.J " J An Old Time Senator. Ho comes down tho street looldnr? r Mt C i""t . - . , . . '355t?!:' steHitut of the frame. Ills featorcj arc ueucauj am iwpume.tritu jet Wick eyes, which ; have looked tho world in j tho face for eihty-sevea years. : Upona I head of wary curb, spotlessly white, tits j an antique dlk hatpolisned till it shines anew. The Van Djko beard is white and curly and tho snowy mastachioskr I artistical !y waxed. Around the skoal t ders lianps a military cape of the pattern oi lr-iu. unacr tno capo is a ions, black Prince Albert coat and- a waistcoat -of faiicv sttif. His Imnta ; .1 ! cjqu::itdypolishck From hb watth pocaci a cunonsiy carved golden charm j haits on a black eilk fob. lie carries a W J. 21 f f fl ,IA8flri u ! ' I H r . 1 11 U J1 .ax 1 I 1 UISRe- iu; That lioy Jlra. UyV t? nlhW t all with hi: i 1 -,Ilrf y-aKUtter snip WiVl, U-V. V " ' . t,,',r ,,ealS n it I. faratV new tinoins an' flairs an j , I ai! ! . i F:rom CHy.toriiiii toeTenlnV-dim. lie u-juh tlieleriU:-tliRt Ikv Jim! WHOLESALE rxticca .rl bi,u t at,t no irootl: It -hi us hanl ik ft piece o ivooii: ; J.t l.n?t otit iii a loud tmoray, An kept ris lit 011 in li hanl-tieuileil v i Urn U V -' t t.ncr th train was passiu' was on the Uif P.Wjr.aitem, ffeu- amiost jauniy in its fann-. He ttops Bruises, Lumbago, w and then and looks aronnd him ' tZX & iu a UCW anse conntry.I An'elec . ll;,.V5, .?-rocgc?g'"- ! trie Ftrrct car flashes by him. and he ION O I La t ,ilcl:t't eold headed cane tils jJirurw IS UZCT. bincwr. t:r:u-rnl yj,i:.V.V- -.V:??f Her:, it I I IP" ' f - ... f 1 . ft"1' i.j.. tiica, i'aralyl. r.n ... ,-,tr, Manual. ;-.V . . j r:. j.i;or. 67.fn r. '.ml - . 1.00 . I., ct.-. 1 cf Trie. -U.V-.eCa.. F.!tca S!., Tt. Y, 34SFEGIFIQ Ko.v -VtTi T.t". f 1jfal Weekness, rlin ni l mrr (NCWi.il.tJOr- 'Ui I a rlnliUo cn. For Ynnjr rouutr. una., ia. Ul MONTH 1 I'.rlelit Jk o.l l r i,lr.ani f-r ' in ejeh V vr. w. ziciiLti; & co., 11 ,Wi3ISt:tSCSI8b! : - :!. -.u r r. ui t PARKER'S I4A1R BALSAM ar.tl bru:.f til bill. 5?r r!s to Betor Gray MM . i .n . iMtnun", n.n,Tkt la Ui..iM eti ?SCnDNl- TV w'r vzr ecr fjr CVrrvi tUTtl t l.-CCl.Ml OUTING. ,'PS'S COCOA. t RniMKFAST. Viofwrt lLcvi:u-p"or the catnral itl mfratbo cprratlonsof cllsretl',n :ie.a i a ran rul application of of wf-s'itvtM focoa, Mr. -nAi tor treaifsst taMeswlta ajr 6iTOnl U frai wLU-n may ,suj Jir doctor'' It ts ty Aa tie ci s3.-a articles of diet that a uybprT.ur..Uly built up until ittti w rri-.t every tendency to . Iii.r-n of s,r;be mal.ulics are jrrcJirfiii 10 attack n hcreter tip;:it. Wem.15- cscajw ma&y tk.f ireffs ocrsrives well fortl jarf Vim aa4 a property riourtsned 15.ni nrw ;,,iflv. 5iadt simply yxtr or tiilit. sa'.j only In half 5 t'f" r. LiteKetl t hu: .ritti., llos.i-opaihJc rhem- f""'" "ii L cntSTrns llnUVHL-iriLLd ENGLISH 4i t "Off OUMONO tRtNS, fig - V i a .J"'.':', .- , iMMMiiii ! w-I ,zvU ,f '"ri:: --1 errors, early . 5eOt . : .: ruitaood. e?o, I will ..t:.wi(lriJ4i ecuidE fall Jatf f laf- FREE of charge A k ; .iinS read by Try KW:, :ioodus Conn. vs. WATI5SI . at Tcry hexy tx ,L,J ... . . 1 "l-ni. It a dtnJr," Come ml see to nyunc w ho will tMk7',r' "f try always to keep tC ''"'-an l our establlehmmt Ttt .i our esiaoiienramt e-i ei".T :,l m tiPPtiO, IXtfUUyf 'T-k,Ja "KSON & BELL, trrji:ujcrt aud UinJcr. j ' JC JLS.VO D 3 UZIIIT'.' J- M mi i vry rp.j vijcjw 3 Pa Pri IS fias'Tcn with 'ijnT'Mn.,..i. . Watches It GUt Of 12ht With an ,nl frtartled look in his eyes. He has a courtly solute for every lady and a smile for the bnsut eyed girhi who bid him irood dav as they pass. The writer saw him at the opera the other night, carrying his nine ty years as thongh they were but tliirty. Ho enjoyed the ransio .heartily, and be tween tho acts visited the various boxes .to chat with throccnpants. This is Gen. George W. Jonerf. Dubuqno Cor. Chi cago Times. f KnrUnd't Torpedo Repair Shop, j' The Vulcan, new torpedo depot snip, was laid down at Portsmouth in June, 1SS8, and was intended to be completed some tim next' year. She., is of 0,620 tons, 12,000 horse power, and designed for a maximum fepeed of twenty knots. Her armament is to consist of eight 1.7-inch and twelve three-pounder quick firing guns. She is also a floating fac tory for tho repair of torpedoes, tor pedo boats and their engines. It 4s 'im possible to exaggerate hw usefulness to a fcquadron, and it -was of extreme jim portance that sho should . be got out of hand with the least possible delay, j Now I am informed that the mountings-and supports of her 4.7-inch'guns are considered insufficient, that they are being strengthened, and that this in volves the pulling up of decks and the pulling down of cabins at the cost of much time and money. Is it Mr. Wlite .and the constructors, or Elswiokand the gunners, who are to blame for this latest bit of mism anagement? London World. A New Dlftlt. The best autumnal breakfast dish that has come to the cognizance "of people who know what's what is described as ia compound - of hashed chicken, tender green peppers and small clams. The first impression on the senses is made by 'a savory, stimulating perfume, which is said to be calculated to convince the most jaded reveler that he was mistaken in the miserable supposition that he "couldn't eat . anything." ' The ! second assault on his appetite is made through the eye, which gradually discerns that it isn't simply a chicken , hash which in vites, but a glorified medley of clams, peppers and hashed chicken. The third result of contact with this new plat is effected through the sense of touch, and taste alone does it justice. Its creator is George Boldt, who," in anticipation of taking charge of the new Astor house, has recently dispatched.one of his young men all through Europe to gather ideas. New York Letter. I Ai tho editor's child trork Orinii'f unu in ruMiu with ," 'cure ' !" Riht in front o the engine there! Child wag MivVd! But where -was juii7 . t Willi Jlaiiiju'l' lantern they looked iur 111111,? . ' (,. While the p.-ople trembled a h' held im-ir uri'Hthl . . unuiT i ii engine, crushed to . - , ,, ieai ir.7! , - . l There In tluMhist an' prime he lay Juu! he hiul given his life away! Twusn't no use to wep for hiiu; He wun a'.angel that hoy Jim! L. F. Stanton. ; . , : " -- -, - - . .- ! Alrrjt Wlim Wede.ireto iy to our citizens, that for yeani wo "have been sellini Tne foUotrias q-ctaucsj represent wnolo sale prices gencrly. " La ciiklnj ps&i or flers bigncr prices hATo'to'tje cbarsrsd. ro , BAGG1KO Goanj... StaadanT, BACXJN Korta Carolina, Dams........:. aoulOers V. & Sides, v Hams,b....i' saouilcrs; a DUY SALT1 HIS atue tlon f. hun'i?icM.. m "' T. SX 1 - .8 4 9. 8; 1 a a r . m. -wv a ur. xving s ie,w jrscoverv lor Con- Miuintioti,lr.j King's New Life Pills! Uucklcn's Arnica Salve and Eleetrio A Trackleas Street Car. An, exhibition run of the 'carette,' a diminutive street car without a track, which has been in uso in Chicago for several weeks, was given the other after noon. The "carette" is light and easy in motion, and no jolting or discomfort was felt in riding in it along the part cobble stone paving of Chestnut street. It can not run on the ordinary street car track, the distance between the wheels being greater than tho car track width; It avoids delays or blockades, and stops at the curb to receive or discharge passen gers. It seats twenty persons, is drawn by two horses and has a conductor and a driver." It is said to be very popular in Chicago among ladies and children. Philadelphia Times. ! 'J An Unfinished Story. ) If one Springfield baby didn't have the colic one night recently, it is because grapes agree with some infants. One of the many baby, carriages that line the sidewalk while mothers are shopping was pushed against a fruit stand the other afternoon. By leaning over its occupant could just reach the purple clusters in a basket And then one by one the grapes went down baby's throat, and just as the little one reached for another cluster mamma appeareiL-pringfield Repub lican. - ' ,. " ! , , . .,. . : ' - . 4 A Steam Heated Wharf.. An innovation in the method of handling green fruit at the port of New York is about to: be put into practice, , The new arrangement consists . of a steam heated wharf. In the past fruit ha been landed on the wharf without regard to the weather, and when the temperature ranged below the freexing point great damage resulted. The heated wharf will be 56 by 184 feet in dimen sions. Philadelphia Ledger. - I iUiaueifiua, r " case is that ti:3 1 Herman Zituug, now in London,' ex pretsscs a desire to be nailed up in a box and shipped to New York. He has trav eled considerably in that way and likes it. He one made the journey between Vienna and Paris ina trunk, and has just completed the trip between Berlin and London, also in a trunk. ; ' - j Street Commissioner Wotvertonl of Adrian, Mich.; had a calf which had: the habit of sticking . its head out of Itlje bam door. Recency a bolt cf light taag killed it. ThiUrzetr rnrtcf.the case is that th3 Vara ;Hly-icPvi. Bitters, und have never handled remedies that sell as well. - or.' that have given such universal tsatisfac tion. We lo not lusitnte to guaran tee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the parchase prie4, if satisfactory: results do xiiot follow their uso. These remedies have won their great popularity' purely on their merits. Robert R. "Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggists. ; - f NOVESIIiKK XONbENSE. " Sed I once; wrote a poeiu. ' Ned That's nothing. Every fellow has done that. Ted But Isold mine. Epoch. , ; "Your habits will be the death of me," said Mrs. Hirshley. "Well, vour costumes are ruining me," re-, torted Mr. H. j She There eems to be something more aristocratic about electric lights than about gas. He Yes. The gas is often low. New York Herald. j ' "Blobson," said the millionaire, "here are twenty begging letters. Give them all a refusal.'1 "Yes, sir " "You wf 11 note that a two cent stamp is inclosed in each for an ans wer." "Yes, .' sir." "Well, answer them all on postals." American Stationer. J ; "The subject of a national flower if being discussed n great deal now, Miss Minnie.";reinarkeda visitor at Minneapolis, to a maiden of that city. "What I do you think about it?" Well,1? replied Miss -Minnie, "I think papa's fancy winter wheat flour rather takes the biscuit." i She Darling, please tell the grc cer to send me up t wo quarts of nice, fresh sponges. He lou can't get sponges at the grocer's, ducky, but I'll stop at the druggist's for them. What kind do you- want? She-I want the kind used for making sponge cake, and tell him they must be fresh. Seattle Press. ; "I" Advice to Mothers. M RS. W USlb w 'S SOOTHINQ SYRUP sliould alwavs be used when children ire cutting teeth. Itrelievesthe lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher nb awakes as f'brightas button."; It is verr pleasant to taste. , It soothes the cliild, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is tne best known remedy- for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or othr . causes. Twenty live cents a bottle. iulv 6 deod&wlv Vermont sheep are winning tiuction in foreign lands. dh 40 00 8 do 0 00 15 u " 10 Zi so 00 00 1 5 : e 00 10 XJ 00 J Consumption Surely Cured. To tiik EnrroR i'iease inform yur readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less .cases have been permanently cured. I blfaM be glad to send two bottles of my remedy frkk to any of vour readers who have, consump tion if they will send me their ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st,. New! Vork. Second Hand, each.. New, New Yorlc, each. . , ... . New, City, each ) BEJCSWAX, ? lb..:...... liKICKS, Wllnungtoa, Jt:.;. " Northern.; BUTTEU, lb- ' j North Carolina ...L.. Northera...., L.. CANDLES, V E j ". Sperm.......... ... , Adamantine. 4,. uiieese, v I Northern Factory .... Dairy, Cream State ..J... tfOFFEE, Vfc 1 i Java........................ Lasuyra.. mo ... CORN MEAL, hush, Iu sacks. Virginia Meal.............. COTTON TIES, y bundle.. J. . . DOMESTICS y . , Sheeting, 4-4, V yard...;... Yarns, y bunch EGGS, doz. FISII r Macterei, No. 1, 7$ bbl. -.-.. Mackerel, Na 1, y half bbL 12 40 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbL. I. ..15 00 Mackerel, Na 2, half bbl... 4 75 Mackerel, Na 3, V bbl. .t ... 7 80 Mullets, bbL.... L.. 6 00 N. C. Roo Herring, y keg.." Dry.Cod, V ft.. ...... ...i . FLOUR, V bbl r Western, low grade.;. " Extra....... " " Family... . City Mills Super. . . . V . Family... GLUE. a.. GRAIN, V busheL , Corn, fm store, bags, white Corn, cargo, In bulk, white. Corn, cargo. In bags, white Corn, mixed, from'store. .. . Oats, from store . ... i . . Oats Rust Proof. . . . . .V.. . Cow Pea3..... . ......... HIDES, vr; Green..... ... Dry......i... k HAY, v 100 ns . S Eastern. ....... Western.!..,.... North River.... HOOP IRON, l lb.... LARD, V k NorthernL.'.. ... orth Carolina........... ElME, v barrel. .... .... . . .; 4. LUMBER, City Sawed, M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed.. ...... 18 00 Rough Edge. Plank... I....L. 15 00 West India carglea, accord ing to quality.. Ul3 00 . Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 Ot) scantling and Board, comiuU 00 MOLASSES, v gallon- New Crop, m hhds. " .:;. in bbls..... .... i Porto Rico, In hhds. . . . . . . i " in bbls Sugar House, In hhds...... m bbls. I Syrup, In bbls J AILS, v Keg, cut. lOd basin j jILS. V gallon. j Kerosene...... Lard. ; Unseed..... - Rosin Tar J)eck and Spar. ... ... POULTRY V Chickens, live rown..... t Spring:. Turkeys PEANUTS, bushel, 8S tt, POTATOES, bushel Sweet 50 75 70 3i 52; QlCCO & 9 & & & & & & ... AfJ 1 30 25 10 14 , 11 50 r 5 C5 1 oO 6" 0 MISCELLANTOirs Atlantic Coast Lino. WjlminitoiVn R. R. 'ji AND mtAKCUEii CONDENSKB SCHEDULE. 00 5 50 4 00 4 50 4 00 8 48 00 52 00 S3 00 95 2 ' 3 1 05 85 75 430 50 15 00 a20 00 6 00 10 00 & 700 & 6 00' & 10 O 4 00 & 6 00; 6 00 a'4 10 & 5 00 10 50 48 53 51 50 1 CO 2 6H& 8 & 1 25 10 so 00 3i : ;:1 10 0 00 20 00 1G 00 1S 00 22 00 15 03 t mm m 28 28 26 00 18 22 2 40 . JO' 9 18 90 15 - 00 00 25 10 75 1 00 & & & & & & 85 3 25 26 30 30 28 15 18 35 2 50 ta. 14 a 1 45 1C0 ' 16 & : 20 ' & 22 & 30 ; & 20 & 1 00 125 & 75 & 3 75 . When Baby was sick, we gare her Castoria. t When &lie was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When sho had Children, she gave them Castoria, IHany Persons are b. down from overwork or household catus. Brown's Iroii Bitters nebufldsthe rstem. aids digestion, rcmoTes excess of Mia, aod cures malaria. Get the genuine. CAPE FEAR ACADEMY Kfoppiis September 122nd. Prepara:wa Ui Bosia ss r Cillfjf. COMrLTENT INSTRUCTORS. LEADING MALE SCHOOL I ' Please enter at bejrlnnln of session. ; jT see Catalogue in nook Mores. - - CATLETT, PnnclpaL seplSlm Cor. Firth and chestnut streets. j J o h n 1 Werne r . rpflEEE IS BUT" ONE, AND : HE HOLDS forth at Na23 Market street. A pood Shave for 10 cents, a Shampoo r 20 cents, or a Jlalr Cut for 20 cents. Four ol the best Barbers .5 the State. Clean towels, eharp razors and prompt attendance. JonN werner. r . The German Barber, trv;;t: iiarket street Irish, V tobl... PORK, y barrel - . City Mess.. J2 00 18 00 Prime.. ................ 15 00 16.00 Rump..:... ........I " 00 15 00 RICE Caiollna, V 6 Rough. V bush, (Upland)... 60 9 . 80 . j " (Lowland), 80 & 1 00 RAG S,V tt-country . . . . . . . . .". . 00 & 1 aty ......... 1 & X ROPE, V 14.V 22' SALT.W sack. Alum..........; 70 Q 75 LlTerpooL... Utl 9'1 .mm. mm Lisbon... American.... -- SOAP, V tt Northern.'. v. SUGAR, P tt Standard grain.. Standard A White Ex c.... ... Extra C, Golden C Yellow..... SHTNGLES;71n.?M.... .... . 5 00 common.. ...... ............ 2 00 Qpress Saps........ 4 50 , cypress Hearts.... 0 00 STAVES, V M W. O. BarreK. 8 CO - r. O. Hogshead..... 0 en TALLOW, V tt... 4 TIMBER, V M feet-Shlpplng..l2 00 Fine Mill. .................. .11 25 7 50 5 00 500 250 2 00 1 50 23 16 16 00 00 & 6 & Q & 5 & t mm m Mill Prime.... .-v.- Mill Fair. .......... common Mill. ... . .. Inferior to Ordinary ......... WHISKEY, "9 gal Northern... North Carolina. . WOOL, V tt Washed Unwashed. ... . " Bnrry. .... 50 00 10 5 6X 6 6 5 5 7 00 d 2 50 & 5 00 9 7 50 14 00 10 00, d, i 5 14 00 , 8 50 C GO S 0 00 M 4 00 & 5 00 & 3 00 & 25 13 13 OYSTER ROASTS AM rKETARED accommodate my r AM BETTER I than ever to friends with OYSTERS this season. wul kern none but t he Best on hand aj ways MYRTLE GROVE ROASTS a specialty, trcry- thlnjr overhauled and impitmvL OVsters ready at short notice .and expert shuckjere to open them.. yreclal rates to parties. Glre mo a call and will do my best to please you, . - - Respecttaliy, . - ukz, -w, n STOKLEY, " oct 2 tx . " , . wnznuTiur. : v 1 TliAINS GOING SOUTn. 1 "V . . 1 -'A " DiTED NOV. 6. im jf o's c?l "' . . 7 " p. M. P. m.Ja. m. Leave Weldon. ............. 1230 5l 600 Arrive Rocky Mount. ,15 7-10 Fr M J Arrive Tarhcra. ...317 ...... i ' ' ' ' - A. M. j Leave Tarboro 10 SOL... .; j ; -y p M J" . j" Arrive Wilson....... 2 20 i 7 00 7 43 Leave Wilson: .; . t23o! Arrive Selma 330 Arrive Fayetievill 530 Leave Goldsboro. ...... 3 13 7 10 8 S5 Leave Warsaw............. :.410 ....... 9l4 Leave Magnolia 4 24 840 949 Arrive WUmlngton. ........ 5 50 955 1 11 29 " T1LIN8 GOING NORTE. ; j .a - ai mw.ni" . H - - 1 . . ' A. M. A. M. I". M. Leave Wilmington...... .. I2t'l C0 4 00 Leave Magnolia. IZ1 10 34 1 ft 06 Leave Warsaw.. ....10 48 5fl Arrive Goldsboro.......... 2 2:3 1145 653 Leave Fayctieville ...... 19 20 AiTlveSeima 11 is ...... . - P. t- Arrive Wilson. )..... BI20 ...... Leave Wilson 3$3 12 37 , 747 Ar. Rocky Mount 1 10 j 8 IS Arrive Taiboro 2 17 ...... . A. M. Leave .Tarboro.. ........... ...... 1020 ...... -.".v-H '-''-- . 7 P. M. " ArrlyoTWeldon. . ... .....,. t 301 2 45 9 30 a Dauy except sunaay. ' . "Train on Scotland Neck Branchy Road leaves.Weldon Ma p. m., Halifax 3:37 p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.25 p. m., Green viil0.'6;C2.p. in., Kinston 7.15 p. m. Returning leaves Kinston 6:00 a. m., Green vUle 70 a. m. Arntln? Halifax at ld:iO a. m., Weldon 10i0 a. m., dally except Sunday. Local Freight leaves Weldon 10iM a. m. Hal ifax 11:30 a. .. Scotland Neck 2:00 p. m , Greenville 5:30 p, m, Arriving at Kinston 7:40 p. . m. ; Returning, leave Kinston 7:00 a, m., Green vine 9:30 a m., Scotland Neck 1:10 p, m. Halifax 8:35 p. tn. Arrivliig Aveldon 4Kp. m.. dally except Sunday. -; Train leaves Tarboro, N. CV via Albcrmarle & Raleigh R. R. dally except Sunday, 4.05 P. M., Sunday 3.00 P. M., arrive Williamston, N. c, 6.30. P. M., 4.20 P. M., Plymouth 7.50 P. M., 520 P. M. Reiurming leaves Ilymouth, mouth. N. Cf dally except Sunday, 6.00 A. M., sunoay 9. (XT A. al, wiuiamston 7.10 A. m. 9.58 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, 9.30 A. M , 11.20 A. -M. ... -C. . ; ',' - r - '-vi-'..- :..'., ':: ? Train on Midland. N. C Branch leaves Golds boro. N. C. dally except Sunday. 6.00 A. M. arrive Sinithfleld, N. C, 7.30 A. M. Returning leaves smlthfleW, N. 0., 8.00 A. M., arrive Goldsboro. N. C. 9.30 A. M. - Twin on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount- at aoo P. M.. anives at - Nash ville ar 3.40 P. M., Spring Hope 4.15 T. M Returning leaves Sprtnc Hope 10.00 A. M. NasnvUle- ia A, ft arrive Rocir Mount 1L15 A.M., dally exec pt Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily, except Sunday, at 6.00 P. M. and 13 10 A, M. ReturniBg' leaves Clinton at 8.3UA. iu. anaa.iu r. jvi., conmectmg at war saw with Nos. 41 40. 23 and 78. , Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayettevlllo Branch is Na 5L Northbound is No. 50. Dally except Sunday. - 1 - Train Na 27 south wiUjstop only at Wilson, uoiusDoro ana Aiaenoua. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, andSlally, except Sunday, via Bay Line. - - - -p-, , .' :-' ;-. , - -: All trains run solid between Wilmington and wasnmgttn, ana nave 113 urn an paiace sleep ers attacnea. - JOnN F, DIVINE, Genl Supt. J. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gn'l Passenger Agent. Seaboard Alr-Linc. Gr rolinh Ooairal Railroad CHANUE OF SCHEDULE. Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington, Coiai Augusta IL E. iU (jragaJI Kssssai lira "Ira-I-V CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Aprli:20, 1890. No. 23. No. 27. NO. J5. " P. M. P. M. A. M. Leave Wilmington... 6 15 10 10 ........ I Leave Marlon.....;.. 9 33 ... 12 40 ........ I Arrive Florence...... 10 20 120:........ ' Na 50 NO. 8 I . , " .. A. M. A. M. A. M. Leave Florence....... 3 20 , . .. . 1 8 25 Arrive Sumter. ...:.. 4 35f.. ...... 9 35 - - No. 52. ' A. M. Leave Sumter........ 4 35 tlO 33 ........ Arrive Columbia..... 6 15 - 11 65..... . . . Na 52 runs through from Charleston via Central Rr R. Leaving Lanes 9 15 A. m.. Manning 9:56 a. M. Train on C. & D. R. B. connects at Florence withNo.f8. . , , TRAINS GOING NORTH. WEbTLUNl TRAINS Nov. 5, I??0. 1 Na 4 i. UiUyex. JMJJCJJiy; Leave Wilmington.. .l 9 2nam Leave HamiM 1 10 pw Leave Wadestoro j 2 21 ym Arrive t:har;mt ..r 4 1J rn LeaeCharlwe....... j 4 rjpir Leave Llutlntcc.... ...;... & 42pia Lea v Shelby 6 s)rni; Arxlvj:uthort dtT..i 7 Capra' c.uij ex. Sunday. s cm p 6 IU;: V axe OUTBOUND TRAINS Nov. 5, 1800. Leave Rt r.crTdfc. . Leave Shelby Leave Lincoln on..... ArrtTC Charlotte Leave t:h.irlot to,-. Iave Watiesboro.,.. IiOave Hamlet Arrive Wliialngt'c... . j Na 16. No, L Many ex. dally ex ;scnday. .Sunday mm ri ir 1 " l ' ' M ..I 8 0"am ..aoouam' ..Hi 12am ..l2 2arrn ..'liSipm 8(Op ..! 2 22pm 11 2i tm ..; .1 :21m 1 l ) am ..) 7 CO ira. S CO am Trains No. 43 and 3G make close connection t. Hamlet for lia'cfgh and at Llncclntou for itrkory ana w . n. c. - Trains Na 23 and 24 make close ronnectior at Monroe for Cbestor. . . - -i Through sleeping Cars between Wllmlngtoa and Charlotte. - T..W. WHISNANT, SuperlnTcndent. F. W. CLARK. GenT Pacscngcr Agent. . novtiii -- , Atlantic Coast Lne. North-Eastern R. Rif S.t 4 . CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated May 12, '89. Leave Florence...... V Kings tree Arrive Lanes.. Leave Laces. Arrive Charleston.... Na 27. A.-M. 1 35 2 20 2 80 ..J 2 50 P. M. -7 6 S P. M. Train No. 63 takes Na 53 South of Lanes. Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 23 Train. 5 CO. A. M Na 23. j'Na 2 4 A. M. 9 30 10 K 11 20 11 20 1 30 r. m. TRAINS GOING NORTH. 0, 5L Leave Columbia.'... . Arrive Sumter.. , Leave Sumter.. .... .. Arrive Florence ...... Leave Florence Leave Marlon.. 1 Arrive Wilmington... J P. M. 10 35 11 58 11 58 A. M 1 15 No. 7a A. M. 4 a 5 22 Na 59.IN0. 53. P. M. t 6 -7 P. M. 5 20 6 32 50!,... NO P. H. 8 8 a-'p 11 45 Daily. tDaUy except Sunday. Na 53 rans ttroujrh to CliarlestOB; 8, C. Central It. If., arriving Manning 7-01 P. M Lanes 7:43 P. M., Charleston 930 P. M. Na 59 connects at Florence with C and u train tmm cberaw and Wadcfebora 3 - ' Nos. 78 and 11 make close connection at s 11- minjrton with W. M R.-.K. for ail point North . Train on Florence It. K. leave it Dee cany except Sunday 4:40 P. arrive Rowland 7A p. m. Returning leave Rowland f.o m ar rive Pte Dee 8-VJ s. m. Train on 3lanchesier & Augusta 11. Ji. leaves Hmater dally, except Sunday. 10 50 A. M..rrrve h:iiriJril r. i. -Returning icave lamini 12:15 P. M., arrive Sumter !.: i'.M. - General SCperintendtnt. ' J. It. K EN LY. Afcat Genl SI anagcr. T. M. EXEKSON. General Passuigcr Aycn , JOT 18 ' . . Leave Charleston.;.. Anive Lanes......... Leave Lanes.. . Kingstrce Arrive Charleston.... No. 78.Na 14. No. . 6i A. M. - 2 45 : n fa 4 20 4 R0 6 28' 0 2 7 &3: 7 9 A. M. I P. M. I A. AL Dally, t Dally except Sunday. " on C. & D. R. R. for CherawS. C, and Wades boro.N. c. Na 52 runsibrough to Columbia via cc ttra R. r. ors. c. . . . Nos. '78 and 14 run solid to ' wnrnlngtcn, -C, makinfir close connection with W; & U . R. for all nomrs north - . JNO. F. DIVINK. vieiii'iui fuiieuunijouti. J. R. KENEY, Ass'.t Genl Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Fassengtr Agent. , my 11 ' oarMasr S33iJiVi'3 UAJizisa urn-iti yo , are deciding upon your reading matter for next season. ; The subscription rate la low mn aa n . . . j m ...... . Th standard of thcMagazlne la blgh. Its spirit progressive. . The iiiustration3 are interesting ana of tee best. - . Therfi la Tint armrft lira tn Mrn pmh n anvn." mary of the features to appear this year, but among other thinjrs there will be a now de partment and additional pages, and gronps of illustrated articles wui po devoted tS the fol lowing subjects. -1 , Africaja Exploration and Travel, Life on a Modern War Ship 3 articles). Homes in City, Suburb, aa country tIonsTW1I1S il0ae3 tfcrouKn Building abso? The Citizen's ivj..:8, . , Electricity in the Household. . :. jCncRKOTi. 1,1m lawr'fi. hv v, i ... Biogaph2f. " J j Jiunung, " Muiuviuiw -raAiioie, , Auicriciin ana jroreiffo l- "- ir ' , mmmmmmm tmmmmmmmmV t - '"' ITtere will te 3 serials. . Robert Louis Hfi'f.n - . . www.... M UA : WitUlUULU Each Rtlbleet fin1 fTiam w, . . -..... w . hicnb va riety this year win to rr,ot most competent to speak with authority and wild-interest. Rpaipr win nt itiMMiet are urged to send for a prospectus. 25 Cents . y.niaber, $i.C0 for Fenr Moslk CharJes Scribner's Sons, 74 JJroaUvay, N." Y. Jan e tf - . - THE STATE CHRONICLE. Succe6sor;to the Farmer ana Mechanic-an d "jf wnronicio.; , YZVf GENTIillZI.CASlBi ACC021MO A Tncti27U dAtei wirh.T&tl2jror3.ca TTH."-"ti tr Under New Management NEWSY. BRIGHT AND CLEAN. UP WITH THE TIMES. rjiHE TATjS- CilliONlCLE" WILI . BE-! what lis name impliesa Si ate Pa pnr. . It is not tbo Raleigh chronlclf," and win not be iocal or scctionaL It win aim to keen urt with the news rromMcmby to Mantco. or a!a tho poltuuans put it, fr&rn Cherokee to cur It will be the organ cf no msn,- no Ad?, no "-"j, i u";. v t Atmocraiic in K tics, but will not hr-sltateto criticise mocrstlc measures ana Democratic onictry.. TKRMS OK SCDSCr.IPTION; ' Oce Year......,.....;....".. ...... : rra Mx Months ........ fui Wire Months "" 1 TFor a&ampSfterrpy.acWrpss " THE STATE CHRONICLE. -1 Diamond Vera Cara. , Lroxi iyspi:psia. -V F&rti!sfcy eblitt DILF.C.2ULL2i,' -Ccr. Fc-rth -. zixuu.

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