CHI IArl: suniwscaccptcd. ,ime. "dUor ana 1 1 ic1L T A ......... tfJ ha r-ua - Three ,4,311 " "v ,.nnth. 33 cents. p: w entered W camera, free L!3 ,i!T. ai the abore t-O1- . .,.,. n iH-rt any and r 33 1 . .... . riM'iilKrl V- - 1V Kit tJfc fr2r i pv"-- t:le, wul net! .'tr' ::.! lhc Kidney, ,li-tN c-Ids. 1 1 ! cures nar;uir t T in kivA ever pre. i tf inste and ac rur i "j . it? -::;;ti, jut -"trak UiseOeial in i!s rTp aTTwaUe substances, iti tsnl fi":tl' commend i m4 hve r.:a lc it the ma;' rrcr known. f i: ; frtr role m 50 Hi ii.i - i;'ku3 br all Joa.t.u- cimg- lite it ph hand w ill pro i prsptly for any one uhi -rvM' tt'-wvw HQ SYRUP CO. I Wf ntAMClSCO. CML. av rot, sr.r. LSJtfEKr K It' M. A 31 Y. Conotry IV (luce. JOTilS BUTfEK, CIIESNUTS, (mi. routm. rt'iurr. Ejgs, LT.tfi.r. ALDERMAN, Cccaiisioa Merclints, W lit No. Water St. A Moving Tale. iJltSilotE THIS WEEK. IT IS f if Cm. Articles bt Furniture have ut ui co t Uas s arc c mied. we wjKrwiaii. Call and fee us. We 4S iKTfta prices. S.VEED CO.. M Ctr. Mirkrt and Second a IaFullB'rtvt! r,1- cnifrs solicited for ftrat U test of order. Ked Aati, I'M asfc, motp coal, tbestnat w. ... "IAS & YOLLEltS, '"OlEiALE DHLEKS IS prions, Groceries, Tobacci, Cigars, ANI 10X 3IKRCIIANTS. IF,I d Hock St.t JJUUXGTON, N. C. Cont factors. rt)5AU WILL BE KECEIT- I'. frrVJv'!il'.jri Association, nortt-Pri-. ?'0M ilT feet, tnrec tt m!U of Brick and ffi?15 ar at rooms of tttU: ,ocI'lii, Banc H ir 'ON I can see terms and 5 V lit if MM VOL. Xiy. WILMINGTON, N, C, SATURDAY; OCTOBER 25, 1890- NO 2G8. I 1 : I-OOAIi 3ST"E3"W"S. IKD1X TO StW ADTZKTXSIXENTd 8kesv Co Furniture Mrxp BROTatiw-Drusylsts J xo u IlaxKs-Opcn jo-morrow c w Yates Sam Jones son? Hooks Full uioou Monday afternoon. 1 . 4 8uuet to-ruorrow afternoon at 11 , minutes iaat 5 o'clock. The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 1,517 hale?. Mj. McClaiuiny' Appointments. 51 ; rorecast$. Hon. G. W. McCIamuiy will ad-j For North Carolina, slightlfy warm dress the people on the issues of the ", er and fair weather. forecasts from" 8 a. ni. to DayV length 10 titCK. . " ; hours and 55 min- Just two months from to-day. to c AiiJpaign at the following times and ; Local places: day, for Wilmington ami vicinity. Green Level, Wake county, Sat-! fair and slightly warmur weather, urday, October j Mebanesville, Alamance county, fHe Kiisier. ' Monday. Oct. 27. . I Ther! is a f rat in stnr for fhoa The Register of Deeds has iued : , Hras"e!' Durham county, Tues- ' tre oer;. liext week Em ! Pnunniit Wuv,,,. ,.ntv rp,, PIsler t rou pe, under the anu clay, Oct. iu ! The delegates to the Synod took a 1 trip down to salt water to-day, over , the beacoast Railroad. - , ifeeven marriage licenses thin weekU " ; iour oi which were tor white ) three for colored couples. goers Kllsler troupe, jmeut of the veteran actor, Mr. John ues m ana ire- Hot Bed Sash and Glass for hale Services at St. Paul's Episconai oy me xt. jacoui iidw. CJo. j t Turner- almanc . promises fair weather from thlsjtlme until election ilay- . .-- : " ! ' i We understand that skipjack fiiiue tish) and trodt are bitini beau tifully at the Hammocks now. t 4 Services in St. John" 11 h morrow us follows: Morning Prayer. and sermon school 4 p. m Visitors tto bur s unurch to o'clock; Sunday city should cer- taiuly not fail to call on the Jf. Ja cob! Hdr. Co. forknything wanting in their line. I I t ' i Use Regal Ready-mixed Paint, and have no other, if yon want a good, durable article; for sale, by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. f Rev. -Dr. Carmlchael being abseat from the city preach in St. Rev. Mr. Coerr will John's Church to morrow morning. Capt. R. B. Daris, who is now lo- S. C, is here on Is en route to urers Agent for cated at Aud eJ son a short visit, flitf Washington.City. - I I an Mannfac Barbed and all kinds of Wire, Com bination .Wire and Iron Fences. Or ders solicited. -James I. Metts. t The election' takes place on Tues day, November 4th. The registra tion books have been closed and the Ggnt now will be in the open field. Capt. Alexander, did not go down to Sauthport yesterday afternoon because of a misapprehension as to the time of the steamer's depart ure. ' ' : I There have been but four inter ments here this vt ek; none in Oak dale, one, a child, In Bellevue, and three, one adult and two children, in Pine Forest. I 4 English services will be "held at both 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in., to-.mor row. In St. Paul's Evangelical Luth eran Church. I Scandinavian ser- Nor. barque Henrick, Bjorn, Nys- teen, cleared tc-day for London with 2,053 casks spirits, valued at 39,CS4, shipped by Messrs. Williams & Murchison. i Uhurch to-morrow at 11 a. 7.30 p.m. Theie will be a Faison's Depot, Duplin comity, j Ellsler, will play two nights, Tue . I Friday, Oct. 31. jdav and! Wednesday. ThePittsbu al MagnOlhi, Duplin comity, Safcur- - i . . . id 'day, Nov. 1. ! Commercial Gazette says of their a m. and celebra-t ,Karf?atv Pender county, Monday, tlon of the Holy Communion at the j morning services. welcome. Seats free. All Allointiuent to Speak. pearanee in. that city early month: I Effie Ellsler was seen in Lp- this a change Sunday school at 3 p. in. Hon. Chas. M. Stedman will utls I afternoon. It was a three-act com 1 cheerfnllv rr,m,m10rwi si.uf ! $re the leoI,le oli th issu0s of thc ''Miss Manning,"' whose humor OH ror chilblaius and sprains. We have tested it at home for these troubles, and th ree applications gave entire relief in eacii case. It's the boss liniment. J. J. Norfolk, (of J. J. Norfolk & Bro.,) 60 S. Charles street, Baltimore, Md. The Innes band will not stop over in Wilmington. The agent failed to make the arrangement lie desired. He wanted a guarantee of $400 and 75 percent of the gross receipts, which was too steep. The North State Cornet Club declined to ac cept to his proposals. Mr. Fred Kidder, who suffered so much with rheumatism last. Spring and who has been to -Carlsbad and other springs in Europe, seeking re lief, has returned here almost a new man. His system lyis been purged of rheumatic pains; and aches and the physicians told him that with proper care, he need never have an other attack." Syrup of Fig. Produced from the laxative and nu tritious juice of California figs, com bined with the medicinal virtues. of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, acts gently, on the kidneys, liver and bowels, effectually cleansing the system, dis pelling colds and headaches, and curiDg habitual constipation. Next to getting married, probably the most Important duty the ordin ary man has to 'perform in a life time is to run for a bottln of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup when the baby has the croup. We have in stock an immense va riety of Cook Stores, all styles and size?. Prices away down and Stoves guaranteed to give Jacobi Hdw. Co. satisfaction. N. Ji5,frfwuw right to reject r M. RISKY. ; ''twral Secrcurjv ('A. f uckeT, H GIUSITE, JJAKBLE AND mtm. . urrr oi cemcierr 154 Kmcit work. 'At North Front street. l?Vl r EU AN D RAIL THIS tUl XEW LINES OF family Groceries. L A!r od New vort. Ess, i Cue t raders, nef, W- L, thickens. Ess v'ajreavarietj. tipcviiUj. B- r, 8 Wan if, Act., iir . ?o. riront street,. Brig Jane Adeline, Small, cleared yesterday afternoon for Ponce, Porto Rico, with 535.754 feet lumber and 25,060 shinglesg Valued at $4,58., shipped by Mr. ;E. Kidder's Son. A large line of Breech and Muzzle loading Shot Gunf, Air Rifles and Pistols; all grades jat lowest prices. Wood Powder and sportsmen's sup plies jnst received. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. ; '.J... " f Three sermons be preached by Rev. J. E. Hutsou at the Brook lyn Baptist Church' to-morrow, at 11 a. .u.t 30 and j 7.30 p. m. Service especially for yoarjg people at 3.30 linn, f- W. McCllammv. who has: l tijirr. of! House. ; . 7. , i. fcj.'- Ward Market House, corner of k irtn and went down to his home at Scott s J"" 4 ' iiMt .V... ii- -tf th;anu asiie sireeis. lllll iu un. lie 3 i vj y. " - canvass on Monday. . ' - ' Hou. Chas. M. Stedman spoke atUend Queen streets. Clarkton yestemay. . lie nu other engagements, and for next week. In Charlotte, .Concord and Salisbury, but has been induced to cancel them all ai his services are sorely needed In this section from now until the day of election. .St. Mark's ' hurcli. To-morrow the Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in this church at 7.30 a. m. Morning prayer and ser mon at. 11 o'clock. The Sunday school will assemble at 4 o'clock p. m. Particular attention U called to theclnncre made in the hor for evening service. To-morrow evening prayer will be said and a sermon preached by the Rector at 7.30 p. m. All will be made welcome and the seats are free. The Fir This Mornlnff. The alarm of fire this morning came from the store No. 25 Market street, occupied by Mr. S. Behrends as a furniture store. It caught in the rear, up stairs, from a stove pipe. The buildiug was damaged very slightly, not more than to the extent oi $50 and the stock was not damaged at all. " The fire was put out by the fire extiaguishers carried by the Wilmington Hook & Ladder Company. The steamers were on hand but their services were not needed. The building is insured with Messrs. Northrop, Hodges & Taylor and" the stock with Messrs. Smith & Boat wright. Tlie Tot i nff T lace;. The following are the voting places in the city for the coming election: First Ward, First Division -Thos. G. Williams' store, corner Fourth and Harnett streets. Second Division Building comer of Sixth and Campbell streets, re cently occupied by Mr. James Lewis as a restaurant. Third Division Unoccupied store ou the corner of Tenth and Walnut ! streets. Second Ward The Court House. Third Ward-Giblcm Lodge. Fourth Ward Cape Fear Encine campaign at the following times and places: Charlotte, Monday, Oct. 27th (at night.) Concord, Tuesday, Oct. 28th, (at night.) Salisbury, Wednesday, Oct. jiUth, (at night.) Capt. S. B. Alexander will speak at the places mentioned below oil the dates given: Shallotte, Oct. 25th. McKeithan's Store, Oct. 27th. Albermarle,Oct. 29th. Concord, Nov. 1st. Heading Selections. The following selections found on the shelves f the Wil mington Library Association: A Borrowed Month. Frank R. Stockton. Meh Lady, Thomas Nelson Page. .A Souvenir, Mary E. Wilkins. Out of the World, Charles Dudley Warner. Jack, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. Crooked John, H. H. Boycsen. Snubbin Through Jersey, F. Hop- kmson biintli. Azalia, Joel Chandler Harris. Supernatural Experiences of Pat- sv Cong, William Black. The Fate of a Voice, Mary Halleck Foote. Carancro, G. W. Cable. English as she is Taught, Mark Twain. , . ' The Legend of Padre Jose, Thomas A. Janvier. Nights ith Uncle Remus, Joel Chandler Harris. Love in Old Clothes, H. C. Bunner The Col. Bill Williams Mine, Joa quin Miller The Original of Rebecca in Ivan- hoe, G. Van Rensselaer, - New England's Chevy Chase, E. E. Hale. The Street of the Hyacinth, Con stance Fenimore Woolson. Old Madame,. Harriet Prescott Spoffard. In London with Dickens, B. E. Martin. . A Revolutionary Congressman on Horseback, T. W. Higgmson. Fra Luigi's Marriage, H. H Lalage, Eleanor Putnam. Three in a Boat, Jerome K. Je rome Fifth Ward, First Division Fifth "1 Second UIVISIOIl Dauuaivii ! Reel House, on Ninth, between Cas- ltucklen's Arnica Salv. Save the boys and the girls from scrofula and other forms of impure blood by giving them Hood s Sarsa parilla, : J J : The Best oaive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, alt Fnver Sores. Tetter. Cbaiv i ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Bkln Eruptions, anu positively curca Plies, or no pay required. Itisguar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. ' " . , ' 7. Tor .;?-by Robert R. Bellamy, ratail druggist. r Sunday Services' The following announcements have been made in the Presbyter ian Synod for various churches ia this city to-morrow: Grace M. E. Church 11 a. m., Rev. C. A. Monroe; 7.30 p. m., Rev. T. P. Barkley. First Baptist Church 11 a. m., R.v. J. S. Watkins, D. D.; 7.30 p. m. Rev. J. Rumple. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 11 a. m., Rev. T. P. Barclay; 7.30 p. m., Rev. J. N. H. Summeri 11. Fifth Street M. E. Church 11 a. m., Rev. J. H. Smith, D. D.; 7.30 p. in.. Rev. P. R. Law. First Presbyterian Church 11 a. m., Rev. A. Sprunt; 7.30 p.' in., Rev. Egbert W. Smith. Front Street Presbyterian Chapel 11 a. m., Rev. W. R. Coppedge; 7.30 p. m., Rev. W. F. Wilhelm. Bladen Street M. E. Church 11 a. m., uey. v. wunroe; .ou p. iu., ivcv. H. G. Gilland. Chestnut Street PresbyterianJ Church (colored) 11 a. m., Rev. W. Smith; 7.30 p. m., Rev. J. C. Mullen. St, Paul's Lutheran Church 11 a. I.U., Rev. W. P. McCorkle, 7.30 p. m., Rev. Chambers Moore. Seaman's Bethel 3 p. m., Rev. A. Sprunt. Wilmington District Fourth Itciand Quarterly Bieetinc In Part. Magnolia, Centeatary, Nov. 1st and 2d. Elizabeth, Elizabethtown, Nov. 8th and 0th. ; Waccamaw, Shiloh, Nov. 14th and 19th. Rocky Point, Burgaw Creek, 19th and 20th ' v Cokesburg, McNatt's, Nov. 22 d and 23rd. Brnnswick Mission, Nov. 28th. Brunswick Circuit, Nov, S8th and 30th. . .. Kenans vi lie. Charity, Dec. tlrd and 4th. Grace Church, 'Dedication.' Dec. 7th. ". - ' F.D.Swindell, -. Presiding Elder,. is thoroughly enjoyable, aud which pleased the audience, There is uat uralncssj aHout-'''Miss Mannilig," and it is huiuoroijs. Miss Ellsler in the title role personated an heiress with a fortune which descends to hr on condition, that she marries before a certain time. A number of suitors seek' her hand and for tune, and as 'Miss Manning is of a very roguish nature, she contrives to place the various suitors in very awkward situations. In fact, the complications she is the cause of form the motive of the comedy, but as they are most . amusiug they ex cuse the absence of any attempt at a friob. :Miss EIIsler plays the part vivaciously and with enough coy ness to make it most enjoyable. Frank Weston was intensely "amus ing in his efforts to portray ihe suf ferings of Theocritus Kneezer, a vic tim of. hay fever. Mr. John A. Ells ler was capital in his personation of the irascible and unreasonable Law rence Manning; Tlie rest of the cast was well actwd. The Presbyterian Synod. YKSTERDAY AFTERNOOX. Synod met at 3.30 and proceeded to business. . Report of committee to .examine the Minutes of Albemarle Presby tery, received and approved. Report of Committee on Minutes of General Assembly," received and approved. Report of Committee to r-assess Albemarle Presbytery,;received and adopted. Rev. F. W. E. Peschau of St. f Paul's Lutheran Church, this city, was introduced to the Synod and invited to sit as a visiting brother. Rev. C. Miller, Rev. Dr. J. H. Smith, and Elder J. A. Gilmer Were appointed a Committee on Bible Cause. Report of Committee on Records of Mecklenburg Presbytery, receiv ed and approved. Report of Committee on Leave of Absence, received and approved. Report of Committee on Minutes of Orange Presbytery, laid on the table. The order of the day was then taken up. EVENING SESSION. Synod met at 8 p. m. and pro ceeded to business. Report of the Judicial Committee was received, and committee dis charged. Report of the Committee on Min utes of Concord Presbytery was re ceived and approved. ! Report of the Committee on Re port of Trustees of Synod, was rc- ceived and approved. After devotional exercises the or- der.of the day was taken up. An appeal was made forpledgesof sums to aid Synodicai Missions dur ing the year in addition to the reso lution Synod. . More than $3,000 was pledged and a collection was taken for that object. Dr. Morton introduced a resolu tion recommending that tjie Synod call Rev. E. W. Smith, of Greens boro, to evangelistic work, which was adopted. Wednesday, November ltth, 180 1 was-fixed as the .time of next meet- . 3 ! msr. Report of the Committee onSys- tematic Beneficence was received and approved. Ordered printed in appendix of minutes j Report of Committee ou the inter ests of the Chapel Hill Church was read, discussed and adopted. KOCII ON (:()l'Gfh For Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness. Sore Throat. 25c. j ROUGH ON TOOTH ACHE. Instant relief.' -15c. Rough on Corns. Liquid, 15c- Salve 10c. ; Ike Wiliaiigtofl i'ksm laundry foapiay r HE NOW" PREPARED TO TAKE Ui'oK reasonable tcna a U -lilted aiuoant oi Family Waihiur, trlilcli will be la ciiarje of a compt- Icatladj. . - .- ' -" - ' - WU.1TU HIULSCii. ectstl . ; .. Proprietors., ... , , . . . - -PLKAS8 NOTICE. '; We win be gia3 to recci re comaaidcAt eta uuui our rneaas ou ar aa ausacjectt - txaeral Interest, but J ' ' . - "" .! 1 " ' "'-.'' s Tue QAins or wo writer mast always I tUr clshcd to too EtStor. i r coauancicauoiis mat. oe. written oa ctly mtftitt ew& jmiI u T ...-. - And u u ea;etfjuiy nt parucalArty andcr- stood mat -ittv Kditor.iors not alwajs endorse, tne views uf twrtvpoudeotn aoipss eoi lated , u tae tutorial iviumujw " - v " , ' NKW AIVKKTlSEail2NT8. ' .. - j."..- . ' POINTER PUPPY. THREE, MONTHS old. Liver colorod head. Ixxly liver and I . ' - . . -... . " " . w m . .i. IVI ..k return to ill soutu Serenth sirect, or at tills . oEce. ocr 23 3t ; ... . - . . . - - pLAIN, AND WITH ALL ITS COVBIXA- tlons. a fresh sepply' Just received by- Li - oct 2J tt MUNDS IfKOTdEKS, 101 X. Front street. .: THE DRITG STORE, 107 North .Third Slrccr, . - ' OPf osiTE VITY HALL, WILL liE OPE21 ! -: - " ail da v nmm, mi - or?, & John B . Teleplione lO. " . Hanko. OCt 25 tf SPECIAL! Genuine Hand-Sewed SH E'S. S6 for S4, AT- GeQ. R. French & Sons, 108 North lrout Stret (Opposite The OrtoiL) oct 30 tf , The Advantages Wo Offer to PIANO AND ORGAN C UST03IEKS ARE: THAT OUR INSTRU- meats are carefully selected by the under- . signed and bought; dtrcctly from the manu facturer. We have a very large stoeir, com- . prising all grades and sft les, to select from. All our Manos are delivered and- kept In tano the first year by two competenc tuners. As we are ile-hfc hon. wr an rannnsn1i which is not the case wlich you send for llanos nr hll V f mm trauflHnni nrrnnta for nrhan rnr. thin? is wrong you may have a guarantee but this does not repair) your instrument, iiy economical management we can sell you in- struments at least 20 per cent, lower than you nave iu pay 10 travelling agents, .ior you nave to help Day their heavy expenses. The instruments you buy from us are risrht " -J "-"v JUU V.V UW VUJ iW "cat in the bag. . Over 300 instruments sold in Wilmington alone is the best proof that the public have uuuuuente in oar juagroenc ana integrity." -Jt& W'e sell for cash or Instalment. - . E. -VanLAEB, 407 lied Cross streeL oct 13 tf , October Magazines are. Out. lOlDNEY," BY MARGARET DELAND, O and "Friend Olrvia," by Amelia E. liarr, arc concluded in Atlantic and Century. Clarlc Kussell has a sea story in Lippincott. - Many of the Magazines contain sketches of cardinal Newman's life and work. The sand waves at iiatteras are accounted for In ttcrlbner. Jiel lamy has something to say about "National ism" In the Forum, and Daudet gives thc further adventures of I'Tartarln" in Harper. WILMINGTON LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, oct :j tf iz Market street. . Choice Noijtli Garolina BED RUST PE00F SEED -:- OATS. W E HAVE JUST! RECEIVED A FULL' supply of thc above OATS, which are the best for pluitlng in this and adjoining States. For sale by B. P. MITCHELL & SON. oct 7 t f SAM JOPJE& sonic BOOKS, YATES' BOOK STORE. . sep 24 tf Wilmington Seacoast R.IL is isvrjxH' ooT.'eni. EAVE WILMINGTON AND P. M icae namnio..-lj a. in. and 550 p. m. Kindy 1 rains ieate TlluiiDgtoa SSJaEd CJOpnx. Li are Hammocks 33 a, m. aad p. m. Liravu Wilmington. 10.03 a. . m. baturday onJjr. 23c round trip every day. T - ' - i J. E- 2?OLA3f, , - ; General 3Ianaer. octStl

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