' " ' - - . ' J ' .! " !- ." .' - -'-V . " - - ' - '! . ,k r.rzt: PLSAXJS NOT! OS. Wo win t glad to rvodTe coram unlrt ons from" cur frte &T Ui U utjccw general Interest; oai .... ...t.tf4 fill I Three Tao oattte or ctw Titerktna!ft anrars te fir tilsbed to toe COluir, commacdcAUob muaTjtw imtu-n cm osJac lyfr " . p, ,.r mi. At i! bove one side or u turr. ' . FcrsaoaiiUc uiast tx ainaitiea. Ana i ts esp-jvauy aaj' pirUcalariy wider- .. ,prt 'any and w . v r." r VU1-. A1V WlI.MINCTnM k n istooa uiat the Kaitor docs not slirays mdcn e tie views or corrrepondents anlcss to etatcd TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1890. NO 258, la the editorial volumes. f , ,. - - - . ,i r - .-:- ,"'-1 . , ; T .. . ,--..!. . I Il il II. 1 ! 11 -II II II - II II 1 11 . f II I I -It-.il. hmn.Ntlnfj.Mat.hHi i -ii- ii ii ii ! y ii ,11 m ii iit- -- ii r it ii i 11 . ii ill .it it' . . . i '"'"""i " 1 1 II II II It II II ' ll II M . U II II M 11 7 z ' .. ! . '.W L.J W ' I W i i I II II -II - . I I J II tf ll ll ll i II - I I I II II. If ..II III r : IV IV- I - - I t zXLif-;-: : VL Ji U U .11: . j UjJl- V - IU. JO V Y, i - ? t rV.V';rf Mr. R. II. Fox. of the nroduce coiiiinibsioii Irouse of Fox & Uider ' , Kicluuoml, was in Ui.e city on a hrif weather. i vi.lt noil eiilletlto nes uK tolay Mr. ! 0Sr ! f T if i z:: -;jov IXI.KX TO NW ADTKBTtfSlttNT8 M - kon lv For Sale Mrxw DKoraius-UnijfiBts .noticic CcotrAl Democratic Club V W Vatej -Saxii Jones Hons; Woks " " . Cliriytittns this year fnlljon Tliurs-tlay. t... ...irTTT rr-T- . . ! Ul,.arcl till week. Two services are -. ...i- r.r . i , even,K at ! eKl caoirlay-at 11 a. . and w iuiuuiit; iaai a o ClOCK. : j ' - t 1 r- - ..... rrecal. j My Friend A Word : Willi" ou. For North Carol ina. fair und cooler r . 1)0 T9a know that every man who j.is on ins way to theSouth J o as far as Havana. Local forecasts from 8 a. ly, for Wilmington ai ami will fair and cooler weather. t t OX IS lilt OMI Willliiiif'tmnnti 1 1 a iIav for Wilmf ti'rrf m tw t;Mmlfit 1 itinsf rr!Kf pr nnin nmlpr th tirv r aw - - - -f&rw T lUlllll i ; - - O - " - - desires to vote at this election must resrister anew? Eren if you Imrv m. to registered and voted before, vou 1'aKtor Pwle is preaetiin- to lare Proiluced from srowds In the Brooklyn IJaptist ' tritious juice o :li 11 rli I lit.. I- The i r- iv I. 3 & a 1 r 'ilU v.lici; !-:e, aitii nvi: tic Ki lic).v nvs the fi r '" H . r V I- 1. , i;t:i i ever pro I taste end ac ? :r. li. prompt i I- i i i . :iin:?i law.: f .1 nr wV.! --r.-Ci!'!' ir.ira th RM:-'i tnli-iancf?, it i i, 1. 1 cununc-iMl i i . . . . lavv ntuilc it the incv cjfffcjolr known. ,ri rli- is- for fa!e in 50 LVji'bfJea hr all Jea.lin drug Uit bVe t on han Pro s prjruiitly (wr any one vh til ti L7 it. Iio cut "accept an j lacs. lif mc:sco. cau crntir. rr. keiy tor. .r. rtfty WrtElir ISn Y. wsolesalk ikh;;ist. vvirar.lnjton. N. C Conntty Pr (luce. bit r eh. chesmt.". !.T.A;.F. ALrKItMAN, IB No Water si. A Moving fale. VIST WILL XOVE THIS WEEK. IT 13 ,1 rt us. ArtKU cf Furniture nare 3n.a aa it w thiar arv nciel. We h W7 J oar wast s. call a 2d ut We SXEEl) 10.. Furniture Dealers. J Cor. V artrt an J Second sts. SAr.7 jowes SOfJC BOOKS. ITES'-'BOOK STORE. ftoiccNorth Carolina ?ED RUST PROOF ' t SEED -:- OATS. I'--i. jist RECEIVED A FULL ,4:a i! e oat. hich arc the Kit i-ia ai-i mjoitjn states. Jj-MIT. IIELIj&SOA'. Itfiin is sorely needed here. dnst Is simply terrific. The receipts of cotton at this port t ot lay foot up 1,54? balop. Hot Bed Saul i and Glass for sale by the K. Jacob! Hclw. Co. t Thank-ivln falls this year on Nov. 27ih, a little more than fcix weeks from to-day. Last midniirht was almost as warm a a midsummer uight and to-day lias been like unto .Taly. :, : r. . . . uMiwrnMu our cuy snotiia cer tiiinlyuot fail to call on the S. Ja rotd IJdw. Co. for anything wanting in their lii f . U Uepal Ueady jnixed Paint, and have no other, if yon want a Rood, durable article; for gale by the N. Jncobi Hdw. Co. . t . , . . . .1 Dirt is being' thrown to-day for a brick pavement to be laid on the Kast side ofThird street, between Chestnut and Mulberry. See ad. of Messrs. Cronly & Mor risof Auction sale on Thursday of two elegant lots on Castle street, between Fifth and Sixth. Syrup vf Fia. the laxative and nu- of California figs, com blued with the medicinal virtues of 7.30 I limit kllOWn tf 1 mrtul lxinof'wiul Evangelist Hutson is expect-: to the human system, acts irentlv. ed to assist the pastor in the meet- on the kidneys, ! liver and bowels, mc: and will arrive some time duriii' Vf .,n.; the week. . i , curing habitual eonstf pat ion. p. lu. t Six Mission- & VOL LI! RS. B0L1S.U: IIKALKKK IN ". US. (at4! noriDQ Toliicco, Cigars, ' -AND 3IERCHANTS, C" Fr n,l Dock 8tin STILL AT WOKK. W WU.L rim-AKED TO UEPAlIt FaitriN?inzMa bines, ran- c. M hrr. It m vu . W ort CQnc Promptu meetlnff to.be held at the corner of i .auan48ce me aua ret oe- Pnnrth nnd llaraett streets Is pob&lblc male The alarm of fire this forenoon wns from Sixth street, between Chestnut and Mulberry. Chimney. Spark. Roof. Tiventy-five cents. I am Manufacturers Agent for Barbed and all kinds of Wire, Com bination Wire and IronJb'ences. Or tiers solicited. James I. Metts. t Mr. T. A. Darby, of FJorida, was here yesterday. He was on his way home from Iew York and merely stopped over a day to see the folks. Mr. T. A. White, of New York, representing the Centaur Company, proprietors of the Castoria Remedy, is in the city and favored us with a visitUo-day; ' People call it backache and do notliing for it until thedoctor is call ed and he pronounces it rheumatism It they had used Salvation Oil in time the doctor's bill would have been saved. We have in stock an immense va riety of Cook Stoves, all 6tyles and sizes. Prices away down and Stoves guaranteed to give satisfaction. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Br. brig Julia A. Merritt, Brown, cleared to-day for Port-au-Prince, Hayti, with 61,795 feet lumber, val- ticd at $790.90, shipped by Messrs. S. & W. H. Northrop. Mr. Garret Walker, at his planta' tiou on Middle Sound, raised tins year some unusuaHy large and fine tieauuts. the eoual of any of the . . . 1 a rge VI rgi n ia u u t s. Bananas seem to have taken up their headquarters at Mr. A. S. WinstemTa confectionery and fruit store on Setond street, near the postofflce. Sec ad. in this'issue. A large line of Breech and Muzzle loading Shot Guns, Air' Rifles and Pistols; all grades at lowest prices. Wood Powder and sportsmen's sup plies just received. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. - f There will be no other" entertain ment at the Opera House, according to the present bookings, until the latter part of the month. Effle Ells ler Is the next; aud she is booked for the 23th and 29thl - The Republicans of this county will fire their first big gun of tho campaign to-night. All of the can- I didates are annouueed to speak at a At a oiil Ape. Mrs. Lydia Aun Walker, reliet of the late Willie A. Walker, aud moth er of Messrs. W. A. Walker, sa K. Walker, Mrs. C. W. Yates and :Mrs. S. G. Northrop, died tliis morning, at G o'clock, at the residence of hei son, Mr. A. K. Walker, in this city. She was born in Newbern audi was in the 80th year of her age. For many years past she has been a thoroughly consistent Christian, a member of the Methodist Church, and died full of years and full of hopes of a blissful hereafter. I A flood .Selection. It is generally conceded that the appointment of Mr. Thomas H. Wrigfit to be Ticket Auditor of all of the roads ot the Seaboard sys tem, is an excellent one. Mr. Wright has been ticket auditor for sdme of the roads of the system for several years past. His new duties cover the following. roads: The Seaboard & Roanoke, Roanoke & Tar River Raleigh & Gaston, Durham & North ern, Raleigh & Augusta Air Line, Carolina Central, and Georgia & Northern. Mr. Wright's headquar ters will remain at the Carolina Ceu tial offices in this city. AH Frotu One Acre. Mr. J. T. Collins, of Burgaw j who "was in the city to-day, gave us the result of the cultivation of a pet acre of land this year. The yield was not as large as it would have been, however, but for three weeks In June during which not a drop of rain tell on the ground. On this one acre he made GO bushels of corn, 1.000 pounds of fodder. 15 bushels of neas and 500 pounds of hay. iThe market value foots up $65.75 ! and the cost of cultivation does not ex ceed$25, leavinga net gain trom the acre of $10.75. This is what uiight be called good farming and it is a strong argument in favor of the in tensive system. Our Next Congressman. Capt. Syd. B. Alexander, candi date for Congress in this district, vrill address-the people of New Hanover county in this city on: the evenin? of the 20th inst, which is next Monday. On the next day, Tuesday, he will speak at Mnconi- ber's old store, seven miles front the citv, aud direct on the line ofj the W . o. & E. C. R. R. This' will be a convenient location for the far mers of the lower part of Pender aud Onslow counties to attend jand it is hoped that they will be present on that occasion in large numbers. TJiese counties are not in the Sixth district, it is true, but there are many in this section of the State who would like to hear Cap't. Alex- ander. From Sire to Sun. . . There was a large and delighted audience it the . Opera Honse last night to greet Milton Nobles aud I his incomparable "Dolly" ou their visit-here with their nw play "From Sire to Sou." It was a good piece aud well presented. Mr. aud Mrs. Nobles were supported by au excel lent troupe. Tho piece proved a great success. Mr, Nobles, we un derstand, was heartily delighted with his reception here. We hope he may Miake it convenient to call in upon us again during the season. 4 election law to Vote this year. Do you want the Republicans to carry the election ana have your neighbors arrested and pnt in lail as in 18GS-9? If nor," register and vote tlie Democratic ticket. Do you wih the negro to gt t con trol of your couiftry and State?. If ; not, register and vote for the Dem ocratie nominees. Do you not know that every negro in the State wilt register aud vote? Then so must every w'hife mail.; Do you waut' negro Yankee sol diers with drawn bayonets to meet you at the polls and dictate to you how toj vote? If not, be sure your uauie i$ on the registration books, and do not fail to vote the straight Democratic ticket. ; You can't register after Oct. 24th so register at once. Don't tay you have not time take- time r your happiness depends upon it; the good name aud prosperity of yourState depend on it; honest government and white uianVcontrol depend on it. Don't wait. Delay may cost the defeat of the party. ' En. Chambkus Smith. Chm'u, Dein. State Ex. Com. Ue If as Gone In To Win. Mr. Jno. D. Bellamy, Jr., our can didate forj the Senate from New Hanover and Pender counties, left here this morning for South Wash ington, where he opens the canvass to-day. We do not known if the Republican candidate will meet' Mr. Bellamy on the stump-but we rather think he will not. If he should we would like to be on hand to see the operation performed. It is needless to tell the good peo ple of Pender county anything about ' Mr. Bellamy. They know him, as do we, as one of the most honorable I cultivated I and i 1SOUS II ON COUGHS For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throati 25c. ROUGH ON TOOTH ACHE.! Instant reliefs 15c. Rough on Corns. Liquid, loc. Salve 10e. NEW DVISUTISE&1KNT Just, Received To-Day, , . . - ....... OAft BUNCHES OF FINE BANANAS, wMcn I will sell cheap ror cash. Also a line lot Of FLORIDA ORANGE. A S. W INSTEAD. OCt 14 2t . f To 8 Sheets EAL IKISU LINEN NOTE PAPER FOR N E W A II VEirrlSEM ENf R, tp'st or Stolciri. AWinTK SETTER DOO; MEDIUM 812 K. with llvorj-pors on each ee and one at the root of tall, which H Ion? and bushy an swers to the name of Bute." scenwi friirht. cned rben last seen. Ths rinder win bo re warded by returning hlra to thin offlec, or any latormatlou leading to hl$ rvcovnr. Ho has been gone since the middle of Juijr. oct H st YOPP BROS., NO; 103 n6ktu .SECOND 5T. j No diaixes made sign Painter w anted. on estimates. . A IrooJ : oct 11 inc. . Tho Advantages Wo Offer to C VIA NOAM) 0 KG AS USTO.MEUS ARE: TIIAT OUR INSTRl' mentsvaro eartlully belejtcd by the under-. hfgnod and bonght direcijy from the uianu ra-,tum. v imvo a very large stock, com prllmr all trru'des and sivlns' to wirr-t rmm All our Uaaos are delivered and kept In tune iuf unL 3 ci y '"jo compeient tuners. As we oro light Jiere. !e are responsible, which Is not the eaco wchea j-ou send for llanos or buy from travelling agents, for vvlj.en any- i mn? is wrong you may nave a guarantee but this does not repair -your Instrument. Br- economical management we can Bell you ln- siiumenis at, least, 'M jier cent. lower than you nave io pay ro iravemng agents, ror you have t o hel p pay t hei r heavy expenses. v ,i no insirumenw you buy from us are right here and consequently 3 ou do not buy the t'(-lf.fn tho how T Over "J00 Instruments imM In UTImlncrtnn alone Is tho best Proof that Urn nnhlki havn confidence in our Judgment and Integrity, v OCt 13 tf E. iVavLAER. 40t Rod cross street. " SCHOOL -AT- SHOEG Geo. It. French & Sons. - ! J AROEST STOCK AND BEST ASSORT- 31 ENT IN THE CITY. ' '" R 40 cents. This paper 13 or splendid quality, and costsjyou less than 10 cents a quire. En velopes to match. Ladles, call in and look at intelligent gentle- this bargain. munds brothers. men of the Cape Fear section. No ootutf 104 N. Front street. one has the interest of our people more at heart than he has and no one will make a -more thoroughly mnE members of thecentral demo . , . ..i. . 4j. I craUc Club will please take notice that a capaoie uuu eiucieut reiuewuinuve meetl nsr of the Club will be held at the City Hall on Friday night, Oct. 17th, A. D. 1890, at Boys' Eng. Toe Boots, solid through, sizes 1 to 5. $1.25. T Youths' Eng. Toe Boots' sizes 11 to 13V.U50 Boys' Lonion Toe Boots, sizes l fo 5. f 1.75. Boys' London Toe Button, sizes 1 to 5, t?.0rt. SOLAR TIP Another largo lot of the SHOES. celebrated Solar Tit Notice fn Shoes received, both In Heel and Spring Heel, which for style and durability are superior to smy snoe raaae. uau ana we win sell you txt . ter good3 for less money than can bo had any- nere in mc city. 8 o'clock, sharp. Business of importance will be transacted and a run attendance is re quested. J. U. CURRIE, President. II. McCLAMMY. Secretary. Wilmington. N. C. Oct. 14. m oct It 3t (star and Messenger please copy) in the Senate. For our own honor, as well as own benefit, let us send this gentleman to the Senate. Mr. Beliamv takes the field under at least one favorable auspice, and that is the belief that success is by no means impossible, notwithstand ing r,h lare-e maioritv to be over- hCjOT 1 PAPER MONEY, SOMEWHERE ne uhs Kuue iu iu wiu uuu Geo. R. Fren ph (S; Sons, Lost. come, lie nas gone in to win it is incumbent upon the Democracy of this district to do all that is in their Dower to second" and sustain him in his efforts. Six Robberies ia Three Days. Six robberies, or attempts at rob bery, are reported here since Friday night morning Mr. A. D. Wessell's store, on Second street, near Market, was entered and robbed of a watch and a quantity of groceries. On Sunday iug au unsuccessful attempt ' a m -r - was niaue on air. nenry naar s store; corner Seventh and Chestnut Ou the same morning an entrance ...... - T was ailecteu into air. u. 11. - j. Ahrcrt's store, corner Market and Seventh, bat as trothing'Wus- mis sinir it is supposed the thieves were in the Eastern part ot tho- city. The tinder will be liberally rewarded "by leaving It at oct 13 2t .. THIS OFFICE October Magazines are Out, paper. S1 IOS North Front Street. . (Opposite The Orton.) sep 23 tf VEHICLES! VEHICLES ! T OFFER FORISALE A LARGE NUMBER AND A GREAT VARIETY OF 8econd-Hand Vehicles, All in good order and ready for Immediate use. They will be sold very low for cash of MOIDNEY" BY MARGARET -DELAND. ana Friend oima." oy Ameua e. narr. are concluded in Atlantic and Century. Clark Russell has a sea story in Xippincott. Many of the Magazines contain sketches of Cardinal Nome time earlv oaturuav 1 newman's ure ana work. The sand waves at lamy has something to say about "National Ism" in the Forum, and Daudet gives the further adventures of "Tartarin" in Harper. WILMINGTON LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, oct 13 tf . 123j Market street. Call and get a good bargain at OR R ELL'S STABLES, Jy 23 tf Cor. Third ana Princess st . FOR SALE, Thursday, October 6th. T riERMS EASY. THOSE TWO ELEGANT Lots on South side Castle street, between frightened and leftt without j booty, j Fifth and Sixth streets; size'. 40 feet by m fect Also, 011 iue sameTUonung, xnai at auctlon. 01 JUcssrc. uciucii w xvu.iiiiij, New Line This Week; RECEIVED BY STEAMER AND KAIL THIS WEEK E W LINES OF " Fresh Family Groceries, i Apples from Mt. Airy and New Torir, Eggs, Fresh Butter; Cakes, Crackers, ubeese, t'av dies Ac, sweet Potatcci, chickens. Eggs ; &c. Canned Goods In icrreal varfetr. J. ' ' tt Chipped Hef a specialty. ! li.'F. 8WANN, Airt., ts. J. B. FARRAR. i " Wr' Frott and Qncre Ktrrrtx. iCIiciih: M lere tor lD Kcw Borne I 0L ot Le best Machines on SfM'3 aad'oil for &alc m it i1 A. Tu j DC r cker, R.SITE, MARBLE AND MiHUid err r of Cemetery. buncingworlc. "wcrurroat'treet,.- - WllaiEgtoa, N. V. . A meeting of the Central Demo cratic Clab will be held at the .City Hall on next Friday night, the 17th Instat 8 o'clock, as per notice pub lished iu this Issue. There is much business of .great imiortantce to be transacted at this meeting and a large attendance is earnestly de sired .. - ' - After diphtheria, scarlet fever, pneutuonla, or any other severe ill ness, there is no better tonic than Hood's Sarsaparilla. AttiMilntmeiits to Sttak. Hon. Chns. M. 8tedman will ad dress the ie6ple on the issucs; of the campaign at the following times and places: Hurtraw. Tuesdav. Oct. 21st. Kenansville, Wednesday, Oct. 32d. Whiteville, Thursday, Oct' 23d. Clarkton, Friday, Oct. 24th. ! Laurinburg, Saturday, Oct. 25th (at night") . I Charlotte, Alouuay, uct. aitii taw nirfht-l Coucord. Tuesday, uct. sin, mh nitfht.) .. . . -JL. Salisbury, Wednesday, Uct. -JUtn, tat night.) Capt. S. B. Alexander will speak at the places mentioned below, on the dates given: Wadesboro, Oct. 14th. Laurinburg, Oft lCth. Rnckimrham. Oct 17th. Wilmington; Oct 20th, Cat night) New Hauover county, Oct. 2lst. x Whiteville, Oct 22d. Max ton, Oct. 23d. n1irm-t ffk 'Mill Shallotte. Oct 25th. I - McKeithau's Store, Oct. 27th. Al bermar le,' Oct . 29 1 h . Concord, Nov. 1st. "When the , robins nest again,'? , or no pay required. Jt is guar she said, "I sa 1? fir h f jm i.. i.. i.nnkf iifm ftf Dp Rnll': Der bOX. l- For sale tv Robert' IL - Bellamr. ice ot Messrs. eeiuen ootof Market street was forced - .1, and a lot i of postage stamps was taken. - , This morning it ' was' discovered that' Mr. F. W. Ortiuanu's saloon, n the Currie block, between -Prin cess and Market had been forced, the thieves effecting an entrance from the rear by getting open the shutters. They secured $8 aud some few centsju money .and two bottles of whiskey nnd left li he Spigot of a oarrei orwiue open ana tue wiire running out Mr. J. B. Rhodes' saloon, corner Princess aud SecOnd, was also visited but nothing has been missed there except a few cop pers which lwtd been left in the drawer over night, a few bottles of soda water, wine, etc. This last robbery must, have been fleeted early this moruiuif, as the indica tions all point in that direction. Oct 10 tf DStW Oct 14 2t M. CHONL.Y, Auctioneer. I sa Front street. Misses Burr& James1 School UTISSES BURR AND JAMES WILL RE IT I v ' . open their School for Young Ladies, and chil- i dren of both sexes, . On Thursday, Oct 2d. The course of study, as heretofore, will be j THE ACME I ' M ANUFAOTUBING 00. ; - MANUKA CTU I KRS. OF " ' Fertilizers. Pino Fibre and Pirie Fibre Matting' systemaUcand thorough. Individual instruc- I WillliiligtOUj - ;, N. Ce lion bestowed upon each pupil; the same care- lol attention glvea In training the slow mind as tho;e of bright Intellect, Clas3 Mt zlnz. Free-hand Drawing. Calis thenics and Needlework Iree of charge. Musical Department, nnder toe superinten dence of Mr. M. S. CUSIIING. Pupils in music, either within or without the School. win be accommodated with soitajle- hours of instruction that will not interfere with le3- f oo3 or hours of study. Every care and atten- Uon 13 given to the moral welfare of tt-c child. t or further parcicuurs please appiy to z.l North Third street and see Prlncipa-'S- T HE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS CA PE FEAR ACADEMY Reopens .September 1212 ud Utieuiu, reveroores. lener- vauw- i t n ' t - 1 . f If ptnl Hand.sChilbIains.Coriislandall .ihrilgft Pffpimia X llSll'SS . t." CcIIrgr. 3kin Eruptiou.s ajKltivelyo4ires ; competent isSTiaxToiiS. ' ' the ACME and OEM. li now established, and the resoitsof thrco years' use in tho hands of the best farmers of this and other States wlU at test t heir value as a high grade manure. - - 'i no ju attinu. maoc from the leaves of onr native pine. 13 conceded to be eoual to ut wool carpet for comfort and durability and the demand for if la dally lncreistmr. It ha vir tu a aot (o.ind In any other fabric. The fiukb or wooli is eitensivcir used for upholstering purposes, and as a UlUng for Waitresses is almost equal to hair, bcluz Lirht elastic and proof against Injects. - ueruncaies trom reuabio parties tnos our cooda can be seen at our office, or will be muu ! ea upon punucauon. - an 4 tf ' Backleu's Arnica SIt. The Best-Saivo in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chap- Patent Wood r HAVE i t'ST PUT IN 1 Piteni Wood Splitting Splitter. e .rooms nest again, i . j ..m-....-.-,-. nt..n m r- rriinni i appose my cold will get ;autced to give - lierfiHaiaetioiugADINQ MALE SCHOOL I feftvervMd but sud I or money refunded. .-IJrine 2T cenb t lt r!i f tTip- ? nprlinr 4 --'-' - - f Reasc inter at rjeglr.M.i- of session. . , an i ihosc io were happy. ; j Tf holesale and rstcil dirrslst,. 3r See Catalojrue in vik stores. : -r. W. CAT LETT. Fnnclpal. -sep 15 lia C6r. Tilth and Chestnut streets. OPERATION A tut Wood Splitting: Machine- at my coal and Wood Yard. It Is operated by steam, power and does its work very thorouzblr. and i the ma t complete thing of the kind la v.nn carouna. cau ana see it; it is worth jo'iratenilon. No extra! charge made for the, present "for splitting Stovo wood. Full quarter cord guaranteed la every load or you may confiscate the same and turn over to the Lanes' Benevolent society. O'tCe-3 ' J. A. SFHINGrii.

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