0 1 v . IJ W C? -t i . I ts O n m ra l ! .CD arrwaera Y. Vital Vesknsss. -ir;n a isms eatt? ft FT. ivi-iLr. T J scut Ul rtu f; -V.. .rr.! JZZilZu -off ' tf 9ef M . ' 11! t " HAIR BALSAM f to B Micro -Oryi iirnl Celor. I 0JM , tiuxl f rrrT1' 1 i - r . Tit im umauc ' r.- ""' , t- -t. iiT?nl ri. ASTERS I'f Tlli -' i '" W TUE WOKLDL I tvt rr Khiai:lm. Kidney ' c J " vfuick Relief from fcirf. f, :U U do "tT. w8i. moo Ult 11-lfiHES AND PAI11S.V I TV to to w 1.3.1:Ttr ful 10 core. J rzz?3U or nulkd on receipt of 23c CTENOIt Jfc 1CIC1IAUDS. ruirMKTrn'S CNCLISM FEI1UYR0YAL PILLS r DCO CHO PUHOUD IMH9, . mil 1 0 OHtVS rr LCJXor FAHX50 KAMI 00 Tl atnl uiKtlVQCS tUBTT TTV 4 VtUuusf BatyaadKiBi. EmI OR ,1 T.lJil-f i i I i mri list Irrmer Iittuu 1b Older Tana M t U i. t I U) ft O O K A T A f A E T O f &0 D f r HOME IKLiTlLtT.arMtl a wmiiiiiilMiUiiii Wrlttl avwM niiwuin 4 reJ ulM (mM ) rr cm MUicAi. co.t surrAto, n diversity of North Carolina Zt Fall Term Opens Vept. 4. Tnlilon, $30. pCl REGt Ui; COUKSES OP STUDY, al.nxajorUcal, literary. Sclent nc ah la CcemlaUT, am &nd JJi cicerlnj, rtannacj, ud otHer ftrioQijof Law ard MeUldne, whose 'r2w:iena the IniTersity lrcrurra. : tf EU!? KHpP- BATTLE, L.LD., Wilmington Seacoast'fi.R. LU71 'X.iTCX . AND Ml. M.. lUamui .4) and lasi a. W 4450. J. li.N0LX, General Manar. pREE TRIP TO EUROPE: f M'BUMlEUs up -THE CANADIAN Hflle frt "P to EuTOpc to tho irTv,;,. Wurrs cooiaJcrd in the l7.Trl7 Tf Fcts. t f alc'i &tt .sxrt Wctiona to o -kk,..1. rLia Of Ictrrativln i plan of lotraiivInT , norw Kvrrr rr. irnrvii,.. k nt tit ii,.-0 onl! win mvlrn n rn-snt iooiA.1 lkJ larte months irlal TUCAXDIAN QL'BBV. xjrvnto. cnt. 15 IS WEAK ' Li Doctors at Berlin!- . Tba array of doctors has appareatlr rajoyca itr.1T cnizinSIy: at Berlin, yvhera scienco r.r. 1 t:rcry ' hare been judiciously ten:: -cd vith xxratisementa of tho meet Vi.t: : i dcccriptica. In the history cf . iLz world no each array of medjeina men Las ever been seen aa that -which met in -the gwgeona . Kunst Austrian- to listen "to tho welcoming words of Vircho, tho pathologist; Von Gossler, therainister of medicine and reb'gion (an excellent combination of functions), nnd;Von Palctenbeck. the chief burgomaster. ,;; ' 1 . - - " : : Sir Jamea Paet secured the warmest u-ception of the foreign delegates; Dr. Baccelli, the Italian, 'for the conven ience of hia cari coUeghi, insisted on using Latin aa a common language, and Dr. V on Bergmann's normal appearance has been rastly improved by his brand new uniform, although tho passing in terest hg onco excited was wholly eclipsed by Grand Duio Theodore, of Bavaria, the eminent oculist, who brought the grand duchess to look down on her husband's 5,000 fellow practition ers from a box. Tho heat was more than tropical, But the doctors submitted to be closely packed with the beet possible grace, and the one royalty of the whole European faculty was indefatigable in riointing out to his wife such celebrities as the veteran Von Bardeleben, whose breast glittered with orders; "Sir .Will iam McCormnck and fifty others. Lon don World. - - I'Wlld Animals la Connecticut. , Otters and minks were very scarce in Connecticut a dozen years ago, and it was feared that tha animals might be come extinct, for. their hides were worth from $5 to 1 10 apiece, and everybody hunted them.-' '-Then suddenly fashion changed 1 her mind about the value of mink and . otter, skins, "the price, went down and now tlie animals abound in tho state again." So numerous have minks become there that they are get ting to be quite familiar, with country people Recently a mink; frightened by a sharp thunder 6torm fled out of a meadow, rushed into a fanner's dwell ing, and raced from room to room until a hound caught him upstairs in a cham ber.. ' -. , v A still more remarkable' incident oc curred in Hartford a few days ago. A mink trotted right into the heart of the city, among ' throngs of people on the streets, and passed all kinds, of dogs with impunity, and finally made his way into the back yard.of a big store on Asylum street. In the yard men cor nered him nd tried to capture him alive, but he fought bo desperately that they had to kill him.--Philadelphia Ledger.' - - - - -- ' - - MoantsJns Foil of Gold. Recent "explorations of -the Olympic mountains have been of great interest to mining- men. A geologist, who has given some attention io the work of the exploring parties says: "I have exam ined many specimens from the Olympic, but until of late they were of low grade outcropping. Recently, however, some extremely rich specimens have been re ceived. " These new discoveries have ex cited a great deal of interest in prospect ors in. this "region,, and specimens are coming in rapidly. Not long since I re ceived one piece that was so rich that I refused to assay it, as it could not possi bly be a fair sample. It would have as sayed over $100,000 per ton. , There could not possibly have been in any locality any considerable quantity of quartz so rich. I have long known that this dis trict was rich , in coal and iron. Iam now convinced that it hides vast treas ures of silver and gold. Numerous pros pecting parties are being fitted out, and hundreds' of prospectors are already in the mountains, which are quite easy. of aes3.r:Tacoma(Wash.)"Cor. St Louis "Republic -' : v. ' "... Miles Upon Miles of Whales. The officers and passengers of the steamship Veendam state that when the vessel was at about latitude 45, longi tude 4 1 . on Saturday .Aug. 23, they passed through' the largest herd of whales that has been seen in the north Atlantic for many years. Professor J. L. Howe, of Louijvill, who was a passenger, said: v- Th4 issenrr8 wem- all on deck en- between blue waters of the Gulf stream and the dark green waters of the arctic current, the line being so distinct that when one half of the vessel was in one current the other half was in the other current. "Suddenly some one inthe bow called out 'There sho blowsr and all eyes were turned toward a light 'spray! upon the horizon. Soon more -and more puffs were seen, and in half " an hour the steamer was amid a surging, bellowing herd of sea monsters. I would not at tempt to make an estimate, as to their number," said Professor Howe, "but 1 raVtilAted that the herd covered an area L of about a hundred equaro miles." New York Herald: u i HUL. The summer in xiropo and especially on the continent Jiaa been abominable. Paris is quite lively, a kind of second senson, having been organized because so mary people of Ifashkm have returned from their chateaus to their clubs and mansions. Rain and hurricano alter-r-aied with tingpiar J rapidity) for three or four wcflci. Rev. Dr.'Rurchard ia summering la' htratogrv . is a well pTeferred, hand some and affctlo old gentleman. A cor rvpnzvlent taya that the venerable doc tor fit3 well into Saratoga life, and there Is nothin?-ba-Ukes better than to at dawn in the evening to a game of cards tvitb some bright young ladies. She (after marriage) You told me that I was your first love, but I have found a whole trunkful of letters from all sorts of girls just burst ing with tenderness. He -1" 1 joying the unusual sight of a distmctiye j dlcfot gay yoa were the only one line 01 uciiuv-twi vvu , w . wno ever loveu mv. oce t- . . Weekly. ? . .1 We talked together, voa and I; ; It was a queenly night In Jane; Liow hung the moon in yonder sky. And 00 your cheek' low glanced 4 the moon. ; lour gentle hand was mine to hold; My ill fed heart began to ?peak; And ever, as the tale was told, " ' Dear friend, the moon ' was on your cheek. Old loss, that would not let me rest, Old grief tljat slept, but ever lay . A langnid load upon my breast ; Awoke and wept themselves away. ....... ... r-r - . ,,. . , . . Up climbed the moon, slow waned the night, v And still you bent to hear me speak; - . . I drank the comfort of the light -i. In those bright, tears upon your cheek. . ' From oTT my life the burdens fall,! Still in their grave through tran quil years " - i : They rest, those Weary sorrows all. That faded in the light of tears.: Harper's Bazar. TI10 First 8tep. 1'ernaps you are run down, can't eat," can't sleep, can't think, can'tdo anything to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. You should heed" the warning, -voi are taking the first step into Nervous Prostration, You need a Nerve Tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for re storing your nervous system to its normal, healthy condition. Surpris ing results follow the use of this great Nerve Tonic rind Alterative. Your appetite returns, good; diges tion is restored, antk tlifc Liver and Kidneys resume healthy action.' Try a bottle. Price 50c. at R. R Bel lamy's wholesale and retail- Drug Store. '. . :'! ' SEPTKMBKlt SQUIBS. . Passenger (to colored porter) I suppose you notice a greatcbange in riding" back and forth so many times? Colored Porter (sadly) i Yassuh, I notice the change, but I doari git much otit no iuo'. People ain't brung up as liberal nowadays as dey used to be. N. Y.Herald. j VI t wouldn't be fashionable, don't you know," said the sweet summer girl, 'otit of the season." "How? It is always fashionable to elope," said the despondent lover. Oh, no! This is the season of the cantelope." And the lover brightened and thanked his stars. Boston Courier. j He (sentimentally) It seems : al most impossible to bo among these woodland scenes and not to love some one. She (Ianguishingly) In deed it does. The placid lake, the sunlit hil If, the shady detls and the sweet songs of birds drive from one's head all thought of what it costs to live respectabiy.Good News. i TLe fouowis etitloiar represent whole sale prices tcncrailjj &iaafclng np email or dcrs Lister prices bare to te cbar?ea? t f BAQG12Q ; ; ; qxmny. & - Standard.... u 8 &' BAfX)N Korta Carolina. , ! Cams,. .............- 11 , &. Shoulders ..... 8( jsiaes, v ...... ...... . WISTKKN SMOKKD , ... lt:n SHoulders,-.. DRY SALTED Sides, v oa rtttiti jPiiita TnrnMiunp.- Second Hand, each.. 1 40 d - New; New York, each OP Jew, wtjr, eacm.ui.ii.... 1 65 BKiSWAX;B........ , 30 BRICKS, Mllmlnston, V M.... S 00 :lt 00 Northern..... ........ .-.,4.,o 00 i4 00 BUTTER,. 9 ' . ; . i f , ; J'12X ........ 13 X 10r . , 14 W 6 50 75 TO 23 15. .25 & i 80 i9 d 13 9 & 25. v 10 14 11 27 a 20 00 25 & -iT id 3' 30 23 65 1 30 8k 80 iNorth Carolina.:. .. . ; Northern... CANDLES, V i jSpenn.: . jAflamantlne....:....'.;, CHEESE, V IN .j Northern .Factory. .. .. Dairy, Cream. : State..:. j Java., ; "' LagnjTa..... ..J, RlO........ ,...t CORN HEAL, V Dtt&O, In sacks. Virginia Meal..:.... COTTON TIES, V bundle...... domestics- ; 1 : . '"' ' Sheeting, 44, v yard......! Yarns, V bunch : ; . ... . . I . EGGS, V doz. .......::.... Fisu . -.- . i Mackerel, Na l, 9 fcbl..: . . . 00 430 50 I Mackerel, No. 1, V nairbbl. 13 50 1 00 ; Mackerel, Nafi, v bbl....v.l5 00 f 20 00 Mackerel, Na 2, half bbl.v. -4 75 6 00 ; Mackerel, Na 3, bbl. . . . 80 10 00 ; Mullets; v bbi... ii.l.e 00 7 00- 1 ;N. c: Roe Herring. 9 keg. 00 DryCod, 9 ......... ... f 5 FLOUR, V bbl I 1 Western, low grade "Extra. Family:.. ..: city Mills Super.... , : Family.... GLUE, V ...,'.. .-.. .....,!, , GRAIN)- bUSUCL v ?;' ' . Com, fm store, bags, white ' - corn, cargo, in btuk white. Corn, cargo, in bags,: white. Corn, mixed, from store... . . . Oats, from store 50 4 00 4 50 4 00 4 a 6 oo '; io . a4 oo & 6 00 a,6 00 & 4 10 i 500 , , 10 ' '. 49 & 00 & 53.9 00 Q -t. AilantlciCoast'LineJ Wilmington & We!ddn R.fR. :h AND BUANCHC8. CbNDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTD.: ' r' t:3 i flhiTxn Sept. 10,' 1SX 1 6"S Sa r '.' a - za5 I " ... : . ' : P ; . i ' - "T7T p. jr; p. M. A. M. LeaveWeldo'n........... 12 30 5 43 6 00 Arrive Rocky Mount. 146 ....... ' 7-OOl '. , ... . P. M. vrt ! Arrive Tarbora............t 317 T '. A. M. , Leave Tarboro.i..i..v.i.. 1020 .J. i.f.h-i.;it,vv.v I. M. r-- T Arrive weoh.l.M.u.. 220 : 700143 j Leave Wilson t3.?0 : :.... ... !. Arrlve'Sehna.:..1:.'.:;;!..;., 3 33 ...... Arrive Fay ettevuie. ....... 5 33 Leave Goldsboro 3 15 1 7 40 8 35 Leave Warsaw........'....-. 410 ...... TS4 Leave Magnolia............ 4 24 8 40 9 49 Arrive WlSnlngton. 5 &) 9 55 11 20 TRAINS GOING NORTH. J 1 i A. M. A. M. F. M. Leave Wilmington.. ....... 12 01 9001 4 00 Leave Magnolia............ 121 1034 536 Leave Warsaw.. ................ 1043 553 Arrive Gold3boro:. ........ 2 23 1145 6 53 Leave Farettevlile. ....... 29 20 ...... Arrive Selma.,.. ...... 11 18 : --; ' A?;:. . ' . , P.-M. Arrtve Wilson....... ...... 12 20 ...i.;. Leave Wilson .303 LT37. 747 Ar. Rocky Mount..;....... T10, 818 'Arrive Tarboro. .'. . .. . ... . . :i 2 00 ...... Leave Tarbora ...... 10 20 - ' FTm "T Arrive Weldon. . . . 4 4 30 1 2 45 930 50 48 53 51 s Why It Is Popular. Because it has proven its absolute merit over and over again, .because It has an unequalled record of cures, because its business is conducted in a thoroughly honest manner, and because it combines economy and strength, being tha only medicine of which "100 Doses One Dollar" is trne these strong points have made Hood s . Sarsapari Ua the most suc cessful medicine of the day. Summer Uirl I should liKe to go sailing, lou take people out, I be lieve. Fisherman, Yes, mum. That there's niy ' catboat at the dock. Summer GirlOb, dear me, that's too awful blsr. I'm - afraid to go In that. Haven't you any kitten boats? N. Y. Weekly.1 - ' . Consumption Surely Cured. To the Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy- for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottlea of ray remedy frbb to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send me their ex press and post office address. - Res pectfully. T. A: SLOCUM, M.C., 181 PearLet., New York.. !3i v " .1 1 mom luel. n avrooa aa4 4biLuta. Adiwea, - VrojTlxn, Soetfn, CondT Advice to Mothera. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relievingthe cnilj from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all iiain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and la tne best known reme dy for diarrhoea, whether arising from, teething or .othvr causes. rwpntv Ave cents a bottle. - it J jnlv 0 decKl&wlr 38 00 95 ($ 50 9 i of 2 3 05 85 75 3 6 4 Q 1 10 ' " 90. o 00 2X& ZH 8 O ..'1 25 7 10 9.0 00 20 00 M 00 i ' . - ' 318 OO &2S 00 915 00 25 28 Oats, RustProof Cow Peas...... .: HIDES, lb r ,;. .Green . .Dry,i.;...-..Vii.: HAY, "9 100 BS V ; : Eastern. Western..:......! NorUx River.... '....u. hoop iron, v t....:.:: LARD,' 9 & j - Northern....:., North Carolina.;. . . . ... LIME, V barrel.....:... ... LUMBER, City sawed, V M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed........i8 00 ' RougaEdge Plank. ......... 15 00 West India Carglss, accord- . ing to quality.. ....13 00 Dressed Flooring-, seasoned.18 00 Scantling and Board, com'n.14 00 MOLASSES, v gallon . .,. New Crop, in hhas..... J... , " . r " in bbls i Porto Rico, in hhds I t " " in bbls..... .... Sugar Boose, In hhds....... 1 ,1a bbis...... .. Syrup, in 'bbls.::. A". J... AILS; y Keg, Cutt lOd basm.v 3 40 JILS. gallon. "' ! ' Kerosene......::.:....,... Lard;:...:...:.:.::.'....,:..; Rosin....v. :.....:.. Deck and Spar.. POULTRY Chickens, live. rown...... j Spring..:......... Turkeys PEANUTS, V boshel, 23 1. . . . . POTATOES, V bushel . ? ji Sweet.... 65 9 75 ! Dish, "9 bbi... ............. 1 25 9 3 75 PORK, t barrel ',-- .u5-f City Mess ...........i.13 00 413 00 Prime .15 00 ?918 00 9 2879 28 9 26 30 30 28 00 16 23 ............., Via 90 '15 00 1 25" ,10 75 1 00 -. ): ;: . 65 125 9 "15 9" 18 9S35 t-i ' 2 50 ;d 145 . 'Daily except Sunday. ! Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weidon 3:15 p. m., Halifax 3:37 p. m., arrives ScotlaHd Seek at 4.25 p. m.. Green vUle 6:00! p. m. Returning leaves Greenville 7:20 a. ml Arrlvlne Ualilaxat 10:10 a. m;, Weidon lflh30 a. m., dally except Sunday. i On Monday, -Wednesday and Friday. Local Freight leave3 JWeldon 10:30 a. m., Halifax 11-J3Q a. m. Scotland Neck 2:00 p. in. Arriving Greenville 5:10 p. m; lieturnlDg, leave Green ville Tuesday, Tnursday and Saturday 9:30 a. m., Scotland Neck 10 p. m., Halifax 3035 p. m. Arriving Weidon 4:0) p. in. Train loaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albermarle & Kalelgh It. It. dally exceptSundayv 4.05 P. Mi, Sunday jMX) P. M arrive WUllamston, N. C, 6.30 P. M., 4.20 P. M., Plymouth 7.50 P. M., 5 20 P. M. -Returning leaves Plymouth, momh. N. c, dally except Sunday, 6.00 A. M., Sunday 9.00 A. M.. Wlllfamston 7.10 A. MJ. t9o av-ai. i Arrive xarporo; x.v. U.yo A. m .. Train on Mldlan Nc. Rranch feaves GoWsr ooro, jm. u.. daily except Sunday. 6.00 A. m arrive Smltniield. N. J., 7.30 A. M. Ueturnlng leaves ssiaitnneid, : n c., 8.00 A. M., arrive Goldsboro. N. C, 9.30 A. M. Train On Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at aoo p. M.. arrives at Nash vttle at 8.40 P. M., Spring Hope ' 4.15 P. M. Returnlne leaves Sprtoi: Hope 10.00 A. M.. Nasnvlllei ia35 A." M.,arrive Rociqr Mount 11.15 A .M- daily except Sunday " Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, dally, except -Sunday at COOP. M and 11 10 A. M. Returning - leaves Clinton at 8.20 A. M. and 3.10 P. M., connecting at" War saw withNos. 41 40, .23 and 78. . Southbound Tram on Wilson & Faycttevllld Branch is No. 5L Northbound 13 No. W. "Dally except unoay. . - ; Train No. 27 South wUlstpp only at Wilson, uoiasDoro ana Magnolia. Train No. 78 mates close connection at Wei don for all points North dally. All rail via Richmond, and dally, except Sunday, via Bay All trains run solid between Wilmington and wasmngton, ana nave.puiim an palace Sleep era attached. - - . I JOHN F. DIVINE, Genl Supt. . 'J. R.: KENLY, Sup't. Transportation, T, M. EMERSON, Genl Passcngei Agent. 9 100 . 9 18 9 30 9 23 I 9 -.30 - 9 20 9 1 00 9 125 i Rump RICE Carolina, V ............ j Rough, v bush, (Upland).; . J 1 1 4 ; -...; (Lowland). rags, v ny-countxy.... .-::.:.'. 4 -i city.....;......;..:.........., ROPE,V. .......... SALT. '9 sack. Alum..........: Liverpool : Llaboa... ........ j...... American........... - SOAP. V ft Northern. , . . , SUGAR, P liv Standard grain.. ; Standard A. ....... :..;...... t . wniiex.Cw,, 00 i 60 80 00 1 915 00 . 9 80 9 1 00 9 1 9 - lK 149 , 22X 70.:9 ' 75 10 W ISO'! 00 9 00 9 .49 ; 0 9 5 9 r 00 . 70 '5;! tx 5,V 5 Ext ra C.,G0ldca . 1.1. i c Yeuow. .i:... .... SHINGLES.? la. V M.-.I 5 00 1 9 7 00 : Common , 2 00 9 250 cypress saps.....::: ...:..: 50 cypress Hearts. . ...... . 0 00 ST ATP 3, y M W. a Barrel.. SCO . ir YOU JZ HACK ACUTX, Or you are all wwrn oot, rrslly jtxxI far Botil-" 1 injr, it in general debility. Try ; . , BROWX'3 I BOX HiTTKJtS. It will cure you, cleanse your liver, and gird a good appetite. 41 ' ' j .1 .f 1- O.Tle!aLT.T:Tr.r.Jl 0. TALLoy,v 4 tiiievlm jeti-iiiia. 00 !;..-.-.rJl 35 good di Shave; tforUatNa'29Mrtet,trfQ A for 10 cents, a shampoo for 20 cents, or a Hair Cut for 20 cents.- rour of the best Barbers m the stata Clean towel v sharp razors and prompt auendance. JCIIN WERNER. r..Th,nnan Barber. , Dccle Dave," ca of Andrew Jack Eon's toldiers, died Cfj EhduQld. Ala.; recently. Ills wi?3 died in 1SU, 'and every r-ce I.cr tzHKl L3 hzs prayetl John Werner. rpHERE IS BUT ONEAND HE ; HOLDS . f , 'Hardwares' rpINWARE a; and crockery: W. E. STRING R & CU, . y Iznrrtm rz3J:v?:rs Fine Min i 9603 9T50 tl4 00 10 00 9 5 U00 013 00 9 850 COO 9000 9 400 WHISKEY, 9 gal Northern... 3 00 a 5 00 j North Carolhuu:... :.....,.. 1 50 9 3 00 WOOL, V It-Waahed..lris1 Unwashed..... 1 0 18, f Hnrr.a...ir..'7..f.I. Ul m w M1U Prun... Mill Fair. ,..:....... Common Mill.T...... Inferior to Ordinary. 7 50 s 00 .... S 09 . t bo OYSTER1 RQASJS I 1 win j AM - BETTER ' PREPARED than1 ever ' fo-urcerflmodate.' myt trlrndla 'OTSTTTIS this season! trrv ncaie but .t he- V?t ca JsandJ always M Y UTLli grove iMJAbTS a specialty. Every tmnc erhaTilecl .a2d licprovea. tOyRtera ready aSTshortEoUce and expert ahifckeri to ppenthem. - - - f pc--l rales to rart-s. t civs c? a calj &r.1 y txi 1 f i cu. : tv.l " ' "Atlantic Coast Line. Wltoingtoii, Col ims Im Condensed schedule: TRAINS GOING SOUTH. j 1 . Dated Apni'20, 1890. NO. 23. NO.; 27. NO. 15. -- ' -1 ' . ' .. " ;H - P.M.' P. M. A. M. Leave Wthnlngton..; 6 15 10 10 Leave Marion.. ....... I 9 33 : 12 40 ; Arrive Florence...... 10 20 l s&. ....... , . n fi 't - i- NO. 60 No. f8 ! ?hi . : I . - A. M. A. M. A. M. ! Leave Florence. 3 20 . ..i. . 1 8 25 Arrive Sumter 4 35 ........ 9 35 Leave Sumter........ tl033 ... Arrive Columbia..... 6 15 11 5S Na 52 runs through from Charleston via Central R.R. . Leaving Lanes 9-15 A. ii.. Manning 9:56 A. M. Train on C & D. K. R. connects at Florence with No. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. O. 5L . 4 H T3 Leave Colimbta..... Arrive Sumter .'. . ! " Leave Samter.. .... , Arrive Florence .... . Leave Florence..... Leave Marlon... ..... Arrive Wilmington... t: m. 10 33 11 68 11 58 A. M. 1 15 Na78 A.M. - 4 35 5 22 835 No. 59. NO. 53. P. M. t 6 37 7 50 P. M. 530 6S2 NO . P. 8 IV 8 5Tp U 45 Dally. ' t f Dally except Sunday. Na 53 rens through to Charleston, S. C, Central R 1?., arrllii? Manning 7K4 P. 2L. Lanes 7:42 P. M., Charleston 930 P. M. . " Na 59 connects at Florence with a andD. train from Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at v. 11- mington with W. & W. R. R. for all points North - -v - 7. -: - Train on Florence R. R. leave pee lee aauy except Sunday 4:40 P. M.. arrive iiowiand ?& tV4 to. 1 Returning leate Rowland 650 a. o- ar 1rIvePeebee&50a.m; - - Train on Manchester c Augusta k, e. leave? Sumter daily, except Sunday. 10-50 A. M.. arrive Kimlnl lCl p. M. Returning leave Rimini 12:15 P. M arrive Sumter l-TO P.M. s,- ci -! General Superintendent.- J. B. KENLY. Asst Genl Manager, T. M. EXERSON. General Passenger A pen nor is misceliai;eous. Senhoarjl Air-Lino. Oarolins CeiitfclTlailrcfl 01IANHE OP SCHEDULE WESTBOUN D TR-I NSl Sept. 7, 1SS0. Leave Wilmington;... ... Leave Hamlet...,,.......;.. Leave. Wadesboro.........?. Arrive Charlotte.... ,..,;. Leave Charlotte.. . .... Leave Lincolntca... Leave She lby ....... ; ...... .- ArirveUutherPdt'n. . ... . . . . Na 43. dally ex. Sunday. 9 roam 1 pm 2 12 rm 4 13 pm 4 2a pm 5 42 pm ft 40 pm .7 5pm dally ex. SunJiy. 9 GOpn; ft W am. a is arc 9 00 axe 1 EASTBOUND TRAILS, fept. 7, issa No. 2d. daHyex. iSunday. Leave RutherTdfn . . . . Leave Shelby. ......... Leave- Uncolnton Arrive Charlotte.;.... Leave Charlotte. Leave Wadesboro..... Leave Hamlet. ..... Arrre Wiimlngtn. ... ft ta am 10 09 am ill 12am ....lis pa ....12 3a pm .... I B &9 UU i 3 : 2 cm ... 7 Supm Na 2L dally ex Sunday a 00 cm 11 32 pro 1 ;j am 8 00 am Trains No. 43'and 38 make close connection at Hamlet for Raleigh, and at Lincolntoa (or Hickory and W. N. C. Trains Na t! and 24 make close connection at Monroe for Chester. . , . Through sleeping Cars tetween.Wihnlngtcn and Charlotte. : ... T. w. WHISNANT, superintendent F. w. CLARK, Geal Passenger Agent, -sepett ....''--v..;!:',:.:.! Atlantic Coast Line. North-Eastern R. Riot L ritaM "1 urn CONDENSED SCHEDULE.: i r .. ,, TRAINS G OINQ SOUTH.- Dated May 12, 89. N0.-'27. NoV'ti Na j - :; i .Ji , '' I . ' t'A. M. A. M.. Leave Florence..:... 1 35 9 30 ; - Klngstree...., Vf 2 29 - 10 55 Arrive Lanes......... ' 3 60 11 20 .P. M,. Leave LaDCs.t. . ... .. - 2 60 - 11 (H . 7 6 Arrive Charleston,... 5 00 ' I 80 $ 1 ' " j ' A. M.-1 P. M. P. M. Train onc.4 DR. R. connects at Florence with Na 23 Train. . f , j j,T.jv , , TRAINS GOING NORTH, v- : L CTtJt! T7. r, rrosLSY, 1 I .. j A- C :lr , a Table Board. ; ; - GEZtTLEllEN CAN EE ACCOMilO !' t t ' a ' ' NO. 78. Na 14. Na 62 . . '. A. M. P.M. A. M. ' leave Charleston.. .. 12 25 - 4 30 7 Arrive Lanes......... : 2 45" 6 28 . 9. Leave Lanes......... 2 2 50 0 28 " Klngstree..... 3 10 461 Arrive Charleston.... - 4 CO " 7 65 1 ' f ' A. M. P. M,. A. M: : Dally, t Dally except Sunday. . u - Train No. Uconnccts at Florence with traic on c. & D. R. R. for Cheraw, S. a. and Wades boro, N. c. " , , : .. - 4 No. 53 runs through to Columbia via Centra lt.R.OfS.C. . Nos. 78 and 14 run solid fo Wilmington, C.v making close connection with W, & w. R. for all points north. ' - ; , . I .; . JNO. F. DIVINE, ' General Superintendent. J. R. KKNEY, AsstGcn'l Manager.' T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. - ; my il- : . ,. , . . FOR 1890. ' ; i-;:0i-M V9: 'X. " ' !''''..'!-.' :V';':'s,J l'- v':'"JVV.'-,l..- onslder SaarsMsa'a Mniziwa 5 waQa- yo , ; : re deciding upon your reading' matter for next season. The subscription rate la low- .vw . wu. . -. . The standard of the Magazine IS high. . Its spirit progressive, -. s X rThe illustrations are interesting aZa ol the . .There is not space here to give even a sum mary of the features to appear this rear, but among other things there will be a new de- fartment. and additional pages, and eronCS of llustratcd articles will bo devoted to the fol lowing subjects. i African Exploration and Travel, f ; Life on a M odern War t hip (3 articles), t -' Homes In City, Suburb, and Country ( ; Iovldihg Homes through Building Associa tlons, . ,-i v . "" . The Citizen's .feits, V : r. ' Electricity in the H ouschold, I " : v Ericon the qvex2te- by Lis Authorize -Biographer, r: : ( , Hunting, w ' .j' . Humorous ArtistsAmerican and Foreign There will be 3 serials. t J - ! - Robert Lonls stPTpnwm wii Each RnhlHf nn1 thomt rm k -T-j--. , v..w ..... UOBtCAV.B nety this Tear, vlll tv mnAi hv t.n most competent to speak with authority and AU,V.-": "7a"e wao are mvcrestea are urged to te r,o for a prospectus. ' i .- 25 Ccnls tBmkr; $LM fr. fesr Inib.' Charles Scribner's; Sons,4 743 llroadway, irVir. f ' Jane tfi .- -: , ..4 a r i ' THE. STATE .CHRONICLE, Successorltotte Farmer, and Mechanlo ann ' - i " -i . t 3 I Under NeKaflQgement. NEWSY, BEiGHT AND CLEAN. -JI -WITH THE TlaiEa) " rpHE -STATE CHRONICLE WILL BE what its name Implies a state Taper. It 13 not tho IiaiflfTh "chrnnl!" " iiui rn tnt w ocal or eecuonaL It wilt aim to keep up mut iiicuewBuvmjHiiniiirioHaimo,- or, aa the politicians put it from Cherokee to cur- rltUCk. v ...w,:,..- :. . , - it will be the organ of no man, no rinj. no eect ion, no party. It will be Dcmocratlo m polliics, but will not hesitate to criticise Democratic measures and Democratic officer. TERMS OF suBsenrmoNr ! One Year......... .v...j2oo Six Months.... ...............w....... 1 00 Shree Months..,. w 1 rax a Bampie copy address , XllJt STATE CHRONICLE. 1 . - ... Raleigh. N. a Diamond Vera Cara - FOIX DXSPCPZ3IA; - 4: Tor sale br . 2R.F.C.riLLL"R, C:r. rc-irji rzi v.

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