UV COO. T ere Three Jj pW "pori .fcelf PJ dllE. DAILY Me vi Mh m t . t - i ' ' - . I VOL. XIV: WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1890. . NO 212. - PLKlSS SOTIC& we- wm be glad to receive commnr,:r.u cz;3 i from oar friend oo inj an! All f ubjoct general interest, t vv S- . 1 ; ,.:.- Tna name or tna writer must always be tut olshed to the Editor. ' , contmnnicaqoaa mast bo written on ofiij one ate ot the paper. : - Personalities most be avoided. And it is especuux an paracolailj under- stood that the Bditor does not always endorse tne.vtews or correspondents unless so-fctatcd In the editorial columns. The streets were full yesterday and to-day. of strangers very The festive oyster will soon make its appearance in market. Carolina Beach was gay yesterday, from one end to the other. P . . ....1 wnllji -wlicc The fight Is now fairly ou and Senators Quay and Hoar have t rr t. t locKeu iioniF. xi.e iur .u ...... ' Watermelons are getting enn tell. The Democrats seem to b ftt Wrl htsville. absolute master or the . situation. The New York Herolcf corres'inm-' dent says that if they supjwrt Mr. Quay8 re.olution to close debate on tfa Tariff bill August 30tli uud lay uMdo the Force bill until next sess ion it ill probably pass by a small aiajority. In order to luscomplish thU result theDemocrats must stand together a a uuit. Hut will they: The new cornet band will be fully do this? njds the correspondent. j organized and chrUtened at the Senator Quay himself. It Is stated, ; Mayor's ofllce to-niht docs not kuow.or ut least he says he tf ' . t .1... JJi . i nivi uoes uor. in; win uavu me u?ii.- . PJ t i..n. i :i i.. ifo i the prayer meeting at the tirst J3tip ance of elcht and possibly uino He-i, o in viofk im.ic and Moikets. The excursiDn to Carolina ueagu Thuro urprp sprpn rant in iiir i "J"1 , 1 i "r-- . . I . j.1 . MnMin tr!n frnm Charlotte wlilcb young males anu geuucuw u div" w . -- -i . Irs pvenintr. Five of Magnolia, civen dj Iiht night was a scorcher but to wards morning the atmosphere cool ed off delightfully. these were filled with colored peo ple. ' Tfiey brought with them the Charlotte Light Infantry, colored, mill t lie Steel Creek band, also col ored, und there was a through the street?. from the Bladen Street Sunday School, will doubtless be larcelv attended. An elocution ary entertainment is to be giveni to- night in th church Dy the pany n raii from Macnolia for the beneht of the Bladen Street Sunday fecnooi. N E W A DV E1CT13EM ENT8, Great Clearing Oat Sale -OF- --: . . t I 1 tU Ul ICil II Ocilttllirr. Ullli wiuiwu inc. rr;iitslt; ltlsiue,f. . uulof the solid Democratic miuority Quite a large crowd came up . -i;:t.i tic taste, anu w. i i.-t. , fci.ht. If .i,M ciiv this tnorniuir on the ntH , 4egy the Democrats have agreed upon a coast train from Wrightsville a y B cLn cltaliolj9 plan of actlou they aip keeping it to the Hammocks. LSrtJ Uk, oWtusJ themselves and taking no outsuiers T,.fUnHdiivm?Rm to-morrow. I trrt - . I 1 tir ninirHi to niirht at o ciock. to Sea ud I The Ladles IfeUglited. The pleasant effect and the per feet safety with which -ladies may; use the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup j of Figv under all conditions make it I If. i uleas- iiieir iiwvuiiic iciuuj. i 177 ..,..i.,V inir to the eye and to the taste, gen- ti vr fnpfttiai in acinic kju , , j . . " kidueys, liver and bowels. Griftom lruuk and trl0(tti Sober. s evidently aprieal an to Grisspin 51 i5' cZn tX Firs is iht . m CM I' f its Kinu For I -A A. W v into their confidence. i lllfttlv ,vill he the last, save one, I 111 m The truth Is," say the corres- . . t je win keep the ff003 thing pondent, "they are quite as teriou-; qu itsleK8 imtn October. r' ton the moil Kepublicao taction, are. They K. R. aulb'It,e" c",eu't f.f "nd rlivi aoaIii commend i ff-t S cl lire of birds in there last night. is .....t.i x attrwirtrf th Onftv reso I m ine Hr.llva Creek next Winter. lution anu uy us pat.sKe BCu.c - - : L.nf ..IInw maJc it tho mod Kstponement of the obnoxious, j olll Manufacturer's Agent for r. v Uself g oi wire, uow ences. Qr Metts. t Swallow the Swallowfc. The tall chimuey on the burnt mill property, -corner of Nutt and Walnut street, is a great roost for swallows. It is an interesting thing to watch them in the evening, com ing up in great flocks and circling around the mouth of the chimney and then diving within. It is prob able that there are at least a thous and nests in there. There must 1.A.VA Keen uiauv times that number r nrjblr known. Force bill. .But, as I pointed out in nftroed and all kinds of tfSd Fip or Eae n these despatch last night, how ijjnation Wire and Iron F InKrJfi bT all leading drug can they agree to rush the remaind-Liers solicited. James I. 1 lit rtlbble droggwt. wm of all See? But the the big iresm FIG SYRUP CO. ut mtcisco. cmu I3uwE"ALE purcciisT, ,j Wllmlnston, N. V- trJ Men onathp Solid Soulli. ... . uiirHKKT. ZEltl'LON B. h tta.. r.tjek. llenry v.. lurocr. Paio. In P. Jofw-. Wru. J. WtUo, Ceo. f. W. YATES. i ia!)ie uniL'ti" "Mr 01 ine iar i uui. uusu j;tb it o kuu. will P wltli many of the most Important Kptl Ir any uuc ""M schedules In the entire tariu sy- UT it. 1)0 not accePl 3 tern, through in ten legislative days, after having consumeu innce mat. amount of time iqon Ies5 than one- foHrth of the meaiKire. It is manifest that in their mad desire to kill the force bill many oi their number would; not hesitate to stultify themselves by such a course. It is probable, however, that the cooler heads among them will ask a modification of the amendment fix ing the date of voting upon ine tariff at September 10th. They would be unabled to proceed with their consideration of themeasure in a deliberate and thoroughly consis tent manner, and save themselves many embarrassing explanations in the future besides. "Mr. Quay, will call up his resolu- tion to-morrow. It is nis uesire iu M At !l ontlnne Its consideration uniu-ii. shall have been disposed of. If Mr. Aldrich will consent to lay the tariff bill aside this will be done provided the Quay men find themselves In the majority. It j Is understood that Mr. Aldrich Is unwilling to do thi. and in that case debate upon the resolution will be hunted to the ' a 1 At two hours or the legislative uy known as the moniiug hour. Mr.Quay does not propose speak ingupon his resolution, nor does any of his little coterje of Republi can associates, so far' as I can learn. r- rtnvcnva that the resolution pnd-IIailfJ YelllCieS, Lpeaksfor itselfand that no expla nation of Its provisions ls.necessary. Mr. Hoar will lead the opposition to the Quay measure. He is not looking very happy now a days, and the general comment among 111s Senatorial friends is that he antici pates a defeat, an 1 hasn't sufficient control of himself 'successfully to conceal his' feelings, j 'Mr. Spooner, the .bright, clever junior Sentor from Wisconsin, will also take a hand In the fray, and so, too, will Mr. Edmunds, Mr. Cullom ami others of the sWulug light uot in sympathy with the Pennsylvania statesman. Wheu ufl these gentle- 1...... !..,! tlifirKHV a vote will 1 taken, for I am assured by of tlys foregoing Senators that there The 'large new and powerful en gine for the Seacoast Railroad will t..,tif oni rPAdv for use on the road by the first of next April. The Quicksteps of Charlotte and the Fowler of Wilmington had a game at the Baseball grounds this afternoon. They marched out, pre ceded bv the Klnston baud. The Steel Creek Band. The Steel Creek Cornet Band of 10 pieces, who came in with the ex cursionists from Charlotte yester day, went down to Ocean View to day. A large number of . colored persons from the city accompanied them. This is a colored band, and a fine one at that. They paraded the streets yesterday, in full uniform, at the head of the Charlotte Light In fantry, the colored military com- Dr; Grissom s memory very poor and therefore from Grissom drunk . spber is in order. I H The Raleigh Chronicle mades a good point on him and shows that he is condemned ont of his own month and bv his own neu. It cites tho Jordan matter, which occurred in November, 1888, in which Dr. Gris Mm voluntarily prepared a state ment of the affair and' through Dr. Gordon, of Portland, Me., it was nublished in the New England press.. Aftr f?irinu his vieWS on tho Sllb- ject. Dr. Grissom said: t t4At the head of a great charity of tlie State, retired from active poli tic for manv vears. but necessarily fiirrtvvn in contact with leading citi 7dik of nil rHKSPs and Darties, I speak absolutely from a 'uou-iartis-an standpoint, and it is but justice to say that while there may have been some individual-acts of injus- tir hv members of both parties in the State, there was no concerted attempt by either party to disfran- oliidA nnv class of voters: autl it is LADIES' SLIPPERS' ; 'AND ' ' W LOW SHOES ! AT ASP BKLOW COST, . "V Lv 'at ' . ... . Geo. R. French & Sons, 108 North Front Street. (opposite The Orton.) ; V" au? 11 tf For Carolina Beach and South-port iYLVAN GKOVE LEAVES " WILMINGTON at ft:30 a. m. and 2 30 p. m. Train loavOs Beach at liCO p. m. ana 8 p. m. On Fridays leaves at J:S0 a. m., 2:ao p. and 5::0 p. in. Last train leaves tnc Jieacn ac a n. m. on Tuesdays and Fridays. . The iassiokt win leave ror soutnport o::ju a. m., aud ror Carolina Beach at 5:ao p, m. Fare Saturdays 25 cents to Beach aud return, ausr 4 tf Carolina there was a free ballot and (Voti Rt A NftfiOSSarV unt. No honorable maul-'"' .. a fair count can deny these statements. ' Itepntatloir. j The reputation of a man is made nn of what neo'nle say of him. In littt mnnnpr fhe renutation of j a medicine depends on what they who have used it say. No remedy fci ex istence has so good a refutation as remedy as B'BU (Jiotanic 10 CAKKY YOUlt rjltOVISIONS Oil LUrUU to Carc.lna ucacn as mere is a First-Class "Family Grocery Vhere, supplied with everything the market affords and sold at city prices. Just Arrived jILbrFTIUT FKESII I IM lH N- L TTttlnMaull Klt!. af UALb V. I'KAICSALLV. II aJ 1J so. Water Street. Snoed & Co., i.kH TO KNOXVII.LE Ft-RNI 4 ,sit x-x cwriwr Market and Second yx Uwji.. ariiitic d.-sien9. lowest t nrjtolTlairuiocall andinapccf nac myl 'Hut few have moved up from the panyirom umi city, -7 Z Blood Balm). It is i successrui 1 f !nU5 ,01 UdllllCU VjUUUo FOK LUNCU AND PIC NIC rAllTIES an evervthin? else that croes to makcup a line lunch. " ' Full supply of ICE always on lvand.1 The residents of CAH0LINA BEACH Will find It to their Interest to deal with me as' I will keep on hand .everything: In, tho Grocery and Housekeeping: line. ; HANS A. It UK 15, Je 7 tf ;PKOPIUETOR. mm 1 rill. ft-v n a JU a 1 miici 1 iim iirLiiii coast to the city. September issucn some ----- ,1;; ?.l Jb J the water that and the military will return to Char .T.i r,Miw rpinain until lotte to-morrow. ail HUO a..j October. " Some stay until frost. 3Vith "Regal" Paint on your house and "Plastico" on your walls, your ill be beautiful and your family happy. Sold by the N. Jacobl shortly after we had gone press Udw. Co , factory agents. The Knrfeht. The excursion train on the Caro lina Central Railroad arrived here vesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock, tf tHICLES ! VEHICLES! nil MLF. A LAKOF. NUMBER 153 A VAKIETY OF rl tryr a l rrxly for lmmedUte ! a u i.-ui verr low for c&ih or w tariin at OR KILL'S STABLKS, -l lof.TLSrvi n4 Pr1ncr3 3RIAX & Y0LLER8, OLLilLK l.KALKHS IM Wons, Groceries, Tubau-o, Cigars, -ANl NISIOX -MKRCIIANTS, f" an.1 Dark St I JILMINUTON, N. C. The plans for the new nuilding of the Y. M. C. A. are expected to be ready in a few weeks and it is thought that work on the new buildings will begin October 1st, be fore which time ground cannot De broken. - A grand Masonic excursion, to be given by the lodges in this city, and for the benefit of that noble charity, the Oxford Orphan Asylum, is on on the cards for an early date. Lake Waccamaw is spoken of as the prob able objective j)oint A large and a happy crowd of ex cursionists went down on the Grove this morning to Carolina Beach, the occasion being the excursion given by the Knights of the Golden Eagle. They have had a line day for enjoy ment by the .seashore. New Push and Pull Blind Hinges. Locks the blind wheu openeckor closed. Saves labor aud cost of put ting on inside fastenings, which are not needed with these hinges. Car .wr It will imv you to examine. and use same. physician's prescription and quickly cures both mild and terrible cases of bad blood, . j Dr. Jj. A. Guild, Atlanta, ia. writes: "Wm. Sealock. - living on my place, had an ugly Running ulcer nn his arm which ordinary remedies! failed to control. As a last resort 1 placed him on a use of B B B and the ulcer began to heal at once, and AflFffit.pd an entire cure. It is a rem- rlv well worthv of Confidence.1'. Dr. J. E. Hall, Druggist at Ameri ens. fTft.. writes: A uianter nt-ui this nlarie had several of his best la lie got them B B B and pronounces them all well. A gang of A. P. & L. Railroad hands use B B B with great benefit to counteract the effects of swamp maiaria.1' ; NEW ADVKBTiS EM ENT8 . N. Jacobi Hdw.Co. t We have it now. A Pump that is ulways primed, never requiring & IK It is the i.rlbti.,veiitiouiof a North Caro- der, its present standing and the re Una -enius and is pronounced by all markable progress it has made uur to be the best pump on the market, ing the past iweive ruuun... t.n n ipr. After tinsine xniru ivauiv v On this train there came five lodges 01 Knights of Pythias, . with many ladies and children in the party. . , rtniantUn T ndA tms place nan severa, 01 m These lodges were Calanthe Lodge effecte(l with SyphiIis No. 15, of.Bennettsville, S. C; Marj- t fhem g b B and prono boro Lodge No. 28, of Tatum, S. O.; Gibson Lodge No. 38, of Gibson, N. C; Scotland Lodge No. 27, of Laur inburg, N. C, and Maxton Lodge No. 35, of Maxton, N. C. Among the visitors also was Mr. G. M. Whitfield, Grand Master-at-Arms of the Grand Lodge of the State. They arrived too late to go down to the Beach but at night there was a grand gathering at Castle Hall, in attend ance on the special meeting of Clar T.ode No. 63. of this city. Dr. J. H. Durham, Chancellor pjjjg HAIR MATTRESSES Commander of Clarendon Louge, presided at the meeting, at which more than two hundred Knights were present. Stonewall and Ger inania Lodges were also present. An eloquent address was made by Mr. Iredell Meares, in behalf of the throe lodires here and it was leenngiy auu fittingly responded to by Mr Cook. Grand Chancellor State. Mr. Thos. D. Meares, ot this city, n ... 1 sit - .111. was ra11rl fast uranu vuttucitvi, iirjA ti D rA forand made a deeply interesting WllDllDgtOll & ;K. 11. lO. n.i.Uov rn th nrincioles of the or Wilmington Seacoast R.K. ! A- Very Handsome l LASS POWDER BOX (LIKE CUT GLASS), a Puff, and fcox of New Mown nay race row -der for 50 cents. Just come In and look. For sale by 1 1 MUNDS BROTHERS, augSOtf Druggists, , A SPECIALTY. Mosquito Net for Sale. Old Mattresses Renovated. W of S. the Maxufac txRer & RfiNOVATER or Mattresses. n jiinl von will have I . 1 . it 1 n. one in. jacooi nuw. v". rfrniAnIa to the Front. 1 T,,,C EEX THE LAST FLIEdENDE Vtlif'fJ-iiv Wrtt? Tneee and 11t rwr.tnc1:,i' "fel io otber Ebjt-.1T-', oa me at tne Library A- i'i'lr yew per lamllr f-r OWENS HOUSE, ,Dk8trret, between Front Second, W UlS TlloKoi uflLY KKSOVATED r"tte r .. . uimmii wiin an tjr o ins tu TiUe soppiUHi wltn tlte ton William Porter, colored, was ar-l m i. nr disnositiou ou tue PJirt 01 1 a . f,Jw ,nnPlli,r of the foot oi theopioMtlon to delay reaching a Market street by Officers Kuuold conclusion one moment longer than Meier, charged with the larceuy to. neceysarv. The probability is that f lops . 1 ci0thing from a colored a vote wilfbe taken by the close of. anbv the muue of Reaves, who j works on a railroad aud lives a short iimw .liJniii'M frnm the citv. He will iu-. w . - Sarsapa , terview the Mayor to-morrow. th? week After all, the best Jway tin rtA I merit of Hool s Be sure to rilta, is to try it yourself. get Hood'. I .LOCALN 1KDSX TO KBW AJTrrKMK-T Fmbso Co Furniture . HrxM BOTHt Dftisjtsu W M comwo nir nawrraara w i hp, booked for . v.-Notiyi men on tue Solid South te DOOKeu iur ' foot I - - . - - 1 a i.iAicn.iii Ktiake.. about a long, was killed to day at the steam Kftftt wharf, foot of Market ; He crawled up looked around but "ek cr month at verr V!4. U. OWENS,' And It rained again today. -Fifty first-class hand wanted to make Pants, by the j day or piece. AppIv nt 123 Market street. k'n drv and you will keep healthy. Umbrellas, rubber coats. is street. . ?t; .1 on ine rauiuj? for the ticket office as dispatched before he cotild Carolina Beach. It 1 thought he may have escape. the hat of an. old a . v . 1 thor vesterdav who v mf " t4had 'era bad." toper seen apparently Ampli fied degree was couferred upon two candidates. At the close of the meet ing refreshments were served and at a late hour the meeting adjourned. : P. G. C. Meares in his address gave miBgton tveldon KaUroacr Company will Je , ti' held at tne office ot the Company. In roe Lity some statistics in regard to the re- f WUmtnztoB. North Carolina on Tuesday. rflr An2Tist25th.la. at 12 M..fr the purpose of inorKHiiiH i i" 1 ranr w w. - . , . uaw which are of great interest He statetl that during the past year 55, 000 new members have beeu added to the roll of all the lodges in the United 8tates, aud they now ag gregate 270,000 throughout the Uni ted States. The" endowment; rank has the sum of one mil-lion aud a. half dollars, bcingthe reserve fund of that rank. LOOK YOUNG! WILMINGTON, N. Cm Atl Sth, Wft. xVFir.K iF SECRETARY OF WlLMINO- 1 1 ton t Weldon Railroad Company. A spc. 1,1 mwiin? rf thft stockholaers 01 me u- mam a a m mmm Jm . - " ' . coislderlns and action upon the question 01 issuing additional Capital Stoclc for ani on vwnt nf th -onstructlon of branches to the main road, as provided for In an amendment tnofhrter of tho company, ritincd Feh ruary inst. A. I. 1T, and such otiwr matters OH mar come before the meeting for consid eration. ! ' By order of the President, ! 3 JAS. P." POST. Jr.. aug 5 3(Jt Secretary tv. & W. K. U. Co. THE HEWLETT HOUSE. M Y FRIENDS AND THE FVVUC GES &c, at I. Shrier'5, a E. corner Front J ou. "Orinr Etrecte. t -lon. Forecast . For 'North Carolina, local raiqs, sllphtly warmer in western and sta- v temperaturp.in er" 1 VJS tf Z in 'hv usin- LKAriivadeextenslre addltloms to iiayprerafces at VSfSomU Preserves a .lsum WrightsrUUi Beach. and Prorpnt tendency to Wrinkles or ii focl, nditinn of the fea- tures. Prevents withering; of the 8kin,drving up of the flesh. Pre-, vents dabbiness. Prevent chap ping, cracking. Keeps skin soft, smooth.' $UXV Druggists, or pre paid by expivss on receipt or X l.qu. 1 E. 8. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. erally are respectfully cotiaed that 1 1 hayei m nwnami to acccommodate them irlihtaebestofeTerjtliUis. : t j - ; rresh Fish, Sort Crabs, Denied Crabs, c., ready on ffce arrival of eTtry train, r Bar in the rear and separate and distinct ram the dinning roonv i f jayOf . -JAS. A, HEWUSIT. IS EFFJ2CTAUG. lfTU. Leave Wilmington GA5 and 9:80 a. m., 2:50, 5:00, 7:00 and 9:00 p. m. Leave Hammocks 7:40 und 100 a. m., i:w, o:uu, o:vu anu iu:u y. iu. , Sunday trains leave Wilmington 9:30 a. iu; and 2:50 and 9:00 p. m J' Leave Ilammocks 10:00 a. in. and 6:00 and 10:30- p. m. aug 15 tf J. It. NOLAN, Gen1! Manager." Supplies Fishermen's Builder Hardware, ; PAIINTS AND SASH: WALKER'S STEICILT PUBB WHITE Utt, made bj-he old Dutch process, tbe.Dest Lead on the'market. They not b2lng in. combina tion can make special price on same. V COOKING STOVES. Largest assortment in the State tojaeject frjm; sold at factory prices. V Oil Stoves of All Sizes. ; In them yon will find comfortjandjconoiay. Pump?, Step-Ladders. We ask for jour patronage and sbaIleTer endeavor to deserve the aarae. Hespect fully, v N, Jacobi Hardware Oo.) aplSitf 12 SO. FftOXT ST. ' ISLAND BEACH HOTEL J. A. BROWN, Manager. ilotel, situated at th namnioel's. I am LEASED TOE ABOVE NAMED pre pared to cater successfully Jo the vantof tbft public - The tables will be supplied wit hthe choicest viands ef tbf season. ' 4 ; Many place of treat interest1 In the tIcHh itr.i surf UathiD- liath Houses in still waur. line boating facilities, unrl railed finblnv. and above all an unexcelled cnrslnc - cottages on the Deach connected irlja the IloteL " '" " f itol Miller ccletjratl lianl;CiJp2d for Uu!tea3OT- J. A; ilHOWN. jajSltt rroprktrtta. UUV4 m .