; rLSAss-xoTicz,;'. We will be glad to receive conicricatrccs Croa our meeds oaaur aai aiiBzc;ects general interest, tat ; v : x The name or tao rrftcr cia3t always fce fur nlahedtotaemtor. .,.. ..' : . '." . Comrnnntcaaona must be written on cnly one Ude of the raper. J ' Iersonautles most be avoided. . And it is especially ani partlcaUrlj antcr--stood that the so!tor dors doc always endorse thetcws or corrwpooaenta onleea to ttated in the editorial coiumna. ' ... rTZ'& r J . f 1 "4 J t .-ic tf can", tree 1T7 t tti? above 1: VOL XIY. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1890. . NO 200. V 1 i Ti r n tti TTTr i J i r i 1SX.TOYS . .1,1 nn.l rcMlIlS wllCIl VJ' - . .i.. octn nnd act: rItVl tly on tie Kidney EyU ckauKS the sys. r -r . -iT;r Ji-pcU cold tead K it vers an.1 cures habitual x Fvrup ..f Figs is. the PiT'icr t the taste and a CtZ& r,jch, prompt & a truly lneficial m it fSrU azrccaMe substances, it 'VrdVat qualities commend it f& I Uv? na,lc it the most J-oricscly known. . to cf Ffc is for alc m 50c -Vii bcrJcs br all leading drug- ka Any xwauic . ItTKtbre it on hand will pro- -4 k rrcsptly fur any one who T, TV nnt accent anV ijlw "J dSltSHU HO SYRUP CO. ixvvi.ii- ntvt rout. K.r. EUHCIIT 15. HKIXAMY. iifoLrALc nm ggist. k4X Wilmington, N. C. Boird at Wrightsville 1 1 ffX r-VKTtW i AN UL .U COUM- hrfi R ifi 13 a nrtvair: Household at fV-'----' NWtl.l. "BOAR IV Box 4, UIJ. Just Arrived -f j..iurirTHAT h:lii i im oi n- A -TKTTtUjn m.i!I Klt. af 111 II an l 1 ; s. Watrr JUreeL fur Latch Siring Outside ytlttKSfPTllE STATK tit'ARD AND v -n u t-tiWr laiitfii to islt the Jlaro mi't Esituhinrnt of Geo. R. French Sl Sons FFinr.(.oiNr. home. "atVu-iAif rvpartmnt U complete, !A'f Mi!Lia the past lew trecks ECOCases of Bootsand Shoes TO UFA LL T IIA D K. ri j n ivn Ron and J. IHlIL PFFAttTM KNT BOOM IXC. t tir.-iln vrr ofTeml In LOW R. French t& Sons, lOXortU Front Street. 2aTl:e trta It tf fena Beach ami Soutliporf, I5tLl'll.N(; MONDAYS. 1LMIXGTON &. vT.,.l -ik . ... w!!?".14.-41 1 P. m. and e p. P?t?m Waxes at 9UJU w... .. IV"- lj ?r,' ,f K'ca at o p. m. on Iijvr' 'i W c for Southport KXl J l"ai-h at Si pJ w i a kvj to racu and rviara. A SpUndid Assortment -OF- SPOISTGES MI NUS U EOT II IBS. Hardware, AM CUOCKXUr. ImpcrVn axl Jobbers I T.rr AT. Tsu ,H W g 1XDXX TO Nl AfiTXBTXSIKtXTa B F SwAJtx tjrocetlet Mzed Ji Co Furniture A K LrcAS 5pecll Notice Mnw CaoTntK Druggists Not ic Attention Confederate Veterans r 0 w Yates Noted men on the solid south - IIulMioliday - to-morrow hope it will be fair. . nnd wo Mr. Sol C. Wef! I nailed from Xe i aw. m aw A-. . ' vvi w . , , 1 fiL- vocf riln v f r r l.ivorttw-vl ti . bnb!tiet trip. There will be ft big crowd at Camp Latimer to-iuorrowafternoon if the weather is good. ! The Lumberton Baud will give an pen air concert in tho CitJ Hall I'nrk this f renin g. The worst cases of scrofula, fait rlifum mid othr dieascHof the iilmxl, are curvd by Hood'iT fcjarta pari I la. Fifty ljrst-clafs hnud wanted to make Panttt, by the day or piece. Apply at 122 Market street. t Rev. Sam Jones telegraphed yes terday that he would open his meet ings here on September 2.3th to con tinue te.n days. Keep dry aud you will keep healthy. UmbreUas, rubber coats, tic, at L'Shrier', S. K. corner Front aud Princess 6treets. ; The Second and the Fourth are having aT fine time in camp. Some how they seem to "catch on'' better than the First and the Third. I am Manufacturer's Agent for Rarbed and all kinds of Wire, Com bination Wire and Iron Fences. Or ders solicited. James I. Met ts. t The German residents of this city will celebrate, on October 6th, the anniversary of the landing of the first of their countrymen on the soil of America. The steamer Cape Fear brought down n lare party of colored peo ple this morning, on an excursion given by the colored Haptist Church at Elirabethtown. With "Regal" Paint on your house and "Plastico" on your walls, your hou?e will be beautiful and your family happy. Sold by theN. Jacobi Udw. Co , factory agents. t The moon entered on its last quarter this morning. We Ijave'nt got that low down yet, thought if the . newspaper patronage here does'nt Improve we'll soon be on our last quarter. Gov. Fowle arrived In the city last evening at 5.W) o'clock in Mr. H. Walter's private car. In which he went direct to Wrightsville and to Camp Latimer. He was received with all due honors. The highest climb of the thermom eter hero to-day was 85 but the humidity of; the 'atmosphere has tieen so great that the slightest ex ercisehas been accompanied with great discomfort. It is understood that the survivors of the 18th C. Regiment will meet j to morrow afternoon at Wrightsville Beach and will afterwards proceed in a body to Wrightsville to take part in the parade of the veterans at Camp Latimer. . This Is just the kind of weather to C .use sunstrokes and. prostrations from the heat. Five .degrees more of caloric iu the atmosphere, with a clear sky and a dry atmosphere, Would be more comfortable nnd healthier weather than this. New Push and Pull Blind Hinges. Iock8 the blind when opened or closed. Saves labor and costr of put tJiii mi inside fastenings, which aro - - -r not needed with these hinges. Car- . t. .Ill A M mm S . I dndwe ie iu B B B (Botanic Blood We havolt now. A Pump that is i W. C. McGauhey, Webb City, Ar--t '...t...Mi ..vr rpnnlrins- a! kunsas, writes: B 13 B has done ...w,,, " ,7"" 7- tub of water to start It. it is uie ; bright invention of n North Card-; lit iiiveniiuu ui w . Kniusaud Iprouounced by all, Una to be It and voa will have no other. : N. Jacobi Hd w. Co, ; it good. Three botUes of B B B ef-! j fected a cure. B B B also cured uiy i Turner' Almanac promises chauge brother of a ruuning sore." j To Savs1! conUat the 14th; then come eight dajs .JJ wlh Scrofula and Ecze.j of frequent showers (by way of va-' few Dotties Gf jj BB entirely changeable weather, the monh winding op with three fair days. According to thli the precipitation this month promises to be very heavy. . Thefienudn Atthe llsland Beach Hotel to-night will be a. brilliant af- jfair. : mis uiornin If it rains to-day it : win raiti to morrow and if it don't; rain to-day it will rain to-morrow anyhow, Wc are glad to licar that Mr. 13. i (jr. Worth, who ha been quite hick, .. ! j , . , I ---'i-- r, - . p, rs J or two. It raiued all day last Sunday iu j the upper Cape Fear section. There was a rise of 20 feet 011 Monday, on top of the old freshet, which had been subsiding. When Capt. Tom lin left there yesterday morning the wuter was naiu falling. We are glud to learn that the Or ton House is doing an excellent busi ness now, undvr the careful ami ex perienced matiage.uent of Mr. - Mou ttigue. We arc told that its pat ronage has never been better than it is now and that the prospect? for an excellent season next" Winter are of the best. Dr. Ilue (s t;t ttor. Two telegrams were received to day from Dr. Hoge's bedside and both coutained encouraging news. Both reported him . as better, Mr: George Cha ' bourn received a tele gram at noon to-day, containing this gratifying information. Fur ther news is looked for this after noon. Mr. B. F. Hall left hero last night for Saratoga to be with Dr. Hoge. -The Gcrmanlaa to the Front. The Germania Cornet Band, 20 pieces strong, will go down to Wrightsville this afternoon. They will first proceed to Camp Latimer and serenade the troops there, after which they will go to the Hammocks and give an open air concert for the benefit of residents at the hotel. They will remain until a ; late train and will take supper at the Ham mocks. It is probable that Prof. Miller's Band will aid them in the concert. . . Crushed by a Holler. Yesterday afternoon, about 5.30 o'clock, while workmen were un loading a boiler, weighing 600 lbs, rrom a lighter, at the Bladen county line, the boiler slipped from the skids and Mr. Saint Potter was caught under it and crushed into the ground. As soon as possible he was released, when it was found that he had sustained some severe, injnr ies, although it is hoped that no bones were broken. Medical aid was summoned from Point Caswell. The boiler belongs to Mr. D. J. Corbetr. Mr. Potter has been with Mr. Cor-bett-f6r seven years. Cornet Band Excursion. The Cape jTear Silver Cornet Band came up from Southport this morn ing on the Passport on the prom ised excursion. They were accom panied by a large number of ladles and gentlemen from our seaport sis ter, lots of pretty girls, for which Southport is getting to be famous, being of the party. They went through to Wrightsville to spend the day on the seashore. .There were 13 members of the band, as follows: Samuol Drew, leader, aud Messrs. Jesse Weeks, Rob Weeks, C. Holden, II. Phelps, Jell Wescotr, Albert Dosher,,W. S. Dosher, Rob Davis, Price Furpless,J. N. Dauiels, John Holden and Fred Harper. , : The Vtilao of Money. Men of unlimited means hardly appreciate the value of just one dol lar, but with the poor every dollar means so much toil and so much ef fort. It is a comfort to know "that the iKJverty-stricken invalid can ue five h0 ,uch good from so little ex j ....... lit. . lttn 4hntT int-ncf 4 ll 13 1 f I hue more good and for less money t other blood liuritier I ever iim-ii. t ue uib cuiuiik ui iij to it." r uSCd. I owe the comfort of my life Gal, w""; -JL V L" rUrrio I on ma. A few bottles of B B B entirely j c. But if the j udges of election do Jhnn,M."Davis.Trler.Texa,,w,it: not fi' to IPt tl.i. pUo. the old ; wa subject Wnumber of years to.resuladoiware to be obten ed. - i SDells of inllanunatory'rheouiatisiii, ; ; r ,..' ix bottles of b B B, thank .AO 0E r aoycoD,eqneDee, Forecasts. For North Carolina, showers and , stationary temperature. Local fore- 'casts, from 8 a. in. to -day, for Wil- giiffi,t changes in temperature. f ! The Ladies DellelitetL The pleasant effect and the per- r x r . i 't ; - i l : ie a , y , V . f . "u.,u Iruu r"i; : of Figs, under All conditions maKe it ri-r.i.itn Tf in nlooa. I 1 ii'i 1 l w if 111: 1 UK v . It is pleas- ! ing to the eye and to the tast gen' ! tie, yet- effectual in" acting on the kjUlieys, liver and bowels, ' ' - The City Bottling Work. . Mr. W. L. Lucas, of Durham, has been recalled to the city by his uncle Mr. A. F. Lucas, who has placed hiin in charge of the bottling department of his business-here. He has had five years1 experience in the business and we are sure will give satisfaction to all. Mr. A. F-Tjucas will, however, still give the business his supervision, as will be fully ex plained in advertisement published elsewhere in this issue. The Jfeir Band. A meeting of young men interest ed iu the organization of a new band was held last night at the City Hall. Mr. R. R. Clowe was called to the chair and Mr. James W. Monroe was made secretary. After discuss ion a committee of three was' ap pointed to draft a constitution and .by-la wsi Mr. Simon Sanders, Prof. Schloss and Mr. James W. Monroe were appointed as the committee, and were requested , to report at a meeting to be held Thursday, the 14th, at 8.15 o'clock, at the Mayor's office in the City Hall. ! Eighteen members were enrolled at the meeting. The New Election Law. The new election law, under which a new registration is ordered in New Hanover county,, is an important one. No registration shall be valid unless it specifies as near as may be the age, occupation, place of birth and place of residence of the elector, as well as the township or county from whence the -elector has remov edin the event of a removal and the full name bv which the , voter is known. 1 - ' The registraticn books are to be open for inspection and challenge on the second Saturday preceding the election. . - Section 2GS1 is amended to read: Upon the request of any elector the registrar shall reqnire an appli-. cant (for registration) to prove his identity, or. age and residence by such-testimony under oath as may be satisfactory to the registrar. The registrar shall record the name, age, occupation, place of birth and! place of residence of the elector, and the name of the to wnship orcounty from which the elector has removed in the event of a removal also the date of registration, in the appropri ate column of the registration book, Section 2GS2 is amended so that the registrar is to put on his book on the day of election any becoming of ago since the books were closed, provided he be found otherwise en-: titled to vote. Section 26S8 is amend ed as follows: Each box is to be labelled in plain and distinct Roman letters with the name of the office or offices to be voted for. The majority of the judges of election for the county and State offices may rail off a space or enclosure as a polling place to hold the election for State and county offices. Only one voter shall be allowed to enter at a time and no one but the judges of elec tion shall be allowed to speak to him or interfere with him while casting his vote, which shall be put jn the proper box or boxes bv the I voter himself and by the judges at' the request of theV voter. A similar but separate polling place may, be railed off for Congressional and Presidential elections In such event the registrar shall appoint a deputy registrar for that , separate I polling place, to vhom shall be fur ied the names of all persons en titled to vote, aud the judges or m- t pec tors of election for that polling pjac- wilQ shall be of different po- registrar and judgesso appointed shall be sworn, c. But if the judges of election do To Storm the Camp. j The programme as arranged for the parade of the Confederate Vet- erans to-morrow afternoon is for theui House will ba to assemble at the Orton at 4:30 o'clock. Then they 1 formed into line and march ed to tfie Union Depot, where they will board the 5 o'clock train on tne Seac.oast R. R. aud be transported to Wrightsville. From the depot they wjll march to Cimp Latimer where the troops will pass in review beforelthm. It is derirable that all weat bladges, whrch.can. be procured at Mr. Heinsbergers book store. "Sidejanns" to consist of walking cane, rne lare .ior tne rounu irjp : kvi m 'm ! . A T will be so cents. i 4- Drow&ed Last Night. Mr. l George Law, mate ol the scheoner James Ponder, from 'Phi la delphia, now lying at the C. C. R. R. wharf, fell overboard last night, about S:30 o'clock, aud was drowned? lie started to go ashore at the time with the took, Mr. James Edwards, aud it is thought fell through the wharf.-wmch is undergoing sonle repairs. The latter was some little distance' 111 advance and heard 'the splash but could see nothing of the uiateJ Capt. Calhoun, the skipper, who was on board at the time, aided in the search but nothing could be seen or lieard of the unfortunate man who probably the whar as he fell could not swim and v who. struck his head against ' and became unconscious into the water. NEW AOVEKTISEM.ENT Attention Confederate Veteran?. ALL MEMBERS OF THE MEW IIANOVEK Veteran Association are requested to as semble In front of the Orton, Friday a ter noon, at 4 30 o'clock, to take the 5 o'clock train tor Camp Latimer. Fare for the round trip will be 25 cents. Th3e desiring Badges can procure them at Helnsberger's. All Vet erans cordially invited to join us. , Col. JNO. D. TAYLOK, Commander. WM. BLANKS, Secretary. aug 7 2tx Chicken?, Eggs, Chip Beef, AND A NICE LOT OF North Carolina Hams ! jTist received, which I will sell cheap. I have a complete Stock of CHOICE FAMILY GRO CERIES which I will sell lower than any other Eetail House in the city. Give me a 'call. My stock is always fresh. No stale i i goods on hand. Call at . . B. F. SWANN'3, Agt, aug 7 tf D&W so. Front Street!. Special Notice ! JJK. W. L. LUCAS, OF DUKHAM, N. C, has now full eharge of the SODA AND EXPOKr BOTTLING BUSI NESS OF THE CITT BOT TLING WORKS.1-' t - - - - ; i He is able and equipped by practicable ex- perienoe of Ave years to give entire . satisfac tion in feota1 the IOFT DKINKS and EXPORT BEER. Giye our goods a trial and you will be convinced. 1 My mends and the public will please under stand that I still retain control of the busi ness and will give it my personal supervision; the pressure ef other branches preventing H.e from giving my entire time and attention, !as heretofore, to the BottllDg Bepartment. iw Three more new Governors for drawing Beer Just reeelved and for sale by me. j Kesnectfuiiy. A. F. LUUASJ Not at All Necessary rjH) CAItRY YOUlt PKOVISIONS OK LXJNiH to Carolina Beach as tkere U a First-Class Family Grocery there, supplied with everything the, market affords and sold at city prices. j All Kinds of Canned Goods .- . -. 1 - ,- . FOK LUNCH AND PIC NIC PARTIES and everything else that goes to make up; a fine lunch. : . Full supply ef ICE alwas on hand. The residents of CAROLINA BEACH will And it to tneir interest to deal wRh me as I will keep on hand everything la the Crocery and Housekeeping line. -1 I HANS A. KUlSE, j JeTtf j PROPKIETOlf. ADRIAN & Y0LLEI18, WHOLESAU: DlLlLKltS IN j - X "'" - ..;! Provisions, Groceries, Liquors. Tobacco, Cigars, J , COMMISSION,- MERCHANTS, - . .. T"M a Dock si., .tfviT ..n. AND s kw a i v Km islsai ENTa . ISLAND BEACH HOTEL J. A. BROWN, Manager. H AVIN3. LEASED THE ABOVE NAMED Uotel, situated at the Hammocks. I am pre pared to cater successfully to the wants of tho public . . The tables will be supplied with th; choicest viands ef the season. ity. Surf Bathing Bath Houses Instill water,, fine boating faclllUcs, unrivalled nshlng, and above all an unexcelled Cuisme. , , a. cottages en the Beach . connected with the Prof. Miller's celebrated Band, engaged for the Season. 1 - . . . J. A. JBIIOWN, my28U M ANAGEK. ' Ladles' Ice Cream Parior QN AND AFTER. THURSDAY, AUGUST 7th. I will open a LADIES' ICE CREAM PAR LOR at No. 110 Dock street, between Front ana second streets, t ream Eervcu irom to 10 oVlock p. m. v augolw Mrs. Ci. M. ALTAFFER. r. ; ' i ' j . mrr-n r tTtti Km TTrTTCi"ri : On Dock Street, between Front aud Second, FT AS BE SN THOROUGHLY IlENOVATED 11 and the Koonu furnished with an eyo to the and cool and llie Table supplied with, the best the market affoiis. Board by Iho day, week or month at very low rai.es.' jiks. .. u. ovx.s, aug 511 w ; Proprietress. Wilmington & Wedon R.'R. ,Co. WltJllNGTON, N. C, Aug. 5th, 1800. OFFICE OF SECHETA11Y OF WlLillNO ton S Weldan ltailroad (Company. A spec ial meeting cf .the Stockholders of tlie Wll. mlngtonA Weldon ltailroad Company will bo held at the office ot the company, in the City of Wilminftton. Narth Carolina, on Tuesday. Agust2f!th,l89J, at 12 M., for the purpose of coosiaerinff ana acting upon tne question 01 issuing addltipnal Capital Stock rer and on account of the construction of branches to tho main road, as provided for in an amendmenn to the Charf r of the company, ratified Feb ruary 21st, A. D. lfTT, and such other matters as may come before the meeting for consid eration. By order of the President, - JAS. F. POST, Jr., aug 5 20t secretary . & w. 1L iLrCo. Come and See Us ! NO. 20 NOKTII SECOND STKEET, BE- tween Market and Princess, for our stock Is now complete. A schooner 'of fine Beer for five cents; also, a line sapply of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Just put In to-day. Jy3llw ' - ' - Noted Men mi the Solid South. v JJILAlfr A. UEItBEUT, ZEBDLON B. Vance, Wm, H. Fishback, Henry U. Turner, Sand Pasco, Ira P.Jones, tm. J. Wilson, Geo, jc25lf, - C. W. YATES. sneedr & Co., ture Co., souf heast corner 3Iarket and Second 1 . . ' streets. Large stock, artistic designs, lowest prices. Everybody invited to call and inspect efnt - we vtw 1 Germania to the Front.- JJAV YOU SEEN THE LAST KLIEGENDE Ulaettj and Illti&f.rira Wolt ? These and Are other German periodicals nnd ISO other Eng lish periodicals are on Me ac tho Ubrary As sociation rooms. 123 Aiarket street, over Huggins'. Only $2.00 per year per family f ' r naoofrcoms. . Je 2 tt ' THE ACME MAii Ur AUTUltlJN tr UU, r MANXJFACTUKEItS OF . Fertilizers. "Pine Fibre land Pine Fibre Matting Wilmington, - - N C. rjiUE UEPt'TATION OFOUK FEKTILlZEltS tne ACM E and c EM. Is aow estabiDshed. and tne results ef tbree years' use in tne nania or ' tne best farmers of this and other states will attest their value as a hl?ti grade manure . Tne MATTING, made irom tho leaves of our native pine, is conceded to be equal to any wool carpet for comfort and durability and the demand for It is dally tncreailng. It haa nr tues not faiDd In any ether fabric. Th Finite or WOOL is ttxte-nfilrelr nspd for Hpholstertng purposf. and as a tilling for Mattrwfs is almost equal to hair, being fight clastic and proof against insects. ctrtmcates f rom reUabio parties using our IT0O03 can be seen at our Cilice, or will be en ail ed upon publication. lanitt POTCI "D A PPT? 13 miTED WITH XHXO xiiXXilVInkmanuXaacredby he FalrmeuntPrl niln? Ink Works, . - T. K. WEIGHT ft CO " - 2Cth street and 11 najivani averiu. IIUlMkl. Ik..

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