lffipHREyS''- il1Z2l rV Kof Inlets .;25 U rffrri. lJ&oevft' violent Consths. .50 iTVji'prii-'' l.OO 3 ffSft JfSM rV rt.PalPtlonlOO SfgnTF a o-sv - f . ' ECTIVES Linton '.--srr. I'.r'iculan fr lIKU'1 nwiAr lie V.-Mtrrrs ln-ard. Cora . ,.rV. nn.t- -w tit' uaS!3 fiiiLSAM r - j.i :n l i. - !i:lit:cstheha- . V.. ...... ' n-iH lir riiiiiu li ' - . -. . . ii-3 1 h. w rl 1 - II I "s- ",t,:: i.-: .....r..-.' moonvrn iSt U liincs. ij ROOT BEER! .... 3. RflOT B TKPESAKCE DRIKK m th world, peaaw nd SparLlIcjf Ai-X tk your Praggist or Grocer for it. C.E.HIRES. PHILADELPHIA. TO WEAK ma tz&rbg from Cie eCecU of youtlifid errors, early fcay.vutlcgTeitaess, lost manhood, etc.. I will ro4 ft Tiiaibla Xraiise (sealed) conUiningfull MHimlua f -r home eure. P R E P of charge. A irJendiJ medical work ; should bo read by every r J ft .-l ianas wtO U uerrous ana ucuiuiaieu. auuikh, froli F. G FOWLER, Jloodus, Conn, a n If 2SI7IYE lu L0?Tor BAILING HANHOv.1; CTlKK w"knM of Body and Kind: Effec ilr . Erri or Exsset in Old or Youn loMi llH(Kin fullr i:-lurd. Ho to KaUrae tu A.IIlk,liWU.U)l'HlUKMS fAKTSofbltl isiMwi. t,,r,ii,h-'"' i ?" '7 TrrriirlM, and 6riri ootllf wfl book. fall,.IUI4tOI1, t, OF THE Hnn. Jefferson Davis! -BV- lj!iFl'Ei:H)N DAVIS. 11 " m B) JUBSCWFTIUS ONLY, Prospectus and complete outfit lor can- Skjwni be ready Immediately. WISHING DESIRABLE TER1M- QtTrtaf wi. . .Jni wiu;piease address, , u possi'jip, the publishers. NLFOBD OOMPANT, THE LEADING:: Dailv Pa "'r' "Ot'TII C.VUlLINA IS-'"""' ii'ief. Pr'ce $10 Per Annum, "UI.Eb To ANY ADDRESS. . " OsTrii.v- .. . ' " 8UDAY PAPER '''"M'-AKOLINAl . h Sunday News. : "r'"lppr year; alone, taper . " V-UUiilliK. "HIW.. . . V Daddlilst.GAtherlDir.- : Tho'Bnddlust conrcsi attracts at tt-ri-Hon to 'this remarkable TeKgioTi: "ho conre is to "hare the hn'portance bf the greafrccumeiucal conxidltcc)riroti?f by Pics IX twenty yeans agor "BinldHst delegates are to come from all. parts, of .the , world, and intense., is ' the interest manifested in Paris." '-" r v fr v Five hundred million - people n this globe are -Baddhists,- and. although Buddhism in Europe is conOnedlo great minds, in France alone there are about 30,000 Buddhists. It is not generally known that l Richard NTagner was a fervent Buddhifit But the. European thinket3 ,do not practice the doctrines of Buddhism That- is why ' the young Viennese .student, Udo Halsmeyer, ha3 caused such consternation in the churclL tie is ascetic, fasts, or eats only frnits and vegetables, envelops "himself in a hempen bag, and already treats with in difference physical suffering. Continuing in this manner Jio- would soon be the in carnation of Buddha, and the authori ties talk of expulsion from the university for fear of his influence on the other students.'"" ; , , The practice of Buddhism cultivate a rixfh sense -that in non-believers is al ways latent. By this sense one can fore tell good or bad fortune," and the medi tation that calls but this sense is always physical, psychological and physiologi cal. . Physically the body-must obey the mindr psychologically all human organic forces must be concentrated on the de velopment of this "sixth sense, intuition, and physiologically respiration must be regulated to control r the expenditure of vital force. As soon as this sixth sense i3 acquired the Buddhists are capable of knowing nature's secrets and of produc ing phenomena that seem supernatural, but are in reality the manifestation of forces very natural, but not yet under stood. Paris Cori Ne w York World. American Newspaper Methods in Sweden. Ve have, an . ultra cheap newspaper here, the success of which is truly of the American . sort. " I say "its. success is American because the .paper has grown up o quickly.. The. paper is called The Stockholm Nyheter (News). ; It is thor oughly radical politically, and advocates incessantly the abrogation of the mon archy and the state "church. It was only, three years, ago that the publisher got what wa3, according to the view of many, a. mad idea of printing a paper for the subscription, price of one cere or three crowns per j'ear. It would be impossible to get any lower, A little over 3,000 subscriptions came in on' the start. But without advertisements it was printed at a loss. The "ads" did not flow in like the subscriptions. Well, the cere system was again set in motion in another direction. After the paper had been going for three months it com menced t6 have a widespread circulation arid more comprehensive than any other Stockolm daily. . - At the beginning of the publication there were about 100 newsboys; now there are over;250 little fellows who reap the farthing3. The - publisher receives one cere from the newsboys, and they in turn sell them for two cere, the cheapest price' ever paid for a newspaper in this country. The daily sale of this paper, on the streets and outside is ' about 18,000 copies." , The subscription list has grown to 12,000, making the total 30,000 and over. Now the advertisement patronage has also become profitable. Stockholm Cor. Minneapolis Journal. " " ! I Killed by a Bicycle. An inquest was. held at Boughton, near Faversham, concerning the death of a man, name unknown, aged about CO years. One mojningi a oyclist, whoso identity has not been discovered, in de scending Beacon hill, knocked down the deceased, arid fractured his skull. The cyclist gave the man half a crown and proceeded, leaving no name or address. The. deceased walked for three miles and then'died by the roadside. It was, stated that .the cyclist descended the hill rapid ly, ringing his bell,' and that the deceas ed was in the center of the road, leaving room for the'cyclist to pass, The jury returned a verdict of accidental death and exonerate the rider of the bicycle fr-pm blame. The coroner intimated that in cases wheref bicyclists lost oontrol of their macliines, as tney occasionally uiu when descending witn tneir reet up, ne should advise a verdict of manslangnter. Pall Mall Gazette. , I"ood for Epicure. -The feafuTB of this week's market has been the arrival of large invoices of doe birds and golden plover. Both are in ex cellent conditioi The doe bird winters in the extreme southern portions of South America. It comes north in the spring; stopping if the weather 'is favorable in Nebraska and "adjoining territories, fat tening rapidly, and then comes to the far north to nest arid hatch. ; Boston goslings and ducklings are a treat at present for the epicure." The gosling is very large inl frame, but little meat is to be got off it at present. Al though a . gosling weighs about ten pounds, there is not mrich over a pound that is eatable, bri itNew York World.. Gettlr Bdy, for tbe Flles. Ther approach of fly time has sug gested an idea for a cowtail holder. A clamp like -a clothes .pin catches the .bushy, end of the tail, and. two cords with K snap attachment t fasten the tail to the cow's leg. to a post or to the milk ing stool. .The same day that the Nebraska man got his patent for a cowtail holder ai man iuMaine got one also for the same end. The Maine man's tail holder is unulajbf.i $ingld piece oftwirja. coiled so as to connect tbe tail with the cow's leg. Cor. Stl "Louis Globe-Democrat. ; Mr. Kerr, of Yakima county, Wash., has sent .to Japan for a large quantity of tea cuttings." JX& inters to Eee'what can be done with that plant in his own CO"5nliJx i ' . - . - - . I Tbe Treasure Sliln. We are ul ways building castles fxr?f the richest grandest kind, Where we sway imagined vassels In the conrt room of the mind:. And down the Arcadian pathways Of thp mind are won't to roam. Where VeI stay In fact not fancy, If onr treasure ship came home. , " t ' And vfind it very pleasant hi an atmosphere of dreams Quite forgetful of the present To indulge Utopian themes; We would climb to high ambition, We would stand upon its dome, We would claim eartbs recognition, If our treasure ship came home. So. with hand Abd foot inactive, Dreamy-eyed and lazy-limbed, We can find life still attractive While our lamps remain nntrim med, ' - And we calculate the pleasure in Conception's laden tome We'll indu ge in beyond measure When our treasure ship comes - home.. - - Oil, the dormant,, selfish scheming Of the idler cannot last; There will be a truce to dreaming When the present is the past; And there'll cohie a dull awaking When he finds that life has gone, And his treasure diip is breaking, O'er the .sands he built heron. i C. G. Rogers. i - - -9 0 -.; jEIfCtric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no SDficial mention AIL hn h n xrn tiooA Electric' Bitters sing the sariie soogof praise, i a purer medicine does Dot ex ist and it is euaranteed to do all that i3 claimed, j Electric Bitters will care all diseases of the Liver; and Kidneys, wili remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and ofber affections caused by impure jblocd. Will ;drive Malaria frorri tbe system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For care of Headache, Constipation and Indiges- tion try Electric Bitters Entire satis faction guaranteed, r money refund ed. Price 50 cents and $1.00 per bot tle at Robert R. Bellamy's wholesale and retail drugstore. ! t I JUNE JOKES. Tae puawinff ductauons represent wnolH sAle prices teenaiy. fm raaxfc up small or- ne nut wny is Miss U. wearing black? He She is mourning for her nusband. She whv, she never had a husband. He No- that is why she mourns. Angry Customer Mr. Cash, I want you to reprimand that clerk of yours He insulted me. Mer chant Sh! Mr: Credit, I can't, I owe him a' month's salary now. Weeping relative (of very sick statesman) Doctor is there no hope? Experienced Physician Only one. We must induce the newspapers to put his obituary in type. Toimuy (bustling into the parlor.) Say, Mr. Treadbare, what rate of interest do pawnbrokers charge? I asked father, but lie couldn't tell, and advised me to cotue to you. Rev. Straightcut Roger, did you have anything to do with that dis reputable grab-bag business last evening? Roger Straightcut Yes, father; I must confess that I had a hand in it. . First Girl Working now? Sec ond Girl Yes, iTworfc at Mr?. -Lean's boarding house, " washing dishes. "Do you have to work hard?" "No, indeed; the boarders clean the dishes prettv-wlpHat the table.'1 -' -Wee ; -. Advice to Motiera. Mrs. Winslow's Soothinq Syrup 6hould alyays be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces na.t ural, quiet sleep by relieving the cnild from nain, and the little cher ub awakes as "brigntas is very pleasant to taste. button." It It soothes the child, softens I the gjuins, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels.- and is tne best Known reine dy for diarrhoeaj whether arising from teething or othr causes. Twenty five cents a bottle, julv 6 deod&wlv Executor's Notiee. - . - HlviNO QUALIFIED AS EXECUTOR on the estate of. Amanda JIagijett, de ceased, all persons indebted to the said estate of tne said deceased are hereby notified to' make Immediate payment and settlement as longer indulgence cannot be given, and all per sons I baving craims against tbe said estate will present them tor payment within-, time prescribed by law or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This, the 26th day of April, 189a DAVID WILLIAM8, apl 26 oaw 6w sat . Executor. . THE STATE CHRONICLE, Successor to the Farmer, and Mechanic ann the Chronicle.) Under New Management. NEWSY BRIGHT AND CLEAN . .UP WITH THETIMEsi i WHOLESALE PRICES i 1 HUE "STATE CmtONICLE75 WILL 15 E what its name implies a 6tate Paper. It Is not the Raleigh "Chronicle," and will not be local or sectional, it will aim to keep up with the news from Murphy to Manteo, or, as the poutlcians put it, from Cherokee to Cur rituck. It will be the organ of no manr eo ring, no section, no party. It will be Democratic in politics, but will not hesitate to criticise Democratic measures and Democratic officers. $2 00 100 50 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year , ... Six Months ... shree Months. TFor a sample cony address . THE STATE CHRONICLE. Kalelgn, N. C. STILL AT WORK. . j AM NOW WELL PREPARED TO REPAIR an kinds of Furniture, Sewing Machines, Fan cy Articles, tcC, and where it is possible make them as good as new. Work donp promptly and prices low. call and see, me and get es- y- j t i ,. - : timates and prices. . . . J. B FARRAR, S. W. cur. rrcnt and Orange streets. I am stn ascnt tcre for the Kew Home Ewicj Machine, one Cf the best Machines on the market.' rc?llC3 aay)U for sale. raca int . . ' BAGGING Gunny. . ................ ... . Standard.. BACX)N NcmCaxtJUcjL'l ft Hams...... . i Shoulders p b . sIflPS IS WESTERN SMOKED 7 9 11 8 . 8 & 1. -13 t-" 1 0 00 1 65 30 8 00 0 00 15 23 t W 10 'Sides; 9 ShouLVra " k i DRY SALTED . . Sides, lnC. 5 Shoulders, i tt. ...... ....... 6 BARREI.S Spirits Turpentine, Second Hand, each. lit. i New, New York; each. . . New, City, each BEESWAX, lb....... BRICKS, Wilmington, V M Northern..... .. BUTTER, y ft ' North Carolina. Northern. CANDLES, y lb Sperm..... Adamantine . .. ..... CHEESE, V & Northern Factory. Dairy, Cream...!, State OFFEE, . Java......;. Laguyra Rio CORN MEAL, bush, in sacks. Virginia Meal...... .-. COTTON TIES, bundle.... .. DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, V yard..... Yarns, bunch...... ...... EGGS, vdoz....... FISH Mackerel, No. 1, bbl X) 00 Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbL 13 50 6 m T5 -o 1 1 1 & 23 10 00 aii od . i mM 13 9 & 4 4 27 23 20 00 00 1 25 8 00 10 SO 25 ' 14 11 30 25 - w 65 1 80 &k 80 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl. 15 00 4 75 4 6 00 5 50 4 00 4 50 4 00 4 8 48 00 52 00 33 GO 95 1 G5 75 9.' Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl Mackerel, No. 3, bbl. Mullets. bbl ........ . N. C. Roe Herring, V keg... Dry Cod, V FLOUR, bbl Western, low grade..... .. " ' Extra ' Family . City Mills-Super. v. . Family.... glue, y lb...... '. GRAIN, V busheL Corn, fm store, bags, white Corn, cargo, in bulkt white. Corn,jcargo7la1,bags, while. Convnitxed, from store Oats, from store . ........... Oats, Rust Proof. Cow Pea3.;.... hides, y rt Green .. . Dryhi.... 11 AY, 100 BiB ! Eastern. ...j.... Western.;.. . .... North River.... HOOP IRON, V LARD, lTlb-rj Northern?. !v. North Carolina.. LIME, barrel...!... LUMBER, City Sawed, "9 M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed... 18 Oil Rough Edge Plank. 15 00 West India Cargl3, accord ing to quality. .1:1 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 13 f0 Scantiingand Board, com n.14 00 MOLASSES, "& gallon -i New Crop, in hhjdls, . . . . . " In bbls..,. ., Porto Rico, In hiids ..... " inblSA... . "Sugar nouse, in hhds.". 1 " mbbls..... Syrup, in bbls..... " 23 NAILS, y Keg, Cut. lOd basin.. 2 40 oils, y gallon. ' ' Kerosene...... ............. 9 Lard..... Linseed., . nosm.......'.;: Tar Deck and Spar.. POULTRY- , f '30 50 Ola 00 (220 00 6 00 10 00 700 6 00 & 10 4 00 6 00 6 00 410 5 00 10 m on 8 1 25 50 48 50 CO 3 5 10 SO GO 3X 7 10 LtALLKQAli . -1- : ' ' '- m..." Atlantic-GoastXine. 0 00 C420 ( ai.Tfrt is rxi (15.00 25 . 28 & 28 . 2G 00 10 26 . 30 ' 30 28 15 18 35 18 90 15 .00 00 2 50 ' 14 &1 45 00 20 Chickens, live rown.. 25 3 30 ; Spring............. 10' d 20 Tuirkeys.. ........... ........ 75 1 00 PEANUT'S, V bushel, 231b...... 1 00 1 25 potatoes, v bushel Sweet ..;..' .65 3 . 75 Irish, V bbl... ; S25 & 3 75 PORK, 9 barrel . -' - City Mess...... ...i. ....... .12 00 18 00 Primes..:.. 15 00 16 00 Rump.. ... - 00 15 00 RICE Caiollna, lb .f &' .5 Rough, y bush, (Upland)... .60 & ' 80 " ' - (Lowland). 80 1 00 RAGS, y lb Country......'..... 00 , 1 City 1 x ROPE, y lb - 14X 22 SALT, v sack. Alum.. -f ...... . 70 75 Liverpool.. 1 10 1 50 Lisbon .. . . . . r. . . . . ; . . . I. . .. 00 00 American... 00 & 70 SOAP, B Northern. ........ 4H& 5 SUGAR, P lb Standard grain.. 6 ox Standard A. 6 O 6 V White Ex C... 0 6 6', Extra C, Golden L((4 ' C Yellow........ .... a i 5 $ 5.V SHINGLES, 7 In. V M.. . 5 00 7 00 Common........ ... soo - 2 50 Cypress Saps... 4 50 5 00 Cypress Hearts...'. 0 00 7 50 STAVES, V M W. O. Barrel.. 8 CO 14 00 . R.O. Hogshead 0 00 10 00 TALLOW, V 4 5 TIMBER, v m feet-Shipping. JS 00 Fine Mill ...Jl 25 Mm Prime. .. : 7 50 Mill Fair... 5 00 Common MU1 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary.... ..... 2 60 WHISKEY,? gal-NorthenL.. 2 00 rf orth Carolina.; wool, $ it washed. , Unwashed. Burry.;...'....r.ri..l ....... 1 50 23 18 3U0Q QUI 00 8 50 0 0 00 000 Q 4 00 & 5 00 3 00 d 18 & U OYSTER ROASTS AM than BETTER PREPARED - to accommodate my ever : J friends with OYSTERS this season. I will keep none but the Best on hand always MYkTLK UROVE ROASTS a specialty: Every thing' overhauled and lmproreo. oj-sters ready at short notice and expert shuckera la open them. i - - Special rates to parties. CMre iae a can and will do my best to please jou. Respectrauy. " J. ;V. IT. CTOKLEY, . Wilmington & Vye!don R. R. AND JBaiffcHErV - ; CONDENSED SGHEDL1LC miscellaneous: 13 TRAINS GOING SOUTH. V ' . s- s T I iTi"TE"i3VEirii?r( . ruf t V&x Kffi mZ - ... ' ' p.'m. pTmT A. M. Leave WeIa6n...i....., 12 : .543 600 Arrive Rocky MotuuT.-f .. ,1 4 ...... 710 i fl- M. Arrive Tarboro. 1 '2 0 ...... Leave Tarbo?o. joiio i...... Arrive Wilson 2 20 .7 00 7 43 Lea-e Wilson t330 ...... ... , Arrive selma....... 3 40 Arrive Fayetteville.;. .....! 6 00 ......j Leave Goldsboro V..... 315 710 8ST. Leave Warsaw. 4 10 i 9 34 Leave Magnolia. 4 ?4 t 8 40 9 49 Arrl Vfe Wilmington...: 5 50 9 55 j 11 SO TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Wilmington Leave Magnolia., j Leave Warsaw.. 'I Arrive Goldsboro Leave Fayettevllle Arrive Selma Arrive Wilson...... Leave Wilson Ar. Rocky Mount . . C n via" A. M. 12 01 11 O d tttO Arrlve Tarboro... i 1 leave Tarboro Arrive Weldon 303 A- M. 9 00 10 34 1018 J145 t8 40 1100 P. M. 1210 12 37 110. 4 30 2 00 A. M. 10 0 P. M 2 45 .0.' mmM V. M. 4U) 5 36 5 5:$ 653 7 47 818 9 30 Dally except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neclc Bianch Road leaves Weldon 3:15 p. m., Halifax 3:37 p. m.f arrives -Scotlaad Neck, at 4.25 p. m., Green vllle 6.00 p. m. Returning leaves Greenville 7:20 a, bVjArrlvlnar UaUlax at 10:10- a. m., Weldon 10:30 Cm., dally except Sunday. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Loyil Freight leaves .Weldon lOKl a. m., Halifax 1 1:30 a. m.. Scotland Neck 2:00 p. m. A rrtvlog Greenville 5:10 p. ni. Returning, leave Green ville Tuesday, Tnursday and Saturday 9::u a. m., Scotland Neck 1:00 p. 111., Halifax 3i35 p. m. Arriving Aveldon 4:00 p. ni. T Train leaves Tarboro, N. c, via Albonnaiie fi Raleigh 11. II. dally except Sundajr,4.ull. M., Sunday 3.00 1. M., arrive U illlamstuik N. v.. 4.?0 1 P. M., riymouth 7.r,d P csu r. m M., 5 20 P. M. Returning leaves lJyiiioulli, momn.- jn . t . , daily except Sunday, -0ii A. M., Sunday 9 00 A. M.f Wllllamston-l.lO A.M., 9.53 A. M. Arrive Tarborb, N. C, O.iio A. Al., 11.ro A.M. j ' Train ort Midland N. C Branch leaves G0M3 boro, N. v., dally except Sunday, tt.00 A. M., arrive Smitlifleld, N. C, 7.3() A. M. Reluming leaves 8jnltlfleld, N v., 8.00 A. M., arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 9.30 A. M. Train 'On Nashville Branch leave3 Rocky Mount at aoo P. AL. aiTlvcs at Nash ville at 3.40 I. M., Spring Hope 4.15 P. M. Returning leaves spring Jiopo 10.00 A. M.. Nashville 10.35 A. M., arrive Rocky Mount 11.15 A, M, daily except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, dally, except Sunday, at fi.OOP. M. and 11 10 A.M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 A.M. and 3.10 P. ML, connecting at 4V'ar saw wit h Nos. 4 1 40, 23 and 78. Southbound Train ofl Wilson it FaVetteville Branch is No. 51. Noii.hbound is No. &o. 'Dally extpt Sunday. Train No. 27 -South wlll stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for ,all points North dally. Alt rail via Richmond, and dally, except Sunday, via Bay Lino. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and nave Pullman Palaee Sleep ers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE. Gen'l Supt. J. R. KENLY, Sup 't. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington, (toluiubttt & Angista K. It. C& CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated AptU3,'18M. C7o 23. Leave Wilminsrton.., Leave Marion. ArriYo Florence.... ... 1 Leave FTorence Arrive Sumter. ...... Leave Sumter. . . . Arrive Columbia . i P. M. ft 15 9 33 10 20i 0. 50 M. ! A. 3 20j . . 4 35 A NO. NO. 15. P. M. 10 1(W 12 40 - 1201 M. A. M. 4 35 15 NO. 52.; A. M. ! tU 33 11 55! No. 8 A. M. t 8 25 9 35 No. 53 runs through from Charleston via Central K. K. , Leaving Lanes 9-15 A. JL, Manning P-.5C A. M. Train on C. & D.Ti. R. connects at Florence With NO. 58. - M - TRAINS GOING NORTH. 1 No. 51. Leave Columbia.... Arrive Sumter...... Leave Sumter. ....... Arri ve Florence ..... . Leave Florence..... Leave Marlon.. .. . ... Arrive Wilmington.. P. M. ' 10 35 11 bS 11 58 AM. 1 15 No. 78 JL M, j 4 3; Na 59. P. M. t 6 j; 7 m No. 53. P. M. 5 20 6 32 II. -1 trn-wl . 8 a. No. 8 . 8 .V, 11 45 Dally. t Dally except Sunday.-' No. 53 runs through to Charleston, s, C. a Central R. JL, arri1ng Manning Ti l'.M Lanes 7:43 P. M., Charteatcn 9-JO P. M. No. 59 connects at Florence with C. and D. train from Cheraw and Wadcsbora. - Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington - with w. ac-TV. R. R. for hii points North r v , Train on Florence R. R. leave Pee Dee dally except Sunday 4:40 p. M., arrive Rowland 7.-t p. m. Returning leave Rowland 6X) a. m ar rive Pee Dee g .5o 1. m. TralA on Manchester Augusta K. K. leaves Sumter daily, except Sunday, ictoo A. M.. arrive Rimini 12.-01 P. u. lieturnlng leave Rimini P.M., arnve ijemter 1.30 p.m. JOHN V. DIVINE, - . General superintendfcfcU J. R. KENLY. A sst Geal Manager. , T. M. jem EKSON. General Passenscr A ten -ttovls Carolina CefltnirilaHroail Crbimcanyftvr : CHANUq OF: SCHEDULE. ' WESTBQUNI TjtAlXS T7 ? t Kofatf I No. 5L I No 4." " Ma,rch 3. 1830.- jdally ex. daily ex. MaUy ex Leave Wamingtoai 3iiapm Iave liamiet..r..t 7 : pta Leave Wadesboro.t H ts via Arrive Charlotte. ;ln -W Pra I P ITA rhorlA.ro r - v- . w uiu lJv. . i Jave Dncolnton.j Leave Shelby. A Sunday. ( unday 6-ISrrj 3 to ten i li-i s is ? 10 am 4 ;m S M pm n & pm S 6 pm 45 pm EASTBOUND TRAINS- -t , March 23, 1K4J. J No. S3. I No, 54. tdally ex. dally ex isuaday. suaday Sunday Leave Rut herTdtn ijeave Shelby Leave Llncolnton. Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte.. . Leave Wadcsboro.i a 53 amjll 24 pml. Leave namict 1 a (Tam Arrive V limlngtlxlL! 15 pm No. . fdairy ex 8 Mam '.n rwc am - '11 Itlam 113-tOPia pmi 1 - 1 : ami S Ctramlff i mmrm-. i i . tfc Trains No. 41 and 38 make close connection between Charlotte and points Norm via Hal. cigh. Trains No. srand 54makeclbseonibctI0n at Hamlet, to andfrom Raleigh. - . Through Sleeping Cars between Wllraicgton and charlotte and Charlotte and Ralehrh. , T. W. WHISNANT, Superintendent. F. W. CLARK, Gen'l i"assengt;r Agent. .. ruch-24 j i .. n ,r Atlantic Ooast lin North-Eastern. R. R.tT.S'Jt? , t CONDENSED SCHEDULE., ' TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated May 12, '89. Leave Florence...... Kingstree Arrive Lanes.... ..... Leave .LaDes. ..... Arrive Charleston.. NO. 37. A. M. 1 as -2 9 ' 8 50 ' 2 50 - '5 0U A. M. 7 v No.:23.tNo.n 1 A. W 301 -.10-61 , Jia 11 20! 1 1 aof P. M. P.'M. 7& P. M. Train No. (tl takes No. 53 Sont ti of Lnucfo. 1 r:un on v. & u. k. r. connects at Flore noo wiiu xvo. -rain. rnAtNS GOING NORTn. '4 Leajfi Chariest on a.. Arrive Lanes Loavo Lanes " .Kingstree..... Arrive :hai lcston.... No. 78. flo. ',H. Nn. ti - ! A. Al. P. M. A. Al. 12 25 . 4 30 7 2 4: 0 L-y ' 9 3 mi ; 02.-. - 3 10 fl 4(i . 4 20 7 &T. A. Al. P. At. A. M. " Dally, t Dally except Sunday. Train No. 14 connects at Florence with trait on cyat D. R. R. for Cheraw. a t, and Wades boro, N. c. ' ' . i , No. 52 runs through to Columbia via Central R. r. of s. c. Nos. 78 and 14 run solid to Wilmington, 1 c, making close connection with w. A w, 11. for nil points nort h. ; JNO. F. DIVlS'R, General .superintrpdejit. ... R. KKNKY. Asst. ticnl Ma naper. : tl'. M. KM ERSON. GOUT Passnn.r Atftif . awted; 1 AGENTS OF KITIIEltiJfSx T'lRQltoiOU ' the United states to handlo pur celebrated corn and Bunion Cure. Its application -affords almost instant relief, and every- box is accompanied by a f 5 guarantee, which amount; we will forfeit in every instance .where our remedy falls to perfect a permanent cure, sample box, 25c; six boxes, $1. Wo will. pax good agents $3 per day to Introduce our good fl int o their section: no postals. For terms and particulars address the manufacturers. feb 14 lw dAw 104 and 106 North Ada Street,' vnicago, ul FOR orildjr S;tu.v.i 1890. MiVut.Ng waa to arc deciding upoh your reading t matter for next, season, 'i he subscription rate is low $3 00 a year. The standard of the Magazine Is high. Its spirit progressive, ' The illustrations arc intercstlnc: and of me best. r-i- There Is not space here to give even sum mary of the features to appear this year, but among other things there will he a new de partment and Additional pagwB. and CTonpa of illustrated arUclea win. bo devoted to the Xol lowing subjects. . ' . , - African Exploration and Travel. i tJ ' Life on a Modern War thlp 3 arIcle8),", Homes In Cl' y Suburb, and Country tions vloiDff J ' tnrouifn BulidlDg Aaaocla The Citizen's n.fc.s;'.- : '. "Tt t . Electricity in the ii Diisehoid. ' V Ericsson, the ;inrei. I r by his Authorize v uiugrapaar. 1 Hunting, . : Humorous-Artists, American and Fortiga There will be 3 serials. ' Robert Louis .Stevenson will 'contribute lito. Each subject, and there will be a great riZ riety this year, win t treated by writers -hTw wmpet to speak with authority and with interetr. Readers who are interested are urged to send for a prospectus. II ffits i hnkniW far fear Eealls. Charles Scribner-s Sohs, JT43 JL5roadway.CN. y ' ' . I Lime. Lime. LIME Ln excuanje for. PROVISIONS " GROCERIXM, LIME . LIME LIME UME LIME " DRY GOODH HAJUJWAKK " LUMBER. PItKNUIl U1COB.. pt RCiCrP0LDt . FEW GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOMMO John Werndr. f INHERE IS Bl'T ONE, forth at No. TO Market street. AND HE JIOLD.H A good hhave r i itiux, a soampoo ror 2a cent , cr a Hair the Mat. Clia 4 -h -t hsrt 1 .? i-,r tmi prompt at tendan

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