P3VJDER Absolutely Pure. A cream cf.Urur bstlcg joxrCe r. Highest of all La IcarcLiag strength. t. m 6r fjwn lirperr. Atf. 17. l!$a T2io Daily SoyiQ.w, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7. 1S0O. "'STATE NEWS. Laurinburi? Exchange; Mr. "nh LeUrand. brother of Mr. J. T. I.e Gr&nd, died nt the liouie of hi brother In Itockinsrhnm last Mmdny Iter a protracted Illnes?. He wn one of the leading fanners of the Pee Dee river section of our county. Lenoir Topic: When the Demo cratic primary was held in Cove Creek township, yatauga county, very few Alliance men attended it, bat on the next Friday the snb-AI-liaoce met and nominated n full county ticket for Watauga county. This foolish act was the very essence of rinr-mle In which the sub-Alliance or Uore ureeK assumed louicuue m. the whole county. We suppose tlmt the nominees will all decline. Greensboro Workman: Onofthe most expeditious as well as highly Important movements in railroad circles r3 been accomplished by the extension of the W. N. C llailroadfrom Winston to Wilkes boro, just now cfTected and . which was sijrnaliicd on Saturday Ins-t by the handing over to Col. Andrews of the $10rt,00O InWilKes county bond which the county had jruaraiitcttl to pay over on the completion of 1 1 road. Wilson Mirror: There was rr-.i- ly born at lleiiMiii. in Johnston oounty, a white child which is pro nouucetlto It' ou? of the ino-t won derful freaks of nutiire ever m i n in North Carolina, or p. rhap in the wor'd. The child lived fifty hours. It had two heads, one at each end of the liodv. The head.. were per fectly formed in every particular and each nurcd und cried. The child wa 22 inches luii and 181 ioche wide witji arm- extended. It had three feet two on on ide and three on the other, and four arms two on ea:h side. Ilaletgh Actc aud Obttrver: The Republican revolt against Congress man Hrower in the Fifth district is greater than theDemocratsthroun out the State generally suppose.- It is hodeepjieated that the Winston Re publican Is out In a rong article agaiaat him and calling npon self refpecting Republican not to sup port him. It charges him with be traying his party by voting for the AlilU bill: beiug willing to turn traitor to hi party in it hour of need, a evidenced by th interviews published indicating hi willingness to be a candidate for Speaker of the House; and by raising sheol in the district by reason or hi control oi Federal appointments. Charlottw AVir: The oHice of the Western Union Telegraph Company In this city feiiow adorned by n .large tixe photograph of the opera tors, ten in number. Mr. Wil liam Ixckhart was found dead in bed at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Peter McGowau, this morning. Mr. Lcckhart had been contlned to his bed for live years past by an in firmity of home peculiar nature, yet through all that time he had a good appetite, aud nt his death he weigh ed 230 pouuds. At 3 o'clock this morning he grew wore, and calif d his daughter, who remained with hlra until after daylight, when she went out to look after break far, leaving him apparently comfortable. When she went to hi room shortly afterwards, she found him dead. COUJf EBC7IAX. HBTT8. WILMINGTON IfARKET. August 7. 250 P. M. . SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady ftt:rnt. Sales of receipts atsa ROSIN Firm at 97 for strain ed and $1.02 for good strained. - TAR Firm at $1.45. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $i:23 for bard, $2.35 for yellow dip and $2.33 for virxrin. COTTON Quiet at 11 J cU for mid dling; low middling, 10i; good mid dling. 115' . RECEIPTS Cotton. ;plrit8, 46; rofcin, 1,427; tar, 108; crude, 120. Gubernatorial Tote of 1SSS. FIRST DISTRICT. COUKTIKS. Beaufort.. FOWLK. DOCKKRY. 2,092 Carteret - 1,073 Camden ......... Chowan Currituck ..... Dare Gates..... ......... Hertford ... Hyde , Martin . lamlico..... Pasquotank... , Perquimans..-. Pitt Tyrrell .193 742 973 32G 1,131 1,132 854 1,074 740 833 779 2,593 472 MARINE fdSVTS. ARRIVED. Steamer Cape Fear, Toiullnson, Fayetteville, T. D. Ixve. . . CLEARED. Steamer Cane Fear, Tomlinson, Favetteville. T D Love. Schr Lula Everett. Osmore, New York, vessel bv Geo Harris?, Son& Co.; cargo by C H Mallett. EXPORTS. COASTWISK. New York -Schr Lula Evrett 130,- 000 ft lumber, 3 ipars. Washington............. 807 1C,823' SECOND DISTRICT. Bertie ; 1,316 Craven 1,408 Edgecombe 1,321 Greene 1,008 Halifax 2,495 Jones ." C84 Lenoir i.'.... 1,587 Northampton 1.639 Vance 1,882 Warren 545 Wilson 2,159 3, MONTHLY STATKMKNT. STOCKS ON HAND AITO. 1, 18t0. Cotton ashore, 249; afloat total. 3-"2. Stiirit ahore.5,439; afloat, 2,976; total. 3.415. Rosin ashore 38,413; afloat, 3,291; total. 41.701. Tar ufihore, 5,572; afloat, 000; total, 5.572. Crude ashore. 841: afloat. 50; total 891. KKCKIPTS FOR MONTH OF JULY, 1890. Cotton, A3; spirits, 11,4C0: rosin, 34, 022; tar. 2,643; crude, 2,429. KX PORTS FOR MONTH OF JULY 1890. DOMESTIC. Cotton 228; birits, 3.S4G;crude, 2.524: tar, 3.589; rosin, 1,K39. FOREIGN. Spirits, 2,234: tar, 10; rosin, 12,632. Alamance Chatham. Durham Franklin Johnston Nash 2,157 Orange....: 1,610 Wako 4.GI8 1,741 2,516 1,815 2.204 3.024 'I John Werner. MI EKE IS BUT ONE. AND II K HOLDS lorth at No. 13 Market street. A irood Stoavt l for lo i-nts. a shampoo for 20 cents, or a Hair I'ut form cents, tour or me Deal uaroers in the Mate.- Clean towtls. sharp razors and prompt attendance. JOHN WERNER. The German Barber, fpo Hi tf 2 Market street VEHICLES! VEHI.LES! r OFFER FOR SALE A LAKGK NUMBER 1 .. f AND A tJRET VARIETY. OF Second-IIand lTelilclep, All lu j;ood order and ready use. They will be sold very good pufer. for ImrnedUte low tor cash or 19,685 FIFTH DISTRICT. Caswell 1,358 Forsyth 2,259 Granville 2,400 Guilford 2.47L Person 1.375 Rockingham 2.395 Stokes 1,450 Surry 1.671 15,384 ,IXTH DISTRICT. Anson Brunswick... Cabarrus Columbus Mecklenburg . New Hanover Richmond Robeson Stanley Union 2,241 1,010 1,645 2,072 4,163 1,880 1,711 2,823 99G 2,040 20,581 SKVKNTH DISTRICT. Call uutl get a good bargain at OUR ELL'S STABLES. Jy 11 tf cor. Third and lTlncesa St. Itocklen Arnicw Satv. The Best Saivw in the world for Cut. Bruise, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Bands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Bkin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money ref unded. Price 25 ceuts per box. For tale bv Robert R Bellamy, wholetaJtf anJ tstail d Jgi WE HAVE T CST . RECEIVED ANOTHER ,LA KtIE AS SORTMENT OF AND In the Utest designs and tancy vwxn, which weoseratloircst rrloes, INSTALMENTS or CASH. The public la cortlilly lntltei to cx; amme oar large and superior moc or Instru ments. E. YaaLAER, 407 ttcd CruM 54 rtrt. fill tr For Sale. and la good conditioa.lWUl be sold cneap Arou at i this urnc SPECIAL NOTICE ! i UR PRIVATE STOCK 1874 RYE IS UN-' doubtedly the best WHISKEY Bold in the south to-day. Below you will and a few out of many letters wmcn we receive ana nonce well wnat they contain: Krown & Urown. drusjrlsts, of Winston, say: The Private moot, T6, sires entire satis faction to our customers, and we mine it is a Qnc medldua! Whiskey." II. Hose, also of Winston, writes us as fol lows: The 'Private Stock Whiskey I bought through, yoar Mr. Simon has prored a success and will keep it hereaiter as my leading brand.' J. a. Burns & Co.. of Fayetteville, have this to say: I have used jour new brand of 'Private Mock. is;s.' Rye Whiskey and will say that I am well Pleased with It and that It It all you recommend It to be. My customers prefer i this brand to all others." Br uiiiild,Simon & Co., Ill N. Front St., DeaU-rs in Liquors, Cljnrsnd Tobaccos, my ) tf Cutawoa Davidson Davie... Iredell Montgomery ttandolph ... Rowan Yadkin 2,018 1,008 2,724 979 2,171 2,739 1.071 15,070 KIGHTII DISTRICT. Alexander 952 Allechanv. Ashe Burke Caldwell. Cleveland Gaston Lincoln Watauga 687 1,399 1,247 1,258 2,269 1,884 1,209 898 Wilkes 1,70G 13,209 NINTH DISTRICT. Buncombe ..3,041 Cherokee 646 CIav 391 Graham 271 Haywood 1,326 Henderson...: :.. 917 Jackson 903 Macon - 780 Madison ' 1,178 Fishermen's Supplies, Ur:::::: i.JS I OIK 4V Rutherford 1,690 Swain 505 Transylvania 520 Xaney - 940 Builders' Hardware, PAINTS AND SASH. 1,799 C77 002 791 438 209 800 i;002 758 1,287 C19 1,217 982 2,323 367 1,014 POSITIVELY -TH1 Largest and Most Perfect STOCK OF- 15,564 THIRD DISTRICT. Bladen : 1,541 Cumberland 2,577 Duplin - 2,205 Harnett 1,444 Moore 1,944 Onslow 1,181 Pender 721 Sampson 2.370 Wayne 2,781 16,764 -FOURTH DISTRICT. 14,892 1.097 2,637 2,509 -1,072 "2,897 C20 1,436 1,990 1,936 875 1,521 18,590 1,365 2,232 1,154 877 1,846 , 425 r 757 " 1,616 2,561 12,833 1,517 2,099 .1,617 2,041 2,096 1,69G 1,288 4,943 17,300 1,697 2.584 2,609 2.680 1,293 2,101 1,3; i 1,5751 15,872 975 965 915 910 3,284 2,856 1,68-1 1,988 817 997 15,391 I GOODS I IN THE CITY. Plain Good, with Embroider- tea to match. Embroidered Good in all qual itlm. Neat and 1au Iful Plaids and Cbrcks. . c . Plqti with Plqae Trimmings. .Thejprlces cut in Half to cash or punctual paying customers. . HEDRICK. ' . . mm m mwm .. a m . ' OLD 1IATTRES1S -W0& OVER IN ONE Day I -NEW fllATXKCSSEB B1ADI2 TO OtthPu ' W. M. cum V3 17 PAINCDS3 STKEET. mo,, and Stools. Cabinet Banks. Catalogue z S3 FINES Gents' Furnisning Goods. EvemnlnEr In this line PUICES CUT IN nALF to people who piy cash or pay prompt ly on presentation of bill. . HEDRICK. THE LEADING Dai! Paper OP SOUTH CAKCE1NA IS -i'S" Also Wal1 Prescription v. 7 uuests, liar ber furniture, Tewl Wrfk of all kinds. Complete Outfits for SjTra3 As ATLAMTA SHOW CASE C0 AuS1 fJETJ YORlf OBSERVE, The Oldest and Best Family NewsDam Six Regular EditnrC. . ' respondents at .Hon. J ? lews Umw. Price $ip Per Annum, I ' ' - - MAILED TO ANY ADDRESS. Stories; Reviews, CoadeiiSi? Departments for pSV chants, Bankers, ProfessW.i Students, BovsandGirll 0IuUSl This year the OiKKiiVKitwill r,v lsh more than wur&b FIFTY PltlZB STOIIjLEsj 75G 2,335 1,204 1,897 1,215 2,327 1,266 1,419 12,419 oo2 405 1,482 1,165 717 764 1,330 901 965 2,352 SENSIBLE I ADIES BUY Til EIR TABLE LHSTE3STS or roe. I have a 'splendid stock, and 1 - Off r Low Prices this "''eek - HE RiCK. Jy 21 tf CLYDE'S v YorH &-Wilmington Htpamship Co FliOM PISK 29, EAST KIVEK NEW YOKK Locatejl between Chambers and Roosevelt 'sts TJ1S MOST CIIAbTE AND PUREST - SUNDAY PARE IN SOUTH CAROLINA IS 1 " ! ' " The 'Sunday News. , rnJ. wlth Dallr, $11 per year, alone, f3 per year; six months, $1: sinRle copy, 5 cts; mailed to any address. EVERY ONE'S PAPER, J - i ' t l. jj w jj r-.rvi.j SEWS AND LOURIEU; Fried, f 1 per year; six months, 50 ets; Single copy, 5 cts; mailed to any address. mch 12 and the ablest aud moht , writers wU coatributS to hf urnns.- Poets and proe xniSL thors, editors, men of vromen of genius will fi)l tnv5? umns ef the Obsruvkr, and ft S" grivo fifty-two unexcelled the cominj year. XTxce, JF3.00 a vear.' Clergymen, $2.00 a year. Great Inducements for 1890 I- The NEW YORK OBSERVER wu h. tor one year to any clenryman notJ.lfs' Bcrlber. for ONE dolijCw . not now 4 2. jAny subscrtber sendine his own suhvrc ucr wituyu, can nave a copy of uhb tens Letters." or "The Lite Of Jcny SSS?. 8. We will send the OBSKKvS fifiJL malnder of this year, and to Jan?awi i 1890: : Harper's Youn People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. At 3 o'clock. P. M. DELAWARE.:... BENEFACTOR... FAN1TA GULP STREAM.. . . . . Saturday, Aug 9 . Wedoesaay,. Aug 13 Saturday, Aug 16 ..Wednesday, Aug 20 FROM WILMINGTON BENEFACTOR..... F ANITA , DELAWARE BENEFACTOR 10.439 ,...Frlday, Aug 8 .'. .Tuesiay, Auy 12 ..Thursday, 14 ...Tuesday, Aug iy Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro Rates guaranteed to and from points in North ana soutn Carolina, For Freight or Passasre apply to H Q. SMALLBONES. Superintendent, Wilmington, N C. THEO. F. EGER, Traffic Managt:r. ' New York WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Genl Aeenta, aug 5 tf 5 Bowling Green. New York. The Eleventh Volume of Harper's rorxa People, which begins with the Number for November 5, ISS9. presents an attractlva prc- ramme. ltwiuonerto lis reaaers; aueasi our serials of the usual length; and others In two or ithree parts, namely. "The Red Mus- tanff." nv-William o. tJTonDAKD: "fmi ana the Baby," by Leer C. Lillik; "PrlnfcQ Tom- urv" by johv kfssell uobyell; ana fjcotn- ei Way," by Mabqabet E. sangstkr; two short serials by Hjalmab IIjobtii :Bote8en. Two sciies of Fairy Tales will attract the at tention! of lovers of- the wonder-world,? name ly, the quaint tales told by Uowabd PYLK,and so admirably Illustrated by him, and aother series In a different vein by Frank M. Bick- nell. n nere win oe snort siones oy; w. i. H dwells. Thomas, neioij- Page, Mart E. Wilkiks Nora Perbt; Harrist . PBE3CCTT Spoffokd, David Kek ? Hezekiah .P.ptjkb- WORTH.I SOPniS. bWETT,: 5 KICHARD ? MALCOLM Johnston, etc. ' ; 1 a subscription to Darper's Yotmo People secures a Juvenile library I here is useful knovviedjre, also plenty of amusement. Boston: ber with $5.00, can have JBU3 Letters." or "The Ll 3. We will send the o malnder of this rear, am to any mv snhRprironiir.rv.. ' ' iuuirc&s ana r-i.wi in advance. To surh r bera we will also give eRher tR SSi Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal t Large commissions, sample c freo. Address, ' - . i Nftw York Obseryr, NEW TORE Masraziue. Harp ILLUSTRATED ITA LRU'S STiFCUVUKK Vf HIII L!Pf made bythe old Dutch process, the best Lead on the mtrket. They not belnir In combina-l tlon can make special price on same. . COOKING STOVES. Largest assortment In the State to fseiect from; sold at factory prices. Oil Stoves of All Sizes. In them you will find comfort (and economy. 15.395 The total Vote beinsrFowle H8.395: JJockery 134,035. I. eacoact R, R. Pumpe, Step. Udders. IN EFFECT JULY 5TH. We avc for jour patronaje and endeavor to desenre the same. Respectfully. N. Jucobi Hardware Co., apl23U It SO. FRONT ST. i A TS. WATJ3R shall everl Leave WiUuioirtOQ 6:45 and 9:30 a. m".t 120, 2:50, 5:00, and 9:00 ri. m. Leave Hammocks 7:40 and 10:30 a. ra., 4W, u.-uo, uax) nnd 100 p. to. annday trains leave Wilmington 9:30 a. in. and 2:50 and 9.-00 n. in. Leave Hammocks 10:30 a. m. and8KX) and 10.-00 p, We Lave jut added, at very heavy ex ctie, a four-horse powtrr Otto tiaa Engine to ruu our Ore presses. "It's a dandy," and make our presses bam. Come and sec it ; no trouble to show to anyone who will call st our office. We try always to keep abreast oi the Umrs and our establishment L the largest In the city, and will be kept so, if Lard work, promptness, satisfaction and hard rah can keep It so. . j .lCcfpectfully, . j JACKSON A BELL, ; Leading Printers, Rulers and Binders. I Gen'l Manager, . Wilmington Seacoast R. R. - Jyatf St. Mary's Seminary, . gELECT BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, j The exercises of this Institution will be n somed on MONDAY, Sept. 1st, 1390. Terms made known ca appUcaiiao to ' BISTEH3 OF MZ2CT, jySSoawiTf sat Charlotte, y, c Scribner's Magazine For 1890. The publishers Of SCItXBNElt'S MAGAZINE ain to maxe it tne most popular ana enter' nrtslncr of periodicals, while at all times pre serving its high literary character. 25,000 new readers have Deen drawn' to It during: the past six months by the increased excellence ot its contents (notably the Kallway articles), and It closes Its second year with a new Impetus and an assured success. The Illustrations will show some new effects, and nothing to make SCRI3N Eli's M.viAZiNJS attractive ana in terest In? will be neglected. THE ItAILWAY ARTICLES Will be contln ued by several very striking papeis; one espe cially Interesting by Ex-Postmaster General Thomas L. James on -The Railway Postal Ser rice." ' Illustrated. MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S serta novel 4The Master of Baiiantrae," wm run through the greater part of the year. Begun in November, ' - A CORRESPONDENCE and collection o manuscript memoirs relating to J. F. Millet and a famous group of modern French Painters will furnish the suostance or several articles. Illustrated. - The brief end papers written last year by Robert Louis Stevenson, will be replaced by eauauy interesting contnoutions ny ainere. famous authors. Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldrlch will write the first of them for tile January number. Many valuable LITERARY ARTICLES will appear; a paper on Walter Scott's Method of work, Illustrated from original MSS.. a second sneii oi oia jjooks." Dy airs, j ame3 t ineias and many other articles equally noteworthy uitatraiea Articles on ART SUBJECTS will be a feature Papers are arranged to appear by Clarence Cook, E. a. Blashneld. Austin Dobson ana many oth ers. Illustrated. FISHING ARTICLE" describing sport in the oest nsnmg grounds wiu appear, salmon Wlnnlnlsh, Bass and Tarpon are the subjects now arranged. The authors are well known soortsmen. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES of great variety, louciuiux upon u.u manner ox subjects, travel, Diograpuy, uescnpuon, etc., wui eppeaa, dui not of the conventional commonplace sort. Illustrated. Among the most Interesting in the list of scientific papers for the year will be a remark able article by Prof. John Trowbridge, upon the most recent developments and uses of PHOTOGRAPHY. Illustrated. A class of articles which has proved of k ra cial Interest will be continued by a group of papers upon jLMrj men i m its most recent applications, by eminent authorities: a re markable paper on DEEP MINING.nd ether interesting papers. . . Unique plustrations. ' A SPECIAL OFFER to cover last year numbers, which include ail the Kaiiwav Arti cles, as follows: . . A years subscription (1889) and the num bers for lass- . $4.50 A years subscription (1889) ana the num- Ders loriss. uoima iu cloth COG " 3 year; ZS rents ia nurober. V Charles S cribner's Sons, I -,713-745 Er waji;N.Y, Terms Postage Trepaid, $2 pry-ear. i'ol. XI beytmt Xoveiiber 5, 1889. i ! Sp&rfinen Copy seia on receipt Of j two-cent 1 smgle Number. Flvo Cents each, i i Remittances should be made by Post-Offioe MoDey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss, i Xewspopeis are not to copy litis adrersisement 'titunit tite express order of Harper s. Brothers Address novso HARPEB& BROTHERS, i - - - New Yok- 1890. I Usirper's Weekly, ILLUSTRATED Hakpkr-8Vkeklt has a well-established place aa the leading illustrated newspaper is America. The fairness of Its editorial com ments on current politics has earned for it tho respect and confidence of all impartial read ers, and the variety and excellence of its lite rary contents, which include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, fit it tor the perusal of people of the widest range of tastes and pursuits. The Wkut supplements are of remarkable variety. In terest, and value, . No expense is spared to bring the highest order of artistic ability to near upon tne illustration or tne cnangerui phases of home and foreign history. . A Mexi-! can romance, from the pen of Thomas A. Jauviee, will appear in the Wekxlt in 1890L HARPER'S PERIODICALS. per tear: - N " ! . HARPER'S WEEKLY., $4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE. .................. 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR : 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE............. 2 00 Postage Free, lo all svbscrtoers in the United Starts, Canada, or Mexico. - A new Shaicospeare the Shakespeare tf Edwin a. Abbey will be nresented in mi. pkb's Magazine f0r lfao, with comments ty Andrew Lang. Hakpkk's Migazini has tint made special arrangementa with althooti Daudkt, the greatesit of living French novel ists, for the exclusive publication, in sW form, of a humorous story, to bo lenurif 4 "The Colonists of Tarascon; the Last Adrra-' tures of the famous Tartaln.,, Th Bto will be translated by Henry Jamm, and illus traredby Rops and Mybbach. - W. D. 11 o wells will contribute a notbktie in three parts, and Lafcadio uearji a dot elette in two parts, entitled "youma," nan somely illnstrated. In illustrated papers, touching subjects of ; current interest, and In Us short btonx poems,: and timely articles, the Waoaiixi will maintain its well-known standard. HARPERS' PERIODICALS - ' , PER YEAR HARPER'S MAGAZINE.. . ... . ........ ...M HARPER'S WEEKLY.... ................ HARPER'S BAZAH.;. ............ ....... HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. Postage Free to all subscribers in ttte Uf& Ssates, Canada, or Mexico. - 4 The volumes of the Magazine begin vita tt Numbers for June and December of each yw When no time is specincd, subscripUoM tui oegln with the Number current at time ot re ceipt of order. ' . .m Bound Volumes of Harpers JUgaztof., J three yeara back. In neat cloth Wndia?, sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of w pervolume. Cloth Cases for Llncnng. W eesu eachby mall post paid. ...tmt Index to Harper's Magazine, AlpMbrtW Analytical and Classifled. for Voliual inclusive, from June, 1850, to June, 1 voL, 8vo, Cloth. H 00. The National Life -AND Maturity Association OP WASHINGTON. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the nrsT. in am oer zor d anaary ot eacn year. : Wnen no time Is mentioned, subscriptions will bee-in with the Number current at time of receipt of i urutT. j - f '- . . Bound Volumes of namcrs -Weeklr. for three yesars back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free oi expense tpruviueu me: ireignt aoes not ex- i ceed one dollar per volume), for ST 00 per voL i Cloth j Cases tor each volume, suitable for Dinning-, wui ueseat dt mau, post-paia, on receipt of tl 00 each. - -I Remittances should be made by Post-Offlce Money uracr or urait, to avoid cnance of loss ' Newspapers are not to com this aaoertismment XBUitaut vie express order o'u arper & Brothers Aonreas llAKi ER S BROTHERS. hot 20 Vew York A GENTS GP EITHER SEX T3ROUGHOU tne united states to handle our celebrated Corn -and Bunion Cure. Its annllcailon af fords almost Instant relief, and every box 13 accompanied by aj5 guarantee, which amount we will for'elt in everr instance wrwre our remeoy rails to perfect a permanent enra i ham pie box. 25c: six boxes. tL :e will pav gooa agents $3 per day to introduce ir goods mm ineir section: no postals. For ufios ana i particulars address the manufacturers. I 104 aal 1C3 NcrUi .da-Streit, feD 14 ltr GZvr - 'Cticao, in. Has Paid toJVIem- bers Over - -$600,003 Accrued Liabili . ties - - - -None. - lIOItATIO BKOWNISiO' 'president. ' SABIUEL NORSlE'T Treasurer. GEORGE D. t.t.?UlVCt, secretary. Manager an- Actuary. GEO.'J. KASTEBDAT ;ass Secretary. life insurance at Absolute CosL - A Guaranteed roncj. An incontestible Iucy. f tHj , Jlaturity Value in Casa at FIxm f. - Annual Cost Absolutely UtM x only Four payments per ie;. Washlr-Tton, D. . ru.,, i-nt j -W"'