ci T NBOUS. , Humphreys' Z.r.t9t i.i Jlllk Fvr. rsssB?-JSi tit" a --TP r - . ja kjv sroljsls. Jlcitor. 67.00 . . 1.0O k ff - i . " - - if ' . r. ffll FultCIt SU W. T. ' i w - SJTJ Ho. sO i .-.- --; S'F:r, Vit2i Weaxnsss, OEAE . , r. r t lrrl Ccti :, Or I f li'l' li jTGKiiSVKXOR'S BELL-CAP-SIC PLASTERS. for l;Ueve Instantlj Juries, i-un IN Till. CIIKST, UICWITISM.M I 'KAWJI ........ Hff.l ICK AMI r III l .-'i cr ni!i'.'-l on n-lpt of v v osi.nh:ji i:u ii.i:ij. ,,f r.o ton. Mass. tTO WEAK mil . ' . llolljhockjk . Tb hot &r tolX rprlzz' texler detail dwrn Bui even whlla we saj. Tha Uoooi are done," 'v Mucua cvoieu ODO dad, J1 tirconaciou, in hr quxlui cU eon. jVrcli&nc th o!J tlm dj we might forget If boUybocka De'er set thcmelre aUow Ke'er lite oU dAmai ad squires mored toaadro In UAKiy tn ensures of the minuet. Now an thou welcome. Grtbca old time Uoom, Tboa nd thy friend, the fennel at thy side; Our heart like those in oldern times are wide, ABd la this new day summer Is there room; So let tho old Cowers and the new join hands In bapn7 jranlens through the waiting Linda. Lucy Z. Tffiey la Uarper's Weekly. A brolcer stepied out of tho Broad etret Aoor of tho StocV Exchanjro re cently, apparently after liavimr inade aome money. Ho espied a little mite of a raxnrrd newsbov not thrftn fW. litrrli : and a philanthropic notion took posses sion of Mm. II caught np tho little bunch of rags, and carrying it to a cigar liana procurtxi an empty cigar box. STiia he placed in the dazed boy's hands. Then tho broker clashed into tho Ex change with a wild whoop that directed general attention to him. Instantly he was eurrounded by a crowd, and Broker Dick Haktcad threw a coin into the box, seized tho boy, rssed.him to J. W. HaSf who also passed him on after drop ping a contribution into tho box. Coins and : bills began to rain into it. Tho Sugar trust crowd was invaded, then tho New England crowd, and tho pile of money in tho box grew rapidly. The yells, the sight of tho money and tho general novelty of his trip were beyond tho little fellow's comprehension. He simply stared blankly. Finally he was released. There must Jiave been $30 in the box. Ho shot out of tho exchange, and was last seen running up Nassau street, hugging the box- tightly to his breast. Who he was, where ho lived, or what he would I do with Ms fortune no one knew. New York Times l fj.'i of Toutbful tmn, eily 1 tt..v.!il. etc, I ill iuijij sru.Jl-'J coouinicg full jblxx i t kt far. FREEf f A ls n ta urrxs aLl k biiiutcd. AJJims. W r, C. rowint, Jloodus, Conn. I '.-iCHtSTER'S ENGLISH illMOYM. PILLS litO CMOt DIAMOND DM AND. !7t. rn!M. L4hp, A I I. J Pns.m 1 r M"4U la t UuT. if rtara in ,ltUiH,rk!k.hi ,Vnil lc.r ;;jiiro iiaxvoj1 tJ !J l4 "' t raa'rU ifcy ami M SALOON, fftf North Water and 1 I'd (I "UtlW.Nf c li.fai Until 1 Jtllemm Davis. 1' mV.1;VlLE TEKUI- f 'J lJjiis(iiriiH ok). 'tw 4 !'! e cut a for cw- raw- wor Lf0HD nnMPAMw MWiTUUK. $ WerneTT- K3fc4 Nt- AN "E HOLDS 4J lor C, A ,CooJ a J The Small Boy's Bights Assailed. . The Jersey City small boy will be de prived this year of his right to eat green apples and get tho colic. Health Inspect or Benjamin has officially declared that green apples are a detriment to the pub lic health and a menace to tho growing republic. Moreover, he says they must go. Tho inspector is nearly 50 years old, and has gray hair. Ho started out from his office yesterday looking for tho for bidden fruit with all the ardor of a small boy. Ho sent Ms sanitary policemen out, too. By noon they had visited twenty fruit stands' and had. captured nearly as many bushels of green apples. At the same time they had made every fruit vender they came across solemnly Xromise that he wouldn't buy or sell an applo in which tho seeds were not black enough to prove that it was ripe. They didn't give tho fruiterers any instructions as to how the color of tho seeds in the apples was to be ascertained. New York Sun. ' Comfort wlth.Xegllge Shirts. Wearers of neglige sMrts ought to be thankful to a New Haven man, who has Mt upon a means by which all tho ad vantages of suspenders and belt can bo had without any of tho disadvantages. His plan is a very simple ono and con sists of wearing tho suspenders next to tho nndersMrt, tho silk, cottori or flannel shirt being outside. At tho waist of the outer shirt horizontal slits are cut and stitched like buttonholes. Through these slits the straps of tho suspenders are brouzht and fastened to the trousers. A broad belt or sash covers the waistband, slits and straps, and the result is a belt effect with a suspender comfort. PMla delphia Ledger. ' A Real.JLlre, Wild Boy. The Humano society xt Pittsburg ha3 turned up a genuine wild boy. He is colored, aged 13, and his name is sup- I posed to bo Harry Allen. He was brought from tho mountains or v lrginia because Ms parents, who lived there in a semi-civilized state, could not keep Mm at home. Ho would run away ever since ho was old enough to climb up the moun tain side. Sometimes ho would bo in tho woods alono for a month at a time. He lived on berries, roots and live birds, which he could catch with tho facility of a cat These birds, he always ate raw. His hands are lilce claws, and the pupils of Ms eyes dilate1 like those of a cat. Exchange, ! Consumption incurable? . ; Head lbo rollowio-: Mr. C. It. Mor r,!.v Nfwark. Ark., says: -Was down with Abeesa of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incur ble Consumptive. Began taking: Dr. Iving New Discovery for Consump tion, am now oo my third bottle, and ab.e to oversee the work on my farm. It i tho Onesi rsedicion ever made." Jesse Middleware Decatur. Ohio. "J'J Had it not been for Dr.Kinga Aew Disoverv for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles W as eiven up by the doctors. Am now in the best ol health Try it. Sample bottles free at Robert R. Bellamy's wholesale ard retail dru? store AUGUST ANTICS. Maiuiua Robbie. rip vmi r achef Robbie X O.'lliniiiiiin Xfarn. ma Then why have you put cotton in it? Robbie-Well. kuow you keen on tolling hip that. T learn so little, because what croes in one ear comes out of the other. So I've plugged the other up. Matuiua Cto Edie. aired three years and fix month jnst home from Iior lirst luorniuir at the kinder f .... 111.11 ... ! ... vt?u. rxue.-iiow uia von like it? Edith I don't like it a bit. 1 lie teacher put iuo on a chair am' told me to sit there for the nresenr And I sat and sat and she never gave me me present. Johnny " asked a Sunday schoo teacher, "what must we first do be fore we can expect forgiveness o OorMUt?" "We have to tin lirst' iiroiunuy rennet! Joining, .and though the answer was not Uown in tho lesson, it contained &uch laige chunk of truth that the teacher let it pixss. Cirandpa. do hens make their own eggs?" "Yep. indeed tliev do. Johnny." An do thev always nut - - a mf the yelk in the middle?' "Giles they do, Johnny." -'All do they uu i lie starch around it to Keen the yeller from rubbimr ofT?" "Quite . o lkely, my little boy." "An' who sews tho cover on?" This stuuined 1 w . . ue oi i gentleman. WHOLESALE PRICES. UAILUUAIs. cti 50 75 1 70 Cousumptlon Surely Cured. To tiik Editor iJiease inform your readers that I have a positive reiueuy lor the above named disease. tiy its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently w w a a a m -m . . curea. l snail ue glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consump- : xi in i .... xi . nun ii uiey win senu me tneir ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 'earl at.. New York. a a trt - "uiciiaru, wnat- does make you read so constantly?" "Why, von ee, mummn, npxt week I shall be nine years old, and I must go through this book before then, for you see it says, For children of six "to eight year'." . aai Ail vice to .Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. Itrelieverthe lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the "gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is tne best known reme ly for diarrliooa, whether arising from teething or otlKr causes. Twenty live cents a bottle. jnlv ( deod&wlv , The following quotations represent irhoI"$ sale prices generally, m malditg up small or flers higher prices hsre to he charged. BAGGING . . - . - i7" . Gunny... 7 - ; Standard 3 BACOJJ North Carolina. Hams Shoulders w b...... Sides, v ..... WESTERN SMOKED ' Haa, y 11 Sides, Vtt.-.;.. - 8 ' 10 -1 Shoulders, v 7 : 8 DRY SALTED - f Sides, VB.. ........... & - e Shoulders, 6,d 6 iiAutu.iJS splriu Turpentine. Second Hand, each ' New, New York," each...... New, city, each BEESWAX, ? BRICKS, WUmlngton. M...! Northern..... BUTTER, V ; North Carolina Northern CANDLES, Vtt ; Sperm........ i Adamantine. jCHEESE, lb Northern Factory.". . .. . . J. . . Dairy, Cream.. ....... State COFFEE, ft . Java....1........... .... 27 : Laguyra Si Wo 1 30 CORN MEAL, hush. In sacks. 00 Virginia Meal,. 00 & COTTON TIES, V handle.... .. 1 25 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, V yard o Yarns, bunch.... 00 q EGGS, doz 10 & FISH Mackerel, No. 1, 9 bbl JO 00 Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbL 13 58 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl.. ....15 00 Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington i Weldon R. R. ANJD BBANCEIEa. 11 Ok 1 I fl ''-rfJ? - 8 a 10 CONDENSED SCHEHULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. MISCELLAiaXU. Seaboard Air-IZi: Carolina Centra! Eailroad SO CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. Dated June 15. ISSO. 1 40 0 00 1 65 20 8 00 0 00 13 25 IS 10 &lb 00 &u 00 8X 13 9 25 25 12 10 14 11 JO 23 52; 65 I 30 - 6k 80 UMIG T C1UUU ............ . Arrive Rocky Mountrr:.. . . Arrlre Tarbora.. ........ .'. Leave Tarboro.............. I ArrlvB Wilson.. Leave Wilson. . .. Arrive Selxna.. Arrive Farettevme.. Leave Goldsboro... Leave Warsaw. Leave 31 agnolla Arrive vv umington. I . - ' ss I i. "Si? 3 s - : . " Pa aj-- F. M. I. M. A. M. 12aD 5U 600 148 ...... 710 r. m. r " j 2 an 1. A. M. t 10 ...... ..... P. M. - ! - 2 20 TOO 7 43 T2S0 ...... ... . 340 6 00 .. "315 T 7 10 t 835 418 9 34 4 24 1 8 40 9 4'J 5 50 9 m 1120 TRAINS GOING NORTH. Lave Wilmington.. Leave Magnolia Leave Warsaw ! Arrive Goldsboro .'30 50 15 00 320 00 6 00 (410 00 7 00 9 6 00 & 10 Leave Fayetitevllle. Arrive Selma. .. . ... . '! . Arrive Wllspn.. 613 a So. A. M. 13 01 11 S3 1 p5 .85 & 5 2 50 48 53 51 50 CO 3. 5 10 SO 00 3? SUMMER RESORT I "ATLANTIC VIEW," WRIGnTSVILLE, N. C, FS NOW OPEN UNDER SAME MANAGE- ment. Tne Hotel and grounds are near the waters of the ound and the Atlantic Ocean and a few steps from the Depot of the Sea- coast Railroad from Wilmington. Ask the conductor of the train to stop you at wngnt3viue. BOARD l TIIK DAY, Mil OS MOM. Send for Clrcntars. . ED. WILSON MANNING, Jel3tf Proprietor. THE HEWLETT HOUSE. :0: M Y FRIENDS AND TOE PUBLIC GEN Grmss Graces the Ice. It is a most ix?culiax Hht to zee the canal boats which aro burdened with ice coming down the river. There are hundreds upon hundreds of them now beim? hurried to the metropolis. The whole deck of the boats is covered with earth several inches in thickness to pro tect, as far as possible, the precious com modity from the ravages of the sun. On . several of the boats which passed the city yesterday grass was luxuriantly growing from the earth which covered the decks. Albany Argus. . There is a plague of mothain Brook lyn and the suburbs of New York. They make their appearance at about the twi light hour, and in the gloaming are mis taken for bats. Tho moths are big, some of them measuring four inches with outspread wings.? These moths differ from the ordinary insects of the butterfly family in respect to their wings containing hard, bony ribs, slightly re sembling those in an umbrella. In a blacksmith's shop at Audley, Eng land, a robin has built a nest on a ledge dose to where the horses are shod, and U now sitting upon its eggs. Neither the din of the hammer nor the flying fparks of tho anvil appear to disturb the bird.. - - . John McGlynn, a shoemaker of Kings ton, sufftrins from an abscess on the neck, died suddenly onJJunday evening. At noon he saicto hv? wife: I waritli rood dinner. If I art dio I don t want to crally are respectfully notified that I haye made extensive additions to my premises at Switchback Station, Wrlghtsvlllo. Beach, and am now prepared to acccommodate them with the best of everything Fresh Fish, Soft Crabs, Deviled Crabs, c, ready on the arrival of every train. Bar in the rear and separate and distinct rom the dinning room. myyjtf JAS. A. HEWLETT. University of North Carolina Tho Full Term Opens Wept. 4. Tuition, $30. -7JUlt REGULAR COURSES OF STUDY, JL" classical. Philosophical, Literary, Sclent.flc special courses In Cnemlstry. Civil and Electrical Engineering, Pharmacy, and other sinojcs. separate scbxols of Law and Medicine, whose students way an end the university lectures. Address HON. KK.MP P. BATTLE. LL.D., Jy 3 1 f President, Chapel 11111, N. C. . 22 2 40 9 16 90 15 00 00 25 10 75 26 30 30 28 li 13 35 GAS vs. WATJKE ? 1 We have just added, at very heavy ex pense, a four-horse power Otto Gas EniivjJ to run our live presses. 4It's a dandyy'i ana makes our presses hum. Lome and see it ; no trouble to show to anyone who will call atourofiicc We try always to "keep abreast of the times and our esUbllfiment Lis the largest In the city, and will be kept so. it bam work, promptness, satisfaction and harl cash can keep It so.' Respectfully, JACKSON A BELL, Le1ir. Printers, Itrs and EInden. Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... 4 75 Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl 7 80 Mullets. bbl.. 6 00 N. C. Roe Herring. keg... 00 Dry Cod, V lb...... ... 5 FLOUR, V bbl Western, low grade..... .. SO 4 00 " Extra 4 00 (4 6 00 " Family... ...... .4 50 6 00 City MlUs super. 4 00 ' 4 10 " ; Family 4 - 5 00 GLUE.Ib... g 3 10 GRAIN, V bushel. Corn, fm store, bags, white 48 Corn, cargo, In bulk, white. 00 Corn, cargo, In bags, white. 52 Corn, mixed, from store.... 00 Oats, from store 33 Oats, Rust Proof. 00 Cow Peas 95 HIDES, lb Green..... ... 2 Dry 3 HAY, 100 lbs . Eastern , Western North River. ; HOOP IRON, v LARD, y lb- Northern 65s 7, North 'Carolina....-.;..; ... 8 10 LIME, y barrel l 25 & 0 00 UMBER, City Sawed, Mft. Ship stuff, resawed 18 00 30 00 ' Rough Edge Plank. .15 00 &16 HO West India Cargles, accord ing to quality. .13 00 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 22 00 Scantling and Board, com'n.14 00 15 00 MOLASSES, y gallon- New Crop, in hhds. , 25 "; m bus..... .... 28 & Porto Rico,' in hhds 28 " in bbls...1! 28, & Sugar House, In hhds 00 In bols....... . 16 Syrup, In bbls... ails, y Keg, cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 2 60 ILS. vgauon. Kerosene..., Lard Linseed..... Rosin Tar.....:....; Deck and Spar...... ....... POULTRY - Chickens, live rown. " Spring Turkeys.. PEANUTS, 9 bushel, 22 . 1 00 POTATOES, v bushel Sweet.... ........7 65 Irish, V bbl 3 25 PORK, y barrel City Mess ...12 00 Prime.. .i ..............15 00 Rump RICE Carolina, V lb..... ; Rough, v bush, (Upland)... " (Lowland). RAGS, v tt country city..... ROPE, ft............. SALT, v sack. Alum........... Liverpool Lisbon .. American... .. ..... ....... SOAP, V ft Northern. . ... . .. SUGAR, P ft standard grain.. Standard A ......... white ex c... Extra C, Golden C Yellow... I..:'. SUINGLES.71n. M.. ...... t 500 & 1 00 Common 2 00 a ; 5r Cypress Saps 4 00 cypress Hearts u 00 d 1 50 STAES, v M W. O. Barrel.: 8 CO 014 00 R.O. Hogshead.. 0 00 gl0 00 TALLOW, V ft- 4 (3 5 TIMBER, V M feetr-Shipplng..2 00 14 00 Fine ailU.... ..U2 13 00 MiH Prime..... 7 50 d 8 50 Mill Fair. 5 00 d 0 00 Common Mill.,... ...... 5 00 0 bb Inferior to Ordinary 2 50 (el 4 00 WHISKEY. V gal Northern... 2 00 ( 5 00 xs'orth Carolina.... 150 3 00 WOOL, Washed...;...... 23 4 25 Unwashed 16 13 Borrr..-.. f.. . 16 4 18 Leave Wilson... At. Rocky Mount. Arrive Tarboro.'..: Uave Tarbora...) 303 A. M. 900 10 34 10 48 11 45 tS 40 irec P. M. 1210 12 37 110 o 'P "5 p 31 P. M. 400 5ns 5 rs 653 2 00 A. M. 10 ro M 45 747 813 930 ! Arrive WeldOu. 4 30 j i, , Dally except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 3:15 p. m.. Halifax 3:37 P. m.. arrivis Scbtland Neck at 4.25 p. m.. Green ville 6:00 p.m. Returning leaves Greenville 7:20 a. m. Arriving-.llalltax at "10;1C a. Hi., eldon 10:3(1 a. m., daily except Sunday. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Local Freight leave3 Weldojr 10:30 a. m,, Halifax 11:30 a. m., Scotlasd Neck 2:00 p. m. Arriving Greenville 5:10 p, m. Returning, leave Green ville Tuesday, Tnursday and Saturday 9::0 a. m., Scotland Neck 1:00 p. m., Halifax 3:35 p. m. Arriving Weldon 4:03 p. in. . -I Train leaves Tarboro, N. c, via Albermarlc k Raleigh R.t R. dally except Sunday, 4.06 P. M., 6.30 P. M.J4.20 P. 11., Plymouth 7.50 1. M., 5 20 1. M. Returning leaves I'lymouth, mourh. N. p., dally except Sunday, 6.00 A. M., Sunday 9.00 A" M., WilUamston 1.10 A. M., 9.58 A. M. Arrive Tarboro. N. c. 9.30 A. M. 11?0A. M. I - I Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, daily except Sunday, 6.00 A. M., arrive Smltroield, N. C, 7.30 A. Mlieturnlsg leaves Smlthfleld, N C, 8.00 A. M., arrive Goldsboro, N. C., 9.,10 A. M. - - 1 -Train cn (Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 3.00 P. . M.. arrives at Nash ville at 3.40 ! P. M., Spring Hope 4.15 P. JU. Ketnrning leaves Spring nope laoo A. M.. Nashville ia35 A. M., arrive Rocky Mount 11.15 A.M., daily except Sunday - I Tram on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily, except Sunday, at 6.00 P.-M. and 11 10 A. M. Returnin' leaves Clinton at 8.20 A. M. and 3.10 P. M connecting at War saw with Nos. 41 40, 23 and 78. Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayettevlile Branch Is No. 51.. Northbound 13 Na 50. Dallr except Sunday. . j. Train No. "27 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia." j Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North dallr. All rail via Richmond, and dally, except -wanday, via Bay Line. I - ' i 1 All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington.! and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached,! t JOHN F. DIVINE. Genl SUDt. J. R. KENLY, Supt, Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Atlantic Coast Line. June 29, ISM. A. Leave Wilmington. ljeave ji8miM....i,..;. Leave Wadesboro.;-..,... Arrive Charlotte........ Leave cnarioue.. Leave Iincolntcn ieaveneitiv.. ArriveRut herfdrn ....... No. 40. dally ex. sunaay. 9 30 am r 1 .irai Z 41 pis 4 2:1 pra 4 ; pra 6 50 pra! 8 t o pmt la. jr ex. iunday. 3 17 : X EASTBOUND TRAINS. June 2-?, mOi. I No. ZL MaUy ex. Sunday. 1 Leave Itutherrdt"D I 8 45 am ljn&e Shelby '! 9 Warn Leave Lincolnton).......,..!li 00 am Arrive Charlotte.,......;.;. 15 17 pro Leave charlotte... 23 pm Leave Wadesboro. ..........Is os pm Leave Hamlet. .............. 1 3 19 pm Arrive WUmlngtli..........J 7 20 rm N0.2L dally cx Sunday. t." ' ' ' "9 f iu 12 m pm x i0 am , 7 30 am I Trains No. 4 Vand 36 make close connection " at namiet for Raleigh and at Lincoln ton for Hickory and W. N; c . . . . . ! Trains No. 25 aad 24 make close rotehectlon at Hamlet, to and from luaelgh and at Monioe " for Chester. . . - t ! Through sleeping Cars between .wilmlt&tont and Charlotte and Wilmington and Raleigh. T. W. WHISNANT, supcrintcnaent. - j x . n . laxiiv, cn i rasscnger Agent ; Je26tf - . u IS ' Atlantic Coast tAnti; North-Eastorn R. R. of S. t . t ' '' ':-.' . ." ; ,:i r -.ri'j'ii.'d.i ' CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. U- i ? Dated May 12, '83. Leave Florenee..!.... " Kuiirstrec...;. Arrive Lanes......... Leave Lanes......... Arrive Charleston,... NO. 27. NO. 23.NoV ., - . j - '-t.. A. M. A. M. ' ' ;. ' 1 35 a 30 ,!;K i n 3.29 10 55 . i 2 W 11 20 2 50 11 20 7 5 00 ' 1 30 ' 9 . - . A. M. P. M. P. M.. f Train No. 63 takos No. 53 South of Lanes. : Train On C. & D. It. li. ronnmU nt. Vlnrnahn With No. 23 Train. . ' . - 1 '- - ' - 1 -' l . , ! TRAINS GOING NORTH.. No. 78. NO. JL , r A. M. P. M. Leave Charleston.. .. 12 25 4 80 Arrive Lanes......... 2 45 6 28 Leave Lanes ;.. 2 60 6 26 44 Klngstree..... 3 10 ' 6 46 Arrive Charleston.... 4 20 " ; 7 85 v A. M. P. M. No. 5: A. M. 7... ' 9- A; M." -1 s Dally, t Dally except Sunday. Train NO. 14. mnTUVtft nr. V!lrrc.a nrith rnlr , on C. & D. R. R. for Cheraw, S. c, and Wades bore, N. C. . - ' t i?" run.s tnrou'b to Columbia via Centra . , It. 14. Of S. C. - .j ! Nos. 78 and 14 run unlM tn wiimiTicrtftn : . i C., making close connection with V. tw', ior au points nortn. ; , j . JNO. F. DIVINE, , General Snpertnfpndrut. ' j J. It. KENEY. Ass't Gen'l Masager. : 'l ' i T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passengtr Agent. , I my 11 , - - - .- . - -I FOR 1890. . .1 r '; . t 9 14 1 45 1 00 16 . 20 23 Wilniingrton, Oolniiifeij? & Augusts K. li. 00 4 00 80 00 & 1 H . 70 ,9 110 & : oa & 00 & f; ; 0 & 5.V9 "5 . 30 & 20 1 00 e 1 25 & 75 3 3 75 18 00 16 00 15 90 & 5 & 80 d i od e 1 CONDENSED SCHEDULK TRAINS GOING SOUTH. X 22' 75 50 00 70 5 5 . Ml 1 1 1 -. j Dated AprilJO, 1890. No. 23. No. 2t No. 15. i i P. M. P. M. A. M. Leave VTllmlngton... ' 6 15 10 10 ........ Leave Marlon....... 9 33 13 40 Arrive Florence...... 10 20 l 20 No. 50 No. 8 " I A. M A. M. A. M.I Leave Florence 3 26 . . .. . 1 8 25 Arrive Sumter. ...... 4 35 9 35: j . NO. 52. - I A. M. - - Leave Sumter.,. 4 35 1 10 33 ........ Arrive Columbia..... 6 15J . 11 5-5 ........ Onslder Sokibxkb'j Maixziks whn - ro are deciding upon your reading matter for ? fl-: next season. The subscription rate is low; $3.00 a year. . 4 . .;-'- The standard of the Magazine Is high.- ,. 'r : Its spirit progressive. . . - N . The lllustrationa arcintnifotf -r ti. ! ' best, -7- : , ..,-r , h mere is not space here to give even a Bum- - mary of the features to a ppear this year. Jtmt - , v c' ' . ' among other things there jtiu bo a?new-S V ' . ; pariment d additional an .nvtfV,' lUustrated articles wm bo devoted to the foU ' ' ' ; ' ' lowing subjects. . T7-. ? -i,' ' vimcan exploration and Travel, ' ' , - r Life on a Modern Wax Ship fj articles). - ' f ; . "J ' - Homes in city . Suburb, and Country-. - v : Provldlnsr Homes through iitiiiiintr uu(v i tlons, i i , - . Tne citizen's mts, ' . ; -V . Electricity In the Jlouschold. " ' . -r! Ericsson, the 'lnvenvtr hv iiia infhnri.r s 1 iiuntlnir. -," ..- k----. : ;. it' Humorous Artists, American and Forelga ) Thfcre will be 3 Mrtni .JlODert L"1113 Stevenson will oontrlDe, i Each sublect. and thprA nirii! tw n " "? riety this reaf?wui fi ra'tZ 'IS'iZiZZ ' . mrat competent to speak with authority and ' ' with lnteresr Readers who are Interested i - ic ujfcvu w w-rr 1 for a prospectus. 1 l' 1 5T V' lm $t.00rlir,7iHfl!eil Na 53 runs through from Charleston Central R. R. - t Leaving Lanes 9-15 A. M., Manning 9:56 A. . Tram on c. with No. 58. v via Charles Scribner's Sons, lira iria a. iuaiiiiiiife a. ai. I . i... . & D. R. R. coanects at Florence I a 0 11 743 li roadway, N . Y. 1 1 TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Columbia.... . Arrive Sumter i. - . - - I Leave Sumter.. i Arrive Florence Leave Florence ..... Leave M anon. . . . . . . Arrive Wilmington... N0. 5L.No. 59. Na 53. P. M. P. M. 10 3o 5 30 11 58 6 32 p. m. - n 11 58 f 6 37 A A. M. . S. I 1 15 7 50 ..... J NO. 73 'NO H." A M, P. s- 4 35 8 V. 5 22 8 5-". 8 oai ..j 11 4 . t .. ..' f '' THE STATE CHRONICLE, , . I Sue;sscr:to:tho Farmer and Mechanic tna "r ine wnronicie.) :. . , ; ; ; Under New Management. NEWSY, BRIGHT AND CLEAN. UP WITH TH E TIMES. 7 t OYSTER ROASTS - AM BETTER PREPARED than ever to accommodate - my friends with OYSTERS this season. ' I Swill keen none but tne Best on hand always M Y kTLE G Rove ROASTS a specialty. Every tbinr overhauled and tm proved. Oyster3 ready at short notice and expert shuckers to open them. '. - - .- j special rates 10 paruea. uive me a can ami ; will do my best to please you. i : . ipectraily. - - - . . Vir. IL ETOTLRT, . j Dally. J1 Dally except Sunday 7 No. 53 run 3 threugh to cnarlcston. S. C. Central It. It, arriving Manning Lanes 7:43 P. M.. Charleston 9ut P. M. No. 59 connects at Florence with C and D train from Cheraw and aoct bora Nos. 7S and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W. & W. R. R. for alt pelnta North 1 i Train on Florence R. R. leave le Dee dally except Sunday 4:40 P. 3. arrive Rowland ;.-tG p. m. Iturnlng leave Rowland a. ar rive Pee Dee &50x in. . - Train on Manchester & Augusta R. R. leaves Sumter dally, except Sunday. Vt'JS A- M..art1 Rlmlnl 12J1 P. M. Returning lsavc Rliaini 12:15 P.M., arriT Sumter l- I.M. ) I JOHN F. DIVTNF, '41- General Superintends: nt. j r J, If. KENLY. Asst Gem Manasrer. ! T. M. SMERSON. General Passenger Agcn I riiHE ESTATE CHRONICLE" WILL' BE what lis name implies a state .psr. . It Is; not thcUlrtifh "chronicle" and win not be . , , ' - local or sectionaL Jt will aim fo keep u i '1 with the news from -Murr far to Macteo. cr. A' th politicians put It, t rora Cherotee to Cur. : ' . ntuefc. .- I-- It will be tbeorran of man. no tin?, no . Ecct ton, no parry, it will be Democratic in politics, but will not hesitate to - criticise ' J . Democratic measures and Democratic offlecr?. "'. ". , -. - . : 1 .'-' . v - TKRM3 OF SUBSCRIITlONr ? - '!' ' One Year................... six Months. .1.. ....... ihimo Unnthe I Ti'or a sample cory address TUJJ STATE CIIKONICLE. Kalcigh, N. t20U If) 60 C. Table lioartl. -'( - . ;y ' 'f A FEW GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOMMO , 11: -.!.-.., dated withtT-i3 Esardca t7r :'-'",?l ar- Diamond Vera Cnra FOU 1YSP?SIA. For sale by. ' . f?tlltf - DR. F. C. MILLER,