0 r v'.r.tiTI excepted. Three La lit er l carrtert. free .- rrort aaj and 1 .w f t. Bath VOL XIV JLvpJJ.-. V Ji ILJ y y j $ WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8,1890. UE BSJOVS W. i Kortlien 1ms been noinina-l Mr a ;hij- i . ; ' . " . ieu iorjoernor or Oeorslannd the t ip Xnrfi.or. rsii r.-M.i.t 1 iiA..i;rnf. i k cj. 7 ,ua,Rtw- .....ifc.,uroieneK8 was re- oune nre foiui. mr civpd liPro t- , -w uo vvy . NO 201. The - a1"- Kuiiblank left -here ves-' ,.7 J " The Force bill been pfenttd ferday for Washington City vrhere 1 co,1ltT r GeorKe Chadbonrn by the couiruittee to the Senate, but! will remain for Pevernl weeks on i rtC,eivted n tl,sPatch at half-past 12 it U a ilifferent bill alto-rether frn... ! a viit to r,.l!ivM i !. : c,ock to-ay which staled that he r &. r i x Ladles Ielicbtel. flint tv 1 1 i r f i 0n aA r t ww I ....ww a iu-:ru in it h riniuu 1 n. , - . . j rove carried down a larc The boarjl of education in Coluui- ! "u l,ber to ('"rolina "Beach to-da biiif Ohio, haa decided that hereaf-I t?Jt -c;ion bein; the excursion ter iet Church. are teacher in the public school. The pleasant effect and the per fect safety with which ( ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions make it their favorite remedy. It is pleas- 111 IT tO thf PVft nrifl tUa tocta, 8 nourishment regularly t," w 7 ":!' tevday. His. temperature, at the uTT, u a. a rrv rial I r w i y - 7 - - T -W MV Wtl CIS W M Ml TfW. . . We wiu to glad to rcceiTo oocrri- ro:a or tneaia on Anj ai tiiesa'scti '. Tke name ot tae wn ter most anraie ati nifibea to u Alitor. .... , "...v;. coamunicaaon. mm t irhfvea w c? one side ottne paper. a reraonaiitiesmiwoe arouea 1 f--c'?' Aaa it is C3peduj- a4 pimcaUrty 'rzT "' StOOd that th EJITyw I J. i. ' 'J- w nv wwsji ccaoree t.-viewsoloorreapoaoents anless eo atattd In the editortai ooimaM. ;v-' ,-;.-. " ' . . mmmm .. t NEW ADVKRTISKaiENTH: ; ISLAND BEACH HOTEL rested well was takin and that J. A. DROWN, 3I.TOr. j ... lime tno Duiietm was issued. ,was Dr. Hope's many friends and given by the Oxford League of Fifth 1001 Kilarie paid to men and women who! olrc?t "urr.h. admirers hero are greatly encoura The art of makin-- nmtr hps i ed now in their hbpes of recovery. of making matches u.'en so perrccted that 10,000,000 of the tiny sticks can be cut into shane. all ready for clipping, chine in a single day. Dr. J. It U said to be not at all unlikely thatthe house in which President Lincoln tiled will follow Libby nrisou to Chicago, a Western syndicate i.iug ijjiute an owerjor it. The in. r. j. u. I'errv. of Mobil. A! leution bro put it ou exhibition wIl by the way. a North C;iro-' during the World's Fair. . Iinian by birth, has takeni:har-o of "7" r"mm"Z tu Marino Hospital here tlnriiiif'Dr T erut,,,,.,., t.e discovery of cinutebaelV, bSec , o ??e vunl in Pennsylvania will be ceie- Tve bratml in. September next year. It Mr- Jr- M- Katz and daughter and was a hunter namd Philip (iinter Mr. Sol Bear's family left here yes who made the discovery on Mauch teriluy morning ou the C. F. & Y Creek Mountain, in L'arbon county, IL II- for " visit to points in South- ana tnereiore the proposed niohu-l wt8t irgmia meut.will be dedicated to his mem orv. 91 a sic by the Baud. ThcrLumbertou Comet Band, un- I-tTr, &xh cvlds, head Q Ten an.l cures habitual Ua. Svrun t f Figs 13 the Uir t( in kin.l ever pro- I ai; t the taste and ac- Uul trolr Kucficial in its r i t t a . a i r -rfMe suiJsuincCT, it? .u. ajonroe. Hevinonr Tn.i "czJil qMlities commend it writes to the Indianapolis Sentinel: cibre male it mo mosi .i am an Independent Republican Lr-!r known. I sick of wartjirfff frn n,i i u..fof 7. m, M capitalistic el-vation of nonentities by. one; ma- deterred by the unpleasant weather, uuuie up lotne city last night aud gave their 'promised concert in tlie City Hall Park. It is an excellent baud, with 18 pieces, and although recently organized, they yetgot some most delightful music out of their in struments. Au excellent programme was presented last night and they scored a magnificent success. After the performance Mr. M. P. Tavlnr " IJAVIXG LEASED TIlE ABbVfi 'kAHKO.; Pared to j cater ocefuiiy -J ?ng?oi I i - I Thf tiihlxi ik-iii ..ii. j ' '."1 " . -s.'..Vj port JUatfcr savs that vlaTeUhe. ffKa nst:;;rr the contrac for building the dock Sn and warehouses for. the. Cape Fear Sln 'ciifiies, unrivaiioa nsn inFrnnd ? Coaling an Contracting Company Mn atSouthport has been awarded to "Kft. viii ViVtv the Season. wcu "agea ror - The Contract Awarded. Southi Messrs. Pyke, Pullan & Weeks. The ,dock foot of Kin will be located at the :sley street, and bo so ffiyssu AtANAGEK. and covered trouble of and save tire them twice. The warehouse will be fire-proof with corrugated iron, The performer on the snare drum in Prof. Miller's band is a daisy with the sticks. With the exception of the drummer in the Marine band he is the best performer on that instru ment we ever heard. roof and sides. Thecompauy ex- Jr., drum major of the Second Regi-1 pecfc to dle goeds from ocean vessels auu steaaiers. Time for cou- striicting tne above is limited to 70 days. ment, drilled -the band on the lawn and the precision with which they went through the different move ments was highly creditable and showed thorough training. W. l.n i iv nun. i ii in ii niRT. i iVcbr aU baaing arug to ojsce. M t nd . , Ulwav nri,t " lt rf! e drti--ist who Ir ul 4 1 . V ' . ' lcliu,I,1,K tt route UvVtrn Twill pro- . Z wo tI,c 1 'r"Iy ot no party, iuo or water to start it. It is the Wilmin Lt tire it cn cami aniu pro-iiint 0 niv rn f t -.i.t kr:i,f i "llu"u I IZt'&Z Wnt WrJ: " S"ck t0 CIc"''. K'nO Una genius and Is pronounced by all Rale b latin 1A accent anj 111- in -vr-llrfKi i,.7i.t i n. 1 . . I tva,eiK uiaicuiu lyieve-l " mo Jt?M- piimi On Hie III 1 fhLirr. fnr rosr, ir.r. 3'aALS ii:h;(;it. W!!m!n,-ton. N. V. land! Don't make the mistake See it and von will have no which has been made of Ignoring N. Jacob! Hdw. Co. giants for pigmies; for tho monopo lists won't -furnish you the money with which to elect your man, as they have others." irJ at Wrightsvillo t rwit c in i:l AixoMMo. M-iri in 1 rrlt; noachold at luit rit jr. Mr. Frank Jones, living at Far mer's Turnout, Brunswick couuty, was killed Wednesday last -bv the out-croincr train on tb Wiitiifncrfmi Yesterday's New lork papers are Columbia & Augusta Uailrond hp- full of the reports of the execution t ween Brinklev's and Farmpr' Turn. of Kemmler by electricity. A good out. Mr. Jones was' aslpnn nn th ! deal of bosh Is talked by some as to track and the engine struck his 11s oeing "tne urst ana last" of the head, killing him instantly. kind, because of the job having New Brunch of the W. & W. 11. K. . Yesterday's Raleigh News and Ob server says: Reliable information received here yestei day that the missiles fi oni thejother Capt. Ward for the new branch of the fired at him. sliVhtlv I 1 n - j ""vm! 111 gton & Weldon Railroad from In the arm. The Delta then came ction of the Albemarle & down to ti e city, iCml last night , below Bethel, to Washing- Capt. Waid jwas arrested on a war- arKet. ton, has been selected via Pactolus. rant issued bv Justice Colrin,ofPoint other. Thi ia as it si,oud b8t as lfc wiU pags Qas well, Thb warrant was endorsed T I, rn n rrli nn ni-f .1 ' T 1 L 1 . . . j ici imuK uu Krow. uy magistrate nere and the arrest ing village and a good section of was made by! R. H. Holmes, the col farming country on Tar River. The ored constable for this ! townshin constructed jthat teams can drive to LadlfS' TfP fJwjim'PftWaii-' boats-and tl us handle goods quickly "tS 1V15 reaill rarlOr vr handling I 1 ax'iku. tuuksday, august. : : ' 7th, I wm opeo a LADIES' ICE CRIUll f'Alt-" H Lou at No. -no Dock street, between, frbDt aad second streets, cream srnea Iroia 4 to Z 1 1 ' 10 o'clock p. m. ? .-t .j Z i 'm rj : " augoivv AlKS. Ci. M. ALfAFFEi?. - THE OWENS H0U3E.1- ' Ou Oock Street. botWi30tt irotI and tne Kooma farnisncd wltn an; eyo'to tne 1 Fracas at Point Caswell, Capt, Herbert Ward, master of the steamer Deltk, hadi difficulty with one Loftin Obllins, colored, at Point Caswell yesterday and in response to low rates. secured Mr.; Marsden tie went up new line: will be rapidly pushed Capt.' Ward through to completion with the cha- Bellamy as yis counsel actenstic energy and dispatch of to R the Atlantic Coast Line. Success to gave bail and returned here at 11.20 the enterprise. o'clock and resumed command of his The Burgaw Herald publishes the following list of big rattlesnakes comfort ox the public. The liooms are, uicT: ?,; and cool and the Tabic supplied with the bcstl 6i ? the market affords. ' - - Board by the day, week or month at very Mrs. s. II. OWENS, : . rroprletress. Wilmington & Wcdon R. BCo.V N EW A IjVEKTIS KM KNT8 . WlLMIKGTok, N. C, Auy. 5th,1890. OFFICE OK SECltETAKY OF WILMINO tOn WeldOn li.Ulm.-w1 r-nmnnnV mraiuig u luu iocKuoiaers or the wu- I wiujwu a. ueiuuu itaiiroaacomDanv w been so -badly bungled. This is all Officer Hogue, of the Raleigh po- killed in Pender county this season: A ffpnfmn FnufoAproi Vifponc nonsense. There Is no denvimr the lice force, who killed a man last Irwin Taylor. Yes. sir. I killed 1 U1,J VUJ"ltllClllt; vt lUtf"- ust Arrived! ' Ij TiF Til T Kl:KMI l'MtiJf 1t..t : x.l K!f. af llir.4i:sn. WAtrrMrreL leh Siring Outsido lit STATU i.fAHI) AND fact that it was badly done but even I week wlule in discharge of. his duty, as it was it was a painless death and I ftnd who was committed by the ex far preferable to the barbarous amining magistrate without bail, method of hanging a man by thewH remain in jail until his trial, neck. KemmUr was undoubtedly J Habeas corpus proceedings were unconscious from' the very instant talked of and Hon. A. M. Waddell,of around. 10 rattles! He was consYd J. Veteran Association are reaueatpd to as- r : l French Sl b'ons .'SE (,.!,; liujiK. t tit la - . 1... i--a!Lri-t row work cfBootsand Shoes TXLL TKAIn: viii - !f'iS'' and J. " ,"c li: rca-iy to r,,r ofTrPM In LOW tFrench&Sons. r--. z. jy i! tr 2 fc that the current touched him on I city, was engagel for the pris this the physicians are all agreed loner, but the counsel have conclu and his death was in all probability Med to abandon .the application for as nearly painless as death can be a writ. under any circumstances. . Every tisne of the body, every nerve, bone and muscle is made stronger and more healthy by tak ing Hood's Sarsaparllla. one at Mr. John W. Bordiattx's Mill six feet loner with fifteen rattlps. on button. twelvA inchpa -fnrnnnrl Tiia I aemble in frontj of the OrLon hil ' uuun, U.L 4 mj o ciock; to take, the 5 o'clock v t tii a 1 train ror Camp Latimer. Fare for the round W .. J . Kelley. A large one on the trip wm be 25 cents. Those desiring Badges WiImington& WeldonRailroad near an procure them at lieinsbergrcr'aAii vet- 30 milt nost ft fPt lnnv 11 inoc erans cordially invited to Join us. mue post 0 reet long, 11 inches col. jno. d. taylok, commander. held at the pfilcc of the company,-m the citr of Wilmington. North Carolina! tiio-v. August 26th, 1803, at 13 Al for tho purpose of ?i Jfi coftslderin? and acting upon then question of 1 : issuinsr additional CaDltai ir L nn,i n " accouftt of the construction of branches to the ;mainroad, as provided for in an amendr'ent-l LL MEMBERS OF THE NEW 1IANOVEU requesiea to as- to the Charter of the Company ritmed Feb By order of the President, . , . . w JAS. F. POST, Jb., aug sjt secretary W. s W. 1L li. co. enng whether or not it was best to have a railroad commission. Come and See Us ! 14 r . A- lave a rauroaa commission. PU:I, I r ni- n r I Lamb 13. Harriss. Four feet lone-. thlCkenS,! hffffS. GhlD d66i. 1 1 A (T 30 north second street be- n i a ,1 4. i I 'i ' I . ' : ' IUIUC!. UUllUlJICfiB. lkii liicnes 1 i ft-- The Kody Found. round. Ashton. July 14. 1890. Jessee N. Bowden. Four feet one inch (the inch is correct), 7 rattles, tween Market and Princess, for our stock is Tho body of George Law, mate on I circumference 7 inches. Departed X,OOAJL,3SJ Jb3 W S. 1XDXX TO NlV ADTXBTISIMKXTS Fxced Jt Co Furniture MrDs Brothibs Drugslsts C W Vatr3 Noted men on the Solid south Did'nt Te say yesterday It would rain to day? (tov. towle spent yesterday in camp and to-day he returned to Ral eigh. ' Mr. W. H. Xorthron and family . rf the schooner James Ponder, who was drowned off the C. C. R. R. de pot on Wednesday night, was recov ered this morning, at 7 o'clock. Lar ry Lowe was dragging for it when he saw it rise, not far from the spot where Mr. Law had disappeared. Coroner Jacobs viewed the body and deemed an inquest unnecessary. Capt. Calhoun took charge of the body, which will be interred this af ternoon'in Bellevue Cemetery. this life July 16, A. D., 1890. J. D. Cavanaugh. One near D. J. McMillan's, 4 feet long, 8 rattles. Germans In America. There was a large and enthusiastic meet ing of German citizens last night in Luther Memorial Hall, to prepare for the celebiationof the 350th an niversary of the first landing of Ger man settlers on the shores of Amer ica, which falls due October 6th. Au executive committee was ap pointed consisting of Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, L. Vollers, J. VA. Bonitz, Sol. Bear, F. Rhienstein, F. W. North Carolina Hams just received, which I will sell cheap. I have a complete stock Of CHOICE FAMILY' GRO CERIES which I will sell lower than anv other Retail House In the city. Give me a calL My stock goods on hand. now complete. A schooner or flno Beer f6T live cents; also, a nao supply of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Just put in to-day. V ' Jy3l lvv. . ' ' J : Noted Men 011 tie i sWSrai'- Ml.; aug 7 tf D&W is alwaysfrcEh. so stale jC-all kt B. F. S WAN N7, Agt. , So. Front Street. JJILARY A. HERBERT, ZEBfJLOJi J. ' . Vance, Wm. It. Flshbaek, Henry GTTuirid iH ' Sand Pasco, Ira P. Jones, Wm. j. WUson, Geo. j G. vest, A. S. LODy and others. Prloe IL23. ' ; Jesstf c. w. tates: ana N)ulhport, ' ni 31oAYSi. 4 L 1A1INGTON The Itand nutl the Boy. The (iermania Cornet Baud made a -rand tour vesterriav. With 18 Kercher, S. . Behrends, F. C. Miller. have gone to the Rockbridre Alum nieces, beaded bv Drum Maior Din-L T,,e meeting was addressed by Mr. Springs, Va. gelhoef, they paraded down Market Fifty firt-class handi wauted to street tt,ul ul Front to t,ie epot, make Pants, by the dav or piece.' where they boarded the Seacoast train lor wrightsvuie. They were joined at the depot there by four Apply at 122 Market street. Keep dry and you will keep healthy. . Umbrellas, rubber coats, &c at I.Shrier's, 8. E. corner Front and Princess streets. Sol. Bear, Col. F. W. Kerchner, Mr. Kercher, of Baltimore, Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, Mr. A. Goodman, Mr. S. Beh rends and others. A general mass meeting of all Gar- Special Notice ! jyR. W. L. L17CAS, OF BUR HAM, N. C, has now fuil charge of the SODA AND EXronr BOTTLING BUSI NESS OF THE -CITY BST TJLING WORKS. He is able and equipped by practicable ex- need & Co., gUCCESSORS TO KNOXVILLE FURNI- tare Co., southeast corner Market and Second " streets. Large stoct, artlsuc designs, lowest , pricee. Everybody lnvitd to call and Inspecf nac my 13 tf 4. 1 "... k. i'.' stoct. pieces from Prof. Miller's !band and mans of thia city ladies and gentle- iueu, iu luriuerauce 01 tne oojoct, will be held next Monday, s August : p. to. .U at p. . on - tnn to 1 x-c.r-. " ww rciurn. '" assortment . t MS lltMkTIt rro rdvv The registrars for the new regis tration for the election to be held in November must be npiointed by the first Monday in Serrtclnber. . . I am Manufacturer's Agent for Barbed and all kinds of Wire, Com bination Wire and Iron Fences. Or ders solicited. James I. Metis, "t then all proceeded to Camp Latimer where they were heartitly welcome ed. They serenaded the Governor, tho Adjutant Genet-al,- the Second Regiment and the Fourth and were each presented iu turn to the Gov ernor, who complimented them uiguiy upon tiieir ueiigutiui per formance. Adjutant General orlenn made them a regular speech, con gratulatiug them upon the proti BEER. Give our good3 a trial and you will becoHTinoed. My friends and tho public will please under stand that I stili retaim control of the busi ness and wiU give It my persoaal supervision; the pressure of other branches prevenllaz nte lUli at 8 o'clock, at Luther Meaor- I from giving my enttw time and attenUcn, a? Germanic to the Front. perlence of five years to give entire satlsfac-J TTAVE YOU SEEN THE LAST FClEQEUDE tlon In both the jsoFT DRINKS and EXPORT M J.. - ' . . . .. ""uiiiuouno ri 1 7 -j neae ana n Vh tsi liar i ltw am n.(i i . - - . . 1 'H ?.erGl?'?ian,Prlodlcal8nfl 150 other Eng- soeiation rooms. 12B Maricec streeif, over Hngglns'. only taw per year per family fcrTl oseofnoms. . joaitil i ial Building. heretofore, to the Bottling Department, nr Three more new Governors for drawing Beer Just rceeivad and for sale by me. Respectfully, . A. F. LUCAS aug 7 lw VEHICLES !. VEHICLES 1 cieucy ther displayed and endiug With "Regal" Paiut on your house I by expressing the hope that he and "Plastico' on your walls, your wound yet see them "burolled regu-hoiH-e will be leautiful and your iarlyas members of;thc State Guard. raruily happy. Sold by the N. Jacobi From the camp the band proceed- Hdr. Cq , factory agents. iT""--- are, CO, pwin:Dn anj Mr. W. M. Parsley, General Trav eling'Agent of the Georgia Midlaud & Gulf II. IL. is here on a visit fo his father, Mr. O. G. Parsley, who, :we regret to learn, is quite sick and couQned to the house. New Push and Pull Blind Hinges. Locks the blind when opened or ed to the Hammocks where they had supper and gave a delightfu concert which was rapturously ap plauded aud frequently encored. YOUTH AJI ItKAUTY preserved by using that marvel of the age, "Lkaurkllk Oil." Though called an oil it is more the nature of an expressed juice, a veritable es sence from nature; possesses necu- nar properties preventing iormation SALE A LARGE NUMBER OFFER FOR AND A G RE IT VARIETY OF c!osel. Saves labor and cost of put- J of Wrinkles or tendency to ageing ting on inside fastenings, which are of the skin. Prevents withering ofj'I was subject a number of years to The Valu of Money. Men of unlinrited means hardly appreciate the value of just one dol lar, but with the poor evjery dollar means so mu'oh toil and so much ef fort. It is a comfort to know that the poverty-stricken invalid can de rive so much good from 'so little ex penditure, when thev invest their dollars in. B B B (Botanic Blood Balm). . ' W. C. McGauhey, Webb City, Ar kansas, writes: 4B B B has done me more good and for less mqney 8eCbll(l-lIaild VelilclCS, than any other blood purifier I ever , ' used. 1 owe the comfort of my life to it." A. P. McDonald, Atlanta, Ga., writes: I had a running ulcer on niy leg. Several doetOrs failed to do it good. Three bottles of B B B ef fected a cure. B B B also cured my Brother of a running sore." - David Thurman, Atlanta, Ga., says: - "I was a constant sufferer for many years with Scrofula and Ecze ma. A few bottles of B B B entirely cured me.' ' - ; John M. Davis,Tyler,Texas,writes: j THE AGME MANUFAOTFBIlfG 00. i3 i f MANUFAGTURERioP' ' not rmitu thh Mnn-Va r. 1H skin, drying tip of the flesh. T - , Pr rve,, the skin. $1.00 at Drug- penters,itwIUpayyon to examine ni?i?. Ur prepaid by express for 1.00. and n?e same. X. Jacob! Hdw. Co. t E. S. Well?. Jersey Citr. N. J. spells of inflammatory rhenmatism, which six Dotues or u is li, thank Heaven, has entirely cared. I have cot felt the slightest pain eince." All in god order and ready for lnuaediate use. They will be sold very lowpfor cash or good paper. good bargain at U ORRELL'S STABLES, COr. Third and Princess St. Call and get a JyStX - St. "Mary's Seminary, ELECT BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. S Fertilizers, Pino Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting i Wilmington, - - N. V. J1IIE REPUTATION OF ptJK FERTILIZERS the ACME and GEM, Is now established, and the results of three rears' use in ttw nann nt the best fanners of this and other btaxea wul artist their value as a hlsfh grade manure! i The HATTING, made irora the leaves cf onr ; native pine, la conceded to be equal to any demand for it is dally increasing Tl has vir tues not found in any other fabric. I i Tho FIBRE or WOOL is extensively used for Bpaclstcrln purposes, and as a cuinr tor Mattresses U almost eaual to hair, bc-inr lis-ht elAUlc and proof against inscctJL j . ceruficatea from reliable parttes xzAint our frooda con toe seen at our onice. orwKl te m&ih. t ed upon publication.' : - - laatu The exercises of this Institution will te re sumed oa MONDAY, Sept'lrt, ISOOi j . Terms made known ca Application to . ' . ; FISTUi:4 OF MEECY, riyr3C'aTTiWat ' . "C5iri;ttet N.c. ThTX PA PPT? 13 FRINTED WITH nsFiiimountFrtCtln'-'Ii k-U crta - t T. K. VKUiHT & CO ' i

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