yoTicaL f: 1 , iA34K? Wtor and Prop. , ng wu ob paa to rcceire ccauauLlcat oas from car;trUa3 ea dj aMjuinDjcdief teaeraa interest, out rv , - -; ;h - tm aaoe ot tad jirrtOTT iDaac. attvaya ts fur D.,moPOSTAQirA,D: ' i ? . D71 delivered V carriers, free part of Ue at the ab0Te low1 UtoeraL 'a? .ui please .rrpon. uj I ititi .1 . elerant form UU-r-R,T,OU8JU'OE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, . pitied with the medicinal of plants known to be 2 beneficial to the human L (Xnnin? an asreeable 2-1 effective laxative to perma Iv aire Habitual Consti Soa, and the many ills de Si on a weak or . inactive cocditionofthe . tOSETS, LIVER AND BOWELS. i, the B.osi excellent remedy known to &SSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated SO THAT utltlOOD, REFRE8HIMQ SLEEP, HEALTH and CTRENCTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Eiwy one is using it and all are flighted with it. ASX YOUR DRUGGIST FOB HYHUP 03T1 PIGS UANUFAOTURED OKUT BI CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAH FRANCISCO. CAl. WMllT M. Af ;V YORK. N. Y BOBEUT BELLAMY. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, Bi'lia Wilmington, N. V. Sneed & Co., OITCESMjRs TO KXOXVILLE FURNI- Ulpp Co., southeast corner Market and Second v Kwis, Ln,r s(ook, artistic designs, lowest prs. Ereryboiy invited to call and Inspect Met nac my 13 tf H. A. Tucker, rjEALER I GRANITE,- MARBLE AND town Mone. Manufacturer of t'emetery, iMsoaental ana liuildlng work, .no North 1 rroct Street, Wilmington, N. C. je 17 lw ADRIAN & TOLLERS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ProYisions, Groceries, liquors, Tobacco, Cigars , AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cor. Front and Dock St., WILSIINGTOV, N. C. - JuBtf . fcth Carolina Hams. "XK, BRIGIIT LOT, ALL SOUND, RE this day. NeW invclce cniP BEEF, received per steamer. STlET POTATOES, new IRISH POTA Fine assortment fresh CAKES and lnts. ah kinds of Family and Fancy Parties. B f SWaNN. Airent. PP. Front Street Market. Just Arrived ! .OT OF THAT FRESH UPOUN RjnsmallKlta.at ' . ".-'lAlX jt lEAI18ALL, itf an1 13 Watr Street. GLAND BEACH HOTEL J'A. BROWN, Manager. ; 2VIXQ L?An TIIE ABOVE NAMED Uit wccesttaiy to tae vanu of iLsuPPUe(1 wlththe clKlcest EODtK 55: ; 'lis' 1 wlebrated Band engaged lor tJSsu M A CROWNS MAXAtJElt. 7 Association Readme Room ? ?LOOR'SONIC BUILDING, 133 ' tlJtL00 per household perraatr tamw to examlw.- tf I ..vered ty carriers. yfv4vl.: v I 1 ; VOL. XIV A horainff pigeon flew from Spar tanburg, S. C.,' tor Baltimore; 420 miles, in fourteen hours. The 'discoveries made bv Stanlev show that the Nile is the longest' river in the world, being at l3ast 4,100 miles in length. ; r Emma Abbott is the pet of Paris. She tells an interviewer that she; has had offers to'sing there in French i opera, but makes no sign as to'ww,c" KU ua lor ri-au-r-nnce, whether she will accept. - Geologists assert that if the conti-1 nents and the bottom of the ocean were graded down to a uniform level the whole world would be covered with water a mile deep. A depression has been - discovered in the Egyptian Desert which is All that remains of .1 reservoir con striictedby the Patriarch Joseph for irrigating purposes when he was Pharaoh's prime inin;ster. It is cold yet up in the Maine v?ood8. Two Connecticut sports men who have returned reported snowdrifts two or three feet deep in the sheltering places in the forest and the temperature so -cold that fishiqg in- the lakes has 'beeri back ward. f Froin the last annual report of the British mint it appears,"thatthe Brit ish Government has profited by the coinage of silver. During the year the coinage amdunted to abaut $11,- 000,000 of nominal value, the actual bullion of value of which was onlv $7,000,000. I.ouii A. Duviugneaud died in New Orleans on Friday last, aged 83. . Her was the oldest member of the New Orleans Bar, and by many years the oldest ex-Judge of the Dis trict Court. He was a member of the Legislature in 1830. He had held office' under -seven State Cor stitntfons In Louisiana. From noon on. Frjday, June 13th, until noon on Friday, June 20th, just l- on 1 tne Morcue in JNew lork. Tins is v the be'ginning of the tsummer avei age, and from now on bodies will continue to turn up there at a slight ly increased rate until late in the fall. Of the 29 bodies found last week," 15 were identified, and the others remained unrecognized by the many visitors and were buried in Potter's Field. The Morrill pension bill, so far from appeasing the ravenous hun ger of tho claim agents, has but served to set their appetites on keen er edge. ;As the Washington cor respondent of the St. Louis- Globe Democrat points out: "They are clamoring through v the National Tribune and other, influences or a service pension,-, which would cost any wherp-from $200,000,000 to $300, 000,000, and they are urging the re moval of the limitation of arrears, which would take $210,000,000 more. "J After diphtheria, scarlet fever, pneumonia, or any other severe ill ness, there is no better tonic than Hood's Sareaparilla. f lXDZX TO NXV ADTXRTISKJfBNTS Sneed & Co Furniture J R Marshall Watermelons Mkdliv B LA cx Milch COWS C W Yatks Noted men on the Solid south Mr. Edwin W. Kerr, of Sampson county, was in the ci.ty for a snort time yesterday. ' - Ice is selling in Richmond to day at 1 cent a pound. . It sold for li earlier in.the season. - Fifty first-class hand-? wanted to make Pants, - by , the dayf or piece. Applynf,122 Market street, t Rubber Hose, Lawn Mowers and Ratfes of "the latest 'and most im proved makes are old by the N. Ja- cobiJIdw . 0. r f V - -t t - 1 Keep'ilry and you will keep healthy. i'LTmbrellAS, rubber oats. 'V "r- anurnHcta street f . ' ? w 1 1" " -5 . " 4 ylaiu Manjifactureijj's Agent for Ba1rbed"audall klndfs of "ivire, Com bination Wire and Iron Fences, ders solicited. James I. Iletts, Or, 4 We have it how.' A'Piphp that is always primed, never requiring-a tub of water to 'start 'it; - It fs the bright invention .dT'drXorth Caro lina genius and is pronounced by all to be the best pump on the. market See it and you "will have no othe N. Jacob! -Hdr: Co. t : WILMINGTON, N. CM Messrs. Medlin ami Black are in! the city with a dozen or more fine ' milch cows which nr nffrwi fnr! sale at Mr. Orreirs stables. I r. Hotsea rShenard. of Middle Sound, brought into market this morning the first load of North Carolina watermelons. They sold for 35 cents Wi,. . Richara T. Green, Patrick, Hay"' WItn 173.43G feet lumber, val- ueu at ,010.01, snipped dv aiessrs. S. & W. H. Northrop. r The row of trees set out some years ago in the middle of Market street, from Fourth to the Eastern limits, are with one or two excep tions, thriving beautifully now and already cast a refreshing shade. Peaches will be decidedly scarce this year in this section and we un derstand also that there will be very few in the interior of the State. The mountain sections will probably fur nish about all that we have. Farmers, we can supply you with Peanut Sweepsahd Diggers, Scraper and Coulter Points. Seven different size wings und two size xomts for the"Bqy Clipper," the most im proved plow on the market. N. Ja cobi Hdw. Co., factory agents. t Tlie trip of the membes of the State' Dental Association to Caro lina Beach yesterday, at the invita tion of the Wilmington dentists, was of a most delightful nature. A fine pig fish supper was prepared by Mrs. Mayo and partnken of with great relish. The fourth genua n of the season will be given at the Hammocks to night. It is probable thatthere will be a large number from the city and these, with the guests of the Island Beach Hotel, will make up a' bril liant party. There will be a late train to bring back those who go down. Progress. It is very important in this age of Vyast material progress that a rem edy be pleasing to the taste and to the eye, easily taken, acceptable to the stomach and healthy in its na ture and effects. Possessing these qualities, Syrup of Figs is the one perfect laxative and most gentle diuretic known.' Wedding Bells. RJr. R. R. Bridgers, Superintend ent of the N. C, Division of the R. & D. R. R., was married in Durham on Wednesday to Miss Anni? Carr. Among the attendants were Misses Mary Bridgers and Eliza Potter and Mr. Geo. Bridgers, of this city. On the same day, in Raleigh, Miss Abbie Smith, daughter of Capt. Win. Smith, Superintendent of the R. & G. R. R., was married to, Mr. Thos. Cameron Gales, formerly of Raleigh, but now of Peoria, III. - Drowned in the Dock. A small colored boy by the name of Garfield Jones, aged about ten years', son of Stephen Jones, driver of the Cape Fear hose reel, was drowned this morning, about 8 o'clock, at the foot of Ann street. In company with a companion of about the same 'age, he entered- a bat teau in the dock, to ride the waves of the Passport as she came by, and in attempting to push off from a flat Jones lost his balance and fell into the water and was drowned. Divers and draggers at once got to work, looking for the body,, and it was found about 11:30 o'clock, near the spot where he disappeared. Handsomely Done. On Monday night last, after the commencement exercises ot the Academy of the Incarnation, a num ber of young gentlemen of this city, members of the Royal Pleasure Club, - fruits, berries, and all classes of mar visited the residence of Mr. Sol Bear et garden products forwarded to and presented his daughter, Miss ! northern cities. Daisy, who was one of the graduates I " Much of the southern portion of at the academy, with a handsome 'the line will serve pressing needs by watch and chain. The presentation j opening up outlets for one of the 1. 1 1... XTm Qyl . l- wnx maut; vrjr nupny uj w. . Sternberger, President of the Oluu. ' The gentlemen remained to a recep - tion held by Miss Daisy and with feasting and music the hours spel ap 100 bwiui, - j Feuaale Weknew Positively. Cured. TOTHh EDITQRJ . . ": Please inform your reader that 1 harea posiUve remedy rorth thou- sand and one "Ilia vhicJt arise from .- deranged female organs. 1 haU be Mad to semi two bottles of mvrem- I -1 r-nr-n tn, lalt- if. tliMVT T i! I i 11 - : Jf J 2. IT ml . 1 9 j -" j ,i . wiifHMuwi iik mi ui. omrf or on mini. r-, Yours respectfully. Dr. J. .;UAR; TmC! TV.:f fLU, I -i Wli s . f icnisi, 1S3 Genesee St;, rUtica,x. --x.T !r; u?a ,;!sji - - - FRIDAY, JUNE 27, The Information Signal. The yellow penant displayed from the Orton House to-day is the new "information signal" of the Signal Service. The Signal Office has taken down its flagstaff, preparatory to moving into the new public building, hence the display from the Orton House. This information signal does 1 not indicate a storm for this place, but that a storm is prevailing at. a distance, which would be dangerous to shipping taught in it, and "of which information may be obtained by const! ting the Signal.oftlce. , This "information" will be elreer fally leceived here. There have been many speculations as to the meaning or tne signal, some conl tending mat it sigmua mat tne Signal bureau was afflicted with the small pox and others contending that it was chi iken pox, while chol era, yellow fever and cholera infan tum were spoken of by a few, with "baited" breath. Another Coast "Line Projected. The Railway World of the current week has an article that possesses a great deal of interest for our people. We have heretofore referred to the preliminary survey which was-being made between Charleston and this city for a new line of railway that it was proposed to build and have sug gested that this was probably the first step in the construction of a long coast line between Northern and Southern points. Our conjee, ture seems to have been correct for the article we have alluded to say.? that there is a project 011 fpot to build a line between Charleston'and Norfolk, or some other point in , a corresponding latitude, "that will shorten the distance by rail bet ween New York, Charleston and Florida points to the extent of nearly one hundred miles and traverse a terri tory nearer the Atlantic Coast than any existing railroad, much of which is either wholly or partially destitute of needed railway facilities." The name- of the projected road, says the Age, will probably be the Charleston, Wilmington & Norfolk R. R. Active construction, it says, will first be commenced on portions of the route leading Northward fuom Charleston to Georgetown, because the immediate requirements for ad ditional railway facilities 'are more urgent in that quarter than in more Northern latitudes. The Carolina Construction Company has been or ganized to build the road, with head quarters in Philadelphia, and some of the preliminary work has already been done. ' " - "The main 'portion, of the. road;" says the Age, " will extend in anaN most directJNorthern directi'onfrqm Gharleston,through North andSouth Carolina, States whish have, for sunj dry reasons, received less effective attention from projectors and con structors, ia' proportion to , tlieir area, population, and 'natural re sources, than any of their sister commonwealths." "The main line will probably have an aggregated length of more - than 300 miles, half of which, or about 150 miles, will, practically open up a country rich in native resources, with a breadth varying tfrom 15 to 50 miles, in which there is no exist ing railway, and which will furnish for this road a field peculiarly its own. This territory embraces the regions tluttfurnish the.onlyvexten sive rice.pJautations Qyer 'eaUiyated in the United States; the -soil that has yielded the main portion of the justly famed Sea Island cottou; a large section of the country froiir which rosin, turpentine and other naval stores, as well as enormous quantities of timber and lmiiber, are obtainable; the natural fields for the first crop of early vegetables, most extensive virgin iimoer uis- districts in the United States. Few ; people realize the magnitude of the 1 'ijnes built and now operated in thf 'country mainly and almost exclusive? iy as tunoer railways. 'lUf j phSAlUrpttOfi OJ lll 1 protlueU of nortlieru timber region. lHS I0rn5.be!! arfaHiilbu-ftheme; and ; -ft th natural course of eveuU the V .,, . Southern States will inevtiably be, come the mainsonrce ot siippl v f'r i V il U V 1890. NO 166. ready assumed large proportions. It is stated that $100,000,000 has been invested ' in timber' Japds in the South in the last nine years, and numerous large and well-equipped saw mills have taken tjie place cf the widely scattered country mills of twenty years ago. The yield of Southern forests has beeu estimated at $30,000,000 a year for the next fifty years, but it may. reach higher iW ures. The new road will traverse regions adjacent to theJAtlantie, containing immense quantities of timber of -several of the most desirable varieties, including pitch pine, cypress, juni per and live oak. A recent estimate of the Forestry Division of the Na tional,jAgricultural Bureau states the forestry area of South Carolina to be 13,000,000 acres, and of North Carolina 18,000,000 acres, while the same report credits Pennsylvania with onjy 7,000,000 acres and New york with 8.000,000 acres. ' There are goods reasons for the belief that a large portion of the new" road' would find sustaining-sources of revenue in the great timber interests it. would serve, especially us large bodies ot timber lands will form a portion of the assets of the projecting com pany.". Vorerasls. I For North Carolina, fair weather unth" Sunday and slightly cooler. Local forecasts, from S a m. to-day, for Wilmington . and vicinity, fair weather. -Mr. J. II. Marshall has just receiv ed a carload of beautiful Florida, watermelon, ft you saut t-ome call quick as they are going off fast. Wilmington District --Third Omirterly Meeting.. Bladen Street, Juno 29. Grace Church, July 5 and fl. Sampson Circuit, Hall's, July 5 and 0. Kenansville Circuit, Richland?, July 12 and 13. Magnolia Circuit, at Magnolia, Dist. Conf., July V.) and 20. Bladen Circuit, Soules' Chapel, July 20 and 27 j Ritth Street. August 2 and 3. Carver's Creek Circuit, Shiloh, Aug. 5 and fl. Ookesbury Circuit, MeNatt's, Aug. J and 10. Clinton Circuit, Goshen, Aug. 10 and 17. Elizabeth Circuit, Pender, Aug.. 23 and 21. Waccamaw, Aug. 23 and 29. Whiteville Circuit, Cerro Gordo, Aug. 30 and 31. F. D. Swindell, P. E. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Saive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. Itis guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. . For sale by Robert R Bellamy, wholesale and ratai! drjggiat- Hflilch Cows. O YOU WANT A J11LCII COW? IV SO, call at Orreirs Statics, where you can te suited. MEDLIN & BLACK. JC27H Watermelons. CAR FLOKIUA XELOXS AT THE W. & W. Depot. As fine as the finest, as red as tho reddest, aa ripe as the ripe3t, as cheap as the cheapest, as good as the (goodest) best. Every one guarantee i. See .jej7it j j. k: maushall. 'i"o catch' Da the rort uns golden smile Assiduous wait upon her And gather tfear by every wile That's j ust itied by honor. Not for to hide it in a heae. Not for a train attendant. Dut for the Rlorious prlstiesfc i r being independent . A'y tunu van ftl (tut Jirit 'ii' WhO pays rtnt. Secure a Home and be your own landlord. Why pay rent-wben jthe &axuo mow'j will buy you a home. Houses nd lot.i in de&lrable fthd healthy localities and building lo's on the prominent streets of the city for sale otf the INSTALLMENT PLAN. Satisfactory time given- Money loaned to those wisin,? to build. Apply to I , JAMES WILSXJJi. je 24 2 oaicc ot I. O'Connor. FOR CAEOLINA BEA0H AND SOUTHPORT. THIS HYLYAtf CiHOVE m IKAVKs WILMINGTON AT inH A. M. AND j " . - - - i ? . . . . . . . 4 ..... - . zst p. lu lieicrrting - te:n K.andilp. in. on Tuesday and Fridars leave at -Jt a. m.. -:'i f. m. autl 5 p. m. l le IMt, train levrn Utv. He.t:Ji at w p. ha- wi Tut'-. (Ufana Friilajx. . Tie- iAS?po;n willVafi for southport a &y aJ m . and for Carolina K rh at p. m. Etenr div la the week execot Sunday. e srk-u mimvd r;-3 Tlctt,-u iwr, aic at lh j the rownd trip, . HJULfLII. j .-AHu&aPT. wubm muse Dr wntren ca oaiy one die 01 the paper. f mxMouuE9 most be aToided. n , ? ft And tt ta especially aa trtfcdurljr4 iar stood thai tae Editor does tHnrtlirajs enaone the views ot corrvapondent cnlcas ttatei' Dto . - - nxne editorial ooiumna. ' JL . f NEW ADVEKTI8J3 U ENTJJ 7$ Bargains ! Bargains ! Bargains ! LADIES' SLIPPERS -AND Gentlemen slow Quartered SHOES '! ; Ladled Opera suppers 3)c. r Ladiev Lace Oxfords, Vlala Toe, ito. Ladles' Laee' Oxfords, Pat. Leather Tlps,$L0M Ladies' Lace and Button Oxford?, f 1.25. ; Geotiemen's Low shoes In all-the latest styles at marvellous LOW ritICS.: . ' Geo. It. French & Sous; . 108 North Front Strut t." - WOppo3lte The Orton.) je 23 tf THE ACME , M A NTI F A 0 TURIN 0. 00. M AH U VA UKHKo II IT ' - Fftrrili7P.rc Pino Pfhrn nriA Pine Fibre Matting Wilmington, - "- "Nv- fe. - - : . fMlK KICIHITATIONOFOUUF1JH.T11.1ZKUH tueAtMK atKidiCM. isnow estabMsnedaid t he results or three yearn' uso in the nanoa ot the test farmers oLthl3 nnd other Ktates .irtll at tent their value as a high praiie manure The matti no. mado from me leave ot our native pine, la conceded to be equal to any wool cariK't lor comfort and durability nnd the demand ror it is dally inrroafilng. it haa vir tues not round in any other fabric. The Fl tilth: or Wool is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a lining fbr Mattresses Ia almost equal to hair, being light certificates from reliable parties using our' goods can be seen at our enlce, or will be malt ed upon pub'Jeat ion. ian4tr Noted Men on flic Solid South. 1LAKY A. HERBERT,-. ZEBfJLON tl. Vance, Wm. M. Flshbacu, Henry O. Turner. Sand Pasco, Ira P.Jones, Win. J. Wilson, hen. o. Vest , A. S. Long and ot liens. Price 51.25. jo IT. tf W. YATES. For Rent, rjHE wnroiiT COTTAOK -?T i : . ON 'WUIQIIT81LLE HOFND " Agply to Je34 3t D. O CONKOIL THE HEWLETT HOUSE. - .1 -0: ; - ': ) jyjY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC GJf erally are respectfully notified that I hjtjo made extensive additions to mypremfJem at Switchback station, Wrlghtsville Beach,' and am now prepared to acccornmo ate them with the best of everj'thUig. ' Fresh Fish. Soft Crab3, Devile4 t'rabi4lAc.f ready on the arrival of every train. Bar In the rear and separate an4 dlTtnct from the dinning room. . -'. nil my 39 tf JA8. A. HEWLETT. w in Bi Kicksecker'sDog jioapi rpnE BK-JT LEAXSKR ASfTLB if Klilf.U, Cures ail Skin Disease. RenloveS all Kmell. For sale by ' " f 3tUNDi UUOTHEB5, 101 N. Front street. 01S. Fourth f. JaSHf ; ' , WE H AXE JTST RECEIVED ANOTHER LAUOEJAF SOKTMENT OF ' ' AND ' jpivJiNro, In t he latst dgn awl fancy wooii, whlh we ofTer at loVi-st prkW, INSTA IM KNTH or t'ASii. The pubMr is rortfaiiy f nTrvfjo i ai.iin our lic and superior ninrtp of Jnnrn- inenfs. : Ee YflnfiiiBIt; 407 lira ;'ot tlfrAef, -12- -'.KSilsRC3 ?"!??BSBBi '