'ill Absolutely Pure. A aria cf.Cxrur biklrj powder. HigLost of all la leavening sTrength. r. x. fzwnt- Eoview. FRIDAY, AUGUST 8. 1850. STATE SEWS. GoUiboro Dispatch: The nn conncement tbat iter. Dr. lilnck, of RAleljrh, had been appointed Super intendent of the 'Oxford Orphan' A vtnn mm mm a ... j T I I has not yet met to 'elect n Superin tendent, nor has a meeting bcii called. Monroe EeuUtcri Mr. J. P. Rogers brought Into oar office a ttalk or cotton six feet hfgh. lie informs u that hebaj an acre uhicli will aver age nearly that high. On thi. acre Ur. Rogers hw several time made a bale of cotton, and he thinks he will get 2,000 poands off this one acre this year. vf adeiboro Messenger; Th- iMh-1 wum oi wauetooro arc lo iiv a COlIXirnCIAL. J1ETT. WILMINGTON MARKET, i Au-Ubt 8. 350 P. M. SPIRITS TU RPENTIN E S t eatl y at 33 cents.. Sales of receipts at. 33 ROSIN Firm at 97 for strain ed and $1.02) for pood strained. TAR Firm at $1.45. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.2S for hard, $2.35 for yellow dip and $2.35 for viririn. COTTON Quiet at 11$ cts for mid dling; low middling? 10$; good inid d.'inc. 113. Gubernatorial Vote er 18S8. . FIRST DISTRICT. COUNTIES.- FOWLK. DOCKERyI Reaafort... Carteret.... Camden .... Chowan Currituck 2,092 1,073 S93 742 978 POSITIVELY !0LDI MATTRESSES ZlSoviRINSSv - I NEW MATfBC33II3 E1ADR TO Onnnrt -THE Dare ..... 32G Gates 1,131 Hertford Hyde.... Martin 1'amlico ro Pasoaotank RECEIPTS Cotton, ;?pirit8, 333; I Perquimans sin, 1,405; tar, 114; crude, 128. Pitt :. Tvrrell MARINE NEWS. 1,132 854 1,674 740 832 779 2,593 472 Washington 807 1,799 677 - C02 791 i 8 - WI I 800 Largest and Most Perfect 758 1,237 C19 1,217 982 2.323 367 1,014 -STOCK OF- ARRIVED. Steamer D Murchison, Robeson, Fnyetteville, T D Love. CLEARED. Steamer D Murchison, Robeson. Fayetteville, T D Love. 31 0 XT U LlSTATEM EM. STOCKS ON nASD'AUO. 1, 1800. Cotton ashore. 249; afloat 3. total, S52. Spirit ashore.5,439; afloat, 2,976; total, 8,415. Rosin ashore 83,113; afloat, 3.291; total, 41,701. Tar ashore, 5,572; afloat, 000; total, 5.572. Crude a.-h ore.? 841; afloat, 50; total .S91. ! HKCKIPTS FOIl MONTH OF JULY. 1890. Cotton, G5; spirits," 11,400; rosin, 34,- 022; tar. 2,043; crude, 2,429. KX PORTS FOR MONTH OF JULY 1890. DOMESTIC. Cotton 228; spirits, 3.S40;crude, 2.524: tar, 3.539; rosin, 1,839. . FOREIGN. Spirits, 2.234; tar, 10; rosin, 12.G32. ADR I aF & VOlO ItS, WIIOLK.SALK OUALKHS IN 1C.823 SECOND DISTRICT. Bertie 1.31G Craven 1,408 Edgecombe 1,321 Greene 1,008 Halifax 2,495 Jones C34 Lenoir 1,587 Northampton 1,659 Vance 1,385? Warren 545 Wilson 2,159 14,892 ' 1,097 2,637 2,509 1,072 2,8971 f 1.436 1,990 ;i,936 1 875 1,521 WH IE GOOD S! IN THE CITY. 15,504 Third, district. Bladen 1,541 Cumberland 2,577 Duplin 2,205 Harnett. 1,444 Moore Onslow Pender Sampson Wayne 1,944 1,181 721 2,370 2,781 18,590 ! 1,365 2,232 1,154 877 1,846 425 757! 1H0 Plain Good?, with Embroider ies to match. Embroidered Goods in all qual ities. Neat and beau Iful Plaids and " Checks Pique, with Pique Trimmings. The prices cut in half to cash or punctual paying customers. ' HEDRICK. W. fl I? ft! n n ri I II 111 II I I ' ' i I II Li V MM m 17 PRINCCSS SriiKET. EJfppUGflsTs i . AJS? Prescription c.t . 7" and Stools. Cabinet Work of all kinds. Complete Ontflts ' for c?71 oanKs. catalogue "ts3 ilmhi omuu UASE rn AitJir THE LEADING - ! - .. .. , ' ; - Par) Daily OF SOUTH CAKCLINA IS ' 16,764 FOURTH DISTRICT. Alamance Chatham.. iM Gents' Furnishing Goods. 1,741 Durham 1,815 Franklin 2,204 Johnston ." 3.021 Nash Orange .. ?.e.H mh They already have in j lVoV.SiMIS, GrOCeriM), Wako ..' cash and cood. subscriptions about ' 'I 3,000. Their old church propertv i . mi I 1 1 I I n M 1 lk Ikil ..I M m am-- m. m IjlimUK. lUUillLU, tlil, 2,157 1,610 4,618 AN1 19,685 , FIFTH DISTRICT. Caswell '. 1,358 I-V.rtii Mi o-tn 'I Guilford 2.470 Cor. Front ami I)o k St., VILIINGION, utr N. V is worth at least $1,000, making 4.600 now availabl. Tin church will b erected on the old Buck Tav ern lot, which has beeti the property of tb Ifethodbta for koine time. Charlotte IVcurt: A letter rrceived In this city 4-esterdav fiom an int- thoritatirc source ays that the ron-! sresstonal nomination in the Eighth ! District has already been won over : i-ODgressman Cowlc bv Major at j , n xt OraU beyoml any doubt. jjNOtUt All NCCeSSarV Mr. Cy Long, who I? rusticating in I J Union county, writrtfthat tlu-v haw' had rplendid rains in Union ai.l . ro Oauhy Yoi'ie I'ltovrsioNsoKLUNca crops are looking fine. The blossoms ,J ,.I,rn.ln ,.!Uh n.m ,im ...wt rr i..., , . , i io Carolina tcHcn auiLcre is n are dropping off a little up in the red clav vection. hut hKwI i fM rut. .. ton is an that could be de?irtd. i r irst-ulass ramily brocerv r4nt1.tM A rni . I " w.uowivr liyilt. A IH it WUS a great Democratic mat meeting in Kenansville on Tuesdav and Sena tor Vance was mianimous.lv rmlors. I Sir:Z,Lt52lp.tl,rotti:f0,.,.t u,,ls:AII K ads of Canned Goods v.ivu uiorAvciiriii, especially iiiej corn crop. Some of our farmers sav ' this will be the biggest crop that i haa been since 1810. For the month or July there were 12,833 11,517 12,099 1 1,617 2,U 1 2,096 ! 1,696 V 1,288 43 17.300 Kverythlnsr In this line .PRICES CUT IN HALF to people who pay cash or pay prompt ly on presentation of hill. H ED HICK. Pri THE -' I - - - I- i ce $10 Per Annum, MAILED TO ANY ADDRESS. OBSERVER. The Oldest and Best Family, Hewsoaper. nix ueguiar Editors- c . . Departments for .'n MOST CHASTE AND PUREST SUNDAY ftAPEfi SENSIBLE ADIES to any address. UUY TIIEIH i.67 1 TABLE 2,584 j 2.609! SOUTH CAROLINA IS The Sunday News.,. Price, wtth Dally, (ll:per year; alone, $2 per year; six months, $1: single copy, 5 cts; mailed chants,. Bankers, ProfpsJw.i 7er Students, Boys and G!rS Wea m xxiia year ine UBSKIIVKR f ill nnk lsh more than "wuipnb FIFTY PRIZE STOHiES, - &AJ.C3 li 1 1 kMx r , ani . a writers Avll onK.;0 umns. , Poets and prose riteSi ? thors, editors,-men of uvu u ECLiU ' Wl till I ' 41.' 1 1 TIA . EVERY ONE'S PAPER, Person Rockingham .. Stokes Surry 1.375 2.395 1,450 1,671 2.680: 1,293 inrp 2,101 UIT 1,3331 ;i,575! or me. I have a splendid stock-, and 15,384 SIXTH DISTRICT. o Oil r Lov Prices this vveek' E3RICK.- THE NEWS AND COURIEH. 1 here, supplied wlih evcrytlilaff the market affords an 1 ttld at city prices. Anson . Hrunswick Cabarrus Columbus Mecklenburg . New Hanover Richmond Robeson. Stanley 906 Union 2,040 1,010 1,045 2,072 4,163 1,880 1,711 o oo 15,872J " 975 965 915 910 3,284 2,856 1,681 :i,988 ? 817 997 Jy 21 tf CLYDE'S w Yorit & WiimiBgtOD ta?nshlf) Co. I l ice, $1 copy, 5 eta: pialled to any address. M - oi genius will fin umns ef the Observer, an 1 ft St give fifty-two unexcelled Jf- cne comimr vear 1 . Price, $3.00 a year. Clergymen, $2.00 a year. Great Inducements for 1890 Ecrtberfor.ONEDOi T'H014111106 n6ou 2. n Any subscriber sendlnz his own - ber th tloo & lloMZ tder of tha rm.. -jT v:w ror tne w l yean six mom, so : s.f gle SSSSSSSS&SSHS! 5 aoaress and Kinn in oXT' ma ht.o . ' "wc. i u MICH I Uhxrn rochlS 1890. ATO Will a on rriT-a mm ---".-kwi , Sarper's Youn PoodIo. AN ILL TJSTR A T KD WEEKLY. tiers lren Aulej'.' r AJnts wantd everywhere. Dberfti tr FOR LUNCH AND PIC NIC PARTIES that goes to make up hut jri"!it. ueatns in uoiUfboro. Of thes mx' were fhlte and two were colored. Four were adults and four were. children. The fox hunters were - ont In force yesterday morning with : the Arlington-Grecory pack of dos. ! Fayetteville Observer: Rev. A. (. ! Emmerson. a native of Chatham t cooty. this State, and a praduate! of Wake Forest College, and broth-' er-In-law to oar townsman, J. U. Underwood, Eiq., has jut been : elected President of Howard Pavne ' College, Brownwood, Texas, l-'or". xaany years Mr. Emmerson has suc ceMfaily and satisfactorily fllletl a profefsorshlp In WIIIUw Jewel Col-; Me, Liberty,. Mo. He left North t Carolina about the year 1S70, and was at one time owner of the exteu i e,.Or0 Uwl mineral property, in-' elndlnfr the celebrated Mt. Vernon Springs. j and everything else flneluncQ. Full supply of ICE always on hand. 3 The resldtnts Of CAROLINA BEVCH will nnd It to their Interest to deal with me as I win keep on hand everything m the Grocery and Housekeeping line. $ HANS A. KUICK, J-STtf Tropribtor. 20,581 SKVKNTH DISTRICT. Catawoa 2,3t0 Davidson 2,018 Davie 1.008 Iredell 2,784 Montgomery 979 Randolph 2,171 Rowan 2,739 Yadkin 1,071 15,391 I 756! 2,335 1,204 1,897 1,215 2,327 1,266 1,419 j3 . r FROM PIElt 29. EAST RIVER NEW YOK B rcatei between Chambers and Roosevelt sts At 3 o'clock, P. m. STILL AT WORK. J AM NOW WELL PREPARED TO REPAIR all klnd3 0f Furniture, Sewing Machines, Fan cy Articles, 4c,, and where it is possible make them as good as new. Work done promptly and prices low. call and see me and get es timates and prices. J. B. FARRAR, S. AV. cor. Front and Orange streets. I am still agent here Xor the New Home wing Machine, one of the best Machines on the market. Nredtts and Oil for sale. inch lc?f 15,070 EIGHTH DISTRICT. Alexander 952 Alleghany 687 Ashe .". 1,399 Hurke....: 1,247 12,419 Caldwell.. Cleveland Gaston Lincoln Watauga........ Wilkes 1.258 . 2,269 .. 1,584 .. 1,209! .. 898 .. 1,706 i 405 1,482 1,165 717 764 1,236 f 901 S 965! 2,352 1 DELAWARE BENEFACTOR... FANITA; UULF STREAM.. .......Saturday, Aug 9 Wednesday, Aug 13 Saturday, Aug 16 Wednesday, Aug 20 The Eleventn Volume of Hakfrh's T6uno People, which begins with the Number jror November 5, 189. presents an attractlva pro gramme, it will offer to its readers at least four serials of the usual length. &jxd others in tjro or t hree parts, namely. "The Red Mus tang," by William O. Stoddars "Phil and the Baby," by Lucy C. Lillee; "Prince Tom my,;' by John Russell Cokyeix; and Aloth er'H Way," by Maro akkt E. Saxqsteb; two short serials by Djat.mak Hjoktii Boyesen Two aeries of Fairy Talcs will attract the at tention of lovers of the wonder-world, tiiimo- ly, the quaint tale3 told by Howard PYLE,and so admirably Illustrated by him, and another series in a different vein by Frank M. Bick nfll. There Avlll be short si ories bv Wi ! D. il o wells, Thomas Nkion Page, MaryIf. WiLKig Nora Perry, Harrikt Prescctt yrOFFORD, -D AVID EER, HEZEKIAH BPTTER WORTU. SOPniK KWETT . KlCOAKD Mlimni JOHNSTON, fetC. ' New York Observ NEW TORK ; ILLUSTRATED FROM WILMINGTON BENEFACTOR. FANITA DELAWARE BENEFACTOR j Vocklcn' Arnlrm Salvo. ! The Best Saivo in the world for ' Cnta. 1 RmliP Kam iti-., I ienm, eTerres, Tetter. Chap- SUMMKR RhSflRTI ped Hands. Chilblain fiortn. nn.l I! Okin Em pt Ions, and positively cures ' Pile, or no pay. required, itisguar- -' anteed to jre perfect satisfaction, ! or Qoney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For tale by Robert R Bellamy, wholesale and Tstail d-jffi 13,209 NINTH DISTRICT. Buncombe 3.041 Cherokee 646 Clav 391 Graham 271 Haywood 1,326 Henderson 917 Jackson 903 WE HAVE JUST.RTCX1VXD ANOTHER ;L.lUJEAS SOKTMENT OF ! "ATLANTIC VIKW," WRIGIITSVILLE, N. C, S NOW OPEN UNDER SAME MANAUE- ment. Tne Hotel and grounds are near the Waters or the round and the Atlantic Ocean and a few steps from the Depot of the sea coast Railroad from Wilmington. ask i nc conjuctor or the train to stop you at WrLjhtMiiU'. BOAED BV TflK D.W. lTKrK OS SOiTfl. Srnd for CI re ul ars. ED. WILSON MANNING, Macon Madison Mitchell McDowell.. Polk Rutherford Swain...'..: 505 Transylvania 520 Yancy 940 780 1,178 608 1,119 470 1,690 10.439 2,816 868 287 182 974 1,291 . 569 742 1,873 . 1,564 858 560 1,663 i 4io I 553 I 7S9 m 15.395 15,998 The total vote being: Fowle 148,395; Dockery 134,03-5. t J 13 tf Proprietor. AND i THE HEWLETT HOUSE. m eaeoasl 1, 1 la the Utwt designs and fancy wocku. which we offer at lowest prices, INSTALMENTS or CASJL The public is cordlAlly larued to ex - iam our Urge fc&4 superior stock of Instru- FRIENDS AND TBE Pl'BLIC GEN (-craiiy are respectfully notlQed that I hate made extensire seditions to my pre ml 3 at j switchback Jstatjon, WilghtsrlUo Beach, and j ; ara ww prepared to acccommodate them with the best of everything ! Fresh Fish. Soft Crah runi.i rmha r - " j ready on the arrival of every train. Arnrr mm -rr rt7nrnr Dlrln the reir ancl separate and distinct FREE TRIP TO EUROPE.! rathedlnnlngroom. i raj il . J AS. A. HEWLETT. E. VunLAEK, '407 lted Uroi Htrrrt. IN EFFECT JULY 5TH. I UK PLBLUIIEUS OF -THE CANADIAN ULIN'wtUrlrr afrre trlD to Kuronr tolhe PkX8ou se&dlur the Ur1st number i f words ; constructed rrom letters cont aint in the' name o their wrll knoa Mrattc TIIK! CANADIAN ll':if." Adaiilonat iTtzi-i' crasaUBjof Blmrr Tea i-od Watcir-. ; University of North Carolinai ! tlaa DtaDcr beta, iwtfrc Lresse; Naatel CToco, an.1 many CKbrr use-! rul and rmiuxbk articles will blv t awarthx la order oC u.crtt. Wetlem L'nabtldid Dlctlonar) to be used as authority la dccldm)C the cctitrt. Thil ll a doduIat nlAA or lai rmiiH t n a ntn. clxr rubUcAtion. ErTOMtrnillira ltM of pe.iAi t-oures in Cromlitnv Civil and r ct less than tea worda will receive a present. EWtrlcal Enstccertns, Pharmacy, a ad other 'Ilio Fall ivrm Opena wpt. 4. Ttiitloti, $30. lUS REUCLAK COL'KSES OF STUDY, cijisHicaL rhUosof hlcal, Literary, ?citnt nc. Leave Wilnunjrton 6:45 and 9:30 a in., 120, 2:50, 5KX), 7:00 and 9.-00 p. in. Leave liatuinocks 7:40 and 10:30 a. iu., 1:45, 4.-00, -6.O0, 8:00 and 10:30 p. in. J Sunday trains leave Wilmington 0:30 a. iu. and 2:50 and 9.-00 r m Leave Hammocks 10;30 a. m.and80 photogilaphy. uml in-Aii r in I A rlass or &rtlrl a", it. isroXiA.3sr. t'rlday, Aug 8 Tuesiay.Augr 12 Thursday, H Tuesday, -A ur 9 Through liills Kidlntr nnvi Twsst. 'rhmi Rates guaranteed to and from points In North miHA ouutu Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, c. TUEO. E. EGER, Traffic il anager, ' N ew YorJc WSl. P. CLYDE & CO.. Genl Asvnts: aug 5 tf 5 Bowling Green. New Yorfc. Scribner's Maaziiie For 18UO. The publishers of SCRfBNER'S MAGAZINE aln to make it the most popular and enter prising of periodicals, while at all ilmes pre serving Its high literary character. 25,000 new readers have been drawn to it during the past six months by the Increased excellence of its contents (notably the Railway articles), and It closes its second year with a new impetus and an assured success. The illustrations win show some new effects, and nothing to mate bCRIBNERVS MAGAZINE attractive and in teresting will be neglected. THE RAILWAY ARTICLES will be contin ued by several very striking papers; one espe cially interesting by Ex-Postmaster General Thomas L. .Tames on -The Railway Postal Ser vice." . Illustrated. MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S serla uuvci-iue Piaster oi uauanirae," win run through the greater part of the year, Begimin Xoivmber. A CORRESPONDENCE and collection o manuscript memoirs relating to J. F. Millet and a famous group of modern French Painters wui rurnisn tne suostancc or several articles. Illustrated. The brief end papers written last year by Robert Louis Stevenson, will be replaced by equally Interesting contributions by dlfferejt famous authors. Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldrlch will write the first of them for the January number. Many valuable LITERARY ARTICLES will appear a paper on Walter Scott's Method of work. Illustrated from original MSS.. a second Shelf of Old Books," by Mrs. J ames T Fields ana many omer aniaes equally noteworthy "UustralPfl Articles on ART SUBJECTS will be a feature Papers are arranged to anDear bv cisrpr.f Cook, E. 11. Blaslifleld. Austin Dobson ana many oth ers. Illustrated. FISniNG ARTICLE - describing snort In thA best fishing grounds will appear. Salmon winninisn. Bass and Tarpon are the subifrs now arranged. The authors are well known sportsmen. luusiraita. I A subscription to Harper's Youxo Peopt. secures a iuvfinilp lmrnrv. t ),.. fo ,7oo7,l .oioWa ir2JT "'l-"lV. J"? knowiitf:ia!iwrniPirtrn7flV;r Y J:V ea -louma," nana. trJY SHatespeare-tho Shakespeare of Enwrw a. ABBKY--W111 be presented In m. a!?azins fT?r f 90, with commenta ly : Andhbw Lang. Habmbb Maoazikb has ako made special arrangements with ALfHoxsi SS' eftefl ot l"nff French norel- f?rtnei.)exclua,ve Publication, in seiial '. f2.1im' f. hmoroas story, to be etutkd 1 he Colonists of Tarascon: the Last Adven JJK?! the Famous Tartarin." The story win be translated by IIknrt James, and lUas tratedby Ross andMTBBAcn. W.D. UOWBLLS Will POntHhtita nnvDW.ttm Inre)?arta and Lafcadio II ei in aiio?- knowiedge, Atin'riteer. Fernis- Pbsta?e "repaid, $2 p'r year. vol. somely illustrated. in illustrated papers, touching subjects of current interest, and In Its hhort stories Poems, and timely articles, the Maoaziki will maintain Its well-known standard. LTI liegiiis Sovet)tf,-er 5, 1889. Copy sent on receipt of two-cent I -HARPERS' PERIODICAIi? Spetfmen stomp. .single Number. Five Cents each. jtenniranccs should be made by Post-Offlce Mouey Order or Draft, to avoid chance Of loss. ,etcspapr-8 are not to copy this adrerstsement Tiaumt t?ie express order of Harper & Brothers Address nov 20 HARPER BROTHERS," 1 M8W Yor- - 1890. Uarper's Weekly. Habpek's place as the ILLUSTRATED. " . . . I - Wkeklt has a weU-estabUshed icauing muscratea newspaper in PER TEAR HARPER S MAGAZINE... H HARPER'S WEEKLY........ 4 0 HARPER'S BAZAR I 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 Postage Fr.ee to all subscriber $ in tlot VviVt Ssates, CanadaTor Mexico. : The volumes of the Magazine begin with tM Numbers for June and December of each year When no time is Bpecifled, subscrlpUons nil oegln with the Number curren at time of rr- wipi or oroer. vwwvuv maau : b vuiiUC u in ill H i 1 ers, and the! vartet v and vhmeZ TfiT-' hTT :tJutUUit5' ..V9" J oinomg, sw n . - , . . . ks- ur irmii nnar raii lax j iubeiiLs. which mr.mnp epnni -it, a cki i : t zz ' - .f-v per volume. ten brmi Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, at It tor the DeniFaiofwTA nit iZZZt I f-"" ana.ciassined, for volumes iiov supplements are oi remarkable variety-, in terest, and lvalue. No expense is spared to bring the highest order of artistic ability to bear upon the illustration of the .changeful phases of home and foreign history; a Mexi can romance, from th npn nf Tnnun. Janvier, will appear in the Wekly in 1890L HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR: harper's Weekly. . . u oo iiAKi-jsn-a JiAUAZijiJc....... 4 00 nARPERs Bazar 4 m HARPER'S JYOUNQ PEOPLE 7.. . 2 00 fostage Fi?e to ati. subscrtotrs in the United oui', cwuiaa, or Mexico. i Tho National Life AND Maturity Association - 07 WASHINGTON. D. CV Has Paid to Mem bers Over - -$600,000 J?01!"58 of tne Weekly-uegln with the uiQiuauiTiurtfiuiuaryoi eacayear. When I a. t .lentloni,8nbscrlptienswmb ACCrilCd LiaDlh' with theNumrrarrentattlmeof recelptofl UUM -i-iaui 'jiwr. iwuna oiumesor uarpera-Weekly, for three years back, in neat cloth binding', will be ILLUSTRATED ART1CLL Of CTeat varlPtv I Tit? touchlmr udoa ail manner or Kiii)iry-t irgroV I 01 etpense (i ties - - - - None. jy 2 tf - GenM Manager, Wilrainlon Seacoast R. R, for Hluaraied t AtJLlrcue of prrnrnt and tnre month's trial - L"vnptlon to 'The urea." - Address THE CANADUN yt'EEN. Jyltf Toronto, cnt. Separate schools of Law and Medicine, whose Muoccismay .tuena me cnireriiry lectures. Addm - UO KEMP P. BATTLE. LL.D., Jy3 IT Frr! Jc Jit, Chapel liin, N. C. Diamond Tera Cura foic dyspepsia. ; " For sale by " f , DR.RCMJLIXR,5 feDUU ccr.rourui: fNna ts. wograpny. aescn prion, etc.. v. ill fiDDeaa tmi not of the conventional commonplace sort. tuvsaaiea. Among the most lr.tere3tlncr in th nf. rr sclentinc papers for the year will be a remark able article by ITof. John Trowbrtdge. upon the most recent developments am u.as nr Illustrated. A class of article! which has nrm wi r crv tftlal Im.awaa. w11 fr -. a . u uiiwcai. n iu w; cuouillKU 1J a gTOUD Of papers upon ELECTRICITY in its most recent applications, by eminent authorities: a re markable paper on DEEP uinixo nnnnw interesting papers. ' ,T ' Um'fue Illustrations. . A SPECIAL OK3KR to cover lW numbers, which include all thf vifirv des. as foUowsi - a year'ssunsennuon asxn aimtha - - bers for 1.S88-. . . , i .iipuuu ioc) ana ue nam-. wis iu acm. uouna iu cioth.... ........ g.0Q 03 a year; 25 cent a nnrjber. Charles Scribner's Sons, ceed one do; paitLor py express, free )roTiaeatne freight does not ex. Liar per volume), for r? no twp t per Cloth Ca.Sfs fnr ah vnltrma Mt.M. uiuuiug, w ueBeni ot man. post-paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. , : T fv7r va Itemlttanoes should be made by Post-OfSce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss ..trwprr are wot 10 copy vms aavertisemenl . fvrvs orcur or xiarper s. Brothers auuican AtAltfJElt HKIrTIICHS WANTED. OENTS 5F EITHER SEX T3ROUGHOU uie umiea btares to handle our celebrated Corn and Bunion Cnn - its miicatnTi if fords almost Instant relief, and f vprr tar la aocwcflpanled by a f 5 guarantee, which amount c wiii iurjrr- in every instance where our remeaj ias to periect a permanent enre, Sampte box.; 25c; tlx boxes, $L We will pay F.a??nt3 13 to introduce our goods into their section: no DCtL. vnr orm. ntuirs auorcss ine manuractnrers. . . H.SHRODER &CO.. fah1. Jnai03Ncrth Ada street. HORATIO BROWNING, President. 8 A M ITKI.NOnM ENT Treasurer. !GEOnGKrj.l.j."RIICE, Secretary. Manager au. Actuary. GKO.'J. leASTERDAT; iAssx Secretary. Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed lDltcy. An Incontestible Policy. - J, Maturity Value in Cash at Fixed Ag Annual cost Absolutely Uml tea only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Years. P. . RI DDELLK. MJ IV ' - Medical Oirector Home orsce, central National liank Uoi JUUJ liAAi:, JX., LOT31 A;ruw n

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