li'r."'. -"L - ! CoUc. J J Mur- . wJ'tfJ .y i r!I Mti?rLtt 45 S iSJ hJm,,i; v , 22 'i ' 0 fulton St. X Y TpTT 1 F 1 C o HUP 35SI1 eUH9! I H 2; . --; IM8UI Ml r i" -, : . : .. .. .;tlli. Y i" C';r. :. i4i.r: ,,.. . ,..!!.-. .? o. V V. ' w' - on H 9 y M VE . "" 4 - - u : . It Iuu mrv - - - " " vfiltuSVKXUR'S BELL-CAP-SIC PLASTERS. miHIBiT lvl:ors rL.STKKS ' "ixtdeworlh. MiKtyW put-r in f rj a for 1 ,. rf Cl hill". I AIN l TIIK CIIKST. rat L:furpu'.. H.c are Purely ju Uifir.:. i:,nrvi instantly rr.rirK m m i:k. yctir.i', r n rotvlpt of WEAK WECJ ; j. mztmitz-. l t mcljvx.l. etc. I wta ' nli trt I cor.Uinlng foU 'r! f ocur. FREE f,LrKe' aaU misl ork ; houljn rad by erery t r. C T9W1XR, Moodu, Conn. CMiCM tSTCR'S ENGLISH UlIYliUVRLrlLLb ( 4 yi nwn1 i-w-v.4 la t Ttlt Mlkr. lV" 'Vy I pr 4ttrmnmatrrfril. 64 4n. V D "K. lUf Ur t mJIrm," i x. b, rtlmrm ,08 rEN OSSLY JTILL AT WORK. i5 T WELL PAUEi, To HEPAIH 233 ri.:;urv. Nninj Mac Lines, Faa-l"-'ri-t lai if re it is possible make p wcrw done promptly nu. CAUxtiw me and cet es- ll. FAUKAU, A w.f. rrtu an.l cranK-e streets. CIlwii i ..... ....... ... . . 'ilr? frt,.. . . 7 8aJ. oil for sale. a. .K'Ubrson Davis. -BY- 8 H. slBSCMfflBS CUT. t5u 4-1 tarute outnt for cad- iracUft y. Cfl-FORD COMPANY. NEW. TO UK. JJardwarcjj K-MUIXGERiCO.,' fclT 'NE. AND UK HOLDS V a,llrkt"rwt. A Soo4 bhare cents. I j,, rs j "3 Tt(.f.rmaa tuite or & U&lr Barters In raiiwutttrrA I Clped by m KTrei Hand. Juno 20 Fnxlcrlci Miller and David neller. two employes at the furnace at the rolling milLa, wero killed by a pre- mature explosion of II Creoles powder wnue biAsung ont EaLomander from the bottom of tho farnace. Miller was Btanding directly orr the drilled hole ai ine umecr tne explosion, ana was terribly torn and disfigured: "Both arms were blown off. But one was found. ETery effort to find the other arm proved fruitless until yesterday. The workmen saw an bbject clinging to one or the stay rods that help to sup port and keep in position the stacks on tho top of the furnace. ; Through curi osity they climbed up to the top, and they saw a sight that not only filled them with horror . but with wonder. Therein full sight of all was a man's hand with onlr the stub of an arm at tached tightly-clasping the rod above mentioned. ' t There can bo no doubT but that the hand is that of the unfortunate Miller. The only theory known for the strange freak of the bodytess thand "is that the hand was blown out of tho lop of the high stack, and in coming down the muscles, still active, contracted when tho hand struck the rod and fastened to it with a deadly grip. From the position in which Miller was standing the hand could not have reached the position it occupied other 1 than in the above man ner. The muscles could not have re laxed much 'after first contracting, else the hand would have fallen. Brazil Times. . j . An Electric Lawn Party. An electric lawn party was given a few days ago by one of the leading elec tricians of the country at his residence in Connecticut. As the visitor was ushered into the oaken hall he was greeted with innsic from an electric or gan. An open box of cigars lay on the center table, and Qverhanging it was an electric cigar lighter. On the sideboard, In an electric teapot, the fragrant Bohea was brewing, and novel and almost weird effects of electric lighting were visible all around, while the air was cooled with electric fans. Two objects of unique interest, taken, side by side, were one of the first phonographs and the very last perfected instrument made. In the evening there was a grand dis play of fireworks, ignited by electricity direct from the lighting circuit, a thing never before attempted. The fireworks, which were shown about 150 yards from the house, were lighted from the piazza by the turning of a small electric switch in the hands of a lady. Exchange. : : " A Modern Prodigal. . A short time ago Mr. Crimp, farmer, of Milton, Devon, advertised for a la borer. A wretched, half starved young man in rags 'and tatters applied for the situation, and j by pleading hard ob tained it. Some time after he told his master that he bwnedan estate in Wilt shire, and that his father was a very wealthy . man. He"- had, left home, ho said, through an unpleasantness, and had been wandering about for years, barely earning subsistence The farmer made inquiries, and visited Wiltshire to find the extraordinary story true.. His la borer's father resided in an elegant man sion, beautifully situated. He had long since given up nis son ror aeau, lhh im mediately accompanied tho farmer back to Devonshire and there found the prod igal, who would not leave his master until the 'latter had procured some one to take his place on the farm. London Tit Bits. i . The Cow VlslU the Tarlor. The family of Mrs. Mary Hartwright, who resides on Plover street, Omaha, were much surprised a few evenings ago by the appearance in their parlor of an unexpected guest This was their Dur ham cow, Mollie, that escaping from her pen deliberately walked up the low steps leading to the 'porch, thence into the hall, through which she marched un til she reached the parlor door. This she entered with an inquiring moo, and advanced into the room, while the fam ily sat watching her, afraid to move lest they startle and cause her to do some damage, put after a quiet inspection of the apartment tho incongruity of her presence there seemed to strike her, and turning about as quietly walked out again. Cor. Philadelphia Press. Practical Joker TanUhed. Police Justice White, of New York, has iust taucht two practical jokers a lesflon fining each $10. ' While painting trail dine in Alott street as a Dit or pleasantry they epattered paint ove r every Italian man, woman, or emia whose head appeared in any of tho win dows below. This amusement grew too mild, and when a Misa Mucchi appeared in the next yard ono of them dropped the entire contents of a paint pot on her neaa. Miss Mucchi had dark hair and her friends were so shocked at her changed appearance that they had the painters arrested. Philadelphia Ledger. Wonders Beneath 'the Surface. Workmen en traced in sinking an ar- f-ovn xrpllin FUndr Valler. near Niria. N. M., struck an' open seam, from which cold stream of air rushed wun lorce enough to Temove . a twelve pound rock laid over the owning. The air was charged with million of small . yellow , 1 ! t Li A. 1 uugs, caca aaving urn iwu w wings and a email red circle on his back. They lived but a fe-W seconds after triking the warm outside air. Local scientists are puzzling over the ques tion How did they get so far down into the earth? St Louis Kepublic Darlnff ay Storm. "firarions! that was an awful clap of thunder; it frightened ine terribly." "Pooh! thunder can t nun yon." - v w mm ri 9 I linn mw f ta wz r n. iir aa. it person bein thunderstmckT Harper's j IVhat U Good?; Wlmt is the real goodr1 I ask ia musing mood.. ; - Order, said the law court; Knowledge, said the school; Truth, said the wise man; Measure, said the fool; Love, said the maiden; - -Beauty, said the page; Freedom, said the dreamer; Home, f aid the sage; Fame, said the soldier: Equity, the seer. 'Spake my heart full sadly ' "The answer is not here." Tlien'within mv bosom Softly this I heard: "Each heart hold the secret; 4,Kindness is the word."" -John Boyle O'Reilly. WHOLESALE PRICES. V- Tfce rolloirl&s quot&uoas represent whole sale prices cfinerallx. Ia maxims up small or- Srs higher prices hare to be charged. A Sate Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure n, return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bringTelief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat, IjungH or Chest, smcIi as Consump tion, Inflammation of Lungs, Bron chitis, Asthma, Wooning Cough, Croup, etc.," etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe and can always be depended upon. Trial bottle free at Robert R. Balla- uiy's wholesaleuud retail drug store. wor- Bar- AUGUST ANTICS. Mrs. Bargau What are you ryin' about this luorninzr? Mr. gan I need some new clothes and a a watch, and I can't make up my mind whether to get the clothes at a store where they giveaway watches. or 10 buy the watch at a store where they give away clothes. Good ews.. p.i.rt.. . i:..... i.:.. ' t 1 - iicciuiiiLT ins liiiijerj i ue clare! Here is a man up in Michi gan who while out huutincr mistook another man for a bear and shot him. 1 can't for the life of" me see how he could havo made such a mis-r take. Mrs. Crusty (spitefully) Humph!. Can't you? Well. 1 can Chicago Mail. He Meant It too A ou their honeymoon languidly with grapes at desert. She (archly) And you don't find it tiresome all alone with me? You are quite sure yoh don't want to go back to your bachelor life again? He (earnestly) Quite, my darling, IJo yon know if you were to die to night I'd get married again to-mor' row morning. Sittings. young couple are dallying: The Purest and Best articles Known to medical science are used in preparing Hood a barsa- par ilia. Every ingredient is care fully selected, personally examined, and only the best retained. The medicine is prepared under the su pervision of thoroughly competent pharmacists, and every "step in the process of manufacture is carefully watched with a view to securing in Hood's Sarsaparilla the best possi ble result. BAGGING Gunny............ 7 e 8X Standard. 8 & IX BACON North Carolina, Hams.r. 11 d u Shoulders v lb................ 8 & IX sides,vtt..... 8 & 10 WESTERN SMOKED Hams, v a. . . . . . . . . ... . .. 123 14 Sldes,Vtt 8 e 10 Shoulders, V ........... tX " 8 DRY SALTED - - Sides, Vtt . & fk Shoulders, v 6X BARRELS Spirits Tlirpentlne. second Hand, each......... 1 40 50 - New, New York, each OP 75 New, city, each..... 1 65 TO BEKS WAX", "5 B.. .......... 20 22 BRICKS, Wilmington, V M.... 8 00 lfc 00 Northern.. 0 00 Gii 00 BUTTER, V ft North Carolina... .. ....... 5 & 25 Northern. 1...... " 25 & 30 CANDLES, V Sperm...'... 18 & 25 Adamantine.. jo 12X CHEESE, V ft ' Northern; Factory. . 8X& 10 Dairy, cream....... 13 u Stater:. ..1. 9 & 11 COFFEE, yVt Java.... 27 (a 30 LagnyraJ Si 25 - Rio.... .4.. 20 22 CORN MEAL, f hush, in sacks. 00 .52X Virginia Meal 00 65 COTTON TIES, bundle 1 25 1 30 DOMESTIC Sheetlng 4-4, V yard ... 6 6J4 Yarns, t bunch 00 (3 SO EGGS, 9 do. ..... 10 & FISH j j . ' Madcerer; No. 1, V bbl XJ 00 130 50 Mackerel, No. 1, y half bbL 12 50 (515 00 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl.... '..15 00 20 00 Mackerei, No. 2, half bbl... 4 75 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3, V hbl. . . 7 80 10 00 Mullets.l bbl 6 00 7 00 N. c. Roe Herring. keg... 00 6 00 Drycodiv ft.... 5 10 FLOUR, V bbl Western, low grade ' 50 g 4 00 " Extra 4 00 (4 6 00 iFamlly 4 50 6 00 City Mills Super 4 00- Q 4 10 j Family 4 & 5 00 GLUE, V Tbi 8 3 10 GRAIN, V bUshcL Corn, fm store, bags, white 48 50 Corn, cargo, in bulk, white, 00 48 Corn, cargo, in bags, white, 52 53 Com, mixed, from store 00 51 Oats, from store. .. 33 Q Oats, Rust Proof y.... 100 50 Cow Peas.... '95 9 1 CO HIDES, V ft Green.. J ...,. 3 ( : 3 Dry.....L.... ; 3 9 5 HAY, y 100 fts Easterns 1 05 1 10 Western 85 & 90 North lUver 75 00 UAirjKOAPfS. Atlantic Coast Line. a. Wilmington &We!donR. R. ANJL BICANCUE8. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. . TRAINS GOING SOUTH. T Datxd June 15. 1&0. 05 5 o?2 - . - X J - fr 1 S , ' f P. M. P7T A. M. Leave Weldon 1230 5 43 6 0) Arrive Rocky Mount...... 145 ...... 710 r p. jji. Arrive Tarboro. "230 ...r.. ....... '. , A. 31. Leave Tarboro........ 10 20 - 1 .: P. M. i Arrive Wilson............ .. 220 7oy 7 43 Leave. Wilson t230 ...... ... . Arrive Senna.., ...... .. 340!...... ...... Arrive Fayettevuie...... 6 00 ...... Leave Goldsboro... ........ 3 15 1 7 40 I 8 3n Leaw Warsaw 4 10! V VA Leave M agnolla. 4 24 ! S 40 9 49 Arrive Wilmington ......... f 5 50 I 9 55 11 20 TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Wilmington. . Leave Magnolia. Leave Warsaw.. ... Arrive Goldsboro... Leave Fayetteviile. ....... Arrive Selma.... .......... Arrive Wilson......... . . . . A. IM. 12 01 1 21 ...... 0 'MO Leave Wilson... j Ar. Rocky Mount. . , Arrive Tarboro..... Leave Tarboro...... Arrive Weldon. 3G3 4ii0 oo o 0 -. r A. M. P. M. 9 00 4 00 10 34 5 30 ,10 48 5 53 1145 653 18 40 .... 11 m ...... p. M. 1210 ...... 12 37 , 7 47 110 818 2 00 ...... A. M. 10 0 ...... P. M . 2 45 930 MISCELLANEOUS. Seabaard At r-Linc. Oarolina OontralKailro: 0 - r- T - n ii 111 j .1 CHANUE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND rTUAJN& Jane iaa Nol 4.1. dally ex. Sundaj. Leave wuroington.......... 9 no am teavo namier,.. ........ 1 "j pn sou am Leave Wadesboro .. .i 41 jraj 3 27 aic Arrive Charlotte....;.......! 4 W rn 6 UOaic iave Charlotte . , xi pta Leave Llncolnton... ....... .1 5 52 pm: Leave Shelby.... ............j s 5rra!, AnlvelcutherTdtu....,..... 8 15 pm! 2s o. r.. dally rs. Sunday: kAstbound trains : Jtlne 29, lSlOt - j No. T4. Mlly eur. . jsunday. No. 21. daily ex Sunday Leave Rutherfdihi. ..... i 8 45 am Leave Shelby..-.;...........! 9 69 m Leave Llncolntoa. .....Ill ooamj Arrive Charlotte; ....... ti2 17 cm Leave charlotte. 1J 25 pml 9 CO era Leave Wadesboro Iavc Hamlet.............:. Arrive-Wilml ugtn . 2 06 pm 12 00 pm 3 iDpmj 2 COani -7 20 pml 7 30 am i Trains No. 43'and 36 make cicso Connection at Hamlet for Ra'eigh and at Llncolnton for Hickory and W. N. c. . . i j Trains No. 25 and 24 make close ronnectlox at Hamlet, to and from Raleigh arid at Monroe fer Chester. - i I . i i nrougn Sleeping i:ars Dei ween w uminjno and Charlotte- and Wilmington and Italelgb. ' T.-W. M'HISNANT, Superlnrendcnt. . F. w. CLARK, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Jo 8 tf r. Atlantic Coast Line. North-Eastern R; R. of S. I 2 3H "I saw a screw-driver the other day that, weighed 2,000 pounds." "O, come off!" "Honest." "Where was It?" "In thn engine room on an ocean steamer." Racket. , 20 00 16 00 t (31S 00 22 00 15 00 Consuiuptlon Surely Cured. To thk Editor 1'iease inform your readers that I . have a positive remedy tor tne above named disease. Bv its timely use tnousands or Hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy prkb to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send me tneir ex nress and nost office address. Res-! pectfully. T. A SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl St., JMew iorK. Johnny Peck Did you ever save anyone from drowning, pa? Mr. N. Peck (dolefully) Yes! But you don't seem very happy over it, pa?i Whom did you save? lour mother, son. before we were married. Law rence American. 26 30 30 28 15 18 35 & 2 50 Advice to Mother. Mrs. Winslow'sSSoothingSyrupi should alwavs be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once: it produces nat ural, ouiet sleep bv relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is tne best known reme Jy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teethinir or oth.r causes. Twenty five cents a bottle. July deod&wlv SUMMER RESORT! "ATLANTIC VI13W," WRIGUTSVILLE, N. C, S NOW OPEN UNDER SAME MANAGE- Uotcl and grounds are near the 1 menu Tne waters of tho bound and the Atlantic Ocean and a low steps from the Depot of the Sea- coast Railroad from Wilmington. Asic the conductor of the train to stop yo at WrlghtsvlUo. BOARD 1)1 T'OK DAT, WEEK OE -'MM. Scud for Circulars. ED. WILSON MANNING, ' je 13 Proprietor. ; Chickens, Eggs, Chip Beef, AND A NICE LOT OS I r 1 1 w North Carolina Hams I Jut received, which I will sell cheap. I have a complete stock of cnoiCE family gro ceries which I win sell lower than any ether Retail House la the city. Clve me a call. My stock Is always fresh. No-stxla grcj on hand. Call hi . . B. r. SWANN"?, Agt . f 1 XtDZYT , So, Frc-t Street. ,: noop iron, v ft.......... LARD, y ft Northern 7 North Carolina.. 8 10 LIME, y. barrel. v 1 25 0 00 DUMBER, City Sawed, lMft. Ship Stuff, resawed........l8 00 Rough dge Plank. 15 00 West India Cargles, accord- . lng to quality 13 00 . Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 Scantling am Board, com'n.14 00 MOLASSES, v gallon . New Crop, in hhds.... "1 in bbis.. Porto Rico, In hhds 44 , 44 in bbls....". .... Sugar House, in hhds....... " 44 1 44 inbbls. Syrup, in bbls .. AILS, Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. ILS. flgauon. Kerosene Lard.. Linseed., j Rosin....;.............. Tar.....i. Deck and SparJ. POULTRY Chickens, iive rown. 44 'iprlng Turkeys... PEANUTS, V bushel, 22 ft...... : POTATOES, V bushel Sweet...! Irish, V bbl.... i PORK, y barrel . ' CltyMess 13 80 18 001 Prime...... 15 00 16 00 Rump...'i..'...ii 00 1500 RICE Caiollna, If ft........... 4, Rough, V bush, (Upland)... 60 -44 : 44 (Lowland). 80 ltAGS,vn Country... ........ 00 City......................... 1 ROPE, V 14 SALT, y sack. Alum... 70 Liverpool 1 10 Lisbon. .......... .. 00 American..... 00 SOAP, V ft Northern. 4 SUGAR, P ft standard grain.. 6 Standard A 6 White Ex C 0 Extra C, Golden 5.V. C Yellow.. ' . 5 SHINGLES, 7 In. V M.. . .... . Common cypresa Saps Cypress Hearts. . . . . . ...... STAVES, V M W. O. Barrel.. R.O. Hogshead TALLOW. Vtt.- TIMBER, V M teet-Shlpping..l2 00 Fine Mill ..Jl 25 25 28 28 26 00 16 22 40 9 16 90 15 00 00 25 10 75 00 65 25 Dally except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leayes Weldon 3:15 p. m., Halifax 3:37 p. m., arrives Scotland Keek at 4.25 p. m., Green vlile 6.00 p. m. .Returning leaves Greenville 7:20 a.-m. Arriving llalltax iat 10:10 a. m., Weldon 10:30 a. m., dally except Sunday. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Local Freight laave3 Weldon 10:30 a. m., Halifax 11:30 a. m., Scotland Neck 2:00 p. m. Arriving Greenville 5:10 p. m. Returning, Green ville Tuesday, Tnursday hnd Saturday 9:30 a. m., Scotland Neck 1:00 p. m., Halifax 3:35 p. m. Arriving Weldon 4:0.) p. m. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albermarle & Raleigh R. 1L dally except Sunday, 4.05 P. M., Sunday aoo P. M., arrive Wllllamston, N. C, 6.30 P. M., 4.20 P. M., Plymouth 7.50 -P. M., 5 20 P. M. Returning leaves Plymouth, mourh. N. C, dally except Sunday, 6.00 .. M., Sunday 9.00 A. M., Wllllamston 7.10 A. M., 11 ?0 A. M. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, daily except Sundav, 6.00 A. M.. arrive Smltniield, N. C, 7.30 A. M. Returning leaves SmithflekLN. C, 8.00 A. M.,-arrive Goldsboro. N. C. 9.30 A. M. I Train on Nashville Branch leavc3 Rocky Mount at:-3.00 P. M.. arrives at. Nash ville at 3.40 P. M.-Sprnur nope 4.15 P. ai Returning leaves Sprine: Hope 10.00 A. M.J Wasnville ia35 A. M.. arrive T Rocjcv Mount 11.15 A.M.. dally except Sunday Train on Clinton "Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, dally, except Sunday, at 6.00 P.M. and 11 10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 A. M. and 3.10 P. M., connecting at War saw with Nos. 41 40, 23 and 78. . Southbound Train on Wilson !& Fayetteviile Branch is no. 51. Northbound is No. 50. 'Dally except sunaay. 1 Train No. 27 South wiiljstop only at Wilson, GoiasDoro ana .Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wei don for all points North daily. Alt rail via Richmond, and daily, except Sunday, via Bay Line. i- AH trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep- 1 . CONDENSED SCHEDULE. 4 TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated May 12, 589. No. 27. A. M. 1 35 2 21' 2 50 snoi 5 00 A. M Leave Florence... 44 Kljjiretree.., Arrive Lanes.... .. Leave Laces.... .. Arrive Charleston. t Train No. 63 takes No. 53 South of Lanes. I Train on c & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 23 Train. 1. No. 23. No. A. M. - .9 W 10 55J 11 B0 11 CO! 1 801 P. Mi. P. M. 7 I P. M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Charleston... Arrive Lanes........ Leave Lanes... ...... I 44 Klngstree...., Arrive Charleston..., -' 1 1 1 .1 ' " No. 78. NO. If. Na fi3' ' ' i - ' A. M. P. Mi A. M. 13 21 4 30 7 2 45 - 6 28 " 9 . 2 60 - 0 28 ' 3 10 6 4fi v; ( 20 7 65 A. M. P. M.t A. M. I Dally, t Dally ! Train No. 14 connects at Florence with trait' on c. & D. R. r. for Cheraw, S. c, and Wades boro N. c. . ' i i No! 52 runs through to Columbia vfa centra: R.R. of S. C. , ' . 4- - Nos. 78 and 14 run solid to Wilmington. C, making close connection with W4 & v. , R. for all points north. - 1 ; JNO. F. DIVIItE, . 1 General superintendent, ' j J. 1L KENEY, Aas't Gen'l Manager. . ! T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passengt regent. , . my 11 f FOR 1890i era attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, GenlSupt., d. jt. ijijNLiX, upa. .Transportation. T. AI. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Atlantic Coast 1 3 14 45 00 16 20 22 30 20 00' 25 75 75 upon your reading matter for 1 he subscription rate. Is Jo w Line. Wilmington, Columbia & Augusts It. It. C . - f - CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated A prii;20, 1890. No. 23. 1 1 ptO. 27. I 1 ' 5X 80 00 1 1 Leave Wilmington. Leave Marlon. ...... Arrive Florence.... Leave Florence. Arrive Sumter. P. M. 6 15 9 33 10 20 NO. 50 A. M. 3 20 4 35 5 00 2 00 4 50 0 00 8 CO 0 00 . 4 Mill Prime Mill Fair. : common Mill... Inferior to ordinary. ... .... . . WHISKEY. V gal Northern... North Carolina. . . . WOOL, V ft Washed..... Unwashed Burry 50 00 00 50 00 60 23 16 16 22' 75 50 00 70 5 ax 5X 7 00 2 50 5 00 7 50 11 00 10 00 5 14 00 13 00 6 50 0GQ .000 4 00 5 00 3 00 4 Leave Sumter...".. Arrive Columbia.. 151 oaslder SjaiaxiB'j ;maiazin waca: yo" are aeciaing next season. $3.00 a year. Tne standard of the Magazine Is high: w - . Its spirit progressive,' i j . . The illustrations are IntrrpRf intr fltiw M 1 best. -v : i ;if . - There is not space here to dvo evesn a sum. mary of the features to appear this year, trat among other things there will to a neWide partment and additional nacps. nnri emnrn Af illustrated articles-wiu bo devoted to the (fol lowing subjects, j Aincan Kxpioraiion and Travel, j Life on a Modern War Milp a articles). Homes in City, Subuib, and country Providing Homes throutrh suiidinfr jMymrt i 'i ne uiuzen's muts, j Elotriclty in tho Household. t Ericsson.the Inventor br his Anthortzs Biograph3r. - . ., . j Hunting, 1 1 Humorous Artists, American and Foreign No. " 15. i There will be 3 serials. P. M. 10 10: 12 40 1 20! A. M. NO. 52. A. M. tlO 33 ! 11 55! A M. NO. 8 A. M. t 8 25 9 35 'Robert Louis 18P0. Stevenson will contribute i :t.acn BUDieCt. and thPIl wflt a crrnnt- rtety thisear, wlU bo treated 'by writers most competent to snrnir wit h ontmttr nri with interest. Readers who am infnti are urged to fend for a prospectus. 1 - 25 Ccnls a fomki; $1.00 for Jwilloilk. No.i62 runs through from Charleston via Central K. K. ! Leaving Lanes 9-15 A. M., Manning 9:56 A. M. . Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Florence j with No. 53. . , TRAINS GOING NORTH. NO. 53. Charles Scribner's Sons, 74 Jiroadway, N. Jan 6 tf -:- -'-.! ' ' J ; ' - THE STATE CHRONICLE,. - :- : f 1 ; N0. BL NO. 59. . ; ".. P. M. Leave Columbia 10 35 Arrive Sumter....i. 1158 P. M. Leave Sumter.. ...... - 11 58 f 6j,37 Arrive Florence ...... 1 15 7 50 NO. 78 ' .' A. M. Leave Florence 4 35 Leave Marlon.. .....j 5I3..L..... Arrive Wiimington... 8 35 .. ; Successorfto'tbe Farmer, and Mechanic the Chronicle.) - j : .'.'"; J'" : ,'r ana. P. M. 5 20 II. 'NO P. 8 8 55 11 4-5 Under New Management. NEWSY, BRIGHT AND CLEAN. UP WITH THE TIMES :i M.. TO IS 18 OYSTER ROASTS AM BETTER PREPARED to accommodate my 5' I than ever friends with OYSTERS this season. -1 ;wm ttfD none bat the Best on hand always MYRTLE GROVE ROASTS a specialty. Every thing overhauled and improve!. Oysters ready at short notice .and expert shucfcer3 to own them. - - . . . - . .. m J racial raies 10 p&rues. uive mo a cw aiia will do my best to please you. . . RespectTulljr, W.ILKTOKLEYI cctStt AYriis.lSTU Dally. t Dally except Sunday. No. 5-J runs through to Charleston, s. C. Central 1L It., arriving Manning 7-04 P Lanes 7:42 P. 31.. Charleston fc30 P. M. No. 59 connects at Florence, with C and D train from Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 73 and 14 make dose connect ion at Wil mington with W. & W. R. R. for all points Aoixn Train on Florence R. R. leave j'eo Dee dally except Sunday 4:40 P. M., arrive Rowland 7:i p. m. returning leave itowiana gjm a. in ar rivoPco Dee 850. m. I Train on Manchester & Augusta K. R. leaves Sumter daily, except Sunday, 10-5'J A. M..arrlo lcimint 121 I. M. Returning i leave Rimini 12:15 P.M., arrive SumLc-r 130 P.M. . JOHN F. DIVLNP. - General superintendt nt. J. R. KENLY. AssXGcnl Manager. T. M. EMERSON. General l-asacnger Aen COT 13 - - : i HUE STATE CIIBONICLE'1 WILL BE what lis name implies a state rarer, J: la not tho Raleigh cbroniclP.w and will not be local or sectlonaL It will aim to kcet uv with the news from Mcrphy to Manteo. or. as the politicians rat it, from chrroJe to cur- mutc it wiu be the organ of no man. no najr. no section, no party. It will be Dcmocrauo in Klltlcs. but wiU,not hPftltateto criticise mocraUcmeasorcs and Deinocratlc oaiar .. OF SUBSCniPTtoN; Table Board. A FEW G JCNTI4EME! CAN BE ACCOMilO djxed with .TahZelDJUd on TKRMS One Year..;......'.......... ......f W six Months , 1 m Sbree Months.. Ui TFor a sampl eopy address - T lUtt bTATE CUkONICLK, ; ' " Ralc:jb4N.C. Diamond Vera Cura VOU JDYSPEraiA. rorsiicty . - j trpu cation &,v ir.:f.c:milleh

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