COMMERCIAL, SfETTft. 1 WILMINGTON MARKET. oepi.. z-or. w. Beaufort.......... SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady Carteret....... at 3C cents. Sales of receipts at S3) Camden ................... j Gubernatorial ToU of 1SS5. FIRST DISTRICT. - Counties. Fowlk. Dockkry. 2,002 1,073 ROSIN Firm at 90c for strained ami $' for good strained . TAR Finn at tl.40. ' CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at .$1.20 for hard, fl.90 for yellow din notltl.OO for virsrln." COTTON Firm at 9 13-1C cents for middlinjr; low middling, 93; good middlinc. 101-1C. RECEIPTS Cotton, 1,955; spirits, 181; rosin, C37; tar, 89; crude, 43. MARINE NKYTS. Chowan Currituck .... Dare Gates Hertford". I f yd Martin...: Pamlico Pasquotank...... Perquimans Pitt Tyrrell:.:.... Washington 693 743 973' 326 1,131 1,132 8.74. 1,674 740 833 779 2,593 472 '807 1,799 677 . C02 791 433 209 . 800 1,002 . 753 1,287 C19 1,317 983 2,323 367 1,014 Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baling powder. Ripest of all ta learealag strength. r. ,.; Gaerrn- T2io 3D oily Boviow. SATURDAY. S 1 1 11 - 11 -i i i m I STATE NEWS. ARRIVED. lir steamship Ethelburga, Willi?, Ihienos Ay res. Alex. Sprunt & Son. Sell r Lizzie May, Hutchinson, De mcraro, Geo Harris?. Son & Co. CLEARED. Nor barque Alfred GIbbs, AndrU cn, London, Paterson, Downing & Co. Schr. Sarah C. Sinilh. Ilowlaud, Philadelphia, Geo llarrisc, .Sou & Co; cargo -by C. D. Mallett and others. ' ' ... 16,823 SECOND DISTRICT. Bertie ............... 1.31C Craven Edgecombe.... Greene Halifax Jones..: Lenoir Northampton.. Vance Warren Wilson 1,408 1,321 1,008' 3,495 CS4 1,537 1,659 1,382 2,159 EXPORTS. ,15,564 THIRD DISTRICT. StAtesville Landmarl: The Stattv viiie Uarrel Factory vros il"jtroytd by flro Tnesday morning. The los is between fsou and $900, with no las a ranee. 'Raleigh 'lci7or: Tho cotton gin of Mr. Sam Watts, ut the Rufus Ivey place, on tho Louisburg road, was! 2,760 bbls rosin, 400 casks spirits. destroyed uy lire last evening. , WKKLY STATKMJLNT. uuvui 3iiw; 110 lusuraucc s COAST W IS K. Piilhulelphi.i-Srhr Sarah C Smith 'Jd.TOO ft lumber, 45,000 khiugjes, 1,500 bbls roin. KORKIOX. Iondon-Nor barque Alfred Gibbs Bladen........ Cumberland Duplin Harnett Moore ...C....: .. Onslow Pender Sampson Wayne ... 1,541 2,577 2,205 1,444 1,911 1,181 721 2.370 2,781 14,89 1,097 2,637 2,509 1,072 ' 2,897 620 1,436 1,990 1,030 875 1,521 18,590 1,365 2,233 1,154 87 . 1,816 425 757 1,616 . 2,501 ! I8D0. Harp pr's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED A new Shakespeare the Snatespeaiyct Enwnr A. Abbkt wUl be presented in Hab fkr 3 Magazhtb for 1F90, with comments toy Ahpkzw Lang. Harper's Maqazixk has also made special arrangements with alphoxsx Datobt, the greatest of living French novel ists, for the exclusive publication. In seiial form, of a humorous story, to fee entitled The Colonists of Tarascom the Last Adven tures of the Famous Tartarin." The story wul toe translated toy Uexky James, and Illus trated toy Ross and Mtkbach. W. D. llo wkixs will contribute & novelette in three parts, and Lafcadio Hkakn a nov elette in two parts, entitled "Youma," hand somely Illustrated. r - In illustrated papers, toucntig subjects of current i interest, and In its short stories poems, and timely 'articles, the Magazinh will maintain its well-known standard. . " J ! -- . HARPERS' -PERIODICALS TER YEAR HART-EK'S MAGAZEJB U nARPEifS WEESLY..... 4 0 IIAJRFEK'S llAZAK..... 4 0 HAItPE&S YOUNU- PEOPLE............. S CO Postage Free to all subscribers in the Uniie SaaU-s, Canada, or Mexico. ; Also Wall and iw T Chests rCscnrt-r. . yd Stools. CzXzztXzrU. cf all hlndz. Complete & Bjsxks. - , Address ATLANTA SHOW fSfS1 Jc " G a.u2 STOCKS OX HAND SKIT. 20, 1890. I C. M.Rabbce, of the National uoon T.,lf 'f re' v'to auoiu -'0A0 Lodce'of Odd Fellow-, re- homt yesterday on the one ai"r" f 'clock train and was given a crand rn n.o. o. b? the twolod-esof this re .u. SIro Grand tamed o rceeptlon city who metbini at the depot about neventy-flre strong, headed by the Darbam Cornet Band. Concord Standard: At Mr. W. E. maker's pin In 'o. 4 township, on the 124th of September, Mr. IVter Scbenck was removiog kouio luotcs from beneath while the gin was in operation. The next moment Mr. Scbenck'a rteht arm was torn off about the elbow. In chatting with Mf. J. M. Mabry, of Forst IJ111, a reporter became interested in some facts about Mr. Mabry's ntoth Ht otbine does us more rood than to have the opportunity of throwing ti flower into the path of those who have experienced the trials' of year. Mr. Mabry is 8' year of ago, can walk around with perfect cae, uud doesn't wear spec tacle.. She mbed fourteen chil dren, nil of whom arc living and have families. In counting up her children. &c.t this is tho result: 87 grandchildren, CO great-grandchildren and 3 grtat-greut-gnnulchil-dren. , I Aihcville -Democrat: Dr. M. B. Wharton, a big HuptUt divine of Alabama, pnt otu day.s in A?lie ille aud Hot Springs recently. He J said to the Atlanta Journal: 'I am charmed with the land of the tky. Both places vere crowdecj this year as never before. Met a great many Atlantians there. Ashevillo is get ting on a "boom," which reminds ' me of tho wildest day of Birming ham. Hundreds of thousands of dollars changed hands forreal estate dally while I was there. Vunderbilt Jiaslet the contract for the founda tion of his residence for $400,000. His tennis court costs $o0.000. Ho will have onet hundred mile total. 75.GIU. Tarashore, 4,316. Crude ashore, TOO. RKCKIPTS, SKIT. 19 TO SEPT. 26, '90. Cotton, 12,013; spirits, 792: rosin, 10. S2; tar, 1,227; crude,.166. KX PORTS, SKPT 19 TO SEPT. 20, '90. DOMKSTIC. Cotton 1,357; fpiriU, 974; crude, 225; tar, 1,219; rosin, 5,447. , FORKIGN. Cotton, 17,855; rosin, 3,691. j HE-NO TEA 16,764 FOURTII DISTRICT. Alaiuance .1,741 Cnathaui , 2,516 Durham: 1,815 Franklin 2.204 Johnston... 3,024 Nash 2,157 Orange...'. 1,610 Wako 4,618 12.833 1,517 2,099 1,617 2,041 ,096 1,696 1J2S3 4,943 19,685 FlKTn DISTRICT. Caswell 1,358 Forsyth 2,259 2.470 1,375 2,895 1,450 1,671 Granville.. Guilford Person . Rockingham Stokes.... Surry.; 17,300 1,697 2,584 2,609 . 2,680 1,293 2,101 i oort 1,575 The volomcs of tne Macrazlne bcsrln wltn tlie Numbera for Juno and December of each year When no time is BpecLBeO, subscriplions will oeln with tne Number current at time of re ceipt of order. i liouna :volumes of Uarper's Magazine, for tnree ycilrs back. In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt , of $300 per volume. Cloth Cases lor binding, 50 cents each by mall post paid. Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical and Classified, for Volumes 1 to 70, inclusive, from June, 1S50, to June, 18S5, one vol.bvo. w. O " p- c " 2 5 - S c a J 3 "2 a C n ' , 1 1 5 ccxir f. OpS t3 fit i"5J ti ST -'-"i w cjo s.yv cess-3 c 5 r . - i , . . f flB IT. i. THE ACME MAHTTFAOTUBING 00, ! MANUFACTUliHKS OF - FerHIizcrs, ! Pine Fibre and Pi'ne Fibre Matting masaUamlxed drive?. U has a rail i road already built to the place, which is (our miles from Asheville. Ills place contains 9,000 acres. He pays his superintendent $20,000 a year. I was told. He proposes to spend $5,000,000 on his place. Other millionaires are also investing thousands. Among them Hon. Wliarton J. Green', who bought $50,- 000 in two days, and was about closing the contract for a $30,000 tract.- Halterv Park hotel, wbere myself and family stopped, pay&its owner over 50,OOo iv year clear pro fits, so the manager tola me. . - i llocklcn Arnlr 81". The Best Saive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Bores, Ulcer, Salt Rheura, Fever Korosu Totter, C1iri- ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all fekln Kroption!, and iosiUvelvenre Plies, or uo pay required. Unguar anteed to give ierfect s.vtirfiiction, or money reftindeiL I'rice cents per box. For sale by Robert R Bellamy, wholesale and tstail UiifsrUt Fishermen's Supplies; Builders' Hardware, PAINTS AND SASH ' Exaggerated claims in many adver tisements have made people tired." This recent saying has the right ring and we accept its suggestion. We are the importers of HE-NO TEA. We propose increasing its sale in Wilmington." Not by praising it, but by giving you free of all cost, enough HE-NO TEA to last a week. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating' An old adage which suggests another, "A word to the wise is suf Dcient." Send us a postal card with your ad dress, and, for a limited time, we will mall any one in Wilmington, fre e, a pack age of HE-NO TEA, and an interesting book about tea. You risk a postal card. We risk your liking the tea so well that of I you will continue to use it. Ifyoudonot 15,384 - SIXTH DISTRICT. Anson. 2,241 Brunswick T... 1,010 Cabarrus 1.645 Columbus 2,072 Mecklenburg 4,163 New Hanover ;.. 1,880 Richmond... 1,711 Robeson 2,823 Stanley 996 Union .2,040 15,S72 975 965 915 910 3,284 2,856 1,684 1,938 S17 997 . 20,581 SKVEJfTH DISTRICT. Catawoa...... Davidson ....2,018 Davie 1,008 Iredell..... 2,724 Montgomery 979 Randolph 2,171 Rowan 2,739 Yadkin 1.071 15,391 756 2,335 1,204 1,897 1,215 2,327 1,266 1,419 rilllE REFUTATION OF OUK FERTILIZERS the ACME and GEM, la now established, and I the results of tnrce j-ears' use in tno a anas of we make a loss. Thus we show our con fidence in the merits of HE-NO TEA. MARTIN GILLET & CO.. (Ettablisktd J Exchange Place, Baltimore, Md. 15,070 - , KIOHTH DISTRICT. Alexander....... 953 Alleghanv....'. . C87 Ashe 1,399 Burke 1,247 Caldwell 1,258 Cleveland 2,269 Gaston -. 1,584 Lincoln 1,209 Watauca.................. 898 Wilmington, Onslow & East MvK:::::::::::::::::: i, 'Carolina Railroad. V 12,419 -i 52 405 1,482 1,165 717 704 1,236 901 965 2,352 the best farmers of this and other States will attest their value as a high grade manure The MATTING, maae from the leaves of eur native pine, is conceded to ne equal to any wool carpet for comfort and durability and the demand tor it is a any increasing', it nas .: vir tues not found in any other fabric. " The FIBRE or WUOL is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a tilling for Mattresses is almost equal to hair, being light clastic and proof against insects. - Certificates from reliable panics using our goods can be seen at our oulce, or will be mail ed upon publication. -. an itt THE LEADING er OF SOUTH CAKl-LINA IS . '- f Daily Pap CO OSes M 3 1 i- Qsrl a ! 9oap uix:S8 nan UJ3 ' rr9 o.v - wis: fS j O v c r, i r c i : to. ml urn - c I I 1-4 55 00 K -w W - , c ? ib Sciibner's Magazine - t I i Price $10 Per Annum, . i ', - MAILED TO ANY ADDRESS CO 8TKU TION PiuKIOD. I MiR THE ACCOMMODATION OP TIIOSK 1 desiring to attend the revival meetings to be held In Wilmington by tbe Kev. Sam Jones, the following schNlule will be observed as far as the requirements atd exigencies of con struction will permit: In KfTrct SrpL S5tn to Oct. Gtb. 180O. Iave Wilmington 8.00 a. m. and 3:00 p. m. Iave end tracic a. m. and .1.-01) p. m. on und.lJ-. hepu Sbth and Oct. 6th only one tr-iln will bo run, as follows: Leave wihntngton 9Q a. m. and end rall rei track la'JOa. nu U. A. WHITING, sepryiw t;cerai Manager. . SCHOOLS HQ E S ; AT Geo. It, Freaicir& Sons. AKU EST STOCK AND BEST ASSOUT- MKNT IN TUE C1TT. 13,209 NINTH DISTRICT. Buncombe 3,041 Cherokee Clay C46 391 Graham 271 Haywood.... 1,32G Henderson.'. 917 Jackson 903 Macon 780 Madison 1,178 Mitchell 693 McDowell... 1,119 Polk 470 Rutherford.......... .... 1,090 Swain 505 Transylvania 520 Yaney 940 10.439 2,816 8G8 287 182 974 1,291 5C9 742 1,873 1,5(54 85S 560 1,C63 410 553 789 THE MOST CHASTE AND PUREST. I . . - . 1 -,!; ' SUA! DAY PAPER ! ; ... , I i. - ' . IN. SOUTH CAUOIJNA IS The Sunday News. . - - i - - Price, with Dally, $11 'per year; alone, $3 per year; six months, $1; single copy, 5 cts; mailed to any addreW - - - ' 15.395 15,998 The total vote beinz Fowle 148,395: Dockery 134,035. NOTICE I OFFICE OP THE SECRETARY AND TKEAS'R OF THE CAROLINA CENTRAL K. JL CO.' tna4e by.Lhe oil Dutch procesj.t the best Lead oathemartet. They no; being in comMna tlon caa mlXo rpedal price on sanre. - - COOKING STOVES. Hoys' Enr. Toe Boots, solid through, slze 1 to.vsiv. .; -Youtha' Eng. Too Boots, sizes 11 to 13,V, $1-M iwj s' icnion i oe urouv sues 1 10 ax. Jl.Ti. ' uoys- Lonaon Toe uutton, sizes l to &x. St.UJ. HOiiAK IIPSIIO S. Largest assortment In the State .to se from; sold at factory prices. Another lanro lot of the celebrafrd solar Tip mios received, doui in neei ana spnnir iieei. which for style and durability are superior to any anoo mxac can ana we wiu btui you net ter poods for le&i money than can bo had any where in the city. Wimixaroif, N..C, tept. Olh, 189. 11DE REGULAR ANNUAL - M FETING OP . the Stockholders of the Carolina Central Railroad Co. will bo held at the omce of the Old Dominion Steamship Co.. corner Reach and West streets. In tho at nt pw vnrir rm Oil stoves of All Sizes. . Geo. R. French & Sous, 9tTrxT: f SUMMER SE SORT! : "ATLANTIC VIEW,". K WRIonTSVILXE, N. G. . V fS NOW OPEN UNDER SAILS llANAUE- la them you will Bnl comfort and economy. Pampp, Step- Ladders. We avt for joar patrone and shall er 'ndearor to deserve the same. Respectfully. N. Jacobi Hardware Co.. ap a ' it:o. ritoKT sr." For Sale. 1 QQ(J LB3" OLD TTPKJIKTAL,CLXAN ad la pood condition, win be sett cheap Aryij a THisornci ICS NortU Front Street. (Opposite The Orton.) , sep S3 tf -WANTED. A OETS OF EITHER SEX T3R0U0n0U XV. the United States to handle our celebrated Corn and Bunion Cure. Its application af fords almost Instant relief, and every box is accompaniea cy aidfruarantee. wnicn unount j wo will forfeit In every Instance where our i remedy falls to perfect a permanent cure boxes, lu we win pay to Introduce our roods j posxais. ror terms and particulars address tbe manufActurers, 1C4 and 104 ricrth Ada SuTct, fco 14 1 C&w Chloiso, CL sample box. ztjc: six rood .rents $3 per day laio their section: no menL Tne Ilotel and rrounda are near the waters of the found and the Atlantic Ocean and few steps from tbe Depot, of the bea coast Railroad from Wilminjrton. Ask tne conductor of the train to stop ro at Wrtghtsriiie , , , i E3 liD BUfll DAT, WIIK OR EOSTH Sencfor Circulars. . . i; - . : ZD. "WILSON JIA2TNINQ, J3D 7 : " : rrcr:t:r. KVEKY ONE'S PAPER, - 1 : ... . TI3C3EJ WBBKL"2" NEWS AND COURIER; Price, tl per year; six months, 50 cts; single copy, 5 cts; mailed to any address. mch!2 Harper's Young PeoDle. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. The Eleventn Volume of Rabpek's Touno Pkoflk. which begins with the Number for KovemDer 5, isty. presents an attractiva pro gramme. It "will offer to its readers at least four serials of the usual length, and others in two or three parts, namely. "The Red Mus tang, by wiuxuc o, tiTonDARD; Phil and ine uaoy," oy luct u. j illib; irince Tom. my," by John Russell Corteix; and 'Moth- era way," by .Margaret K. sangstkr; two short serials by IIjalmab U jokth uotesen. Two series of Fairy Talcs will attract the at tention of lovers of the wonder-world, name ly, me quaint, uucs hoia oy Howard, fYUE, and so admirably Illustrated by him. and another series in a omorent vein Dy if kamx m." Bicx keli. 'mere win be short stories by w. 1. nowxixs, Thomas Nelson Page, Mart B. WILXIKS. PiOBA PEKKY, HARRIET I'KESCCTT orOrTORD, JJAVID HER, 1IEZEXIAH R UTTER- WORTH. bOm IB SWETT. RICHARD SlALrm.M Johkstok; etc. A subscription to Raktzh's Yocxo Peotle secures a luvenlle librarr. there ta nsamt knowledge, a!so plenty of amusement. Uision Advertiser. Terms; Postage Prepaid, $3 pryear. S-iL ll leyina XocrmJber 5, 1SS0. . Speitnvn Com ra on rwwrpt ofioo-ccn: Mngie Number, Five cents each, ; Remittances should be made by Post-offlce Money Order or Draft; to avoid chance of losi Unrfpapcrs ar not to cojfj this axirrrsisprneni vnUiaui urn express order o Harper & Brothers Af : - iuiutiis usoTiiEris. 7 The publishers of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE airrsto maicfi it, f.rA tnnst.'nmmi'ir ond jinror J ' v f i vub'i ' nrlKlnorof nRrtOfUfils whtiA nt nil iim nm. serving its hlsrh Uterary character. 25.fX)0 new readers have been drawn- to it during- the past ia uiuxitua tue mcreasea excellence or its contents (notably the Railway articles?, and it closes ius sccona year wicn a new impetus and an assured success.' .The . ; illustrations win show some new effects, and nothlag to maice srntTHNKii's MAaA7.ii4n ntiMMiTO ai.rt in teresting will be neglected. THIS RAILWAY ARTICLES will be contln. ued by several very strtfclD'r pacei s: one sdp- uiaiij mwi33uns -oy uenerai 'i nomas l. Jomca on -The Railway Postal Ser vice. " i - , - Illustrated MK, ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S KPrta novel ."The plaster of Rallantrae," will run uurouga ino grcaierpari-oi tne year. tit-cfun m Aovemoer. A CORRESPONDENCE and collection tr manuscript memoirs relating to J. P. Millet and a famous group of modern French Paintei-s will furnish the substance of several articles. t:. . x iuustraica. The brief end naoers written last vnar iiv Robert Louis Stevenson! will be , reniaed -hv equally interesting' contrtbutions by tUITere -t famous authors, v Air., Thomas llatley Aldrlch will write the first of them for the January nu mber. . - .... .. . . Many valuable LITERARY ARTICLES will appear: a paper cn Walter Scott's Method of WorK, Illustrated from oricrinai MSS.. a second Shcif of Old Books," by Mrs. .lames T Fields and "many other articles equally notewort hy Articles on "ART SUBJECTS will be a feature apersaro arranged to apuear bv ciarencn Cook, R. 11.. Blashneld. '- Austin Dobson and many otn era. luuatratea. PisniNG ARTICLE-describing sport in the best nshlng grounds will appear. Smmon Wlnninish, Bass and Tarpon are the subjects now arranged. The authors are well known sportsmen. - Illustrated." r v ILLUSTRATED ARTICLE of great variety, touching apon ail manner of subjects, travel, biography, description, etc, ,i will tppeaa, but not of the conventional commonplace nort. : - - ? r-v - r 'Illustrated. - . , Among the mest interesting In the list ef sclenting papers for thcyear will be a remaric able article by Prof. John Trowbridge, upon tho most recent developments and use3 of PHOTOGRAPHY; musiratea. - A class of articles which has proved of spe cial interest will be continued by a group of papers upon ELECTRICITY in Its most recent applications, , by eminent authorities: a re- maru-aoie paper on jjejsp MINING, and other : ' ' 1 - Unique lUiistrations. ;s : . T A SPECIAL OFFER to cover InsS tpti numbers,- which Include aU the Railway Arti- A year's subscription a8891 and the num-U oers tor 1388.;..; .-...i. .v........;.H.50 a jcur sfiuuscripuon (lijity) ana the num-r ? bers ror r88, bound in cloth.v, . ... . &00 83 a year sj . 25 ccV nuber;;x! ' :-.Vi :Jv43-7Br;way4iH -AKD-. Maturity Ass6ci; OF WASHINGTON, ft C Has Paid to Mem bers Over -;-$6c; Accrued ; Liabili ties - - - ; -fcr HORATIO BROITMSQ, ; . - . - Prcsiaem, ' SAMUEL NOKMEXT, " ' 1 ' Treasurer. OEORGK D. iiOfcfBGE 1 Secretary. Manager aiu Act:; NOTICE;! O' UR PRIVATE STOCK '1876. RYE IS UN- doubtedly the best WUISKEY sold in the South to-day. Below vou will And a few nnt nf many letters which we receive anil notiea Brown & Brown. drusrclsLs. of winstnn v -."The Private Stock. -T6. dvea entiw. Rtii liicuuu m our customers, and we think it la a fine medicinal Whiskey." ' - II. Rose.' also of Wlnstonl-wrltes ns jj tnu "The 'Private Stock Whiskey I bought through your Mr. isimon has nroved a sncfflsq and will keep it hereafter as my leading brand.'' J. a. Burns & Co.. of Tayetteville, have this to say: , , I have used your new brand of 'Private Stock, 1878.' Rye Whlskev and win that, t am weU pleased with it and that it lj all you recommend lt-,to be. - My customers prefer this brand to aU otheH." i -? Biimliiid,Simon&Co., - 1 . lll'w: Fmnt r.T Dealers ta Liquors, agarsmd Tobaccos. ' my 30 tf -j . . . - . M n t v ' OF THE 3H3 OJEO.J. KASTERDAi; Asst Secretary. Life Insurance at Absolute tot. A Guaranteed Policy. ; " - An incontestlble Policy. - Maturity Value in Cash at Fired i Annual cost Absolutely Limited. ' r - Only Four Payments per Year. - Non Forfeitable After Three Ikt P. S. 1UDDELLU - ' V. ' ' i 4 Medical l: W TJ. GIBSON, Special Ageat Home Office, Central National Uantr Washington, D. C : -JOHN UAAB, Jr., Local Afert octsr .-. - '.'f.,:-t:-.-;-waaa?a CLYDE'S ' , " - - j - FROM PLElt 29. EAST EITIS Lowited between chambers ari Ec-- At 3 c'cioci; P.H. FANITA.. A:.. a:...-, v,?' PAWNEE (new).... ...... e: BENEFACTOR......... '-t; FANITA.i.,....... ...ifV&r-. FROM W1LM15GT05 BENEFACTOR. .... . 1 V FAN1TA PAWN SB (new). TL BENEFACTOR.. ...."'..'! ; tar- Through Bins Lading taiB. Rates guaranteed to and from V- and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage Pr v II G. SMALLRONEi, b uj. TREO. B. EG ER, TWffifl JV - VM. P. CLYDE 4 ca. ceaj.r sep 28 tf - 6 BowUjGreea V HohJeffefsori Davis. 51 US. JEFFCKSON JDAVIS. t? be m w.jmwnm car. The. prospectus" and complete outfit for can- vasslngwUlbe readrlmicedlatfclr- V " AGET5TS wishing desirablk teuki OUY on ttl3 great work will please address. S3 tUVIl as pOii jia. jis. tae pusiiscrs.- BELFORD COLIPAITT, 13-23 East l;th trc;i I?HTrrp2S,: . STILL AT ff 0 rm WP'I T. T AM NOW WELli jritiuf - . all kinds of Furniture, SetrUC - cy Art'clcs, &c., and wbere tt B f: tUem as good as new. C'J r and prlccs?ow. Call and s UmUcs and prices. , j-... , , -i- ' - : - . J. 3. attfcor.ftontiador; Iain still agent tenia sewing Machine, one of tho market. Needles aneu 13 rachiatf i . t. wr. HEWITT M' THE Y FRIENDS AKVJPM Yl" erally are respectrouy made extensiro.addlUons to pJ' Switchback Station, WrtgMslV , am now prepared to acoJ-' wit h tho best of erojtjiss r 1 r Fresh Flsa, soft Crbs, ready cn tXs arrival of every tr---EarintiJ rear and scpara- rrrattscrz-'rjrocin. i;7 -Mf ,AS.