rim n tt- 1 " -- " i Jilt i - ii ii i i j a it tr v Absolutely. Fure. A crtiia of tartar biting pcw.jrr infos' r til la I'wzlzz itresgth r. ; u -n ,-,-nt Ifpn, Auy. 17. 10. TiLO ; .Daily JOTrior. ESDVYVNOV i: 51 H R 11 V ISJO. coauirr.i'Ui. sku. In procets of constrnction at the tm fartrrrr in Waterrllet L a 10-inch enn. ! which, when completed, will be one of the greatest caliber and mt wondmol In its Jpfl?n ever made in this country. t This Iroe gun will bo built according to vrindin. Capt. Crorieris locatcdju the ordnance department at VYashiugton, and tho present gun is the fourth of its kind iu existence. The vrorV of boring the gr.n has bevn completed, ajid it will l t-I.irt.nl in the' l.ith? preparatory to commencing the vriro vrindic.2r. Tho square wire to be nxl will be pf tte-el. as i alsn tho gnn pu-per. a tenth - of an incli in thickness and will 1 wound from tho breech to tho muzzle the entire If'iith. To produce the desired work a dynamo Iia3 been placed in the gnu fac tory, vs-hicii will bo utilized to vreld the ends of tho wire by le-tricity. When completed it is expected that this gnn will thrw a ."GO pound projectile J from tvrelre to fifteen miles, the greatest dis tance yet accomplished. The weight of tho powder charge will bo about 230 pounds, and the penetration will be, It is expected, alout twenty-four inches in armor plate. Albany Argus. i WILMINGTON ilARKKT November. I M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE-Steady at 33 cents. Sales of receipts nt eats. BOSIN Firm at $1,071 for strained aad f 1 121 for good 6 trained. TAR Firm at $1.55. A CRUDE TURPENTINE - Firm nt $1.20 for hard, $1.90 for yellow tbP and $1.00 for virgin. COTTON Dull and iiominnl nt 9 cents for middling; low middling, 8 13-16;cod middling, 9). EECEIPTS Cotton,-1,082; spirits. 214; rosin, 513; tar, 73; crude. C. IXAJiTXE NEWs! CLEARED. Nr barque Victoria, Jensen. Hri- lou raterson. Downing a: EXPORTS. tv. FOREIGN. Bristol Nor barque Victoria 2,001 bbls rosin, 9S9 casks spirit-. MONTHLY STATKMKNT. STOCKS OS HAND SOV. 1. 130. Cotton a&hore, ll,507;aQoat. ll.lfiri; total, 20,073. Brrtrlta asliore, 3,014; afloat, .N7; total, 3,431. Resin ashore. r2,?v2; afloat. Ur,7; totaf, 06,010. Tar ashore, 2,050: afloat. 000: total, 2,634. Crude ashore, 9t: afloat, 09: total. 03. J . : RECEIPTS FOR MONTH OK OCT.. &i Cotton, 05.230: spirits, 3,Wi: rosit, 2:1,600; tar. 4.400; crude. 00. KXPOKTS Yon MONTH OK (XT.. lS'.H) POMKSTIC. Ctton3.Ct6;piritst2,0M:j: crude, i.417: tar, r.r.7.i; roin. 12.002. : FOHKIUN. Cotton. 4X760: spirit. 'VM': ro-in. 27,002. Calat ru. Cntarrli i m most disgusting ail mtnt aud yet niaiiy uniieciarily nffr with the disease. They will try local application, whieh "ilo tio good whatever, lint fail to try Mich : constitutional tratmnt as " i af forded br a use of ' H H H (.Hotauic Ulood IJhIiii). whitdi reiuovK? th luucou poison in the blood mid . .that eradicate the cau.-e of the di-: Abe. N. 1. Edward. IuiupassaVpruigs, TI.. writes: "I wa irrcatly au-t A Ilelfjitt 'Youth's Experiment.. One of our young men asked his fa ther for tho horse the other evening to go to Northport- But tho old gentle man allowed that he and his wife would go themselves, and soon after did go, leaving behind a mad young man. Dot ho finally hit upon the idea of harnessing up the cow. This he did into the best buggy. The cow was very docile until ho tried to drive her. When she felt the weight of the wagon attached to her fhe gave- one bellow f nil of fnght, aso with tail over her back she ran kick! 5 and plunging through the garden,! tramping the vegetables and knocking down Wan poles, the young man cling ing on to the seat; howling for some one I to stop her. But nothing-could stop her. Finally ' a htone wall got in her track and she ! cleared it in grand shape; but the boggy, voung man and harness were so badly mixed up that a neighbor who came to the rescue could not tell one from the i other. The cow lias not yet been seen, but the ruin she left behind will forever 1 a monument to her wrath. The buggy Was carried to the barn fin a bushel basket and the young man on a stretcher. Belfast (ile.) Age. ! OMrsuien at liar rani. i i 1 noticed the other day in the papers nn item about Harvard college which, if not an error, is a striking indication of the growth and magitude of the athletic spirit there. It was to the effect j that eighty members of the freshman class are candidate for their class crew. What a change is this from a period even io lato as fifteen or twenty years ago, when (at least so I understand from the graduates of about that period) a dozen men would be about the number of freshmen who had this commendable ambition. Of course the classes have grown pi nee then, but in nothing like a similar proportion. I, for one, am not alarmed by tho athletic tendencies of tho modern student. I have seen so many intellectual men hampered all their Jives nv want or vigor, ana sol many commonplace men succeed by dint of nervous energy and nervous com posure, so to say, that I don't care . how much time the boys spend iu cultivating their muscles and their physique. Boa ton Post. . ! No Change. W. W. Welling, stamp clerk at the postofflce, is very popular with tho pub lic, and his return to duty after a few . --- FIME S! iUGfl and Stools. Cabinet Vork of all Banks. Catalogue free. Address 2 XjOTSTSG r Alo Wall and. Prescription cases, Cedar Chests. Barber Furniture, Jewelry Trays kinds. Complctp . Ournts lor aiorea ana ATLANTA SfiOW CASE C0-, Atlanta, 6a. 111 " Z r '- - ' tuv rtiryrr DnoniiR plasters in 1 nt wukuu, TUfflKSKr RHEUMATISM, KIDIIEY PAIHS, LAME BACK, Sc. Zp reals a Drocsista, CR08TKN0R & RICHARDS, Boston, Mass. TrN ' CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH, BCD CROSS DlAMOIft) BRMD T . m m , . oiit THE ORI6IMA oJleaj in DnnM SMlatf wit MM I aM 1 fi mm Amr. mj all Ieal UrmgpmU. The Advantages We Offdr to PIANO ASD ORG AS -J18TOMERS AKE. THAT OUK IXSTRU- meats are carefullr selected by tbc under slgTi'M and bought directly from the manu fa. fiirer. We have a very large stoeff, 00m- pri-ioflr an srades and sr lies, to select rrom. All our Han 08 are delivered and kept in tune the nrst yeai by two competent tuners. as we are nni nere, w-e are responsiDie. whlc'ils not tne cae when you send tor Pianos o buy rrom travelling asea's, tor wnen any t aint; Is wrong you may nave a guarantee but infs does not repair your instrument. ! By economical management we can sell yoa in struments at leasi a) per cent. 10 er man you have to pay to travelling agents, for you have to help pay thetr heavy expenses. l me instruments you Duy irom us are ngnt here and consequently 30U do not buy the "cat In thabag. -1 Over 300 instruments sold in Wilmington alone Is tho best proof that the public have confldenco In Our judgment and Integrity. W we sell lor cash or instalments. E. VanLAKR, oCt 13 tS 407 Ked Cross street. Misses Burr& James' School TITISSSS BtJRR AND .JAMES .WILL f?E oxn their School for Young: Ladles, aud chll dan ofiboth sex, Oa ThursdHy, Oct 2d. The course of study, as heretofore, will bo systematic and thorough Individual lntruc tlon bestowed upon each dutII: the same care rul attention given In tralntDg the blow mind as ino-e 01 nrignt intellect. Clisn W ginir. l-Yee-hand Drawing, falls thcnlcs and Needlewnrt free o? chaise. Musical Department', under the superlnten dence cf Mr?, il. . CUShino. Pupils la music, either wit! n or without the school will be accommodated vrlth suitable hours of !nsrrucUon that will not Interfere with lea tons or hours of study. Every care and atten tlon is given to th moral welfare of tt e child. For further particulars please apply to 2?4 Nortn Third street and see Prlnclpa-s Scribner's Hagazine '.For 18UO. 4 . ,; 1 The publishers or SClilBNER'S MAOAZLNA alri to make It the most popular and enter prising or periodicals, while at all ttmes pre serving its high literary character. new readers bare been drawn to It during tbe past six months by the Increased excellence of Its contents (notably the Hallway articles), and it closes its second year with, a new impetus and an assured success. The illustrations will snow some new effects, and nothlag to make 8CKIBXEirs MA'JAZINK aitracUve ajd in teresting will be neglected. - r THE ItAlLWAT AUTICLES will be Con Un tied by several very striding papeis; one espe cially interesting by Ex-I'ostmaster General Thomas L. .'ames cu -Tlie Hallway Postal Ser vloe,,; - Illustrated I : .Mil. ROBEKf -'LOUIS STEVENSON'S Sena novel "The .Master of Ballantrae," . will run through tne greater part of the year. -1 . ; -- .fUyun in .Yomnflpr. ' A COR-KEsroN DEMt'K and coUtfC'.lon c manuscript memoirs relating to j. F. v XiUlet and a famous sroup of modtm l'reuch iHlnei-R will furnish ihetu s "Stance of several articles. ' MustrwciL -:::,. The brief end japer : written last year by Kobcrt Louis Stevenson, will be ' replaced by I equally Interesting com muttons by dlffere t I iamous auinors. mts 1 naiaas uaiiey Aiancn 1 will write tha first of them for the January I number. - - - Many valuable LI TK jt Ail Y AttTlt;Li win appear; a paper on Walter Scott's Method of Work, iilustratKi Xrota orieinal WSS.. a second Shelf of Old nooks." by Mrs. .lames 1 , FlehJa and many other articles equally aoteworrhy " 'U.tutrale& . . Articles on A UT su BJETS will be a feat gjy Papers ate arranged ta appear by. t.larei-.cc Cook, E. a. Ulashfleld.' Austin Dobson ana many oth ers. TUustratea. ' f - - fTSHINO ARTICLE' describing sport In the be3t fishing grounds will appear. ; Salmon Wlanlnlsh, Bass and Tarpon are the subjects now arranged. The anthers are well Known sportsmen. WustrattO. . - -. - ( - . ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES of great variety, touching tipoa sul manner of subjects, travel, biography, description, etc.; will eppeaa; but not of the conventional commonplace son. . ritustrated 4 Among the most irterestlng in the list of scientific papers for the year will be a remark able article by Prof. John Trowhridge. upon !the most recent , developments ar.d nses of 1 r - a nn A nnn ph otoorapiiy. niustratea. k - D6fS UVer " -iDUUiUUUi A class of artlcleswhich has proved of spe- : AfAi inraMcr will Ia nntfrttioi nv- o rerYMin rvr papers upon ELECTRICITY in Its most recent appUcations, by eminent autaorlues: a re markable paper on DEEP MINING, and ether interesting papers, - -J r m UnWbt fllustrations. :-. 1 A SPECIAL ot FER to cover fast year numbers, which include all the Railway Art! eles. as follows: i - A rear's subscription (1889) and tae niim- ' bers for 1888...... .......14.60 A year's subscription (I8S9) and the num bers for 1888. bound in cloth tLf. - j I THE ORIGINAL AND CCNUINC. T b1 J Pare, "are, m 1 refcM Pi4 for wte. lr. in DnnM 4hr rjtit hmr-'r BnglUh Dimmond Jtrattd ia Uea and Gold -tlto T ke fllCT Slaw. mjm gnnnwriw mna mmiiuin. V All etUa ia - - tak wrmoocra. mr durfraM Nia terfrlt. At DrarnsU. r sesd ma 4b ia nmrnjM tor mwrucnimn. eaUoaUl. mmd Kciier tmr lAlf, m Utur, hy retauin Mall. CMICMCSTtR CHCMICA F L CO., MSI1WB1 SMP H1I.A nKI.t'HIA, PA. Tu -AND- Maturity Association OP WASHINGTON. D. C. Has Paid to Mem- Accrued Liabili ties - - None. HORATIO BKOWN1NG, Jpiesident. New York reetncr. ISTHKBKSTAISDCHPA Nbw?s the time toSubs cri rortto pleasVrrs tubsc,al aS' win beaddisd to tts L?4 II LUSTRATIONS. IU Well Knows , Practical: Farming ana . 1 vv Oman's Qt ; T tl glorieakvtheBetADt. I ! : Literature and Art S ' Exclusi ra tot Information on all Subject re SAMUEL XOBMENT, Treasuror. i UKORGK O. Kij, MUDGE, ! Sei:retary. Manager Mi- actuary, Wilmington Seacostbt Si, R m IS EFPECr OCT. 6TO. EAVE WILMINGTON 2J30 ANJ 6.30 P. M LeaTO IlammcKks 7.56 a. m. and 5.'10 p. m. Randay trains leave WllmlnsTton 230 and 6.o0p. m. . Leave IlammocKs &33 a. m. and 5-30 p. m V Leave Wilmington 19.0 a, ; m. Saturday only. 250 round trip Tery flay. A. R. NOLAN, o:t 8 rf General Manager. ""i"'. .!!"!;"'":''; mifa'ataeneo recently wihaUed with UllOlCe IVOrtk t arOllIia . . Mtiafnrtirm nvminv. Mr. WAlimnasl . BED RUST PROOF . SEED -:- OATS. from tnr nte Ava very ofTen.ivc, itad I ucl various ailvi;rtieil renie ilies without benefit until finally the ne of II It It entirely ctireil lue. I atn tirotul to rccomiut'iul u 1lootl rtmeuy witli micIi powerful nira tlve virtue." B. C. Kitianl A; fckrn, TowsHji. Ga., writes: "Wciwliicetl a uciuli tor to try It It It for catarrh, whirli he thought incurable a it had re sisted all treatment. It delighted hlta and continuing il". iih' Iia' cared sound and well." , - Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoriz HE-NO TEA-FREE. ' Exarrerate J claims in many advertisement:: have made people tired." This recent saying has the right ring and v. r. accept its suggestion We are the imp.. it ers of HE-NO TEA We propose incrca:. ing its sale in Wil mington. Not by praising it, tut b giving you, fie - cj all cost, enouf.!: HE-NO i i.A O last a week. i Tbe proof of the 3J pudding is m trc Y,k V V eating." An Id aiage 'thich suggests another, -'A word to the wise is sufficient." - Bead os a postal card with your ad 4rtss, and, for a limited time, we will nail any one in Wilmington, freea pack age of HE-NO TEA, and an interesting took about tea. You risk a postal card. We risk your liking the tea so well that yu wLl continue to use it. Ifyoudor.ot we make a loss. Thus we ahow our res idence in the merits of HE-NO TEA. MARTIN GILLXT 4. CO.. if-in V' Xichaa( Place, Baltimore, ft f. an impcdiincnt in his speech. Shortly after his return a well known business man camo to the window for some stauins. Mr. Welling tore off a sheet and threw out the chance in his usual brisk manner. I Yell, I see your right hand hasn't forgotten its cunning," remarked the patron. l. "No," resiKndcd the clerk, without changing his expression, "b-b-but my t-t-t-toneuo still c-c-c-cleaves to the r-r-roof of my tn-ra-mouth." Indian apolis Jourjial. ; MfE HAVE JUST HECfclVF.D A FULL suxply of ths above OATS, which are the best for planting iu tLis and adjoining States, for sale by B. F. MIT HELL & SON. oct 7 tf ' V i . ., i r i , Full Tare for the Corpse. On a train from Aurora to Chicago tbe other day a strange incident oc- curred. A poor man, accompanied by throe children, was. bringing the corpse , of hi wife to the city. He was provided . with a ten-trip ticket, aud said ha had ; liecn told - by tho station authorities at I Aurora that the fare for himself and , children and the body of the wifo could ; be punched from the trip ticket.' The ; couductor insisted upon fnll fare for the corr'. "anil intimated that if he did not ct it he would have to put tho body oit. A disinterested passenger thought the man had sufficient sorrow without being compelled to argue with the.con- ; ductor, and paid the fare. Philadelphia I Leilger. STILL AT WOUK J Ait NOW WELL Pit REARED TO KKPAiK all kinds of Furniture, Sewing Machines, Fan- Work Clone promptly Call and see me ana get es- cy Articles, &c, and where It Is possible make them as good as new. and prlcesClow, tim a tes and prices. J. B. FAltKAK, ;s. W. cor. Front and Orange streets. I am still agent here for the yew Dome Sewing Machine, one of the best Msuhlneaon he market. Neejies anaoil for sale. V m-n 10 tf ; , S . Ih IT hiutii hum LiKlrj pi yRZNon rncrAKED to take rro.s reason b terms a limited amount or Family Waaalnr, which will be ia charge of a compe tent lady. WORTH BRAKCB. Oct 2 tf Proprietors. Weather signs conflict this year with! the usual regularity. A covey of part-1 ridges took shelter in a Norristown out-1 shed, and the prophets predict a cold winter on the strength of the visitation. A swarm of bees have celled up a home near tho top of a Sunbury oak tree, and the prophets predict a mild winter. . : ! . The cmiror of Austria has subscribed upward of 100,000 toward the. various funds which have been raised for the re lief of the sufferers by the late floods in his dominions. The archdukes, bis' majesty's brothers, have given 80.000? . rite VYrId fair commissioners hare decided rry prrpcrly that fhe intricacy yf L.u;iu ur.d belting, so prominent In ull displays of; machinery, will be done away with, their place being taken by tlectric motors. Hardware? IMNWARE 1. GEO. J. KASTEKDAY, Ass't Secretary. Lire insurance at. Absolute Cost. A euaraaTed Policy. ao iueontestlbl8 Policy. i Maturity Value la. Cash at Fixed Agtr, Anmvii cost Absolutely Limited.! nly Four Payments per Year, Noa Farrdt-Abl Arter Three Years, t P. S. RIDDELLE, AL D.t, t Medical Director : w H. GlUSON, special Agent, none Office, Central Kational Bank JJulldtngt Washington, D. C. - JOHN HAAK, .la., Lecal Agent, oct. a wumlntrton; N. C, Fishermen's Supplies, Builders' Hardware, PAINTS AND SASH WALKER'S STE1CTLY fUEE WHIiE UM, made bythe old Dutch process,; the best Lead oa the market. They not being ia comblna tlon can make special price on same. ! COOKING STOVES. - I . Largest assortment in .the state ;to se from; sold at factory prices. Oil Stoves of All Sizes. in them you will find comfort aBd economy Pump, St p- Ladders We ask for jour paronag:e and shall er endeavor to Reserve the same. Respectfully. i N. Jacobi Hardware Go. ap tf 12TSO. FRONT ST. HS3ayar ; 25 cents a number. Obarles Scribner's Sons.- 743-745 Br way, N.T. : j L890. Harper's" Younr PeoDle AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. TheEleyentn volume of Babfkks rocNa PkopXe. which begins wlta the Number-for November 5, 18S9. presents an attractlra pro gramme. It will offer te its readers at least four serials of the usual length, and others la two or three parts, namely. "The Red Mus tang." by WnxiAM O. Ijtoddakd; "Phil-and the Baby,'? by lcct c:. ijuis; "Prince Tom my," by John Kcsseix Cokykix; and 'Motb,- er's Way,' by Maraabet E. sakgsteb; two snort seriais ny ujalmas iijokth jsoyksbn. Two series of Fairy Talcs will attract t he at tention of lovers of 'he wonder-world, name ly, the quaint tales told by Howakd pTLB.and so aamiramy luustratea oy ntm, ana a otaer series in a different vein by Fbank lil. Bica nell. There will be short srories by W. O He wells, Thomas Nelson Page , Makt E. WlLKIKS NOBA PBRKT, JlAHKlBT PxBSCCTT 8POFFOKD, DAT1D HER, HEZEKIAH BCTTEB WOHTH, SOPHia tSWETT, IttCH A B MALCOLM .jonNSTOs,-ete. ; A suascriptlOH to Habpebs Yoc?re Peoplb secures a Juvenile library, ihere Is useful knowledge, also plenty of amusement. Boston AdverlisLr. t i JANKS GN BEKX5rr V ...... 0l.v One Dollar a Tea Oo1.orjl1,,sllte(.,16tMIr litii feLork Wefcky Heral, OBSERYM University of North Carolina TlieftFall rerrii Opns wept. 4 Tuition, $30. T70UK ItEGULAR. COURSES OF STUDY, classical. PhllosoDhlcal. Literary. Scient.flc Special courses in Cnemlstry, Civil and Electrical Engineering, Pharmacy, and other studies. Separate schools of Law and Medicine, whose students may atrena tne university lectures Address 1ION. KEMP P. BATTLE. L.LD., , Jy 3 tf. President, Chapel Hill, N. C. Terms Postage Prepaid, $2 pryear. Vol. XI Iwgbis XovemJbcr 5, 1889. . Spejimen Copv eif.' on reooipl of two-certi Wngle Number. Five Cents each, i Kemittances should be made by Post-Offlce Money Order or Oraft . to avoid chance of loss. XeiGpaitfis are not u cojjy (his adrBrsiesemenl eii-hmi ttuf Krvress onbv o f Harper s Brothers i ' ' - t--- Address ilAKI-Si BBOTIIERS. oovs Vw To . NORTH CAROLINA), New Hanover County.: Superior Court. ! 1890. i ' HarpcrV Weekly, ILLUSTRATED. ASD IIKOCKVKY. TT. E. SPRINGER ft CO.. . Importers and Jobbers; . Tumeii uruldiae. Entertainments! riHIOSE meats and WHO ARE PLANNING AXSE- gatertalnmenta for ta comiaz seasoa wiirflo well to consult the Halrazlnes lathe r-' . 4 WIUfTNGTON LIBRARY SOOX8, ! noritf v VSH Market street. Diamond Ypto Cnra 3 . " For tals ty DY8PKPHI kiC: ehliu Z)& r.G. KILLSH, cor. TvOVk- ' kaa riAKPEB's Weekly has a, well-established lace as the leading illustrated newspaper in America. The fairness of Its editorial com ments on current politics has earned for it the resDect and confidence of all Impartial read ers, and the variety and excellence of its lite rary contents, which include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, fit It for the perusal oi people or the widest range of tastes ! and pursuits. The Weekly supplements are of lematkable variety, in terest, ana vaiue. xso expense is spared to bring the hignest oraer oi artistic aomty to bear upon the illustration or the changeful phases of heme and foreign history. A Mexi can romance, from the pen of Thomas a. Jantieb, will appear in the Weekly in 1890. HARPER'S "PERIODICALS. ' pkr- year: HARPER'S WEEKLY $4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE. 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG. PEOPLE. . i. 2 00 fontaoeFree to all rubstrtorrs in tto United &aics Canada, orXfxico. t ! The Volumes Of the Weefcly begin with the Arst Number for January of eaeh year. When do time is mentioned, subscriptions will becin I with the Numjr current at time of receipt of oruer. i .Bound Volumes of Harpers Weekly, for three years back, la neat cloth binding, will be sent by maO, postage paid, or toy express, tree of expense (provider the freight does not ex ceed one dollar per volume), tor $7 00 per voL Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, wtll be sent bT mall, post-paid, on receipt of SI 00 each. t Remittances should be made by Post-OfSce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss Newspapers art not in com "if advertisement DCUhout IA exprets'orper o Harper & Brothers Address HA&PJSS jj&oj TV,RS. . HOT 59 . " . . . :; UaWTCGA John H. Strauss, , v. - :" ' ':-: Petef H. MiilHi, Walter Smith, Miaaie Smith and Clarence smith, Heirs at Law of Battle K. Smith. " . This is an acHon brought by the above named plaintiff asrainst the defendants above named for the immediate possession of a cer tain lot of land situate ia the City of Wilming ton, county of New Hanover, and State of North Carolina, and more specifically set -eut in the complaint filed la this action; Notice is hereby given to Walter Smith, one of the defendants above named, who is a non resident of the State of North Carolina, to either plead, answer or demur to the com plaint filed fn the above et. titled cause on or before the 6th Monday before the first Mon day in March, A. "D. 189. or the relief asked for by tne plaintiff In the complaint herein filed will be granted. i Given under my hand and seal of office this, the 17th day of October, a. D. 1890. t - ' S. VanAMRINGE, Clerk of the superior Court. H. McCLAMMY and M. BELLAMY, oct 17 6 w frl . Plaintiff's Attorneys. OLYDES The 0dest and Best Family HewtDaEer 7 Six Regular Editors; SpetUl f ! Storiefi, Reviews, Condensed lK Departments for F fc5t;-PS,lker8" Profe8ional M Students; Boys and Girls. 1 This year the Orsrrwo .mi ish mofe than "" PIFTrjPlilZESTOKiEs! and the; ablest and ' roost ponnla- writers w 11 contribute to Ite eoi umns. Poets and prose writers, in tnors, editors, men of science am' women of genius will fill the eoi uinns ef the Observhr. ana ur givo Uftj-two unexcelled papen it ic uuaiuJK year. Price, $3.00 a year. Clergymen, $3 00 a year. Great Inducements foFl89C 1. The NEW YORK OBSERVER wfll bear for one year to any clergyman not aov ik: sciiber, for ONE DOLLAR. i 2. Any subscriber sending hUoiribsct: tion for a year in advance and a new nter. ber with $5.00, can have a copy of tkeIM ceus Letters." or "The Life of Jerry Maimer." t 3. We will send the OBSEKVEH forU malnder of this year, and to Januuy 1, m to any nw subscriber sendlscnsaUnjaeiac address and $3.00 la advance, ToracasutMn bers we will also give either tbe toUum irenaBus letters" or "xn? un or Jem Auley." '..,.:) . , .... . Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal te? La r$e commissions. Sample c rea ' Address, t Now! York Observer ': .- NEW YORK English and Classical Scho:! r - BY Her. Daniel niorrellf, A.B. qHB TltlitTY-SKCOND AMJTJAl 5ES23 wtli begla D. V.) Wednesday, til tx&t tabfer. For any inlormaUoa apfV 51 Orange street, cprner of Flftn. WHS A FREE TRIP TO EUROPE ri IHE PUBLISHERS OF "THE CASAiw QHJtKN" will give a free trip to xwvj- - person sending tne largest numDw cf eenstmcted from letters contalied Jf name of their well known Jtanane. CANADIAN QVEKS." Addidonal consisUng of Silver Tea 8ets. OoW Wf China Dinner Sets, Portiere Dresses Mantel Clocks, and Buffi fnt and valnnhl artinlM will alSO M ,t J FROM PIER 29. EAST "RTVER : HEW YORK Located between Chambers ard Roosevelt sts . ' At 3 o'cioclr, P. Jl. ! PANITA PAWNEE .. f. . . ..Saturday,' Nor 8 ..i .Saturday, Nor 15 FROM WILMINGTON i PAWNEE i Friday, Nor 1 FANITA Mv....M ..... .... ..Friday. Pot 14 Through Bills Ladlne and Lowest Thro Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina. i - For Frelght or Passage apply to i , H o. SMALLBON Eg, Superintendent, Wilmington. i C THEO, R. EGER, Traffic Manager? - . - - . New York WM. P. CLYDE ft CO.. Genl Agents. Bov3 tf . 5 -Bowling Green. New Tone . f ul and valuable articles will also l In order of merit. . WolHtBr's TTn9hrtrvw1 DlftlOMTT ' as authority in deciding the coaast.' . - Tnis is a popular pian oi g ular nnWlrAMnn. v.verr one Benali I z. net less than ten words will recdrf Enciose thirteen Se, sumps for Catalogue cf present and tnree bw subscription to Tbe Queen.' Not at All NecSS John Werner. THERE 1 : IS BUT ONE, AJ?D HE HOLDS j The residents rpo CARRY YOUR PKOTISIOXS 0lV& to Carolina Beach as there Is a First-Class Familv GrcctfJ V . - - -.-( I - i - there, supplied with everytalaj tM affords and sold at city prices. AllKm'ds of Canned Go:.': TOK WJSCH AMD HC SlCMWiM and everything else that ttf . fine lunch. FuU supply of ICE always oa a--Cj The residents of CAROLINA tf i t m UXiU ll LU UKU nit-' at ao, m arsei sireeu a cooa snave : w " - ,g for to centa. a Shampoo for 20 rents, or a Hair . will keep on hand everytning uui iot su cents. - rour oi tne less uaroers in i .nrAkAAnt.friinp vuu nwm". rriJLU' tne state. Clean towels, shsrp razors and prompt attendance. - JOHN WERNER, CD 10 tf The OenrnvBart)er, J m S3 Kuiiil street jeTU U ASH A. pt:

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