Tlio 3D oily Hoviow. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1800. STATE Ji EWS. Concord Timet: Mr. Samuel , Rloon raised this rear a line crop of sweet potatoes. How showed us one that weighed 7 ponnd. He had a number that weighed a and 4 pounds each. Chatham Jtccord: Mr. John Splvsy. who lived near Haw river about 3 miles above Hay woed. died s uddenly on last Saturday. He had a corn shucking Friday niht, and seemed as well as ever, but while nailior aplank on his crib next day he suddenly dropped dead. Banraw Herald: A little prand son of Mr. Daniel Bordeaux took down the gun last Wedneeday even in? to kill a hawk, and in poin? out at the door. Its contents were acci dentally discharged and the load entered the ankle of a colored boy about two feet from the muzzle. The Ibonea of the ankle were iUot into pieces. Drs. Lucas and Satch well amputated the foot and the boy will recover. Concord Standard: Prof. J. N. Ingram left to-day for the Blue Ridge to confer with the new Col lector of Revenue, Major Rollins at AshvII!. The Collector, the Pro- lessor ear, is one of his bonunnen. (Jen. Vauce and the Asheville Iff in I ocrabelnfctho Others; that he Is the ; . i .1. I. jirgesi louacco grower in me liiiicu States, and is probably the only official In the national government appointed to a prominent office who did not apply for the position. Raleigh itotr and Observer: Yes terday morninc the Parri.h build-; Ing, at Durham, situated on tin ror ner of Manfum and Parrish tr"t-. was discovered to be on tiro. T!n building was n ii.iiiIom tlir. -story brick with term ootta irii-.i-xalngji, Mr. J. S. Carr, nnd valued at $23,OuO. Th buil lin- w.i thoroughly gutted. Th Firr Na tional Bank nnd W. U. Prrtor, dealer In Maple and fancy irrr.ri-. occupied the P.rt floor; Me.r. V V. is I I,. Fuller had their 1 iw offices on the mtoimI floor. Th other room were orcupuu by tn young men oi mi iowii n uuriuiinri-s i in i m . i a . . .1 . lorraitori. The lode roomof the Kniht of ltliia; aud the lasouic Iod,re room oceu pleil the third floor. All thrtTectsj of the bank vrero raved. Th f-tock J of Mr. Proctor was also aved e'jt ! that it was damaged by water. Winston Dally: Dr.'jojdi Smith, of Stoueville, Rockingham county, in digging ih his magnetic iron ore mine the other day. brok oiTaolid block, weighing 210 pounds. lie had Hon exhibition itt that place aud says he will send it to Winston by th first 'train. A drummer stopped at a hotel in Winston a few nijhts ago and was assigned to room No. 13. -The travelling man was ssmewhat superstitious concerning that number, and when he went to settle his bill the next -morning he Informed the clerk that he only owed for supper and breakfast as he had not occupied the room assigned him. The truth of the matter was that the drummersat up in the of fice on a chair all night. No charges Charlotte Acir: The old Rock Island Cotton Mills on the Catawba, 12 miles from Charlotte, are to be rerived. The buildings are to be equipped with new michinery, which Is now about made up. The capital stock Is $40,000, divided into 400 shares. The mills will be sup plied with 2,000 spindles. A col ored nun named John Warren lhad ne of his arms-torn off in Severs cotton gin, just west of the city, last sight, lie was engaged In cleaning pie saws wnen the machinery was suddenly put In motion and his arm was drawn between the saws. XIonet Doctor. All honeM, conscientious physi ciaus who give B B li (Botanic Blood Balm) a trial, frankly admit its superiority over au, other blood medicines. Dr. W. J, Adair, Rockmart, Ga., writes: "I regard B B B as one of the best blood medicines." Dr. A. H. Uoscoe, Nashville,Tenn., writes: "All reports of B B B are favorable, nnd its speedy action is wonderful.1 Dr.J. W. Rhodes. Crawfordville, Ga., writes: I confess B B B is the best and quickest medicine for rheu matism I hare ever tried." Dr. 8. J. Farmer, Crawfordville. Ga,, writes: "I cheerfully recom Biend B B B as a fine tonic altera tive. Its use cured an excrecence of the neck after other remedies ef fected no perceptible Rood." Dr. C. H. Montgomery, Jackson ville, Ala., writes: "My mother in sisted on xnycettiur B B B for her rheumatism, as her case stubbornly j resisted the usual remedies. She ex-; perieoced immediate relief und hen improvement has been truly won-! derfaL" . Dr. G. W. Earle, Pickens. S. C, : writes: "I recommended B B B to a man who had suffered for years with a malignant nicer on his le, that seemed to resist all other treat-: xnent. After using four ortivebot-; ties the ulcer betran to heal and his lrU now annnrl nnd M ! leg is now souna ana wen. notice to Builders Pl3Se!rr Ea!?s, N. f. TID3 WILL BS RECEIVED UNTIL NO JL Ttaaberlst, 1JP0. for tte coastnictlon of ili Union Passenger stAJlon at Kaletgh, N. C. Flams ana epedncatlons can be seen at the OTtoeof tn Raleigh & Gaston Railroad, HS Halifax street, Raleigh. N. C. JOHN C WINDER, ost XI 10( Jbr tne Committee, rriTTTa TJ A DITTJ is printed with X Qlo rB.iT ijXv kix manuf acturet,by he Fairmount prtnttn? Int: u orts. T. EL WiaaUT CO , seta street and FennjyiTA&l avenue. )aa tl rnTiadelptua. Pa. CO 21 IX Kit CI AL. HKTTB. WILMINGTON MARKET. October. 25. 23d P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady at 374 cents.' Sales receipts at 37. KOalN irm at fi.v lor strained and $1 12) for good strained. TAR Firm at 1.50. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.20 for hard, f 1.90 for yellow dip and $1.90 for virgin. COTTON Firm at 9$ cents for middling; low middling, 9 1-16; good uilddline. 9?. RECEIPTS Cotton. 1,647; spirits. 182; rosin, 22C; tar, 177; crude, 24. marine: jtkws. ARRIVED. Steamship Pawnee, Tribou, Nw York, II O Smallbone?. Nor barque 8tatsuierrter Sehuer, Lydersen, Barbadoee, Paterson, Downing &, Co. Nor barque Tetens, Olsen, Barba doe?, Paterson, Downing & Co. CLEARED. Nor barque Henrik Bjorn, Nys tetn, London. Williams &kMnrchIson Brisr Jane Adeline, Small, Ponce, P R, E Kidder's Sou. EXPORTS. 'FORKION. London Nor barque Henrik Bjorn 2.08 cak t.pirit.. Pone, P K,-lri; lane Adeline 525,751 feet lumber, 25,000 fhinglcs. WKKKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND OCT. 24, 1800. Cotton ashore, 9,457; afloat, 6,338; total, 15,795. Spirits ashore, 3,040; afloat, 1,906; total, 5346. Ro-in ashore 57; 703; afloat, 2,CC0; total, G0,363. i .1 .i"n re, x,)SJ', anoai, no; toiai, 1 14. Crude ahore, 900; afloat, 00; total, roo. KKCKIPT:, OCT. 17 TO OCT. 24, '90. Cotton, 11,186; spirits, 1.175; rosin, 1.915; tar. SCS; criidej 310. 14 X TORTS, OCT. 17TO OCT. 24, '90. DOMESTIC. 256: ; t.-rr"" p . ' '-.rv "u,r 1 ,r rusm, o,ttv. 4 KPRKION. Cotton. 17,635; spirits, 1,837; rpsin, 501. HE-NO TEA " Exaggerated claims in many adver tisements have mado people tired." This recent saying has die right ring and we accept its suggestion. We are the importers of HE-NO TEA. We propose increasing its sale in Wilmington. Not by praising it, but by giving you, free of all cost, enough HE-NO TEA to last a Week. " The proof of the pudding is in the eating." An old adage which suggests another, "A word to the wise is suf ficient." j Send us a postal card with your ad dress, and, for a limited: time, we will mail any one in Wilmington, free, a pack age of HE-NO TEA, and an interesting book about tea. You risk a postal card. We risk your liking the tea so well that I you will continue to use it. If you do not we make a loss. Tnus we snow our con fidence in the merits of HE-NO TEA. MARTIN GILTLET & CO., (EtU&lisktJ i3ji Exchange Place, Baltimore, Md. TO WEAK ElEfif Buffcrirg from the effacta of youthful error, early decay, wasting weakneea, lost reaahood. etc.. I will end a TalaaUlo treatise (sealed) containing fall particular for home cure. F R EE of charge. A tplendid medical work ; should be read by erery man who is nerrons and debilitated. Address, Trot, V. C rOTTIXH, Jloodus, Conn Just Arrived l A ICJJ LOT OF THA lqFUESIi:ur-COUN5 try BUTTK,ln small Klts.'at II ALL & P EAK8A LL'S 1, jeetf 11 and 13 So. Water Street. Hardware, T MX WAKE AND CROCK SKY. W. K. SPKINOEK & CO.. Importers iud Jobbers. I I'qroeU building DOT WANTED. A OENTS OF EITHER SEX THROUGHOU the United States to hindl our celebrated i Corn and Bunion cure. Its application af ford almost instant relief, iand every box Is accompanied by a S5 guarantee, which amount w will for'elt In every instance where our remedy falls to perfect aj permanent curs Sample tax. 2oc: six boxes,! $1. We will pay rood avenue per day to introduce our sda into taeir section: no postals, ror terms aaa particulars address the manufacturers. 104 sad 1M North Ada Street, feh 14 lir d&w I Chicago. IlL CAPE FEAR ACADEMY Keopeni September 22nd !lb:oQ Prfpara'iia fir Basil' ss ir Cille. COMPETENT IXSTRrCTORS. LEADING MALE SCHOOL ! Please enter at beglnninsr of session, ee Catalocue In Hook stores. . CATLKTT, Principal, sep 15 1m Cor. Fifth and Chestnut streets. Diamond Tra Cora FOlt I3YSPEPHI A. For sale by or. r. a mr.r.wr, i - ebHU Car. Fourtn Nun Gubernatorial Vmtm of 188S. FIRST DISTRICTS ; Counties. I FowleL Dockxry. Beaufort 2,092 Carteret i 1,073 1,799 677 602 791 . 438 209 1 Cerudeo ........... 593 Chowan i 742 Currituck ...I 978 Dare 320 Gates. v 1,131 1,132 84 1,674 740 832 779 2,593 472 807 Hertford ...i.l Hyde J Martini. .1 759! 1,2S7 J-amlico Pasquotank! Perquimans! Pitt 619 j 1,217 982 2.328 367 1,014 Tvrrell I 16,823 14,89 1,097 2,637 2,509 1,072 2,897 620 1,436 1,990 1,936 875 1,521 18,590 SECOND DISTRICT. Bertie L 1,310 Craven 1,408 Edgecombe.i 1,321 Greene 1 1,003 Halifax 1 2,495 Jones .' 634 Lenoir 1,587 Northampton.... 1.C59 Vance 1,S82 Warren L 545 Wilson J 2,159 15,564 THIRD DISTRICT. Bladen J 1,541 1,365 2,232 1,154 877 1,84G 425 757 1,616 2,561 12.83J Cumberland 2,577 Duplin i 2,205 Harnett 1 1,444 Moore ... 1,044 Onslow .' 1,181 Pender L 721 Sampson.. ..J 2.370 Wayne J 2,731 16,74 FOURTH DISTRICT. Alamance...1 1,741 1.517 2,099 1,617 2,041 2,096 1,696 1,2S3 4,943 17,300 1.697 2,534 2,609 2.680 Chatham..... Durham' i Frankliu Johnston.. .4 Nash i Orange 1 Wako J 2,516 1,815 2.204 3.024 2,157 1,610 4,618 I - - 19,685 FIFTH DISTRICT. Caswell 1,358 Fornyth 2,259 2,406 2.470 1.375 2.395 1,450 1,671 (iranville Guilford. Person L,293 2,101 1,333 1,575 15,872 975 9g5 915 910 3,284 2,856 1,684 l,9i8 317 997 15,391 j 756 Rockingham .. Stokes L... Surry.. ...... J... 15,384 SIXTH DISTRICT. Anson 1 2,241 Brunswick...... 1,010 Cabarrus ..J 1,645 Columbus..; 2,072 Mecklenburg 4,1C3 New Hanover 1,880 Richmond..j 1,711 Robeson.. ...i 2,823 Stanley i. Union .!. 99G 2,040 j 20,581 SKVENTH DISTRICT. Catawoa....". 2,30 Daridgon.... 2,018 Davie 1,008 Iredell......... 2,724 Montgomery 979 Randolph 5,171 Rowan 2,739 Yadkin 1.071 2,335 1,204 " 1,897 1,215 2,327 1,266 1,419 12,419 15,070 EIGHTH DISTRICT. Alexander 952 Alleghany 687 Ashe . 1,399 Burke 1,247 Caldwell 1,253 Cleveland 2,269 Gaston 1,584 Lincoln 1,209 Watauga 898 Wilkes 1,706 552 405 1,482 1,165 717 7G4 1,23G 901 9Go 2,352 18,209 NINTH DISTRICT. 10,439 Buncombe.. Cherokee .... 3,041 646 391 271 1,326 917 903 780 1,178 2,816 8C8 287 182 974 Clav ..... Graham....... Haywood Henderson .. 1,291 Jackson Macoa Madison 569 742 1,873 1,564 858 560 1,663 410 Mitchell : 698 McDowell 1,119 . 470 1,690 505 520 940 Polk Rutherford.... Swain Transylvania Ynncy 553 789 13.395 15,903 The total vote being Fowle 148,395; Bockery 134,035. University of North Carolina ThoJFall Term Upn pt, . Tuition, $30. jpOUR REGULAR COURSES OF STUDY, Classical, Philosophical, Literary, Sclent ed Special courses in Cnemlstry. Civil and Electrical Engineering, rnarmacy, and other studies. Separate schools of Law and Medicine, whose students may attend the University lectures. Address HON. KEMP F. BATTLE. L.LD., Jj 3 tf President, Chapel mil, N. c. A FREE TRIP TO EUROPE. JnE PUBUHERS OF 'THE CANADIAN QUfcEN" will give a free trip to Europe to th person sending the largest number cf words constructed from letters contained in the name o' their well known Magazine. "THE CANADIAN QUKKN.". Additional Prizes consisting pf silVer Tea Sets, Gold Wafohes unina uinner ets. roruere curtains, silk Dresses, Mantel Clocks, and many other use ful and valuable articles will also be awarded In order of merit. ( Webttei-s Unabridged Dictionary to be used as authority In deciding the contest. This is a popular plan of Introducing a pop ular publication. Every one eendli g a list of not less than ten words will receive a present. Enciose thirteen 9c stamps for TUnstrr mi Catalogue of present and tnree month's trial subscription to "The Queen.1' i AUUTCBS M THE CANADIAN ! JT 3 1 Toronto, Oat. - Fishermen's Supplies, Builders' Hardware, PAINTS A ND SASH. itoo2ffALKIB STRICTLY FORE WHITS rosule bjltae old. Patch process," the best Lead oa the market, TJieyno: beins la comblna- X ; tlon can make special price on same. COOKING STOVES. Largest assortment In the State o se from; sold at factory prices. Oil Stoves of All Sizes. In them you will find comfort and economy. Parap?, St'ftp-Ladders. We ask for your patronage and shall ev endearor to deserre the 3am. Respectfully N. Jacobi Hardware Co. ap tf 12:SO. FRONT ST. CLYDE'S FKOii PIER 29. EAST KIVEK NEW YORK Located between Chambers ard Roosevelt sts At 3 o'clock, P. ML BENEFACTOR... FAMTA PA'VNEE (new) . BENEFACTOR.. Wednesday, Oct 15 Saturday, Oct is Wednesday, Oct 22 Saturday, Oct 25 FROM WILMINGTON pawn- e (new) , BKNE FACTOR FANITA PAWNEE (new)... Friday, Ocr, 17 ...Tuesday, Oct 21 Friday, Oct 24 ...Tuesday, ucijjb nr Throu'rh Bills Ladlnz and Lowett T liro' KAtes guaranteed to and from points la Nortn and south Carolina. br Freight or Fassage apply to a (i. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N C. THEO. E. EGER. Traffic Manager. New York WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Gen'l Agents, oct 13 tf 5 Bowllnj Green. NAw Yortf.4 SUMMER RESORTO "ATLANTIC! VIEW," WRIGHTSTILLE, N. C, S NOW OPEN UNDER SAME MANAGE- I ment. Tne Hotel and grounds are neartne waters of the sound and the Atlantic Ocean and a few steps from the Depot of the Sea coast Railroad from Wilmington. Ask tao conductor of the tralnto step ye at WrightBvllle. BOAID Br TBI DAY, WOK 6B MONTH Send.for Circulars. ED. WILSON MANNING, 13 . Proprieter. - BIEW YORK. The Oldest and Best Family Newspaper, Six Regular Editors; Special Co respondents at Home an Abroad Stories, Reviews, Condensed News Departments for Farmers, Mer chants, Bankers, Professional Men Students, Boys and Grirls. This year the OBSERVER will pub lsh more than FIFTY PHIZE STORIES, and the ablest and most populat writers wm contribute to its col uiuns. Poets ana prose writers, a u thors, editors, men of science and women of geniu3 will fill the col umns ef the Observer, and it wil give nfty-two unexcelled papers in the coming year. Price, $3.00 a year. Clergymen, $2.00 a year. Great Inducements for 1890 L .;Tne NEW YORK OBSERVER will be sent for one year to any clergyman not now a sub scrlber. for ONE DOLLAR. 3. Any subscriber sending his own subscrip uon ror a year in advance ana a new suoscn ber with $5.00, can have a copy of the'-Iren aeus Letters," or "The Life of Jerry McAuley.' 3. I We will send the OBSERVER for the re mainder of this year, and to January 1, 1889, to any new subscriber sending us hla name and address and $3.00 in advance. To such subscn bersiwe will also give either the volume of IreniEus Lttters" or "The Life of Jerry Mc Auley.' Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal ter Large commissions, sample c . . ree. Address, NfiW York Observe , ; NKW YORK Not at All Necessary rjr0 CARRY YOUR PROVISIONS ORLU2SC to Carolina lieach as there 13 a i First-Class Family Grocery there, supplied with everythlns the market affords and sold at city prices. AlljK nds of Canned Goods FOR LUNCH AND PIC NIC PARTIES i - and everything else that goes to make up a fine lunch. . Full supply of ICE always on hand. The residents' of CAROLINA BEACII win find It to their interest to deal with me as I will keep on hand everything in tbe Grocery and Housekeeping line. ; OBSERVER . ! HAK8 A.KUBB, jettr . pbopkietob. One-third Cash, (balance also cash), PINE FIBRE Mint, SHUCK MATTRESSES, CURLED H A I R M ATl'RESSES rtFES. COTTON MATTRESSES, MOSS MATTRESSES- SPRlSSAW5d for cash.. f-. - - . ; . r, m9: ehSj m : - t - ' -" '-- . and Stools. Cabinet Word of all Banks. Catalogue free. Address SPECIAL NOTICE ! O UR PRIVATE STOCK 1876 RYB IS UN doubted ly the Dest WHISKEY sold In South to-day. Below you will nnd a few out of many letters which we receive ana notlea well what they contain Urown & Brown, druggists, of Winston, say "THe Private Stock, Y76, gives entire satis faction to our customers, and wo think Jt Is a fine medicinal Whiskey." II. Rose, also of Winston, writes us as lot lows ' - The 'Private Stock Whiskey I bought through your Mr. Simon has proved a success and will keep it lie re alter as my leading brand.' ' . ' l - - J. A. Burns & Co.. of Fay ettevttle, have this to say: " ' ' 'I have used your new brand of 'Private stock, 1876,' Rye Whiskey and will say t hat I am well pleased with it and that it U all you recommend it to be. My customers prefer this brand to all others." BruiiMld,Siraon & Co., Ill N. Front Yt.. Dealers in Liquors, Cigars. and Tobaccos, my 30 tf VEHICLES! VEHICLES I J OFFER FOR SALE A il&fcGE NUMBER AND A GREAT VARIETY OF Second-Hand Tfchicles, All in good order. and ready . for immediate use. They will be sold very low for cash or good paper Call andJgetXgos1 bargain at ORRBLL'S STABLBS, Jy 22 tf Cor. Third and Princess Sts. THE ACME MANUFAOTlfEINGOO. MANUFACTURER OF ' Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and Pine-Fibre Matting qnnB REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS the ACME and GEM! is now established, and the results of three years' use in the hands of the best fanners of this and other States will attest their value as a high grade manure The MATTING, maae from the leaves or our native pine, is conceded to be equal to any wool carper- tor comfort and durability and the demand for if-is dally increasing.: It has vir tues not found in any other fabric. The FIBRE or WOOL is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a Mlingj for Mattresses is almost equal to nalr. being light elastic and proof against, Insects. . certincates rrom rename parties using oor eoods can be seen at our ofticft, or will it mail ed upon publication. lanitf THK New York Herald AT OWE DOLLAR PBB YEAR IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FAMIL PAPER IN THE UNITED STATES. Now -sthe'tim'e to Subscribe During the year 1890 it will even exceed it self in the variety of its contents and its ef forts to" please its subscribers. New features will be added to its regular departments, in cluding nrstxuass ILLUSTRATIONS. Its Well Known Specialties Are: Practical Farming and Gardening, Progress in Science, Woman's Work, - Stories by the Best Authors; Literature and Art, Choice Flashes of .Wit and Humor, Exclusive News for Veterans Information on all Subjects. A ress, JAMES GORDON BENNETT,' New York Herald, ' New York city Only One Dollar a Tear. Do not fali;to Subscribe tow for the " New York Weekly Herald, dee 10 tf THE HEWLETT HOUSE. jyjY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC GEN erally are respectfully notified that 1 haye made extensive additions to uy preznlses at Switchback Station, Wrlghtsvllle Beach, and am now prepared to acceommodate them with the best of everything . - ; Fresh Fish, Soft Crabs. Deviled Crabs, c" ready en the arrival of every train. - j : : Bar In the rear and separate and. distinct rom the mnwtpe. mrrmr ....... - : . jas. a, Hewlett. iiH3 ! TT! n inns inn 1 Tr iiew uaiiainc. next tn q. . UIOCflSTs Also Wall and Prescription cW , - unests, isaroertirnitnre, Jetli'pur Icinds. Complete OetSts for 8ta2Jr' ATLAMTA SHOW CASE CQ7aSS Tbi " NationaiLuY -AND 'ity Association tne OF WASHINGTON. D.c. Has Pa bertf rl r h A uvur - -5)b00,000 Accrued Liabili- ties "V - - None, HORATIO BUOWNINQ, Prcaaem,. 8AMUKL, NOK1IKNT xrwuurer. OKORGKD.U MillME. Hecretary. Manager Att GEO, Ji EASTKHXAYI ? - ;Ass't Secretary '' life Insurance at Absolute Cow A Guars nteed Policy. - An Incontestlble Policy Maturity value in Cash at Firm Annual Cost Absolutely LifvTi Only Four PajTnenpVlS Non Forfeitable AfterAiT-ei-- f . r.3.RIDDXLL, Medical birectw inww ni in t .... oct 28 wiarion; n. ; Scrlbner's Magazine For 1800, : Tne publishers of scribnkr-s magazj vi I aim to make it the most doduIaf .A.'r,. ' ui yenuuicais. wmi at. i tim. serving Its hlrh literary character. 000 ii readers have been drawn to It aurinetltiia six months by the increased exceUeaoi ol iS contents (notably the Rallwar irMri. wuotw its ocuuuu ywus witn a new impetus tod an assured success. . The lliustraaons win aT.cand notali? te aabj o jnA.'-tA&ma attractue aud ib. te resting will be neglected. THE KAIL WAY ARTICLES Will be Contl. ued by several very striking papeis: oie tsw. daily interesting, by Ex-Postmaster OeneiS Thomas L. i-Tames on -The Italiway Postal Ser. vice."- j Illustrated. - , T MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S sertl novel "The Master of BaliantraA win . through the greater part of tne year, J Begun in November. A CORRESPONDENCE and coUjctloa manuscript memoirs relating to J. F. MUM and a famous group of modern French Palnten " will furnish the substance of several trade v . . j 1 Ittu&traieA. . Tne uriei end papers written last year fcy equally interesting contributions by dlffere t famous authors. Mr. Thomas BbIIat axotl ' Will 'WrltH thft ftrat tt then fnr k. Tn number. .. . , MaEny valuable LITEltART ARTICLES W appear; a paper on Walter Scott's Method of Worlc, illustrated from orlginalMSS.. a secad -Shelf of Old Books.' by Mrs. James T Mews and many other articles equally noteworthy - v ' 'Uustratea . Articles on ART SUBJECTS will be a fetnn Papers are arranged to appear by Clarence Cook. E. fi. Blashfleld, Austin Dbbsen aii FISHINQ ARTICLES describing sport in U best flshlnsr grounds will appear. Sainoe Wlnnlnlsh, Bass and Tarpon are tha subjects now arranged. The authors are well mows DUvl vOlllvUf - lUtUW (MCU ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES of great fartetj, touching upon ail manner of subjects, txavfi, Diograpny, aesenpuon, etc.. win appeaa. ni not of tbe convenuonal commonplace sort . ' iwuw ucu. Among the most Interesting In the list tt scientific papers or tne year will be a remari-" able article by ProL John Trowbridge, npoa the most recent developments and uses m phutogkaphy. IUuslratea. A class of articles which has proved of spe cial Interest win be continued by a grwf papers upon ELECTRICITY in Its most receat applications, by eminent authorities; a markable paper on DEEP MINING, and otter , interesting papers. ' . UniauB Illustrations. A SPECIAL OFPJBR to cover list year numbers, which include all tne Bail way Arti cles, as follows: A year's subscription (1889) and the num- bers for 1888..:.. ....... .. -... ItSI A year's subscription (1889) and the nun- bers lor 1888, bound in cloth .- t . - ;f 3 a year ; 25 cent nnraber. es Scribner's Sons, 743-745 Br . iray. N.T. 1890. Harper's Weekly; illustrated; Hutpm"! 'WxittT has a weil-suii lace as the leading Illustrated newspaiw" America. -The fairness of its ediwri co ments on current poUUcs has earnedtor respect and confidence of all impartW 1 rf era, and the variety and excellence of rary contents, which Include serial and won rary contents, which Include serial and stories by the best and most popular wn ; lost peoj he perusal or peopie l lBZ-7r and pursuit., ine supplements are of remarkable variety, in terest, and value. No expense Is spare hrlner tha hlnViatt. firilaf rf urtlstle M.VU11J .'Z bear npon the lUustratlen of the cbaucerui phases of home and foreign history, can rtrmance, from the pen of Tbou JAKJTXKf will appear in th wixkit I HARPER'S "PERIODICALS. pbr year: ....M 1 HARPER'S WEEKLY HARPER'S MAGAZINE....... habpeb-s bazar 4! HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE "1 '! Jtutage tret to ah gtAscrtaert tm W tf SUUcs, Canada, orMeztoo. first Number for January of each year. w no time is mentioned, subscriptions frf with the Number current at time of reco? Bound relumes Qt Bsrpern Y'1! H three years back, in neat cloth bina.1 sent vj maxi, posiasw Faitrr? not et- of expense fprovldel the freight doe s i cecd one dollar per volume), for $7 j pw. w ciotn cases lor eacn tchu. "r: tm Mndlng, will be sent by. mau, vptt receipt of fl 00 each. k mtXHH Kemtttances should be ciade by. JPes Money Order or Draft, tojd ca ou Newspapers are not to cotlMfrfpgiZ&ZZ t - f

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