rnis riFM Zfxtrr evf tin?. Sundays excepted. F ....oo Timor ml Proa. - n.T.J.'" - .....nNS. POSTAGE PAID.: rwiilUTtmJ ty carriers, free T p-irt of tw dir. tl a&mi P" ... r,l.x rtDort BJ and . ,, t Pi'rr Wiry. T L): X: 1 .V i - - . ... - VOL XIV WILMINGTON, N. C , FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1890. " NOOl, --TlifaniUway 3,500.000 nponl . - . . - -- tu ue Ma or tli world. e 3k Twenty ml I! ton acres of fth United States fg ML- i-T"- 7.5. V tA t!:? I I' 1 ia lira a. ,s jH-:h b Cold. . v.-' cures habitm. Svrnp ('i rig ti m i ii kiml over pr r The tnst? anJ px r.: i results ?ben . '7 . .f!.'i a laU-i:: it m pieasam sf.y M'. ie Jviuneys. 2 rS- nr.v.ar-.l llv frOlll tLC Ilia- fc .vjs'-! ! a:nv.ilia fcultf lancet iu Lilian.! 'i:v? inaic it uie mrv. .-T"n o: Ki-M i- for sale in 50 -411 bittle3 hv all lcalin drug- Ui Anr:reluiMe druggist wli a? net lave it on hand will pro ii i rrmilv for anv one rlii to try it. Do not accept anj UUFORHU FIG SYRUP CO. iif fXASCISCO. CML if. KZVf TOR. K.Y. roriabj SUiSKftT B. BELLAMY, WHOLESALE DHUWOIST, a wiimiictoD, C Uml of bv for Thr are 10,82 whool hlMrict., i2.372 tt-aH.en., and 2,800,000 school eld Id ren In Japan. ' , " A few Florida oranges are it mar- BneroIent Society. The Uttle IxrI. ket, selling at from 30 to 40 centg a The annual meeting of the Ladien' The box sheet for the Little Ionl dozen. -.. " Benevolent Society; was helJ in the : Fauntiero'; entertainment nt the Pnii nAI,i. i r lecture room of the First Presbyte ' Opera House to-morrow night Is uoiu enough this mornlnp: for . r.. . - . ' ? ' . , , , frost but there vtaa none vUihle rmn Charch yesterday morning, i . now open at; Mr. lates rand thoe - ' l Kev. Mr. Iseaman,! of Fifth Street j who want good seats and may not . oi. tu. unurch, ' addressed the ladies, ! have" already pronded. tnemsoives that so few j should notlose any time InHelibera- such an ad-!tion. There will be a matinee to- We will J glaa to receive covin c3 from our meaos ca any izi t'l: ;r;cct: -Tiie name or UHvwriu?r oa a: til; 3 i-r , hUsheo to tae ccntor. - - - ; Commuaicaaouaj aiasx.ta mtttaca czlf one ele or me paper. - - ' ! rersooaUUtis raost oe avourj. v . An4 u ta espMXaiij aa pArtlcaiarly cicr stooi tnat tbe KOimr do3 jdoi artr&js esScrse Uie views of'rre3poii5ects dlce3 eo Etatca ' la the editorial uuiamna. - j nkw, AiYcitrisncin:;T3." here. - They do say that In the Isles Inland Itls to be regretted .Greece, Sappho suffered terribly : were nresent to hear ; with catarrh. Poor girl! Sb had ! f jf. f ent - Sf Two thousand two hundred trains n rfp,,jr neve" heard of famous Dr. Iare London ordinarily I every i Bulfs Incomparable Cough Syrup. tnty foui . hoarff. i Mr. J. Allen Taylor and his bride ; urirable discourse. Those who were there appreciated it fully and were again Impressed with a sense of li mL ..aueir uuiy.ia ine poor, i ne annual Hie accumulation of wealth, eMl,i visited Washington City, PhUadeN1 reprt wa8 tben reatl by tbe Pres iuated.atH per cent, of the' irrosa ! nh la. Baltimore and Newark . -dent as Xollow: M . earnings of mankind "now - ngre-1 1 r : ' J In submitting this report to the gates $.k000.600.000 ner unnnm ,t i IBr steamship RatLlam, Sander4 consideration of our friends,- we I Increasing, relatively well as absolutely, from year to year: j son, cleared "to-day f6r Liverpool, would desire first to thank all? who with 4,331 bales cotton, . valued lat! have aided us from time to time by $197,521, shipped bv Mr. C. bane. P. Me The following populations . make Mil Int PrikGttnnr AraA . T K i 11- o. W.-M. Ilays.wIU make a- fine trm-IIungary. 40,4.803; France. 33,! ..T 218,903: Great BrTTain and IrW ! ""c T " ouer' nnuui kious. 3.sS46,C33; Italy, 23,460,000: Spain. 1 7,;V0,2 40. STOVES! ST0ArES! 13 im. Ml Kisis. nl at AH friers, AldtrniAD, Planner & Co.V. SAM JONES SONG BOOKS. UTES' BOOK STORE A Moving Tale. J"iI WILL ilOVE THIS WEEK. IT IS I.. Article ot Furniture tare rsai&!lccwtlilDss are needed.- We aK rxi totiom pricri. bXKKD X CO.. - 1 Furniture Deale rs. ? c or, Mirkf t and Secoaa Sis. - H. A; Tucker, Ml IX GRANITE. MARBLE AND ftca. Ma&uraciurpr of Cemetery, 1Ef St 4131-1 l:i)l!.1li. Wnrlr - m w. . North ront .t rcct, Wilmington, N. C. kvhy'! !kLii FrTfileJ. Ij'tk riIT Win rUICSKD WITH Jay Gould cstlumtea the loss in earnings of the Western and South- nativeand otherwise,. to suit every body. See ad. Housekeepers should have a "Perfection", meat cutter. It has the advantages of" simple construe western roads junce the ruptur of jtion, durability and is easily cleaned !!.- Presidents - agreement at: No knives to get out of order. Sold MI'S . w iuu.ijw annually, it Is to recover thUum that these roads are: now moving to revive th& Inter State Association on a revlgeil plan of a central rate aud traffic, irgency pro posed by Chairman Walker. ir i 'I see before me, the gladiator lie. his manly brow consents to death." Ah I what a waste of good materials. Such abrare fellow should not be left to die like a dog. Sad. sad to think, the noble Romans hod not Salvation Oil LOCAL NiJWS. 1XDSX TO NSW ADTKXTI8IXXT8 , Ssno & Co rurnlture t ' . Mrxoa B both irujjlsts j Wju navs All Kinds of Beet ! J Narjf icko- Hats, detain;, etc C W Yates Sam Jones bong lioots ! It Jacobi II dw co -5 loves, Plastlco, etc : ! Thareceipta of cotton at this port to-day foot. up 513 bale?. j Hot Bed Sash and Glass for sale by the N.' Jacobi IJdw. Co. - ! t Mr. J. u. Moore, or uurgaw, was here to-day on a short visit, j Mr. Ata Dozier is temporarily in charge of the Signal Office at South port. : Sll.'TPia tl Tonols la ibe foot t iZl . m ,r. arp o no tanker ct rrjctlc! ea- ani nrc and to truaran. I Utl tit-. li. li I Si I VAX. TMliorv-bor aa.l frarrter. Mr. J. W.Scott Robinson, of the Black River section, was In the -city to day. I The block pavement on Socth Fro at street is very uneven and sad ly in needx)f relaying. The grand jury visited the jail, work house and house of correction on Wednesday and made the usual favorable report. j . k "Rubollo" razor and knlve sharp eors. aoiueniin new - uu c Ihlnk the bept hone ever made. Sec them. N. Jacobi lid w. uo. t I am Manufacturers Agent, for Brh0 and all kind. of Wire; Com bination Wire and Iron Fence. Or der solicited. Jamen I. Metts. t Apples ! Apples ! llaNtHIHY .MltAtthrLS FINE r.x Uitr t from Ml. Alrj. api ura'rrs ana rua- . ' F ;rlj or uanana. DrW A. V VINSTE.D. ht ... ',Ql! I l'uof-1l0i.frrs. Jl'tih si"cnd St., nrtr P. IK ti-rs 1 L' ' VjJI . h-.r t.. .Wv-i.M sn.t l-vnl M r rtilW nt fTfl fit. . .- w m - - , Rev. IL E. Peele pastor of the Brooklyn Baptist Church ia this city, has been conducting a pro tected meeting In Burgaw thU week Mr. amrSrH. E. P. Boatw right Arrival Umr last ulcht from their ibfidiiltrip to Northern cities and Boatwiltfht reM- ' 1 I . uorK on - -V . "t IWIIT Ji..rUl aTl' lvt arrreta. or -rii3,kIn: nvsrau l m ttjftn "Sl5? 'win the carta. Bd will 'terT,1' Virt of the city for tUO deuce.. tiling Wo have them, nougni ie fortlu passage of the McKinley bill and can givn you Iho advantage of our low purchase. N. JncobI lldw. Co.: ! 1 -1 W. II UOWKl. by tctcpoou at K. nor H ivr - t e-Night Corn Cure, rdK ntADACHE POWDKUS. iMaoril MICROSCOrK, - hlu-h of Mt'S'lK HROi We waiit Zb Vance In the Senate and the "fc-b VancM Ktove in' your kitchiMi. They havi been tried and fotitnl to im true; therefore w re 'ini.iihfnil tlitn to von. N. Jarobi IIdw.C. it - . - . ! A vry large excuro . iarty, all IcolomL arrived t.ere to-day ,' from t Favettt-villeaud ether ointsr over ;theC. F. & Y.-V. It. R. Many of them went directly down to the t Mammocks over the Seacoast Rail- road." ' " : : . . '"" J .. in get bythe N. Jncobi Hdw. Co. . Foreravla. For North Carolina, fair weather until Sunday and warmtr, except stationary temperature on the coast. Local forecasts, from 8 a. m. to-day for! Wilmington and vicinity, fair weather and nearly stationary tem perature. Children Enjoy r -The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when iu need of a laxative and if the father or mother be eostive or bilious the most gratifying results follow its use, so that it im the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. i - -.1 'Wh are n-ouesteti to stair. ff 5 1 AppU'S ! ADplGS 1 1 connection with the prices .charged iANri for admission to the matinee to-mor- ?YTRV nDnnnnr- nn.rnnn, o Afternoon .that the company PRODUCE GENERALLY. ould not play for lowprices, T,.F.ALDEI1AN, , This is a matter regulated by them 11 llOKQ.WiuerK, J Opera Hous. Ill Isjeity. King Cotton. The receipts of cotton at this port ferthe week ending with to-day foot up 7,482 bales, as against 8,933 bales for the "corresponding period last year. Tbe receipts ef the crop Jear to j date foet up 120,454 bale! ' as against 80,017 bales to same date last year, an increase this year of 49,437 bales. . TXieStat Gnartl. It is announced that the annual electioa of field officers for the N. C. State Guard will be held on tbe first Thursday In December, the 4th of the month. Each regiment will elect a Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel and Major. Only commissioned of fleers can vote. The election for of ficers of the Second Regiment will be held m this eity. The Last of Earth. A large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives accompanied the remains of Mr. Robert H. Orrell to the grave yesterday afternoon. The funeral took place at tifth Street M. E. Church, and was large ly attended. The services were con ducted by the pastor of that church. Rev. R. C. Beaman. Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias and members of theTypographical Union all accom panied them to their last home. Married In Pltlaboro. Mtsk Mary Wright Moore, daught er of Mr. Francis. M. Moore, and niece to Mrs. Cha?. M. Stediuan, Mr. Clayton Giles and Mrs. Thos. U. Wright, was married in Pitts- boro yesterday to Mr. Thomaa J. Woold ridge, of Asheville. The cere mony was performed in St. Bartho lomews' Church by the Rector, Rev. Wui. Walker, assisted by Rev. Mr. Bush. Immediately after the cere . tm mouy i ne nappy couptt- im AKhVille. where they will In fature reiile. j At Reat in Oakdalo. Tlie remains of the late Mr. J. II . Springer were tenderly laid away to res-t tbi morning beneath tbe shades of that beautiful city of the dead, Oakdale Cemetery. The funeral ser vices took' place at the residence and were conducted by Rev. P. H. Hoge, D. D. A long tine of mourn lag I friends and relatives followed the remains to their last repose. The paJJ-Jbearers were Messrs. C. II. Rob inson, A. A. Wlllard, Roger Moore, contributions of money, provisions andjwood. To Mrs-iR. R..Bndgers our tfianks are especially .due for a regular monthly contribution, of rice, coffee and sugar to the amount of $2. (Wk mention this especially-as anything given oar society so regu larly and systematically is of the greatest advantage. The interest in our isociety j has diminished some what since the organizing of the circles of King's Daughters in our midst, but we feel confident this would not be the case if we under stood each other's work, and we take this opportunity to invite rep resentatives from the. different cir cles to meet with usiat our regular monthly meetings, that we may not conflict with each other in our work. There lias been $34 received during the past year from the regular mem bers. --, "We have had donations amount ing jo $117, making $151 that we have disbursed for, the benefit of the inost needy among us. Provis ions, shoes, and blankets liave been supplied to those who would have suffered. We Have distributed 450 loads of wood, given by the county. Repairs to the "Catharine Kennedy Home1 amouuting to $4,"have been ade.. One ton of coal, $6.50, was furnihhed. The matron, Mrs. West, has'baeu paid $28, making our ex pense $36.50 for the old ladies' com fort ; '"' . "Oar desire is to enlarge and im prove the 4tCathariue Kennedy Hoiue." We have on hand for this object $069, and our intention was j to begin the work this fall, but on the! advice of Col. Roger Moore and Mri B. F. Hall we have decided to keep this amount at; interest and make efforts to add to it, until we eaii iiuprove tho Home in such u manner that the whole community will be gratified and the inmates in every respect made more comforts able., . f Letus not be discouraged in our efforts. There is work before us, and with all that each new organi zation can do, there is always a part for a general city society to take in these matters, and remembering the example of our dear President, now entered into her rest, let us look to Him who has given us the golden rule to guide us in our duty to others and continue to the end our labors of love. 4We appeal to our community for aid to carry on our work, lne win ter weather reminds ns of the' needs of: the suffering. Whatever may be committed . to us for distribution wc shall endeavor to. use for the benefit of the most needy In our city." - - The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President Mr. A. A. Willard. Vice President Mrs. A. Knipie. Secretary and Treasurer Mrs. N. Oi Daniel. . v - The meeting then adjourned. Albemarle A Raleigh 1C R At a meeting of' the I stockholders of the Albemarle & Raleigh R. R., held in this city on Wednesday, the tollowing officers were elected;- president II. Walters. ; " iVIce President B. F. Newcomer. Secretary aud Treasurer Jas. F. Ppst, Jr. j jThe other offices are held by the same gentlemen who hold similar positions for the Wilmington & Wei den Railroad Company. llucklen'a Arnica Salve. fThe Best Salve m the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores. Tetter. Char trd Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ail Samuel Northrop, Walker Meares'Skin Eruptions, and positively cures and Josh G. Wright. , fj no pay required. It is guar- ; . anteed togive ierfect satisfaction, It Is dangerous to neglect catarrh, ; or money refunded. . . Price 2-3 cent - for it leads to bronchitis -and con-: per box. v ' " -; ' l-DCT!l!3T,Jsaootllcr sumption; Hood'a Sarsnparilla cures i . For sale by Robert R Beilamy, UGiuuiiiliUt Simiaons Liver Reztilator. morrow afternoon and a regular, evening performauco to-morrow night. The troupe played in WihJ ston on Tuesday night and theDaily says of their appeamnce in that citjv Last night at "-'Bro snV Opera House was presented for . tho first time in our city, that very pretty drama. Little Lord Fauntlerov. There was a verj' large audience that greeted the play. - In fact, the largest we-rememberof seeing in the Opera , House hero upon a similar occasion. . . : The play was - weli rendered and seemed to give general - satisfaction In fact, all whom we heard express themselves about it were perfectly charmed. It hardly seemed possible that a child under fcwelro years of age could take the leading part in a play, and maintain theinterest from beginning to end that does Little Lord' Fauntleroy. Such a sweet, even temper, a nobility of charac ter that it is hardly to be wondered at. . : : The contrast is sharp between the unfeeling old Earl of Dorincourt and this gentle bouyant child, an heir to nobility, such as wealth, power and prestige give, and yet he bad beyond and above this a nobil ity of character that outweighed all that these external trappings confer. It was a very pretty play and much enjoyed. , -: y. The Oreat Discovery. j -y. A great deal of interest is being manifested here, as : elsewhererl in Prof. Koch's discoveries. The medi cal world hails with delight any new methods of eliminating disease, therein affording, a most satisfac tory contrast to the reception with which the announcement of Jenner's discoverv of the vaccine vims was received. Dr. Koch's researches, however, are not exactly on a simi lar line with those of Jenner. The latter found a preventivebutthje former has discovered a'cure"' In a casual- conversation j-esferday with Dr.' Thos. F. Wood, of this city, he expressed to us his belief, from all that he has seen stated in -regard fq the matter, that Dr. Koch has dis covered h genuine remedy for that dread disease, consumption, in its first stages. The testimony, so far, seems indisputable. There is noth ing at all Improbable about the as sertions that have been made. Tbley are sustained by good authority. Dr. Koch, Dr. Wood teller, us, is a comparatively young man, of a not ovcr-sknguine temperament,---'and one who is not disposed to give pub lication to anything that he had not thoroughly tested. A young Ger man physician from Asheville, who was one of Dr.. Koch's pupils, wil leave immediately for Berlin -and it is hoped that he will bring back a supply of the lymph with him. LEAUBELLE OIL Prevents tendency to wrinkles or ageing of the skin. Prevents with ering of the skin or drying up of the flesh. Nature's wonder for preserv ing youth and freshness. $1.C0, large bottles, at druggists. ChiWrenGct-Rcidy to Hid "Y" B IIAVfi ijr OINTEp' EXT; SATCTS 2 day for tne CTiildria; come and try the'io-' NIES Tne Merrjj' QoTtoijn&f. - - T. . , . GOOD & JENKtSS,Prcp3.i " . ' Afarker, bet, Second and Third Sv nov 17 ft - tr.on ttl ':" . : : ; -i ?" " opEitv :hq.tise;! SATURDAY, NOV..22na. ,- -i - M ATI N RirAND - J IG IIT. 1 Vnaor the same management as wkrnltlrst . . presented la Wltrnlnston. '1 j ' T- Admlsiioii ttfrsrinee 73 cents forndult s ai no cents for children, rrices at nlsrht as usual i. llesem a Seats at Yatcsv! "I SELL ALL KLSDSX)F " GOO.D1 beep; comes from Samj6sbn 6onnty, from Vest North Carolina, from Vlrgllila. from Ten-? It ern nessee. and from Kansas 1 CAN SL'lT ALL" TAhTK AND ALL, PEOPLR. v . " ' 1 ' . 1 Some of that lot of PINB lit EH" CATXLS , paraded throug-tf the streets a few days ajo was mine. ; It rt pe on sale at my Stall la Front - Street AKD EVJUIY Market To-toorrow DAY NEXT WXK. I OFFER ALjSO PINE LINES OF XiZA L, LaM!B,;";:; iUUlTON, POUlf, tw, win be pleased to see and serve yon. W. MJ tt ATS, Jr. stalls 3 and 5, Front.street Marie t. nov 21 St ,y i 'v'.V T.NAUMBURG 1828 Zt Oxlg'iri.a.ted. I i. ill f' 'ill . I RESTLESSNESS, a sraterur viorrit PHILADELPHIA. -PriOHEDtslUr 11U Pill VOESS STI8EIST,, - FOU GENUS BARGAINS 1 4 V U AID ER WEAR; - AND ALL OTIi Eli KINDS OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS, Hals and Cops CHILD II EN S CLOrillttOi nov 21 tf j ' - you lnjrtJle; quality StovesJ; Stoved, STK FEEL iXNPIDENT WE. CAN. SlflT 'and price. PIASTIOOr PXASTIC0. Keantlfy your Walls for 50 vnt fey oinff us most improved Of Kalsomlncs. . . , ' Sash, Dosrs and Glass. v ;; JHst compete Knel or above in the atnrt' Cuts aal price of KTOV seat on apaUea tion. We want yocri tnds anl sb ill ever tn. deavor to deserve It. . - - . N. Jacobi Hardware Oo.; nov 21 tx . 13 froath Front street. genuine ctanh in all forms. 1 wholesale and rttall dniggis E. G. POLLEY, v Practical Tin & Sheet Iron Worker and Contractor. - ' i . . . 'v . Estimates f urtlsted for all wcrk in rcy iixs -anaaUcociractsfaltsfully and promptly ex. wited Have had 20 years experience la tL Uuhicess and wioi gctxl Trorlacen win erusr antee rirst class work in eTery respect. " . tor ma ;

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