5nn2,tLwor volumes; 23,tM ?. rtory prtce lor a short tune C. W. YATES. There was a fine time ai Carolina tuIi vkterdav. The Grcve car ried down a large crowd on each of her three trips. The Oermania Cor net Band went down at 5 o'clock and gave one of their delightful con certs on the Beach. It was a pretty, Female Weaknwi Positively Cured. To tiik Editou: Please inform your readers that l have a positive remedy for the thou rwi nnA ilU which arise from deranged female organs. I shall be i xxfs hnttlen of mv rein- edy frkk to any lady if they will th.irP.rnrMs &nd P. O. address. p-crai - - pleasant night and everybody en- Yours respectfully, Dil " 1 ved it. ' jcHisrl183ticncwe-8t,Utica1. x. t H. A. Tuclcor, J..riugtl.e year. JoUnWeeU au.. W. W. Vick have never been late. This school has steadily gaiued in sccuiii. favor since 187J, under the efficient aud wise management of its accom plished principal, Prof. W. Catlett. Year by year it turns out for a col legiate course young men who are thoroughly prepared to stand the teit of matriculation and who in the years to come must seize the helm and guide the good ship of state, socially, politically and financially to the haven where it would he. We are glad to learn that the prospects for the next session of this excellent echool are already flattering.. Brown stone. Manufacturer of Cetaetery, Fare on first two boats w cen'; on iaji uo i Monuincnlal and Bnlldlnif work, 310 North tnu salmon tue JeKHt Frout Slreett wilmlngtorj. X C jc 17 V Diamond Vera Cura FOK DYSPEPSIA. For salejbr feb HUT DIL F.C. M1LLE1C . Cor. Fourth and Nun ta. Executor's Notice. HAVING QUALIFIED AS EXJETOU. on the estate of Amanda lUzzi. de ceased, all persons Indebted to the aald taw of the aald deceased are lien-by notified to make immediate payment and settlement as inr,mr triuirpnce cannot be ci ven. and all per. bona having claims against the aald estate " I i.i vr.t ihrn frtf rkrnnL wit bin tlUte 1V M Afif prnAf. I pre rttJCd'uy law or this notice will be plead JOnn WlernCJr. ot tht-lr recovery. This, the ZXh day of rrtiiERE 1 Annrnaa. ' dayid 'TiJ-uiA3ts. IS BUT ONE, AND HE UOLX'SI ojwGW at Xxecutor. forth at sa -.t r mnTfl T A DCT5 18 PRINTED w ti i W?!"" Kteln IfllO X U JA ink manuiaciurra y 13 PRINTED WITH k"1"" Barber. fthioa Martet street. orks. (CO, Cut for 30 cents. Four of the best vvixnin i ,Jrmoulll mntm? InK wot hU staie. Clean towels, sharp razpra.ant I rra"T CviiKiHT, nromnt attendance. JCira wsisjijsk. i rt iwiniriTania aveno. ' jaolT; i'Uiadciptla. f4.

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