THIS PATlk ! PLASS NOTICE. . win to sl&a to ircclra cotamuncat: ess trora cmr mcaX5 oa any an4t aaeuijscta ccnerai latcriwt, bat . - , v Tne name ox too writer mast always to rur , nlanea to tb Bettor. - . f - ' Cammanlcaaans must ba written ia-Onlx one side or cae papor. Personalities must be avotaxt " V - And it is especially anl parUcularly ttSficr stoost ttuu tie en lor aoea not always enaone t he -views of oorrcsponacnts onicss so Etated In the editorial columas." i " . 1 ' ff t.jaME. Editor ana prop. ,0U",RTICV POSTAGE FAIDT rtv. months S2XO. Three undelivered by carriers, free fjpirt of im ctty. the abOTS v f arte report .any and VOL. Xiy. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1800; NO 24G. ..w'" . I . - - - - i ' - - -5 . - . -t " : - - i - I - -- .' SIMPS' wmms. 23TJOYS , , a .mu! an4 results ttLcd ,1 i Ft ' it i pleaeanl . 'r t t pr itly ou the KitlucjiS J;";; IVh. In cU-anifca the fj ( 1 r.:::!Iv. tlUvcls colds, head- . fVu i. ami cures habitual Wrup cf Figs is thi Xwaflrlofin ml ever pro : .T.Vir. t- the taste and ao $'t t..iac!i, pronipt ir jrJ nwi truly beneficial in it: irqcritl nnlv from the mol cr inl :i-:rfahlc sijhetances, iU Jrii-,t ejualitiea commend li e iH ar.-l Lave made it tho mosl r-3rrtniu!v known. ' fT-pcf Fi-- h for ealo in 5CH jlflh.::!fj'!'r aU lcaliup drug ii. Ant: rcluMc druggist wh iirn t H-ivc it on hand will pro c it t ruj'Uy fr any one rh( tQ it- Do not accept anj UUFORMA no SYRUP CO. JJf FSAXCISCO. CAU . t.-3.rr. nr. m vt rotr. tt.r. WU0iE5ALE:i)UL':OIST, wntmlnston. N. C. FOR CASH ONLY 1 ' M I TUZSpS AND THE PUBLIC IUEN- terttj notiftod tnt on and after S3 M 1 ttl sU tor CASH. AND CAS "JIT. I caa lLre:ot ctrer li InUaccmeats iahji-Lir ntth th acwy In nand I matt luxvKST rilR E aa.l tLe BEST OF Ci-w. 'i:tvt rally, H. P. SWAN'N, Act., ; u ww Front street. H, A. Tucker, rysltH LV GRAN1TK, MARBLE A?JD tTij stoaV ' MiicfAciurer of Cemetery, r.l Iiuil llns Wortc 31J Nortn Front Mreet, 31 Wilmington. C. fejlish and Classical School BY. KT. Oanli Morrellp, A M. T2l TBIKTYiSCi OXD ANNUAL SESSION n va 0. Wedcosday, the first of Oc rsrwjitiannat Ion apply at 42C gff itrat. ctrscr of Flftn. sep IS U Jps. F. Craig, J2wr$m:;a AlOnnaa, Flanner & Ca) ptKTiai WOKKER IN 115, SUKET ric". rtiacts strecr, near Front watj ju t,e p loosed to recti re orders ;v'iitH. uood anl prompt work lDRUxr& YOLLER8, noLl.ILK UEALF.ItS IJC ?fovi s o n s , Gro c e rl c s , crs. Tobacco, Cigars, 1 AND MISSION MERCHANTS, Cw- ron aod Iock St.. I LM I N GTO N, N. C. ?'T-4 0. Alderman, 'l l2A- ttMMlSION BKOKEItS AND .r.'.. "Ullr. rnut, uacoo, cnvvf,lJ,:f,'J. Hides, rura, coton, rjrt !a ti Prodoce or Grocery line. .ausSU(n irritE OP TUEASUKER. , P 1 AkD OK DIBECTOKS OF HIE WIL- rtatv,,. uuuma ta nave lautw PTbru of three and a half per cent "r.incates or Iniewcdness or C- TLe Interest on add tcrUO iu fW. ,pi,"-a at the cace ox me tl- HUlstaiKi dosed cnfll Octo- SU JAS. r. l"cnT, Jt, Sccrcury anl Treasurer. ivnxx to Kw AnrxxTiazvxKTt' P Cnarsr RemoTal . . Pkkw Co-rnrnlture " MjrxOT BaoTHtas Dnisststs C W Tatxs Eaxa Jones bong Docks The receipts of cotton at this port lO-UAV loot im 5 KM hnlai ! m - X - - w HotBed8ath and Glass for sale! by the N. J acobi Hd w. Co. t Edwin W. Kerr, Esq.. of the Clin ton bar, is in the city, to day in at- tendanccon the Superior Court. " : The clty has been billed for Wash burn & Arllqgton's clrcup, which is to appear here on Monday next. SoinelKxly cut down last night the" bill boards which covered a part of the front bt the old Lord property. on Market street. The deelinioir IOweni'Of old jieto may be wonderfully recuperated and Kustalned by the daily use of Hood' Sarcaparilla. Visitors to our city 6houId cer- I uly not fail to call on the N. Ja- cobl Hdw. Co. for anything wauting iu their line. t Ute Hegal Ready-mixed Paint, and have no other, if yon want a good. durable article; for ' eale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. " t It Is a good time now to buy new furniture. Housekeepers are invit ed to read the ad. of Messrs. Sneed & Co. in this Issue. I am Manufacturer's Agent for Barbeil and all kinds of Wire, Com bination Wire and Iron Fences. Or ders solicited. James I. Metts. t We have in stock an Immense va riety of Cook Stoves, all styles and sizes. Prices away down and Stoves guaranteed to give satisfaction. N. Jacob! lid w. Co. t Rev. Dr. Pritchard, of this city, is to preach the sermon at the dedica tion of the beautiful Memorial Bap tist Church of Greenville, N. C, on the 10th of October.. The ML Airy excursionists all left on the return horn a last night. The train, which was a special, left here at 10:30, after the close of the ser vices at the Tabernacle. A large line of Breech and Muzzle- loading Shot Guns. Air Rifles and Pistols; all grades at lowest prices. Wood Powder and sportsmen's sup plies Just received. N. Jacob! Hdw. Co. l ; : t To-morrow Is the big moving day here. The first of October Is always a dreadful day to many housekeep ers. Some were moving to-day,some moved yesterday and all will get settled before the close of the week. A meeting of the Democratic Con gressional Committee of the 6th Dis trict will beheld at theOrton House In this city, on the Cth Inst. Some very Important" matters in relation to the campaign are to be discussed at this meeting. There are a great many strangers In the city, all come to hear Sam Jones. They arrive ami depart on every train. At- there are eleven Incoming trains here each day there is every facility for reaching the city and leaving' Jt. The Fayetteville steamers also bring many. Symp of Flff. , Produced from the laxative and nu tritious juiee of California figs, com bined with the medicinal virtues bf plants known to be most' beneficial to the human system, acts gently, on, the .kidneys, liver and bowels, effectually cleansing the system, dis pelling colds and. headaches, and curing habitual constipation. XoCollecter Am Yet. v The first of October Is at fiand and as yet there Is no Collector of Cus toms for this port. It is time mat some action should be takeu in this matter. As yet there Is only sur mise. M r. Geo. & French, Postmas ter here.who stopped In Washington ton last week on his return home from au outing In Maine, says tliat all Is In the dark as yet. He thinks, however, that some one in Wilming will surely be named for the plaee' and that neither Raleigh or any other outside town will furnish the man. Mc. French Is himsclf'uot now a candidate for the place. Tho pos- sibilitic seem -therefore narrowca down to three r four ndidates Messrs. Cliaatonro, VanAxariuse, I Foster'and perhaps" one or two others. ( Forecatt. i For North Carolina, rain and sta- Stionary temperature. j ixcai rorecasts rrora 8 a. m. to day, for Wilmington and vicmitv, j threatening weather, occasional 8Prinklea ot rain and slightly cooler, " Colored Fire Parade. The Phcenix Hose Reel Co. cele j orated their eighth anniversary yes- j terday by a parade through the city ! i ... . i in uie arternoon and a festival at night at the City Hall. Thoy were accompanied on the parade by the Dread Naughts and the Bannaker Hose Reel companies and were pre ceded by the Convivial Cornet Band. The Are apparatus was also in line, handsomely decorated with and evergreens. Col. Hall, Chief of Police, made them a very pretty speech at the City Hall and Thos. Knight, of tho Phoenix, responded heartily to Col. Hall's words of en couragement and cheer. Tbe Tabernacle. Mr. Jones preached to a large con gregation last night and also this morning and it is fair to. presume that from this time out, until the close of 'his engagement here, the spacious building will .be ' well filled. The congregation last night was the largest yet had. The esti mate is that there were nearly 7,000 persons present as nearly every seat was occupied. It is thought that more than half of these were visi tors to the city. It is noticed theje are many ladles among these lat ter. The city ladies have been out in force ever since tho meetings be yan. The Sampson Democrats. We regret to learn that there are some strong indications of a split among the Democrats of good old Sampson county. Considerable dis satisfaction has been expressed with the recent convention, on account of claims of irregularities, and we hear that another county conven tion has been called and that it will meet on Monday next, at Clinton, Some of the best people in the coun ty, it is said, are interested in this movement- We sincerely hope that all di fterences may be healed and that the staunch Democracy of Sampson county may march on har moniously to a grand victory in No vember. In Terrible Stew. For the first time in eight years we have had to 'git up and pit." The Rkvikw has had an of fice on Market street ever since Oc tober, 1882. We are becoming domij ciled on Second street, in the Cur rf hnlldinc near Princess. It is a big job and we are in a terrible mess. It will take days to get room is to-day iu the new quarters and the big press is still at the same old stand, where this issue is print ed. It will take several days to get KtrmVht and we must beg the in- r dulgence of our readers for all short comings in this issue and the next. S a perl or Co art. The following cases were disposed of in this court to-day: E. H. Kidder et al., trustee, vs. W. E. Mayo. Decree of foreclosure. Ap peal by defendant. Sol. C. Weill, receiver, vs. First preme Court affirming judgment of Superior Court. Francis Brown vs. William Brown. Non suit. Wm. Larkins, executor, vs. W. H. Howie and wife, et al JI. Bellamy made party plaintiff. V. E. Bunting vs. The Wilming- tan Mutual Insurance Co. Non suit. The Wilmington Savings & Trust Co. vs. W. P. Canaday. urder to Issue plures summons. Clayton Giles aud wife vs. C. B. Wright and wife. Order. The following casesare set for to morrow: R. W. Hioks vs. John McDuffle, et al. Cutlar for plaintiff; Sutton, Ray and Stedujan for defendants. - -Nancj lu Prevatt vs. R. E. L. Pre vatt Cutlar for plaintiff; no coun sel for defendant. . H. A. London, Adm. vs. Mary E. guince, et al. Junius DavU for plaintiff; Rountree for defendant, " WiPTw.Tf Av,i riAckiK : ; , p , InsUnt re- ur n mid 50c. HOUGH ON CORNS. 'ijquid, 15c. Salve, 10c Ronh on Worm?. Cafe, Bare Care. C:?. 1 The Public School. The public school will opqn 1 Monday next. New pupils will on be m. on examined next Thursdayat 9 a. !at the Hemenway building , Fifth street, and at 3 p. m. of the same day, at the Union building, ; wruer.ouui anu Aoo sireeis. iuar ket street is the dividing line be tween districts Nos. Land 2. PudUs north of Market are to attend the Hemenway; those south of Market will attend the Union, and the com in all cases. Colored pupils - will be examined Monday ; morning nt the Peabody and Willistoni. "Don't Give up the Ship !" . Don't surrender, although the fight be long and bitter, and results thus far but dismal failures. Old Bad Blood may yet be . conquered and disease driven from the. citadel of life. You have not used the proper reined', or long ago you would have felt a change. You have tried this and that,; a hundred bot tles of this specific and fifty bottles of that sarsaparilla, and feel - you might as .well -have used, so much rain water for all the good effect they had. Why have you not tried B B B (Botanic Blood Balm) made In Atlanta, Ga.? Because it isn't advertised so conspicuously as other remedies? Well, that's a- poor rea son. The greatest humbugs can af ford the largest advertisements. As for B B B try it, and if six bottles don't do you more good tlinn all the other blood medicine you hale ever taken, call it a humbug, a name that has never yet been applied to it by any one. - . : ' Walter 5ndges, Athens, Tcnn., writes: "For six years I had been afflicted with running sores and an enlargement of the bone in my leg I tried everything I heard of with out any permanent benefit until Bo tanic Blood Balm was recommended to me. After using six bottles the sores healed, and I am now in better health than I nave ever been. J send this testimonial unsolicited, be cause I want others to be bene fited." STATE NEWS. Charlotte JScws-. R. W. William son, late of Biddle University pass- ed a successful examination, before our Supreme Court to-day and has received his license to practice law. He answered every question put to him and several that were passed. Charlotte Chronicle: Through a letter received yesterdayJy S. W Reid, it is learned that Rev. Jno. W. Moore and ! wife, who" embarked at San Francisco, August 12th, in the steamship IBelgic, for Yokahama, reached that port August 28th, after a pleasant : voyage. The point of their destination is Kochi, Japan, where they expect to labor as mis Fionaries of -the Southern Presby terian Church. Among the thirty passengers on" board, were two mis sionarics bound or China, one of whom was 1 medical missionary. Mr. andMrs. Moore were in excellent health andlne spirits: Newbern" Journal:' The revival in the Methodist. Church at, Harlowe, which began a week ago, when Rev. W: S. Rone, i the Presiding Elder, held quarterly conference there and was afterward- continued Dy the pastor. Rev.-N. M. Jurney, "assisted by Rev; G. IF. Smith, of Beaufort, resulted in 26 conversions, a remark able worK or grace ror so snort a time in a rural church. - As Mr Fred Bray I and Mrs. Oliver Perry were returning frosi services at Beech Grove Church, . Thursday night, in a road cart, the horse rap away, throwing Mr. Bray out. Mrs. Perry then climbed over the dash board, reached down and secured the reins and succeeded in stopping the horse alter he had gone a. mile or two. A? reraaricaDie leat, even for a man. j i Goldsboro Dispatch: The revival services at tbe Baptist Church were well attended yesterday, notwith standing the disagreeable weatker. Two persons united with thehurch at the mornlug gervice. At night there were two conversions and some ten or twelve requests ror Brayer. - Tax collector w. i. ortth is busy these days making up his tax books. !As about. 10,000 people have to pay him some idea of the size of the job may -be imagin ed. Tho total amount of taxes to be collected this year i is $52, G00 . which is 1 400 less than last year. The prop erty valuation has increased consid erably, but; the falling oil is caused by the exodus which has tacen so many negroes irora tue country in the last two years. There have been between 000 and 1.000 left this coun ty ami each one represents a loss on tho tax list of f2.25.i Out of the im mense amount due last year only a fraction of over$l,000 was uncollect ed. A good record ifor both the col lectors office and the county. There are 1,900 more- white than colored polls on the list. . j immm ' Uacklea'a Arnica SalT. . 'I FTi ttocr Niilira In, rt wrrll fnr Cutis . Braises, Sores, 'Ulcers, Salt Kb en in. Fever Sored. Tetter. Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no nav Tea ui red. Itistruar- anteed to give , perfect satisfaction, or money relunded.', Price 25 cents NEW ADVEKTISE1IENTS. Mb&TTRESSES. W. specialty: of No. 17 Princess Street. A IVIovingjrale- TAN Y WILL MOVfi 'THIS VKEK."IT IS 1TX a trying time. Articles or Furniture nave tipftn hmten and new thlncrs kr nedod-i "e can supply your wants. call and see us. We seu at rocs oonom pnecs. I i SNEED & CO.. Furniture Dealers, sep 30 tf Cor, Market tnd Second Sts. Removal. rjl0 MY FRIENDS AND TXTE PUBLIC : I 1U open to-morrow at m y new Store; Xo. 109 south Front street.. . sep 29 2t P. CHRIST. Seely's Orchid Flower Perfumes, The Finest in tlie World. Orchids arc the elite ot the flower kinsrdom. These perfumes for sale by MuND3f BKOTUEJiS, 104 Front street. Just Arrived ! NICE LOT OF THAT FRESUrUP-COUN- try BUTTER, in smaU lilts!) at HALL & PEAKS ALL.'?, je 6 tf 11 and 13 o.;Water Street. 1 : Misses Burr&James'b'chool jyj-ISSES BOKK AND JjAMES WILL KE open their School for Ypung Ladles, and chil dren of both sexes, On Thursday!. Oct. 2(1. L The course of study, as neretofore, will be systematic and thorough. Individual lnstruc- tlon bestowed upon each pupil; the same care- i ful attention given in trailDg thelow mnd as those of bright intellect Class Siosrin?, Free-hand Drawinfir, Calis thenics and Needlework free of charge. Musical Department, innder the superinten dence of Mrf. M. S. CUSHING. Pupils in music, either within ov without tho School, will be accommodated with suitable hours of instruction that will not interfere with les sons or hours of study, j Every care and atten tion is given to the moral welfare of the child. For further parciculars ptease apply to 221 North Third street and iEeei Principals. Fisherinenls Supplies, Builders5 Hardware, PAINTS AND SASH WALKER'S STRICTLY PUEE WfllTE LE4D, made by.the old Dutch jprpcess,; the best Lead on the market. They notf being In comblna tlon can make special price on same. . COOKING STOVES Largest assortment in the State !to se : from; sold at factory prices. Oil Stoves of All Sizes. 1 1 In them you will find comfort and economy, Piirapiv Step-Ladders. ! We a3k for your patronage and sh all ev e endeavor to deserve the same. Respectfully, i ' .'" N. Jacobi Hardware Co., f ap tf llfTSO. FJIONT ST. VEHICLES! VEHICLES I OFFER FOR SALE LARGE NUMBER AND A GREA' IT ARIETY OF Second-Hand Y chicles, All In good order and ready for immediate use. They wiu be sold very low for cash or good paper, . Call andgetXgood bargain at 4 - . - i y ' - ORRELL'3 . STABLES, jystr; Cor. Third and Princess St. Hardware riUNWARE AND CROCKERY. i i W. E. SPRINGER & CO., Imponers and Jobccra f Puroeu BsttdlBe. CAPE FEAR ACADEMY ..-'' - .- ! Reopens September -2nd. . Tti:i Prfpara!i3S firj Bssh'$3 r Csllfp. , COMPETENT INSTRUCTORS." LEADING MALE SCHOOL 1 ; Please enter at beginsi of session. -Tr 6ea Catalogs In -n c torv - AV. CATL'JTT, ?iL NEW AOVEIM'ISEaiRNTS. FINE ' CUIILED JIAIit MATTKE38E3, put- :..i.'ri8' So Fd tie Feoiile ! ' a i ' "if A AUUANGE- JJAVIG MADE SPECIAL ments for that purposo wiu hare on my ; Stalls during- tho series of meetings to bo held by Rev. Mr. Jones la the Tabernacle, a full supply of - r , Eyerytlilnjr Seasonable and Good to Gat lu tho Moat Ltao. 1 1 HAVE T WO OAR LOADS OF FINE MOUNTAIN BEEF Now on hand and others to arrive. This 13 a SUPERB ARTICLE OF BEEF, .the bCSS Tas ture Fed Beef I could find; in Western North Carolina, and it will bo la full supply; V. I WILL ALSO HAVE A FULL LINE OF Mutton, Veal, Lamb, &c, I OF TIIEBEST TO BE HAD. . ! ! orders booked ahead and prompt de livery guaranteed. i ' : - ; 0; JOUN F; GAKKELL; Stalls 1 and 2, Front Street Market.south side. 1 i Eep 25 Iw - I S O HOOLSHOEC 1 . AT-- ' i-'-. ts ; v ; r Geo. K. French & Sons. JARGEST STOCK AND BEST ASSORT- : " ' 21ENT IN THE CITY. . ' '. i - ' : ; . , ; . - " . ys'jng. Toe BotJts, solid through, sizes 1 ! Youths' Eos. Too Boots, sizes 11 to J3tf, IL51 V , Boys London Too Boots, sizes 1 to & $Cix -i 1J9A"S London Toe Buttoij, sizes 1 to 6 uio. y SOLVtt TIP 8UO8. V Another large lot of the celebrated Solar Tin " Shoes received, both in Heel and sprinir Heel ' . which for style and durability are superior to any shoo made. Call and we will sell you te ! nthlluy.m07 Catt 1X3 nadax- - V " Geo. JR. French & Sons. - 108 North Front Street. ' ' r - ,..:V j (Opposite The orton.) ' sep S3 tf Wilmington, Onslow & East CaroIinatRailroadi ;; j j COSSTItUCtf ION PKKIOD. TiOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF THOSE rf d'rln to attend the revival meetings to be held In W ilmington by the Rev. Sam Jones. : the following schedule will be observed as far as the requirements aud exigencies of con struction wiu permit: 4 - . If In i:ffect Sept. 25th to Oct. Cth. 180O. Leave Wilmington 8:00 a. m. and 3:00 p. m. -eave end track lft:w a. m. and 5m p. mT On feundav, gent. ?xr.h ami i;rr- train will be ru,,'. as follows; T ' jeave wiimi. ....-n (:) a. m. and end ran- reai iracK 10.3J . ui. sepJlw - H. A. WHITING, ' . General Manager. SAIU7 JOIUESJ -SOTJG BOOIIG, YATES' BOOK STORE . SCp24tf , . -. ; Ch Udren's Magazines. jRUOSY, ST. NIC HO LA?, WIDE AWAK -'. Harper's Young reople, Lookout Magazine, Golden Days, Youth's Companion, and an the best cMldren a magazines are in tha ? i r WILMINGTON LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, tf VZl MartPt. Hfnvt The Exercises i O F THE ACADEMY OF' TnE IXf?ATv. tlon and St. Thomas' Male School will be re. sunsed on Wednesday. October It, 1300. The sisters wlU al3o open a Kindergarten depart ment, where children jrom 5 to T years of age' will recelvei careful training, sep ss oaw tw f Photbgraphc. r 1ABINETS PER DOZEN 3 0 CARDS PEii H:?fi?uctt9 dn f 100; Ferret types two for2 cents. j Ail we a of jon I to call and examine Bpecuoens before pUtin? your orders risn " Where. , U. tV jLLL3. PhotrrnhA Frpntstreet Market, Wllmihitoa, nC. Plans of basiness combins Bulllicz Fund and Lira Insuranfo-.' Fir t

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