rip to the nKent tafd.j ;"Tke thl home for ire. Iirme cHnt'-h lie rvrii7rvnv- ent bnek to life wat in lie flii 1 1 i V V ? 1 i k t Absolutely A ereiai of tirtir biWox powder Hlz'aest el all Lq leave ainz stretmh t. .S. is?- uirJ K-Tort, A 17, 15f. Tjh-o Daily Boviow. " Fill DAY. SOV? U. 1830. STATE SEWS. Weldon AVir-t: .Vur linrhiir- -Thursday morning, nt.ut 4 .: the gin house ami coiitfiit. ' iu' Ine to BIeir. J. W. and . traii'. was burned. The origin of tin- ijr ia unknown. Loss about Sl.snO: ii.- nuTance ftfOO. - Wadesboro JJeBsuwer: Oiir;ir correspondent cive the iMirticilnr this week of theiuniln;r of the gin of Mr. y. C. Llles at that ilao hut Saturday. The supposition is that some cotton that vras being tcinnetl r&3 Ignltca by a niaicu. soon unfil ing the house aud all its content Tarboro Soulhcrnor: It is believed by some negroes that Edgecombe coanty will average, this year, pounds of seed cotton pr acre. Many farmers liave made u hale per acie when witu ordinary mnuoh the vleld wonld be only about half a bale. The good crops of thi yvar nare iut an entirely uiuerent ap pearance on things geuerallv ami everybody fs feeling good. Trade has never been better in a number of years. Charlotte Chronicle. Cards an nouncing the marriage of Joseph Merrison Hill, or Fort Smith, Ark., to Miss Kate, daughter of (in. ami Mrs. D. U. Reynold-, of Lake Vil liage, were received here yesterday. A letter received vesterdav from Will Hoyd at West Po'iut, by fieorge Oifford, nunouncedthe suicide there of Robert Stark, a Richuioud & Danville clerk, who i. well known In this city. llr. Starks hot him pelf with n double barrel liot gun. Winston Daitjf. Mr. Frank Snipes a butencrof this city, has a curios ity In the shape of a three-legged hog. The animal was purchased from a farmer a few miles from town and Mr. Snipes prizes it highly from the fart that it is a pctiml u great curiosity to everybody who husscfii it. It is about nine mouths of age and weighs in the neighborhood of 73 foiinds. The two hind legs an litce all other hogs, but the oddity coiues in with only one front Jeg. The little animal i'si active and gets around with about as much eae as 'If he was a "whole hog.' Charlotte Actr: The carpenters of Charlotte have organized a Union. A meeting was held lat in the Temple of Justice and th car penters and joiners effected an or gaaization with nearly forty mem bers. The association will bV known as the Carpeuters and Joiners at Charlotte. A plan is on foot by which, it is believed, the auditor ium of which you have luurd so much talk, will be built ami that too at au earlv da v. will cost 15,ut, arid The building it Is proposed to raise the money by orirp.nizincr a 1 strong company and placing shares' at ten dollars each. I Raleigh AVir ami Observer: At Durham last evening, at 5 o'clock, IXr. Lucian O. Cole, traveling sales man for the Morris Manufacturing Co., and MissLoUie Corbette. daugh ter of J. T. Corbette, were married at the First Itaptist Church. Jast night at the First Presbyterian tJhurch, at 0 o'clock. Mr. A. C. Iltn ton and Miss Dessie Sea well, both of 1 iltalelgh, were tinttetl 111 iimrnaire. 1 Percy Robinson, son of Mr. Johu Robinsou, Coiumissioner of . Agriculture, received a painful in jary at th cotton gin at his father's I i plantation yetertlay afternoon. The t Injury, though painful. i not sri- f ous. j Favetteville JMrrrr; Cotton re ceipt for Favetteville up 'o ilate number 11, bales against -about S,K00 bale this time !at y-ar." ; Oeorge Fuller, clorel. eiuployed by' Mr. H. Alexander at th Favette ville Oil Mill, iu the suburb t the; city, was cciilentfty caught bv the belting of the machinery whil ht J work on Tuesday aftrnniu. ami be fore he could bo'extriented hi face and shoultlr vrere bndly lorn. Mr. Frank Roberts. -Mituinoupd fr.uu . hU residence at th Nrth to the . tleath betl of his fathr a few weeks since, was protrated with serious, illness immeiliately after the latter's' death, nggrnvateil by mentnl aftlie- . tioti, from which the bet medical skill was powerless to recover htm. ; and hi death took place ou Tus- night. j Raleigh Chronicles Walter M.; iester. a drummer for .1. Faust & : bn, cf Haltimore, had llnMied JhtV ,4ill trip and was returning home to Winston, having received au in'-; creajse iu salary for another year. Popnlarjovial and promising, very thing seemi bright lie fore him and his brother waited at th d-Mt to welcome him home. Ret ween 1 rains at lir eiisboro he was treated to drink.s and, be.-oming restless, nuule thrats ot suicide, but tli-v wen not Iiotleetl. He Imanbtl th uid nlghj train for Winston, and just five miles from here, while all were asleep In the car, he decided to end , his lite. He. went through the train I to the express car nnd handing his Pure. s!aj can . Iiff rtl. I.I. ft nl:ov -III back of ih rat in front cf hbt plnceil a .Ufo! at hi If fIt ft it i-K ami fired, the It all fu4'K tl.rciiKl ami almost out of the. MhT MI ! his He did not tiiovf a mti rle. hut died without a ftn.irtrtt Tht- i)ai-pn trer awakmir took 1 1 artre of hiai, and Innlend of pnfrliiJir him. Walter !letfr. hi.- brother. n. t hi rortiM. Hh hod roil e hcu. t ell' Kfatlv tweutv vearf ruret, flv- ii.if fio-ti here, in the faint lir -f ion. Jl-teiV father r.innf til uiti!e. Hi ;rrui.Ifther and aiitif Mojol tht-irowii i i rM. Th family ! e!' known throughout the SiaT--iiU toutii Heifer vra one of toe iiio-t Iruauuerp on popular ami promi-iir the road. The Ir ltor. . That touud inirnciiljmp, and jet one may become temporarily d af on account of blood oioii settling in the ear. and then find (fuick re lief bv using H H H (Botanic Blood Ha I iu John .W. .Weeks Decatur, t.a.. writes: " Six montns agfi I nan a i.niu in mv ear and in al fe 'W davK it dwharetl mattfr. 'ItJ "ftSit-ii I 4?rew daf and could not har at all.- I the i'e of B B Bj and tliH r un ntii of u:y ar xkiii jHi'f'iJ and ! w heat, h l my hciith is muh tuipr-v ti -i i i ii'i l u if o! irrarif ihi ti nil J TI:- )ii ... ri-iors or .Sif. 41 I IIIH1I . s. M K:iis At!antn. Ha., wril'-M "t n I uri'Cl ine ol u. iuoiMrn eczuja i-nai iocrort ii u winnmr nnrces fr twelve veiirs' W. II. I)ais. San Mrircos, Teas writes: I am rapnl!v recoenuu'! froui blocal poison bv the Ure of B. B. B. Fuvt grale cooks at St. Paul get $100 u month; s-econd. "75. ami third, f 0. Ileaduch'e. iudigestio i, and all dis- orders of the Livr, 5i nuuons i.iver Regular surely cures. txAf MKItCIAt. fivfV&. " WILSIINof ON 5JARKK1' November 14.4-2:30 P. II SPIRITS TIJRPKNT N K Steady at 37 cents. Suh.-s of receipts at 37u R(Sl-Firiii al ctraineil ami 1 15 for co": si ml net I. TA It-Firm hi I. 55. CRIIBK TURPKNTINK - Finn at l.ilu for hanl. fl IK) for yellow din nml$l.!0 for virgin C()rr() Quint at tl -entK for middli'mr: low middling , 8 IMG; good uiiddliuir. !. KECKIPTS Cotton. spirits 120; rosin, 521; tar, 174; crude, 23. MAUI NK NEWS. ARRIVED Steamer I Murchison, ivouesoii, Favetteville, T LovJ Sor brig Mira. Christ ersen. Hani- burg. I la-itie & Co. Schr Percy & Lilly, A iiderson,Xew York, Cieo Ilarriss, Son, & Co. Schr M A Achorn, Achorn, New York, lieo llarriss, Souj & Co. Nor banpie EitUivaJ Olsen, (Bo cester. Heie& Co. er v a tr vt Steamer- D Murchison, Favetteville, T I) Love) Nor bartine Sicheiu, Robeson. Pedeen, IJristol, Paterson, Downing fc Co. Hr steamship Thurston, Douglass, Liverpool, Alex Sprnnt & Son Seiir Kate iiifrord, ndelphia. Cteo Harriss, . ? Wright.Phil Son At Co. EXPORTS. POR'I CUASTWISK. Pliihulelphia Schr Rate E Clifford Ill ft lllmKuli . nlX l.r,tfo OO 1 ! Mllllir., c - I. ... .1.. . VOHKUiSJf Hristol-Nor barque Sicheiu 3.91G rof,. 'casks spirits. Liverpool-Hrtteamihip Thurston iiil a . I . . . A A . I o,jtJ o.iies I'uuuu. WKEKLY STA TKMEM. STOCKS O.YHAXD Xfjv. 14, 1S90. Cotton ashore, 9,132: iafloa!, 13,r,Q4; torn!, 2,63C. I Spirits ashore, I'.O'JT; afloat, 58: total. S.&'i.'S. I Rosin ashore 44.47: afloat. 270: ! total, 41.DI7. Tar-ashore, r.S: atlbat. 1 , to; total. 2,H7. ' Crude ashore. I,li5. ; KKCKIPTS, NOV. 7 TO NOV 14, '90. rosin. Cotton. GJ3: spirits 3.:iS;tar. crude. 707; 373. xov. 14. KX PORTS. NOV 7 TO 90. HOMKSTIC Cotton li)pirits.r.'57:5rtide, l-4; tar. V.i-n ro.iii, r.'.iw. KORKIfiN. Cottn. .1.":j-2; spirit. 500; rosin, 7,VJf5. 1 Hardware, J INwAKF. , AND Kt CHtK ! W. E. STKIN(iKK i importers bind Jobrars nneti Kntidias John We rner 'JMIEKK IS HUT ONE. jA forth at Na Market Mreet, ND HE HOLD"4 . A pood Snar for locnis. a Shampoo for 2u cents, or a Ualr t-nt lor 31 cents. Koor of the beet Barbers In the state. ciiMtn iowets.1 sharp razors and prompt attenUnce. JCUN WERNBK. The (ierrnaa Barber. (. Iiitf 30 Wri.-tRtrvef r. vii F K A It ArADEMT ltItt .epta mber22iMl. CIMIKTKNT ISSKUCTtlUS. .LEADING -MALE SCHOOL! Please enter at betrtnnlnjr of Ecsslon. - see catalogue m hook stores. CAT LETT. PrtnclDaL sepUlm Cor. Fifth and Chestnut streets. i ; m e w u v a mm iwmhM iBpecimen - Stories EVERY I ! Read in BYTHS 450D00 - f f l i I -sn i is. v s v i z s , . , -v -w- a : BESTAilTHQIC Homes "No other WttU9 Taper fires WZ T. By NEW KUBSCRIDER wh. will eat a-d jwaj Jtli'TlUvAld Mr. mmd SI.73 i JWaJ r Krpreur JKmey Order L tU.,rml that D Til YOCTU'S COMPANION FKF.K to Jannarr, 1891. mud for a. V Ti wi-r!J ?il..flr i.c!Bae. th. FIVE DOI BLE HOLIDAY 1BKUH IVLl'l Knr Year'.. Ka.ter mnd F.arth-of-Jaly. and II tfce Iltn.trated Weakly Sapplemeiitfc ; LIP 1.... Tmmvr and Stools. Cabinet Wbrk cf all 6 inks. Catalogue free. ddresa .i THE ' CEST" POROUS WillinUntlyrdieTe R11CII ATIf ! all pains sach u 1 1 1 1 bwiun w in Z5 eeata at Dractiata. m. fluifiHFKTFB'ji FNtiusH. It 2 ' B VI Hui a mm a av t an a aa " i ! 4 belli THE ORIGINAL ANO GCNlllNC. The S.fe,, and rtUahU Pill Tor ial. Iil. ..v nMUt tar rivJuiw'i KtutlUk Diamond Xrand in Bed and Gob meUllia - AO allla la aaMebaard besea, piak wrapper, re 4umrenu roaaterfeita. At Drnggiata, or aeod aa 4. la mim for BwtieaUra. teadmaniaia, and MKelTr far Ladlem" iMr. by retain Mail. 1 ., TaadiMMiUta. MiVw. CHICHESTER CHCMICAL CO., Madison Sqnare,' ald r all leal DrasslaU. - FH1LA llglFHXA. TA The Advantages Wt; OfFr to PJ.AS0 AND OVMW CrSTOMEKS AlCC TJIAT Ul'll iiiiL- . ..a a.-. .... vl,... ments are cartiuuy uy imuu-, Planed and boujfht rtucctly troiu the in;tiu . facturer. We have a very larje st ck, cm- . prMiifi: all Kradts and stles. .to sJt c rroia. , AM our r lanos re d llveied aiid kept iu nine ; tne ilrst ycai by i wo com, etc n tun rs. i As we are lgln turt. we are lesponsib!' . w hic Is Dottbeca'o whpnyu'iHj tor l lanos , or buy from trav lllii2 ajren 8, lor when a y Iblnsf is wronz 0 inny uave a Kiur:iner uw tbls doi'S not repair jour iiistnuueiit. uy economical in xuat men f we -au miijouiii-i Ktrumeois at leas- 'M per cent, io r i ban yen have to pav lo tin veiling agents, for ru have . to nelp Day tbclr heavy exp -nsea. . , ' The lDstrtuncDts you buy irom us .ire ngn here and cijsequeritly ou do not buy i lie 'ct In the bajr. Over ;i0 instruments sold lu wiimluton alone In l he best proof that Ihe putllc iiae confidence In our Judyrtucnt and Integrity. - e sell lor casn or mstaimrcia. f. van-la ei:. 'oct 13 tf 407 lcd C i-oss stixeu Wilmington Seacoa t ft. R is KFFrCT OCT. OIH. J EAVK WILMtXGTON 2:30 AND G.-J0 P. M Leave. Hammocks 7.50 a. m. and 5.:t0 p. m. Sunday tnUns leave Wilmington 2 30 and .30p.'m. I-cavo Hammocks 9.33 0. m. and 5 3 p. m Leave Wluxlngtcn 10.(X) a. m. Saturday only. 2.1c round trip every day. .1. It. NOLAN, oct 8 1 f - General M anager. EtilerlainmiitH ! 1 nnosE who ahe PLANNING AMUSE- meuts aad Kntertainrnents for th- coming season will do well to consult the Magazines In the ' WILMINGTON LIBRARY ROOMS, nov 1 tf 123$ Market street. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. fl arffk's" Hazak is a Journal for the home. Giving the latest Information with regard to the Fashions. Us numerous illustrations, fashion-plates, and pattern sheet supple ments are Indispensable alike to the home dress-maker and thn professional modiste. No expense la spared in making Its artistic at tractiveness of 1 he highest .order.- its clever short stories, parior piays. and tcoughiful es says sadsfv ail tastes, and its lasr page is fa moui aa a buoget of wit and burner. . In. it weekly issued everything is included Lca is of interest t women. -During 1H"0 OMvu Tborm Milxkk, chbistixe -Iekuos Ukk rick. and Mart lowi Dickinson 'will: re spejflvelv furnli-a aeerle3otJapersooiThe l Ml UC iy." liaugnter ai uome." rnree veajs a and "The v cmai of the Period. " The serial uovcls will t written by Walter Bksant and y. W. Kobinscn. i HAKPER'S PERIODICALS pkr tkar: harper's bazr harper's magazine harper's weekly... harper's young people..: I -i S4 00 4 C . IS Oh nmtaoe Fre 19 alt svbucriDerr Staler, Canada, or Xrxico. in tfte UnVfd The Volumes of the Bazar begin with t Orst Number for J anuary or each year. Whtt no time ts menuoned. subscriptions will begir, with the Number current at time of receipt 01 order. , . Hound Volumes of Harper's Bazar, for three Sears back. In neat cloth binding, willbehcnt ymall. postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed oof dollar per volume), for 17 00 per vol nine. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable foi binding, will be sent by mail, pose-paid- on receipt of flOOeacb. - ' Kemlttant-ca shonld be made by Post-Omc Money order or Draft, to avoid chance of Iocs. tovxyaper are uui to copy thU adtertUnswtU without u express ortZn-oUarperat Brothers. Addreea ' - HARPER BROTHER sT 0Ta) Wew Yort Coplea and Beautiful Calendar eent Prc SClEfXE 1000 iTruvfl- lv I 11 MEL m great a Variety of Entertaining and Intructit Reading at tow a pru. FREE TO JAN. I, 1891. VaiiTUiQ PnUD a. NlMN. Al TaMD A Alw'Wall and Prescription cases, Cedar Chests, Barber Furnititre, Jewelry Trays kind Complete Oirtfitt-lor lores .u ATLANTA SHOW CASE CO., Atlanta, ba. PLASTERS I MTHE WORLD, K 111 llr Y PAINS. I AMfc UAUFa. &C. niwimi : cnnsVENOll fc RICIJAKDS, Boston, xriass. Red Cross Diamond Brand "Ilcllot, Tom. Glad to see you, old fellow! It's almost ten years tince we were married. Sit down: let's bavo an experience meeting. How's the wife f " "Ohl she's so-so, fame as usual, always w4Jit! mg somciuing 1 can c anora." . - Well, we all want something more than we'vo got. Don't you fV s 44 Yes : but I guess want will be my master.' I started to keep down expenses ; and now Lil says I'm 'mean,' and she's tired of saving and never having anything to show for it. I saw your wife down street, and she looked as happy as a queen ! ' ' I think she is ; and we are economical, too, have to be. My wife can make a little go further than anyone I ever knew, yet she's always sur prising me with eomo dainty contrivance that adds to the comf ort'and beauty of our little home," and she's always merry as a lark.' When I ask how she manages it, she always laughs and says : Oh ! that's my secret 1 ' r But I think I've dis covered her ' secret.' When wc married, we both knew we should have to be very carfnl, bat she made one condition : she would have tier Magazine. - Ana sue was ngnt ! 1 woman t do without it my self for double the subscription price.' We read It together, from the title-page to the last word : the stories keep our hearts j-oung ; the synopsia of important events and scientific matters keeps me posted so that I can talk understanding of what is going on ; my wife is always trying some new idea from the household department ; she makes all her dresses and those for the children, and she gets all her patterns for nothing, with the Magazine; and we saved Joe when be was so sick with the croup, by doiugjustas directed in the Sanitarian Department. Hut I can't tell you half 1" " What wonderful Magazine is it t " Demorest's Family Magazine, and " " What ! Why that's what Lil wanted SO bad, and I told her it was an extravagance." 'Well, my friend, that's where you made a grand mistake, and one you'd better rectify as eoon as you can. I'll take your 'sub.' right here, on my wife's account: die's bound to have a china tea-set in time for our tin wedding next month. My gold watch was the premium I got for -getting up a club. Here's a copy, with the new Premium List for clubs, the biirires-t thing out! If yon don't see in It what you want, yon've only to write to the publisher and tell him what you want, whether it is a tack-hammer or a new carriage, and he will make specjai terms for yon, either for clnb, or for part cash. Better subscribe right off and surprise Mrs. Tom. Only $5.00 a year will save fifty times that in six months. Or send 10 cents direct to the Suhlisher, W. Jennings Demorest, 15 East 14th treet. New York, for a specimen copy containing toe Premium List." 1890. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. ' Hakfehs Wkkklt has a weU-estabilsfied lace as the leading. Illustrated newspaper In America. . The fairness of its editorial com ments on current poUtiC3 has earned for it the respect and confidence of all Impartial read ers, and the variety and exceUence of its lite rary contents, which include serial and shoit stories by the best and most popular writers, At it for the perusal of people of the widest range of tastes and pursuits. The Weekly supplements are of remarkable variety. In terest, and .value. No expense is spared to bring the highest order of artistic ability to bear upon the Hlustsation or the changeful phases of borne and foreign history, a Mexi can romance, from the pen of Thomas a. Janvier, will appear In the Weekly in l$9& HARPER'S PERIODICALS. pbr.ykar: harper's weekly . .$4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE.. .....w.... 4 00 HARPER'S HAZAR. .j... 4 0Q HAIIPER'S YO UNO PEOPL K 2 00 Postage Free to all sulscriors in uw UniteA states, canaaa, ,or Mexiot. ' The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When na time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. - Hound Volumes of Harper s Weekly, for three years back. In neat cloth binding, wlil be sent by maJL postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provldel the freight does not ex ceed one doita per volume), for $7 00 per vol. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, wui be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of tl 00 each. HemtttanTJes should be made by Post-Oflkx Money Order or Draft, to avoid chlnce of loss Svrr-Hovrrx are ttot to coinj this aaxri?niirnL iciVtotU 0 erpre tnttrr or Harper & Prot hers Address HARPER BROTHER!! - OOV3U - Vewfort Executor's Vt sc; : HAVING QUALIFI ED AS EXECUTOR OF the ivstateor Kat-Mabsoa, receded, late of t .e couaty of New Hnover. notice 13 here by given to ail persons havlDg anv claims against the said decedent-10 exhlllt the s. me to me on or before tne 13Mi day of November ISH. oth-rwise they will be- barred of recov ery. All persons indebted to this estate are requested to make Immediate payment. , n(W , v,JOn UAiW HOWE, nov 13 fitr tnu Executor. v I l-.ttL6E.- r JZl RuV:l AYEMt ill U8TC1 fiaCOi UUIU"I ramwvw Scrilmer'8 Magazine ' " . V; For 18ubr ; - The publishers Of SCKIBNKK M A AZLNE air to make It the most popular and enter prising ot periodicals, while at all times pre serving its hisrU Utcrary character. 25.001) new readers have been drawn to itduring- the past six months by the increased excellence ef Us contents (notably the Hallway articles), and it closes Its second year with a new aipetuii an an assured success. The illustrations i will show some new effects, and nothing to make sCttiaNEK'S MAGAZINE attractive awl In teresting will be ncsflected. J ' Tl I E U A IL W A V ARTICLES vlU be Cfjlln. tied by several very stnWng papei s; no esp--clally interesting -by Ex-1'ostmasier General Thomas Ij. .lames on -The Kali way Postal ser- i vice." - itltisfratt a. - ' Jilt. ROBERT dvOUlS STEVENSON'S serla novel "The Master of Ballantrae," wiu run i through the greater part of . the year. 4 : Berjtm iit Xomiiber. - -I A COKKESPONDENOK vand collection O I manuscript memoirs relating to J; P" Millet and a f amougroup 01 muaern r renuu l Jiuutc. will furnish the suff anee or several axuuit-a. Mutttraoca. - The brief end papers '.written last year by unhprf. Tenuis st&venson; will be'replacei by pnnaiiv mterestinff contributions by difTere t fanfous authors. Air. Thomas Bailey A ldrict will write the first of them for the January number. . - i - .' '"" '" 3 Manv valuable LITE HA KY ARTICLES Will appear; a paper on Walter Scott's Metho3.of Work, illustrated from original MSS.. a second Shelf of Old Book3j' by Mrs. James t - news and manv other articles equally noteworthy "llustrated - Articles on ART SUBJ ECTS will be a feature Paoersare arransred to appear by Clarence cook, E. il. Blaskfleld, Austin Dobson and many others. : luustraiea. - z FISHING ARTICLE describing sport in tne best fishing grounds will appear. Salmon Wlnnlnish, Bass and Tanpon are the subjects now arranged. The authors are well known snortsmen. 5 1 Illtixtrated, ILLUSTRATED AliTICLfis of great variety. touching upon au manner of subjects, travel, biography, description, etc., wui gppeaa. om not of the conventional commonplace sort. r- riivntralea. . " - - - - Among the most interesting in the list of scientific papers for the ear will be a remark able article by Prof. Johir Trowbrioge, upon the most recent developments and uses of PilOTOGUAPHY.i. Illustrated. A class of articles which has proved' of spe- rtal interest, will be. continued by a group of papers upon ELECTRICITY in Its most recent applications, by, iomioent authorities: a re rnru kable paper onD EEPr M IN I N 0. and ctaer interesting papers. . -: : ?T " Unique fUiMraticnis.' " A Special - offer to cover last year numbers, which include all the Hallway Arti. eles. as follows; i . . - -; ; - A year's subscription (1889) and the num- v bersfor 1888...... ..... $4.50 A year's subscription (1889) and the num- cers for 1888. bound in clothe... ; 6.00 153 a year; j 25 cents a nurjbr. ; Obarles cnljner's Sons TJ-T-tTa Hr whV. N.Y. - CLYDE'S . Wilms?' FROM PIER 29. EAST RIVER NEW YORK Located between Chambers ard Roosevelt sts At3cciock, P.Mr F ANITA... PAWNEE.. .....Saturday, Nov Saturday Nov! FROM WILMINGTON PA WN EE. ...... Friday, Nov -7 .....Friday, Nov 14 FANITA i far Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro Rates guaranteed to and from points in North For Freight or Passage apply to ft .SMAT.t.TinVira SiiTurintiiii Wilmington, y, C - -v- New. York:' WM. P, CLYDE & CO.. Gem Agents, nov3tf 5 Bowling GreenvNew Yorit. THE ACME: M ANUFA0T UBING 00. i . i ... " : ::. , MAN UFACTUSERS OF r Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting WilmiDgton. - - , N. . rjlHE REPUTATION OF OUK FERTILIZERS the acme and G EM, is nov established, and the results of three years use in the hands of the best farmers of this and other States f will attest tneir vaiue as a nign grade manure -The MATTING, made from the leaves of our native pme, is conceoed to be equal to any wool carpet for comfort and durability and the aemana ror it. is aaiiy increasing, it - has ,vir tues not round in any other fabric. . The FIBRE or WOOL is extensively used foi upholstering purposes, and as a niling ror Mattresses 13 almost equal to nalr, being Ugbi elastic and proof against insects. - :; Ceruiicates from reliable partlea using o:r goods can be seen at our office, or will be mail ed uQn publication. tan 4 tf WILMINGTON SEA COAST RAILROAD, " OFFICE! OF GENERAL MANAGER. WlLMtNGTOX, N. Nov. Jltb, lcVli. pnERE WILL BE A rSIEEltNO OF.TH StocJc "and- Bondholders of IhevWiintfngtcri Seacoast Railroad, iield at the office at Prin cess Street Statkm. oa Fr dar.- Nov. I4th. at 3.00 p. m. ; AU interested are requested to be present. - , v - - J. R. NOLAN, nov list r Secret ary and Treasurer. . irfrr w"-:-- - -r-i . I AT- OKfiDOLUR Pfiu IS THK BKST AND CHFAPKST pAlriL PAPKR is THE DKITKD STATES. Noivjsthotet(,Subscrib wii be added to tu rcS! il ILLUSTBATIONS. tuWellKnoWn PeelJtlt Af.. Practloal Farming amlGarden, '- : ' Progress in Seien. WomanMVork, v V 7.; Etoris hy ll?e Best Author, Literature and Art. ai-jfc Flashes of Wit aud Hume ; , delusive News for Veten jor. eterani; IWormation on all Subjects ''A : resV JAMES GOKDON-BBSNTtTT ' -x ! : ; - No,r Vorjk Iieni4, fe;," J. ' Xe Yon: City Onlv f.One Dollar a Tear, Donof fall to suaribe row for to. Nf . TTT V.Vflr IX.-. .1 I: Tf "oiri 'M!l,K.y herald idee FheJOidest and Best ffc$M Family NewsDaper. Sir Iteguiar Editors: 81'ieVf r r respondents at Home an Abroad Stori6gr Reviews, Condensed Kewl Departments for, Parmpra xt. 1 . . ' 1 w . eihants, I Bankers, -Professional Men Students, Boys and Girls. I l bis year the Observer will pub ish more than : FIFTY PRIZE 8T0H1ES, and the ablest and most nonnlai . writers will ; contribute to tt col ' umn?. foet8 and prose writera. an thors, editors, men of science and women of geniu3 will ; fill the col- -umns ef the Obskrver.' and it wil give fifty-two '-unexcelled paper In ' the coming year. - Fr ice, 3.00 a year, v . ; Clergymen,-12. 00 a year. Great Inducements for 1890 4 1. ; Tile NEW YORKj OBSERVER Will bewt for one year to any clergyman not now a stt scrtber, for ONE DOLLAR. -I 3. Any subscriber sending his ownsulcn tlon for a yearln advance and a new subscn ber with $5.00, can have a copy of the Iw aeus Letters." or "The Life of Jerry McAuW 1 3. - We will send the OBSERVER fortltfrN mainder of this year, and to January L W to any new subscriber sendlm? us his name im rilrlrf nnd fimtn nrtvanro Tnaiirhsubacri Jbers we wUi also give either the voiumfoi tremens Lttters" or "Tno ui or jerrj Auley."" -j' " - Agents wanted everywhere, unenu ht Large commissions. Sample c roe.. Address, . . . New York Observe NEW YORK English and Classical School ' ' ' -BY ; - Key Daniel Morrellf, A.M. rjlHE THIRTY-SECOND AKNUAL SESSIOS wiU begin iD. VA Wednesday, the first of taber. ' For any information apply at SaH Orange street, corner of Filth. Wf 15 tf the; state chronicle Successcrlto the Farmer and Jlechaate us " 1 - . the chronicle.) Under New Manai NEWSY BRIGHT AND CLEA5 V UP WITH THE TIMES. 1' HE "STATE CHRONICLE" WIU hat its name implles-a State fUrv not the Raleigh "ChronlcKV and p :.. ... ' - . t N with the news from Murphy to Mantto, the politicians put It, from Cherowe niucK. . w It will be the organ of no man. w -3; B section, no party. It will pe ylyt poutlcsl but wiu not besltateto Democrallc measures and Democrauc ;-TERMS OF SUBSCRIPT: - One Year. Six Months p Sbree Months. 1 For a sample copy address rT - , , THETATE CDggg C ........... A FREE TRIP TO EUROPE rm IHE PUBLUHERS . OF 'TH CA5A flllliTVit.ll Mra a tr tlin tO tUtVy'-rrr person sending the largest Burner tf & constructed from letters coni; ffl name of their wen known JSfli consiitlngof fiirver Tea Sets. BJL Ctilaa Dfnner Seta. Portiere jWt- viyzow, jiauic y w m n 1 ui.uj mi ana valuable aniciea , . In order of merit. . ..rt to I - Webtter"s tnabrldged M"2 - -as authority In deciding te,??5l7itl!ct This ts a popular plan of wtrofltu ular pubUCittlon. - Every one 1 nra. than ten words wiu r less than ten words will rero r.nfaT" Enclose thirteen Sc. stamp monta inv Catalogue of present and tDn-e w subscription to Tte yueea. J73 . irv OBSERFEB I r

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