i r :..J,-KLiyEoua v i mm spaj ami h w aa. rmw ar .Ji C:tU:. Sife?, Ecrs, E:V W P'rhCri Vti Free. :VmrnrX IChranmlUm. "r.? llrllrmche. i.t", Li. ii.rti0. Wralysla 'if i Cm' fii r c C-yrcf Price '..,.1 WicaUrr. S7.0 I-.. ,..!!. - - l.O SL, B. T. SB fef SPECIFIC Ho, 'f, vital Weakness ;Vir . . t -. i Wo. a . LK TCICL&I (11 158 TUBES T Slra .... . - .-. j' n.bfa, pr- 4 1. 1 YrU City. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM f pt., ir..l bratifW h. " . tt r;oi n I With. v.t'r rtU t He .tor OTy liAjr to U lonthrui coior. MTVI 1 1 .1.1., 1 r.i a t iHri inn- , ' nofl ouq t "lr m rw for Ootki nUl M I HOIIOKT1NU. . r- a A , ii.w,.ifv'c of ihe natural L :.k - .r- H i fin -r.it iods or dlccition tCi- - itvtrdJrocoa, Mr. ( . ft. . -W tv, at !,. : an U U-s of clet tHat a lea. aU-.tt.- .r. i'i ny built up until I i::ulur attack wherever iSCiT. k-'jlr. itr-j-lfS Well fortj- kirjp'i.--' t. "u u t . pr'jHriy nounsaea v !'. .r i..::. s il.i only In half- 1 4 si, t f (.r- r-. I it V.vl t hus: tf trr U'-. ii'iniopaiuic wui'ia to's.i':;UM sop54w ustiu: r.T roRors plasters I IS TllU UtiULD. Trf ruv RVr.xi.iirn, Ki-larT Palna. I. j I"t-ur.T ir.J all UT.eoeu CU c?i 1 i:jc cr OTcr-tierUon. Quick Relief from OL4 .UV-II TL-I.hTKK wi'A, ft r:Lr it do plater. i act. tr kt;a ttu txAa 111 ACHES AND PAINS. j 1.-1 tTr r.l to core. Wn?. QCK K AMI SCKE. ilir. i-j cr mi-:ml oa receipt of 5c CVIC Si KICIIARDS. I lititl CHjCHCSTtR'S' ENGLISH IIIIYRQYflL PILLS 7 5 COSJ DIAMOND IMNO. ax.. r'. Iiim v.:4j 1TJ- Tale atarr. All wiu IV 41 r , ' t,uavo8tniiwr 1 LILIH rfj7tjJl tad NERVOUS DUrLTTV TL W2.?l " fr. HrtMllHS LttpCAtr?.. BUFFAiOrH Y. har" y vuibful error. rrTr i rr t..N l .t luvtibooLctis-1 will " - 4UiJK A44V44 , cr rruirce. a i rr&d bT Terr lnLtit, .Moo4ua, Coaru WEAK rn wernor. AJtD.HE HOLDS r-.. . ... ... j f.x-ix-i. a; cool bbave M!?. Jitrr ruors and J UN WeKNRIC 1 "- ik-rraan lUrtcr. i MartM strtvi iAre iioldH hip wit Hinder a Train. ' , "- v-.tmu oiocjc in a T ;t erkicrmen raU- 1 1 would that I Mnld m! - road tl othcrday Afrdght train run- I flatter on and utxween I'crtiomea Junction ayid cntown. Pa., stopped to talco water at Iu Tain-Love holds ue so! aiauon, twenty miles north. A P and down, -and to and Palm r l swarm of bees from a. r-fWn-'.-: UJe ffo v. - o--'t, 1 1 seek luui liiirh if TRIP TO EUROPE. JE t.f -THE CANADIAN v1",fll.-.i..i.. . ... vT- iV br vT Europe u me? i l!T;,',l Vrra lntaix.cl In the I4 )ti llr.n ?nuiae -THK ki waters. lr . ? -nr Oilier use- t """tuauo be awarded TL i ,1,,t,i ioaary to be used i-2 aVerl? lQt"W Ins a rP-Vr7'01iSn-C uit of 5.; .VP for Illustrated TlV;7c Koala's trial CAXAljUN"QLEy. j Tiroato, K uU bouse had near by. and when the train stopped at the station they caxne buzzing out and alighted with on accord on the tender behind the engine. The engineer and his" assistant in the engine and. the brakexaen -standing ttiwuim me irain were astonished at the risitAtion and promptly Bought safety in the waiting roonT of the station. The nreman. W ill lam IieLst. was on the en gine cab at the time busily shifting coal irom one aide or the tender to the other a ff ana in an instant a hundred bees set upon mm. liail mad with rjain ha n Till lnnr I wander up and down, and to and iu vain, m vain; and life Is cruel f woe . . - . Since love haslet me go. A Bare Investment. fx one which i to wring ydu satisfactory rpsnltn r In case of failure a return Of onrehase price. Oil this safe nlan buy from our nlrprtiwi ipnm'ef & r '" Aiew discovery ,u' vvijbuuiihiou.- 1L IK cnnrftntPorl to bring relief in every case, when used for nnv affection of iamped off the tender and rolled wildly I flans? Chet each as Consump in tho crasa at th rtvrf- I M0"? Iamiuationof Luncs. Bron- - - - I fltliti.. A .11.. llr . ' Tb. e!,wl1A 1 9 A.IV,,,Dt aniiutt, YOODinff UOUCTD. train came and went, but tho crew saw uTXZ T.-" " .aiV" n-.t t.l-1 i- li . . mm I " . . W ICIICVIIV N1C u naj wiiitu stare xnev iieid a I ana can alwavs i iiprurwi,i n,r, consultation rer the problem, and final-1 Trial bottle free at Robert XL Balla ly a bright idea struck the engineer. I ,uy'8 wholesale and retail drug store. Futung it into execution he crept softly ana unconcernedly up to the tender, af ter the manner of an experienced bee farmer, and secured possession of the adjustable hoao with which engineers are accustomed to clean -up their cabs. SKPTKMBKK S4JUIBS. He got the drop on the bees and turned on them a stead stream of cold water. The effect was magical. The entire swarm took to their wings and described a straight line a" bee line toward the woods. The train then .resumed its journey, fifteen minutea behind time, Cor. New York Sun. : A UttU Hcrola. Jeanne v ictoire Snooke, 10 years of age, the daughter of C. Snooke, of Ports mouth, England, was on April 26, 1890, with her brother James, aged 4 years, on the landing stage of the old sallyport nt Portsmouth a place which is a favor ite resort of children. Suddenly Jeanne was startled by the fact that her brother had fallen into the water, which was then twelve feet deep. Without a moment's "les, ' remarked a man a she left auiuie museum, "trnlv Mils i n freak country." u . Buoruug uazar. on. receiving a new supply of air guns, announces tnem as fresh air rifles. ! A youncr ladv named r Katie Money recently married hercouisin John Money small change. . If a man has a red moustache, and is dissatisfied with It, the best thing iu uo is to uier uimseii. Can a man in the circus who does the "atrial flying act" be called a vagrant because lie has no visible means of support? j 4,Say, Tom. how are vou crbinir to send next Sunday?" "Guess il'll go on an excursion." "So? Which line will you take?" "Fishintr line. I reckon." y i t ... i Consumption barely Cared. To Thk Kditor Please inform your readers that I have a positive thought about ' self, Jeanne sprang into I remedy for the above named disease. the sea to the rescue. The struggle was great, and both of the little ones sank and rose to the surface continually, but the brave elder child never quitted her bold of her brother. The tide was run ning strong and carried them away from the stage, and both . must have been drowned had not H. Craven, of the chamberlain's office, .Portsmouth, who was coming cnt of the harbor in a boat, gone to tneir rescue ana got tne naif drowned, struggling children out of the water. For this act of bravery Miss Snooke was, on the 20th of May follow ing, awarded the honorary first class cer tificate of the Royal Humane society. Philadelphia Times. Jtwi Going to Palestine. A convention of delegates representing the largest Jewish colonies in thirty-six different cities of Russia met ten months ago, and after.: a long discussion .they gave a unanimous vote for Palestine as their future home. The change that such an emigration would produce on the Holy Land can not be overestimated. One million new workers would turn the barren hills of Judea into terraced vineyards. The olive trees of the past would again spring forth .'and the whole land would blossom that cover tne By its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy frkk to any of your readers who have consump tion tr they will send me their ex press and post office address.! Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCDM, M.Q., 18 Pearl st.. New York. - WHOLESALE PRICES. UAllilXOAlia v .2 T 8 11 8 8 i Tne fonowiag quotations represent whole sale prices generally, m rwt-tnp np small or- pot jaglaCT prices bars to toe cnarged. BAoaiso . p ' I otniiij'.... ...... j jstandaro......:. BACON North Carolina, Bams .T. ....... Shoulders 9 ft....;... jsidea, WESTKBS SMOKED -Dams,fc.... . Sides, v ft..... L... . 8lM)ttiojers,ft.. ...... J ... DRT8ALTKB -j I Sides, V !.... ..!.... Shoulders, ft..-;.....J.... BARRELS Spirits Turpentine. second Hand, each.....!.... . New, New York. each..1. .. . New, atr. each: L ... BKksWAX. 7 It.. . ! BRICKS, Wilmington, V M 8 0 i 8 9 13 10 14 10 8 ... 8 Atlantic CJoast Line. Wflmirigton & Weldon R. Rl , AND BUANCHE3: CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTB MICOErX&NEOUS. Seaboard Air-Liho. . . -r - Carolina Contra! Eailrcad CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WSTB6UND TRAINS. 1 40 OP 1 C5 90 8 00 northern................;.... o 00 BUTTER, V Ja f "..") North Carolina. j... 15 Northern.. a. ...... ....i... 25 CANDLES, 9 lb I Sperm.......i.......-i.L... is Adamantine..... 10 CI1KESE, Northern Factory Dairy, Cream... i state OFFEE, V Bv- Java....... i Lagnyra.....; i... ! Rio t... CORN MEAL, bush. In sacks. ! Virginia ileal... j... COTTON TIES, w bundle. . ... . rMESTICS I sheeting-, 4-4; yard...J... Yarns, 9 bunch ..J... EGGS,doz......J J. FISH - Mackerel. Na 1, V tW.. Mackerel, No. 1, v hair bbL 12 50 Mackerel, No. 3, V hbI..J...15 00 9 50 73 TO it 00 14 00 9 8X 13 9 9 9 27 23 20 00 00 25 8 00 10 . 00 e 25 30 25 12 10 14 11 " 30 1 DlTSO Sept. 10, fm ' dS djfa r. jl rTi. A. m. Leave WeWon...i.... ...... 1230 543 600 Arrive Rocky Mount. 14t5 ..j.... 710 Arrive Tarbora............r 2 17 ..L... ...... . . A. M. j j Leave Tarboro......t,A... 1020 .4.. .....i. ' ... P. M. T' Arriva Wilson........; 220 700 743 Leave Wilson. f33o!..t... Arrive seima a. ,.u.. Arrive Fayetteville......'.. 5 33 .4. .4 Leave Geidsboro........ 3l. 7 40 '833 Leave Warsaw 4 10 ..i...4 9U4 Leave Magnolia. ;424 8 40 9 43 Arrive Wilmington. ...... 5 50 9 55 J.11 20 Sept. 7. 1SKV Leave wumlngton.... Leave Hamlet.... No. 4J. dally ex. Sunday. 9 20 am Leave Maxiiisboro... Arrive Charlotte............ Leave Charlotte.. Leave Llncolnton Leave Shelby. ArrtveRuthermt'D I 1 20 pm 3 ti pm 4 13 pm 4 23 pm &42pm 40 pm 7 55pm NoTTjT daily ex. 9 33 pm a 00 am 15 arc 9 00 am EASTBOUND TRAINS, No. 30. No, 24. SerL 7, 1SCO. dally ex. dally ex , . Sunday. Sunday . Leave RutherTdu'n.. 8 0.1am Leave Shelby.. 10 09 am ' ' Leave Lincoln ton.. ......... it 12am v Arrive Charlotte. ........ 13 9 pm 1 Leave Charlotte............. is a) pm 8 00 pm Leave Wades bo ro 3 33 pm 11 83 pm Leave Hamlet... 3S3pm 1 CO am Arrive Wllmlngt'n 7 SO pm 8 00 am TRAINS GOLNG NORTH. 52 85 1 30 8 80 Leave "Wilmington ieaye m acmoua. ...... Leave Warsaw.-. ..... Arrive Golds bo ro a v The proper companion in life for a seamstress would be a seaman at least it seauister us tba way Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teetn. it relieves tne lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat- nral. quiet sleep by relieving; the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the minis, allavs all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is tne best known reme- ly for diarrnoaa, wlietner arising from teethintr or othr causes. Twenty five cents a bottle. julv 6 deodatwlv LADIES Needing a tonic, or children who want build- ing up, snouia uie t BROWN'S LUOHf BITTERS, i It Is Tlssant to take, cures Malaria. Indi gestion, Biliousness and Liver Complaints. ; lib-o tho r-0.1 . rvwmiwi that fvirpr - VA I . - a r-t 1 : SJfef rrXC J'isnermen's supplies, of the land occupied by ancient Pales- fl .. . , TT tine, and it would make Jerusalem a DUllUefb I1iiruure, w.j v- w.w M m I -v-v a im.-l a TT O A TT The Holy City has been growing witn I. K AI IN 1 L A IN U oAijJtl almost American rapioity. witnin tne rvuet f(rw vpats. and an exodus of the Jfrom aUparUoftheworldtoitia WALRXE'3 STRICTLY PURE WHIII LED, slowly but surely going on. IranJc u. Carpenter in National Tribune. De Careful of Yosr Derby La Summer. "Derby hats must be handled with velvety touch in summer." Few people are aware of the fact that the great heat at this season of tho year softens a stiff hat so much that It can almost be rolled np into a balL- That's why the crown should be. handled as little as possible, because it is the easiest thing in the world to dent the hat when it is soft, and tho mark will stay-there forever. The hat is all .right if you don't toucn tne crown while it is soft, because it regains its natural stiffness aa -soon as cold weather cools it off. If you hold a derby hat near a hot stove it will lose its stiff ness in a few moments and be limp as a rag. New York Journal. . Increase of Hallway Mileage. : The increase in railway mileage in this country during the first six months 01 the 'Year was 1.SS3 miles. This is ac- rvmnted Wirhlv creditable. . More miles. of railroad have been constructed in the southern states than in any other section o&the country. The northwestern states and territories, where construction went on rapidly for a while, have nearly stopped building. Massachusetts laid but a mile and a half of new road. Maine about ten miles. The other New England states stood stilly California gained pne tnll a. -Chicago News," AoroM Florida by Water. Cant. A. Coot, of the Diss ton dredge boat which is cutting a canal from Hart lake to tho Econlockhatchie, expects to complete tho canal by Jan.-1, and then a row boat may be taken fcy inland water from the mouth of tho El. Joan s to wo month of tho Caloosanatchee. VOTt sa vannah News. The world's stock of diamonds has in creased enormously la the last tuteen years. In 1875 the output of the Afri can mines was -about 1. 00,000 caratsj last year it was over" fCC',0O0t pi- great Mtrustn which controls all tie prin cipal rkc3 ar :rt that they have 15 C00,-, CC0 carats "iu at tirtji:: made bythe old Dutch process,! the best Lead on the market. They not being In combina Hon can make special price on same. COOKING STOVES. -j 1 Largest assortment In the State Ito se - from; sold at f actory prices. Oil Stoves of All . Sizes. In them you Will and comfort and economy Puinp, Step-Ladders. We ask for your patronage and shall ev c endeavor to "deserve the same. j . Respectfully, , N. Jacobi Hardware Co., ap U 13ISO. FRONT ST. Misses Burr&James'School AND JAMES WILL RE- -arissES JbcRK open their School for Young Ladles, and chll- dren of both sexes, 1 On Thursday, Oct. 2d. The course of study, as heretofore, will be systematic and thorough. Individual lnstruc- Uon bestowed unon each pupil: the samo care ful attention given In training the slow mind as those of bright, intellect. Class Sieging, Free-hand Drawing, Calis thenics and Needlework free tf charge. 1 Musical Department, under the superinten dence Of Mn. M. S. GUSHING. Pupils in music, either within or without the School, will be accommodated with suitable hours of Instruction that will not interfere with les sons or hours of study. Every care and atten tion la given to the moral welfare of the child. For rnnber narciculars please apply to 274 North Third street and see Principals. 1 WANTED. I GKNTS OF EITHER SEX THROUGHOU j the United States to handle our celebrated Cora and Bunion Cure.' Its application af fords almost Instant relief, and every box is accompanied by a So guarantee, which amount we will forfeit la every Instance where our remedy falls to perfect a permanent euro Sample box, 25c; six boxes, SL We will pay good agents S3 per day to Introduce our goods Into their paction: no postals. For terms and parirnijr. uidrcs3 tLo mannr.tctinTrs, - v , H. sii 1:0 Dm: co 14 tzl 103 NcrUx Af Street, feb U ITT CSV : C-l:r;p, 1IL .... 4 75 7 80 8 00 00 5 50 4 00 4 50 4 00 4 8 48 00 63 00 38 00 85 2 3 I 05 85 75 1 25 & Mackerel, No. 2, half bb! Mackerel, Na 3, V bbl. . . Mullets, v bbl.. ..... N. C. Roe Herring, v keg... Dry Cod, V lb.. FLOUR, V bbl Western, low grade j " Extra.............. j " Family... ....... City Mills Super ... t " Family GLUE, B...... U. GRAIN, V bushel. I I Corn, fm store, bags, white Corn, cargo. In bulk, white. Corn, cargo, In bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store .... oats, from store J Oats, Rust Proof. Cow Teas ., HIDES, yH Careen . Dry HAY, V 100 & ! Eastern. ...... .J, Western......... . North River ........ HOOP IRON, V ...... ...... LARD.-Vlb , Northern.... r.. ....... North Carolina.!....... LIME, y barrel LUMBER, City Sawed, V M ft. Ship Stuff, resawedT.......l8 00 Rough Edge Plank. .15 00 West India Cargles, accord ing to quality.. ,.:......!. .13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 Scantling and Board, comiLU 00 MOLASSES, v gallon New Crop, In hhds. . " - " in bbls... Porto Rico, in hhds........ " In bbls..... Sugar House, In hhds " " In bbls......; I Syrup, In bbls. :. ...... .. . , jAILS, v Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 ILS. v gallon. ! j ' Kerosene...... v.. I Lard:., L ;. Linseed 1 ; Rosin.. ! Tar.... Deck and Spar.. POULTRY i Chickens, lire rown..... Spring... Turkeys PEANUTS, V bushel, 22 tt.. .... 1 00 POTATOES, V bushel j Sweet 65 Irish, V bbl... 3 25 PORK, y barrel ! , I City Mess .12 00 Prime. :.J J.15 00 (30 50 15 00 30 00 6 00 10 00 & 7 00 O 6 00 & 10 (S 4 00 6 00 & 6 00 4 10 & 5 00 3 10 Leave Farcttevllle. Arrive Selma. ArriTO Wilson..... Leave Wilson..... Ar. Rocky Mount. Arrive Tarboro..; Leave Tarboro.'..". Arrive Weldon. 6 "3 tea A. M. 1201 11 2 23" 3 08 A. 31. 9 00 1034 10 48 1145 1920 1118 P.M. 1220 1237 110 430 200 A. M. 1020 P. !M. 245 5 1 P. M. 400 538 5 53 6 531 Trains N. 43'and 38 mako close connection at Hamlet for Ralclgn and at Llncolnton for memory anu v. a. v. " - Trains No. 2:1 and 4 malm plmtA mnr.Kir.r at Monroe for Chester. . , - ; Through sioeplnir Cars between wmnlnrten UUU XkaVai IVHV a ' Atlantic Coast Line. a 1 a4 North-Eastern R. R. of S. b mm Mm i 818 ; - ' . - ! CONDENSED SCHEDULE. 9 30! TRAINS GOING. SOUTH. S s si & & 1 50 48 53 51 50 1 CO 2X9 8 & 10 90 00 3 7 10 0 00 20 00 16 00 eis 00 22 00 15. OC ................ 25 28 28 26 00 18 22 9 16 90 15 00 00 25 10 75 26 30 30 28 15 18 35 50 Daily except Sunday. Z Train on Scotland Neck Uiancb Road leaves weldon 3.15 p. m., Ilalilax 8:37 p. m.i arrives ccouana jncck at 4.Z5 d. m.. ureen vlile 6;00 p. m. Returnlnj? leaves Greenville :20 a. m. Arrivim? Halifax at 10:10 a. mJ Weldon 10:30 a. m., daily except Sunday. . j un juonaay, weanesaay ana Fnaay. L-ocai Freight leave3 Weldon 10:30 a. m.; Halifax 11-3Q a. m., Scotland Neck 2:00 p. "m. 1 Arriving 1 ureenvme 5:iu p. m.- .Keturnme, leave ureen rlllfl Tnooilav 'I'nurcflaw onH v. a t i n r n.Hl a m., Scotland NecK 1:00 p. m., Halifax. soa pj m ArrivUsg veldon 4.-09 p. m. I i Train leaves Tarboro. N. C. via Albermarle & Raleigh K. R. dally except Sunday, 4.05 P. M.J Bimuay r. u, arnve wuiiamston, xs. c. 6.30 P. M., 4.20 P. M., Plymouth 7.50 IV M., 5 20 P. M. Returning leaves Plymouth.! mouth. N.C, dally except Sunday, c.00 A. M., Sunday 9.00 A. M.. Wrilllamston 7.10-A. M.. v.ob a. jh. Arrive Tarboro, jn. u., 9.yu a. m. 11.20 A. M. - 1 Train on Midland N. C Branch leaves Golds-; 1 Doro, N. C. dally except Sunday. 6.00 A. M. arrive Smit li field. N. C. 7.30 A. M. Rcturnlnir leaves Smlthfleld,-N . C, a 00 A. M.. arrive Goldsboro. N. C, 9.30 A. M. - 1 Train on Nasnmio Branch ieave3 Rocky Mount at 3.00 v. m. arrives at wasn- vine at 3.40 P. M., Sprins Hope 4.15 P. M. Returning leaves Spring Hope 10.00 A. M. Nasnvilio ia35 A. M., arrive Rociqr Mount 11.15 A.M.. dally except Sunday i Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw ror Clinton, dally, except Sunday, at 6.00 P.M. and 11 10 A. M. Keturninir leaves Clinton at 8.20 A. M. and 3.10 P. M., connecting at War saw with Nos. 41 40. 23 and 78. I Southbound Train on Wilson & Farcttevllle branch is no. 5L northbound is No. 50. Daiiy exceDt Sunday. .1 rnun no. 27 soutn vmi stop only at wnson. ooidsboro and Majmoiia. Train wo. 7a mates close conneouon at wei- don for aU points North dally. All rail via Richmond, and dally, except Sunday J via Bay Line. ! - - .. . AH trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. 1 JOHN F. DIVINE, Genl Supt. J. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Dated May 13, '89. No. 27. Na 23. A. M. A. M. Leave Florence....;. l a 930 " Kingstree..... 2 29 10 65 Arrive Lanes......... 2 50 11 20 Leave Lanes..,. ..... 3 50 r 11 20 Arrive Charleston.... 5 00 1 30 A. M. P. M. NO. PM. 7 5 S P. M. Train No. 63 takes No. 53 South of Lanes. Train OUC.& D. 1L R. oonnecta at Klnmnr with No. 23 Train. 1 TRAINS GOING NORTH. V L Leave Charleston..'. Arrive Lanes. ........ iLeave Lanes......... Klnestree Arrive Charleston.... NO. 78. NO. 14. Na 69 A.M. P.M. A. M. 12 25 4 30 7 2 45 8 28 9 2 50 0 SB 1 . 3 10 6 46 4 20 7 55 A. M. P. M. A. M. Dally, t Dally except Sunday. 1 Train No. 14 connects at Florence with train on C. & D. R. R. for Cheraw. a C. and Wades boro, N. c XX O. 52 runs throucrh to Columbia via Centra R.R. Of 8. C. 1 NOS. 78 and 14 run solid to Wllmlnein. i ' C., making close connection with W. 4 W. R. for all points north. ! JNO. F. DIVINE, I General Superintendent. ' T. M. EMEKSO, Gem Passenger Agent, my 11 r - FOR 1890. Atlantic Coast Line. a 14 0 1 45 9 1 oa 16 20 22 9 30 20 1 00 1 25 Wilmington, Colombia & Aagnsta 11. 11. Co. Rump ' RICE Carolina, V ft. Rough, V bush, (Upland)... J " (Lowland) . RAGS, V fc-Country City... ... ROPB, :. SALT, v sack. Alum. Liverpool Lisbon. American SOAP, v R Northern. ..: SUGAR, P Jt Standard grain.. Standard A White Ex C.......L I Extra C, Golden......! 1 00 4 60 80 00 1 a 75 0 3 75 018 00 016 00 015 00 CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH, j 0 0 0 0 0 ....... . ... ........4 5 00 2 00 4 50 0 00 8 CO 0 CO 4 C Yellow.... SHINGLES, 7 In. V M.. . .-. Common cypress Saps......: Cypress Hearts. STAVES, M W. o. Barrel.. R.O. Hogshead............ TALLOW. lb : TIMBER, VM feet Shipping.. 12 00 I Vina Iff fl. .' . 11 A 1.1. . ...J ......... ......... ... . M 7.50 5 00 5 00 2 50 2 00 1 50 23 16 16 14X0 70 0 10 0 00 0 00 0 40 6X0 6 0 0 0 5 0 MUl Prime Mill Falr... common MUl........: Inferior to Ordinary......... WHISKEY, V gal Northern... North Carolina..... . ! " i. WOOL, V ft Washed. Unwashed. . Barry...... 80 1 00 ' fl 22X 75 1 50 00 70 5 ex 6X 5X 0 7 00 0 2 50 0 5 00 0 7 60 014 00 010 00 0 5 014 00 013 00 0 8 50 0 000 0 0 00 0 4 00 0 5 00 0 3 00 0 25 0 13 imt 18 Dated Aprli;20, 1390. NO, 23. a 27. NO. 15. p M p M. A. M. Leave Wilmington... 6 15 10 10 ; Leave Marten. 9 Si 12 40 Arrive Florence...... 10 20 1 20!.. NO. 60 NO. 58 A. M. A. M. A. M. Leave Florence 3 20 .... , 1 8 25 Arrive Sumter. ...... 4 354. ....... 935 NO. 52$ A. M. Leave Sumter........ 4 35 tio 33 ........ Arrive Columbia 6 15 11 55 on3lder SparBssa'a Maiazims whoa yo are dftdfUnir .iiTMWi vnnr v1fTtrr mnttaw tn - next season. Tho subscrtntion rate is low j.twa year, i The stand.ord of the Magazine Is high. Its spirit procrresslve. . m S.. ill A a i . xiiu iiiuu uLiuua are inTcrofirinr Ann m tnm There Is not space hero to oive evpn a. mm- mary of tho features to appear this year, but among other things there will be a new oe partment and additional pages, and groups of illustrated articles win bo Srvntm tn t h Tfm lowing subjects. - , Arncan exploration and Travel Life on a Modern War Ship a articles). Homes In City, Suburb, and Country Providing Homes throucrh KniMino- auwi tions, -o -rne citizen's rtiuts, Klee.trlCltV in t Ymn Tlr.nATi1 ' if . . mv WUh41W4U - : Ericsson, the 'Inventor hv hta AnthAH Hunting, ' Humorous Artists, American and Foreign There will be 3 serials. RObert LOUlS HtfTOntmn Will MntHtmfa 1890 -w m. fcVUM 4WUbV .acA RUoiecr. and thon vfii va t mu' va riety this year, win t frtvi v. wr most eompetent to speak with authority and with interest, i Readers who are interested I are urgea to scrc for a prospectus. , 25 Cenfs i fomkr, $1.00 Ut hv lulls. : Na 62 runs, through from Charleston via Central R. R. . A - Leaving Lanes 9-15 A. M., Manning P-.56 A. M. Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 58. 1 TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Columbia Arrive sumter . ': mm Leave Samter Arrive Florence Leave Florence ..... Leave Marlon... Arrive Wilmington... J NO. 5L Na 60. NO. 53. 'r 1 - 10 35 5 20 11 58 f- : 6 32 11 5S t 6 37 A. M. 1 15 : 7 50 NO. 78 NO H. A. M, P. a 4 a5 ........ ," 8 iV 5 2 8 55 835 ..... . 11 45 - ,., ,. . Charles Scribner's Sons, 743 IS roadway, N. I Jan6 tf 'j. vj THE STATE CHRONICLE, Successorlto.the Farmer and Mechanic ann" i-uu wnronicic. Under NcW Management, j NEWSY, HEIGHT AND CLEAN UP WITH THE TIMES. OYSTER! ROASTS I AM BETTER PREPARED than ever Ip accommodate 1 - ... friends with OYSTERS this season. brD none?but tb Best on hand always MYRTLE GROVE ROASTS a specialty. Every thing overhauled and Improved. Oysters ready at short notice and expert shuckera rmrn thrm. " , - - &peciai raxes io panics, uive mo s aui uu win co my best to please you. ; , . ! ! V". IT. fnOITLI.Y, . Dally; I 1 Dally except Sunday. Na 53 runs throucrh to Charleston. S. O. Central R. R., arriving Mannm? Ji P,JL Lanes 7:42 P. MMX'harleston SiA) P. M. I Na 59 connects at Florence with C. aid u. train from Cheraw and Wadesboro. I Nos. 78 and 14 maffce close connection at Wil mington with W. W. R. R. for aU points North i Train on Florence K. K. leave Pee Dee daily except Sunday 4:40 P. M., arrive Rowland 7 AC p. m. Returning leave Rowland QuH a. kl ar nve iee Dee &au a. m. - Train on Manchester Atrjusta R. R. leaves Sumter dally, except Sunday. 10:50 A. M..arrtve HlmlDl 12:01 P. M. KeturninjrJeave Rlmlnl 12:15 P. M-, arrive Sumter 1-,'J) P.M- - JOHN F. DIVINE. "" ' General superintendent. J. K. KENLY. Ass't Genl Manager. T. M. EMERSON. General lasafngcr Agc.n . . Table Board. A FEW GENTUniEN CAN BS ACCOilllO ! 1WE 'STATE CHRONICLE" WILL BE - . ii . . - - what its name Implies a State Paper. It is ' not the luirfgh "chronicle," and will not bo local or sectlonaL It win aim to keep up with th news from 31 umhy toManteo, or as the politicians put it, from Cherokee to Cur ntuck. i , ltwill betfceonranof no man. no rtnf un section, no party. It will bo Democratio la politics, but wiu not hesitate to criticise Democratic measures and Democratic ameer - 1 TKBWfi nv fitTTt;ri7TtvrTr. ' One Year.. Six Months........... Shree Months TFor a sampl copy address Ilia oTATJS CHKONICLE. - Raleigh. K.C. Diamond Vera Cura rou UYBPEPSIA. Vcr sale by ?.' - : ; - - til r. c. iijm:::, ami ' c -.: v : ..............4200 mmmm 1 06 .................. u

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