- 4 P0WDER Absolutely Pure. cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all la leavening strength. I. S. Govern ment Mrport, Avq. 17. 1S89L f WEDNESDAY.'OCTOBER 1.1800. BTATE NEWS. Wimton Datlv: There Is at least knnoMto( iron works at Win ston. We learn chat a reliable firm of 2few York and Washington real state luen are neotlatinf: with part ies here with a view to establishing sach works at an early day. Raleigh Chronicle: A telegram was received here yesterday an nouncing the deafli of Mr. W. T. Heflin. son of Capt, R. S. Heflin, of this city. Mr. Heflin was' in the railroad bneiness tn Georgia and enjoyed a prominent position in social and business eircls. Asheville Citizen: Rev. O. C. Ran kin, who ha had charge of the Cen tral M. E. Church, South, in this city for the ' past three year, has been transferred to the Missouri Conference and will take charge of a church In' Kansas City. He leaves here next Monday. The Washington papers announce that Cant. Pride Jenes. who lias for the last seventeen years been a con ductor on the Richmond & Danville Railroad, has arrived in Washington, and will take charge of the vestibule train running from Washington to Charlotte over the Virginia Midland" Railroad. Charlotte Chronicle: The enrol ment of pupils at the graded school op to yesterday was 718. The organisation of Democratic Clnbs in this section still progresses. A club has beeu organized at Matthews within the past week. The work at the Haile gold mine is turniug out well. The outimt is uow about .$9,000 per month. Durham Sun: The Prohibition D&rtv in this country have met andi nut out a ticket for all countv of ficer. It was a small conve. tion yet it did some big .resolving, and h&s & laree nlatform and will have nothing to do with the old parties, vet It wants to scood in the Iabonug elements and the farmers. The ticket is lust as miueh In opposition to the Democratic nominees and party as If It were a Republican ticket. I Robesonian. We learn tnat a iCboa tan woman predicted that cer i tain awful things would happen on I the day that Steve Jacobs was to be hone, and: that ne wouia not oe h&nsred on that day: and we rise to remark that at least a portion of her nranhesv was fulfilled. Tne rest of her nroDhesv was of such a nature as to indicate that the end of the world was close at hand, but wheth er the action of Gov. Fowle respiting him averted the things foretold or not we cannot sav. but this much we do know, last Friday was just Ilk any other day;not even an earth qutke shock was telt. Sanford Erpre: Senator Vance will speak at Carthaga Oct. 11th. Barker, a white brakeman on theC. F. & Y.'.V. road, fell from a freight train at Rock Branch last Saturday and was severely wounded about the head. The people here complain of a pest of snails. They are found In the yards, the houses and the wells. It is stated that the v-have been destroying gar: deni In Pittsboro. While at the postofflce on Monday afternoon a citizen of this place showed us a let ter containing a check fur 25 that he had just received from a young man in an adjoiuing count). The letter read substantially as this: Some years ago while you were mer chandising In my town I jvas ac customed to go into your store and steal candy and other confectioner ies. Theu I wa a boy bat now I aoj man and my conscience lashes me for that candy stealing. 1' send yon this check to ease my con science. . Use it and say nothing about the incident to any one. The reeelver of this check turned it over to the treasury of the Methodic Church and the whole affair reads like a fairy Sunday School story. OOH KKRCIAX. HEW. r ' WILMINGTON MARKET? " f r ; I dctoberJ 1.-3:80 P. M." SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady at 26? cents. Sales of receipts at 36 cents. ' ROSIN Firm at D0c for strained and 95 for vooi strained. -TAC Firm at 1.50.' CRUDE .TURPENTINE -- Firm at $1.20 fpr hard, fl.90 for yellow dio and fl.90 for vircin. COTTON Firm at 9 13-10 ents for middling; low middliritr. 9$; good middling. 101-16. RECEIPTS Cotton. 963; spirits, 91; rosin, 713: tar, 47; crude, 6. Gubernatorial Tata mt 188& " FIRST DISTRICT. COUNTIKS. Beaufort. Carteret Camden ....... Chowan Currituck FOWLK. DOC Kit RT. 2,092 1,073 598' 742 978 MAKINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamship -FanitaJ Pennington, New York, f ! O Smallbones. CLEARED. Ger barque Biirgertueister, Kir stein, Ehrenreich, Stettin, Paterson, Downing t Co. EXPORTS. Dare....: 320 Gates 1,181 Hertford. 1,132 Hyde 864 Martin.. 1,674 ramIico 740 Pasquotank... 832 Perquimans.. 779 Pitt ....i 2,593 Tyrrell 472 Washington .' 807 16,823 SECOND DISTRICT. - FOREIGN. Stettin Ger barque ter 3,443 bbls-rosin, j Burgenneis-1 Bertie.... Craven Edgecombe Greene. Halifax.. Jones........... Lenoir .1 Northampton.! Vance.' .1.382 Warren. .:. 545 Wilson 2,159 1,316 1,408 1,321 1,008 2,495 684 1,587. 1,659. MONTHLY STATKHEM. STOCKS ON pANI OCT..1, 1890. Cotton ashore, 9.100; afloat, 9,017; total. 18.117. 8pirits ashore, 6,195; afloat, 2,000; total, 8,195. I Rosin ashore C3, 798; afloat, 9,115; total, 72,913. Tar ashore, 3,959. Crude ashore. 75u. RECEIPTS FOR MONTH OF SEPT., 1890 Cotton,43,6G3; spirits, 6,039: rosin, 26,- 164; tar, 5,517; crude, 1,350. EXPORTS FOR MONTH OF SEPT., 1890 DOMESTIC. Cotton 2397; spirits, 3,452; crude, 1,- 477; tar, 4,8l6; rosin, 15,034. FOREIGN. I Cotton, 25,314i rotin, 6,451; spirits 402 15,564 THIRD DISTRICT. Bladen. Cumberland ............ Duplin.., Harnett .... Moore ....... Onslow...... Pender ..... Sampson ... Wayne...... 1,541 2,577" 2,205 1,444 1,944 1,181 721 2.370 2;781 16,764 . FOURTH DISTRICT. Alamance Chatham Durham. Franklin Johnston Nash Orange Wake 1,741 2,516 1,815 2.204 3,024 2,157 1,610 4,618 Many Persons are broken Arm a from overwork or household cart. -Uromi's Iron Bitters Rebuild tfe siils dlreiuoo. mnre exeeai of bua. m """ wet u ccaua. WANTED. a GENTS OF EITHER srXTIIROUGUOU h United Stsies .to bundle our celebrated Cora sad Bunion .Cuse. Its application si fords almost Instant relief, and every tmx is accocnpaaied bfiU guarantee, which amount w will rorlt In every Instance wbre our raaedy fails to perfect a permanent curs Bampie box. SSc aut boxes, IL We will par rood acota S3 per day to introduce trar goods Lavo their section: no postals. For term and MrUevlara address manufacturers. n. mikoukk a cut. 104 afi lot .Ncrta .Ada Street, tub U lw daw CHlcaco. RL f Tabit' Board. . HW aSXTLXXlN CAJt BJt accommo Caed tmn TMlt,Board on ajTUcUon as -ecant . . ja-TUiKDa HE-NO TEAIFREE. Exaggerated claims in many advertisemeats have made people tired." Tms resent saying has the right ring and w. accept its suggestion We are the import ers of HE-NO TEA. We propose increas- ing us saie in Wil mington. Not by praising it, but by giving you, free of all cost, enough HE-NO TEA to last a week. The proof of the pudding is in the eating." An old adage which suggests another, .'A word to the wise is sufficient." Send us a postal card with your ad dress, and, for a limited time, we will mail any cne in Wilmington, free, a pack age of HE-NO TEA, and an interesting book about tea. You risk a postal card. We risk your liking the tea so well that you will continue to use it. Ifyoudonot we make a loss. Thus we show our con fidence in tho merits of HE-NO TEA. MARTIN CILLFT & CO., (iftftiii ?.) Exchange Place, Baltimore. Md. 1 TJ III sMATtj 19,685 FIFTH DISTRICT. Oapwell 1,358 Forsyth 2,259 Granville 2,40 Guilford.. 2.470 Person.... 1,375 Rockingham 2.895 Stokes..... 1,450 Surry..,...l 1,671 15,384 SIXTH DISTRICT. Anson....!.." 2,241 Brunswick. 1,010 Cabarrus 1,645 Columbus 2,072 Mecklenburg ... New Hanover... Richmond.... Robeson...... Stanley Union... 4,163 1,880 1,711 2,823 996 2,040 I 20,581 SEVENTH DISTRICT. CatawoaJ 2,360 Davidson.L 2,018 - Davie : 1,008 Iredell 2,724 Montgomery 979 Randolph! '.. ... 2,171. Rowan 2,739 Yadkin 1.071 Now Ready. I of AM NOW HEADY TO MAKE ALL KINDS House Trimmings, Banisters, Railings, i "potes and Boxes of all Hnds. Orders prompt ly Cled and work done to order. W. A. CORNISH, Southwest corner Docic and Water sts. sep 11 lm thu.mon EIGHTH DISTRICT. 952 687 1,399 Alexander. Allejjnanv A-he ... Burke : 1,247 Caldwell.... 1,258 Cleveland i :EXE0T. TOR'S N0TI0 E. KX- TTAriNG THIS DAY QUALIFIED AS ecutor under the last will and testament f Enos J. rennjp acker, deceased-1 hereby no- Ufy all persons holding claims against his estate to present the sime to me for payment on or betore the 6th day . of September. A. D 1901, or this notice will be plead In bat of re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment. QEORJE CHADBOURN, Executor of E. J. Pennypacker sep c oaw 6w sat ! Administrator's tic?. 1;DE UNDEKSlUNEDIIAVIVf; QlALIFIKI aa Administrator or the estate o. Joseph Kamden. deceased, notice is hereby etreii to all i ersons hannr claims against sold estate or personal property belonging to sam to f reaent them to me on or before Augu-t 28th. !l, or i his notice mil be pleaded In bar of the payment thereof. sol bkak, aug -i oaw aw thu - Administrator. Gaston Lincoln. Watauga.. '. Wilkes fc 4 2,269 1,584 1,209 898 1,706 13,209 NINTH DISTRICT. Huncoiuhe Cherokee .! Clay J Graham .... Haywood.. Henderson Jackson....! Macon... Madison Mitchell. McDowell...... Polk ... Rutherford 1,690 Swain 1 505 Transylvania 520 Ynnov 940 3,041 646 391 271 1,326 917 903 780 1,178 698 1,119 470 1,799 677 602 . 791 438 '209 800 1,002 758 1,287 619 1,217 982 2,328 367 1,014 14.89 1,097 - 2,637 2,5091 1,072 A897 620 ; 1,436 -1,990 .- 1,936 875 1,521 18,590 .1890 - Ha'i''-ir8ri:nzIiiW. .r mmm . 6.!? 3 - 1 , f V r r : tt ! r a ..13 3 m O JBX 9 , sSs si? .? t it w a ..a a r. w - . V., 4 0' S5D A. - new shsiespearo-the ShaJcespeare ol Ebwiw A. Abbxt will be presented In Har. Ws Magaxwi for 190, with comments by Akduw Lang. HARFsa s MAdxiixs has also soade special arrangements with axfhonsk DAtTnrr; thagreatesx of living French novel ists, for the exclualTe pubUcatlon, in seilai form, of a humorous story, to tee entmed The Colonists of Tarascoa: the Last Adven tures of the Famous Tartartn." The story will be translated by Hknbt Jambs, and Illus trated tey Ross and Mtkbach. i .tia W. D. Howbixs will contribute a novelette m three parts, and Lafoadio IIakn a nov elette in two parts, entitled "Youma," hand somely Illustrated, i M . La illustrated papers, touching subjects oi current interest, and In Its short stories poems, and timely articles, the Magazin will mmp" Its well-known standard. HARPERS PERIODICALS - ; BR TBAB HARPER'S MAGAZINE.. .......... .. . .. . $4 HARPER'S WEEKLY.... 4 0 . i i - - HARPER'S BAZAR L .......... ... 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE... 2 00 t i - . - Postage Free to all subscribers Hi tne Unit Canada, or Mexico. r and Stools f C&blr.st 7cr!l of all Cocks. ? Catalogue free. : Address k 1,365 2,232 1,154 I 877 1,846 The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers lor June and December of each year When no time is specified, subscriptions will oegln with the Number current, at time of re ceipt of order, j i - . 425 three years back, la neat cloth binding, will be 757 1 seat by mall, post-paid, i on receipt of $3 00 per volume. JlOtn Viaaea luf miming, w each by mall post paid. Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical and ClasslneL for Voltaies 1 to 70, inclusive, from June. 1850. to June, isoo, one VOL, 8vo, Cloth. $4 00. i : 1,616 ; 2,561 12.833 Ul 1 v- jo v- as 3 . as a U- s S-' 'OH si O mi V Q 3- M . w SI"" 3 S if2 Hit? fl I "in O u A f&D C OO C4 5 --So; w 9 I I Hi fl. c O V Q 11 r - V nm wi.m m f 65 110 5? a. g.il::i5f isf if I .C ! Hi! BiaSjJsf'HilS-.il'fi1 J2 vKc b fV 55j it- -s: -1 2.5 si . w " ii is 1,517 i 2,099 i 1,617 2,041 2,096 ' 1,696 : 1,288 4,943 17,300 I 1,697 f 2,5841 i 2,609 2,680 : 1,293 i 2,101 ! 1,3331 ! 1,575 i 15,872 THE ACME MANTTFA0TUBIN& 00. MAN0FACTUKEK8 OF i r ! I - - ! " ... Fertilizers. Pine Fibre and j Pine Fibre Matting Wilmington. -r - N. C. : 975 " 965 915 910 3,284 2.856 1.684 : 1,988 : 8i7 997 fJIHB KKP OTA TION OP OUK FK KTILlZLhS the ACME and GEM. is now. establtslied. axd the results pf three years' use In the nands of the best farmers of this and other states will attest their value as a high grade manure. The MATT1NO, made irom tne leaves or our native pine, is conceded to be equal , to any wool caroet for comfort and durability and tte demand for It Is dally increasing-, it. has vir tues not found m any other raonc. The FIBRE or WOOL is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a oiling for Mattresses is almost equal to hair, being llgii I elastic and proof against insects. , ceruncatea rrom reuaDie parties using o i iroods can be seen at our office, or will be trial - ed upon publicftao". i . ian4tf 15,391 THF T FAD Nfi er 756 2,333 1,204 1,897 1,215 2,327 1,266 1,419 15,070 . 12,419 552 405 1,482 1,165 717 764 1,236 901 965 2,352 Daily Pap -a . ' " J 323 2 if r- o a 2 c . i ?3.S O 531 fit Scri ngazf ne. For 1890. . OF SOTJTH CAKlLINA IS Ik ewsl GSR. Price $10 Per! Annum, MAILED TO AM ADDRESS. 10.439 2,816 868 287 182 974 1,291 569 742 1,873 1,564 858 560 1,663 410 553 789 I 15.395 15,998 The total vote being Fowle 148,305; JJoeKery 134,035. Wilm'ng'on, Onslow Sl East Carolina Railroad NOTICE! i OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY" AND TKEAS'B t OF THE CAROLINA CENTRAL K. R. CO. CO KTUU i TION Pr'.KKH) ACCOMMODATION OF TUvSE X desiring to attend the revival meetings to be hem in W ilmington oy me Kev. ham jones. the following schedule will be observed as far as the requirements a- d exigencies of con struction will permit: In Effect Sept. SStn to Oct. 0tb. 1890. Leav Wilmlnjrton S 00 a. m. and 3.-00 p. m. Jjeave end men lOuJO a. tn. and 5.-00 p. m. On Sunday. hcpC sth and Oct. sth only one trln wui be run. as follows; Leave wiimioffton s.-tx) a. m. and end rall- roa track laao a. m. . 11. A. WHITING, sepsilv Oe-erai Manager. The Exercises F THE A CAD EM r OF THE INCARNA- Wilmixgtos, N..C. Sept. Jth, 1890. ' IIIE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF the Stockholders of the Carollaa Central Railroad Co. will be held at the office of the old Dominion Steamship Co.,. corner Beach and West streets. In the city of New York, on Thursday, the 9th day of October, proximo, at 1 o'clock p. m. sep 9 lm JttllN H. SHARP, SeCy. SUMMER RES0RTI "ATLANTIC VIEW," tlon and St. Thomas' Male School will be re sumed on Wednesday, October 1st. 1S90. The Sisters will also open a Kindergarten depart- taentj whers children from 5 to T years of age ; will receive careful training', sep S3 oaw si m I WRIGHTSVILLE, N. O, S NOW OPEN UNDER SAME MaNAGE- ment. Tne Hotel and grounds are near the waters of the found and the Atlantle ocean and a few steps rom the Depot of the ftea coast Railroad from Wilmington. Ask the conductor of the train to stop to at Wrlghtsvllla. - ' : THE MOST QHASTE AND PUREST SUNDAY PAPE a IN SOUTH CAROLINA IS The Sunday News. Price, with Dally, til 'per year; alone, $2 per year; six months, $1; single copy, 5 cts; mailed to any address. EVERY ONE'S PAPER, v WEEKLY NEWS ASD lOUKIE?v Price, $1 per year; six months, 60 cts; single copy, 5 ct&f mailed to any address. men 12 f 1890. Harper's Young. Peoole. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY.- EBAL AOKXTS. Plans of boatnes combine best features of ttoUdlng Fund and Life insurance. First-class contracu. Address, with references. Mutual mltjCafttauaum, Va, . eodsepLS3t SendEor Circulars. f ' EP. WILSON JLiLNSINfJ." D. ; Proprietor. TheEieTentn volume of Ha&pkk's TorNQ Pkoplk. which begins with the Number for NOTember 5, 1889. presents an at tract! va pro- Kraumie. it wiu uuer w ilh reaaers at least tour serials of the usual length, and others in iwp or mree parts, nameiy. i " j ne Red Mus tancr " by William o. Stoddard: "Phil and tne isany," ny luct c. ijllik; "Prince Tom my," by john kusssll Coktell: and Moth ers way," oy margajlit. &. Saaqstee; two snort senais oy hjalxab hjorth rioricsitv Two series or Fairy Talos will attract the at tention of lovers of the wonder-world, name ly, the quaint tales told by Howard PYL,and so admirably illustrated by him, and a- other series in a oirxerent vein oy Fbanx M. Bicx kxll. There will be short Btoxlea fcv- w. ik HOWXIXB, TH0XA8 NXLSOIT PAGI, MART E. WILXniS . X40RA PXRRT. HARRIKT PRKSCCTT SrerroRD, Davi Kkr, Hkzkkiah Bcttkr- WORTH. SOraiX bWXTT. RICHARD MiIiY)I H A subscription to Harfzr's Yotho Pxoplx secures a Juvenile library.' j Here Is lseful knowledge, also plenty of amusement. BneUm Advertiser. Terms- Postage Prepaid, $2 pryear: VoL XI begins November 5, 1889. - Spemen Com sent ion rsectat nr anrrmi ' single Number, FIto Cents each. : ; - Reinlttances should be made by Post-Offlce 0De7yrdgr or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. heesvaver arm notlo copv this aarersisement xihoa a express order of Harper Brothers " Address 'hajCpXB BBOTHERS." - The publishers Of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE son to majte it me most popular" and enter- prisma penucucais, wnue ax an times pre serving its high literary character. 25,000 new readers have been drawn to It durincr the nasi six months by the Increased excellence of its cuiiwjuLs noaoiy me itaiiway articles), and It closes Its second year with a new impetus and an assured success. The Illustrations win snow some new enects. ana nothing to make ceresxing win oe neglected, -v. .. . , - -:: . -. TUJS KAlXi WA x. 'ARTICLES Will be contln. uea Dy several very stroking papeis; one espe cially interesting by Ex-Postmaster General i nomas u ames on rrne. Railway Postal Ser- viw." , luusiraiea. . MRr ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S serla novel The Master of Ballantrae," will run through .the greatet part of the year. - y A CORRESPONDENCE-and collection V" manuscript memoirs relating to J. P.-Millet and a famous group of modern French Painters will furnish the substance of , several articles. - illustrated. .. The brief end papers'- written last vear hv Robert Louis Stevenson, will be remarked hv equally interesting contributions by dlffere t famous authors. - Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldrich will write the flrsfiof them for the January number. Mani vaiuable LITERARY ARTICLES will appear; a paper on i Walter Scott's Method of Work, Illustrated from.origlnalMSS., a second 'Shelf of Old Books," by Mrs, James T Fields and many other articles equally noteworthy Articles on AltT S UBJECTS will be a feature Papers are arranged to appear I y Clarence Cook, E. fl. Blashfleld, Austin Dobson and many otners. illustrated. ' PISHINO ARTICLED describing sport in the best fishing grounds will appear. - Salmon Wlnnlnlsh, Bass and Tarpon are the subjects now arranged. The authors are well known sportsmen. : - - Illustrated. - - ILLUSTRATED ARTICLE of great variety, touching upon ail manner of subjects, travel, biography, description etc., will appeaa, but not of the conventional commonplace sort. Illustrated. Among the most interesting in the list of scientific papers for the year will be a remark able article by ProLi John Trowbridge, upon the most recent developments and uses of PHOTOGRAPHY. Illustrated, v A class of articles whlch has proved of spe cial interest will be continued by . a group of papers upon ELECTRICITY in Its most recent applications, by eminent authorities: a re markable paoer on deep mttno .nh rhor interesting papers, i , - - unique Illustrations. A SPECIAL OFFER to cover last year' numbers, which Include all the Railway Arti cles. as follows: - -A year's subscription (1889) and the num- bers for 1888. ... . . ... .. $4.50 A year's subscription (1889) and the num- berafor i888. bouno;in cloth... :..iV... 6.00 ' . 3 a year 25 cent a nnraber. : ;-y Charles Scribner'sSons, The Nationaj ! u: AR5 : Maturity Assoeiat OP WASHINGTON D. Has Paid to Mem-i ! r; bers Over - - S6O0 Accrued Liabili-U' ties ... 4o:: HORATIO BROWMXQ, j Preaaent,- ; V SAMUEL NORMEXT, ! Treasurer. : i' Secretary. Manager ictm GEO. J. JfiA8TEKIAI, . lAsst Secretarj.! v Life Insurance at Absolute Coat, a Guaranteed Policy. i An Incontestihle Policy, v I Maturity Value la Cash at Ftofl i Annual Cost Absolutely Ltoltcda ' - Only Four Payments per Yeai. : Non Forfeitable After TnreeTaa P.8. RIDDZIUk: I - MemcalU: W H. GIBSON, Special Agent Home Office Central National BaHE. Washington, D. c. i JOHN haar,.Jb.. Local Agent, , oeta wumioftcT. . -, " - -1 ' . i CLYDE'G SewTori' , Wilnir: Strain thlp Co. 743-745 Br jwar. N.Yv SPECIAEf NOTICE !l uk PRIVATE STOCK 1878 RYE IS UN- doubtedly the best Whtskey ram in t no south to-day. Below 5 ou will find a few our, of uiaujr jr hi era wnicn we receive and notfoe wcu. mey contain: ; : tfroTL & Brown, druggists, ot Winston, sav ine private Stock, 'fi. civ PntirA . .4 ' wmr- im;uiii w uur customers, and we think it is a uuue mtruiciua: wniSKey." t , : - .. H. hose, also Ot Winston! wrlti aa tn lows: : p r r.- " i ne ,-Tivate.. w.cJc' wrilsfrpv t it,tm through yoar Mr. Simon has proved a success J. A. Burns & Co. of FavettAviriA, llflVA till to say: - yif,-r c'i,11!?'3!1 T2Hr ew brand of V Private -wui, JO.' IX VB W niSKftV ana will that T am well pleased with It And that it U all you rewuuucuu il w oe. 1 My customers prefer BruiiMldiMraonC , Dealers tn LiqnoirJ CIgarsIand Tobaccos. my 30 tf - SlC:"- 7 '. : OP THE-,! ';dj'Jf Hon. JelTerson Davis. JIB1.1 JKFFEBSON Vle 0 U SOt-D BF iUBSCBIfllOl OMf. The prospectus and complete outfli for can vassing will be ready immediately. - - . ; : AGENTS WISHING TJESIWAWT.E TEBMT. TORY on this great work will please address, as soon as posslf)le, the publishers. ' ? ; BBLFOER.uOMPANT, 13-42 East ISth Street f - NEWSYORK.1 FROM PIER 29. EA8T RITM ! Located between Chambers ard Kaw 1. At 3 O'clock, P.JLj fanita. . .:. salary. ' PAWNEE (new).r. -We,rv BENEFACTOR.. !h FANITA.-..... .w.. WednesU FROM WILMiyQTOS BENEFACTOR.... .UUTogsfi?;' FANITA..... PA WN K E (new). Jr ? ENEFACTOR . . ...... J or- Through Bills Lading w; Rates guaranteed to and from Pol and South Carolina, - For Freight or Passage PPw J ... - H O. sW-BOnB. g; - - THEO. . EGEK, Traffic MW$tr P WM. P. CLYDE CO ijwj A j sen 28 tf ; s Bowung uiw - , STILL AT VTOBE. AM NOW WELli PEEPABEy,1 an kinds jot Furnltore, Sewln cy Articles. a, and wbereK laP thein as good as new. Wort f andrlcesow. Call and e .-7 timates and prices. ! ' S. W. cor. Front aOT , I am still agent here i"1 rV Sewing Machine, one 01 wT the market. Needles ancc"" mch 10 tf ;.'::'r:;! '' !" THE HEWLI'TTHO Y FRIENDS AXD TBI r-' M erally are Vepectfanrn made extensiTe additions u Switchback Station, Wrigatf11, amTnoir prepared to uxxoT with the best of everything ' Fresh Fish, Soft Crabs. I ' ready on the arriral of erery Bar in tne rear r - j rom the dinning room. u-; mj23tf JA--

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