PLEAS3 KOT1CS. excepted f A vat e6 ut e TWt i'cur. shore sr. nvr.- - -r VV A , 1 - jat fcrsa . ...niTinniJUlOE rtS OF CALIFORNIA., 'r b fSn y 111 dc aU.k or inactive, i.i-rt rf tllC UVERMD BOWELS. Strength uryAUY follow. rcce is using it and all are Ir-h!ti with rn n VOL. XIV WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST li 1890. NO 195. Wo Kia to clal to rccciTO conmsrlcat oas Crom 'our tricaii oa ay 2l fcHtzSjocts general interest, Dut r;r i . Ttxa name ot the writer mast Always fee fur nisted to tLe 2xtw. ... '. , - t'; -'.' ; commtmicatiOM must t writ tea ca cur oao side of ae paper. ; Persoaalittes mast to aroiael j A&i it la espectAiir Aas ptrUcaiirtj oaiert stood mat tae Oltor does not always endorse meTlews of eorrespondents unless o tt&ted In tne editorial colamca. . - , ' The Comte de Paris will sail for , New York on epteiuber. 23,' "with j hi? ont the Due d'Qrleans; onl two friends." . .. -. ' i - ; i a ... The oldest inhabitant found by the censua enninerator, J. 8piihnant ia Marietta, Ta., is Nancy Greshaw, 11C years old. Uo)toii ha au ll-year-old lieroiue Lirzie Murphy, who lafct week jumped overboard and gaved a child of 3 from drowning.' ". . .- . " .I ' i ' The great elm felled In" Medneld, Miuf., last week" wa eoinetliing like 200 years old. It uieasureil twenty feet In clrcumfereuce. " ' . - , Perhaps the youngest mother in the country lives at Chapel Hill. Slip Is not li years of age and has been married nearly a year. Thi dog days end this year on: the j Viotninst. . j r ... ' - Mr Herbert Borden was in Golds boro yesterday on a visit to relatives there ..-t.. j' ' -. : : - ir LOCL 1KDXZ TO KIV ATKKTISMMTS f iIekd k Co Furniture J F G ark ell Fine Meats MrxD8 Bkoth rxs Dru grists : C w YATM-sotea men on the Solid soutu t Key.y . - usr, x. x.t ietteville, Rector emeritus of St. We lose this month .57 minutes of : r0uftB Church in that city, washere davl ffht. cj Not a highway robbery reported this" week. ' finr iiiprehants look forward to a' flue trade next Fall. ; - " ' - - . ' : 1 Boutfi NBW ADVEUTI8EMBNTS. $ BW ADVEItTlSEaiENTtJ. Q yestepay.; I A new model school iu Germany, which has been built at a cost of 25.000. coutailis a large dining robin where 700 ' poor be fed In winter. children "can America was - discov just 392 years ago to-day. Some very fine August mullets were in market yesterday. : This month has five Fridays, five Saturdays and five 8uuday This is the mouth for taking stock by the up-town merchants. : Fine weather to day and nearly everybody gone out of town. - Send us some North Carolina hams There is hardly one in the city now. afpnha F.- arrelI received yes- . r ft a f . lipeves 1 ttntmnnf r temDerature. Local icriiuj i uti ivj puv "" 1 - j - - . . tli a lnver nastures in forpeasts. from 8 a. -m. to-day, -for ' y 1 tut 'Wt-stPrn part of the State, and VVilmineton and vicinity, - fair, vea- ve?eilit witf be ITffefed onliis stalls to- ther and slight-changes in tempera OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER IN ONE DAY. - fvt ATTitRHHRS MAIMS TO ORDEU. 17 PHINCBS3 SrKEBT L 1 " J., A. BROWN, Manager. Forecast. rv,. "Nrrh Hftrolina. fair weather Z V A a w - , . morrow. See ad. ture. A wild sweet orange has beetidis- Col. W. C. Joues and Capt. Wr K- Ketiau, of this city, .wrote to CoL. Anthony, at Charlotte, begging him hot to resign his command-of the Fourth Regiment, and yesterdays Chronicle publishes the letters, with a number from 'officers of that com mand. ' ; .. :';J Fairly good weather may be Iook- covered, gowing in the northern for now until the middle of tbe pari of Florida. "Jhe fruit haugs on mouth. .... V L t 1 tne tree mi uiojrm v Y . jr.,raUi Kneaks 01 a . " A . , s.. jix luoniusiiiirr iv i8 ..i'-. ,vlin East, due Here . . : " . ix 1 1 11 " " ... w . . .-n iirwinovs iivHr iliii The I-dio Uelllitl, : , ;l Tlie pleasant effect and ' theper fect safety 'with which ladies .may use the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions make it their favorite remedy. Marquentln Asliore. Signal Observer Deiuain, at South port, telegraphs the office here) thai the British barquentitie Lydia foul Pfl her anchors last night, and drift inn- witb- the ebbing tide struck the . ,i ink boat Addie. ini urtng her slight v She then grounded on Battery Island shoals. It is expected ;that she will float off without injury as soon as the tide begins to go out. On to Augasta. r : Jlr. H. Walters, General Manager MrJ W ..( a nmiM Tjine i f - , I 111 INC LilIU V ' It is plena; -- . nt ,o.W W I . i Chauncey M. Depew has a letter to uay or to luorruw. signed Albert Edward, which Is the . Fifty first-class hands wanted-to ing to the eye and to tlie taste ge - FIemilg Gardner, lie, yet r!iicv.itc ""-p . . kidneys, liver and bowels. Waving leased the aboyb amed Hotel, sltuafed at the Hammocks. I am pre paied to cater successfully to tfie wanuof - UeSswiU be snpplledwltntne choicest : viands ef the season. - Many places 01 great inurirai, ju iuo ltrJ surf Bathln? Bath Houses In sttu water, - Wve aU an unexcelled Culne, . , . . t Cottages on uic ueavu wuuwku " H?roL Miller's celebrated Band engaged for the,season. Y A ..mmM - J oa n .'.r r V MANAQElt. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. fi9rnt BOtfEIIT R II ELLA MY, TCOLESAtK DUVCOIST, bA Wilmington, N. C The Sui Jone Kxecntlve Comuittee.- . rmmm ? 1 1 X. ...nntinr tllfl F.TA, " . wrr.,..-, . . .- . J ... T iere WlUWfl mccuuf, ... name of trie l-nncs ot waies, wr.w- make rants, Dy uie uty;Vr . . g Jones said tUc vw." , .1 . . i llw.,Al, ..- inura rnmn Of wnf. 1 nff AUTUSta iroill iuuuv;ic0lc, writing, thanking him for a copy of n."vTf1 be ex- m r. Church this evening, at S. C, a smalltown the otherside;of I x . I - . - -Ti.'- t na hO of the Coast Line, were in Augusta a, day or two ago on business relat inrr to the extension ot tlie w., y A. R. R. to that ciyr rOur plans,? Mr. Walters, .contempiaie Ger mania to the Front. Til AVE YOU SEEN THE LAST'FUEGESDB Bretter andlUustnte Kelt T Ja J -othsrGeroan periodicals and iw Eng. , llsh wrlodlcals ate on file at the ucrary ab- sodatlon rooms. 123 MLSSliSJ 1 -uaggins'. only $2.00 per rear per laml for v , uso otr.oms. ' je a u - , Not at All Necessary Mr. Depews orations. The street railway Sneed & Co., . j.1 o v. :k fnva Pflt. tn be I Ornnc'eb ursr. It. is tended a little ianner duuw, ine ciose ui - T .V r:"r. . . " . . nAji. r An office has been opened in Paris catch. the travel from the Onslow held there at U5 o'clock .to night. Manhattan ao Members of the Kxecutive uommu- leaves m " J7 -1, n . . . n x I -Doiivrtfiri nt Sntnter. then t. Mr nnd tee are urged to oe preM-iit, . - I - .i est nnd most im. " "."'. .w thi :i.,rffh to Oranffeburg .old by the N. fr W3T gusa, passing Moat. mite, from 7 Aiken. The road has been surveyed Walter Besant hasbeen accused . dr7 and you will keep A Snakeintherantry. and is gfaded for most of its length. nn.,l Author or naviDtri. ... rTT,yn; - kv.oi- rnata. 'A ladv at wriguisviuc, " VM,V', At nrpsent an ang e is uescnui-u B Uj " " - - - . -meaimv. uiuumuw, . - i : . . . tnt where the impecunious nobility may R R . - it. f ttflMv Amprieanl - maids, widows ana divorces, w.. latest and most ira . . J 1 onmimr 1 - information in rt-garu " .wQQ ara cobl Hdw. Co. ana and to of their fortunes. This will be Ciit TTmhollAj: - rubber coats, ..T,xit. I kl... o'.,,! oTtroitfd from . . - a c Prnnt I inrr Vipr DantTV this UlOfDlDg, was . , Vilmin'tOD tcctssoBS to ,imw..- .lt4. A. . i ate, ai a. owner P, - . " " " . , w chicken snake faiTfwrt miloslre nd him when in tnai -coduimuu -princess streets. . - I wuiruu v -r - . ou auu 6 "r "V , . i" . i s' . . , i 1- .1 watr 1 n rn.rH. - . tlr Rtorv. word for word, oi tne "7;- wmcnni-n ; A tstntr lowest. 1 ". .... .. .irn, , TA..i.i t iri.nnraotiirpr,ii Aerent ior Tr ..rt.,,0 Vn-AiKrhh hpfRervants 10 nrwvolpttft pntitieU " A lie .xruums 1 i aui iuouuiv.. c nersr;'Ui' "w"o . .. Jrt Co., soorbt fcrcer Market ha Lrsoct,arUitic designs. U-n irmto'T invited to can and Inspect Let nac mjiati Dives. A Just Arrived ! WELDTOFTIIAT FRESH IT-COL'S- .7KniR.ln M.ull Kit--, at f I J 11 and tJ sa WaU-r Street. jBucklen'a Arnica Salvor - - -. . ... Tnthpd. It is said to nave Deen The Oiesr oaive iu wvrl- r . , . . .-r;C!Aa Rnrna IJICerS. ii v - 4vm n itrii 11. 1 . 1 1 i.m. 1 ji u ao f - -kAM AO in 111 H. Illr! LtTl auu -uwwww I ' Grocery nyu CAUKY YOUK IKO VISIONS OR LUNCH A! .. .. . ' ' to Carolina ucacii as vueio . F rst-CIass Family there, supplied with everything the market- affbrds and sold at city prices. 1 : - , . ' I Kinds of Canned 6003s FOK LUNCH AND PI 0 NIC ! PARTIES. and erery thing else that goes to make up.a tine lunch. - - . . I rull supply of ICE always on hand. 3 The residents of CAKOLINX BEACH will find It to their Interest to deal Iwlth me as I will keep on hand everything in the Grocery y and Housekeeping line. ' . " , : HANS A, ItUUB, ' V ' ' c PROPRIETOR .el it. Salt Board at Wrightsville FEW PARTIES CAN R , ACCOMMO- ri., nnA nil Ulns of Wire. Com- j onAf 'mhpn tliR snake was 'dis- UJ4f UCU UUV. I ,HXJ Cu n w l.inntion Wire and Iron Fences, ur Tii nhpraminenranl peasants are i.-ui tames I. Metts. t - - . . . , I UC13 pvriivnv. - now charged with teaching iaiw .. . r i ui! nflii iwiiiru aa , a i v - - . -.-.-- i t-. - , , l . . ... doctrine. It appears thai moneut 7 '1pr he wiii be snecies; The chicken snane is a Bkin Eruptions, and positiveiXr pii8viue wuau. " 1 -tm W -k. mt s-n. 1 'MA'l IT.lUiriIill'al' apoui flies, or no pay i equ -w. j . : r partIcuiar3 address saW E;Sa Price : 25 cents. . . . - ... ... ... . . w j m. u w . , fTl. 1.1. n T1QT foil I niuiu' I . . , itc nira -. H 1 cnuareu ihisibiu ..... . - . . . to De narraiess, b w 1W m.w. twoincnes:u -;- Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, vnap- Board' ia: a prlrat household at ,,. Mr. Chadbourn says that when he four reet jong, a ped Hands, Chiimains, 7CH 777 a , ' doctrine. It appears um .7 lrvthine in order he will be species. The chlcKcn snane the tableauxlvivants Adam and Eve enp?e ftnd look great thief and is often foanal were shown, accompanied by six glad to 1 pbUcbuU houses in the country but it is" m t U flof nnfrftdlc- tbrOUCu thO new puuiii mu fa . , . -ir.. 'L0 Wfo This is in flat contradic tlon of Genesis. Jf 23 1? lurLalchSlrins: Outside vsuk ti:iUWntPDt or Geo. R, French 4 ons The Cape Fear is on a boom but nt much of the freshet has got round the Sheep. here yet. Latest reports were of a Mr; john F. Garrell lodged com- 1.1 uwn.tiimrfnn House, in a li tj uiu ii . r w T?rderlekaburcr. Va., in which the . t , at FttVetteville and more lninf vpaterdav that a dressed jjnitKsi.rTU state muakd and mother of George Washington lived to cQme sheep : liad been stolen from: his wwaji.'srintitfdioa-utttieMam- aIld died, and near which she is . the Fourth Regi- slaughterhouse. A search warrant imrlHl.bas been purchased uy me - .i.n-next inPd arid the mutton was . ,.lV..-nBOrvnmn of menis win caw-" " 7tii society ior me ... n-lnln. Antiauitles. -7-.V-77r.. .... Rre P?.arlDB , . da.:, 'corner Tenth and Bladen ThelJrItlH!UeaicRijouru.v. i ..-.., gortgtuere. , " '.. k ..m that another man MfCCtB, " - "BOARD," 7'. BOX 504, City. BCrnKF.OOlNU HOME. v wwiikijVpArtmeat U complete, uraf !wrd nLia the past few weeks i EOOCases of Bootsand Shoes FUS FALL TRADE t,A r.hnrttv of Mr. Charles W. Hamilton, surge?n royal navy, the statement that the seeds of the f of which half a dram to a . ' ' i,. oriwil slowly, will M 1 w-t. in ir L m mg u 4- i-i.i.aor.i axe m the city ready to J prevent and cure seasickness. : 1 rru Anrmofcinoon will be new on ut,'-i,im Tmpsdale was the 15th and full on the 29th, but befofe the Mayor this morning brit Splendid ASSOXtlTLeilt there are: lots of people who wm Trlll Wrinrr was postponed untU r - - ; Thursday next, the defendant beinjar . - - For sale by Robert- r. Bellamy, p. Carolina Beacli and Soulliport wnoiesaie auu t" i NEW Ai)VKBT18EflIKNT. i " " I - Noted Men on the Solid South. TT1UKT.A. HERBERT, ZEBCLON B. M ' S , .. . ' . It ,4-wm r wishhaek'. Henry G. Turner touu:, ty , - ... Sand Pasco, Ira P. Jones.Vm. j.'Wllson, Geo, G. vest, A. S. Long and others. Price $1.25. ' ' ' i - ' C. W. YATES. YLVAN GROYE LEAVES WILMINGTON Carolina Beach at to-day,' (Friday), for steamer rAssruiix Train-leaves Beach at 1320, hl(P' music and Dancing. Fare on PASS! ' m. m. ORT bitv.v - 4 - . take precedence of the moon iu una latter respect. Music and Dancing. Fart 25 cents. . rin. Faro saiuruay j tvuw Jy3itf -. ,-. -.. : ' - 1 1 1 a auirnvadi. I ' - . - Wo.or n dav or twoago a Deauu- !f?in nrtmiupvfinnrtutvn I . I .f i. it.nt ti -1 i .,si!n Viinssnm on a tree in; M 4 i itisan instruciive liicv, . iaiiuaf;uu'u tc- tvxia i-ter offered In LOW nE the last month, the Unireu tne city. ruu - Geo. R. French & Sons, 103 North Front Strret. , fWoctTVortoa.) Jy 28 U . . KA TTn!tPl . ti.M V Via va never Deiure " itne cuj. . " i States exported $2,845,036 of gold in known the magnolia 10 oiuou. excess of imports, and imporiea jate in the season i tS74 4T5 of silver In excess of exports. ' Kedy la December. . . " ; 7 It is cow thought that the new public buHdittg" will be finaliyicom j This is making a good start toward exchanging our gold for silver. The amount of water the sun raises r,,. tl. arth is estimated at the :mm .welelit of 37,000,000,000 ...r..i.. iiio miAntitv of coal IOIIS IUIUM"-I . street pavement on pleted, and the grounds around it laid out four months from -' For sale by ... j Jy30tf . MUNDS BROTHERS. -4 ftby the first of December, i a -i Ml 11 -mr- date: rias ior i f N e w YorK & ilmiiigton Stcamsliip Co. required to produce a heat in any cttU1pluent last night, ha way equivalent to the sun's is cal- ber relK,rjts a pleasant trip . . , -i. . i. i nnn nnn 000.000.000 .ni.....nnt. n Kiiccess CUiaietl-iu uo . eitvauifiuv... tons. SOMETHING NW ! iiUUT km El V ED A BARREL OK ! market, wWch lv3Mtaat)crntss quart. Ala cnBt of fresh 7 ' tt?Bt Egs, Huller.Hams, &c, TVU AI.E CHEAP BY P. Swann, Agt, J i op p. Front St. Market. SUMMER RESORT I "AT LA NTICJ VI BW," WkluiiTM'ii.t.r v.i' tit... ' i.i. .Jnlnii in reirard to the fate of I - VSUER SAME MANAGE- -I . ... vs tliat i x . ...h t urn mn w-mmm a - m. m w h m 1 ill" AJ".0 . 7 rna hiuuc 0 i. irnt strpet laid many years improving the grouuua wm w i - i South Front street, mm iu y j , contract! We have n.n wh.n Mr. Canaday was ayu, eu uu mo . - nense. a four o-. wi ROOn Uwarded. In front, online xruu-i; . - our is getting u..a " . Rml' on the Chestnut rndmake l,ave to be reiaiu. - . ; " I Vr Will h .laid it: no trou - Winston Daily- The U'orsytu xvi flemen returned from the State En 5,t. aActril. at vry heavy ex- horse power uw y .u.m ! TrvsRPa. "II S a uaour, nr nrpj;sp.s ham. Come ana sec 1 , - - . V will v,.v: ' . " - A Venn call at our office. ive xry ZiZi Each mem- ahd the extending around and -conneetinB .breaU of the tlmeua oar ratlwhrnent FJM riraa., BAST With . dfiveway on the We?tof.the ,,0 hhlldiriff. This driveway wjll from Chestnut street, on - the rear and around To the Sooth side, enter- saloon at No. Jog Front street adjoining Messrs. RIVER NEW YORK satisfaction; and Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts Atac'ciock. P.M.! the iJrooKiyu uu, -o - month or J un f I, terestltiir 11 spirituous liquors. in the carm The, most interesting i ...I.. i AVtin liridrre trus- Thp Svlvan Grove reatnreoiuicu.u..., ." : ...... ... ..-- i.o .Urril lliai iney 1 trlns this, moruiui;. rrl... 1 ..n n in thf 1 .Mt leen re- Alderman &Flanner's store. A space JU Orill oeuuuu o - . -.-irt. fl of The enterprising proprie- i8 to, oe reserveu uu c.i... ... it ... n iu.. .tMof onfrancR as a Ixrass tor has been awaruea a v" . r ee au. ir 1. Vvi-V nrnmntnWS. run l" v "! V"7f ' hard caan ciu nctf "j"'. t . ni'cnv KPT I.i I . J -.: '.saturdar. Jttlr 19 .1 , . ncAi . 1 virii)iwr.r...i....i.."'."'-'' - . fr Rnlcrs and Binders. RKVKrACTXK........wencsw. -my r , I A Mui.r Jnlrai- OELAWA KE. .......'..;.: .w - resumed her s b The 7craW corresiKndeut at the . ..1 ...HIT nnnpr lin 8vS to ,lo,rl Atd grounds axe near the K.l:, J-ouna ana the - JJJifl1 rrom the Dei icuairmau w - ' l IT HI DiT, mi 01 I-Sll. has the bill in charge does .1 il nleased with the 1 - . f 5- lntver. that they trtns iee rriiv.w - . i n li,. fnronoOU rw.nt 1-2 723 forf,IegaI expenses bh down a large cruwu Carolina dcuch new many vlbitors to-day. Farmers, we can supply you with Peanut Sweepsand Diggers, Scraper and Coulter Points. Seven different size wings ami two.n - - the "Boy Clipper," the mosi im proved plow on the market, t . Ja cob! Udw. Co., factory agents, t , 2tSJ? ; it . dead. .! it n.o.t be riS . . ;or UOsiriia . - . . W I . . . ft- t .. .1... "w ."ZrT 10c uryuv i tuc ..v nvriUIIV iu . 7 "TD.l rim u . o . " trrutTOTtostopytm'aU decent people. Senator noar 1 : . m ..!tA vrhlcll V W AT W WW V ClrttiUrv &tt ED. WILSON MANSINO, Proprietor. For Galo. 1 r . LlJUfl "S. OLD TTPX METAL, CLEAN I T not ap- pear at all pleased with the ouuook. The corresponaem are at least twenty Republican Sen ators who would not support the bin under any circumstances. I 14 w hare it now. A Pump that is always primed, neve 'requiring a tub of water to start R. It, hOhe . tv-nt!on of a KortU-Caro lina genius and Is pronounced by all " i.f rTr. on the market. It - Hub n afeadllV Wcjf ltWtoT. no other. plat" The pavement- is to b for huge stone flags, 5x12 feet, and each weighing 4j tons. A stone coping will extend-around thev property, on the three "streets, with a-wooaen fence on the South, and the Daiance of the grounds West of the drive ieelativeli! ,,.rrn VFSTERDAY A CAR LOAD OF. FINE . 'Vi- Norlli Carolina Beef ! way is to oe.iaia oui.iu r j ftate. It 13 BEAUTIFUL MEAT, Fat ana lenutr, FROM WILMINGTON - i'ita I'ffi4 "r;i :r benefactor:::::::: FANITA...............--.-'""""' r Through Bills Ladlngr Ji?tZZ& Rates guaranteed to and from points in ortIl andSouthCaroUna. :,-. . For Frelcrht or Passage VVwjtMAt,'r THEO. E. EGER. TraTOwwser. ew Yorlt Wm. P. CLYDE CO; . Gen! Acent jy! 18 tf 6 Bowling oreen. zew utk. with walks. &c The trees on and Chestnut streets bordering on the property are to be removed. As soon as the postomce nas oeeu transferred to the new quarters the butlding ou the corner, of Chesuut and Second sCreets, and that South of it are to be advertised and sold, the purchaser to remove them in sixty days. tf: : " trrLlA'UAIBBAtSJUL H gray, gradually restores cxjlor; elegant tonic dressing, 50c., l.oo. Will be on 3Iy Stalls To-morrow, at 'together with a good Bne of : Veal, Mutton and Lamb. JHrcnd in orders early. ; JOHNF. GAUKELL, j an" 1 It i Front street Market, South tide. Drnists, or $1.C0 size prepaid oy . T, K. .wcigut co expfels f or C E. S. Yls, Jersey j street kJ.w a City. "".7:: 1 ':-;.7--:J; - 77':. - ' Come aiiLSce Us ! NO. SO NORTH SECOND STREET, BE- .. ' . ... I'-'m fMMii fnr ntir tOe!T 13 novrj complete A schooner of J" Hie cents; also, a, fine strppU of wines, Uqdors and cigars' st pnt in toaf. jySt lw ; v v - : -j diamond Vera Cora roic dyspepsia. - For silt v -77r7''i; feolltf . DR. F. C, MILLER, . CQr.Fo it tn L;,J3 ts rd eondiaaa, xna t era? Tai3omcx