jiiiulPHHEYS !""SD POULTRY. . t S"erM. ltaeatUm. lyu. .60 tr.oo l.OO -r"l J Kidney DiMMM. Ijl,l"i,r 'PUM. '?lf.e- w ------ ' T3 k7j fin Co.. 10? StW.T. iiS SPECIFIC Ho. uO " .1 nlft .1. AS D;t vital weaxnsss, cnit t;nrs ettri P V tf.''''k ln kvar-i Cm 7iM I : r U- " - i , ., A I : ; l "MY -it' f-t Ctr. -f . - . -,V. i.Klk-ot.-all-. V ., in 6- wl B I jr. (IK'ISVENOR'S BELL-CAP-SIC ilttHE IUT IlHlOt'S PLASTKR8 IN Til K WDIILIX, j uv tu.' pt iHiem In rerj 'o alt KrK. I AIN IN THE CHEST. CHM MATbU, NKI KALCJIA. v,ji:iothr i.Usten. ibse are Purely ii V TT f ill lO I U!V. ! . rirK ANISUItE. vti u .uu J- or iu.ujhI on rclpl of v it i.i;iu.noi;a i:iciiAi:its. it-n Boston. .Mass. TOIVE AK H . . .i . . ir a f ftitlifal el i or L Mfl7 r-rV ! to cur. F REE e.h. r. r. 1-oatl.eu. Mood us. Conn. I CMlCMtSTtR'S ENGLISH UUlYUUYULriLLS ( 'VJtS J . rrtw. LJir. A Utitr. f rrtmm FOR rilEN ONLY r.Jllllt PURE 0.1aJ NERVQU nnHirm f Errtrt or IimMi is Old r YctM uii.niiiiifi.o riHTl Milt , UlUlUI-Wln te da - IW. Witt alaJMliM, a4 arwi. f. am l n:i i4:cai catiffut.R. STILL AT WORK. K N.H WELL PitirAKCD TO ItEPAIK to rrLi:ur winff Machines. Fan- r L-i ta l wr,rrp lt J,, possible make F ri a &. Wcru done rromptly r"11'- uuis.lst'e me and ijtt es- J. D.FAURAU, i In w. ..r. rrott and orange street. f fa V-'4 ten for the New Home L. Nfv u .Wl for sale. n. Jetlbrson Davis. -in - ,l!j.JKFFKKON 1AVIS. I 11 m JlKCMfllOS 0.MT. -m r;tn J!1(1 vt)iapU'te outnt for can- ! : rrlJ laimedutf lj. 1't"'l"N" I'lSllUBtS TERUI- 3ILF0RD COMPANY, li4Mrm NEW YORK. V3 Hardwarei AM CROCKKRT. W. M'UINQKU CXX. Importrt and Jobbcn; Pnrceii inuidJnr. . JohnlnjnerT tU T ONE, AND HE HOLDS "HutfUtrftt. A cood Knave ; f rt :ur?Po tor ao cents, or a Hair tKKt-J c tUe bt Barters :n i -naAtce. jciin wehner, Tneiierrnan Eiibcr. Muti( strtei - n I llears In Ia!he. Moiiley Ilardy, of. Brewer, is at pres ent receiving about twenty-Are bear aldns & week, whicb is a good number for this time of the year. He says that Srith the skins come reports of great haTOC being made among the sheep by bruin, but that the bears corifine them selves principally to thq eastern district, and are scarce and difficult to find in the north and western parts of the state. Bansor Letter. - ' j . The first annual dinner of the London Thirteen club was held at Amlerton's hotel, the present headquarters of the club. The dinner, wan three times thirteen minutes late, tojenter the dining room it" was" necessary ,to pa under a bdder. ths knives and forks werd all carefully crosejeil, there j were tdx tables, each Avith thirteen diners, and juite by accident, curiously enough the number of ladies present "was just thirteen. De ppite all these numerically malign in fluences a very enjoyable- evening was ppent. ) - CJitizen Train, now a citizen of ono of Tacoma's euburba, proposes to organize a company of 500 American editors kpd tako them around thoj world in fifty days next fall, at $500 , per head. As the champion globe trotter, the citizen thinks that he can outdo the best' of Cook's truides. j , i Leslie Stephen, the noted EngbUh ed itor, who is the guest of James Russell Lovell, is not the rotund and jolly look ing person that English cartoons have fhown, but tall and slender, with .hah and beard that give au' impression like that produced by the beat busts and por traits of Charles Dickens. i i The French postoffico department is examining a new and j original system for distributing newspapers through the mails. Every publication is to provide he central poetoftco with the list of its subicribers, and every number is to be sent to the subscribers without wrappers cr iv u t eu ad dress. A Wotuan Who ! lUtlier Tired. . O, to be-uloiie! i To escape from the work, the play, The talking every dav; To escape from all-i have done, ," And all that remains to do. 1 To escape, yep, even from you, My only love, and be Alone and free. Could I only stand Between gray moor and gray ky. Where the winds and the plovers crv, And no man is at hand; And feel the free wind blow On my rain-wet face, and know I am free, not yours, but my own, Free, and alone ! For the soft fire-light And the home or your heart, uiv dear, They hurt being always here; I want to stand upright. And to cool my eyes in the air, And to see how my. back can bear Burdens; to try, to know, To learn, to grow. I am only you! I am yours, part of you, your wife! And 1 have no other life. I can not think, can not do; I can not breutlie, ran not see; There is "us," but I here is not "me': And worst, at your kiss, I grow Contented so. .oudoii Hawk. WHOLESALE PRICE& The roflorwin quotations represent whole sale prtoes general!, in.mafclngqp small or ders hltfer prices hare to be charge. BAGG1XO Gunny..... ? e sx standard S & 8X BACON North Carolina. Hams...... ii i Shoulders V ft g a Sldes,tt s & 10 WESTERN SMOKED Hams,ik ............I 14 Skies, v I.... 3 10 Shoulders, V t tx 8 DRY SALTED sides, v 6 Shoulders, ...... ...... s BARREJjs Spirits Turpentine. Second Hand, each... l 40 & 50 New,New York, each...... 00 & 75 New, city, each , i en & 70 BKJSWAX,va 30 & 23 8 00 0 00 A Hate 1 n vestment. Is oue which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On tins safe plan you can buy from our advertised druggist a bottle of Br. King's New Discovery lor Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for anv affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such ns Consump tion, Inflammation of Lungs, Bron chitis, Asthma, Wooiiiir Courb, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe and can always be depended upon, Trial bottle free at Robert R. Balla niy s wiiolesaleauu retail drug store. - AUGUST ANTICS. The Russian war department, it is re ported, is considering the advisability of acquiring the solp right j to a new shirt of mail, which is said to be extraordina rily light, impervious to bults or saber thrusts, and cheap to manufacture. A Russian general is the inventor. Mr. William O'Brien, 131. P., is report ed to have bought Lohort castle, Lord Egmont's seat, and it is said that he will spend the summer there with his bride. The rumor is strengthened by the fact that the earl is selling his Irish estates. i Twenty-eight people 'are reported as having left Moosehead lake iu one day within a week , because it is so cold up ,there. Thisnews won't be likely to make other folks desire to keep away from that part of Maine. Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps-Ward is described as a shy woman of delicate features. Her eyea have a look of sad ness in them. The strength of her face appears in her forehead, but engaging talker. She is a quiet Two young miners in the Empire and Hollenbark cbHeries.at Wilkesbarre,com pleted a rat killing contest lately. They were at the work one month and $50 was the stake. The result is: as follows: Mc- Suade killed 3,510; weight, 4,873 pounds; clatyre, 3,219: weight,' 5,8-2. In New Zealand a Mormon convention has just closed its sittings, at which it was officially reported that there are 3,000 Mormons in that colony, and that 000 converts ere madejduring the past year. - A painter arrested in iiitchfield. Conn., while at work; walked along quietly" for a few minutes, when he 'suddenly turned and dashed his paint j brush into the aherifTs eves. He then escaped. The sheriff is badly injured. A new sketching apparatus for cyclists has recently appeared in England. The paper is placed on a small board in front of the cyclist, and the work can be roughly contoured in about half the time ordinarily required. A "Did you hear that the thief nun desperado, Uuckshot Jack, had Kaon lrtlt.l'1 1 v n:t .:.!. J1K, LA nillCU. J ' L7ICU Wll.ll his boots on, I suppose.1' A "No. indeed. He died with auother man's boots on. Robbed a shoe store."- Sifting?. loung Husband "What You are twenty-five years old to-dav? Why you told me a year, ago, just before the wedding, that you were only twenty." Young Wife (wearily) "Ah, yes. I have aged rapidly since I married.7 Ia Ualois. In describing the murder of a man Jorkins, a reporter, thus commented on tne event: "rne murderer was evidently in quest of money, but lnckilv Mr. Jorkins deposited all his funds in the bank the day before, so that he lost nothing but'his life." Binghamton Post. Wife (delighted; "What! Home throuch the summer showers? But where did get you that lovely piece of ice" Husband (exultantly) "It's a hailstone which just fell in our front yard, and we can pay off our mort gage with.it." Chicago Tribune. ... "Just as nml," Sav some dealers wno. try .to. sell a substitute preparation wlinfacus tomer calls for Hood's Sarsaparilla Do not allow any such false state ments as this to induce you -to buy what vou do not want. Remember that the only reason for making it is that a few cents more profit will be made on the substitute. Insist upon bavins: the best medicine Hood's Sarsaparilla. 'It is Peculiar to Itself. "Are you a ware sir," said the man iu the rear fiercely, "that your um brella is poking me in the eye?" "It isn't my umbrella," replied the man just in front with equal fierceness. "It's a borrowed one, sir!" Chicago Tribune. J. Leverett tStory. of Essex, has a Bald winjapple treoVhifch presents a curious tulTbloomy the line being drawrTex actly through the center! of the treo;nd the other half showing not a blossom. Sheik Abdulla Mustapha is the name of Queen Victoria's Mohammedan cook. S. A. M. has recently been iu bad health, and the queen sent him I to Bombay to rest and visit a favorite doctor. It is estimated that nearly 200,000 ier- sous visit the White mountains annual ly, and the income f roiu tlie mountain houses is about 3,000.000. of which 1 1 ,XX,000 is clear profit. r?ctnt hail Btorm at Alusa, Cal., ex posed the fact that bats live in the green foliage of trees during the summer. The haiLtones knocked a great many to the ground. r j A poor washerwoman at Fayetteville, Ark., who a few dtys ago was notified that she had been grunted a pension and would receive fo.WK) luck pay, was so oveicome with jo- that Ihi liol. A giant named Catoni, who was more than seven feet high and proportionately stout, has just died in Italy after having collected $2,000 from a museum in Rome for tht right to his skeleton. by the dkcovery that the waters bl tbe river Leitha fromctrndorf to JAnd rrg are joIsonouZ lia. tiers have coa Uted pytuUr eruptions covering the tnjirejiSdy. . " - Consumption barely Cared. To tiik Editor Please Inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less coses have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy frkk to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send me their ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A.'SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st.. New York. A "A more deserving medical man than our friend Richard does not exist. He very frequently ac cents no fees from his patients!" B 'You don't sav so?" A "For he generally settles with the heirs. " Fliegende Blactter. BRICKS, Wlliiiington, 9 X. Northern BUTTEK, B- North f arollna... Northern CANDLES, y lb Sperm Adamantine.. CHEES1S.VB Northern Eactory Dairy, Cream............ State... VOFFEE, V Java. Lagnyra. . Rio.; CORN MEAL, ; bush, in sacks. Virginia Meal... COTTON TIES, v bundle DOMESTICS " . ShceUn?, 4-4, V yard....... Yams, y bunch ..... . . . . . . EGGS, Vdoz FISH- : Mackerel. No. 1, V bbl.. Mackerel, Na 1, y half bbL 12 50 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl 15 00 Mackerel, Na 3, half bbl... 4 75 Mackerel, No. 3, V bblv.... 7 80 Mullets, v bbl o 00 N. Ci Koe Herring, V keg.. 00 Dry Cod, V lt..,. 5 FLOUK,Vbbl Western, low grade SO Extra..... 4 00 eit on mi oo l li(4 25 25d 30 IS 25 10 9 UX sxm 10 13 4 14 9 & 11 27 6 JO 23 25 20 22 - OS a 52 00 ( 63 I 25 Q 1 30 6 (4 6k 00 ( 80 10 & . 00 50 00 8 48 00 52 00 33 00 &5 V Family City Mills Super. 4f Family..:. GLUE. V ....... GRAIN, V busheL Corn, rm store,, bags, white Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. Corn, cargo, in bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store. . . . Oats, from stre. oats, Rust Proof. cow Peas HIDES, V & Green.... Dry.L.... HAY, V 100 Its Eastern .; Western North Rl?er HOOP IRON, yib LARD, V & Northern... . North Carolina LIME, V barrel LUMBER, City Sawed, VMft. Ship Stuff, resawed........i8 00 Rough Edge Plank. ........ .15 00 Wesb India Cargl s, accord- lng to quality. .13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 Scantling and Board, com'n.14 00 MOLASSES, V gallon 3U 50 315 00 20 00 ft 00 310 00 3 700 3 6 00 3 10 3 4 00 3 6 00 3 00 3 4 10 3 5 00 3 10 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 3 3 05 85 75 3 3 3 23; . 8 3 1 25 3 0 50 48 53 51 50 00 3 5 10 90 00- 3ii 7 ie oo 328 00 310 00 318 00 322 00 315 00 New Crop, inhhds.... ; 25 3 28 " ! " in bbls..... ... 28 3 30 Porto Rico, inhhds...;..... 28 3 30 " i in bbls..... .... 26 3 28 Sugar House, In hhds. . ..... 00 3 15 " ; " lnbbls....... 18 3 48 Syrup, In bbls .. 22 3 35 AILS, V Keg, Cut. lOd basin.. 2 40 3 2 '50 -IL8. V gallon. . 'I Kerosene 9 a "ii . Lard, 18 3 1 45 Linseed 90 3 1 00 Rosin 15. 3 16 Tar............. 00 3 20 Deck and Spar.. ... ....... 00 3 22 POULTRY , Chickens, Ure rown. ." 25 3 30 " Spring...... 10 3 20 Turkeys. 75 3 1 00 PEANUTS, V bushel. 22 J5. 1 00 3 1 25 75 3 75 POTATOES, y bushel- Sweet.-... 7.7 65 3 Irish, V bbl... 3 25 3 PORK, Vbarrel City Mess 12 00 318 00 Prime ...15 00 316 00 00 315 00 4 60 80 00 1 1 Advice to Mothers. Mus. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children ure cuttinir teeth. Itrelievesthe lit tle sufferer at once: it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as ."bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is tne best known rem'e ly for diarrhum, whether arising from teething or oth.Mr causes. Twenty five, cents a bottle. Itilv G dpod&wlv SUMMER RESORT I "ATLANTIC VIEW," WRIGUTSVILLE, N. C, S NOW OPEN UNDER SAME MAJiAlit- Tne Hotel and grounds are near the 1 menf. waters of the Sound and the Atlantic Ocean and a few steps from the Depot of the sea coast Railroad from Wilmington. A&k the conductor of the train to stop yo at WrlghtsvlUe, E51ID BY THE SIT, Mil OK iOllfl Fend for circulars. ED. X1L0 MANNING, jer$ "Prcrr.ctcr. - Rump ' RICE Caiollna, V B Rough. V bush, (Upland)... " " (Lowland). RAGS, V R Country....... City. ROP, V lb SALT, v sack. Alum..... ...... Liverpool Lisbon .. American... . soap, v n Northern. SUGAR, P tt standard grain. StandardA White Ex c ...... . . . . .... . Extra C, Golden. C Yellow....; SHINGLES, Tin. VM.... ..... Common..;..... Cypress Saps........ ...... Cypress Hearts:... STAVES, v M W. O. Barrel.. H.O. Hogshead TALLOW. V ... TIMBER, V M feeW!hlpptng..2 00 .Fine Mill.,.. a . '... 4I71 23 " Mfll Fair. S 00 Common Mill 5 00 Inferior to ordinary.... 2 50 WHISKEY, V gal Northern... 2 00 rtorth Carolina...........'... 1 50 WOOL, V fc-Washcd. 23 Unwashed 16 Burry 16 3 3 3 3 3 li 78 3 10 '3 00 3 00 3 4)43 6i3 6 3 0 5V 5 3 5 00 2 00 4 50 0 00 8 C9 0 00 4 3 7 3 2 3 5 3 7 3U 00 310 00 3 5 314 00 3 13 '00 3 8 SO 3 0 00 0 00 4 00 5 OP 3 00 80 00 1 75 50 00 70 5 ex 6 5X! 00 50 00 50 lIAlXiIUAla, tt Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington &Weldon R. R. AND BUANCUE8. CODEySED SCHEDtiLK TRAINS GoTnG SOUTn. , -'. j I 1 j . . Dated June 15, ISfa of djl d?c ' P. M. ITmTa. M. LeAveWeldon........f..... 1230 543 CU0 Arrive Rocky Mount....... 1 46 7 10 . - jp. M.j j Arrive Tarbom. ....... t "2 30 i A. M. Leave Tarboro.. 10 20 P. M l Arrive Wilson 2 20 7 00 7 43 Leave WUson. t2 90 Arrive sehna 3 40 . Arrive Fayetteville 6 00 .... Leave Golds boro 315 7 40 8 35 Leave Warsaw 4 10'... 934 Leave Magnolia 1 4 24 j 8 40 9 49 Arrive Wilmington.... 1 5 5o; 9 55 1129 TRAINS GOING NORTH. : j : , - , 1 . " A. M.'A. M. P. M. Leave Wilmington 12 01 9 00 4 00 Leave Magnolia I 121 10 34 5 36 Leave Warsaw ..j...... 10 43 5Xt Arrive. Goldsboro...: j 2 23 1145 653 Leave Fayetteville..... t8 40 ...... Arrive Sclma 1100 ...... IP. M. Arrive Wilson ...J.. 1210 ...... Leave Wilson. 3 03 12 37 7 47 Ar. Rocky Mount. 1 10 818 Arrive Tarboro. '. ...... 2 00 ...... ! A. M. Leave Tarboro 10 0 ...... " : ' r pTiT Arrive Weldon 4 SO 245 9 30 DaiJy except Sunday. j ! Train on Scotland Neck ! Branch Road leaves Weldon 3:15 p. in., Halifax . 3:37 p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.25 p. m., Green ville 6.00 p. ru. Returning leaves Greenville 7:20 a. in. Arriving Halifax at 10:10 a. m., Weldon 10-.30 a.' m., daily except Sunday. On Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Local Freight leaves Weldon 10:30 a. m., Halifax 11:30 a. m.. Scotland Neck 2:00 p. m. Arriving Greenville 5:10 p, m. Returning, leave Green, vllle Tuesday, Tnursday and Saturday 9:30 a. m., Scotland Neck 1:00 p. m., Halifax 3:35 p. m. Arriving Weldon 4.-00 p. m. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albermarle & Raleigh R. R. dally except Sunday, 4.05 P. M., Sunday 3.00 P. M., arrive Willlamston, N. C, 6.30 P. M., 4.20 P. M., Plymouth 7.50 P. M., 5 20 P. M. Returning leaves Plymouth, mouth. N. C, dally except Sunday, 6.00 A. M., Sunday 9-00 A. M.. WllUamston 7.10 A. M., 9.58 A.M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, 9.30 A. M, 11.20-A. M. I i Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, dally except Sunday, 6.00 A. M., arrive Smlthneid, N. c, 7.30 A. M. Returning leaves Smtthfield, N c, 8.00 A. M., arrive Goldsboro, N.O.,9l30 A. M. j Tram on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 3.00 p. M.. arrives at Nash vUleat 3,40 P. M., Spring Hope 4.15 1. M. Returning leaves Spring Hope 10.00 A. ML Nasnvllle 10.35 A. M.. arrive! Rocky Mount 11.15 A, M., daily except Sunday Train on ounton urancn leaves Warsaw ror Clinton, daily, except Sunday, at 6.00 P.M. and 11 10 A. M. Retununt; leaves Clinton at 8.20 A. M. and 3.10 P. M., connecting at War saw with Nos. 41 40, 23 and 78. soutnDouna Train on wiison s. Fayetteville Branch is No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. 'Daily except Sunday. Train no. 27 soutn wm stop only at wnson. Goldsboro and Magnolia.' i ! Train jno. 78 maxes close connection at wei- don for aU points North dally. All rail via Richmond,. and dally, except Sunday, via Bay Line. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. - JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Supt. J. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Atlantic Coast Wilmington, ColumbU & Augusta K. It. C Line. illlVcELLANrUS. SeabpardAir-tiiinc. -t Carolina Cdntjral ilailroad CHANG K OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND Jone,l?oa i.i i. -X TRAINS i 3voT. daily ex. wnday. Ieave WUmlngt on . . . ; j 9 30 am Leave Hamlet - . ..vt 1 pm Leave WadebaroJ,.i,r.;rf 2.4tpm x. pm 4 -li pra 5 &2 pm 8 15 pm i Leave CharioUe. . . . .4 . ., jLeave uacuwion. .......... Leave Shelby.. .. ......;..; Ar rl veRutherrdtTD . . . . No. 25. dally ex. Sunday. . jrnopm s ui am 3 27SIC a SO anv EASTBOUND TltAINS. Na C6. daily ex. iSimday. Juno 2?, 1890. Lea ve Rut herTdCn.. f 8 4m Leave Shelby .......... 4 . i-. .f 0 n am lrave Lincoln ton 11 00 am Arrive charlotte.... ..12 17 pm Leave Charlotte. ..;. lit SSno Leave WadePboro..... ...... 1 3 ospm Arrive Wllmlngfn . . , ... 1 20 pm! No. 2k (dally ex Sunday. oopm 12 oopm rnsHrooam 30 am Trains No. 43'ahd 36 make close connection at Hamlet for KaieKrh and at Llncolaton for Hickory and W. N. V. . . Trains No. 25 and 24 make close' ronnecttox at Hamlet, to and from Raleigh and at- Monroe for Chester. - . r-t! Through Sleeping Cars between Wlunlngto and Charlotte and Wilmington and'Raletgh. T. W. WHISNANT, Superintendent. F. w. CLARK, Gen'l PasstDgcr Agenu je 28 tf - . , .. - T- , 1 1 . .j . , Atlantic Coast LTne. North-Eastern R, ft. of S, L M II II m 11 mL c CONDENSED SCHEDtlLB. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. ' Dated May 12, 89. No. 27 (Na 23. Na- .-;' :; ; - Km'T i" i A. M. A. M." ' .- Leave Florence.....; 1 ar V 30 " Klngstrce..... 2 21 1 10 65-Si Arrive Lanes.... 2 60 -11 eo FM. Leave Lanes.... ..... 2 50 '1120 t Arrive Charleston.... 5 00 I 0 " 1 A. M. P. M. P. Ml Train No. 63 takes No. 53 sout h of Lanes. ' Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 23 Train: ; -'VAAA.tj vjivaa.1V AVXa.A.a - ; I I III! - No. 78. NO. 14. NO. 53 A. M. P. M. A. M. Leave Charleston.... 12 25 '4 30 7 Arrive Lanes......... ' 2 45 6 28 9 Leave Lanes... 2 50 0 28 " Klngstrce..... 3 10 6 46 ' Arrive Charleston.... 4 20 7 55 . V A. M. P. M. A. M. Daily, t Daily except Sunday. . Train No. 14 connects at Florence with tralc on c. & d. r. r. for Cheraw, 8. C, and Wades boro, N. o. -. No. 52 runs through to Columbia via Centra! Nos. 78 and 14 run solid to Wilmington, c, making close connection with W & wY R. (or all point snorth. , -1 JNO. F..DI1NE. General Superintendent. J. R. KENEY, Ass'tGen l Manager.'' T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agcat. my 11 FOR 189 O. onslder Sjkis.vsk'jj Maiizixz wien' TO' upon your reading matter for The subscription rate la low CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. 1 I i ! Dated Aprli;20, 1890 No. 23. NO. 27. No. 15 .1 P. M. P. M. A. M. Leave Wilmington... '6 15 10 10 Leave Marlon. .. .t 9 31 12 40 ....... Arrive Florence 10 20 1 20 No. 50 No. 5t A. M. A. M. A. M. iave Florence 3 20 .j . .. . t 8 25 Arrive Sumter. ...... 4 35......... 9 35 NO. 52. A. 31. Leave Sumter........ 4 35 1 10 33 . ....... Arrive Columbia..... 6 15 11 55 No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Central K. is. 1 Leavlnc Lanes 9-15 A. M., Manning a. m Train on C. 4 D. R. R. connects at Florenc e with No. 68. i TRAINS GOING NORTH. .'I NO. 5L NO. W. i P. M. Leave Columbia 10 35 Arrive Sumter 11 58 M Leave Sumter.. 11 58 t 37 A. M. Arrive Florence 1 15 7 50 No. 78 ; A. M. ! Leave Florence ...... 4 35j.. ; Leave Marlon... .....j 5 22 .J......1 Arrive Wllmington... 8 ;15 , I no. 53. I 1 1 -NO P. M. 5 20 6 32 14. 8 .H 8 ; 11 45 3 3 3 3 3 3 i 18 18 OYSTER ROASTS 1 1 than It BETTER PREPARED ever to accommodate my friends with OYSTERS this season. I ;will MY KTLK grove roasts a specialty. Kvery- thlng orernamea ana - unprovea. vywra readr at short notice and expert shockers to sveami rues 10 parues. unc tim, m will da my best u please you. liesjectfuUy, cnStt t 7. TT. KTOSLETf i 1J. 3 Dally. t Dally except Sunday. No. 53 runs t trough to taiarteston. 8, C. . Central R. R., arrirtng ilannm? 7-04 J. m.. Lanes 7;42 P. M.. Charleston 930 P. M. Na 59 connects at Florence witn u ana v train from Cheraw and Wadcsboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close conneeuon at 1- mlncton with W. ft W. 1L IL for an poinis North ! . - I Train on Florence R. R. leave pee uce aauy except Sunday 4:40 P. M-. arrive Rowland a p. m. lUfturnins leave itowiana kju n.tiu. w rive Pee Dee 80 m. Train cn Manchester & Aturusta k. k. leave Sumter daily, except Sunday. 10:50 A. M..arri e Rimini 121 P. M. Retnrnimr leave Rlmlnl 12:15 P. M arrive Sumter .m P.M. S JUItn Jr. Ul i. f . ' - General SupertntendrnU J. R. KENLY. Ass t Genl Manager. T. M. EMERSON. General Passenger Agen iiovlS Table Board. FEW GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOMMO Ct1 with .Tit le;uoardjea frrlicstn ar are deciding nexi seaspn. jo.wj a year. . The standard of the Magazine is high, t ... 110 DUI1H IMUlJItBOlVe, ' . f The illustrations are interesting and of. the best. . . , There is not space hero ' tcr give even a sum mary of the features to appear this year, trat among other things there will to a newfle partment and additional pages, and gronpa of (Must rstml ar-flIna urltl lm titmrxi .v. mi lowing subjects. , .a African Exploration and Travel, , ; : Life on a Modern war f hip (3 articles,,, Homes in city , Suburb, and Country Providing Homes through Building Assort tlons, - i.j u - The Citizen's jtits, V' ; Plirtr1ritv In fha llnitiu.hrM -' i. ' Ericsson. the ;invente- .by his Authorize Biographer. . - . . , Hunting, . - . , Humorous Artists, American and Foreign . There will be 3 serials. " ' Robert Louis Stevenson will contribute 1890. : ' ' . . - Each subject, and there will Tm a trmnt ra . rlcty this year, will be, treated by writers most competent to speak with authority and with interest. Readers who are interested arc urged to f-n for a prospectus, s . U Ceafs a Kumtfr, $l.0Q for Fear Mails. . . - - Charles Scribner's Sons,' 743 U road way, N. TT.' ' jan6 tf , ' 1 k ' THE STATE .CHRONICLE, successor;to;the Farmer and Mechanic tne cnronicie. - ann 4 Under New Management. NEWSY, BRIGHT AND CLEAN. UP WITH Til E TIMES. rjHE "STATE cnRONICUS' . WILL BE what Its name Implies a Stat Pa-pr-r. H Is not the Raklgh "Chronicle," and will not bo lcal or sectionaL It will aim to keep up with the news from Murphy to Manteo,' or. iu ne pouucians put ie, irom wneroxee to Cur rituck. It win be the organ or no man, no ring, no section, no party. It wiu be Democratic la Kilties, but will not hesitate to crttich mocratlc measures and Democratic odcer. SL'BaCRIPTlON: ...... ... TERMS OK One Year........ six Months Shree Months....... TFor a sample copy address TUB hTATU CUKOICLX. Raleln. N.C. ..Jim Diamond Vera Cu'ra FOIC DYSVEV81A. For sale by Di:.. c.;millklv -