n n ii ni- Rcgulato The Bowels. Sick Headache, DjipPi, Peveri. Kidney Diwaws, Billonj Colic, MalAria, cic Tatta P11U praoera-lar .Table of 44r a4 Kt direct Ion. It bout waUl, njr rood licaltb Sold -Everywlier. 5Plio Daily Eoviowi Josu. T. Jamks,( Editor St Prop'r. WiLMiJfOTojr. N. C. - ., i WEDNESDAY. jAUQUSTgO. 1890. Entered a the Postofflce at Wilmington. N.C, as second-class matter. democraticjnominations. Tob CoxgressJ Sixth Distbict.' SYDENHAM B.ALRXANDER.of Mecklenburg POMONA HILL NUKSERIES POMONA. N.IC, Two and a Half Miles West of Greensboro, sc. c maa mala line of the R D. R. R. passes JL tarowra the jrrtracda and within 100 feet or the oCIcbl Salem trains ma. estops regular iwios ouu eacn way. 'j nose interested in mm aaa fruit Growing are cordially invited to Inspect tola, tb Largest Nursery in the BiMue, ana one ot tne largest ia tne soutn. 8toc consists of Apples, leach. Pear, Cherry. PMm, Japanese Persimmons. Aprl- cota, Nectarines. Mulberries. Quince, Uraw s, Fig. Raspberries, Gooseberries, Currants. He Plant, English Walnut. Pecans, chestnut. Sttawberrtea. Roses, Evergreens, shod Trees. . ate All the new and rare Tanetles as well as tha old one, which my new catalogue for 1. will show. til re roar orders to my authorized aw-?ntor order direct from the Nursery. correspondence solicited. bcstrtptive Cata 10710 free to applicant. Address J. VAN LINDLEY, POMONA, Guilford Co., N. C tw Reuaala Salesman wanted in every County, a rood paying commission win b girt v. so COUNTY UK3IOC1CATIC TICKET. . For IIocss or HiritistjrrATivEfl : GEO. L.;MOTON M. J. COR15ETT. I For Sdzbiff : FHANK III STEDMAN. For Clerc of Stmrior Cocrt: JOHN D. TAYLOR. For Rkgistsr op Dkeds : JOHN IIAAR, Jr. For TRiisrsra : JOHN I I DUDLEY. . For SrRVETOR: M. P. TAYLOR. 1 For Constabies : Wilmington C. M. HARKISS. Care Fear-J. T. KEJlH. Maaonborc JOnN -MILTON. Harnett W. II. STOKLEY. Federal Fo'nt-J. UA1 VE Ol'TIIERLANO. rOK CORONER : John Walton. District Attorney John B. Fellows will, it i. thought, be able to gratify his loug cherished desire of ehter- against Mr. H oat's proposition.' It Supreme ami Superior Court, or Nor Is fcaid farther that Mr. Hiscock stands ready nowyto vote and work Carolina 1890. for the adoption pt Senator Quay's ! vamk. lompror&ise xesoitlt&n. t '. Merli Wins. JUDGES. DISTRICT. RKSIDENCK. , Geo. H. Brown,. 1 Beanfort. Fred. Phillips, - 2 Edgecombe. . H d Hnnnnr ., 3 Wilson. Wedesire tq say to our citireris, Spier Whitaker, 4 Wake. iiuilford. Sampson. C umber land. Cabarrus. "Surry. : . JL V . ww-iiave Deen seuiug John A. tiilmer. 5 Dr. Ring 8 Aew Discovery, for Con-; e T Bovkin 6 Rtimntion. Dr. Kinir'a New Life Pills, f t Bucklen s Arnica Salve and Electric ; f J Montomerv 8 Bitter?, and have never . handled remedies that sell as well, or that j jonn g! Bynum, 10 have & i ven such univerraU stftisfac-, Wm. M. Shipp, 11 lion. e uo not nesiiato to ffuaran-; J. H. Merrimon, 12 Buncombe. tee theiu every time, and we stand Qnr Tp,mADa ready to refund the purchase price, I huliuiuks. if satisfactory results do not follow I 4 XAMfi. district, residence. tleir use. These remedies have ! John W. Blount. 1 Peronimans. won ineir frreat, popularity purely (t. U. w lute, (col), 2 on their merits. Robert R. Bellamv, D. AVorthington, 3 wholesale and retail druggists. . T. M Argo, 4 - - ! I. R.. Stravhorn. . - 5 Wilmington District TTilrd Quarterly Q. H. Allen Meetinsr. i Frank McNeill. Catawba Jan 13. July 13 -Alexander Jau. 27. July 23. Union Feb. 1ft- tFeb. 17 ' Sepl." 15, tSept. 22. i-: , Mecklenburg- - f Feb. 24, Aug. 25. Gaston-March 17, Oct. 6. -Lincolnf-March 31, Sept. 29. rm Clevelarid-TApril 7,' Aug. 4,Oct. 20. Ratherf6rd-Aprii2l, Oct. 27. Polk- May 5, Novf 10. TVELFTfl JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Connor.- ii.il i t .i Tit s i tuduiuiiaii mipa & .lui'i r uii-j uuge i-nuiips. ments snTi..ra Pauer. Madison Feb. 24, July 28. tNov. 17. dress-maker and i th2 Harper Vu ILLTJSTRatEi) Glvintr the latest inf i0urai fr . the FasmonCltsft J: Buncombe Mecklenburg: f Dec. 1. Transylvania March 31, Sept.;!. Hay woodApril 7, Sept. 8. - , Jackson April 22, Sept. 22. - t Macon May 5, Sept. 29. Clay May 12, Oct, 8: ' Cherokee May 19. Oct. 13. Graham June 2, Oct. 27. - SMrain June 9tb, Nov. 3. Elizabeth Circuit, Pender. Amr. 23 and 24. Waccamaw, Aug. 28 and 29. White ville Circuit. Cerro Gordo. Aug. 30 and 31. Bruuswick Mission. Cedar Bav. Sept. C and 7. Brunswick Circuit, Bethel. Sent. 12 and 13. F. D. Swindell, P. E. B. F. Long, Thos. Settle, W. H. Bo er, F. Jj. Osborne, J. M. Moody, Halifax. Martin. 4 Wake. 5 Durham. ' 6 Duplin. 7 Richmond. 8 Iredell. 9 Rockingham. 10 Caldwell.. 11 Mecklenburg 12 Buncombe. time of holding court. tMarch 10, tAog. 11. If 'iV short stones, parlor ni1 0r4 K kick, and Wart Ldwi 1 Da?r Home" J 1 HARPER'S PERIODICA per yEar. harperhj bazar.. ; ! w For criminal cases. , t For civil cases alone. , ... -t For civil case c alone except jci.il cases.- - . 'rv"';--.x v-' criminal circuit courts. NEW HANOVER COUNTr. ing Congress at the coming elec- ;tn;i.i. M.r fc!r,n .5 . ,., .,t trra:i(- ;n it. :imuI.iT.t .-fiiit ouatr:il . Asieri iii' tir for Iniisr'ti.'!i ! 'I in !:-( .i . t fpeertuy wnen tln.'rti."u Ink; u. TIi-ic : ujmorecflertn.il r-ii, i i..r t!ie hki iotiiT r f.cHt iii.o t. ivri:M,i;i: .vi hao tht article. I'titrpml V "i -.ir .. i ties, tan.j.lc in V.ijrf. n I t,v-!?.: -n br mail toanv ad-irc-wii if -1 t ! i--.-It stAni. The rrir!.ii I :?i,i.i toii'i .i'i.- i -. fni i.y nun. IKX1'.S Mr:i'i( i.i- i Nrtli St.. f; BIRD MANNAl" Tje preat c ittftiiet.jnarrl.itil l-rci-i!. r ortlieJUrts M'ifiNtiiM .i. M rtt:ati' . l:.n: Mauua willrvs(or t;ot....4i r i .-s'r i.i,,!.. x, ,jj prevt-nt tltt-ir ailut'-i t icv,.ri tln-ui t. Cl ttflt'i. ! pivm t . a I. ml tluih tbreaon tilu-!iir. ff.j. I,( r, it v. ill in m..t caet curry run-:. i..u thronIi tlii Ciritkal peii' twirl ii l..t f .ni .-.nt . wn.n ircififl il lrt-. in h.ui.;.-. I'.Ilrfi JXJD Ct 4iON. :;,. t. PLJ .J,.... Pj. lce lucmion ll:H v.nr. pt ta sat tion. It is proposed to have the (Colonel entered for one of the New York districts in which there will be a certainty of his election. To go to Washington, as a member of the House of Representatives, is far more to the liking of the Colonel than retention of any county office. TIM15 TAULC NO. a Palmottft Hailroad Co. O !f AND AFTER FRIDAY. DECT. to. 1887 Trains will run as follows, dally except bun day. Ooi.vq So cm. No 1 Passenger and Freight. LeaT Hamlet. N. C 8 3 A. M ArrlTs at Cheraw, a. a A. M Gorxa Noam. 5a Passenger and Freight: Lear Cheraw. s. C 4.S P. M. Arnre at U am let. N. C 5r P. M. dac It U ' WM. MONCURE. Supt. The North Carolina Presbvterian IS A Religious Family Paper, . PUBLISHED WEEKLY, lad deToted to the intellect ual, moral and apirltaal tatarcata of the people. It namsers amoot; lta correspondents many of tna very best writers of the southern Pres- oyaenancmarcn. It is thorouchir orthodox on questions ot doctrloe. but free ani out sookea In its views oq all open Qtiestions. It allows and mntes free discussion within the bomads ot conrtesy. Ia popularity the PariHTrrRUx is ron atanuy adTancin;. It is The Paper for the Peoplr and presents in Its columns matter to loterest and Instruct all ages, classes and conditions of the people Pnce per annum, n 63; or for one year to any new aucacntxr. n v Address JOHN McLAl'RIN. Editor and Proprietor, Wilmington. N. C 6OTEIf 11. Miy "er. f?ip- f e . -, . ,tlr r-it jr.. :.j T. - . - . t--r. TIe Vra Ji.ia -. ... I l iriM&:. t ?.l f. h-. I UL VllMJ!t.r Ut'Jt Ml lit". , The press has not, altogether ap proved -the course of Col. Fellows while district attorney, and now that his term is about Jo expire he seeks, without regret, public service In another Held. The Colonel is one of the most eloquent orators of the citv's eminent st, and Congress will gain a speaker of national repu tation oii his entry into the Na tional 'Legislature!. ! The idea that the proximity of in dustrial towns created by a high a !r l L - 1 xt. inriii win wriuK pomiiiueu growtu ; and prosperity to farmers, truck- rai.oers and the like receives a refu tatitn in the results of the last een sus in Toiiiit'cticut. i nere, ir anv- where, the wonderful "home mar ket" should shower its promised blessings on the agriculturist. But somehow it doesift. The twelve cities of Connecticut had about them iirlSSO farm towns with an aggre gate population of 48,315. In 1890 the population of these farm towns has declined to 43,(C7, a decline of about 10 per cent, i The situation is an ideal one in Connecticut for far LEMON KLIXIR A Pleasant Lemon Drink For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. ,' For indigestion and fu.1 stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness, take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appet.te and debility. taKe Lemon Jttlixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Llixir. Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir will not ran you in any of the above named diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach. Kidneys or bowels. Prepared only by Dr. II. Mozlev, Atlanta, Ga. 50c cts. and $1.00 per bottle, at druggists. A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffeiing from indigestion with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered Kidneys and constipation, I hav been cured by Dr. MozWs Lemon Elixir and am now a well man. Rkv. C. C. Davis, Oliver P. Meares,WiluifngtoDJudgp. w.t,-. I Benj. R. Moore, Wilmington, Solfci- W.lOlT w Cmirt; barrins .Tnn fl rKfaenli IT v , t U rOPH I -JFeb. 17, May 2G, Nov. MECKLENBURG COUNTY. ' - - J??!" - rr ttai m . , s FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Whitaker. Beaufort Elder M. E. Church Sotith, No. 28 Tat nail St., Atlanta, (ia. Pecyi nap Many peculiar points make Ilood's Sar- aaparilla superior to all other medieines. Peculiar in combination, proportion. and preparation of ingredients, Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses the xull curative value of Dest Known remedies JQ of the vegetable king-jvloni. Tecullar In "3c5) strength and economy fmSrHood' Sar saparilla 1sC5the only medi cine vL which "can truly be sald.Xv 0 " One Hundred Doses une VT Ltollar ' MedipinQ in smedles -A S Dollar ' 24. Currituck March 3, Sept. 1. Camden March 10, Sept. 8. Pasquotank March 17, Sept. 15. 'Perquimans March 24. Sept. 22. Chowan March 31, Sept. 29. Gates April 7, Oct. 0. Hertford April 17, Oct. 13. Washington April 21, Cot. 20 Tyrrell April 28, Oct. 27. Dare May 5, Nov. 3. Hyde May 12, Nov. 10. Pamlico May 19, Nov. 17. . SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Womack. Fall Judge Whitaker. Halifax tMarch 3,May 12, Nov. 10. Northampton JJan. 20, March 31, April 1, Sept. 20. - Bertie Feb. 3, April 28, Oct. 27. Craven tFeb. 10. May 2G, Nov. 24. Warren March 17, Sept. 15. Edgecombe April 14, Oct. 13. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Boykin. TV-ll T 1 ITT -l rai-JUUK(5 WOIUaCK.I O.-fU T.'c. -J rr niJL tI' Pitt-?-Jan. G, March 17. June 9. XIX? t:1" ' t'lti, iiuv, o, Deveniti listricr, jqv. t or the Ha,, uiisi i iinnpprA . - upmkk. Oliver P. Meares, Judere. Court begins Feb. 10. April 14Jr.MeN Aug. 11, Oct. 6, Dec. 1. t Bound Volumea of H arne 77 Chas. A. Moore. Asheville, Judge' . expense (pronoed Uie "tVeM fnt v. uarter, Asnevine, aoiiciur. i . -y eutof't 1 ot "f8 Jan-27, April 28,J uly bikK,yeS ,21, Oct. 27. p - - receipt of OOeac Post- SupremeCourt inlets first Mondav S0UW be made br - . T . ........ w . . w ... v.. . . i nfnn.vriT'nfja . . . uixni. . uiiy unu oaturaay Deiore. z- first District. Feb. 3; Second District, l?eb. 10; Third District, Feb. 17;! x ourtn district, ieb. 4: Firth Dis trict, MtCrch 3; Sixth District, March ! iu; tieventli district, March 17; r.igiitii instrict. March 24: Ninth District, .March 31; Tenth' District, April 7; Twelfth District, April -14; jv. iev film uibtnui, april 6. - Last Monday in September, Ex- .... J 1-1 -m . .. . aiat! are not to con,,,, Cfia Sew iv -. . . ADyERTlSKRc aummiions j? naay anci aatnrtlay be- i- i fore. First District, Sept; 29; .Sec waU'learH tflg eXlCt PrV ond District, Oct. C; Third District, " V - : r l0'i Oct. 13: Fniirrh Tiiatriof Cln OAfK. fit O ttTT 1Vmi .3 !" I - - t - - wva, j jkSKM a- a . a ua. au aa i m 11 ix 111 m a - ww-avaa w wa w . i - i u Sent. 15. Frariklin Jan; 20,April 14,Nov.l0. Wilson JFeb: 3, June 2, Oct. 27. Vance Feb. 17, May 19, Oct. 13. Martin March 3, Sept. 1, JDec. 1. Greejne March 31, Sept. 29. Nash April 28, Nov. 17. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge MacRae. i Fall Judsre Boykin. Wake Man. G, tFeb. 24, March 24, fAp'ril 21, July9, tAug. 27, Seot. 22, fOct. 20. Wayne Jan. 20, March 10. April 14, Sept. 8, Oct. 13. Harnett Feb. 3, Aug. 4, Nov. 24. Johnston Feb. 10, Aug. 11, Nov. 10. FiFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Armfield, 4 I Fall Judere MaRao. Durham-Jan. 13, March 24. June 2, Oct.jl3. Granville Jan. 27, April 21, July 10; Eisrhth District Nov. 17: Ninth District, Nov. 24; Tenth District. Dec. 1; Twelfth Districr, Dec -8: Eleventh Dist rict, I1pc. 14 1 ; 4 advertising The c in America: ers.,. Ijy aaaressit- Geo,: P.'. Rowell I Co.l New paper Advertising Bureau I . 10 Spruce St., New York. , Send IO cts. for toapage ParnphW larger and smaller bottles require larger doses, and do not 21. Nov. 21 produce as good results as flood's. Chatham Fph 19 MnvfiSont oq Peculiar In its medicinal merits GnilforH Fli it Alnvor' An.iir' "home market" cry. The fanning Hood's Sarsaparilla accoraolishes cure hith Dan 8 ' ' Alamance March 3, May 19, Oct. mers, if (here is anything in the districts-there ought to multiply 3 erto unknown, and has won for itself r J l tk 4II .a 11m.. . . . . - AGENTS WANTED I TO CANVASS YOK l Ike Pirtrfljas if a Hp!mit ii forkftj By no a. funnel S. ("Sunset! Vox. u:e I, s. Sllalstcrio.Turkej. A maffniaoent Tolume of owr oJ paj;n, beauufuiiy and prornsely lllutrasie. aa. coxa LaiBsrr aso skst ar roar. racrt avp rrx. nirroar asd uvmor. Tne work sparUca vttn tLe brlijhtet wit. It cotalnn numerous amusin? MArti-A. but it also rivf a clear, coori-w, ani lniere-ilii o eotml of tlf ottoman Uiiptrr, frxa Its loun datloa to t be prrrwnt day. Tnls book ill hT a Unre sole, aad lUr affents anouid wvure terrllory at outV. Only tnorooxhly reliable agents. wb will wort tnetr territory for all it Is worm," are wanteO. Experienced amenta preferml. but ocners wno will promise earnest work will be acre peed. For parOcular address. r. a. hekukkt.k Insxon, t. i"etteral Afrat tor HoxXH Carolina fiLicaca UUa papcz. Jaa z Hut they do not. j The fact is that where railroads are abundant the market created by' a manufacturing industry is worth :next to nothing. The price of produce is determined by the areas that grow it most cheaply. The home market price is not better than the general price. The local products tuust take what thev can iret in competition with Nebraska wheat j raisers, Georgia truck-raisers and Carolina water melon-growers, j -- - - The Washington correspondent of he New York Sun fays that Senator Hi.-cock's support of the Quay reso lution, providing for the postpone ment of the Force bill, recalls a story which is being told there and is said to be based on solid facts. A few evenings ago rspeaKer iteeu, aen. Clarkson. and one or two more well- . . ... Known Kepuniirans were at Hie ncnw. a four.h nn., n0. vin. the title of "The greatest blood purifier ever discovered." ivmiui in 113 gixxi name cit nemc," tnere Is now VVVmnrp ot nood's Sarsaparilla Tsold in Lowell. wliereT: ityVit is made, than of all Xother Wood purifiers. Peeull.ir In if phenome- ATnal record of sales abroao -VX 10 other preparation mW -m . mT ktrmw o f f n ma1 cnh rvnnti 'pyam j ay va ta v caa a j ouwi kTVia larity'in so short a time, Vand confidence among all classes S of peoplo so steadfastly. Do not be Induced to buy other preparations. imt bo. sure to get tbo Tecullar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla SoldbyalldruggUti. fl;lxfar4tt. Preparedonly "J - uuou CO.. Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Dosos One Dollar Jan 20 lyr dw nrm mon wed sat 27. Orange March 17, Aug. 4, Nov. 3. Caswell April 14, Aug. 14,Nov.l0. Person April. 14, Aug. 19, Nov. 17. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge (i raves. Fall Judge Armfield l'ender March 10, Sept. 8 New Hanover tJan. 20. tAnril 13. Lenoir Feb. 3, Aus 10, Nov. 10. Duplin Feb. 10, Ausr.4, Nov. 24. Sampson tFeb. 24, April 28, Oct liec. 8. Carteret March 7, Oct. 20. Jones March 24, Oct. 27. Onslow March 31, Nov. 3. SKVKNTII JUDICIAXi DISTRICT Beantlfullj Illiistraled; 25 cts. $3 ITS SCOPE. Til E ' Af Rhtp a w ma' Z1NE ori ves preference to'vnationai tonics aW scenes, and it3 literature and art are of th mguest standard. Famous American writer All its. pagoa-with a wide variety of interest Ing sketches of travel and adventure; serial and snort stories, descriptive accounts' of Our foremost problems cf the period, and,W short, this Magazine is . j ,.. . . ' Distinctively Representative of p Amertcan Thought and Prota-ess. it is acknowledced bv tYu nrpw nmi miiM be the most popular and entcrtalnlne: o-tbe r - i ii umj.ii hhi iTT-miiiTr. i for and Special Inducements in Cash or Valuable Premiums to rinh Wnloorc will 1 . " - v ' -itwiijvi u. ii ui ajwj nr n ii nil i h. j y.v,y, ui j.-k;., h tuis paper is mentioned. f' Kesponslble andenere-etie nprsnna nronti ed to solicit subscriptions. Write at. once for i TiJii AWKK1CAN MAGAZINE CO., fen . 749 Broadway Jiew Vorir - vtf i Ra of diJauat Ue Ihsuoend for Pmetiral POLL- J'i i Til IT Bus li. . J GO p&jent bean- Jtiful cr;loietl plaier cn;rovii!ri v . 7 erf nearly til Liudj cf fowls; dosrrtp- 4 V i 1 lions ol tbo breodi; boir ta rspotims A puna for potiUrj henaes; iatonrstioB i cbout iocabators, ar.d t hens l 1ut f ?'( 1 1 Qiza train nrct .tt'L t per tittiiiff. tijnfc for 1J ttnu. H so. ron need tb DOOK OF f . HI MUD. 1 'JO rnge. 140 Hit. tratMOA. Bowruful rclorr pl iu. Teat naent n4 breedmf of u irds. for Die&aaro ina vrntL 1im and their cum How tobiildansca lYeat naent nd breeding of ail Lr !Un birds, for pieuare and pmtt. Dmu anAviary. - a U aboat ParroUk I'm) 4 iu! kinds birds. gea, eta lUilaikij 1 5 Cents. The Tiueo lx, 4'J I a i cftriAVffr CiH"rj5 ! 237 Soul b Klght a .'if n ; t l'S; Wilptu. f l , a - ; THE SPECIAL NOTICE f i ur. piiiVATE stock jsTa uve is us-Lv . . . , ,. HMI. ,n,0U. jNeivYork Weeklyflerali Spring Judge Bynum. Fall Judge Graves 28. doubtedly the best WniSKEY sold In tne feouth to-day. Beldw you will find ale w put of iTJ I J-.'J wmcxi we receive and notice nuai bUCjr LAJXJLitliiC I , t ' . t. ) GAS vs. WATER ! AT- . t!ohi,nbus-Jan: 13, March 31, July ffidiey!? we a THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FA !. I H. KOSC alSO Of Winsf.ftn ' va-rltm no ao ri I 1 ' l . AnCn,,Tn fi a oq . 1 lows: v . PAP1?R IN THE UNITKD 5TATI v vt j aii a a rO rj i r i j. a Rose, also of Winston, writes us as fol- iue -private stoeic' m bv t hAnv throueh vonrMr Wmnn rioQ n- Cumberland Jan. 20-tMav S.Jul v fa keep it hereaiteKas lalMnv m v -n. . . " i nrflnri . - ? tNov. 24 We have just added, at very heavy er- er, a lour-norse nnrir rit.ti-t una Kno-ino VhiK?Hoiuo consulting with the 10 "n our live presses. "It's a dandy," Concre sional ,r.tt fc" num. Come and sec -wmmuicwjuow mj anyocc wno will Senator His- vail at our office. We trv alwav to kpen along C2Ulentally, and I , v w,c wmcs anuouresiaDii.nment it left1 hi, visitors for fV argewinthccIl'andwilIbckePtso' 11 leu ins viMiors ior if hard work. nromntnpKa RtticrnT, Robeson Jan. 17,May 19,Sept.29 rvicniuonci ieo. iu, June a. SeDt J. A. Burns & Co.. of H,avpttvti tiavAtt.!. Now is the time toSubscrib 15. Dec. 1. si President about the Campaign Committee, cock came tne rresuieniieu nis viMiors ior lf harJ orkm DromDt - tiUnA 1 t t. 1 1. 1 , 1 1. nan an nour wuue ue neiu an eKrn ru casn can Keep it so ' ltespectiully, Hladen March 17, Oct. 30. Bruuswick A priU7, Sept. .8. Moore March 3, Aug. 11, Oct. 27 c.'1.!11.3?1 yur ew brand of Private lAtlSl farm, the year 180 njfgi rpnTnmJriri it- w. PU I self in thft vartptr of its contents aaa u est conversation with the , Senator. The President made known to Mr. Hiseock his earnest desire that the election bill should be passed and urged him to aid its speedy consid eration. The Senator, so the report goe?, assured the President that his anxiety for the passage of the hill was po less than' his own, and ex pressed his willingness and eagerness to support it heartily. A day or two after this Tom Piatt kipped into Washington. He stepped out again iu .1 few hours, but in the meantime' had a long ?hat with Senator His rock, in which he acquainted him with the fact that he was as anxious 1 for the defeat of the election bill as tlio President possibly could be for it.- passage. Mr. Piatt reminded Sir. lliscock of his large property liitcr- t-fts nittl investment! in the South, and besought him to lea e no fctoue tint 111 tift to have the elections bill tjtlf finitely post pout tl. The Sena ! tor must have be n impressed by what Mr. PIntt kaitl, for the reports of the caucus tt lit 111 down dtt one 'of the eighteen Senators voting JACKSON & BELL, Leading Printers, Rulers and Binders. THE HEWLETT HOUSE. :0: jyjY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC GEN erally are respectfully notified that I baye made extensive addlUons to my premises at Swlfchback srauon, Wrlghtsvule Beach, and am now .prepared to acccommodate 'them with the best of every thing Presh Fish, sort Crabs, Deviled Crabs, Jtc, n au vo 10c amraj or every train. Bar In the nu- and separate and distinct rom the dinning room. rcX.g " JAS. A. HEWLETT. University of North CaroliM The Fall Term Ooens Wnr i Tuition, $30. pOLU REGULAR COURSiES OF STWDT, Classical. PtUlOSODhlcal. LItrr- m r,,al. lQ CEemlury: Urtl and Cmrical Eoffineertag. rharmiy. aid r ! Separate schools of Law and l7 ediclne. Vnoao J73U rrealdent, clupiftaV, recommend it .to .be. My Icustomers Tref e? fxiHH?".e5J ?,Ttv : : : , j wiu be added to its regar apar T 1 l l o n ciuomg nrst-ciass BruiilnM,Siraon&Cp., . hlhsteATIONS. KiailTII JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shipp. .Fall J udL'e Bvnuin. r . . . . 1 aoarrus tjan. 27. April 28. Iredell-r-Feb. 3, Mav 29. Aufr. 4. Nov. 3. . " ' A FREF TRIP TO FIIROPP - - - .1 y hWIIVI Lai 111 N. From bt., . j Dealers in Liquors, Clgars!and Tobaccos. my 30 tf t Rowan Feb. 17. Mav 5. Am?-: - ' -- iM.OV. X. Davidson March 3,Sept. l,tDec.l Randolph March 17, Sept. 15. Montgomery March 31, Sept. 29. Stanly April 7, Oct. 13. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Merrimon. .' 1 ; Fall Judge Shipp. Kockinffham Jan. 20. Julv 01 ar o - ' XI ov. o. Forsyth Feb. 3, May 19, Oct. 20 Yadkin Feb. 17, Sept. 22. . wiiKes March 3,Sept. 8. Allephany March 17, Sept. 1. Tavie March 31, Oct. 6. ritokes April 14, Aug. 4, Nov, 10. S-irry April 21, Aug. 19, Nov. 17 TfeNTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Brown. j Fall Judge Merrimon. Henderson Feb. 10, July 13. Burke March 3. Aug. 4." Caldwell March 17, Sept. 1. Ashe March 24, Mav 26, An" 18 Watauga - April 7, Auc. 2-l. : aiitcneil April 14. Sent Yancey April 28. Sept. 2 McDowell May 12, Oct. 6. I KLKVKNTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT? Spring Judge PhUIips. . 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