,-OOl Tire one Mrrrra bf carriers, free J .....,,iroKr!CinJV i ami ixuw r E 1a t . -. . - . j . .. 4 VOL. XIV: WILMINGTON, N. C, WED XESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1890. j NQ 211. 1KDKX TO HW ASTKKTISIXIXTS f xtio A Co Furniture J airjw B roth i a Druggists C w Yaim yoted men on the Solid sou'.b It ruins everyday ow. i The August tuoon Gils on the 29th. Svilr 1 000 twonle were at Caro- lina I) each to-day. K.IehU of PythlM l.y. T? Go To Clinton. y j The ldie. Dellrfitetl. - ' In all, eight lexises of Knights of; A number of Odd Follows from j The pleasant effect and- the per Pythias have arrived here to day, ; the Oape.FearLodge No. C2, I. O. O. fect safety with which ladies may many of the members accompanied F., of this city,, will go up to Clinton j use the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup by their wives und other members ?.at I o'clock on next Friday after- j0r Fig?, under all conditions make it of the family. Cumberland Lodge, jjioon for the puriose of justifying their favorite remedy. It is .pleas' of Fayetteville, and the Bennetts-degrees with the lodge at Clinton. Jing to the eye and to the taste, gen ville Ixdge, from Benuettsville, came "It is expected that there will te at -tie, yet effectual in acting on the in on the C. F. & Y. V. It. R. at 10 least tweuty-hve members from' this j kidney?, liver and bowels. o'clock. They were met at Point city. They will meet at tue loage. .We wta guatoreccXTeccr:Tii batons from tor menos oa act tai &U r,'2cu perl interest, lui i;.iH :5 Tne naxne of tne writer mnst tlrrzya far clsneatetneiaitor. . , , Commanicaaona mast t written cionly onesiiseor tbe'Dapef.;'"; fjit, ; -Feraosaiiaes mast be aTOtded. ? ;. t v i : Ana it is espect&nj q4, particaiaxix ocatr- . stoodKnat ine Editor aoea cot alwajscafisrie ' the news or correspondents onlees !w tt&ted in the eaitorlal oolamns.".' " v C a N EW ADVERTlSESmHTH. , 1 rentier County Institutes friend at Burlaw contributes Mr. E. Sullivan, of uoldsboro, was; in the city this morning. Another big excursion from Kuth erfordton Is on the cards for Sep tember. Peter bv a deleiration of the lodges room at 2 o'clock and "inarch to the ; from this city and taken directly on -depot In a body. They will return j foUwfilf, reate to the Teach board the Grove, which then steam-, to the city on Saturday morning. Ingtit te held there last week: ed down the river for Carolina Beach, accompanied by many mem bers of the lodges Ui this city nud others. At 3 o clo3k six more lodges Mr. TL A. Illnes leaves to night arrived here and were taken direct- for Princeton on a to his mother. two the taste, and acU ' trrompUJ on Uie ivmucjc, iM enjoying '' lime!-, cleanses the sy served vacal .1 n'Jtw Klt W of Fig. i3 th fZfl Juh" ever pro Ofllcer White, of th his week of well-de acatlon. weeks1 visit My down ou the 1'asspDrr. llleo were from Charlotte, Monroe, Wades- boro. Laurinburg, Kockingham, The Seacoast., trains continue to carry large numbers to the Ham mocks and Ocean View. HoodV Sarsanarilla,' is in favor with all classes because it combines l milv Wueficial in iti economy ami 'strength. 100 Doses 4 lni , J rlL V mnsl One Doflar. Iv from the'mos! :7 ' S . -l.le substances,. 1L Fiftv flrMt-class hand wanted to Mrllfnt qualities commend ij mke Pants, by the day. or pjeee. s. i vt- mane iw "w Ann v at l's uarKei street. t (tciritif , . rn, Mr. A. H. Merritt, a , I Tr ail leading drtiff farmer of Taylor's Bridge to wnxhip, arle drngg&t ViU Sampson county, Is 'in the city to- StctVTe it on hand will pro day. . ,il; r.r anv one wm rr. rlw anil .crrvii will L'oon p police force, Maxton an(1 Lumbertou. The nd dress of welcome was not delivered at Point Pater but was appointed for Carolina Beach, Mr. Iredell Meares being the orator. Since the above was written it has b?en ascertained that the excursion train on which the six lodges from Charlotte and other points along the line of the C. C. R. K. were to ar rive was delayed and would not get here until nearly 5 o'clock and hence the Passport didnbt wait but went on down to the Beach with a crowd from the city. j to Sunday School CouventloH. - ,j A convention of the Sunday School workers of the Eastern por- fiou of the State is called at Eden- ton, Thursday and Friday, Septem ber 18th and 19th next. The Con- " Not withstand iuj we haVe a FOR SALE ! ''MOSQUITO NETS ! QF COUliSE THERE ARK XD MOStl toesba ibe Sounds. I know that, for I bare ' a&keU sounders mystlf, but tfceir malaria, baa dreams and even night toare, 'stepplnj tljh , , whlca is of her walk the wajw (la the lan--guage of the poetvia kepi aloof Hy-the use of my Mosquito Nets. . T ; 1 . - w. M.ourjr.7irjG. veutiou will be attended oy William . ft, b zealous an advof . . . m t t Tlf fit. I . .. Reynolds, the President oi me r iiui cate of the gootl people of Pender, sprightly and excellent paper, pub i;wiiai !ti mir nnnntv we have been so long accustomed to the use of the For Carolina Beaeli and-SoulIiport columns of your most generous and highly appreciated paper, which nieruational Suuday School Con Vention and probably one or more specialists, j A programme is being prepared, embracing some of the best Sunday school talent in the State. The programme will be pub lished as soon -as completed. It is the desire and intention of the bxec we find it quite natural to continue our communications to the Ukvikw. This has been quite an interesting, instructive and gala veek-for the people of Burgaw. The Teachers1 Institute opened here) on the 11th inst., under the supervision of that progressi ve and proficiont.educator, it rromnt 17 lor auy I Ketn drv and -voU t ' 1 - A. J I - U try it. Io1iot accept auj nealtny. Umbrellas, ml &c.. at T. ShrierH. 8. K. corner Front nd Princess streets. MOM I A FIG STHur lu. sumwsco. cal. Mvtr . KOUl'.ItV K. II ELLA MY, Hi.ALE UUtT.llST. wilminston. N. u KefoullnK Ills Own Net. Dr. E. Grissom. who has been out. utive Committee to make this one prof j y joyner, of Uoldsboro, as of the best conventions .ever neia gigted i,y.our worthy- Superinten- in the State. . dent, Mr. James F. Moore, who is wide Awake for September. always found at his post of duty, In taking up the September Wide pleasant ami agreeable to all. The Awake, both the juveniles and the attendance was full, bdth of teach elders will- turn at once to Mr. ers and spectators, and j everybody Ward's Andover serial; the chapters appeared to take a deep interest in in fhi issue ousrht to be read m Uhe nroceedimrs, which were instruc- jYLVAN GROVE LEAVES WIL.MIXGTON at lh a. m. and 2 3 p. m. - . ' Train leaves Beach at 12.30. p. m. and 6 p.m. on Fridays leaves at 9:30 a. m.,' p. as, and 5:00 p. m. . . . Last train leayes tho Reach, at 9 p. in."-ort Tuesdays and Fridays. - i The passi'out wiu leave for southport 9:30 a. m., and for Carolina Beach at 5:30. p. m. . Fare Sarurdays 25 cents to Beach and return. Great Clearing Out Salo OF- West to attend a Masonic meeting every college in the land. C. E. Gar tive and advantageous to ;all. The L ADIES' SLIPPERS j -AKD, will keen has been interviewed liy the Denver land has a capital story in this num ber coats Republican and-it seems has not hes- ber, "The Ivst Baseball of the Sea ler Front itatedto abuse, villify and malign son." Preston Lee Otis gives a flint wherein he was stronsr stOrv, too, of Southern life teachers of Pender nave receiveu valuable instruction in the some I am . Manufacturer s Agent for ttarbed and all kinds bf Wire, Com bination Wire and Iron Fences. Or der solicited. James I. Metts. t "My Friend, Ah Francisco story, win us rwn fsrait. inai. wiiercm m- ro.3 strung siui , born and where he was for many entitled -Rijane." ithstnmlini? his treason Gieer." a San to the people of hisown section, held interest the boys. "The Quest, of in esteem by many and kept in of- the Whipping-Boy" ends in this flco by a Democratic legislature, number. "Four Fire-Buckets," is a The State Democratic Convention when he ought to have been turned good lesson ior omcious mw b way of methods and principles of teaching. In fact, the wiiole pro ceedings was a school of inestimable who did not LOW SHOES ! AT AND B1JLOVV COST, Csmincflcing Meniiaj, Angast lllli, -AT ; was to have met to-diy in Raleigh and Col. B. IL Mooro is the lone fish- . A J 1 Xutrf )If n on the Solid South. Pift.M n Lmnn whn rnr(iuntA the New Han itttT UKKlt.Ki. i " - -1 -. i . II !ub k. K. nry a. Turner, hbj rv,. r. Jor. Wuui Wilson, Geo. 1 a s litki; au-1 t tern. Krlcc ILS. . pZlt V. W. YATES. Just Arrived ! I SUCloi ol THAI- KKEMI l iMOUN- A n rtTTEK,t6 Mi.ja Kit, at llI.LV PEAIWALL., pat 11 ana usa Water Street. Snoed & Co., DUlLv.ir. Ti KNOWII.LE FtmNI , v "ut ii rvrtMr Mrket rvnJ Ptvona ty liriJak t, anhfk tlffUns, lowest r tirjJjtarirMlorAll Midlnspct 91. ' ' iuc tnjUtf VEHICLES! VEHICLES! Irfi2 roi; ai.e a lake ni mder i 1sd a t.rk vt vahiety of SconiMIand Yelilclcs, u i fr as i rr-Ujr for lmmodlte . TVi :.i t .):! tenr low for can or u.1 pi a cU larval n at OK HELL'S STAPLES, 1 i or. 1 Unl rl prlnfrsw St. valufe to all and those feel edified and encouraged at the result failed to comprehend some of trations. methods and analyses pro- (ifiO. K. V reilCil CZ OOllS, nnf if Grissom s statemenis were ane aiu not, gu iu vuv-wv-M auceu in ine, utiiaiuguo ui true we would not say a word but wiU be sure to be in demand for en- sci10ol exhibitions in North Caro- lOS North Front Street." as there is not a particle of truth in tertainments. There are several un- lina Prof. Joyner certainly ingra- jopposite The orton.) aug il tf them a protest is surely in order. Dr. usually fine illustrated papers in the ciated himself in the good graces, of - - ; -.;, Grissom is reminded thatitisadirty number. -Helen's Tower," "Cap- the pe0ple of Pender land they all JQ-fc at All JNeCeSSarV hird that will defile its own nest but turing a Sea-Cow," and An Ob- iove and admire . hiin. iHis exercises i L , we do not think that this reflection SCure Hero," giving an account of were all pleasant and agreeable, 'jiocakky vouk I'ltovisioss on LUNCH pin imvp much influence with a man Mr. Hadley's work for the Indians. Tne reCesses were spent in dispense to Carolina Beach as there is a of his stamp. Before publishing ''Business" paper for young women, ing vocal and instrumental music, ; nl J . , n mIAT" some of his remarks we will state "Margaret-Patty Letter", "The which was very enjoyable, and at hrStUaSS rafTllly bfOCOry that the majority against conven English Cowslip," "ine wiue nu- night there were lectures from urs. tton in the Spring of 1800 was henzollerns," with its beautiful pic- ganders, Satchwell and Buie and Roekv Mount onlv 194 and not 75,000; tnat pionu ture, "ouramer ,Mr ruce vyiuiams. And went directly to tl e Hammocks, Carolina was not a Wir.g csiate out ana ine ongiuui ? - gooa ana appropr.,i,e i ti tSo.iliv return-1 a Democratic otaie i ow, " hks iu . - ' m uic uocou c-vj where they rasd tbfe ua, return a iemorrui ifaL. mi.llanv. The Doems ur OM ,.f i,n vi., mneli raiu Gnvemor- that South Carolina, Mis- are by Mrs.' Thomas Sargeat Perry, Jthis week as we have had. Crops tho site of the! . t-.i Ainiiamn Gporcia. fro niara f)otv Bates and xhn V. tmmd and fodder-nullincr is the - - - oiDcmiii r iiii ill n i 0. " - ' . over delegation. With 4,Regar Paintjon your house and "Plastlco" on your wans, your houre will be beautiful and your family happy. Sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co, factory ageiits 1 1 m An excursion tram; maue up oi nine car-loads of excursionists, came In this morning from Ing this evening. The old shanties on new Y. M. C. A. buildings, near tne VjrRnIa and Arkansas all seceeuea Talbot; tne numoer iuciuUD ..v, foot of Mullverry stree, were sold at before yGrth Carolina did, showing beautiful "Motion Song," words and auction this morning by Messrs. . conservative sentiment of, music both by Mrs. Ormiston Chant, Cronly & Morns and bought by a thp stfttS and that this secession and an amusiag run:wuUJ order of the day. r 11 hanlware man for $75 wn not "a little while later than ter, 11 ; wfli tho Market Tune 18C0 but that it was nearly a Awake is $30 a year. u. iuOinrp rWerMf" 3,Z' on M.y 20.1, that Conrany, PabHsher,, Boston, Mass. ff Mnrket House waxes warm the ordinance was uuu.. and It Is thought that The! Cone Dance." Wide D. Lothrap Cora 11 ir..lr llniica IVHTP S Oiretl muiJici I . . . .- , I'mniPr . . . i i th a. . rn a - . n ia,.a nrrH iiil I ill i v -.a a& - 11 UC HIC VJlib "O la Mr Arnold to Iettve I . - . -n i t uv f J. U. Arnold, sector i St. Kcputatlon. ! The reputation of a imui is made up of what people say of him. In liko mantipr the renutation or a medicine depends on what they who J tf have used it say. No remedy in ex- 1 a blood rernefy a, 1! (Botanic Wilmillffion & WCtlOH R. R. CO. S -Dnl. r ic fr CI1PPPSSI IIII . 4 , s k nnt i nn.nu - x v, - o : . w w - there, supplied with ererythlnc the market affords and sold at city prices. ; ; Z-. : - All Kinds of Canned Goods FOK LUNCH AND PIC NIC l'ARTIES arid everything else that goes lo make-up Bj flnelunch. V r - , Full supply of ICE always on han(L ?,.rt ! The resident's : of CAROLINA BEACIl will find it to their interest to deal with mo $3 I will keep on hand everything, in the QroEry and Housekeeping line. ; . - v A HANS A. KU1CB, v 7 1 pkopkiktobII- ,i "v .r... ri.ll- - , . ..i.i. -t.. Tinn- rhvsician's Drescriptiou ami quicKiy ; i . !jL. S. necessary to call a n eeting of ths cial stagnauon . 1 ' sonur7' . 7, i7f cures both mild and terrible cases of mS , . 1 nird of Aldermen to adjudicate culous that it actually disproves Uuctcd a mission in Goldsboro last cures y y , isoaru oi 'U"B week, has gone to Pennsylvania for D r A Gaii. Atlanta, Cia., f (p"tt , t the matter. , Tmon- Other things Dr. Grissom Jeek. The members of St: Ste - wr,tes: "Wm. Sealock, living on 5 New Push and Pull fllind Hinges. ' hurch have fallen in love my Phad an ugly nmg ulcer --J lAcks the blind when opened or .orth CarolIllR i4 one of the old with him and are anxious to have "ontrol. As a ilast res I wilminotok, N. c, Aug. 5th, doseL Saves labor and cost of put ... 4i,;,tppn colonics. It is .,. af.nt the cbartre of their par- nj.,! him on a use of! J) B Baud tne nicer uegau ,IC?V t : r V ton & weMon Kali road oompanr. Aspec effected an entire cure. It is a rem- lal met!ting cf v. u iftnckhoiderfof the wn- Av well worth v of confidence. miDijton Weldon iiiroaxl company will be f- i v Hall TirnirffUt at xmeri- held at the office of .tbt company, in itbe city Dr. J. E. Hall, Urug j" Qf Wllminjrton. North l Aroima. a -Tnesday, f-ia. . writes: . A Planter near Amtttt.'mtu iw) . i- aj: or th dhtdowo ol 1DRIA.N & V0LLEH8, ting on Inside fastenings, which are . . t f c0U1IUercial not needed with these'jhinges. Car- h oj due Iarf?e,y to tUe politi- nenters, I will pay you to examine .. . existsthere. The and ue same. N. Jacobi lid w. Co. t de egson is certainly largely attn- Pump that is billable to the conduct of tue lemo- II M Itepuuiicau feo Provisi ons, Uroceries, li'P'rs. Tubaceo, Cigars, -AND- frtlMISSIIIX MERCHANTS, r"- 1 fMl mn, IWxk Sl ILMINtiTON, N. C. rniania to the Front, r H"l'f FES THE LAST FLIEOENDE 'HlLtoinif UfUt These and fire w- B rrlw:!'-is and 110 oibrr Kog- t;2 lav; Mirtet street, over " in ti We have it now. A ish. The Dispaicn says iui tlip unanimous choice of the congre- and that a call would have a da in hui but for his uren " earnest request that it be not done. Tt ulKo savs that Mr. Arnold is well " - . m a. ;A . ai... Li 11. .rii;tirii1 ambition lie L.i.,...0,i ifh Goldsboro and that Nor'tl, 'c.r ZZZZ centVy. T..e ,o,.;et, rt,.Th. opinion that he wiU .Bwtht n always primed, never requiring a crats there. .1.. Wi. 11. . I al 141.., tub of water to start un. v-nln. affd Is nronounced by all however, he aspires to political fa Jaccpt the ehnrge . , . .V x ..ie... tr. himseil aUU mi 4M...cnl M. TwMit nuiun on tne marnei. vor. an aiiiv""'" - . imc - . . :n 1,; ntl.or. i,u business is at once developed. 1 4.The mission services nam 1 L HI1I1 TUU Will v " I - . . I . 1 11 ,r tiiiirr. t do want to wave me "'vu; but if you desire facts concerning There will be a good time at Caro- the mode in which Democrats carry lina IJeach to-morrow on the occa- on politics in Xiortn iaronua, Ion of the excursion to be given by glVe them to you, because 1 .ave the KnighU of the Golden Eagle. iived there all my life and am tot The coraraittee have labored faith- ed Previous to the war and for fully to make it pleasant to all who forty years, 'orth Carolina was a may attend and we liope that the whig State and followed Clay and . i Mil .it.... k.ii r.r.ti1 on i'.utiwtir'rt banner. It was the only iu;l niaA lial several of his best la borers effected with Syphilis. He got them B B B and pronounces them all well. A gang of A. P. & L. cofcslderlnjr and acting up.in the queauon or. Iaeu1nr nrtdftlon.ll CflDlfal tOClC I0f, nd ft account of the oont racttoji of branches to th msln road. a pro-Tided for In an Amendment to the cnrnier of the company, ritihfio iret. rf the Church, benefit to cunnteraci ui e.. swamp malaria. ; that x have been in vogue for a week, daily, at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in this city, under the conduct of Rev. C. L. Arnold, of Wilmington, closed ;Kt wiili nerhaDS, the most .7.,i .,f ull thft trulv excellent Ucr for. sacents. jast come in nd lock. I III m CT 1 A X . w R EW- A UVKKT I8KMKNT8. , - r r A Tory Handsome "I LASS roWDER BOX L1KE LUTLAW). that occasion. HE OWENS HOUSE, 0 Dock Mtrre.tJtYrn Front and Hrcnud, w fctIN TIIOROI OULT KKSOVATED 'k-mfuriiud wllfc ao eje to lh ilu tuuu Th ioocaa are tAc U4 tt tau supplied witli the bra 4 s l- dy. wftk or taoata at rtry ATir rinu There u-as almost a,' Hre at Ocean View yesterday. The-roof of Capt. Sasser's house caught by a park from the chimney and there was big excitement for a tlm. The fire was nut out with but slight damage to the building and then two weu knon residents of the beach got up 1 iuti fisticuff disnlav. in which WVbster's banner. . It was Southern Whig State, When Lin was elected to the Presidency of the United States, there was then im mediately a feeling stirred up in the State. When other Southern States talked of secession, North Carolina, in June, isr.0, decided by a majority of 75,000 votes not to secede. A ht i Jiii'le later a convention was sud denly called, and before the people at large kuew what was going on. the members of that convenuon ui- 1. ' A ill UCUiUD - some hard knocking was done and wjt North Carolina would lots of claret stained the sands of the ede aml follow the example of beach. It -was too hot yesterday Virginia and South Carolina. afternoon for either a tiro or a fight. ROUGH ON TOOTH ACII E. 15c. At irginla Rnbber Hose. Lawn Mowers and Ral$s of the latest - and most Ira nro el makes are cold by the N. Ja cobi ildw. Co. - T sermons of the series that the above learnetl, eloquent and convincingly earnest divine had preached during nip missiou. The enthusiasm in church work that he has engender ed among the members of the above congregation and the interest he has aroused generally in the cause of re ligion is indeed wonderful, preach-in'-as he does without ostenation, but withal fervor that Is eloquent and. resistless in drawing hearers and winning souls to cnnsr. e has taken a bold on our good peo ple, and especially among the mem bers of St. Stephen1 congregation, who, we learn, liave extended hlni a considering. of a warm weicoiuc ti. ItulkV (n fill ,"ent with acha'rch In Pennsylvania j -r v . .xvtiunxi. Tlar Fm POT a mix, anu wu. vl ' - For sale by aug30tf MUNDS UKOTIIEBs. DntgslstS. u Excursion, NDEUTlIEAL'SPICESOFTHEKsiSIGllTis of the Golden Eagle.'to Curtllna Beach, Thun- Antrust 21st. lw. Every .arrangement will be made for the comfort of ail-: , I Commltteer-C. 11. Keen. O. A 4 carter, Jas. nASrTfShed by Warren mnTn -o A DUT5 IS rKISTBU. Willi. THIS PAPER inkmuredroy He BJ0iiT A CO . mtttu Ktrect AjMrPennsyiTania arenas, iu ill pniladelphla. Va. For Cale. LBS. OLD TTPK JIETALV CLJtAJJ Ooldsboro.li nflfl an engagc-j i coid condition. Witt te sold ctrsp rat.on- By onkT of the rresflent, ' 4 aar Tj m secretary ,V. w. 1L J, Co. t Fisliermen's Supplies, - BaiWers' Hardware, p PAINTS AND SASH. ff ALRKE'o STRICTLY FlE WMlf LHP, made b-;thc old Dutch pnc$j, thehet Lead on the mirset. They noi belo? In combina tion can make special price on same. , : , COOKING STOVES. Largew assortment in the statej to2"ciect from; sold at factory prices. Oil Stoves of All Sizes. In them yon will find comfortlandlcwatfmr. Pump?, Stepp LaddcrsF.; we ask lor your patroiuso anJ iOiali ever -i endeaTor to deserre the aame. ' v , - KespcctfoUy, , . . N. Jacobi Hani ware Oo.r V - mi a. r. owr!?s, l-12 Prcpruues. Harder eoft corn?. - 15c.

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