' ' '" " "' r t ;r-::'vv-LlA8S'KOTCi' ''! '!r"7 we Win feeglad toreccXTo eocamttCi'cns from oar menas oa taj &j aarstas general latrest,lnrt .-z "-- !. i The came or cue wrlr mass alirxn t) tar. ataaeacouiS21tor. --.XV' - CommaoiiarJOM mas ho wrttten cajcjulr one side of tne paper. ' ' Personaiiues man tie avoided. V Ani it la espectaitx and p&rtlcatarr yr.ffr stood us At the Sdttor docs oct artrajBfxSrn e the neirs of correapondeiit anVtn to tatM to the editorial coinmna, i -m I if" rtttf (jitor and Pro?. IT t ix: tiaa Three nta. sr cent. .hs m earners, tree 3 . rrport any and VOL. XIV. WILMINGTON, N, C, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1890. NO 177. lr W itgtfW I mm i mi -tr rTrvCo NUTRITIOUS JU.CC piCS OF CALIFORNIA, with the medicinal STbtccncial to the human SLlnii an Agreeable Se&ctive laxative to perma Habitual Const, and the many ills de on a weak; or inactive Sicfthc CIEIS.UVERMD BOWELS. jntMienelleti remedy kwmata ciustmsrsnu erncmur ' JSTMand 8TWENCTH MTUil.Y rottow. Ttry one is UMUg it and all are (fchtcd with it. ac tx cnxinst row ftAMUMCTUJUO ONLY BY . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. JJI fSAMClSCO. CAL. rorutjr BOMEltT It HFLLAMY. WBOLZSALE DUL'GGIST, . Wilmington. N. C iSneed & Co., w 8 CCCfcttOM TO KNOXVILLE Fl lil- nei Ijuvp ariMic designs, lowest jftii iTtrj xiy tnUcd to raU and Inspect adk nac mjl3tX 1DSIAN & Y0LLER8, WDOLKSALK DflALEKS IN ProThlons, Groceries, Lirs, Tobacco, Cigars, AND Car.' Trout n! Dotk StS WIL31IXGTON, N C. IttCtf Just Arrived l A 'CILOTorTIIAT rREsn UP-COt'N- TKTTER.iaMUAll Kits, at Hall jt i e a its? a l l8, Jr i ti ' II aaJ U So. Water Street. CO w CO CO w w w h i W -Men on the Solid Boalh- ntti . :o.Jtvnhtaffct nenrj O. Turner. v, ira p.jotkca, Wia. J. Wilson, Ceo. .A.!vLcE;aBd others. Price IL25, 1 CL W. YATES. f S CAROLINA BEA0H AND SOUTHPOET. TiiKgVLYAN OHOVE! lt KINGTON ATOA.M. AND ti I to. fcrturaruy Varra thV Beach .at EL m I m tv4..m urn at I ' 1 - - m IU4J m mmt i v mw r m. &nd a n. m The Beach at 8 p.m. oivTuea. m!-twt xcrpt Sunday. 'ny 5s wnuWthe rooua trip. - Ctf J. W.HAKP1H. Ma&aser. PRINTED WITH Lai toanoiacuired by Puring the last year forty-two col- j leges received cirtatfrinonevainoant log to $2,0:5,000. j ) France has more than a quarter of a million carrier phjeon trained I for war purpoe. Almost M,000 Frenchmen belong! JL m. ft V A W ' 1 .... to me igion or Honor; 33fU2i or j them are connected with the army, The rest are civilians. , : , ! " The Congregation at. Oxford has I declted to Include the examination for the degree of bachelor of medi cine in examinations for women. The new bridge authorized by Cougrpsi to his built across the Hud son River bet een New York and Jertey City will , be 7,000 feet long and have one central span 2,8-?0 feet in length. i The most densely populated square mile in the world is in the city of New York. It is inhabited by 270,- 000 people, (he largestpart of whom are I tali ins, who speak only their native language. ! j. - -- - Miss Frances B. Willard, in her walks about, Chicago, has discovered women who make sklrU for 75 cents adozeu aud furnish their own thread. 81ie also finds, childreu working 12 hours a day for a week.! A State convention of the Demo cratic clubs of West " Virginia is to be held at Parkensburg Thursday, Aug. 14th, for the purpose of ar ranging for a systematic and vigor oos Congressional and legislative campaign In that State. . . -Chief Justice Marcus Morton, of Massachusetts, is going to retire from,the.Bencht after a continuous service of thirty-two years! He was appoiuted Justice of the Smerior Court In 1838, and promoted to the Supreme Court in 18G9. According to the East Asiatic Llovd there are 7.005 foreigners and 47 foreign business firms In Chinese ports. Great Britain has there 3,276 citizens and 200 firms; Germany 50G citizens and 72 firms; the United States l,06t citizens and 27 firms; France 551 citizens and 20 firms. The fact that "the waves in the North Sea differ- In shape when caused by a northeast wind under high pressure from those caused by a southwest wind with low barome ter. Is considered as a proof that the air In an nntl-cyclone is a descend ing current, and the air in a cyclone an ascending current. The Dutch General van Merlen in Harlem Invited his surviving com- rades on the field of Waterloo to celebrate with him the seventy-fifth anniversary of the battle, -j Seven veterans responded. Their ages were respectively 97. 05, 04, 93, 02. 02 and 01. All save one are in the most strained circumstances. The Government statistician of New South Wales, T. A. Coghlan, has estimated the population or Australia at the beginning of 1ho current year ta be 3,786,70$- This is an Increase dartrg lSSO of 113,005 or 3.10 peP cent. The population of New Zealand is now 020,270, an in crease during the year of 12,800. A probable deficit of $00,000,000, pvpn with the onerations of the sinking fund suspended, is what the St. Louis Globe-Democrat finds will be the outcome of the present Con gressional, programme. But it de clares the party cannot afford to go before the country either with a de fieit or with a failure to reduce the revenues from tariff reduction. H see JJ8 to be necessary, hoVvever, for the party to choose one or the other alternative. i j : ; . , Electricity a a motive power for street cart seems to b a success m Boston if we may judge by the fact j that 125 Milts fordamages, aggregat-; fng-$i52,O00, haver been ..entered In: the4 Boston Courts It is to bj as-, sumed that the electric cars are Quaking money, as people ordinarily do not go to law wttu- oornorations that have no resources. It is' evi dent, too, that the Bostonlans have no notion of surrendering Important privileges without adequate ! com pensation. . - Merit wins, as the marvelous sue of Hood's Sarsaparilla shows. it roseris.true medicinal merit; LOCAL IN" TW"S- IHIUCX TO Niw ADTZRTisixnrrs Fwkd & Co Furniture C W Yates Noted men on the Solid South People i,;. didn't sleep j last night In front of open windows. We are Korry to ntate that Mr. K. v. Hewlett, of this ofllce, isVick and confined to the house. ! Canteloupes continue wonderfully1 dear. You can't buy a dozen de- cent ones for less than $ 1. Fifty first-class hand wanted to make Pants, by the day or piece. Apply at 122 Market street. t Capt. Whisnant, we are pleased to note, is much better and was able to come down to the city yesterday. Rubber Hose, Lawn Mowers arid Rakes of the latest and most im proved makes are sold by the N. Ja cob! Hdw. Co. . t Promptly at 1 o'clock-to day nearly, every store, in Wilmington closed its hospitable doors; ex. con tincnii, as it were. i Keep dry and you will keep 1 healthy. Umbrellas, rubber coats, j &c, at I. ShrierV, S. E. comer Front and Princess streets. t Goldsboro had good rains yester day. The tctal rainfall reported for the 21 hours ending at 6 p. in. last evening was 1.75 inches. - I am Manufacturer's Agent for Barbed and all kinds of Wire, Com bination Wire and Iron, Fences. Or ders solicited. James I. Metts. t lien. M. P. Taylor, of this cMty, is now engaged on the survey of the rhomasville, Siler Valley & Pee Dee K. R., which will have a terminus at Wadesboro. This has been a dull tlay, in every respect; still, as it is a half-holiday, and all were anxious to close up and get out of town, it need not think of apologiziug. With "Regal" Paint on' your house and "Plastico" on your walls, jyour house will be beautiful and your family happy. Sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co , factory agents. t. It is cheaper to ride now, than to walk, according to the Charlotte News. TheC. C. Railroad will sell round trip tickets from that city 'to this, during the encampment, at $6.50. . . The mule belonging to Mr. Tom Edens, which stuck a nail in his foot Saturday night a week ago, at Front Street Market, the saia nail having been withdrawn by the teeth of a colored man. died yesterday of lock jaw. New Push and Pull Blind Hinges. Locks the blind 'when opened or closed. Saves labor and cost of put ting on inside fastenings, which are not needed with these hinges. . Car penters, it will pay you to examine and use same. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t The Grove carried down a good crowd to Carolina Beach to-day most of whom, however, were ex cursionists .from up-country. But the city will send a big contingent down there this evening to attend the concert to be given by the Ger mania Band and to hear the excel lent vocal nuisic which has been promised- Treating "Doff Bites, " An exchange says that a good thing to do for a mad dog bite is to fill the wound full of gunpowder and touch it off. This meets snake bites too. This U a heroic, remedy but It Is said to be really efficacious. An efficacious and aboriginal plan Is to procure half a dozen younr live fowls, cut the skin from tne side of one, and put-the raw spot against the bitten part. In a few minutes take another fowl and use it in the , same way. 4our win prooaoiy uir the fifth will get giddy, but not die, and the sixth may not be needed. Such treatment for dog bites is handier than and is as reliable as the mad stone. ltackln'a Arnica SW. The Besr Saive in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Bkin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give - perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. . Price 25 cents pet box. - - For sale br Kobert H, Bellamy, It is very important In this ape of vast material progress that a rem- ; edy be pleasing to the taste and to the eyt easily taken, acceptable to the stomach and healthy in its na- tureind effects. Possessing these jualitic?4 Syrup of Figs is the one perfect - laxative and most gentle diuretic'known. The Melon Market. Watermelons are scarce. Bnt few really fine native melons have -been lroughthere as yet but we under" stand that the prospect foi a plenti ful supply next week is very fine. Tnere is J one melon farm of several acres East of the city that is full of fine, largo melons that will ripen in a few days, and we hear that Mr. 13. R. King has eight or ten acres in melons on the Poor House farm that will pan put splendidly. Yard Master of the C. . & Y. V. Capt. Albert Worth is now Yard Master it the 'depot of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad in this city. lie seldom comes over to . t the city but spends most of his time, day aud night, at the depot at Point Peter. We gladly welcome him here. No cleverer gentleman hajs ever sailed "the broad bobom of the Cape Fear' and no man in this sec tion has more friends and well wish ers than has he. His family are still in iFayetteville but will probably join him here in the Fall. , , c v ( Mule Overboard. Considerable excitement prevailed along the water front this? morning, ('apt. Oldham's mule ran away with his dray and jumped into the dock at the foot; of Dock street. Several colored men who saw the catastro phe spriig into a boat and succeed ed in getting the-mule'free from the dray. . They then, with a deal of care and 'skill, and in the face of a strong tide, succeeded in leading the mule around to Maiket street dock where itj was j led up the incline safely to terra Jinna. This Moraine's Temperature. The minimum temperature iiere during last night, as reported at the Signal office, was 58 degrees, making i t S8 degrees cooler than on the pe vious night. At 8 o'clock this morn ing it was 6G degrees here; Wash ington, Philadelphia, Chicago, Nash ville, Cairo and St. Paul reported the same, 'while it was 62 at Port land, Boston and New York, 70 at Norfolk, Charlotte, Augusta and Sa vannah, .8 at Charleston, 78 at Jacksonville, Pensacola and New Or leans and 80 at Mobile and Galves ton, i I A Fesslon Swindle. Conederate veterans are warned against a pension game that is now being practiced by Washington sharks. . No Confederate soldier can get a pension from the United States Government, yet some : pen sion agents at Washington have found out the names and postoffice address of hundreds of Confederates in this State, and have mailed them regular United States pension blanks for them to fill out and return. The game is ths: The Confederate sends in his claim as requested on thje reg ular United States pension blanks. The pension attorney then writes him that 'his claim i lias been tiled and for hiin to forward $ 10 as a' re tainer. The money is forwarded, and in a few davs . the , Confederate receives a reply that his claim is de barred by aw. ' - Campbell Encampment. A meeting of j Campbell Encamp ment No. l, I. O. O.' F., was held last night at Odd Fellows Hall; and the following named officers were installed by Grand High Chief Pa triarch Benjamin Bell, viz: Chief Patriarch Jas. L. Yopp. Senior Varden H. O. Craig: Junior Warden M. T. Davis. High Priest W. Shaw. Scribe H. Burkheimer. Treasurer J.1 L. Dudley. Guide j. A. McCraw. Oj S. S.-E. V. B. Yopp. ' J. S. S.-W. G. T. Keen. " First W.-G. C Jackson. Second W. BJ. W. Jacobi. Third Wi-N. F. Brandt. Fourth W.-F. Lafello. First G. of T. T. J. Pratt. Second G. of T. W. II. Sttauss. Campbell Encampment is , in a flourishing' condition and is steadily . . !. . - -x. - ; ' increasing lin luemberslup. It was reorganized about twelve luonms aso trith ten members, and has now Forecasts. For Korth Carolina, fair weather and stationary temperature to day and warmer on Saturday. Local forecasts, from S a, m. to-day,., for Wilmington and vicinity, fair wea ther, and slightly warmer. , Turtle $onp anl Turtle SJeak. A -monster ..turtle) weighing nearly 400 pounds, was caught on the beach at Wrightsville last night and was sold here this morning to Messrs. Hint on, proprietors of the Purcell House. It was exposed on the pave ment in front of the house for a while and attracted a great deal of atten tion. . He will be guillotined this af ternoon and to morrow and Sunday the guests at the Purcell will be re galed on turtle soup and turtle steak, ad libitum, ad infinitum. NEW ADVISKTISjEMENTS,' LIVE ISJDIAWS, A STANDARD BRAND OF 5 and 10 Cent Cigars. Fer sale by. jy 10tr MCNDS UROTriKUS-. SUMMER RESORT I 'AT liANTIC VI EW," WKIGUTSVltLE, N.O., ' I- : S XOW OPEN UNDER SAME .MANAGE- lnf-nt. The Hotel antfc srounds are near the waters of the bound and the Atlantic Ocean and a few step3 from the Depot of the yea- coast Kaiiroaa irom wuniinsion Ask the conductor of the train to stop you at WrightSYiiie. BOARD BY MB. DAY, WEEK 08 MiiH Send for Circulars. i - ED. WILSON MANNING, jo JJ tf ; j Proprietor. Fishermen's Supplies, Builders' liurdware, PAINTS AND SASH : .; : t : :: WALKER'S STRICTLY PURE WHITE LEAD, ! made by the old Dutch process, the best Lead on the market. They not being In combina tion can make special price on same.' COOKING STOVES. Largest assortment in (the State to select from; sold at factory prices. Oil Stoves ofj All Sizes. In tltem you will find comfort and economy, , Pnmpp, Step-Ladders. We ask for your patronage and shall ever endeavor to deserve the same, . ; Respectfully, N. Jacobi Hardware 6o apl tf 12 SO. FKONT ST SPECIAL NOTICE ! O UK PRIVATE STOCK 1S76 It 1 -E is UM- --!.. , the best wniSITEY sold Jn the doubtedly South to-day. l?elov youvlll imd a few out of many letters htch wei roo'lvo and not U-'o wll what they contain: Brown & Brown, druggists, of Winston, say: '-The Private Stock, '76, gives entire satis faction to our customers and we think It is a nne mediclual Whiskey.B - II. Rose, also of Winston, writes m us fol lows:. "The 'Private Stock' WhUkey I bought through yonr Mr. Simon has proved a success and will keep It herealttr a-s my leading brand.' j . J. A. Burns & Co.. of Fjayetteville, have this to say: .1 "I have used your new brand of 'Private Rtnrw- if-ti hvr Whiskey and will say that I am wpii niPispd with it and that it H all you recommend it to' be. My customers prefer this brand to all others. ' Brimliilcl,Simon & Co., ' -..-.( .:. 111 N. Front fcf., Dealers m Uquors, Cigars and Tobaccos, my 00 tf ) : ISLAND BEACH HOTEL J. A. BROUN. 3Ianager. JJAVIXO LEASED TflE ABOVE NAMED Hotel, situated at the Hammocks, I am pre pared to cater sui-eefuily to the van t of the public j The tables will be eupphea witu the choicest viands eft he season. j ' ' Many places of great toterest in the tlda lty. surf Bathing Bath Uousos In still water, fine boating facilities, unrivalled fishing, and above ail an unexcellea cnislne, cottagea on the Beach coMCcted uoteu - with the rroL MUlers celehrated Band ccjased tor the sfeason. , i , . j. a. cnox7n. JIANA'JJ NEW ADVERTISER! DNTa. S031ETUING NET7;! JMIKH2ISA P.EEU SALOON OPENKP ON ; Second stiwt, tettrccn Market and rrtncesH ,wrrr ! can got ' j - A Scliooncr ol'Iicer for 5 Cenfs. C uarnteed. to bp the host lo the Cltji r.INGEli Af.Kj SODA WATKR, Ac , c. ! Alsoaj fcimilar house at No. 4 Korth Water.7 street, where the Mite articles arc kept at the same prices. . ; Jj51w ! ... . . Bargains ! Uargains! Bargains -IX LADIES' SLIPPERS AND - r, " :';,- Gentlemen s low Quartered SHOES!! 1 Ladies (opera Slippers 50c ; j Ladies' Lace Oxfords, Plain Toe, T5c ' ! . i : . ' ' ; . ,: Ladles' Lace Oxf ords,Pat. Leather Tip3,$L0). I i' - - . -.-t j Ladies' Lace and Button Oxfords, IJ.S3L : . ; Gectlemeo's Low Shoes in all the latest j , j ' j ' c styles at marvellous LOW PRICES. Geo. K Frencli i&Sohs,! 108 North Front Street. ; (Opposite The orton.) 13 tf I i i i i t i ; Germania to the Front. I FI AVE YOU SEEM THE LAST FLIEGENDE Blaetter and Illustrif e Welt ? These and five .; other uerman periodicals and lf,0 other Eng lish perlodlcaLsare on rile at the Library As sociation rooms, liStf Market street, over Huggins'. only trooper year rer lamily for usoof r.omn. i Jo 88 tf 1 . When walking through ohr town ; In search of somethiag nice to eat,, No matter Where you're bound Pass down Soui h Front street. Half way down the second square .- - j A largo brick store youU see " ; The people buy their Groceries there From B. F. -.SWANS'. .Li One hundred and eighteen Ls the number on the door; , : The nice things you are looking for ! Are in to at very STore. ? Walk In ! and you will find ; His stock is most complete, Best quality of Goods, j And the prices can't be beat. - . i t jy 3 tf DtW ) Opp. Front Street Market. 1 Not at All Necessary JO CARRY YOUR PROVISIONS OR LUNCH to Carolina Beach as there is a . First-Class Family Grocery there, supplied with everything the market affords and sol at city prices All Kinds of Canned Goods FOR LUNCH AND PIC NIC PARTIES arid everything else that goes to make up ft Ann liinrTi i ! r uu supply oi ivtu aiwas on nana. , The residents! of CAROLINA BEACH will j and it to their interest to deal with me as I will kccD on handleverylhlng In the Grocery and Housekeeping line - j , J IIANB A. KCJttE, ! J 7 1 f I PROPRIETOR. ,! "To eateli lUme Fortune's golden nmilo Assiduous v.t.i it upon her - I And gather jr ir ny every wile- v - ! Thatu justiiiuu vy honor, ' Not, for to hide it in a hedge. ; Not for a tram attendant, , . .., But for the glorious privilege of being independent. " : ' r ,Vij mitt can frti iniaijeit"rtt who pays rent, secure a, Home and be your own.LindJord. Why pay rent When the same money will buy you a home. I louses and lots In desirable and healthy; localities and building lots on the prominent streets of the city for sale on the installment PLAN, satisfactory time given. Money loaned to those, wishing lo build. Apply to - I I . JAMES UILSON, je 24 1 w j offlce of Do'connor.; THE ACME MANTJFA0TURIN& 00. SfANUPACTURBRS OF - i -. . ;". - If''1- -- Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and i Pine Fibre Matting. Wilmingtoii, - - S. C. THE IMPUTATION OFOCB rEKTLLlZEKS (.- -.- i - :'J the ACME and GEM. is now established, and the results of three years' use m tne nanoa ot the best farmers of this and other fctates win attest their value as a high grade manure The M ATTINO, made from the leaves of our aaUre piae, is conceded to be equal to any woo! carpet for comfort and durability and tna demand tor it is dally Increasing. It has vtx ttiea not fojud la any other fabric The 1B itfi or WOOL U extensively naed for upholstering purpoeca, and as s txtrz tot Kattreeses tt almost equal to hair, bets? UsrU. eiastle and proof ajainsi injects, OeruHcates frca reUabu parties tncercr cools can te ici tl car cce, crwCl be uafu lUix3clf Ua, a . Sold by nil drupgkts. trholesslo ai;d ttil drv zztet. . -: a members lilp of gone forty-odd.' nj23ti