. " ... Viniil .. iyi tin C- v Colds, 'ill S II r Asthma, .'M'r?f' 2irt Crcapjnd- - CO M M rJ surniPtion , - rT7 i CCASTTES for Ca- ' ..;., r. At cmtuQiitu- i j -t ui:Jc illy and ... ; u-t f -riaany ... Ifcrover . r. j-iiiKle Spe- . . .j JL' it. z . r s . . .t'v. purjr- and ,tHL' Vt orid. ....... ...:: n . .K "..:: ... -',!j.r alr.fi.l Period. . lod. .;. f, jr. rfi ii '"" , , I I . ;ia? : ! ' .! MlnthHrti .JO fVi ! t 1 a f v Weak new . 3 '1?"T.'.. .30 -rr- - """ - - or -m p.xtpA!U on receipt gEOl F 1 O S . i "r.:ir N (x i 7 4w nTt MiiMII Itrisht Ynunc jfik' r..l ,) Men or U.Iim flilr.ii:i f-r in cjch -oai.ty. ,vVi-.iE'.!.s:ra. 1 hi!;., ra. a fM - tNl : ': iVS3t8 14 .: ,-- .-.. .;-r.;iitOT 1- PARKCR'S HAIR BALSAM n: ta it onthrul Cclor. . r.-;.i i r-n. i"i.iuTkeluio.cti I '" " i ;i:mi mmii oi:tin:. PPB'S COCOA. t:r.!,KtT. i a!...v ol tbt: nstural . ra !;,. ivr.itl'iQ3or digest Un 3r .i .trvful appllv'atluii of - ;v' si. u-c icctca cocoa, Mr. ujt) 't-i tur iriMkl.t ta! Willi K.i j rv. h ! U'cra which way tity u'Xforv tills. It la by -..j ...... 3 articles or diet that a -2 -ncit iTan illy biUU up until "-' : . r.i irry trudncy to Eii.i-N of iu;. tuaUdlcs are --.T" it ai in ;tttacc wherever - ;:;r. ri-xjv esc3c many -"-'i';:i,-(rimUn will lortl- , v '' ': '. Male sitnpiy r r fuux. sou only la half- - f -r-. lN i:,m thii: irrjioi. n..ri;. spathic ?hcm-"-- r :-ir t. Ot l2T4ir l.,,V..CSTtR's ENGLISH tfiJIY ROYAL PILLS l V F!.tCSl DIIMOMO IMNO. 0i V Av4flhil . mnA a.-4 t.!M ift.r stkrr. A.I ri:'.a i- . ' -. fir k :prr. r Two Mile SIfnate TTlthouf Steam. A ninawny railrtrtul train on the branch of the coast division from Aptoa nnto mo wma x-neia; inmuer mills created a sensation alons the line of the road Sent. 13. Eight empty cars broke loose from the engine at lonto VTista, about ei"hi miles north of Aptos. The road from Monte Visti- to Apto3 is a heavy down graao me entire distance, and the cars. mm a . - Boon alter starting, attained a tremen dous rate of Fjcelt and passel through Lorn a loneta at a mile a minnte. r Tlie flying cars licpt on the track until they hnrt one the entire eiht miles to Aptw. Hero tonr of the cars turned im to the main, track without damage, twtrrnnnins as-far as tho high brid-e:it the west end of Aptos, and the other two btoppius near the station. The other fonr cars dashed off the track and were MnuMied into bits, f How tne cara kept on- the track for eight miles at mch a speed over a curv ing mountain road is wonderful No one was on. the train at the time it started, and no one was injured, the only loss bem the four wrecked cars. Uailroau men claim the train made the eisht miles in fonr minutes. Tho down passenger train from Santa r 1 1 4-t w . . . vniz, uounu ior oan r rancisco. nau a hairbreadth escape from destruction. The passenger train had passed the place where tho runaway came onto the main line but a minute and a half previously. One of the wrecked cars struck a cypress tree forty feet high and a foot And a half in diameter and laid it flat, almost tear ing it from the ground. Cor. San Fran ci.sco Chronicle. i "4n4wi ii mmmmmmmmmwwmmmm ? Hi : ? j:l W errors, tarly .T t v. t atccil. ttc I 1U - fv.ifAtM. cenUInin faU TREE of chvrg A C I U,'biUutd. Address c 1 WLEU, Tloodus, Conn, vs. WATER -1 ' !. at very heavy cx -.rOtto Ca Entrine i- - -If a dindy," ' -i um. Come aavl sec - .r ,, anv one who will H try always to keep -jn.l our establishment ' , an.l will be kept so. ai act ion ana : it ."v t r.. - '.i . . - -:.; J-KSOX J; HELL, :-rr. Uu!en ana Diml era. mi and lligll. j SALOON, 'r f Nnrth Water and 'i Hi, i, rJ ttrccts, V r "KuWNF.Acent, . INOTON, 2. Cj Naval I'rlxe Money. Some interesting particulars in refer ence to the apportionment of naval prize money and bounties are contained in a return which has recently been printed by order of the house of commons. From this it appears that during the financial year 1889-90 the sum of 8,322 was paid over by the accountant general out of a total of C3,8C5, which has accrued durl A. 1 X 11.! 'l A f 1 ing me last xnirty-eigni years, inciuaing bliares allotted to the Naval Brigade for services rendered during the Indian mutiny and booty gained during the Chinese war of the same 'decade. Of the balance, 17,500 has been paid over to the consolidated fund since 1865 in accordance with tho act of parlia ment, and 7,W3 remains in hand should claimants arise. A curious feature of the return is the fact that out of 20,156. the proceeds of captured slave dhows dnring comparatively recent years, only 8,185 appears to have been claimed. Tho government percentage " account shows a total of 13,161, and out of a balance in hand on April 1 , 1880, of 8,994 only 16s. 4d. seems to -have been paid during the year on acconnt of claims arising prior to 1865. The total sum transferred to", the consolidated fund since 1855 is 83,500, in addition to 173, 000 referred to in the annual account for the year. Galignani Messenger. Worthless Watermelons. During the I season the watermelon business was the best it has ever been. Prices were high and sales large, foi melons have been better than usual this year. So good was the business that tbe river men who wero engaged in bringing tho melons went back to the York river region, down the bay, and brought large loads up there, expecting to realize handsomely. Then the "cold snap" set in, and the melon operators were all dumped. At one wharf on tho river front there were 40,000 melons going begging at $1 to 3 a hundred, while earlier in the season the same quality of melons sold easily f of two or three times these prices. -'What a chance the Wash ington boarding house keepers had to "put up, watermelon rind preserves! Washington Post. EvSeoator Fomeroy's Biff Hotel 11111. The judgment of $ 13,824.50 recently issued by the supreme court of Kansas in favor of the plaintiff in the case of E. A. Smith against S. E. Pomeroy dates back to 1873. Smith was proprietor of the old "Tefft house" in Topeka, where Pomeroy made his celebrated unsuccess ful attempt to bo re-elected United States senator. Pomeroy quartered his political friends at the "Tefft house" during the campaign, creating a bill of 110,824.50. After his defeat Pomeroy paid Smith $4,000, claiming that was enough. Smith thereupon instituted proceedings in- the "district court of At chison county for tho balance. The debt including interest and costs, amounts to about $20,000. St. Louis Republic, Figs Klpenlnr Outdoors la Maine. Mr. R. F. Gordon, of Livermore, writes: "I would like to say that I have a fig tree, now ten years old, which is out of doors and bears every year.. It has borne about forty ripe figs this year, and now has several nearly ripe upon it, with about J00 green. . The fig does not ripen the same year in which it forms, and the fig tree does not blossom, but the fig is formed and grows from the under side of a leaf to about the size of . a large acorn the first year, and the second year to the size of a henls egg and then ripens. Lewiston Journal. Policeman Patrick Stark, of the Third precinct, New York city, found the champion scrupulous man while acting as a census enumerator. Ha was J. Grinker, of No. 76 East Broadway, who refused to give any information, as in his opinion "it was a reflection upon the United States government." j .. .ag, i i Creosote has been successfully applied as a remedy for! the potato disease in Scotland. Everyye of the seed potato Is touched with creosote by means of a nxll camel hair brush. The product of jotatoes so treated is almost totally free from disease. Where tko creosote is not applied to all thoeres of the ed W the resulUs'pAttial disease. It too xauch i u5eitbeTedwiUnotgermuiate. til trlrtt Step. l'erflai )otare run down, can't eat, can t deep, cjuft think, can't do anything to your butUraction, and you wonder what ails you. Yoa Uculd liectl the warning, vo-i are taking the fir.vt tstep into Nervous I rot ration. You need u Nerre m1 a,ntI iu Electric Bitters you win find the exact remedy for re storing your nervous system to its normal, henlthy condition. Surpris ing rvMilts follow the use of this reat Net ve Tonic and Alterative, l our upppthe returns, good diges tion I restored, nml t!i T.ivr inil Kidueys resume healthy action. Trv i bottle. Prico 50c. at K. U. Bei hmiyV wholesale 4nd retail Drug otort-. As 3 on learn, teach; as you set, give; us you receive, distribute. -: -- I Om a amotion Surety Cured. To tor tirrroR Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases liave been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy frkk to any of your readers who have." consump tion if they will send me their ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Parl st.. New York, Above all things always speak the truth; your word must be your bond through life. . Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Wixslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it 'produces nat r.tl, quiet sleep by relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It Pis very pleasant to taste. It soothes tin child, softens the gums, allays all paiir, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is tne best known reiue ly for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or oth.r causes. Twenty fl ve.cents a bottle, julv ii deod&wlv Female Weakness Positive Core Free. .To thr Editor: Please inform your renders that I have a positive remedy for the thousand and one ills which arise from deranged fe male organs. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy frek to any lady if thes' will send their Ex press and P. O. address. Yours re spect! ully, Dr. J. B. Marchisi,. 183 Genesee St.; Utica, N. Y. When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. IF TOUR HACK A.' Jim, Or yon are all worn ont, r-.-fi- or nslh injr, it is general !f'filiu . 'I ry It will cure you, cleanse your Jivcr, and gi a good apatite. "the acme- MANUFACTURING 00. MANUFACTU1CBKS OF Fertilizers, Pipe Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting Wilmington, - - N. V. MIR K IMPUTATION FOUKlTEKTILlZJiKS the ACM K and O KM, Is now established, anq the results of three years' uso in tne nanus oi the best farmers Of this and other States will attest their value as a niffn graao maauiTs The MATTING, maoe from the leaves of our native pine, is conceded to De equai w anj wool carpet for comfort and durability and the demand for It Is dally Increasing. It has vir tues not found In any other fabric. The FID HE or wool is cxicnsivcj uei iw tinhoiirinr imnjoses. and as a tllllnjr tor Mattrusscs is almost equal to uiUr, being light clastic and proof against insects. Certincatea rrom reuaoie panics uams uai .roods can bo seen at our oMcei or wtl be mail ed upon publication. 'an w. CAPE FEAli ACADEMY Uoopoii8 8epteiubarl22od. j Thorough Prcparalioi for Business or CillegrJ COMPETENT INSTRUCTORS. LEADING MALE SCHOOL ! Please enter at begrlnnlne of session. MO" See catalogue In Book stores. w. CAT LETT, Principal, tseplSlm cor. Fifth and Chestnut streets. SPECIAL NOTICE ! iVUR PRIVATE HTOvJi 1878 ItXJS .13 un rtoiibtfHllr the best wniSKET sold la tne South to-day. Below you will find a few osat of many letters which we receive and aotlce well what they contain: . - Brown Brown, druggists, of Winston, say "The Private Stoclc, 7, gives enure satis faction to our customers, and we tMnJc it la t fine medicinal Whiskey." n. Hoseraiso of Winston, wntes us as fol lows: r i 'The Private Stock Whiskey I bought through yoar Mr. Simon has proved a success and win keep It here alter as my leading brand. J. a. Burns & Co.. of Fayettevllle, have this to say: I have used your new brand of Private Stock, lsTfl, Rye Whiskey and will say that I am well pleased with It and that It U all yen recommend it to be. My customers prefer this brand to all others." Brunhild.Simon & Co,-, Ill N. Front ht.t Dealers in Liquors, Clffrsad Tobaajba. my 30 tt WHOLEaAltS PRICES. ; The folloiring quotation represent whole sale prlcci gmerayy. Umajc2n?iip small or ders higher prices have to be charged. BAGOINO - ' - . Guniry........ ' etandard BACON North CarolUa. T ; narns ...... ...... Shoulders ft.............. sides, 9 ft... "... WESTERN SMOKED Hams, 9 ft... ........ i ....... ' Sides, 9 ft Shoulders, I ft.. DRY SALTED . ' Sides, v ft... Shoulders,' v ft. BARKJCLS-tfptrlta Turpentine, 7 8 8 8 V12 ' 9 8 y 9 10 lft 10 8 6 second Iland, each......... 1 40 J SO New. New Torir, each...... 00 & 75 New, city, each.. 1 65 o TO BEESWAX, V 20 9 S BRICKS, WllmlngTOB, M.... 8 00 10 00 ! Northern....;..;; 0 00 tan 00 BUTTER, ySv- . ' . Nortt caroBna..; . . ..... '. 15 9 23 Northern... 30 CANDLES, V ft Sperm ;. j... is 25 Adamantine M 10 & 12 CREESE, 9 ft' Northern Pactory 83 1 10 Dairy, Cream..... 13 . U State 9 9 it eOFFEE, v ft Java 27 3 30 Laguyra... Si 3 25 RIO...... 20 0 23 CORN MEAL, V bosh. In sacks. 00 tx Virginia Meal 00 d 65 COTTON TIES, V handle.. 1 25 & 1 00 DOMESTICS i Sheeting, 4-4, Vyard....... $ & 6 Yarns, V bunch 00 9 80 EGGS,9doz 10 9 FISH ' Mackerel. No. L, bbl......W 00 30 50 Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbL It 50 15 00 Mackerel, No. 2, y bbl.'..,..15 00 00 ! Mackerel, No. 2, half bhl... 4 75 00 Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl . . . . . . 7 80 Q10 00 Mallets, v bbl.............. 6 00 d 7 00 N. C Roe Herring, V keg... 00 & G 00 Dry Cod, V lb .. 5 ' 10 PLOUR, V bbl r .: Wesurn, low grade..... 50 O 4 00 Extra i. 4 00 6 00c i Family . 4 50 & 6 00t; City Mills Super ...4 00 4 10 Family. i. .4 . a 5 00 GLUE, V O 8 3 10 05 85 75 GRAIN, V busheL ' Corn fm store, bags, white Corel cargo, In bulk, wite. Corn, cargo, in bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store. . . . Oats, from store. ...... . . Oats, Rust Proof j...'. Cow Peas j... HIDES, V lb Green ... Dry HAY, v 100 fts Eastern Western North River HOOP IRON, V ft LARD, Vft- ' -' Northern . North Carolina....... LIME, "9 barrel.'. . . LUMBER, City 8awed, 9 M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed.. 18 00 Rough Edge Plank.... ...... 15 00 West India Cargles, accord- ' " lng to quality. .......13 08 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 scantling and Board, com'n.14 00 MOLASSES, V gallon i New Crop, in hhda.-. . ... . . " in bbis....! Porto Rico, In hhds. ....... " in bbls... Sugar House, In ahds ihbbls..,..'.. syrup, in bbls. 'JAILS, 9 Keg, Cut. lOd bssia. jILS. V gallon. Kerosene Lard. : Unseed v Rosin. Tar : Deck and spar.. FOULTRY . Chickens, lire roirn.. 8prtng..V.... Turkeys PEANUTS, V bushel, 23 ft. POTATOES, V bUShel Sweet Irish. W bbl... PORK, 9 barrel City Mess U 00 Prime 15 00 . t 48 & 00 53 00 38 00 95 4 m 2X& 48 53 51 0 00 3 5 W 90 00 3i . 8 14 1 25 & 0 10 00 430 00 &16 00 418 00 423 00 915 00 K5 38 28 26 00 15 S3 2 40 9 16 90. 15 00 00 25 75 1 60 tt 3 2S 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 S6 30 30 28 15 18 35 50 14 45 00 18 20 22 9 SO 9 20 9 1 00 9125 9 9 75 3 75 Rump..- 00 KICE-Caiollna, V 4 Rough. V-bush, (Upland)... . 60 ' 14 (Lowland). 80 RAG9, 9 ft-Country. .......... 00 city l ROPI,V 14X9 SALT. V sack. Alum..: ........ 70 9 Liverpool - 1 10 9 1 Lisbon .. 00 9 American..... 00 9 SOAP, v lb Northern 49 SUGAR, P ftstandartl grain.. 6X9 Standard A 6 9 White Ex C 0 9 918 60 918 00 915 00 9 6H 9 80 9 100 9 1 9 X 22X 75 A Pf r.lArJHOOD mlta fsnrrssttw. Vi bttfUra! RvKMTrMUMMtttn(u4NIl m r 41 w r 4, ,4i 4. . . ' grly Decay od ADom t rnyTtstw. TsrtflcrW. rutinluftl .Prs U. 8. U CTT8 IT .TallM Bs Ji. H oct so It dtw rflTTTQ T)A DPP IS PRINTED WITIl 'XllJLiJ JTiiJLXlJLb Inxmanufactaredby he FalnnouniPrintieln works, - . T. WLy GIIT t CO., 3st Rtreet andPezinsyHanla avenue, tan u Philadelphia r .Extra C, Golden.... 5X9 c Yellow...:........... ...V 5 9 SlUNGLES, 7 In. M Common.....:.. ... Cypress Saps...;.... .... ;" cypress Hearts.... .... .. SHAVES, 9 M W. O. Barrel j .O. Hogshead.. ........ TATLOW,ft ....... TIMJ3ER, V M feetr-Shlpptng..l3 00 nne Mm. ....J123 j MUf Prime 7 0 j MU1 Xalr.l.A...l.J..... 5 00 conu toon ton. 00 Infer lor to Ordinary. . . . t 60 wnisKXtr, v rl Nerthenu.. 2 00 i worthicarouna..... 1 50 5 00 2 00 4 50 0 00 8 00 0JJ9 . 4 WOOL, V Washed. j enwathed.... I Bnrry.UL.......... .-....... 23 16 16 50 00 70 5 ex 6 6K 5X 9 7 00 9260 9600 9 7 50 14 00 910 00 9 & . 914 00' . 913 00 9 8 50 9 0 00 9 0 00 9400 9 600 9300 9 9 IS 9 18 OYOTER ROASTS AM BETTER PREPARED - ta accommodate my I win I than ever friends wttts OYSTERS nls keep norto WkX the Best, on hand always MYRTLE VROVS BOASTS a specialty. Every thing ovrrhaolad and improved. Oysters ready t tiOTt notice and expert shackers to open ther a. gpedai rates to parties. Give me a can and will do ny best to piease you. - oct 2.U ' -l WrtjntsTlUf. 4 Atlantic Coastline; Wilmington 1 Weldon R. R, AND BUANUHES. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTn. j I : DATXP Sept. 10, 1890, o o oi?g . im . a " - P. M. P. mT A. M. Leave Weldon.....". 1330 .643 ;600 Arrive Rocky Momnt....... 146 ...... yio " " " p. M. Arrive Tarbora... .1 2 17 ...... j. A. M. Leave Tarboro.... 1020 ' p M '!.' Arrive Wilson............. 2 2o' 7 00 1 7 43 Leave Wilson . t2 30 . Arrive selma 3 30 ..... Arrive Fayettevllle 5 30 Leave Goldsboro.. .......... 315 7 40 8 35 Leave Warsaw.. 410 9i4 Leave Magnolia. 4 24 8 40 49 Arrive Wilmington. 550 955 11 20 Seaboard Air-Line. Oarolic.0, entral Railr . CHAN(iK OF, SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Wilmington... Leave Magnolia Leave Warsaw.. .... Arrive Goldsboro.... Leave Fayettevllle.'. Arrive Selma. Arrive Wilson Leave Wilson Ar. Rocky Mount..... Arrive Tarboro.. Leave Tarboro... Arrive Weldon. 00 2 A. M. 1201 1U 223 303 130 A. M. 9 00 10 34 1048 1145 19 20 1118 P. M. 12 20 i 4i 4 110 3? P. M. 400 5 30 5 53 653 ,2 00 A. M. 10 20 P. M 2 45 7 47 818 930 Dally except Sunday. .; Train on Scotland -Neck Bianch Road leaves Weldon 3:15 p. m., Halifax 3:37 p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.25 p. m., Green ville 6;00 p. m. Returning leaves Greenville ?20 a. m. Arriving Halifax at 10:10 a. m., Weldon 10:30 a. m., dally except Sunday. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday ,Local Freight leave3 Weldon lOJO a. m., Halifax 11:30 a. m., Scotland Neck 3:00 p. m. Arriving Greenville 5:10 p. m. Returning, leave Green ville Tuesday, Tnursday and Saturday 9:30 a. m., Scotland Neck 1:00 p. m., .Halifax 2:35 p. m. Arriving Weldon 4:00 p. m. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albermarle Raleigh R. R. dally except Sunday, 4.05 P. M.y Sunday 3.00 P. M-, arrive Willlamston, N. C, 6.30 P. M., 4.20 P. M., Plymouth 7.50 P. M., 5 20 P. M. Returning leaves Plymouth, mouih. N. C, dally except Sunday, &00 A. M., Sunday 9.00 A. M., Willlamston 7.10 A. M., 9.58 A. M. Anive Tarboro, N. C, 9.30 A. M , 11.20 A. M. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro. N. c. daily except Sunday, 6.00 A. M., arrive Smltnfleld, N. C, 7.30 A. M. Returning leaves Hmlthneld. N C, 8.00 A. M.. arrive goldsboro, N. C, 9.30 A. M. Train on NashvUle Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 3.00 P. M.. arrives at, Nash vmeat 3.40 P. M., spring Hope 4.15 P. M. Rcturnlnsr leaves Sortnc Hope 10.00 -A. M.. Nasdvllio ia35 A. M. arrive RocKy Mount 11.15 A .M daily exceot Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for trilnton. dailv exceDt Sunday, at 6.00 P. M and 11 10 A. M. ReUirnin leaves Clinton at 8.20 A.M. and 3.10 P. M.. connecting at War s.iw with Nos. 41 40, 23 and 78. v southbound Train on Wilson & Fayettevllle Branch Is No. 5L Northbound is No. 60. 'Dally except Sunday. Train No. 27 south wfll stop onljat Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connellon at Wel don for all points North dally. Ail rail via Richmond, and dally, except Sunday, via Bay Line. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have rullman Palace Sleep ers attached. ! JOHN F. DIVINE, Genl Supt. J. li. KENLY. Sup't. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmlnon, Coiui & Aunsta K. li. Va CONDENSED BCHEDDLE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated AprilSJO, 1890. NO. 23. NO. 27. No. 15. " P. M. P. M. A. M. Leave Wilmington... 6 15 10 10 ......... Leave Marlon. 9 33 12 40 .. Arrive Florence...... 10 20 120: NO. 50 " NO. 58 A. M. A. M. A. M.' Leave Florence 3 20 . . 1 8 25 Arrive Sumter. ......1 4 35 .... 9 35 . NO. 62. ; j Leave Sumter....:... 435 1 10 33 ........ Arrive Columbia..... 6 15 11 65 ........ Na 52 runs, through from Charleston via Central R. R. Leaving Lanes 915 A. M., Manning 9:56 A. M. Train on C. D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. NO. 5L NO. 59. NO. 53. . . , t " " P. M. P. M.I Leave Columbia...... 10 35 5 20 Arrive Sumter........ 11 58 6 32 P M. Leave Stmiter.. ...... 11 68 t 6 37 ........ ' A. M. ' Arrive Florence 1 15 7 50l No. 78 No H. A. M, P. Leave Floience ...... 4 35 ........ 8 V, Leave Marlon.. . ..... . 5 22 .. 855 Arrive Wilmington... 8 35 ..... .11 45 Daily. t Dally except Sunday. No. 53 rans throctgh to Charleston, S, C. Central R. P., arriving Manning 7:04 P. 1L Lanes 7:42 P. M., Charleston 930 P. M. No. 69 connects at Florence with C and D train from cneraw and Wadesboro. . Nos. 7s and 14 make close connection At Wil mington with W. t W. R. R. for aU points North Train on Florence R. R. leave Pee Dee dally except Sunday 4:40 P. M., arrive Rowland 7C S. m. Returning leave Rowland 6iJ0 a. m.. ar. ve Pee Deo 8t60 a. m. -Train on Manchester & Augusta R. R. leaves Sumter dally, except Sunday. 10:50 A. M.. arrive Rimini l&oi P. M. Returning leave Rimini 12:15 P. M., arrive Sumter L30 P.M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General SuperlntendeniV R. KENLY. Asst Genl Manager. T. M. EMERSON. General Passenger Agen " novLS . . Table Board. FEW GENTLE1E;CANIBE ACCCLUO dated withiatieoxrii oa application ar men 27tt - v , St N. THIRD ST WESTBOUND TRAINS Sept- 7. isao. Leave Wilmington... Leave Hamlet. Nos. 43. daUyex. bun day. Arrive Charlotte........ Leave Charlotte.!..,... . Leave LlncoLnton.. ... Leave Shelby;...' Arrive liutherfHiifo 9 20 am tisopm S S 3 pir. 4 Xi pm 4 23 pm 5 43 pm 6 40 pm 7 55 pm No. S3. dally ex. 9 DOpm 5 00 am e 15 axe 9 00 arc EASTBOUND TRAINS Sept. 7, 18Wl NO. 6. I NO. 24. dally ex.!dallyex usunday. :sunaay 1 IeaveRntherrdt'n......i...l 8 05 am Leave Shelby. ..!... no 09 am Leave Lincolnton... ........ Ill 12 am Arrive Charlotte.;... ps 29pm Leave Charlotte... ........ .. 'It 31 pm Leave Wadesboro I 3 22 pm Leave Hamlet.4..... 3 f2pm Arrive WlimUfft'n. ......... .7 30pm! 6 COpm 11 33 pm 1 30 am 8 00 am Trains Na 43 and 38 make close connection at Hamlet for Raleigh and at Llncclnton for Hickory and W. N. V. - Trains TtO. S3 anas4 maxe ciose ronnocuo& at Monroe for Chester. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte, j ' T. w. wniSNANT, Superintendent. F. w. clakk; Genl Passenger AgenL . -sepCtf . . --. ' .;v.- Atlantic Coast Line. North-Eastern R. R. pf.S. L: g 1 .TllaUV rsivr,S CONDENSED SCH EDULER o TRAINS GOING SOUTH. . 1 . Dated May 12, '89. Leave 'Florence...... " Kingstree..;.. Arrive Lanes... Leave . Lanes. . 4 . ..... A rri ve Charleston Na 27. A. M. 1 35! 2 29 ' 2 50 3 60 5 OOj A. M. NO. 23.jNO. A. M. ,9 30 10 55 ' 11 50j Py M 11 20i 1 30 P. M. "7 t 'i-9 P. M. Train No. 63 takes No. 53 South of Lanes. Tram on c. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 23 Train. TRAINS GOING NORTH. NO. 78. NO. 14. Na 63 " ' A. M. P. M. A. M. Leave Charleston.... "12 25 30 7 Arrive Lanes. .' 2 45 6 28 . a Leave LanesJ. ....... 2 60 0 28 . " Klngstree J 3 10, ; 6 46 , Arrive Charleston....! 4 20 7 651 ) I A. M. P. M. ( A. M.. . Dally, t Dally except Sunday. Train No. 14 connects at Florence with trait on C. & D. R. R. for Cheraw, S. c, and Wades , borb N. C. 1 No! 52 runs through to Columbia via centra R. R. of S. c. . Nos. 78 and 14 run solid to Wilmington, c, making close connection with W. & w. R. for all points north. . - 1 I JNO. F. DIVINE, I General Superintendent. J. K. KENEY, Ass't Genl Manager. : T. M. EMERSON, Genl Passenger Agent. my 11 I FOR 1890. oa3i4'3r ScRiisa's Majazims waen- yo are deciding upon your reading matter for . Dext season. The subscription rate Is l0w- 13.00 a year, i The standard of tho Magazine la hiirh. its spirit progressive, Tho illustrations are interesting and Of the ' best. V j - . '..',.- r There Is not space here to give even a sum mary of the features to appear this year, but ' among other things there wHl te a new de--partment and additional pages: and gronps of illustrated articles win be devoted to the foi lowing subjects. - African Exploration and Travel, Life on a Modern War ship (3 articles), s Honcesln city. Suburb, and Country Providing Homes through Building Assoc ' Hons. i , The Citizen's n.rs. Electricity In the Household, irt,K?;tne InvcEV" his Authorlz Biographer. i .. , Hunting, ; Humprous Artists, American and Foreign I f There w ill be 3 serials. ," , .Robert Louis Stevenson will contribute ' I8IHJ. ( -acli.UDect 6,1(1 there wui beagreatva. i rlety this year, will be treated by writers ' most competent to speak with authority and - w1111 laterest Readers who are interested . , are urged to send for a prcpectns. - ? - ; ; 25 Cents a fmbtrf $1.00 for Fist llialkl U Charles Scribner's Sons, 743 li road way, N. Jan 6 tf - THE STATE CHRONICLE, 4 i f 'tt 8uccessor;to the Farmer and Mechanic aaa' . "... . Vv, Under NftW MannfrnTYionf1 " T M-V4V4VAW.AAirk' NEWSY,(BR1GHT'AND CLEAN " UP WITH THE TIMES; rjlflE STATE CHRONICLE WILL BE J what its name Implies a'state Paper. It is uui. wu? Aaieiga cnronicie," and will not be local or sectionaL It will alnr to keep no with the news from Murphy to Manteo, or. as the politicians put If, from Cherokee to dur rituck. i .. ' ' It will be the organ of no man, no rf nr. no rtJ;. 11 wni lmocratio n poutics, but will not hesitate to criticise Democratic measures and Democratic officers. I i ..12 00 X 00 m s .............. DU .TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION; One Year.... J.. ; ...... six Months..!.... Shree Months.... ... TFor a sample cony address THE STATE CHRONICLE. : p .. v Halelgh. n. c Diamond Vera Cura FOR DYSPEPSIA. For sale by ebUtf DE. 7. C. MILLER, cor.rotuth - una , 1 1- 4 f: