, i !4 ant&l erer, Rial a. Tate?' P 1111 1 fL r fiv. 1 Manual. M " at i TTTTC nlnal at Ism. lll. .60 8r;o l.ou aFECIFlO Ho. '-3 Lirt irhSr" ,v .- rtnT tar rmai for I si ta lk-at- 4w. era -J .V' I cm i Vwl I- rive fi?rf Atonic. a r . . a r p . . . a t f .I- jure in."." - ROOT BEER! i I ffOTBEfc :i -WHOLESOiOl V P7U"-v- i" world. nx-,'.- TRY IT X,k yoor Drwt or Oroccr for It. .E. Hi RES. PHlADEii-m. CLEARANCE 300 S WORD ABOUT PIANOS. Bar- vVV ZUrranX XX 850 SATED I (JSpKpnos sofd. i Orgma i KAjxurai V.!TOTCASri PRICED ferery parrkaaer. DAT iniiiJe trtvck Pianoa, OurS225 PIANO la aold by tlM i worth it. t. rcbDeatu HE' STATE CHRONICLE. I r mTrtoihr Karnu r ami Mcclianlc ann Jnder New Management. TP WITH Til E TIMES. HE "TfTlTS- I'CKONICtE WILL u?tfVv.l;i:?UlS-ASt3te Pawr. It M vji anil will not be tw 1 from Mnhj to Manteo, or, as .vuaa put it, trora Cherokee to Cur- It wi be Democratic in rv?lZM nal toMititeio criticise pnk BKas!ires anl lemocrllc officer?. ; V:::::; g f IKr-TAIEUlKoNUfLE. froo tffrt-u of ycmtlul errors. r!r lo.t tabood. et. 1 "ill iisstiuT trtuj (fAleJj conUlnlng full b, cur FREE of rhxrtw A " Berrw; ml debilitated. Addresa, ,jplCM NSiTjY Jr"Pr rAixnto MATnm.: lV-v i oor Iiwm, i0ii or Yovi STILL AT WfiRTr. I 50V WELL PrtSrABrD TO KEPAllt f ruraiture , Scwinjai amines, Faa- -art, wherp u u -Qgjjj jjjp soa 14 tew. Wort aone -prompUy IFVhio ... L ail and see me .and ret es- i'ii.i . ... . 8k tt L r. 1 tun - 0ranS treeta. v1" re for tne New noma "Sl! 1116 JUcDlnes on J6? 'nforsale. . - - An Old trick jn Xew Drm. - Street fakirs Lavri been -reaping' a big Jurvest fron the sale of little kUss vials those uata hold hbrnrcotiatnic Del- lets. xpe.yiaia coss ac wnolcale-a frac tion of -a. cent apiece, arid iha fakirs have been retailing Jhenx.for. fire centi.each. Tteir Talue aa a'strwt hawkera novelty consists -in'-the fact' that a. remarkably funny practical jok can be played -with thein. Each of the ittle bottles now being soldjn the streets has a imall hole drilled or blowii in; the bottom. When filled with water-arid corked tightly the vial will apparently be peifectly sound. The water will notMcape froui the little .hole in' thbottoinof 'the vialiuntU the xoxk i- vTithbra)vn fronT the other end. As soon as the curk is pxtlicl out, how ever, the water will run out of the little hole. - :.. ;;.;.. J ' The joke connista in ofrerjiig a filled and corkel tKjttlo to the choen victim with ilia? jquestibn,! ".Can you tell me what tliat perfume is inr that bottled At first the victim attempts to amell it through the cork. Failing to perceive any od&r in this way he naturally with draws the " cork; and' the chances are about twenty to one that the contents of the bottle trickle down his coat sleeve and wet hi3 arm to jtho elbow, j Then' the perpetrator of the joko laughs fiendishly and the victim says;. By Jove, that is the best thing I've seen yet! Where can I get one?l The iripk is an old one,, but it has. probably neVer been sftld .before. New York Sun . I It KeemS to be tainiiig in 'London a gret deal nowadays. ' All tlie young swells, and some who are old enough to know better, go alxrtit in Cambridge and Brookline, and even in Boston, with. ten nis trousers turned away up around the bottom; and this whether the weather is wet or dry, or whether, they are walking uibh the grass or upon the driest of side walks. ' The'trouser3 are simply to be turhetl up at th& bottomland that is all there is of it. E veri the j tailors and the furnishers",' when they expose the goods for. sale,, exhibit them with the bottoms turned up, ' i - Tlie turning up istdonb in an artfully careless .way, and one begins to suspect thattherer is a fiecret about "it that only tne "born swell knows, so that the im properly turned 'n.pj trousers betray the spurious article of swell. - The trousers are. actually made long enough to He upon the ground, so that when they are turned "up the .edge; will descend to the ankle. This merely moderately amusing fashion has no particular interest, but it has occurred to me that it will be an in teresting item in tlie twenty-fourth or fifthi century to the sociological student of the curious .customs of the present period. Boston Transcript. ; I The Ughtnlng Rod Season. Now.i3 the time for inhabitants of 'the rural districts to conjure up the annual thtmder storm scare and- invoke the shade of Ben Franklin by converting house3 and barns into the semblance of colossal metallic porcupines. ! Scoffing neighbors vconsolo them with jeers, but perhaps er.ect wooden' rods to scare away that "hardy perennial," the lightning rodagent. ., Something is to be said on both sides of - the question. It is quite certain that a -well grounded network of conductors will avert to h very great ex tent danger from lightning, hut it is ex tremely likely that the same result is not attainable by the average rod that thrusts its point a few inches above the chimney top. It is well to remember that a few Jal trees around a house form a very efficient 'and artistic system that is al ways well' grounded and riever "needs overhauling. Electrical World. . . Treed -by "IV1W Geese., ; Irwin W. Bossier, of Blandon; while figging in the Maiden creek,' was attack ed by two wild geese fie was standing in the middle of the stream, when one of the geese suddenly flopped upon him; knocked off his hat and sent his rod and line flying - into the water. As Bossier grabbed for his hat he received a blow which almost broke his arm and sent him sprawling upon his back. lie waded out, but had no sooner reached the bank when another goose attacked him and. dealt him such severe blows that ho. was com'pelled to retreat. He finally crawled up' a tree, where he was rescued coui pletely exhausted.--Philadelphia Tele graph, f ',; ' ! - " .- - . : Sleeping Piueg-ers STed by a Uream. J. if. Tilford, an employe of the Liouis ville, St." Louis and Texas railroad at Ha wesville, .dreamed Friday night that the west end of the switch at that ,lace had been left open for the side track, and that tho fast freight train was nearly lue. At this point ho woke np, and was so impressed by his dream tha'he got up and went to investigate. To his sur prise he found the switch set for the side track. He set it right, thus saving many lives. There were sixty men sleeping in the cars that were then lying on the ride tracks. 'He also saved the company thousands of .dollars' worth of property. Louis viloourier Journal. A little i-yeitr-c!ldtlaughter-of James McNamara was the victim of a peculiar child was walking on the sidewalk oppo-i sue tne'oia iiexmgxon- louiiury, wucu u aevere gust of wind blew her bodily into the 6rreet, about ten feet below. The shock" broke her ,' arm and she ;a1so re ceived other injuries. A suit for dam ages will probably be brought again, tho city by the parents of the little one. . : .' ' Some bne is going to fish for the sloop-of-warDe Braak, sunk in 1793 in the lower Delaware,. with ten million Span ish dollars on board. This trifle of 250 tons cl metal was stowed away, tne crew K.oid in the " caotain8 cabin. Sho not TM UVcVi.rn TTith'hiti in his "Dockets?! uloTit A V. now be found in msocier- pQm- will seem lfresxsbleytnathe 1 1 VcV?vrp rr'ith'hiti "in bis txxkets? On the river oljife, as I lloat uloiijf, I see writh the spirits sight. That -many a nauseous i weed of : wrong; j Has root iu a seed of risltt," , -1 tore'.-il is gootl that lias gone astray . And sorrow is'only blindness, And the world is always under the sway . - Of a changeless law of kindness. The commonest "error a truth can makf Is shouting its sweeti voice hoarse, And fcin is only the soul's mistake In misdirecting its force, i And love, the fairest of all. fair " things That ever to men descended, Grows rank with nettles aud poison- ous things - LTnlesfs it is atched and tended. ! There could not be anything better than this . i . Old world in the way it began. i And though some matters have gone -amits -From the great origin plan, ! Aud however dark .tlie skies liiay uppear Ahd however souls mavblunder, ! I tell you it will all work out clear, For good lies over aud under. . -Ella Wheeler Wilcox. 1 IMerlt Wilis. We deb-ire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Dr. King'sNew Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnioa.Sulve aud Electric Bitters, tmd have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfac tion. Wo do not hesitate to guaran tee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow tl eir use. These remedies have won Jheir great popularity purely on their merits. Robert R.Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggists. - .. JULY JUMBLES. ' Merrit Are you going to set off a. powder mine this Fourth? Little Johnnie Xot much, i ain't. The thing never goes off till a fellow crawls back to see what's the matter with it.' Judge. . ' "Mr. Foggs reminds me very much of a rocket." "Ah, indeed; in what way?" "Why, I ulways think of the stick when I see him." Newly Arrived Cockney 'Ave yem lfaoy 'olidays 'ere? Wan ov the Foorce Holidays, is it? Faith, did vez niver ,near o the l oortn ar Jooly? the foinest holiday in the worrld? Cockney ( with a gleam of interest) When does it h'arrive? Dribbler: t4In my opinion, A man who writes an illegible hand does it because he thinks, people are will ing to puzzle overit. In other words, he is a chunk of conceit." Scrib bier: "Not always. Sometimes a man writes illegibly, not because he is conceited,! but because he is modest." "Modest! What about?" "About his spelling." . " . t- r AVhnt Ioes It Mean ? . "100 Doses One Dollar" means sim ply that Hood's Sarsaparilla is the most economical medicine to bujT, iDecanse it gives more for the money than any other preparation. Each bottle contains 100 doses and will average to last a month, while other preparations taken according to di rections, are gone in a week. There fore, be sure to get Hood's Sarsapa rilla,'the best blood purifier. ," "Why is that'cilled a Roman can dle?" "Don't you see the balls of fire roamin' all around? That's hy." i. Consumption Surely CureW. To thk Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of vour readers who have consump tion if they will send me their ex press and post office 1 address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st.. New York. . ; Brownr-Why don't you go out side to fire your crackers? Little Johnnie 'Cause they smell more in the house. Life. Advice to Mot tiers. Mrs. Winslow's soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it ryoduces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the- gllins, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is tne best known reuie ly for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething, or oth.r causes. Twenty live cents a bottle. julv deod&wlv Opes Bay and tgli MY SALOON, Corner of North Water and Mulberry fctreeta, l 0ra from 1 I'fM a, el Mitdn IM 11:13 p. m. SitarJij., UHA". P. BROWNE Acrent, tncHlOtf WlLMIXOTON, K. C. GermaDia to the Front. HAVE YOU SEES Tim XJ jrUEOpDE Ulaetter and Illttstrlte Welt ? These and nre other oerrt. -ja. periodicals and iso otlwr Ejgf.1 11 a perlouicals are on file at the Library As station rooms, -.13T Mart street, oyer llcjina'. Only p. 00 per year per txmiir ror use vlrcci s ' - j w , 1 WHOLESALE PRICES. Tfoelonowintf quolaUoharerescntTTriibj: sale prices generally. In mating np amkll or. drs hlglier prices liate to be cnarged. I 5 6 l 40 0 00 1 63 30 8 00 12 10 10 6 6 50 75 TO (4 9 j S3 lfrO0 0 00 14 00 BAGG1NO - '. j Gunny...... .1;.... 7 1 Standard..... ...... s & BACON Korta Carolina. ; Hams: ;.v; . n I Shoulders y ft. ......... s 9 .!sidea,v.....-: 8 WESTERN SMOKED nams,ft.....:.. sides, v ft ; 8 9 Shoulders, ft.. ....... ... Vva DRY SALTED . I Slxles,ivtt..r-. ...... ...1. 5 a ! Shoulders, v ft.. M......v... 6 BAR RELS Spirits Turpentine. ' j Second lland,each.i....... I fvtew. New York, each . J.. . New, iClty, each BEESWAX, V ft..i.........J... BRICKiWllinlngtOB, V H 1 . . . I Northern....... BUTTEIt,.V - . forth f arollna:.. .. 15. ; Northern...............;.... 251 CANDLES, V ft ' 1 sperm...........,.....;.;..; 13 g i 25 Acumanmie..r ....... 10 CUEESEj V ft Northern Factory............ Dairy, Cream.............. 13 q .1 State:..... 0 OKFEE, V - Javit.. j57 Laguyra 23 Rlo...... 1 20 x CORN MEAL, v bush, In sacks. 00 . Virginia Meal...... .V.. 00 COTTON TIES, y bundle.... .. l 25 & DOMESTICS " " J, Sheetm?,- 4-4, IP yard . . ... . . 6. & Yarns- bunch . ..... . . .. . . ' 00. egos, doz. 16 a fisu ,. ' - :' Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl..;. .. X) 00 ' Mackerel, No. l, y nil bbLi2 5d Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl.....4i5 00 WilmingtODl&WeldonRR, ' ' AND Bll ANCIIKS. 25 SO LArrl Wilson 1.'. 10 14 i 11 JO 25 ; 22 65 I 30 ).- 4 la 7 80 G 00 t 50 odi 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl. 4 Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl ... . Mullets, y bbl.... N. c. Roe. Ilemngf. y keg. Dry cod, y ft ........ . . . FLOUR, y bbl ; Western, lOw grade. .... " Extra.'..., ... " ; Family City Mills super. ... 44 ! Family.... ... GLUE, V ft . ... GRAIN, y UusheL . " I Corn, fm store, bags, white Corn, cargo, In bulk, white. Corn, argo, In bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store. . . . Oats, from store. ......... . oats, RustProof. .......... Cow Peas. ... HIDES, y ft Green!.... Dry... HAY, V 100 fts , Eastern. Western........ North River. .. . HOOP IRON, y ft. LARD, y ft Northern.. North Carolina LIME, V barrel,...,.... .. 1 25 LUMBER; City Sawed, .y Mft. " Ship Stuff, resawed ...18-00 I Rough Edge Plank .15 00 j West Imtla Cargles, accord- i lng to quality ..13 00 Dressed Flooring,- seasoned.13 00 Scantling and Board, comn.14 00 MOLASSES, y gallon- New Crop, in hhds. 44 i 44 in bbla..... .. Porto Rico, lnhhds. . . . . . ' j 44 in bbls Sugar House, in hhds.. 44 ' 44 in bbls..... Sjrup in bbla ..... , 30 50 15 00 A29 00 & 6 00 10 00 7 00 00- 6 00 5 Q 10 8 & 4 00 $ 6 00 6 00 4 10 5 00 10 43 00 53 00 38. 00 95 2 3 05 85 75 2 50 48 53 51 50 CO 3 5 10 90 00 3J,' 8 & 10 0 00 200 me 00 18 00 22.00 15 00 25' 9 Iff 90 15 00 00 25 10 75 00 65 25 28 '. 28 . 26 . 00 16 NAILS, Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 OILS, y gallon. . . Kerosene Lard. J Linseed. . Rosin.!...... ....... Tar....- v.... Deck and Spar.. ...... POULTRY Chickens, live rown... " Spring........ . Turkeys PEANUTS, V bushel, 22 ft.. POTATOES, V bUShel Swccti Irish, bbl PORK, y barrel- City Mess Prime; Rump.... RICE Caiollna, V ft........... Rough. V bush, (Upland)... ; ' 44 , (Lowland). RAGS, y ft Country... City-... .' ROPE, y ft,v.... .. .. SALT, y sack. Alum...'...... . Liverpool........... ......... Lisbon, American... - SOAP, y ft Northern . . . . . . SUGAR,' ln standard grain.. Standard A White Ex C Extra C, Golden... C Yellow.... .... SHINGLES, 7 In. y M Common.... Cypress'Saps. Cypress Hearts STAVES, y M W. O. Barrel R. O. Hogshead TALLOW, y ft,. TIMBER, y M feet Shipping.. J2 0 Fine Mill., , U 25 MU1 Prime.:'. 7 50 MlU Fair. 5 00 Common Miu.........;..... 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary. ... 2 58 WHISKEY, y gaHNorthern... 2 00 North Carolina..... ......... 1 50 WOOL. V ltWaahed... ....... 23 Barry.-. 26 30 30 23 15 18 35 50 14 45 1 o 1 00 16 20 & .22 30 & '20 1 00 1 25 75. 3 75 ...12 00 ..15 00 ... 00 ... 4 60 80 00 1 18 00 16 00 15 00 3 70 & 10 & 00 & 00 4X 6 O 0 (4 5tf6 5 5 00 2 00 -4 5) 0 00 8 CO 0 00 :'.--4 5 80 00 A X 22' 75 .50 00 70 5 , 6 6J.' 5 5 00 50 00 50 IIALLIIOAD5, 1 SiHTl . CONDENSED SCHEDULE. trains going sourn. MISCELLANEOUS. Carolina Centi-al EcHrorl j ciiANjic: of 1bchedule.x '.7 WESTBOUND TRAINS. I Dated June 15... 189a Leave Weidw. Arrlvetliocky Mount.. . rr. m. 12 30 US Arrive Tarboro. Leave Tafboro. is; 0 16 6 14 00 eiopo & 5 14 00 413 00 8 50 s 0 00 9000 V4 4 00 & 5 Of 3 00 18 18 OYSTER ROASTS AM BETTER PREPARED t I than ever to . accommodate my friends with OYSTERS this season. I iwill keep none but the Best on hand always MY uTJJS GROVE ROASTS a spedalty. Every thing overhauled t and. tmproveo. : Oysters ready at short notice and expert shuckera to open them. - 1 . special rates toiOTties. i Give-me a call and i will do my best to please jofu. - :- Respectfully, . ! .Jf.ILSTOKLlI, ; ! - ! . -': '. ". " . v- . Leave Wilson Arrive selma. .'. ...... .'. Arrive Fayettevirie.... Leave Goldsboro...... Leavo Warsaw...';... Leave Magnolia Arrive Wilmington.... P. Mi 2 30 A. M. 1020 F. M. 320 I fa -1 P X t A 3f 3 43 1 e to ......j J7 10 t'2 M 8 40! 6 00 j 315 410 4 24 ! 5 5U t m a 7 00 '-I '43 1 7 40 8 35 9 '4' l40 j -9 551 1120 TRAINS GOING NOlfTH. 1 . .. .' --.. s . . " "" . . . A. M. AM. P. M. Leave Wilmington.. ,12 01 9W 4 00 Leave Magnolia..... -I 1I 10 si 5:56 Leave Warsaw.. huh 5 5. Arrive Goldsboro 2 23 11 tf iUtiSa Leave Fay ettevllle.... ...-..; t8 40 ...... Anlvcselma 11(4) ...... ' i : p. m. Arrive W'lfson...... 1210 ...... Leave Wilson ...T 3 03 12 37 7 47 Ar. RQckj- Mounts .L..... 1 10 818 - r- ' '- Arrive Tarboro.... "2 00 ' , 1 A. M. Leave Tarboro......... . ..... 10 0 ...... " .. - - P. M. Arrive Weldon...... ...... ,4 :xJ 245 9T0 : . - . 1 i . ' Train cn Scotland N'ck -israaelr RoadJ leaves w eiaon ;j:i p. m.,- iiaiirax o:37 p. -m., arrives Scotland eck at 4.25 p. tn.,tirecni ville 6.00 a .Returning ieaves'Greenvlllo 7:20 a. m. Arrlvinsr llalllax at 10:10 a. ni., Weldon 10:30 a. m., daily except Sunday. OnMOnday, Wednesday and Friday. Local Freight leave3 Weldon 10:30 a. i m., Halltax a. m.. Scotland Neck 2&0 p. m. Arriving Greenviae 5:10 p, m. Returning, leave Green ville Tuesday, Tnursday and Saturday 9:30 a. m., Scotland Neck 1:00 p. m., Halifax 3:C5 p. m. Arriving Weldon 4:03 p. xrt. . Train leaves Tarboro, N. C via WUberraarle Raleigh R. 11. dally except Sunday, 4.05 P. M., Sunday 3.00 P.L, arrive Willi am sten, Na, 6.30 P. M., 4.20 P.- c. Plymouth 7.r P. M., 5 20 P.' M.' .'Returning leaves Pis-mouth, mouth. 'N. C. daily except Sunday, C.0Q A. M., Sunday 9.00 As M.. Willfamston 7.10 A. M., 9.58 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, i9.: A. M , 11.P0 A. M. 1 Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds bpro, N. C, dally exdept Sunday, 6.00 A. M., artve smithfleld.N. C.,. 7.30 A. M. Retwrnlng leaves Smithfleld, N u.i 8.00 A. M,, arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 9.30 A. M. Tram cn Nashville Branth leaves Rocky Mount-.at-3.00 P. M.. arrives at Nash ville at 3.40 P. M., Spring Hope, 4.15 P. M. ReturnUng leaves .sprins Iiope '10.00 A. M.. Nasnvllle 10.35 A. M., arrive ilocky Mount 11.15 A.M.. dally uxcept Sunday 1- Traln on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily, except Sunday, at COO P. M. and 1 10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 A. M. and 3.10 P. M., connecting at War saw -with N03. 41 40, 23 ahd 7S. Southbound Train oir Wilson & Fayett eMlle Branch Is No. 51. Nortlibomid is No. 50. Pally except Sunday. Train No. 27 South wiirstop' only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.' Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don tor aU polnf3 North dally. All rail via Richmond, and daily, except Sunday, la Lay Line. All trains ran solid bet ween Wilmington and WashlngtonAna navo Pullman Palace Sleep era attached. - JOHN F: DIVINE, Gen'l Supt. . J. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen l Passtmger Agent. Atlantic Coast Lice. VVHuiington, Columbia & Augusta H. K; Co. jjgl fcwt. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Aprjr.20, 18tf). Leave Wilmington. Leave Marion.. Arrive Florence . . . . rave Florence. Arrlye Sumter. . . i , '' Vavo sirmtcr.... Arrive Columbia. NO. 23. NO. 27. NO. 15. .' ' P. M. P. M. A. M. ' 6 15 10 10 9 33 12 44) 10 20 1 20 ........ NO. 50 No. 58 A. M. A. M. A. M. 3 20 . .... . f 8 25 ' 4 35.- 9 35 No. 52. ' , . A. M. 4 35 t 10 33 ......... 6 15 il 55 I Leave Wilmington Lea ve Hamlet.. ....;. ljeav adesboro. Arrtve C harlotte...; Leave Charlotte.. -... Leave Uncolnton No. 43. dally cxJdaily ex. Sunday. 9 30 &ID . 1 ?5pm z 4 1 pm ..1 Leave Shelby 2.J a r-iKm . . . . . . . . . . W. r Ha... 8 M pm "KoTST sanday. 2 ti 1 n 3 tl C 4,ripmt-p cji.r iP? ;:v BASTBOUNn. TRAINS. Ill - r v Jane29,l!sia, kUUyex" suntuy; Leave RntherTdtn . . . . Leave Shelby. . ....... Leave Lincoln ton Arrive Charlotte. i..t.. Leave Charlotte... Leave Wades boro..... Leave 11 am let . ........ Arrive Wllmlngt'n . . . . NcCiaTii'foTsit dally ex puiklay 8 05 am 9 59 am 111 00am 17 am .13 25 ran 2 06 pm 3 19 pm 7 20 pm aoopm- ' 13 copm M, 7 90ia - . - Trains No. 4.Tknd Jl tnairn ftcmeT poTVTntitn- at Hamlet tor Ka'elgh and at Ltncolnton tor: . Hickory and W. N. c . , V - - . . TrainsNo. 25 and 24 make close connection ? at Hamlet, K) and from Ralcfgh and at Monroe'T for Chester. . ; ( ' Through Sleeping cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. T. W. W H I SN ANT Superintendent.. t T. W.CLAKK. Genl Passcncrr Arcnt. .. ' ' Atlantic Coast Line.;1:; ' North-Eastern R. R. of J ,.1r CONDENSED SCHEDULE.! TRAINS GOING SOUTH. 2 Dated May 12, '89 , No. 27. No. 23. No. , ' . I -!..- " . . . " '.- ' ! A. M. A. M. Leave4 Florence..;... 1 35 9S0'.t 44 Klngstree 2 29 10 65 Arrive Lanes. 2 50 . I 20 P. M .' - Leave Lanes.... ..... 3 60 ll20j: .7 6. , Arrive Charleston;;.. 5 00 ". 1 80 - ., . ' -j ' A. M. M. j P. M 1 . . . . ' ' 11 '-''-11. . f , Train on c. & D..R, R. connects at Florence with -No. 23 Train; - . TBAIN3 GOINd ! NORTH." -J j 1 .. . . ?' No. 78. NO. 14. NO. 65 . k ' - . - .. A. M. P.M. A. M Leave Chariest on... 12 25 n 30 -7 " Arrlvo Lanes.....;... i2 45 6 28 9 ; -i Iavo ianes.....;... 2 m C 2S . -1 1 ' 44- Klngstree 310 6 46 .' Arrive Charleston.... 4 20 7 65 ' ' ' ' ' - A. M. P.M. A. M. ' - Dally, t Dally except Sunday. '' 1 Train No. 14 connects at Florence with tralc on, C. & 1). R. R lor Cheraw, s. c, and Wadea boro, N. o. - i .- 1 . ' No. 52 runs through to Columbia via Central It. R. Of S. C. I ' Nos. 78 and 14 run solid to Wilmington, -C, making close connection with W. W. l.'..tor all ioints north. JNO. P.UIV1NB, ' General Superintendent. ' J. K. KENKV, Ass't Genl Manager.'. , T. M. E.MEHSON, Genl Pafisenghr Agent. 1 my 11 Kn m nma through from Charleston via Central it. It . . Leaving Lanes 915. .f Manning vj a. ai. -Train on c. & D. IL It. connects at Floreht e with No. 53. TRAINS GOING NORTH, NO- 5L Leave Columbia.- Arrive Sumter....... Leave Sumter. ...... Arrive Florence ..... Leave Florence..... Leave M arlon. . :....; Arrive Wilmington... P. M. " 10 35 11 58 11 58 A iM 1 15 NQ. T8 A. M, 4 35, 8 35i Na 89. NO. 53. P. M. t 37 7 50 P. M. i 5 20 6 32 NO 14. IV . ,". 8 55 11 45 , "Dally. t Dally except Sunday. No- 53 runs through to Charleston, S. C, a Central IL It., arrTvtng Manning 7.-04 I. M... Lanes 7:43 P. M., Charleston 9-J30 P. 3L I No. 59 connects at Florence with C. and D. train from Cheraw ana Wades boro. 4 Nos. 73 and l( make cipse connection at Wil mington with W. W. R. R. for all points North Train on Florence R. R. leave Pee Dee dally except Sunday 4:40 PM., arrive Rowland 7u p. m. - Returning leave Rowland 6:30 a. m.. ar rive Pee Dee 8-5t a. m. . . :, ; Train on Manchester Augusta K R. l?aye Sumter dally, except Sunday. 10-.50 A. M..arrl ve Rimini 12.-01 P. M. Returnlnff leave Rlmlnl 12:15 P. M., arrive Sumter 1 J . 1 JOHN F. DIVIDE, . - General snpcrlntendi.t. . T. M. EiiERSON, General Passenger AgepH novis , .... ?.: . ! , j. ". Table Board. ; FSW GENTLEMEN CAS HZ ACC03U40 dated mailTaWJBo&ra ca tpplIcatJon tx tacanu - dNTUiBDaT WANTED. ... ..,; AGENTS OF. EITHER SEX TIIROUGHOU' the United States to handle our celebratea corn and Bunion Cure. Its application af fords almost instant relief; and every: box la accompanied by a f 5 guarantee, which amount; , we will forfeit in every instance where our"' remedy falls to perfect a permanent cure.- ' Sample box, 25c; six boxes, $L We will pay. good agents 3 per day to introduce our goods. . into their section; no postals. .For terms and particulars address the manufacturers, , 1 II. SlIRODER & CO., i , H 104 and 106 North Ada Street; feb 14 lw.dAw , Chicago, UL FOR 1890. oasider SJ.usy sua MaiAziNs waa to: . are deciding upon your reading matter for ' next season. Ine subscription, rate la loir $3U)ayear. ., The standard of the Magazine Is high, ' t lis spirltprogressive. . ' The Illustrations are interesting: Ahd Of the best. . . i . ir There is not space here to clve even a sum mary of the features to appear this year, but among other things there will be a new dc- ftartment and additional pages, and groups of tlust rated articles will bo devoted to the fol lowing subjects. African Exploration and Travel, Life on a Modern War ship 3 articles), , Homes in ti'v . suburb, and Country , ITovldlng liy.L through Building AssocU -tlons, I " - i ' The Citizen's rnrs. , , Electricity in the HTisehold, Ericsson, the In vet v.-- by hla Anthorlz:' BlogTaph?r. 1 - - . Hunting, ; . Humorous Artist's, American and Foreign .... 1 There will tie 3 erl als. .1 t ; '. Robert Louis Stevenson will contribute im. ' . . . liach subject, and there wul be a great ra- rlety this year, will be treated by writers most, competent to speak with authority ana with interest. Readers who ire Interested", ire nri-ed to send for a prospectus. . ; Charles Scribner's Sons ' 743 Uroadway, N. Y. . Jane tf ' h ' v.i''. r ; Mm ssi'ife ! A'itir (inh'W ttrotiiiitl v filled. We strive to please our customers. Proofs submitted when desired. .. . Largest Stock of Pajer tcr select - from." ' ! , -.- .' Satisfaction guaranteed. . i JACKSON & BELL, ' V ' ' Leading Printers and Binders. For Gale. f 1 000 TYPE METAL, CLEAN j?d to good condiucr. wm to sold ehe&p. AprUat - w TiinornvA:-;

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