cr-3 rt n in Ja an invaluable remedy for SICK HEADACHE, TORPID LIVER, DYSPEPSIA, PILES, malaria; costiveness, AND ALL BILIOUS DISEASES. Sold Everywhere POMONA HILL NUKSER1ES POMONA. 2f. C, Two aad a Ball Miles West of (ireensboro. N. C rpie main line of the K. D. K. K. patsei tironsrh the rrounds and within 100 f ect of the olce. buleta trains mates; ops mrular twice cuilr each way. Those Interested in Trait and mat Growing are cordially la"0 tolnsxxctthis. the Larsreat Nursery in the St taa o w of the largest la tne outru "tocxcoaslata of Apples. Peach. Pear, fnrrr plum. Japanese lerstmn:ons, Apn c'us.NectariDrt. tfulberrtes Quince, Grajx Vri-V KAsnbemes. Gooseberries, Currants. He punt. English Walnut, lecans. Chestnut, htrawbemes. Koscs. KTcrzrcens Shade Trees, AU the new and rare Taricties as well as tne old ones, which my new catalogue f or 1 lreyour orders to my authorized a-entor order direct from tne Nursery. - correspondence solicited. Pcstrtptlre Cata loene tree, to applicants. Address J. TAN LINDLEY, POMONA, Oulirord Co., N. C t Reliable salesman iDJf,V7Z County. A good pajins commlSHlon will be giro. .Mj lei ;-:- Ml l.-r tiativc in it :imulait cf?cl onat n "1 ivr; AnvcTfiii cur for DYSPEPSIA lnli;:-tiu t-T irriM'u ant l 11 1 r I pj MS kuii-iTew numareenVrtuAl it !,. t ..r t..i-1-. aj.n.f IxitMnz of fW l-.o ! inti:i1i:i:.n I hant!urtU!e. Pnt i pin I. r.f 7 .. I s tlr. Han.j.lfiuruiuc in nu"in.i: f-riu s--M lymaillaafTaiMn"'iiiH. ipt .t Iuomi iatni. Ttu rrmli I ilui'l t.ti:n .itiin-1 tr rtlt l.vwa:!. MKXUWN Ml l'U INK . 4;mN.HtU:ulSt . 'lul.ul.-tht.. Vj. " BIRD MANNA! ' The c r:.f Hiociwrr lirtllrcctl.-r? f tU JUrl MounluiiU in lirimum. U-rr Maiuia il!irMrr I lie -i.:i-f csfcLtnN, prevent tt-r aiUnri:t a rlu-;it tin-in 1c (mmI ton-litiT. If piiti t l-:ril tlnrmsr lbreacn ol-l.rt ii - Iraih is itillin itrl rj rarir C I 1 1 :.n-i ;.u thioncU thi rr;ii alperkl v. I-!., n ri-i ',J1 tul! n rrctMt of I'nK i" taim. UIliL t)OD Ct) 4ON. 3rl S!. rinUclhn, Pa !cau;ci;tMaUiiHvir. ! ot a ta t T1MB TAHWJ NO. :i Palmotto itailroad C. r-TT AND AFTEH FUIDAY. DEC t. 1837 TrtdnswinrunasfoUows. dally except sun day. Gotxo bovra. No 1 Passenger and Frsistt. Leave Hamlet. N. C 2 22 t 2 Amre at cneraw. s. c, 3 A. M GoiNd Noaro. Ncx 2 rasaeaer and FreLsht: Lear Cheraw. 8. C J JJ Amre at Uamlet. N. C M doc 14 U WM. JIONCURE. Supt. The North Carolina Presbylcriad ISA Religious Family Paper, PUBLISH Kl) WKKKLY, and deot4 to tht Intellectual, coral and spiritual interest oft uepoopie. It numbers amon U corrcrondent3 many ef the Terr best writers ot the Southern Pres byterian Church. It la thoroughly orthodox oo quesUons of e)octrtne, but free and out roen in Its news on all open questions. It 2iow and inntes free discussion within the bound of courtesy. In popularity the PKEsimtaiA Is con stantly advancing. It Is The Paper for the People, and preaentatn tt columns matter to lotrrrst aad lastract all ages, classes ana rooditlons of the people Price per annum. tT 6S: or for one year to any new sutwenber. tx is. Addre ' JOHS McLAUKlS. Editor and Proprietor, Wilmington. N. C ) IWTEflEST F.lEr yUnrr Vrr. V''i r I.o rf ., '.nv flyTIe Vc Sn snotn ft Sin. i ; at jjiuvi ouak.u! norm::: -t., i r4l 2 f r AGENTS WANTED! TO CANVASS FOR . lie Emiii:s if i Hplnil ia Tarlfy,'; By Uon.amuelS.("S!unsetw)Cox. late V. S. f Minister to Turkey. A maffniacent volume of orer tOQ pages, beautirully and profusely lllustratej. ka. cox's Lit est axn skst irroaT. riCTS asn rrx. BijrroaT asd bcxok. The wort rnartlcs with the brightest wit ItMnVnSmerous amusln worlrt. but it ilrtvia clear. cooctse. ana interotlnj: ac cooBtof tltutomsn Empire, from lis loun 4jJloQ tOLiha prrst'nt day. - ThUtwkwtil hare a laryr sale. aM lh arenta shouU 5cwre territory at once. only thoroughly reUahk amenta, who win worfc their terrltorr -tor all it is worth "are wanted. Experienced sffenta preferred, but ethers who t 1U r ro rr.l eirnest wcrfelU I "r -.'-:V. . :.::r.n -.N.r. Jos u. T. Jamks, Editor Prop'r ; WILMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY. AUGUST 1. 1880. Entered at the Portofflce at Wilmington, N.O, as sece ad-class matter. COUNTY UKMOCHATIC TICKET. Fo Ilocsx of RxrsssxvTATiTas : GEO. L. MOBTOy, i . M. J. CORBETT. Fob SmtTT : FRANK H. 8TEDMAN. - Fob Cixxx or Scrxmio Co car : JOHN D. TAYLOR. Fob Rxoirrra or Duds : JOHN IIAAR, Jb. ' Fob TBiasTBXB : . JOIIN I DUDLEY. Fob SrBTBTOB : M.P.TAYLOR. I. fob CoxtrastBS : WllmlPgton C M. UARRISS. Cape Fear J. T. KERR. Mssonboro JOHN MILTON. Harnett W. n. 8TOKLEY. Federal Po'nt-J.DAVE f OCTUERLAND. fOBCOBONKBS JOHN WALTON. Railronil passes to legislators will j play an important- part in the lieor gia campaign. Some ot 4h coun ties propose to exact pledges froru Iheir representatives that they will advocate a law prohibting the ac ceptance by members of the little pasteboards which enable them to run off so frequently from their sworn duties. Ex-Secretary Whitney predicts that Mr.'Roswell P. Plower will be nominated by acclamation as the Democratic candidate for Governor of New York next year, and that Mr. Cleveland will be the Democrat tic candidate for the Presidency in 1892. He emphatically repeats his former declaration that he Is not a candidate either for Gubernatorial or Presidential honors. An English wotuan resident in Syria reports the discovery near Hoyroot of a bedstead made of gold and silver and Inlaid with precious stoues. An inscription upon it In Knglfeii characters states that It be longed to Eleauor, Queen of Eng land. The bedstead was discovered in a cave, and Is supposed to hare been placed there for security when Edward I left the East. I is stated "that some of the Roths child family have parohased.-at the high figure of 840,000 frani?, or about 31,000 sterling, the identical clock manufactured by the royal hands of the ill-fitted Louis XVI in the days when he was more actively and con genially employed in his workship than in his counsel chamber. This curious timepiece for a long time was an historical heirloom in the possession oj an English family, and it has been bought at 8t. Petersburg. L Owing to tho fact that the lands of the West are being rapidly taken up, a Denver paper predicts the ab dication of thecattle king and the ex tinction of the cowboy." Of the latter is said: VThe cowboy, with rattling spur, his leather trousers, his broad brimmei.hfttand his defiant swagger will boon join the stage driver, the hunter, the cout,'th.e trapper and the mountain explorer in the pro1 ecfsion that woven reluctantly to the tpiietj peaceable common place ways of life." The new ballot reform law of New York State is goiog to be an expen sive luxury. Under the old law only $90,873 wits appropriated In Brook lyn to defray the annnal expenses of the bureau of elections. The bu reau have called for $263,831 to de. frav tin expenses of this year's elec tion aiid;21&,M3 for that of 1891. The estimates show that $M?.3tt will be required for 800 buildings to 1k constructed and furnished, $12, 870 for 402 polling places, $18,090 for 2,412 boqihs, $21,966 for registers-arid Insiectors and $3,33) for ballot box e. In tbeWimates for 1191 nothing Is akd for buildings booths or b&L lot boxes) which can be used for several years in succession, but there will be increased expenses in other directions A Scrap of Paper Saves Her ' Lire. . It was just an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, but it saved her life. She was In the last stages of consumption, told by physicians that he was incurable and could live only a short time; she weighed less than seventy pounds. Ona piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King s New Discovery, and got a sample bottle; It helped her, she bought another and grew better fast, continuetl its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy.plomp, weigh ing 140 pounds. For fuller particu lars send stamp to W.I I. Cole, Drug' gist. Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful Dr"very fre at RobL IL Bellamy's wholesale, and retail drug store. " Awkward Miss (ithan nrabrclli) "1': .? r-.r!:nr ToUte Gc::t!:r nan 'P-n t i.! " ! -n if. I hzv rr ";"T " MJtst u 0oO? Say tome dealers ho try to tell it ....1 IIImIa i.Mnanllnn iwrlion 4L II1K tomer calls for Hood's Sarsapanlla. I AU UUk BtlWX mmmj ' raents as this to induce you to buy what yon do not want. Remember that the only reason:for making it is that a few cents more profit will be maJe on the uDti'.ute; Insist upon having the medicine Hood's Sarsaparilla, It is Peculiar to Itself. - fllMlcto DUtrlct Third Qaarterly Meetlmr. . Fifth Street, August 3 and 3. Carver's Creek Circuit, Shlloh, Abg. 5 and 6. Cokesbury Circuit, McNatt's, Aug. u oni in - i . : Clinton Circuit, Goshen, Aug. 16 and 17. - I Elizabeth Circuit, Pender, Aug. 23 , and 24. 1 Wantntnav A nc 9J) ATlfl 29. Whitevflle Circuit, Cerro Gordo, Aug. 30 and 81. Brunswick Mission, Cedar Bay, Sept. 6 and 7. Brunswick Circuit, Bethel, Sept. 12 and 13. ; P. D. Swindell, P. E. LEMON KLIXIR A Pleasant Lemon Drink. For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul ; stomach, take Lemon Elixir. - . For sick and uervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. s , For sleeplessness and nervousness, take Lemon Elixir. !'Z--, For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixirv " . - ' For fevers, chii Is aud malaria, take Lemon Elixir, i , : Dr. Motley's Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above named diseases, an oi wuicn arise iruu torpid or diseased liver, stomach kidneys or bowels. : J . Prepared only by Dr. n. Mozley A tlnlnf n Oa 60c cts. and $1.00 per bottle, at druggists, . A Prominent Minister Write. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, i na been cured by Dr. Alozly's Lemon Elixir and am now a well man. RKV. C. C. Davis, Elder M. E. Church South, Nov 28 Tatnall St., Atlanta, Ga.- yspepsoa Makes the llres ot many people miserable, an4 often leads to self-destruction. Distress after, eatlhg sour stomach,, sick hewjaclje, heartburn, loss of appetite, a faint. all sone M feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irregu - larity ot the bowels, are Dl OtrOSS Some of the more common ! After symptoms. . Dyspepsia does wT.t nt gPt ell pf -Uself, It Gating requires carefhV persistent Zttpntlm am a remedy like Hood's arsa paxi. -which acts ; gently, yet surely, and efilciently.-: It tones the stomach .and other organs, xegulates the; digestion,, creates a good appetite, and by thus ft tctr OTercoxnlng the local symp, unZrtnnla toms removes the rroP,,c'V!,0 thetlc effects of the disease, banishes the headache, and refreshes, the tired mind. 44 1 hare been troubled with dyspepsia. I bad but little appetite, "and what I did eat " uAn - distressed me, or did me nOarV'. Wtlo ; food, Ja; aa hour , DUrrt . alter eatlnx I would cxpfe rlenee.a falntaess, or tired, all-gone feeling, as though I had not eaten anything. My trou ble, I think, was aggravated by my business, which Is tbat ox a painter,. and from being more r less abut up ia a Qour roofa with fresh paint. Lasf rt . spring. I took Hood's Sarsa Pprn Wif rffla took three bottles. - It did me an immense -amount of good. . It gave me aa appetite, aad my food relished and satisfied the eravwa I liad- previously experienced." Gxoscx A. ricK, watertownMass. c Hood'orSarGaparilla Sold by an druCTl'i' 1 i for "Prepared only VyCLHOOD CO., Apethecariei, Lowell, Mats. IOOiDoooo Ono : Dollar Janao.lyr dW nrm . mon wwj sat STILL AT WORK J AM NOW WELL PttXPARKD TO REPAIR au kinds of Furniture, Be wing Machines. Fan. cy ArtJcles, c., and where it is possible male them as good as new. Work done promptly and prices low. call and see. me and get es timates and prices. - x. J. B.FAKRAR, 3,'wcor. Front and Orange streets. I am still agent here for tfce Hfiw Ilpmp Sewing Machtne, one of the best Machines on the market. Keedlea and Oil for sale, . tacnUUf University of North Carolina The Fall Term Opens 8rpU - Tuition, $HO." TjOUB REGULAR COURHU OJf gTVPT, Uasslcal, Philosophical, Literary, Sdenttflc Special courses in Cnemlstry, CtTll and Aectrlcal Engineer! ag. Pharmacy, and other studies. separate schools of Law and Medicine, whose students may tiend the University lectarea. Address - HON. KEMP P. BATTLK. LL.D., Jy3tf rreeldent. Chapel nin, y. C. THE HEWLETT H0U8E. JJT FRIEiDS AMD THX PUBUC QK& erally are respectfully notified, that I hare made extenstre additions to tarpmnlsea at Swltchhaca: station, Wthtsrme Beach, and am now prepared to 'accommodate theta with the best of erery thing. rYesh nsh. Sort Crata, Denied Crahs,c, rcay ca tin arrtTZI cf every tnln. . v a - .. Jk a. - . w i V. .. . 8direuie mud Sffpof C6Art at Vot Uarollaav-lslNK. JUDGES. .i . SAUK. DISTItlCT. "'BKSIDKKCK- Geo. H. Brown, 1 Beaufort. . Fred. Phillips, 2 Edgecombe. II. G. Connor, 3 Wilson. Spier Whitaker, 4 Wake, John A. Gilmer,, 5 Guilford. , E- T. Boykin. . 6 Sampson. 'tA t.,,,.. n ArcRae. 7 Cumberland. W.J.Alontgonieryr8 Cabarrus. Jesse F. U raves, r J v ourry. - (f JohnG. Bynum, 10 Wm- BI. Shipp, H Mecklenburg J. H. Merrimon, 12 Buncombe. SOLICITORS. NAME. H DISTRICT. RESIDENCE. John W. Blount, 1 : Perquimans. G. H. White (col), 2 Halifax. D. Worthington, 3 Martin. T. M. Argo, ! 4 Wake. I. R. Strayhorn, 5 Durham. O. H. Allen, 6 Duplin. Frank McNeill, 7 Kicnmona. B. F. Long, 8 Iredell.- Thos. Settle, 9 Rockingham. W. U. Boer, 10 Caldwell. F.-Jj. Osborne, 11 Mecklenburg J. M. Moody, j 12 Buncombe. TIME OP. HOLDING COURT. " FIRST JUDICIAI DISTRICT. Spring-Judge Whitaker. y fe & Fall Judge Connor. Beaufort tFeb. 17, May 26, Nov. 24. - ' i Currituck March 3, Sept. 1. Camden March 10, Sept. 8. Pasquotank March-17, Septl5. Perquiiuans March 24. Sept. 22 Chowan March 31, Sept. 29. 1 Gates April 7, Oct. 6. Hertfortl April 17, Oct. 13. WashingtonApril 21, Oct. 20 Tyrrell April 28, Oct. 27. Tkflra Mnv fi. Nov. 3. HvHo-.Mnv 12. Nov. 10. -Pamlico May 19, Nov. 17, SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring J udge Woinack. V Fall-Judge Whitaker. Halifax tMarch 3, May 12, Nov.10. Northampton Man. 20, March 31, April 1, Sept. 20. a nm 5Bertie-Feb. 3, April 28, Oct. 27. Craven tFeb. 10. May 26, Nov.. 24. Warren March 17, Sept. 15. Edgecombe April 14, Oct. 13. ! THIRD JUDICIAIi DISTRICT. Spring Judge Boykin. Fall -Judge Womaok. Pitt Jan. 6, March 17, June 9, Sept. 15. i Franklin Jin. 20,April 14,Nov.l0. Wilson JFeb. 3, June 2, Oct. 27. Vance Feb. 17, May 19, Oct. 13. Martin March 3, Sept. 1, JDec. 1. Greene March 31, Sept..29. .-' Nash April 28, Nov. 17. FOURTH JUDICIAIi DSTIHCT. Spring Judge MacRae. ! Fall Judge Boykin. Wake Jan. 6, tFeb. 24, Marh' 24, tApril 21, July9, tAug. 27,Sept. 22, tOct. 20. ! ' Wayne Jan. 20, March 10, April 14, Sept. 8, Oct. 13. Harnett Feb. 9, Aug. 4, Nov. 24. Johnston Feb. 10, Aug. 11, Nov.10. FIFTH JUDICIAIi DISTRICT. Spring Judge Armfleld. Fall Judge MacRae. Durham-Jan. 13 March 24, June 2, Oct. 13. ! ' Granville Jan. 27, April 21, July 21, Nov. 24. ! Chatham Feb. 12, May 5,Sept.29. Guilford Feb. 17, May 26, Aug. 15, Dec. 8. . Alamance March 3, May 19, Oct. 27. ! - - Orange March 17, Aug.l4, Nov. 3. Caswell April 14, Aug. 14, Nov.10. Person April 14, Aug. ljJ.Nov. 17. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. . Spring Judge Graves. Fall Judge Armfiel6 Pender March 10, Sept, 8. New Hanover tJan. 20, tApril 13, tSept. 22. j Lenoir Feb.1 3, Aujr. 10, Nov. 10. , Duplin Feb. 10, Aug. 4, Nov. 24. Satupson tFeb. 24, April 28, Oct. 0, Dec. 8. ' I. Carteret March 7, Oct. 20. Jones March 24, Oct 27. Onslow March 31, Nov. 3, SKVKNTII JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spriug Judge Bynum. Fall Judge Graves. Columbus Jan. 13, March 31, July 28. f V Anson-Jan. 0, tApril 28, Septt 1, tNov, 24. " Cumberlano! Jan. 20, tMay S.July 21. Nov. 10. 1 Robeson Jan. 17,May 19,Sept.29 Richmond Feb. 10, June 2, Sept 15, Dec. 1. Bladen March 17, Oct. 30. Brunswick April 7, Sept. 8. Moore March 3, Aug. 11, Oct. 27 ', EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. ' Springs-Judge Slifpp. - -- Fall Judge Bynnui. Cabarrus-tJan, 27. 4P1 38: ' Iredell Feb. 3, May 39, Aug, 4, Nov. 3.' ..v Rowan Feb.; 17, May 5, Aug. 19, Nov. 17. ! Davidson March 3,Sept. l,tDec.l Randolph March 17, Sept. 15. Montgomery March 31, Sept. 29. ptanly April 7, Oct. 13. S13TH JUPICfAI PISTIIJCT. Spripg Judge Merrimon. .. Fall Judge Shipp. Rockingham Jan. 20, Jnly 2, Notu3, Forsyth Feb, 3, May 19, Oct. 20. Yaakln Feb. 17, Sept. 23. Wilkes March 3, Sept. 8. Alleghanv March 17. Sept, 1. ayie March 31, Oct,- 6. Eiokes April 14, Aug. 4, Nov.10; Snrry April 21, Aug. 19, Nov. 17 yESTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Sprinff Judge Brown,' ; ar aii-auage nieriimon, Henderson Feb. 10, July 43, . BurkeMarch 3, Ang. 4. - -Caldwell-Uarch 17, 8ept 1 Ashe March 24, May 2tf,- Aug.;i8. Watauga -April 7, Aug. 25. Mitchell April 11; Sept. 8. Yancey April 23. Sept. 22. -McDowell May 12, OchC; 1 Alexander Jan. 27. July 23. . Union Feb.; 10, tFeb. 17, Jep jVecfienburff - tFeb. 24,Aug.25. - Gaston March' 17, Oct. 6. -T.irtrinZirArrh 31. Sent. 29. Cleveland April 7, Aug. 4, Oct.-20. Rutherford April ai; uct. PoIkrMay 5, Nov. 10. ; " TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. .. jLwJ--i- . Fall Judge,Philhps. - . w m-r -mm Madison Feb. 24.J uiy 3. Tnov. 17. Buncombje Twarcn iu, Aug tDec. ?-: 'v1: - '' Transylvania March 31, Sept. Hay wood April 7Sept 8. Jackson April 23, Sept. 22.: . Macon May 5, Sept. 29 - J Clay May 12, Oct. 8, -A;. V: Cherbkeef May 19; Oct. 13 Graham-Iune 2, Oct. 27. Swain June 9th, Nov. 3.; i f 11 For criminal cases f ivil AJ5Pa alone.; -i t For civil case alone except jai cases. v -.: " j:: -'yC-'k'i;t-. CRIMINAL CIRCUIT COURTS. -NEW HANOVER COUNTY. ; ' : Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judges Court begins Jan 6. March 17, May 19, jnly is, epi. ao, noy. a. MECKLENBURG COUNTY, j Geo. E. Vilson, Charlotte, Solicitor Court negms a en. iu, pru i BUNCOMBE COUNTY. . . Chas. A. Moore, Ashevilie, Judge T? n r!nrrir ' Ashevilie. Solicitor." Court begins Jan. 27, April 28, July 31, Uct. 27.- -:t'., v;r . Supreme Court meets first Monday in Feoruary. ; cxaimnauuu9 u day and Saturday . before. First Feb. 10; xnira uisiriciy r eo. - i GW..tti niorrln.t ' TTaTi 94; ; Fifth Dis trict, March 3; Sixth District, March JU, ooicimi 'Vis11", ..'"'v" . . Eighth DistHct? March 24; Ninth April 7; Twelfth District, April 14 -Last Monday in; September, .Ex aminavions x? riuay uuu uonuua; fore. First District, Sept. '29; Sec UUtl XJlSr Hill, VDI'. : IIHU ' vie v Oct. 13; Fourth District, Oct, 20th T?ifH Tiittf riT. .- Cf.t 97 Sixth Dis if Nrtv 3- Svnth DixtrietJ Nov. 10; E'ighth District, Nd v. 17; Ninth Dec. 1; Twelfth Districr, Dec. 8; Eleventh District; Dec. 15. Beantifullr Illustrated. II cts. $1 ITS 8COPK.-THE AMERICAN MA ZINE ertves nref erence to natlonhl topics an scenes, and its literature and art are of. th highest standard, i Famous American writer fill ita pages with & wide variety of Interest In? sketches o( travel and adventure, serial and snort stories,, descriptive accounts of "our foremost problems cf the period, andn short, this Magazine is s r ; Distinctively Representative of - . American Thouffht and Proffress. It is acknowledged hy the press and public to be the most popular and .entertaining o. the high-class montuues. ; , K. . : Tmnnwtunl A Specimen Number, with lliipiirt?!! I illustrated Premium List. and Special Inducements in Cash or Valuable Premiums to club Raisers, will be sent on re ceipt of 15a, it this paper is mentioned. &r Responsible and energetic persons want ed to solicit subscriptions. Write at .once for exclusive territory. Address, THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE CO., teb 749 Broadway Vw vrir - SPECIAL NOTICE QUR PRIVATE STOCK" 13 BYE JS UN doubtedly - the best WHISKEY sold in the South to-day. Below you will find a few out of many letters which we receive and notice well what they contain; . Brown Brown, drusrfflats. of Winston, say: "The Private Stock", 78, gives entire satis faction to our customers, ana we uuns it is a fine medicinal wnis&ey." IL Rose, also ot Winston; writes us as fol "The Private, stock' Whiskey 1 bought through roar Mr. Simon has proved a success and will - keep It hereaiter as my leading Drana. , J. A. Burns & Co.. of Fay ettevllle, have this to say: , "I nave used your new brand of Private Stock, 1876 Rye Whiskey and will sajfthat I am weU pleased with It and that It Is all you recommend it to be. My customers prefer BrunhUd,8irapn & Co.j ill u. Front r.t Dealers in Liquors, Cigars and Tobaccos. THE STATE CHRONICLE; Successor to the Farmer and Mechanic ann . the Chronicle.) , , v. Under New Management. NEWST, BRIGHT AND CLEAN., UP WITH THETJUES rjrtnE l-STATJt CHRONICUT' WILL BJE hat 'its name lmpllesa State. Paper. It is not tho Ralelzh "Chronicle." -and will not be local or secuonaL It will aim to keep, up wim thesewsfrora Murphy to Manteo, or, as the politicians put n, ironx enerojeee u w rimck. " " ' -j " ' Itwulbetheorjrancf no raari. no rjn?. no section, no party. It will be DetoocraUc to KUtlcs, but- will not hesitate to criticise mocratlc measures and Democratic racer?. TER21S OF! SUES CRIPTION : Ore Year.......;........ AMERICAN . .:.....;.......nn ................ 1 1 ) .............. - v J MISCELLANEora Harp cp'o Bzzir ILLUSTRATED. 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Canada, or Mexico. 7 nottoe is mentioned, subscrtpuonaTiw1 with the Number current at time at order. , . , . . s B 01 ot Dy maii, postage paid, or by erurp 1 u expense (provided the rreignt does nnt er one dollar per volume), for $7 t Cloth; Cases 'for each v6lnme PmSSL binding, wiu be sent by two? pSSi receipt of $100 each. . ...Tr i Remittances should be made V Pn r Money order or.Drait, to avoid ?JaK& ? bet&spaver are not to com m aari?K tfitthout th express order of II aroer -tv?" KAadresS UARPESVig !p0Y2Q . New ll-t ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any-proposjd line cf advertising in American Papers ; adfcessing :PV Howell & Co., :t ;Nev paper Advertising Buraau, i IO Spruce St., New York. find JOcta.'fbF lOO-page PamphU Jim. aad for DOt UUTEEr j Varices the ra ?orth, nd vim u $ bnytnea. Uarctxjm tor Truii"-i - for IS CCBUU " Also Cat of Ve; FursUduoK Gmi of a U- t Thf Mod for rrRCtical PQCL- ' ' Ti v. ItDDK. 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