; fill ' Pl"JBER Absolutely Pure. Thto powtxer never varies, a marvel of pur ity, strength and wnolesoraeness. More econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders fioldonlvineans. ROYAL BAKING I'OWDE CO. .108 Wall St., N. Y. cct&J diwlr tennn ithpd Srdpw FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1890. STATE NEWS. Winston Da ily. Mr. W. A. Rid die, of Davie county, gays that lie caught near Hall's Ferry, - in the Yadkin river, a few days ago, a carp whose "weight pulled the scales down to 19 pound. The "catch'' he says "was also made with hook and line. Charlotte C7troniclr: The County Commissioners met yesterday and Assessed the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta "Railroad for taxation. The road-bed was assessed at $8,000 per mile, an increase of $2,000 over last year. The rolling stock was assess ed at $ 744.0C, the same as last year. - There are 11 4.-10 miles of the roai in this countv, which is all there is in this State. The total valuation of .the C. C. & A. property in the coun ty is $99,583. At $1.13 on the $100, the rate of taxation, this road will bring into the State and county treasuries $1,125.34. ; Greensboro Patriot: About three weeks ago a party of revenue officers who were returning from a raid in Stokes atad Surry, were ambuscaded in what is known as the "Smith settlement' in Stokes county, and fired upon by stockade distillers. One of the party was Mr. Eugene Mnrrow, of this county, a deputy marshal. Mr. Murrow's horse was wounded and reared and fell back on hhn. Murrow was sick whmi he. he left to go on the raid and after being injured by his horse falling on him. was brought here on the train. His symptoms developed into typhoid fever and a few days later lie was taken to his home where he died yesterday evening. This morn ing Doctor Cnarles Ulenii held a post inert em examination and round that Mr. Murrow's death was caused by the injuries received in the en counter with the illicit distillers. Charlotte Ifeivs: The meeting of the North Carolina Teachers' Asso ciation, just concluded at Morehead City, was attended by at least 600 teachers. It was the most enthu siastic meeting ot the association yet held, but there was one unfortunate circumstance to mar tire pleasures bf the whole meeting. A preacher caused it. According to reports re ceived in Charlotte, this preacher maae an eloquent auaress aunng thd day to the convention. At night he sucked the seductive mint julip and soon lost control of himself. In his maudlin state he tried to enter the room of a lady guest. The af fair created a great sensation, and strong measures were spoken, of, but finally better reason prevailed, and he was permitted to quietly de part. He was not one of the teach ers, as we understand it, but had gone there to address the teachers. Cancer. To B B Bv (Botanic Blood Balm) has been given the credit of curing that terrible symptom of hereditary blood poison called cancer. , Allan Grant, Sparta, Ga., writes: 'A painful sore came on my lip which was pronounced epithelial cancer by prominent physicians. I also had much pain and great weak ness in the back. Eight bottles of B B B healed the sore, gave me strength and made me well."' G. F. Kellar, Wrightsville, Ga., writes: B B B is curing an ulcer on mv nose said bv all to be a can cer." .Tames A. Greer1. Athens. Ga., writes: For ten yjears I have been a sufferer from a cancer on my face, which discharged offensive matter. Nothing I tried gave relief. Finallv I gave B B B a trial. The discharge gradually decreased and the cancer jrew less until now there is nothing left except a scar." Not at All Necessary rjX CARRY YOUR PROVISIONS OR Ll'NCH to Carolina Reach as i tore is a First-Class Family Grocery there, supplied with everything ibe market affords and sold atrit y prices. All Kinds of Canned Goods FOR LUNCH AND PIC NIC PARTIES and everything ere that -goes to make up a rise lunch. Full supply of ICE always on hand.9 The residents ot CAROLINA BEACH wiu And tt to their Interest to deal with me as I will keep on hand everything in the Grocery aid Housekeeping: line. HANS A. KDKK, Jsltf PROPRIETOR. rpTTTQ Tjl DTT) 18 PRINTED WITH XIZLLU X Hi Jjlb In manufactured by the lalnnount Prtntiny Ink Works, T. K. WRIGHT CO , iSth street and FcnnsyivanU avenue. CO MM EE CI A I, MKWIf WILMINGTON MARKET. . June 27. 250 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE T Nom inal at 39 cents bid. -r . . ROSIN Firm at $1.07J for strain ed and $1.12 for good strained. TAR Firm at $1.65. - CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.25 for hard, $2.35 for yellow dip and if 2. 50 for vinnn. COTTON Firm at llj cents for middling; low middling-, 11; good middling. 11J. RECEIPTS Cotton, 1; spirits, 560 rosin, 1,624; tar, 131; crude, 243. HABIKE MEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer D. Murchison, .Robeson, Favetteville, T. I. Love. CLEARED. Steamer D Murchison, Robeson, Favetteville, T D Love. tins Kichard T Ureeo, .Patrick, Port-au-Prince, Hayti, vessel by Geo Harris?, Son & Co.; cargo by S & W H riorthrop. EXPORTS. ' FOREIGN. Port-au-Prince Brig Richafd Green 173,43 ft lumber. wi:kkly statement, stocks on hand junk 20,1890. Cotton ashore, 429: afloat, 000, total, 429. Spirits ashore, 2,519; afloat, 3,262; total, 3,781. Rein ashore 14,557; afloat, 4,934; total, 19,491. Tar ashore, 7,928; afloat, 000; total 7,928. Crude ashore, 878; afloat, 000; total 878. RECEIPTS, WKKK ENDING JUNK 20,',90. Cotton, 14; spirits, 2,C24; rosin, 4, 945; tar, 827; crude, 231. EXPORTS, WKKK ENDED JUNE 20, 1890. DOMESTIC. Cotton 38; spirits, 1,024; crude, 420; . tar, 980; rosin, 554. FOREIGN. Rosin, 5,447. TAKE A SPIN QN-THE TURNPIKE THESE FINE AF- terncons. We can furnish you with the means for doing so. We?ve got good nORSES, light,?,comfortable VEHICLES and, when desired, careful Driv ers. Our charges are moderate and we try hard to please our customers. It. C. ORRELL, Llvery.and Sale Stables, aplyti cor. Third andprincess Sta. "SPECIAL NOTICE ! JUR PRIVATE STOCK 1876 RYE IS UN- doubtedly the best WHISKEY sold In the South to-day. Below you will find a few out o many 'letters which we receive and notice well what they contain: Brown fc Brown, druggists, of Winston, say: "The Private Stock, 76, gives entire satis faction to our customers, and we think it is a nae medicinal Whiskey." H. Rose, also of Winston, writes us as fo lows: "The 'Private Stock' Whiskey I bought through your Mr. Simon has proved & success ana wiu Keep . it nereaiter as my leading nrana.' J. A. Burns &, Co., of Favetteville, have this to say: "I have used your new brand of 'Private Stock. 1876.' Rye Whiskey and will say that am well pleased with It and that It H all you recommend It to be. My customers prefer ims Drana to au otners." BrimMld,Simon & Co., --Ill N. Front St., Dealers in Liquors, Cigars and Tobaccos, my 30 tf TUB New York Weekly Herald AT ONE lOL I.Alt PEK Yr.AIi IS TIIK BKST AND CHKAPK.ST FAMIL I'APKR IN THK HNITKD STATF.S. Now ?s the time toSubscribe During the year 1S90 it will even exceed If self in The variety of its contents and Its ef. forts to please Its subscribers. New features win be added to its regular departments, ln- nuuinK iirsi-ciass ILLUSTRATIONS. Its Well Known Spec-UHIe Are: Prfictical Farniinj;and Gardening, Progress In Science, Woman's Work, Stories by the Best Authors, Literaturand Art, Choice Flashes of Wit aud Humor, Exclusive News for Veterans UFOmilOI 6X ILL rtBJKtT. A resg, JAMES GORDON BENNETT, New York Herald, New York city Only One Dollar a Year. Do not r&Ho Subscribe now for. the ' Noi7 York TTeokly Herald, CeclOtf ' . UK LACES If FISH NETT, Plain. FISH NETT, Polka-Dot, AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Black Drapery, Net Flouncing, Cream Drapery AT LESS THAN COST HED&ICft. White Embro'dered Dresses and FLOUNCINGS for Ladles and Children. Edgings and Insertions marked down 0 per cent, for THIS WEEK ON LY. Job lot m Ecru Embroidered Dresses and Trouserings at half value. HEDRICK. POSITIVE BARGAINS IN os iery (ifnt'finciis and . fhildrfi'g. HEDRICK. E3 f Li : ICS NOVELTIES IN GENTLEMEN'S SUgeoShr s and Ties, The Wire Buckle Suspender, with patent grip. In all qualities. HEDRICK. Je 15 tf Administrator's Notice. fl HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING QUALIFIED 1 as Administrator of i he estate of F. J. Lord, deceased, notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present them to me on or before May 1st, 1891, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of the payment thereoL F. A. LORD, m I oaw fiw thur Administrator. 1890. Harper's Young Peonle. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. The Eleventn Volume of Harper's young Pboflk. which begins with the Number for November 5, 1889. presents an attract! vaipro gramme. It will offer te its readers at least four serials of the usual length, and others in two or three parts, namely. "The Red Mus tang," by William O. Stoddard; "Phil and the Baby," by Leer C. Lillik; "Prince Tom my," by John Kusseix Cobtell; and "Moth er's Way," by Margaret E. Sangster; two short serials by 11 j alma r UJorth Boyesen. Two series of Fairy Talcs will attract the at tention of lovers of the wonder-world, name ly, the quaint tales told by Howard PrLK,and so admirably Illustrated by him, and another series in a different vein by Frank M. Bik nell. There will be short stories by W. j). IIqwells, Thomas Nelson Page, Mary E. Wilxiks Nora Prrry, Harriet Prescctt Spofford, David Ker, Ukzkkiah Butter worth, Sopsie swstt, Richard Malcolm Johnston, etc. A subscription to Harper's Youko Peoplk secures a Juvenile Ubrary. There is useful knowledge j also plenty of amusement, Boston Advertiser. Terms Postage Prepaid, $2 pry ear. VoU XI oegins November 6, 1889. " Specimen Copy $etu on rtocipt of noo-ccni stamp. Single Number. Five cents each. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspaper are. not to copy this adrersisement teuitout ti express order of Harper & Brothers Address HARPER BROTHERS, nov on yoi- STILL AT WORK J AM NOW WELL PREPARED TO REPAIR au kinds of Furniture, SewlngMachlnes, Fan cy Articles, tc, and where It is possible make them as good as new. Work done promptly and prices low. Call and see me and get es timates and prices. J. B. FAR BAR, 8. W. cor. Front and Orange streets. I am still agent here for the New Home Sewing Machine, one of the best Machines oh the market. Needles andfon for mchiotf ' i Your orders promptly filled. We strive to please our customers. Proofs submitted when desired. Largest Stock of Paper to select from. Fish Hett Figured Satisfaction guaranteed." . JACKSON & BELI, ' , Leadln-Printers and Binders. Fishermen's Supplies, Builders' Hardware, - PAINTS AND SASH WALKIE'S SI1ICILT FUEE WHI11 LI4D. made by the old Dutch process, the best Lead on the market. They not being In combina tion can make special price on same. COOKING STOVES. ' Largest assortment in the State to select from; sold at factory prices. Oil Stoves of All Sizes. In them you will find comfort and economy, Pump5, Stp-Ladders. We ask for jour patronage and so all ever endeavor to deserve the same. Respectfully. N. Jacobi Hardware Co., apl 22 tf - . 12 SO. FRONT ST. Wilmington Seacoast R.R. K TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE 1st, 1890. "atijj (T""il vtQjL ggg 2 M ;a p i. . c l &. : Q U - j q coo q, . . r- 2 . Jl- a C3J Q i as . a i?3 1- a co-g : j ? , : TZ i -5 ! TS-r . S3" ; I li ; ; : 3 Fare 25 cents for round trip on Saturdays. J. R. NOLAN, je 3 tf Gen'l Manager. 1 ; CLYDE'S YorH & Wiiminsrtn steamship Co. FROM PIER 39, EAST RIVER NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts At 3 o'clock, P. M. BENEFACTOR... FANITA YEM ASSES ..... Wednesday, June 18 ...Saturday, June 21 . . Saturday, June 2S FROM WILMINGTON YEMASSEE BENEFACTOR. FANITA........ . . . . .Saturday, June 21 Tuesday, Juhe 24 Friday, June 27 tar Through Bills Ladlnsr and Lowest Thro Rates guaranteed to and from points In North ana souxn Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N C THEO. E. EGER, Traffic Manager. New York WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Genl Agents, J 17 tf 5 Bowling Green. New York. STJMMEB RESORT! "ATLANTIC VIEW," WRIfttfTSVILLE, N. C, S NOW OPEN UNDER SAiE MANAGE- ment. The Hotel and grounds are near the waters of the sound and the Atlantic Ocean and a few steps from the Depot of the Sea coast Railroad from Wilmington. Ask the conductor of the train to stop you BOARD BI THK DAT, WEEK OR MOMO. I Send for Circulars. ED. WILSON MANNING, ( Jel3tf Proprletdr. Op Say and Night. i -i- ' " MY SALOON, Corner of North Water artg Mulberry Btreet?, L Opei fn)B I I'ckk a. b. hdu UfifH V ' -11:13 p. bl Fatariai. CHA-. P. BROWN K, Agent, mch JOtf WILMINGTON, N. X - Hardware, fjMNWARE AND CROCKERY. ' ! W..TE. SPRINGER A CO ' importerslan ctTxrsj - C37 - rrra rzJini-. and Stools CailfiSt 7crU of all Bank. Catalogue free. Address Scribner's Uaozlno For 1890. The publishers Of SG'RIBNER'S JIAOAZINE aim to make It the most popular ana enter prising of periodicals, while at ail times pre serving its high literary character. 25,000 new readers h are Deen drawn to it during the past six months by the increased excellence of its contents (notably the Railway articles), and it closes its second year with a new impetus and an assured success. The Illustrations will show some new effects, and nothing to make feCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE attractive ahd in teresting will be neglected. - TnE RA.IL WAI ARTICLES will be contin ued by several very striking papers; one espe cially interesting by Kx-Postmaser General Thomas L. James on -The Railway Postal Ser vice." IUustratea. " - MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S seria novel "The Master of Ballantrae, will run through the greater part of the year. Begun in Sbveniber, A CORRESPONDENCE and eoUc-ctlon o manuscript memoirs relating to J. F. Millet and a famous group of modern French Painters will furnish the substance of several articles. Ulustrcu&X. The brief end papers written last year by Robert Louis Stevenson, will be replaced by equally interesting contributions by dlffere t famous authors. Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldrlch will write the first of them for the January number. ... Many valuable LITERARY ARTICLES wlH appear; a paper on Walter Scott's Method of Work, Illustrated from original MS8.. a second Shelf of Old Books," by Mrs. James Tl Fields and many other articles equally noteworthy "Uustrated Articles on ART SUBJECTS wlH be a feature Papers are arranged to appear by Clarence Cook, E. XL Blashneld, Austin Dobson ana many oth ers. Illustrated. FISHING ARTICLE describing snort in the best fishing grounds will appear. Salmon Wihnlnish, Bass and Tarpon are the subjects now arranged, u neaumors are weu Knowi snnrfjuripn. riuttrrrtrt - : U- IIITlSTRlTTTn ilJTinr Cunf trroorrariMv .m. a. m. avmm'J w v v touching upon ad manner of subjects, travel, Illustrated. Among the most interesting 'in the list of scientinc papers for the year will be a remark able article by Prof. John Trowbridge, - upon the' most recent developments -and uses of PHOTOORAPHY. niustratea. A class of articles which has proved of spe cial interest wiu be continued by a group of papers upon jsliIsctkiuiti in its most recent applications, by eminent authorities: a re markable paper on DEEP MINING, and ether uiifrcsung papers. Unique Illustrations. A SPECIAL OFFER to cover last year numbers, which include all the Railway Art! cies, as ioiiows: A year's subscription (18891 and the num- berforl888...... : .$4.60 a years subscript ion (isaw and the num bers for 1888, bound UTcloth... 6.00 S3 a year; 25 cents a number. Charles Scribner's Sons. 743-745 Br ' wav,.N.Y " The National Life -AND- Maturity Association OF WASHINGTON. D. C. Has Paid to Mem bers Over. - - $600,000 Accrued liabili ties - - - - None, HORATIO DROWNING, President. SAMUEL NOISMENT Treasurer. IGKOHGK D. H.i4BlDOv secretary.. Manager ajiv. actuary, GEO. J. KASTEBDAY, -Asst Secretary. .- ? . . Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed Policy. ; An incontestlble Policy. . ' Maturity Value In Cash at Fixed Acer Annual cost Absolutely Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. - Non Forfeitable After Three Years: P. S. RIDDELLE, M. DJ " Medical Director Home Office, central National Bank Building JOHN HAAR, Jb.. Local Aeent. Oct 26 Wiunlngtoa K,C- THE, STATE CHRONICLE, Successor to the Farrner and Mechanic ann tue vnruni-cie.i - Tinder New Management. NEWSY, BRIGHT AND CLEAN, rpHE -STATE CHRONICLE. WILL a noma fmnitoaa catL t . JL what its name implies a Stat Paper. It is not the Raleigh "Chronicle.-and win not be local or sectionaL It wiu raim to keen un wim tne news rxom Aiurpny to Manteo. or. as the poUUdans put it, from Cherokee TtoCuK rltuck. . - -,.:.. - It willbe theoreanof no man. no rimr rnl svuuuu, uw iuuij. iii n ulx vis jjemocrauc in 1 t .i ' - pouues, out wiu not nesitaxe to criticise Democratic measures and Democratic ofneen. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: coo SIX AQUUO.... ............................. 1 00 Shree Months.... so X IX H STATIC CIIKONICLS Raleigh, N.C.; Executor's Ilotico. on the' estate or Amanda Trarrotr. ceased, au Deraons indebtert tn ih "S Tin riif Zt of the said deceased are hereby nUfled to make immediate payment and settlement as longer Indulgence cannot tecimi ind mi rr. longer indulgence cannot be gl fsons having claims against the said estate wiu present them for payment within time prescribed by law or in oar or their recoTC bar of their recovery. This, the ttn day of April, 1830. DAVID WILLIAMS. afil 28 oaw 6w? - gat Executor. : . - . John ITJornor. rpHERE IS BUT ONE, AND HE HOLT I forth at No. 29 Market street. A cood Shave for 20 cents, a Shampoo for so cents, or a Hair Cut for 20 cents. Four of the best Barbers in ine bt&ie. clean towels, sharp razors ana prompt attendance. - JCinj VfEHNER, . , TheCenriaLirter, i m "H Cas, , I " MndQ iJ ATLANTA SnZXf CASE enW 1 ! OBSERVEii; The Oldest and Best -Family Newjc:., ?ix Eegnlar Editors- u SK25at Ho0"' JPlr 4 chanty Binb.M pVm(n, 7 lsh more than Kar.!3j.r FIFTtpRIZE anrl tha . - i tamns. Poetn ,bhte to Sfr timns ef the ObskiivI fiU tt 5 give fifty-twoToe Jt the coining year. Ued Pmt 7,1 a year. Clergynien, $2.00 a rear. Great Inducements ftr 18 l-.TheNEWYORKr,n I ,i1Ile 1 ORK flHODr,,. f Mir nno Ag t n "''.'fill I I D w . j scrtber for ov,?TpTnan 55 nJ t iw uoe year to nnr iVw scrioer. for ovRnS'an b .2- Any subscriber . . uon for a vp i vJr'"uus m o I ber wim 7 a VgJ us IUere. eppj of v t zs: ir'iidihe ui Liii a year snn address and $irj6ii nZ bers we xnil ffi?J&5 .K!t "lrenaens i.rttoro?) -icr ue mi Auley." ' w"iM.ltoof jerfrV Sw York Observe,. INKW YORK ' 1890. Harp?r Magazine. ILLUSTRATED PER'8 Maoazinc fi- ic i?ffl ANDREW LANG." KaX maae special arrant-pmonr; :trm. !t- Daudet, the greatest of umwSL sssssssBS will be transiAtAri h irVT- i.M- W Ross and Mtbbachv T" , In Illustrated nanera. trmrMnrr vin, . current interest and' In itTShM HARPERS PERIODICAL PER YEAR HARPER MAGAZINE.,. .... HARPER'S WEEKLY........ . HARPER'S BAZAR. it HARPER'S YOUNG PE0PLI... postage Free to all tubscrfbm 10V States, Canada, or Mexico. The TOlumes of the MaraJn brtii i Numbers for J one and December ot air When no time is snedhed. BnbscrJrfla t Degin with the Number curreu uuzt celpt of order. Bound volumes of Eirpert lasriss three years back, in neat cXoth to&zi sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt ( per rolume. coth corps for bLi&zi. X - each by mall post paid. v , - Index to Harpers Marazlne, A!pi Analytical and Classified, for volar : Inclusive, from June. ISM, to Jvat, 1 VOL, 8vo, Cloth, U oa -' 1890. Harper's Wecklj.' ILLUSTRATED.' ITAttpmt'ft wTTi.T hai a wtJU. place as the leading mnstrweo- -; , , I America. The fairness of kj tcf: meats on current politics has . ersd we71ZdKJf Irary contents, wmco mcioue m-, nnrrtt et taafam and TinrSnlU. " iJliiyiOiiL ' Wl Villi SToiiir, BP I brlDsr the hlehest order of rL . ii. .V8 n..Vf tinn atUA Po.n tte lUnstraUoa ce i . 1 va&sea ol DfJLuIurin a V I . ,uuia;j " JT kyetu s J wiif appear to t3YFl I - ' -IT TTAT?TTKRft PEKIUDi- i , " - PER YEAEi . HARPER'S WEEKLY....?"-" , HARPER'S MAGAZINE HARPER'S BAZAB.... HARPER'S lOUu ruui ' r Ptwtam Pre toatt suDsariarrt States. Canada, or Mexico. en Aomwr w o. ir n-.-s no time is menuonec v;r v r . . i . i hhm with the Number curreB order. I : rrr. vJrw i n iaiciotit , : . J " . raid, or IT S ITi expTproied te tn'V cebnedoliar per voitxme). I x7iraM inr each nJJS lunding. wUl be sent tor .mnr I recernt of fl 00 each. Remittances should be ba Money order orvr.YhSs Tr xetcspaprrt arc r ir-y ;. ' r: . jr o' or SO Diamond Vera Forsalcpy 9 i t. fcblitf