i ''!,--7rr-f at rally and -Ti.v. .....virtlirriLUT -TV"' . .1 U. - I ft f i ' - ' i ........ nstnril- It" 1 " " - .''"'. . r i W V r 1 d. Tf;;V 1 -iff : s J IB . . .1 - . . . ... " . - l .''' U-.... X.. Uf.ll Period. . . r ' !h.... V XT 4 - jAinrU- ' t I in Si.0!-- " i . , -i j - - - - . I.rf f ll - fl r. - .1 .US .Mi .AO .( .in .5o IP -,t. r.iM't 1 -J " (It.' iAiR HALS AM i J i -V,! 1 1 . 1 1 ot.hful Color, j l "loW? tv r.! u- rtrr fir Torrj r" IN Til C V.UKLtt i I--.... f ana o-t ic f -r li1-- hSTis 1 :,-ru or ovcr-cicrumJ Oulck Relief from ill. 1-J".-, . ...M lit ACHES AND rAlllb. le PlMtm, ArCQflC'K AM SUKK. W ircr-4'- tr toae4 on receipt of JSc tKO1t0It UICIIAKDS, HHYBOYAL FILLS rk-l Vita MWWI kafM-ViCt .-rT. r Vv ' co o A KfAl -" I - - m a . r ? null. . ;-. K 1HLV1 Jcr IXS7errAILI50 Jf AKTT00T3 . i w u - ' m w if mm ii ill & ' ! I'lLIU?;! Frrcnor IiMtwi ia 014 or Trasc KlMKMDWiinlin II (lam V MSli r I01K TiUAimCSr-Braatta la o XntwHIuwn 4lrlrt UW. Writ Uot C; KLDlCAt CO., CUFfAlQ, N V Iversity of Norlh Carolina e Fil! re rin Opcusvept. 4. Tuition, .Sail. v It EEblUU COUKEH OF STUDY, ai. LUcrair. Sclent. lie JiL Ea5Tr,!-,o'. 1'hanaacr, ajjd otber T!T .'. I IVA 1 - . . . trail ... BOX. K ESP P. BATTLE. I.LD.. ZZ. fat, cnapcl nui, N. C John Worner. iiI Bi;rr ONE, AND HE HOLDS IXxaxirsetitrpct. a rood snate -a;fl"xc for 20 cbnLK or a Hair xx 1 our of lhe Barbers In towrls. sharp razors and ' '- JCUX V Ell NEK, V I Hardware, AXI1 ri;oCKKUY. v"-F- sruixr.Eu ctx. - l:?3rtrrs and Jobbers SEE TRIP TO EUROPE. lLI;UEr.S OP "THE CANADIAN 115 afrvctrtptoEnrope toi!ic '-titLe lirsi number tf vrortU v 'NiJ'? -.. ! fn tontalccJ In thn ! U ;f nn Feu. ooii Watcirs. nil,., . vmrv Lkiiuuu. rii Vltv , V'tv?". will also b2 awjiried ir., i, . '-"ii'mioauyiuiwuxu ,r"xryii ot latrcKitKlna pop- V rl't3 or 1U receive a rrrsent. r;-t.T..MTL'1 tarre montli trial 1 UK CANADIAN QUEEN. Truato Cnt. Ifi WEAR iC Mr. ClilIJ. mnJ IxjrJ SacltTlll. tora Sackill?, who will le remem bered as the late British minister to the United States, nn J also as an indiscreet letter writer, and who eYpnfn.iUtr nnt being perwna grata to this government. - was icqu-zsteu by it to accept his pass port, has tnado a claim for rent for the sito at. Stratford -on-A von of the mag trklcent'fiiuntain erected by Mrj George W. Childj. of this 'citj, in memory" of Shaiopenre. Lord Sactrillo docs not display in this niAtter that generons or tven jo-Ht appreciation of the fine spirit of "Interiiational fraternity which in spired Mr. Childs' gift whiciitho British press and pahlic have so commonly ex hibited. A dne regnrd for that spirit, a proper reverence for the memory of Shake speare," would have .prevented his lord ship making a claim which sccnis, at the best, selfbh and sordid, and which is not entirely frco from the suspicion of . hav ing been actuated by a desire to retaliate fortius Bummary and humiliating dis missal by this country. It is not at all improbable that his lordship, regarding Mr. Childs as a representative American, makes his claim for rent for the site of the memorial fountain to the end that ho may thereby express his lack of re gard for this country generally.- Whether this be true or not, it is most gratifying ly truo that Englishmen of the highest estate in-statesmanship, literature, art and society fully recognizo ' the admir able spirit of Mr. Childs gift; and with unstrained generosity express their ad miration of it and their indebtedness to him for it. Philadelphia Telegraph. A Volcano rTlng a a Lighthouse. 'News brought down to Port Townsend by officers and passengers on the steamer Arago confirms the reports as to Mount Bogoslov being in a state of activity. About two months ago there was a vio lent earthquake on all.the fslands in the Aleutian group, and soon after Bpgos lov, which is on Oumnak Island, began emitting steam and smoke and firo and lava. Bojoslov has been an active vol cano blnce 1TCG, whoa tho island upon which it js situated is said to have risen from tho sea. Although always marked on charts as extinct several times in the past year smoko and steam have been issuing from the crater, and from . its original Height of I.SC9 feet the volcano has been eaten down to 634 feet abov&the- sea level. Professor Elliot, of the Smithsonian In stitution, has visited tho island upon which the volcano is situated, and has made important , scientific investiga tions. .Tho fiaro of fife thousands of feet in height can be seen at night issu ing from the mountain. ' Mount Shishaldin, which is 5,952 feet high, on Analga Island, is emitting steam and smoke, and, it is thought, will soon bo in a stato of eruption. This mount ain can be seen at sea for nearly 100 miles, and will be of great good to nav igation if it should become active, aa tho pillar of fire can be seen for a great distance, and will serve as a guide through the dangerous Oumnak Pass. 1 San Francisco Chronicle. Tare Reckoned a New Waj. . Sir Rowland Hill's great discovery of the value of simplicity in vast undertak inrrt ecems to have produced little im pression as yet upon those who have the management or our railways, in .raris the directors "of the aueer little line which runs right round the city inside the fortifications, and forms a means or communication between all the great termini, have just made a considerable advance in the right direction. For. the future tho lares win oe reck oned by the number of stations one passes in traveling. For the first two stations the fare will be twopence ;.De- xrmd these it will be threepence. One has only to remember . that first class is just double the price or tne ordinary or second class, and that return ticket are issued fox a fare and a half, and one can Viv lrtrtVincr at a nl&n seo at a glance wnat one has to pay. Why not try some such plan on the District railway in London. London JSews. , " A Eemarkable Old Man. A remarkable feat by a remarkable, man vas lately achieved in this section. It ia said that Stiles McMalon, 94 years of age, recently walked from Montpelier rimnT Tnil. n, distance of twenty miles, before , 2.80 . p. m. He refused several offers to ride, intending to make a m. A H A the journey on foot, lie sioppeu a. nr Tn-arrT. at Worcester, ate breakfast and then pursued his journey. He took dinner at Helen Wood's, at. El more pond, after which he started for Morristown to visit some friends living there, making twenty-four miles, if he An last four miles on foot. He says ho never had a doctor in his life, nor were glasses, and tna. ne can as well as he ever could. His' residence is said to bo in Barre. Hyde Park (Yt,) Citizen. - Horse Car Cond actors Coin .to College. Mr. Leslie P. Strong, who spent his vacation as a horse car conductor, re turned to the polytechnic school at Wor cester on Tuesday. Mr. Arthur Jones, who has been a conductor on the Worth ington street line, has returned to col lege, and Mr. Walter Ross, formerly of this pity, who spent the vacation as a hcrsa car conductor here, is taking a short rest in Hinsdale. He will return to Amherst coUege. Springfield (M&&.) Homestead. . a young woman visiting the family of W. IL Moon, of Greenville county, S. C, was standing near a post on the piazza, when the S-year-old daughter of tho htfur,o came up noiselessly from be hind and playfully clutched her dress. The yo-ui woman, startled, lost her bal- .Ira herself seized the post, which gave vay, falling with the younj wctnantrckon the C.V.U-1, who was in-j Th NlcM II a a Thonsand Eyes. The night has a thousand eyes. And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies - With the dying gun. . The mind has a thousand eyes, x And the heart but one; , the light of a whole life dies When love is done. Merit Wiux We desire to say to our" citizens, that for years we have been selling 13r. King's New Discovery for Con stuuptiou. Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen'ft Amiea Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that as well, or that have given such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guaran tee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity, purely on their merits. Robert R. Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggists. SEPTFMIIKK SJUICS. Mr. Newman "Willie, what did your sister say about the ring!I gave her?" Willie "She thaid he won dered who . wath fool enough to truth you for it.M . - "Young man, thundered the camp meeting orator, "were you ever fired with enthusiasm?" "It is a pantrul subject," lie responded, "but I was. Miss Wedloy's father supplied the enthusiasm." St. Joseph News. Wife (during a quarrel) "If I was a mau I would blow the top of my head off before I " Husband (interrupting:) "I don't doubt it, my dear; especially if you had to live with the same sort of a wife that I do." Owner of Fish Pond (to oue who is trespassing) "Don't you see that sign, "No fishing liere?" Angler (with an injured air) "les, and I dispute it. "Why,, there's good" fishing here; look at this stringtnl. Tho man must have been mad who put that board up." He was tukinir her home after the theatre and a little supper at Del nilco's. "Darling," said he, suddenly as ho gazed dreamily at the silvery disc overhead, "why am I like the moon?" "it isn't because you are full, is it?" she asked, as she edged away from him. "No," said he, sadly, "I'm on my last quarter." T 8 11 8 8 8 7X The l'urest and Vest Articles known to medical science arc used in preparing Hood's Sarsa parilla. Every ingredient is care fully selected, personally examined, and only the best retained. The medicine is prepared under the su pervision of thoroughly competent pharmacists, and every "step in the process of manufacture is carefully watch od with a view to securing in Hood's Sarsaparilla the best possi ble result. " Speak no evil of the absent, that is cowardly. Likewise speak no evil of the present; you might get licked. Indianapolis Journal. - i Consumption burely Cured To tiik Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy frek to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send me their ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOOUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st.. New York. - - i Czar Where "is my undershirt? Valet At the blacksmith's, your im- A A ."1 penal iiignness. a rivei was ioumi loose this morning. Boston Herald. t 6 40 00 65 20 15 18 10 9 13 10 14 10 -8 6 6 SO 75 70 22 tan oo QU 60 WHOLE5ALE;PRICES. The following1 qaotatlons represent wnole saie prices generaHr. ka maldns: np email or ders iugner prices hare to be charged. BAGG1270 - , . ; '. : T Gunny Standard.............. BACON North Carolina. Hajos..... Shoal Oers D Sides, B ....... WESTERN SMOKED Hams, Ik............. Sides. 9 ft...'..' Shoulders, y lb.. ;., DRY SALTED Sides, V ft....... ..ii. ........ Shoulders, ? ft.........'..... BARRELSr-Spirlta Turpentine. Second Hand, each. ....... . New, New York, each.. .. ; . New, City, each .'.n BEESWAX, V ft...-...-...... BRICKS, Mllmlngton, VM.... 8 00 Northern........,'.......... o 00 BUTTER, ft North Carolina... Northern CANDLES, V ft Sperni.... , Adamantine.. CHEESE, 1? ft . Northern 'Factory... Dairy, Cream. State COFFEE, V ft. - 1 Java Lasuyra... Rio...t CORN MEAL, basn, In sacks. Virginia Meal.... U cotton TIES,' v bundle...... DOMESTICS j Shwetlng, 4-4, "9 yard ..... Yarns, bunch EGGS, Vdoz.. FISH 31 adhere 1, No. 1, V bbl. ..... X) 00 Mackerel, No. 1, ( half bhL 13 50 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl 15 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl. . 4 75 Mackerel, No. 3, V bW I 80 Mullets, y bbl. 3 8X9 13 9 27 23 20 00 00 36 6 00 10 25 30; .25 12 10 11 11 oO 22 65 130 80 NL c. Roe Hemngj y keg.,. C 00 00 5 $30 50 15 00 O20 00 6 00 10 00 7 00 6 00 & 10 g 4 00 (4 6 00 & 6 00 4 10 ( 5 00 8 8 10. 50 00 50 00 Dry Cod, y ft FLOUR, V bbl ! Western, low grade.. Family... City Mills Super. . Family GLUE, V ft GRAIN, V bUSheL' j Cbrn, fm store, bags, white 43 corn, cargo, In bulk, white. 00 - corn, cargo. In bags, white. 52 Corn, mixed, from store.... 00 oits, Iromstore. ... ........ 33 oats, Ruat rroof 00 Cdwreas ..L 05 HIDES, ft i . Green...... ... "3 Dry.... 3 HAY,; 100 fts Eastern. ; .' l 65 Western ........... 85 North River 75 HOOP IRON, ft.... . LARD, ft . Northern j, North .Carolina. . . . LIME, V barrtl 1 25 LUMBER, Otty Sawed, 9 M ft. - Ship stuff, resawed. 18 00 Rough Edgo Plank. .15 00 West India Carglcs, accord ing to quality . . .'. 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.13 00 Scantling and Board, convn.14 00 MOLASSES, V gallon . New Crop, in hhds.......... 25 " " in bbls.L... .... 28 Porto Rico, in hhds 28 & & 1 - & & 2X& 6 " 8 5 0 50 48 53 51 50 00 3 5 10 90 00 3H 7 10. 00 30 00 lfi 00 18 00 22 00 15 00 Advice to Mothers. M n? WTvsTiiw'f? soothing Syrup should always be used, when children arc cutting teetn. icrenevestue lit tle suITerer at once; it produces uai nml. onipt slcen bv relievinir the cnild from pain, and the little cher nr n.wnkps rs "briorhtas button." It is very pleasant to taste. 'It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is ine oesi Known reme- Jy for diarrhoea, wlietner arising from teething or othr causes. rWenty five cents a bottle, fill V C deod&wlv -.m BROWN S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility, WARITED. 1 GENTS OF EITHER SEX T3ROUGIIOU the United States to handle our celebrated Corn and Bunion cure, lis application af fords almost instant relief, and every box is accompanied by afoguarantee. which amount we will forfeit In every Instance where our remedy fall3 to perfect a permanent cure sample box, 25c; six boxes, $1. We" will pay mAH .Mntorimri1iirtnnlrrvliin ftnrrtMdS ato their section: no postals. For terms ana J particulars address the manufacturers, I H.SIIRODK CO.. 104 and 10G North Ada street, ' fcblilwdAw ' Chicago. HL 28 00 16 22 40 9 18 90 15 00 - 00 25 10 75 ....12 00 ....15 00 .... 00 4. 60 80 00 1 Misses Burr&James'School JJ-ISSES BURR AND JAMES WILL KE open their School for Young Ladles, and chil dren of both sexes. - On Thursday, Oct. 2d. The course of study, as heretofore, will be systematic and thorough. Individual Instruc tion bestowed upon each pupil; the same carer ful attention given In training the-low mind as those of bright laacllect. ; ' " Class Slgtng, Free-hand Drawing, Cails Uienlcs and Needlework free or thaixe. Musical Department, under the superlaten dence of Mr. M. S. CU8HINU. Fuplis in music, cither within or without the school, will bo aeremmodated with, suitable hours of lniruct:oa that till not Interfere with les 1 1. 1 cr hours of study. Every care and atten tion is given to the moral welfare of the chiidr I'or in rther parcicuLirs please arrT to 221 y?rtaTi;rr;tslsrir:-i'i. "in bbls.. Sugar House, In hhds f ' " in bbls.. Syrup, In bbls........ ails, y Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. ILS. V gallon. I Kerosene Lard... Linseed : Rosin Tar... Deck and Spar....t. POULTRY j. Chickens, live rown. . . . . " . Spring...;. Turkeys 1.. PEANUTS, V bushel, 22 ft...... 1 00 POTATOES, V bushel Sweet 65 Irish, bbl 3 25 PORK, "9 barrel City Mess..... Prime...... ... Rump ' RICE Carolina, 31 ft........... Rough, y bush, (Upland)... "j J (Lowland). rags, y ft country.L..."..... city rope, y ft .J SALT, y sack. Alum. Liverpool i ' Lisbon American...-.....-; SOAP, y ft Northern sugar; P ft Standard grain.. Standard A. WhUeEx C......L.. ....... Extra C, Golden...... U. ?. c Yellow.... ...... t..., SHINGLES, 7 In. M.L . .... . Common.. Cypress Saps....:.' Cypress Hearts.. ..!.... .. STAVES, y M w. O. Barrel R. O. Hogshead. ...... ... TALLOW, y Vt. .............. TIMBER, y M feet-hipping..2 00 Fine 1 Mm ; J125 . Mill Prime ; I. ........ 7 50 Aim Fir 5 00 - common Mill 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary ... WHISKEY, V gal-Northern. North Carolina..... WOOL, y ft Washed........ Unwashed Burry..... & & & & 26 30 30 28 15 13 35 & 2 60 (A & & & & & 3 14 45 00 IS 20 22 30 20 00 2i 75 75 318 00 ia 00 ai5 00 & 1 70 10 & 00 3 00 & 6 & 0 5. 5 & 5X 80 00 1 X 22V 75 50 00 70 5 6 6 5X & 7 00 2 50 & 5 00 a 7 50 14 00 010 00 5 314 00 313 00 0 8 50 e 600 0 000 04 00 0 50C 0 3 00 23 0 25 18 0 18 16 0 18 5 03 2 00 4 50 000 8 CO 0 00 4 2 50 200 I 50 OYSTER ROASTS J AM j BETTER PREPARED j than ever to accommodate wjr s? friends wim OYSTEriS- this season. I will M Y kTLE G ROVE ROA STS a spc dairy. Every- ready at short notice and expert ehuctera to open them. - ' special rates to parties. Give rao a call and will da my best to please yea. , . r liespectfclly,. , W. U. FTOHLEY, - CAILBOADS, Atlantic Const Line Wilmington & Wc!don R. R. AND URANCHES. ' CONDENSED SCHEDULE. . TRAINS GOING SOUTH. . .... . a I v. . ' DATKO Sept. 10. la ... d'S dnjd?! ' , l a ' : ' : P. M. P. M.I A. M. Leave Weldon. ....... 1230 543 600 Arrive Rocky Mount..,..,. 143 ....... 710 ' - 1 - " P. Mi Arrive Tarboro. rv. nil !-.: - A. 31. Leave Tarboro.. 1020 ...... ........ - i ',.- . P. M. ; Arrive Wilson 220 700 743 Leave Wilson. ............. t230 ....L.. . Arrive Selma 33) ..;......... Arrive Fayettcvllle....... 530 ...... Leave Goldsboro. . ......... 3 15 1 7 40 8 35 Leave Warsaw..... ...r... 4101...... :vt Leave Magnolia 4 2 8 40 9 49 Arrtvo Wilmington. ........ 550j 955 1120 TRAINS GOING NORTH. - 1- - . - i ii . r ii cot-. 2 ' .. ' "' - : , ' ' ' 1 i ; A. M. aTm. P. M. Leave Wilmington....;.... 12 01 9 00 4 00 Leave Magnolia.. 121 10 34 5Sfi Leave Warsaw 104S 5 53 Arrive Goldsboro 2 23 1145 .6 53 Leave FayettevHle.. ....... ...... 1920 Arrive Selma... ...... 1118 . . P. M. Arrive Wilson......... 1220 ...... Leave Wilson . ... . .... . . . . SCs'lSSTf 747 Ar. Rocky Mount. 1 10 8 13 Arrive Tarboro 200 ...... . L - . ---."j A. M. Leave Tarboro... .......... ...... 1020 ' - - ' pTmT Arrive Weldon............!. 4 30 245 930 Dairy except Sunday. - Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves weldon 3:15 p. m.. Halifax 3:37 p. m arrives Scotland Neck at 4.25 p. m., Grcen rlilo 6.00 p. m. Retundng leaves Greenville 7:20 a. m. Arrivincr uaurax at iP:io a. m. Weldon 10-JO a. m., dally except Sunday. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Local Freight leve3 Weldon 1050 a. m.. Halifax 11:30 a. m.. Scotland Neck 2:00 p. m. Arriving Greenville 5:10 p, m. Returning leave Green- vme 1 uesaay, Tnursaay anu acuraay 9:;w a. m., scotianctNeck J:00p. .m.. Halifax 3:&t P. in. Arriving Weldon 4:0J p. m. Train leaves Tarboro, N. c, via Albermarle filtaieign k, ic. daily except sunaay, 4.0s 1. m, Sunday 3.00 p. M., arrive Willlamston, N. C. C30 1. M.L 4.20 IV M.- Plymouth 7.50 1 M.. 5 20 P.-.M. Returnln3 leaves Plymouth mouth. N. c, dally except Sunday, 6.00 .. m., sunaay .w a. m., v.uuamston 7.10 a. m. 9.58 a. m. Arrive Tarboro, K. c, 9.30 A. M 11. ?0 A. M. ' : Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds oro, N. c, dally except Sunday, 6.00 A. M. arrive JSmltniJeld, N. C, 7.30 A. M. Returning leaves. KmiJ hiield, NC, 8.00 A. M.;, arrive vioicisDoro, iN. v., y.;u a. j5i. . Train cn Nashville Branch leave3 Rocky Mount at 3.00 1 . m.. amves at; isasn vllleat 3.40 1. M..Sprln'' Hope 4.15 P. M Returnlnsr leaves Sorintr Iiooe 10.00 A. 11 Nasnvtllo 10.35 A. . M.,--arrive Rocky'-Mount 11.15 A J1., dally except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, dally . except Sunday, at 6.00 P. M. and 11 10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.2UA.M. anaa.iui. m., connecting at war saw with Nos. 41 40. 23 and 7& Southbound Train on. Wrllson & FayettevHle Branch is No. 51. Northbound Is No, 50. 'Dally except Sunday. TrJin No. 27 South vili;stop only at Wilson, GoiasDoro ana juagnoiia. ' Train Ne. 78 makes close connection at Wei don for all points North dally. All rail via Richmond, and daily, except Sunday, via Bay Line. - ; All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Fullman Palace Sleep ers attached. 1 JOHN F. DIVINE, Genl Supt. J. R. KENLY, Supt. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. MISCELLAJJEODS. Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington, I CoIubi & Augusta Ii B. Cf jpjjjl CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Aprill20, 1890 No. 23. No. 27. No; 15. P. M. P. M. A. M. Leave WTimlngton... 6 15 10 10 .'. Leave Marlon.........! 9 33 12.4a Arrive Florence...... 10 20 1 20j, ; NO. 50 NO. 8 " I A. M. A. M. A. M. Leave Florence....... 3 20 ..... t825 Arrive Sumter. ...... 4 35........ 9 S5 NO. 52. A. M. Leave Sumter.. 4 35 tio 33 ......... Arrive Columbia 6 15 1 11 55 ........ No. 53 runs through from Charleston via Central R. R. Leaving Lanes 9-15 A. M., Manning JH56 A. M. Train on C. &D.ILIL connects at Florence with No. 58. ' TRAINS GOING NORTH. 5N0. 5L Leave Columbia.... Arrive Sumter Leave Samter.. .... Arrive Florence .... Leave Florence...... Leave Marlon... Arrive Wilmington... P. M. 10 as 11 58 11 53 A. H- 1 A Lit No. 78 4 35; 5 22 8 Xi NO. 59. P. V. t 6 37 7 50 Na 53. P. M. 620 6 32 NO II. P. 8 V, 8 55 11 45 Seaboard Air-Lino. Carolina. Central Railroad GHAKU E OP SCII EDULE. W'ESTBOUND TKAINSL" Sept. 7, 1S50. Leave WUmlngt on. ....:." Leave Hamlet..... Leave Wadesboro.... ...... Arrive Charlotte........... Leave Charlotte....... .... Leave Llncolnton Leave S&elby , ArriveRutkerTdtD. . . . . a. . , No. 43. dallyex. Sunday. 9 20 am 1 1 ropm 2 2ipm 4 13 pm 4 23 pm 5 43 pm 6 40 pm 1 55 pm No. -3. dallyex. Sunday. 30 pm 5 to am 6 13 am 9 00 am EASTBOUND TRAINS srpt, 7, issa NO. 6. dallyex. Sunday. Leave Kuthert'dttn. . . Leave Shelby.. Leave Llncolnton. viuu wAianuutJ. . .......... 1 Leave Wadesbpre.".. ...t S 22pm Leave namiet......t.....,..i 3 2 pm Arrive Wilmlngt'n... 7 30 praj 8 OS am 10 03 am 11 12 am !1 "O rm N072L dallyex Sunday s CO rm 11 82 pm 1 m am 8 00 am Trains No. 43 and 56 make close connection at Hamlet for Raicigh and at Lincoln toa lor Hickory "and W. N. C. i- s. .; j Trains No. 23 and 24 make : close eonnectlo at Monroe for Chester. - 1 Through Sleeping cars between Wilmington and Charlotte. i -,v: T. w. WHISNANT, Supcrlhrcndent. ; F. w. CLARK, Gen'l Passenger Agent. -SepOtf, :-;,r f, f..j rj.fi, 1 1 " ' "' V 1 " -y.'1'." r Atlantib Coast Line. Northeastern R.I Rof S. L CONDENSED SCHEDULE, TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dally. tDaUy except Sunday. No. 53 rsns throuzh to Charleston. S. C. Central R. R., arriving Manning 7-04 P. M Lanes 7:43 F. J.. Charleston ft30 r.u. . No. 59 connects at Florence with C. aid D train from Cheraw and Wadesbora Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at v. u- mimrton with W. & W. R. R. tor aflpctn's North - ' - - - Train on Florence It- R. leave Pee Dee daily except Sunday 4:40 P. M-. arrive Rowland 7A p. m. ueiurning leave itowiana rau a. ia ar rive Pee Dee &50 . ra. Train on Manchester Augusta R. if. leaves Sumter dally, except Sunday. 1030 A. M..arrl ve Kimini 'i2rta r. m. Ketuming leave jumuu p. ir. arrive Sumter 1-5) KM. JOHN F. DIVINE, General BaperintenocnU J. K. K ENLY, Asst Genl M anager. T. M. EMERSON. General Passenger Agea K a Table Boarfl. " FEW GENTLE1I EN CAN.BE ACCOXXO CiiedV!ta.Ttl2"5iricn arpur-.tfri ar Dated May 12, '89. No. 27. No. 23.IN0. , ' A. M. A. It. .. Leave Florence...... 135 '' 9 30 - " -Klngstree . 2 20 V 10 65 ' ' Arrive Lanes.... ..... 2 50 J 11 20 P. M. Leave Lanes.... ...... .2 50 . 11 20 v 1 c Arrive Charleston.... : 5 00 I 80 i t S A. M. P. M. V. M. Train on Ci & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 23 Trala : i. - - TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Charleston.... Arrivo Lanes Leavo Lanes " Klngstree..i.. Arrive Charleston.... Na 7& Na 14. No. 63 1 . ; . . A. M. P, M. A. M. 12 25 M 7 " 2 45 6 28 9 2J50 0 28 -i 3 30 6 46 .'. . ' 4 20 7 55 k A. M. P. M. A. M. Dally, t Dally except Sunday. . Train No. 14 connects at Florence with tralc on c. S D. R. R. for Cheraw; s. c, and Wades boro, N.C. ' v No. 53 runs through to Columbia via Centra Ri R. of S. C. . i Noa 78 and 14 run solid to Wilmington, 1 C, making close connection tvith W. & v. R. for all points north. 1 - JNO. F. DIVINE, ' General Superintonaeot. .T. R. KENEY, Aset Genl Manager. T. M. emerson, Gen'l Passenger Agent. my 11 .... . ' . - . . FOR 1890. onslder simnm when : yo . - are deciding upon your reading matter for nextBeasoc The subscription rate is low s 13.00 a year. - . -.r , . The standard of the Magazine Is high. Its spirit progressive, - " The Ulustrations are interesting and of the best. - " There is not space here to give even a sum mary of the features to appear this year, but among other things. there wiu be a new de partment and nirllf fhrtflt n a rra mul tron-niAm Illustrated fli tlrles win ha Hamuirh:Ai lowing subjects. 1 1 - V flincua jixpiorauon ana Travel, , - IA&q on a Modern War Ship (3 articles). Homes In City, Subuib, and Country iTOvldlnir Horn ea tJirnntrh HniMt tions, j i , The Citizen's jiuts, : - - i T - : 1 Electricity in the Household. ; Ericsson, thn lrnr,jyw h via . ,-4 Blographlf. ' - - "C Jiunung, -i Humorous Artists, American and Foreign' ' ; ; T . . There will be 3 serials, i " '' Rdbert T.mil .stfrpnuin. ammm. . wtMM WUMiWIUO 18C0. ' . . .- . i . . , ,, . . Each snhteef nnd them viii rlety this year, will be treated by writers m?J 9mPfctent to speak with-authority and i ,1,.1- Pliers who are interested are urged to i cr. a for a prospectus. , . 25 Cents fomUr; $1.00 for Frloi(k Charles Scribner's Sons, 741$ li roadway, Jan a tt . I ! THE STATE CHRONICLE, Successor:to the Farmer? and Mechiaic; ana mo wcromcie. n ' Under New Management; lEWSY, BRIGHT AND CLEAN. UP WITH THE TIMES. rjUE .STATE CflBONICIE WILL BE what it's name Implies a State Pawr. It is vAtrviucwr,'- anu wju not DO t local or secjlonaL lr will aim to keep uo WlthtlllIMV!lfmm UnmhrfnMtnr.A tho politicians put It, from Cherokee to ctr- It will be the organ of no roan, no rlnar. no section, no nartr. It will iwrr, wnuva, m w i u. ut-niuiio io. cn 1 1 else Democrailc measures and Democratic osiccnj. : terms of subscription: ' One. 'X"mat ' i j3!?t- i oo ciiirtr jttOHuus. ...... ........ ....... JL..... tui TFor a sample copy address r ' . THIS STATE CHROTICLK. Diamond Tera Cnra FOU DXSPEPfllA ' .For sale fer ' DR. F. a M1LLE2.

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